Masculine Singular Masculine Plural Feminine Singular Feminine Plural

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Quel is an adjective. Like any other adjective, it agrees in number and gender with the noun it modifies.

Remember to make the liaison between quels / quelles and a following word beginning with a vowel
(quels animaux).

masculine singular masculine plural feminine singular feminine plural

quel quels quelle quelles

interrogative quel
Quel is generally translated into English by 'what' or 'which'. It is always followed by a noun or by the verb
'être' + noun.

Un petit tatou: Maman, A little armadillo: What's the

maman, quel est le nom de ce name of this armadillo?

Rita: Oh, c'est Tex, ton oncle. Rita: Oh, it's Tex, your uncle.

Un petit tatou: Quel âge a A little armadillo: How old is

Tex? Tex?

Rita: On ne sait pas. Rita: We don't know.

Un petit tatou: Quelles sont A little armadillo: What are

les qualités de Tex? Tex's good points?

Rita: Oh, il est intelligent, Rita: Oh, he's intelligent,

débrouillard, mais aussi resourceful, but also cynical
cynique et pessimiste. and pessimistic.

exclamative quel
Quel may also be used for emphasis. In this instance, quel is followed either by an adjective or a noun, and
it means 'what' or 'what a'. Note that there is an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence.

Tammy: Quel beau tatou! Tammy: What a handsome armadillo!

Joe-Bob: Non, quel tatou Joe-Bob: No, what a snobby armadillo!

snob! Quelle belle minette! What a beautiful kitty!

Tammy: Quelle chatte méchante! Tammy: What a mean cat!

Ah, quels animaux absurdes! Ah, what absurd animals!

Fill in the blank with the correct form of quel.

1. Bette : Tex, ________ amie est-ce que tu préfères?

2. Tex : ________ fille sexy!

3. Corey : ________ sont vos passe-temps préférés?

4. Edouard : ________ mois est-ce que tu préfères!

5. Tammy : _________ jolies affiches!

6. Bette : ___________ est la date de l'anniversaire de Tex?

7. Tex : __________ âge a Paw-Paw?

8. Bette : Tex, _________ sports est-ce que tu aimes?

9. Joe-Bob : _________ est le secret de Tex?

10. Tammy : Tex, __________ neveu est-ce que tu préfères?

11. Bette : __________ tatou adorable!

12. Joe-Bob : __________ langues est-ce que vous parlez?

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