Chapter Four: Termination of Employment
Chapter Four: Termination of Employment
Chapter Four: Termination of Employment
A. Employer-employee relationship
1. Four-fold test
2. Kinds of employment
a. Probationary
b. Regular
c. Project employment
d. Seasonal
e. Casual
f. Fixed-term
3. Job contracting
a. Articles 106 to 109 of the Labor Code
b. Department Order No. 18-A
c. Department Circular No. 01-12
d. Effects of Labor-Only Contracting
e. Trilateral relationship in job contracting
Four-Fold Test
a. Selection and engagement of the employee;
b. Payment of wages or salaries;
c. Exercise of the power of dismissal; or
d. Exercise of the power to control the employee‟ s conduct.1
These tests, however, are not fool-proof as they admit of exceptions.
The “control test” is the controlling test. It addresses the issue of whether the employer
controls or has reserved the right to control the employee not only as to the result of the work to be
done but also as to the means and methods by which the same is to be accomplished.2
a. There is no uniform test prescribed by law or jurisprudence to determine the existence of
employer-employee relationship.3
b. The existence of the employer-employee relationship is essential in that it comprises as the
jurisdictional basis for recovery under the law. Only cases arising from said relationship
are cognizable by the labor courts.4
c. The relationship of employer and employee is contractual in nature. It may be an oral or
written contract. A written contract is not necessary for the creation and validity of the
d. Stipulation in a contract is not controlling in determining existence of the relationship. The
employment status of a person is defined and prescribed by law and not by what the parties
say it should be.6
e. The mode of paying the salary or compensation of a worker does not preclude existence of
employer-employee relationship. Thus, payment by commission7 or on a piece-rate
basis8 or on a “no work, no pay” 9 basis does not affect existence of employment
f. Retainer fee arrangement does not give rise to employment relationship.10
Following the right-of-control test, the Supreme Court has found that employment
relationship exists in the following cases:
a. Dispatchers of a transportation company.11
b. Persons paid on “boundary system” basis in relation to the transport operator such as
jeepney drivers and conductors,12 taxi drivers,13auto-calesa driver,14 and bus driver.15 Under
the “boundary system,” the relationship between the driver and conductor of a bus and the
owner thereof is not that of lessee and lessor but that of employee and employer.16
c. Musicians employed by a company producing motion pictures for purposes of making
music recordings for title music, background music, musical numbers, finale music and
other forms of music without which a motion picture is not complete.17
d. Fishermen-crew who rendered services in various capacities (patron/pilot, master
fisherman, second fisherman, chief engineer, and fisherman) aboard the fishing vessels of
a company engaged in “trawl” fishing and whose compensation was paid in cash on
percent commission basis.18
e. Stevedores, although supplied to the company by the labor organization composed of
various labor unions, are employees of the company.19
f. Resident physicians. - There is employer-employee relationship between resident physicians
and the training hospitals unless:
1. there is a training agreement between them; and
2. the training program is duly accredited or approved by the appropriate government
g. Employees of cooperatives, but not its members unless the members are also employees
h. Insurance agent.22
There are five (5) classifications of employment.23 Article 280 provides for four (4) kinds of
employees,24 to wit:
(a) Regularemployees referring to those who have been “engaged to perform activities which
are usually necessary or desirable in the usual business or trade of the employer”;
(b) Project employees referring to those “whose employment has been fixed for a specific
project or undertaking, the completion or termination of which has been determined at the
time of the engagement of the employee”;
(c) Seasonal employees referring to those who work or perform services which are seasonal in
nature, and the employment is for the duration of the season; and
(d) Casualemployees referring to those who are not regular, project, or seasonal employees.25
A fifth one, fixed-term employees, must be added to the above enumeration.26 This, however,
is not provided in the Labor Code but recognized only in jurisprudence.27
According to the 2013 case ofGMA Network, Inc. v. Pabriga, 28 pursuant to Article 280,
another classification may be formed in accordance with the nature of employment, to wit:
(1) Employees performing activities which are usually necessary or desirable in the
employer‟ s usual business or trade can either be regular, project or seasonal employees;
(2) Those performing activities not usually necessary or desirable in the employer‟ s usual
business or trade are, as a general rule, casualemployees.
The reason for this distinction may not be readily comprehensible to those who have not
carefully studied these provisions; only employers who constantly need the specified tasks to be
performed can be justifiably charged to uphold the constitutionally protected security of tenure of the
corresponding workers. The consequence of the distinction is found in Article 279 of the Labor
Code.29 With respect to the activities of projectemployees, they may or may not be usually necessary
or desirable in the usual business or trade of the employer, as discussed by the Court in some cases.30
A probationary employee is one who, for a given period of time, is on observation, evaluation
and trial by an employer during which the employer determines whether or not he is qualified for
permanent employment. During the probationary period, the employer is given the opportunity to
observe the skill, competence, attitude and fitness of the probationary employee while the latter seeks
to prove to the employer that he has the qualifications to meet the reasonable standards for permanent
As a general rule, it should not exceed six (6) months from the date the employee started
working.33 One becomes a regular employee upon completion of his six-month period of probation.34
The 6-month period provided in Article 281 admits of certain exceptions such as:
1. When the employer and the employee agree on a shorter or longer period;
2. When the nature of work to be performed by the employee requires a longer period;
3. When a longer period is required and established by company policy.
If not one of the exceptional circumstances above is proven, the employee whose employment
exceeds six (6) months is undoubtedly a regular employee.35
Buiser v. Hon. Leogardo. 36 - The probationary period of 18 months was considered valid in
the light of the nature of employment of the probationary employees. The company here is engaged in
the publication of advertisements in PLDT‟ s Yellow Pages Telephone Directories. Solicited ads are
published a year after the sale has been made and only then can the company be able to evaluate the
efficiency, conduct and selling ability of the sales representatives, the evaluation being based on the
published ads.
The 6-month probationary period should be reckoned “from the date of appointment up to
the same calendar date of the 6 month following.” 37
A “seasonal employee” is one whose work or service to be performed is seasonal in nature
and the employment is for the duration of the season.106
Seasonal employees may attain regularity in their employment as such. Once they attained
such regularity, they are properly to be called“regular seasonal employees.”
Regular seasonal workers are called to work from time to time, mostly during certain
season. The nature of their relationship with the employer is such that during off-season, they are
temporarily laid off but they are re-employed during the season or when their services may be needed.
They are not, strictly speaking, separated from the service but are merely considered as on leave of
absence without pay until they are re-employed. Their employment relationship is never severed but
only suspended. As such, they can be considered as being in the regular employment of the
The case of Hacienda Fatima v. National Federation of Sugarcane Workers - Food and
General Trade,108 enunciates the requisites in order that a seasonal employee may be deemed to have
attained regularity of employment as such, thus:
1. The seasonal employee should perform work or services that are seasonal in nature; and
2. They must have also been employed for more than one (1) season.
Both requisites should concur in order that the employee may be classified as regular seasonal
employee. If the seasonal worker is engaged only for the duration of one (1) season, then, he does not attain
regularity of employment as a seasonal worker.
There is casual employment where an employee is engaged to perform a job, work or service
which is merely incidental to the business of the employer, and such job, work or service is for a
definite period made known to the employee at the time of engagement.110
Casual employee becomes regular after one year of service by operation of law.111
No regular appointment papers necessary for casual employees to become regular.112
The one (1) year period should be reckoned from the hiring date.113
Repeated rehiring of a casual employee makes him a regular employee.114
The wages and benefits of a casual employee whose status is converted into regular employment
should not be diminished.115
The two (2) requisites or criteria for the validity of a fixed-term contract of employment are as
1. The fixed period of employment was knowingly and voluntarily agreed upon by the parties,
without any force, duress or improper pressure being brought to bear upon the employee
and absent any other circumstances vitiating his consent; or
2. It satisfactorily appears that the employer and employee dealt with each other on more or
less equal terms with no moral dominance whatever being exercised by the former on the
If the foregoing criteria are not present, the fixed-term contract of employment should be
struck down for being illegal.118
Fixed-term employment is valid even if duties are usually necessary or desirable in the employer‟ s
usual business or trade. 119
Notice of termination not necessary in fixed-term employment.120
Employee is deemed regular if contract failed to state the specific fixed period of employment.121
Charges for misconduct or other wrongful acts or omissions are relevant only in termination prior
to expiration of the term. They are not relevant if termination is due to expiration of fixed
Employees allowed to work beyond fixed term become regular employees.123
Rendering work beyond one (1) year would result to regular employment.124
Successive renewals of fixed-period contracts will result to regular employment.125
Hiring of employees on a uniformly fixed 5-month basis and replacing them upon the expiration
of their contracts with other workers with the same employment status circumvents their right to
security of tenure.126
Employment on a “day-to-day basis for a temporary period” will result to regular employment.127
Termination prior to lapse of fixed-term contract should be for a just or authorized cause.128
Liability for illegal dismissal of fixed-term employee is only for salary for unexpired portion.129
OFWs can never acquire regular employment.130
Employment contracts of OFWs for indefinite period are not valid.131
OFWs do not become regular employees by reason of nature of work.132
Series of rehiring of OFWs cannot ripen into regular employment.133
CBA cannot override the terms and conditions prescribed by the POEA under the Standard
Employment Contract (SEC) for OFWs.134
Probationary employment of OFWs is a misnomer.135
The employment of OFWs for a fixed period is not discriminatory.136
The contracts of OFWs cease upon expiration thereof.137
Hiring of seafarer for overseas employment but assigning him to local vessel does not affect his
status as an OFW.138
Seafarer hired for overseas deployment but later assigned to domestic operations after the
expiration of his overseas contract ceases to be an OFW.139
Contracting out of services is not illegal per se. It is an exercise of business judgment or
management prerogative. Absent proof that the management acted in a malicious or arbitrary manner,
the Court will not interfere with the exercise of judgment by an employer.140
It is within the right of an employer to enter into an outsourcing arrangement as an exercise of
its management prerogative in order to achieve greater economy and efficiency in its operations - a
universally accepted business objective and standard that can never be questioned. This universal
recognition of outsourcing as a legitimate activity has been pronounced in a number of
cases.141 A company can determine in its best judgment whether it should contract out a part of its
work for as long as the employer is motivated by good faith; the contracting is not for purposes of
circumventing the law; and does not involve or be the result of malicious or arbitrary action.142
Reiterating its earlier pronouncement in Aliviado v. Procter & Gamble Phils. , Inc. ,143 the
High Court, in the 2012 case of Digital Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. v. Digitel Employees
Union (DEU) ,144 stated that indeed, it is management prerogative to farm out any of its activities,
regardless of whether such activity is peripheral or core in nature. However, in order for such
outsourcing to be valid, it must be made to a legitimate independent contractor because the current labor
rules expressly prohibit labor-only contracting.
The validity of outsourcing has been judicially recognized by the Supreme Court. It has
already taken judicial notice of the general practice adopted in several government and private
institutions and industries, of hiring independent contractors to perform special services. These services
range from janitorial, security and even technical or other specific services. While these services may
be considered directly related to the principal business of the employer, they are not necessary in the
conduct of the principal business of the employer.145
There are only four (4) provisions in the Labor Code which directly enunciate the rules on
contractualization, to wit:
These provisions will be discussed below, together with the provisions of other issuances.
Department Order No. 18-A, Series of 2011, [November 14, 2011] entitled “Rules
Implementing Articles 106 to 109 of the Labor Code, as Amended,” was issued by the DOLE Secretary to
enunciate regulations governing contracting and subcontracting arrangements. This issuance superseded
Department Order No. 18-02, Series of 2002 [February 21, 2002], Department Order No. 3, Series of 2001
[May 08, 2001]and earlier Department Orders on the same subject matter.
The first two (2) paragraphs of Article 106 set the general rule that a principal is permitted by
law to engage the services of a contractor for the performance of a particular job, but the principal,
nevertheless, becomes solidarily liable with the contractor for the wages of the contractor‟ s employees.
The third (3 ) paragraph of Article 106, however, empowers the Secretary of Labor to make distinctions
between permissible job contracting and “labor-only” contracting which is a prohibited act further
defined under the last paragraph thereof.150
Thus, the DOLE Secretary may, by appropriate regulations, restrict or prohibit the
contracting-out of labor to protect the rights of workers established under the Labor Code. In so
prohibiting or restricting, he may make appropriate distinctions between labor-only contracting and job
contracting as well as differentiations within these types of contracting and determine who among the
parties involved shall be considered the employer for purposes of the Code, to prevent any violation or
circumvention of any provision thereof.151
Department Order No. 18-A, Series of 2011 applies to:
1. All parties of contracting and subcontracting arrangements where employer-employee
relationships exist; and
2. Cooperatives engaging in contracting or subcontracting arrangements.152
The provisions of this Department Order will be discussed jointly with those of Articles 106 to 109
of the Labor Code and those of other issuances and pieces of jurisprudence below.
Department Circular No. 01, Series of 2012, [March 13, 2012], was issued “Clarifying the
Applicability of Department Order No. 18-A, Series of 2011 to Business Processing Outsourcing (BPO)
/Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) and the Construction Industry.”
The purpose of this Circular is to respond to queries on whether firms or companies in the
Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) or Knowledge Process Outsourcing (KPO) and in the
Construction Industry are covered by Department Order No. 18-A, Series of 2011.
1. On the applicability of D.O. 18-A to BPO, this Circular clarifies as follows:
D.O. 18-A, Series of 2011, clearly speaks of a trilateral relationship that characterizes the
covered contracting/subcontracting arrangement. Thus, vendor-vendee relationship for entire business
processes covered by the applicable provisions of the Civil Code on Contracts is excluded.153
D.O. 18-A, Series of 2011, contemplates generic or focused singular activity in one contract
between the principal and the contractor (for example, janitorial, security, merchandising, specific
production work) and does not contemplate information technology-enabled services involving an
entire business processes (for example, business process outsourcing, knowledge process outsourcing,
legal process outsourcing, hardware and/or software support, medical transcription, animation
services, back office operations/support) . These companies engaged in business processes ("BPOs")
may hire employees in accordance with applicable laws, and maintain these employees based on
business requirements, which may or may not be for different clients of the BPOs at different periods
of the employees' employment.154
2. On the applicability of D.O. 18-A to the Construction Industry and Coordination with
PCAB-CIAP, this Circular clarifies as follows:
The licensing and the exercise of regulatory powers over the construction industry are lodged
with the Philippine Contractors Accreditation Board (PCAB) , which is under the Construction
Industry Authority of the Philippines (ClAP) , pursuant to the provisions of P.D. No. 1746, Series of
1980, and not with the Department of Labor and Employment or any of its regional offices. PCAB
registers all contractors, whether general or subcontractors, in the Construction Industry and regulates
the same including ensuring compliance with DOLE Department Order No. 13, Series of
1998(Guidelines Governing the Occupational Safety and Health in the Construction Industry) ; and
DOLE-DPWH-DILG-DTI and PCAB Memorandum of Agreement-Joint Administrative Order No.
1, Series of 2011 (on coordination and harmonization of policies and programs on occupational safety
and health in the construction industry) .
Thus, the DOLE, through its regional offices, shall not require contractors licensed by PCAB
in the Construction Industry to register under D.O. 18-A, Series of 2011. Moreover, findings of
violation/s on labor standards and occupational health and safety standards shall be coordinated with
PCAB for its appropriate action, including the possible cancellation/suspension of the contractor ‟ s
"Contracting" or "subcontracting" refers to an arrangement whereby a principal agrees to put
out or farm out with a contractor the performance or completion of a specific job, work or service
within a definite or predetermined period, regardless of whether such job, work or service is to be
performed or completed within or outside the premises of the principal.157
"Trilateral relationship" refers to the relationship in a contracting or subcontracting
arrangement where there is a contract for a specific job, work or service between the principal and the
contractor, and a contract of employment between the contractor and its workers.
There are three (3) parties involved in these arrangements:
1. The principal who decides to farm out a job, work or service to a contractor;
2. The contractor who has the capacity to independently undertake the performance of the
job, work or service; and
3. The contractual workers engaged by the contractor to accomplish the job, work or
a. Principal.
"Principal" refers to any employer, whether a person or entity, including government
agencies and government-owned and controlled-corporations, who/which puts out or farms out a job,
service or work to a contractor.159
Under Article 107 of the Labor Code, a “principal” is also referred to as an “indirect
employer.” As defined therein, an “indirect employer” refers to any person, partnership, association or
corporation who/which contracts with an independent contractor for the performance of any work, job, task,
project or service. The principal thereforeis not the direct employer of the workers employed by the contractor
and assigned to the principal.
Within the context of a valid contracting arrangement, a “principal” or “indirect
employer” is also known as a “statutory employer” or, simply an“employer.” 160
b. Contractor.
"Contractor" refers to any person or entity, including a cooperative, engaged in a legitimate
contracting or subcontracting arrangement providing either services, skilled workers, temporary
workers, or a combination of services to a principal under a Service Agreement. 161
In its strict technical sense, a “contractor” is different from a “subcontractor” in that the former
is the one who/which directly enters into a contract with the principal with respect to the performance of
a certain work, job, task, project or service; while the latter merely subcontracts the said work, job, task,
project or service from the contractor. This technical distinction is evident from the language of Article 106
where mention of the“subcontractor” was made not in relation to the employer (or principal) but in
relation to the “contractor.”
However, this technical distinction between a “contractor” and a “subcontractor” is not given
any major signification as both terms may be interchangeably used since in almost all cases, they refer to one
and the same person or entity.
Thus, the “contractor” or “subcontractor” may appropriately refer to the person himself or
entity itself, called an independent contractor, who/which exercises independent employment and
who/which contracts to do a piece of work according to his/its own methods and without being subject
of control by the principal (or indirect/statutory employer) , except as to the results thereof. 162
The “contractor” or “subcontractor” is the “direct employer” of the contractual workers or
employees who are supplied to the principal and made to perform the principal‟ s (or indirect/statutory
employer‟ s) work, job, task or project.
c. Contractual worker or contractor‟ s employee.
“Contractual worker” or "Contractor's employee" may refer to either:
1. One employed by a contractor to perform or complete a job, work, or service pursuant to a
Service Agreement with a principal; or
2. A regular employee of the contractor whose functions are not dependent on the
performance or completion of a specific job, work or service within a definite period of
time, i.e. , administrative staff.163
In the trilateral relationship, there are two (2) kinds of contracts that should be executed, to
(a) Employment Contract between the contractor and its employee; and
(b) Service Agreement between the principal and the contractor164 containing the terms and
conditions governing the performance or completion of a specific job, work or service
being farmed out for a definite or predetermined period.165
Governing law.
The Employment Contract is governed by the Labor Code; while the Service Agreement is
governed by the Civil Code.166
a. Employer-employee relationship between contractor and its employees.
In legitimate contracting or subcontracting arrangement, there exists an employer-employee
relationship between the contractor and the employees it engaged to perform the specific job, work or
service being contracted with the principal.167
Thus, it is essential that a contract of employment be executed between the contractor and the
contractual employees. This is the first contract required to be executed in a legitimate contracting
b. Contents of the employment contract.
Notwithstanding any oral or written stipulations to the contrary, the employment contract between
the contractor and its employee shall be governed by the provisions of Articles 279 and 280 of the Labor
Code, as amended. It shall include the following terms and conditions:
1. The specific description of the job, work or service to be performed by the employee;
2. The place of work and terms and conditions of employment, including a statement of the
wage rate applicable to the individual employee; and
3. The term or duration of employment that must be co-extensive with the Service
Agreement or with the specific phase of work for which the employee is engaged.168
c. Duty of contractor to inform its employees about the terms of the employment
The contractor shall inform the employee of the foregoing terms and conditions of
employment in writing on or before the first day of his/her employment.169
a. The agreement is between principal and contractor.
A second contract called “Service Agreement” is required to be executed between the
principal and the contractor whose terms and conditions shall govern the contracting arrangement between
b. Contents of the Service Agreement.
The Service Agreement should embody the following:
1. The specific description of the job, work or service being subcontracted;
2. The place of work and terms and conditions governing the contracting arrangement, to
include the agreed amount of the services to be rendered and the standard administrative
fee of not less than ten percent (10%) of the total contract cost;
3. Provisions ensuring compliance with all the rights and benefits of the employees under the
Labor Code and the Implementing Rules (D.O. 18-A, Series of 2011) on: provision for
safe and healthful working conditions; labor standards such as, service incentive leave, rest
days, overtime pay, 13 month pay and separation pay; retirement benefits; contributions
and remittance of SSS, Philhealth, Pag-IBIG Fund, and other welfare benefits; the right to
self-organization, collective bargaining and peaceful concerted action; and the right to
security of tenure;
4. A provision on the Net Financial Contracting Capacity of the contractor, which must be
equal to the total contract cost;
5. A provision on the issuance of the bond/s renewable every year;
6. The contractor or subcontractor shall directly remit monthly the employers' share and
employees' contribution to the SSS, ECC, Philhealth and Pag-IBIG; and
7. The term or duration of engagement.170
c. Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC) , meaning.
The term "Net Financial Contracting Capacity (NFCC) " mentioned in the Service
Agreement above refers to the formula to determine the financial capacity of the contractor to carry
out the job, work or services sought to be undertaken under a Service Agreement. NFCC is current
assets minus current liabilities multiplied by K, which stands for contract duration equivalent to: 10
for one year or less; 15 for more than one (1) year up to two (2) years; and 20 for more than two (2)
years, minus the value of all outstanding or ongoing projects including contracts to be started.171
NFCC is the formula set out in the Implementing Rules and Regulations of R.A. No. 9184,
[approved January 10, 2003] or “An Act Providing for the Modernization, Standardization and
Regulation of the Procurement Activities of the Government and For Other Purposes.”
d. Effect of violation of any of the contracts aforementioned.
A finding by competent authority of violation of any of the contracts mentioned above
(Employment Contract and Service Agreement) shall render the principal the direct employer of the
employees of the contractor or subcontractor, pursuant to Article 109 of the Labor Code, as
e. Duty to produce copy of contract between the principal and the contractor.
The principal or the contractor shall be under the obligation to produce a copy of the Service
Agreement in the ordinary course of inspection by the DOLE. The contractor shall likewise be under
the obligation to produce a copy of any Contract of Employment when directed to do so by the
DOLE Regional Director or his/her authorized representative.173
It bears noting that the Labor Code does not define what constitutes a legitimate job
contracting arrangement. However, under Department Order No. 18-A175 and jurisprudence, job
contracting shall be legitimate if all of the following circumstances concur:
(1) The contractor must be duly registered with the DOLE.
(2) The contractor carries a distinct and independent business and undertakes to perform
the job, work or service on its own responsibility, according to its own manner and
method, and free from control and direction of the principal in all matters connected
with the performance of the work except as to the results thereof;
(3) The contractor has substantial capital and/or investment in the form of tools,
equipment, machineries, work premises, and other materials which are necessary in the
conduct of the business;176 and
(4) The Service Agreement between principal and contractor should ensure compliance
with all the rights and benefits of workers under Labor Laws177 such as labor and
occupational safety and health standards, free exercise of the right to self-organization,
security of tenure, and social and welfare benefits.178
Absence of any of the foregoing requisites makes it a labor-only contracting arrangement.179
(a) On No. 1 Requisite above. - Registration of contractor with the DOLE is now mandatorily
required. Failure to register shall give rise to thepresumption that the contractor is engaged in labor-
only contracting.180
(b) On No. 2 Requisite above. - This is the “Right of Control” test which basically addresses
the issue of whether the contractor‟ s manner and methods of performing his job contracting is
completely free from the control and direction of the principal except as to the results thereof. If the
issue is answered in the affirmative, then this requisite of legitimate job contracting arrangement is
fully satisfied.
Illustrative cases:
In the 2012 case of Digital Telecommunications Philippines, Inc. v. Digitel Employees
Union (DEU) ,181 besides the lack of substantial capitalization that indicates labor-only
contracting, it was further held that Digitel Service, Inc. (Digiserv) , a non-profit enterprise engaged
in call center servicing, was a labor-only contractor of petitioner Digitel because it does not
exercise control over the affected employees. The NLRC highlighted the fact that Digiserv shared
the same Human Resources, Accounting, Audit and Legal Departments with Digitel which
manifested that it was Digitel who exercised control over the performance of the affected
employees. The NLRC also relied on the letters of commendation, plaques of appreciation
and certification issued by Digitel to the Customer Service Representatives as evidence of control.
The same ruling of lack of control by the contractor was cited as additional justification for
declaring the contractor as a labor-only contractor in the 2012 case of Norkis Trading
Corporation v. Buenavista. 182 Thus, together with the DOLE Regional Director‟ s finding
thatPanaghiusa sa Kauswagan Multi-Purpose Cooperative (PASAKA) , a duly-registered
cooperative, evidently lacked substantial capital or investment required of legitimate job
contractors, the cooperative failed to dispute the respondents‟ allegation that officers of
Norkis Trading supervised the work and paid the salaries of its employees.
(c) On No. 3 Requisite above. - This is the “Substantial Capital or Investment” test
which seeks to address the issue of whether the contractor has substantial capital or investment in the
form of tools, equipment, machineries, work premises, and other materials which are necessary in the
conduct of its business.183 If the answer is in the affirmative, the second requisite in legitimate job
contracting/subcontracting arrangement is fully complied with.
Significant points:
The amount of substantial capital is now fixed under the Rules. Under Department Order
No. 18-A, the term "substantial capital"shall now mean:
1. In the case of corporations, partnerships or cooperatives - paid-up capital
stocks/shares of at least Three Million Pesos (P3,000,000.00) ; or
2. In the case of single proprietorship - a net worth of at least Three Million
Pesos (P3,000,000.00) . 184
Unlike in the past implementing rules, Department Order No. 18-A now sets in very
clear terms, the amount which constitutes “substantial capital. ”
Moreover, cooperatives are now mentioned prominently in the enumeration of the entities
which may engage in contracting/subcontracting arrangement.
By clearly specifying the amount that constitutes “substantial capital,” cases in the past where
this issue was raised should now be qualified by this new issuance. Cases subsequent to
the effectivity of Department Order No. 18-A on November 14, 2011 should take this
specific amounts into account.
“Substantial capital” and “investment in tools, etc. ” are two separate requirements.
“Substantial capital” and “investment in tools, equipment, implements, machineries and
work premises” should be treated as two (2) distinct and separate requirements in
determining whether there is legitimate job contracting arrangement.185
(d) On No. 4 Requisite above. - This is the “Legal Rights and Benefits Compliance” test
which addresses the issue of whether the Service Agreement between the principal and contractor is
compliant with the rights and benefits of workers under labor laws.186 If answered in theaffirmative,
the contracting arrangement is deemed legitimate.
Rights of contractors‟ employees. - Per Department Order No. 18-A, all contractor's
employees, whether deployed or assigned as reliever, seasonal, week-ender, temporary, or promo
jobbers, shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges as provided for in the Labor Code, as
amended, to include the following:
(a) Safe and healthful working conditions;
(b) Labor standards such as but not limited to service incentive leave, rest days, overtime
pay, holiday pay, 13 month pay, and separation pay as may be provided in the Service
Illustrative cases:
In the 2009 case of Coca-Cola Bottlers Phils. , Inc. v. Agito,196 the contractor was
declared a labor-only contractor because the respondent-workers supplied by it to
petitioner company worked therein as salesmen. In the Delivery Agreement
between petitioner and the contractor, it is stated that petitioner is engaged in the
manufacture, distribution and sale of softdrinks and other related products. The
work of respondents, constituting distribution and sale of Coca-Cola products, is
clearly indispensable to the principal business of petitioner.
3) The validity of job contracting arrangement does not depend on whether the job, work,
or service is done within or outside the company premises of the principal.197
But in the 2010 case ofBabas v. Lorenzo Shipping Corp. ,198 the High Court cited as
additional basis for holding that the contractor, Best Manpower Services, Inc. (BMSI) ,
was a labor-only contractor, the fact that petitioners worked at respondent LSC ‟ s
premises, and nowhere else. Other than the provisions of the Agreement between
respondent LSC and BMSI, there was no showing that it was BMSI which established
petitioners‟ working procedure and methods, which supervised petitioners in their
work, or which evaluated the same. There was absolute lack of evidence that BMSI
exercised control over them or their work, except for the fact that petitioners were hired
by BMSI.
In summary, the following are the effects of a labor-only contracting arrangement:
1. The labor-only contractor will be treated as the agent or intermediary of the principal. Since
the act of an agent is the act of the principal, representations made by the labor-only
contractor to the employees will bind the principal.
2. The principal will become the employer as if it directly employed the workers supplied by
the labor-only contractor to undertake the subcontracted job or service. It will be
responsible to them for all their entitlements and benefits under labor laws.
3. The principal and the labor-only contractor will be solidarily treated as the direct employer.
4. The employees will become employees of the principal, subject to the classifications of
employees under Article 280 of the Labor Code.200
The chief distinctions between legitimate job contracting, on the one hand, and the prohibited
labor-only contracting, on the other, may be summed up as follows:
1. In the former, no employer-employee relationship exists between the contractual employees
of the job contractor and the principal; while in the latter, an employer-employee
relationship is created by law between the principal and the contractual employees
supplied by the labor-only contractor.201
2. In the former, the principal is considered only an “indirect employer,” as this term is
understood under Article 107 of the Labor Code; while in the latter, the principal is
considered the “direct employer” of the contractual employees in accordance with the last
paragraph of Article 106 of the Labor Code.202
3. In the former, the joint and several obligation of the principal and the legitimate job
contractor is only for a limited purpose, that is, to ensure that the employees are paid their
wages. Other than this obligation of paying the wages, the principal is not responsible for
any claim made by the contractual employees; while in the latter, the principal becomes
jointly and severally or solidarily liable with the labor-only contractor to the latter‟ s
employees in the same manner and extent that the principal is liable to employees directly
hired by him/her, as provided in Article 106 of the Labor Code, as amended.203
4. In the former, the legitimate job contractor undertakes to perform a specific job for the
principal; while in the latter, the labor-only contractor merely provides, supplies, recruits
and places the personnel to work for the principal.204
a. Two (2) sets of other prohibitions.
Notwithstanding the prohibition on labor-only contracting, the following are declared
prohibited for being contrary to law or public policy under Department Order No. 18-A, Series of 2011:
A. Contracting out of jobs, works or services when not done in good faith and not
justified by the exigencies of the business such as the following:
(1) Contracting out of jobs, works or services when the same results in the termination or
reduction of regular employees and reduction of work hours or reduction or splitting
of the bargaining unit.
(2) Contracting out of work with a "Cabo."
(3) Taking undue advantage of the economic situation or lack of bargaining strength of the
contractor's employees, or undermining their security of tenure or basic rights, or
circumventing the provisions of regular employment, in any of the following
(i) Requiring them to perform functions which are currently being performed by
the regular employees of the principal; and
(ii) Requiring them to sign, as a precondition to employment or continued
employment, an antedated resignation letter; a blank payroll; a waiver of labor
standards including minimum wages and social or welfare benefits; or a quitclaim
releasing the principal, contractor or from any liability as to payment of future
(4) Contracting out of a job, work or service through an in-house agency.
(5) Contracting out of a job, work or service that is necessary or desirable or directly
related to the business or operation of the principal by reason of a strike or lockout
whether actual or imminent.
(6) Contracting out of a job, work or service being performed by union members when
such will interfere with, restrain or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights to
self-organization as provided in Art. 248 (c) of the Labor Code, as amended.
(7) Repeated hiring of employees under an employment contract of short duration or under
a Service Agreement of short duration with the same or different contractors, which
circumvents the Labor Code provisions on Security of Tenure.
(8) Requiring employees under a subcontracting arrangement to sign a contract fixing the
period of employment to a term shorter than the term of the Service Agreement, unless
the contract is divisible into phases for which substantially different skills are required
and this is made known to the employee at the time of engagement.
(9) Refusal to provide a copy of the Service Agreement and the employment contracts
between the contractor and the employees deployed to work in the bargaining unit of
the principal's certified bargaining agent to the sole and exclusive bargaining agent
(SEBA) .
(10) Engaging or maintaining by the principal of subcontracted employees in excess of
those provided for in the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) or as set
by the Industry Tripartite Council (ITC) .
B. Contracting out of jobs, works or services analogous to the above when not done in
good faith and not justified by the exigencies of the business.205
b. Cabo, meaning.
"Cabo" refers to a person or group of persons or to a labor group which, in the guise of a
labor organization, cooperative or any entity, supplies workers to an employer, with or without any
monetary or other consideration, whether in the capacity of an agent of the employer or as an ostensible
independent contractor.206
c. In-house agency, meaning.
"In-house agency" refers to a contractor which is owned, managed, or controlled directly or
indirectly by the principal or one where the principal owns/represents any share of stock, and which
operates solely or mainly for the principal.207
d. Effect of commission of prohibited activities.
A finding by competent authority of commission of any of the above enumerated prohibited
activities shall render the principal the direct employer of the employees of the contractor or
subcontractor, pursuant to Article 109 of the Labor Code, as amended.208
Chapter Four
B. Dismissal from employment
1. Just Causes
2. Authorized Causes
3. Due Process
a) Twin-notice requirement
b) Hearing; meaning of opportunity to be heard
Dismissal of employees requires the observance of the two-fold due process requisites,
1. Substantive aspect which means that the dismissal must be for any of the (1) just
causes provided under Article 282 of the Labor Code or the company rules and regulations
promulgated by the employer; or (2) authorized causes under Articles 283 and 284
thereof; and
2. Procedural aspect which means that the employee must be accorded due process, the
elements of which are notice and the opportunity to be heard and to defend himself.2
A dismissal based on a just cause means that the employee has committed a wrongful act or
omission; while a dismissal based on anauthorized cause means that there exists a ground which the
law itself allows or authorizes to be invoked to justify the termination of an employee even if he has
not committed any wrongful act or omission such as installation of labor-saving devices, redundancy,
retrenchment, closure or cessation of business operations3 or disease.4
The just causes in the Labor Code are found in the following provisions thereof:
(1) Article 282 - (Termination by the Employer) which provides for the following grounds:
(a) Serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the employee of the lawful orders of his
employer or representative in connection with his work;
(b) Gross and habitual neglect by the employee of his duties;
(c) Fraud or willful breach by the employee of the trust reposed in him by his employer or
duly authorized representative;
(d) Commission of a crime or offense by the employee against the person of his employer
or any immediate member of his family or his duly authorized representatives; and
(e) Other causes analogous to the foregoing.
(2) Article 264(a) - (Prohibited Activities) which provides for the termination of the following:
(a) Union officers who knowingly participate in an illegal strike and therefore deemed to
have lost their employment status.
(b) Any employee, union officer or ordinary member who knowingly participates in the
commission of illegal acts during a strike (irrespective of whether the strike is legal or
illegal) , is also deemed to have lost his employment status.
(3) Article 263(g) - (National Interest Cases) where strikers who violate orders, prohibitions
and/or injunctions as are issued by the DOLE Secretary or the NLRC, may be imposed
immediate disciplinary action, including dismissal or loss of employment status.5
(4) Article 248(e) - (Union Security Clause) where violation of the union security agreement
in the CBA may result in termination of employment. Under this clause, the bargaining
union can demand from the employer the dismissal of an employee who commits a breach
of union security arrangement, such as failure to join the union or to maintain his
membership in good standing therein. The same union can also demand the dismissal of a
member who commits an act of disloyalty against it, such as when the member organizes a
rival union.6
In addition to the just causes mentioned in the Labor Code, just causes are also found in
prevailing jurisprudence.7 The following may be cited as just causes in accordance with prevailing
1. Violation of company rules and regulations.8
2. Theft of property owned by a co-employee9 as distinguished from company-owned
property which is considered serious misconduct.
3. Incompetence, inefficiency or ineptitude.10
4. Failure to attain work quota.11
5. Failure to comply with weight standards of employer.12
6. Attitude problem.13
If the ground cited is based on the Company Rules and Regulations or Code of Conduct or
Code of Discipline, it is to be expected that the same is not to be found in Article 282 of the Labor Code
since the latter merely enumerates the just causes or grounds in general terms.
In the 2013 case of Sampaguita Auto Transport Corporation v. NLRC,14 the Supreme
Court pronounced that the Court of Appeals erred in ruling that the dismissal of private respondent, a
bus driver of petitioner, was illegal because the “grounds upon which petitioners based respondent‟ s
termination from employment, viz: „hindi lahat ng schedule nailalabas,‟ [„]mababa ang revenue ng
bus, laging kasama an[g] asawa sa byahe‟ and „maraming naririnig na kwento tungkol sa kanya, nag-
uutos ng conductor para kumita sa hindi magandang paraan[,]‟ xxx are not among thoseenumerated
under Article 282 of the Labor Code as just causes for termination of employment. ” The irregularities
or infractions committed by private respondent in connection with his work as a bus driver constitute
serious misconduct or, at the very least, conduct analogous to serious misconduct, under the above-
cited Article 282 of the Labor Code. The requirement in the company rules that: „3. to obey traffic
rules and regulations as well as the company policies. 4. to ensure the safety of the riding public
as well as the other vehicles and motorist (sic) ‟ is so fundamental and so universal that any bus driver is
expected to satisfy the requirement whether or not he has been so informed.
The grounds mentioned in Article 282 shall be discussed herein seriatim.
For misconduct or improper behavior to be a just cause for dismissal, the following requisites must
2. The fraud is work-related and rendered him unfit to work for his employer.122
Failure to deposit collection constitutes fraud.123
Lack of damage or losses is not necessary in fraud cases. The fact that the employer did not suffer
losses from the dishonesty of the dismissed employee because of its timely discovery does not
excuse the latter from any culpability.124
Lack of misappropriation or shortage is immaterial in case of unauthorized encashment of
personal checks by teller and cashier.125
Restitution does not have absolutory effect.126
For the doctrine of loss of trust and confidence to apply, the following requisites must be
(1) The employee holds a position of trust and confidence;
(2) There exists an act justifying the loss of trust and confidence,128 which means that the act
that betrays the employer‟ s trust must be real, i.e. , founded on clearly established facts;129
(3) The employee‟ s breach of the trust must be willful, i.e. , it was done intentionally,
knowingly and purposely, without justifiable excuse;130 and
(4) The act must be in relation to his work which would render him unfit to perform it.
As a safeguard against employers who indiscriminately use “loss of trust and confidence” to
justify arbitrary dismissal of employees, the Supreme Court, in addition to the above elements, came
up with the following guidelines for the application of the doctrine:131
(1) The loss of confidence must not be simulated;
(2) It should not be used as a subterfuge for causes which are illegal, improper or unjustified;
(3) It may not be arbitrarily asserted in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary;
(4) It must be genuine, not a mere afterthought, to justify earlier action taken in bad faith.132
The foregoing guidelines have been prescribed by the Supreme Court due to the subjective
nature of this ground which makes termination based on loss of trust and confidence prone to abuse.133
Employee‟ s position must be reposed with trust and confidence.134
“Position of trust and confidence” is one where a person is entrusted with confidence on delicate
matters, or with the custody, handling, or care and protection of the employer‟ s property.135
Two (2) classes of positions of trust. 136 The first class consists of managerial employees or
those who, by the nature of their position, are entrusted with confidential and delicate matters and
from whom greater fidelity to duty is correspondingly expected. They refer to those vested with
the powers or prerogatives to lay down and execute management policies and/or to hire, transfer
suspend, lay-off, recall, discharge, assign or discipline employees or to effectively recommend
such managerial actions.137 Their primary duty consists of the management of the establishment in
which they are employed or of a department or a subdivision thereof.138
The second class includes “cashiers, auditors, property custodians, or those who, in the normal and
routine exercise of their functions, regularly handle significant amounts of [the employer‟ s] money
or property.” 139 They are fiduciary rank-and-file employees who, though rank-and-file, are
routinely charged with the custody, handling or care and protection of the employer's money or
property,140 or entrusted with confidence on delicate matters,141 and are thus classified as
occupying positions of trust and confidence.142
Rules on termination of managerial and supervisory employees different from those
applicable to rank-and-file employees. As a general rule, the doctrine of “trust and confidence”
is restricted to managerial employees.143 This means that the rules on termination of employment
applicable to managerial or fiduciary employees are different from those involving ordinary
employees not holding positions of trust and confidence. In the latter case, mere accusations by the
employer will not be sufficient.144 Thus, with respect to rank-and-file personnel, loss of trust and
confidence as a ground for valid dismissal requires proof of involvement in the alleged events in
question and that mereuncorroborated assertions and accusations by the employer will not be
sufficient. But as regards a managerial employee, the mere existence of a basis for believing that
he has breached the trust of his employer would suffice for his dismissal.145
There must be “some basis” for the loss of trust and confidence which means that there is
reasonable ground to believe, if not to entertain the moral conviction, that the concerned employee
is responsible for the misconduct and that the nature of his participation therein rendered him
absolutely unworthy of trust and confidence demanded by his position.146
In termination for loss of trust and confidence, the fact that the employer did not suffer losses is of
no moment.147
Employer has burden of proof.148
Dismissal due to feng shui mismatch is not a valid ground to lose trust and confidence.149
Command responsibility of managerial employees is a ground to dismiss.150
Confidential employee may be dismissed for loss of trust and confidence.151
Grant of promotions and bonuses negates loss of trust and confidence.152
Long years of service, absence of derogatory record and small amount involved are deemed
inconsequential insofar as loss of trust and confidence is concerned.153
Dropping of criminal charges or acquittal in a criminal case arising from the same act does not
affect the validity of dismissal based on loss of trust and confidence.154
Full restitution does not absolve employee of offense which resulted in the loss of trust and
The following are the requisites for the valid invocation of this ground:
Under the Labor Code, authorized causes are classified into two (2) classes, namely:
(1) Business-related causes. - Referring to the grounds specifically mentioned in Article 283,
to wit:
a. Installation of labor-saving device;
b. Redundancy;
c. Retrenchment;
d. Closure or cessation of business operations NOT due to serious business losses or
financial reverses; and
e. Closure or cessation of business operations due to serious business losses and financial
(2) Health-related causes. - Referring to disease covered by Article 284 of the Labor Code.
Notably, there are certain requisites that are common to the five (5) grounds in Article 283. To
simplify the discussion, the following five (5) common requisites are applicable to the said grounds:
1. There is good faith in effecting the termination;
2. The termination is a matter of last resort, there being no other option available to the
employer after resorting to cost-cutting measures;
3. Two (2) separate written notices are served on both the affected employees and the
DOLE at least one (1) month prior to the intended date of termination;
4. Separation pay is paid to the affected employees, to wit:
(a) If based on (1) installation of labor-saving device, or (2) redundancy. - One (1)
month pay or at least one (1) month pay for every year of service, whichever is higher,
a fraction of at least six (6) months shall be considered as one (1) whole year.
(b) If based on (1) retrenchment, or (2) closure NOT due serious business losses or
financial reverses. - One (1) month pay or at least one-half (½) month pay for every
year of service, whichever is higher, a fraction of at least six (6) months shall be
considered as one (1) whole year.
(c) If closure is due to serious business losses or financial reverses, NO separation pay is
required to be paid.
(d) In case the CBA or company policy provides for a higher separation pay, the same
must be followed instead of the one provided in Article 283.
5. Fair and reasonable criteria in ascertaining what positions are to be affected by the
termination, such as, but not limited to: nature of work; status of employment (whether
casual, temporary or regular) ; experience; efficiency; seniority; dependability;
adaptability; flexibility; trainability; job performance; discipline; and attitude towards
work.178 Failure to follow fair and reasonable criteria in selecting who to terminate would
render the termination invalid.179
In addition to the five (5) common requisites above, the unique requisite for this ground is
that the purpose for such installation must be valid, such as to save on cost, enhance efficiency
and other justifiable economic reasons.180
The installation of these devices is a management prerogative and the courts will not interfere
with its exercise in the absence of abuse of discretion, arbitrariness, or malice on the part of
Redundancy results from installation of labor-saving device. The installation of labor-saving
device will result in making the positions being held by employees who will be adversely affected
thereby redundant and unnecessary.182
Modernization program through introduction of high-speed machines is valid.183
Proof of losses is not required.
The fact of redundancy must be proved. Redundancy exists under any of the following
(1) Where the services of employees are in excess of what is reasonably demanded by the
actual requirements of the enterprise.184
(2) Where the position is superfluous because of a number of factors, such as over-hiring of
workers, decreased volume of business, dropping of a particular product line or
service activity previously manufactured or undertaken by the enterprise or phasing
out of service activity priorly undertaken by the business.185
(3) Where there is duplication of work. Indeed, in any well-organized business enterprise, it
would be surprising to find duplication of work and two (2) or more people doing the
work of one person.186
(4) Where it is validly resorted to as a cost-cutting measure and to streamline operations so
as to make them more viable. Positions which overlapped each other, or which are in
excess of the requirements of the service, may be declared redundant.187
The wisdom, soundness or characterization of service as redundant by the employer is not
subject to review. The only exception is when there is a showing that the same was done in
violation of law or attended with arbitrary and malicious action.188
Burden of proof in redundancy rests on the employer.189
Evidence of losses is not required.190
Elimination of undesirables, abusers and worst performers through redundancy is not an
indication of bad faith.191
The act of the employer in hiring replacements is not an indication of bad faith if the positions
have no similar job descriptions.192
Redundancy to save on labor costs is valid.193
Redundancy resulting from use of high technology equipment is valid.194
Abolition of positions or departments is valid.195
Reorganization through redundancy is valid.196
Contracting out of abolished positions to independent contractors is valid.197
Hiring of casuals or contractual employees after redundancy is valid.198
Where two or more persons are performing the same work which may be effectively
accomplished by only one, the employer may terminate the excess personnel and retain only
Even if there is a seniority rule, such as the LIFO (Last In, First Out) rule, the nature of work
and experience of the employees should still be taken into account by the employer.200
The LIFO or FILO (First In, Last Out) rule has no basis in law.201
LIFO rule is not controlling as employer has the prerogative to choose who to terminate.202
Retrenchment has been defined as “the termination of employment initiated by the employer
through no fault of the employees and without prejudice to the latter, resorted by management during
periods of business recession, industrial depression, or seasonal fluctuations; or during lulls occasioned
by lack of work or orders, shortage of materials; or considerable reduction in the volume of the
employer‟ s business, conversion of the plant for a new production program or the introduction of new
methods or more efficient machinery, or of automation.” 203
Proof of losses or possible imminent losses is the distinctive requisite of
retrenchment. This is the only statutory ground in Article 283 which requires this kind of proof. The
other grounds of closure or cessation of business operations may be resorted to with or without
The general standards in terms of which the act of an employer in retrenching or reducing the number
of its employees must be appraised are as follows:
1. The losses expected should be substantial and not merely de minimis or insubstantial and
inconsequential in extent.
2. The substantial loss apprehended must be reasonably imminent, as such imminence can be
perceived objectively and in good faith by the employer.
3. Retrenchment must be reasonably necessary and likely to effectively prevent the expected losses.
The employer should have taken other measures prior or parallel to retrenchment to forestall losses, i.e. , cut
other costs than labor costs.
4. The alleged losses, if already realized, and the expected imminent losses sought to be
forestalled, must be proved by sufficient and convincing evidence through presentation of externally
audited financial statements.205
If said standards are present, wisdom to retrench cannot be questioned.206
The retrenchment must be done in good faith.207
Notoriety of the employee is a valid criterion.208
The progressive manner of implementing the streamlining and downsizing of operations resorted
to by a construction company in order not to jeopardize the completion of its projects is
valid. Thus, several departments like the Civil Works Division, Electro-mechanical Works
Division and the Territorial Project Management Offices, among others, were abolished in the
early part of 1996 and thereafter, the Structural Steel Division by the end of year 1997.209
The fact that there has been economic or other crisis besetting a particular sector or the country as
a whole is not sufficient justification for retrenchment.210
Article 283 applies only to permanent retrenchment or lay-off.211
Cost-reduction or cost-saving measures prior to retrenchment are required.212
The phrase “retrenchment to prevent losses” means that retrenchment must be undertaken by
the employer before the losses anticipated are actually sustained or realized. The employer need
not keep all his employees until after his losses shall have materialized. Otherwise, the law could
be vulnerable to attack as undue taking of property for the benefit of another.213
Employer bears the burden of proof to show business losses or financial reverses.214
Best evidence of losses - financial statements audited by independent auditors (not by
internal auditors) . 215
Best evidence of losses in a government-controlled corporation - financial statements audited
by COA. 216
Period covered by financial statements, material.217
Income tax returns, not valid since they are self-serving documents. 218
The foregoing topics will be discussed herein jointly in the light of their close interrelation.
Per Agabon doctrine,264 it is now the prevailing rule that it is not the due process provided in
the Constitution265 that is required in termination of employment but the statutory due process provided
under Article 277[b] of the Labor Code.
“Constitutional due process” protects the individual from the government and assures him of his
rights in criminal, civil or administrative proceedings; while “statutory due process” protects employees
from being unjustly terminated without just cause after notice and hearing. Put differently, the Bill of Rights is
not meant to be invoked against acts of private individuals like employers. Private actions, no matter how
egregious, cannot violate the constitutional guarantees.
a. New doctrine.
The norm since Agabon is that compliance with the statutorily-prescribed procedural due
process under Article 277(b) 266 would suffice. Whether there is an existing company policy which also
enunciates the procedural due process in termination cases need not be considered nor given any weight in
determining the validity of the termination.
However, under the latest doctrinal en banc ruling in the 2013 case of Abbott Laboratories,
Philippines v. Pearlie Ann F. Alcaraz, 267 it is now required that in addition to compliance with the
statutory due process, the employer should still comply with the due process procedure prescribed in its own
company rules. The employer‟ s failure to observe its own company-prescribed due process will make it
liable to pay an indemnity in the form of nominal damages, the amount of which is equivalent to the
P30,000.00 awarded under the Agabon doctrine.
It was found in this case of Abbott Laboratories that respondent Alcaraz,268 who was hired as
a probationary managerial employee, was afforded both the statutorily-mandated substantive and
procedural due process, when she was terminated 269 for failure to qualify as a regular employee.
Nonetheless, despite the existence of a sufficient ground to terminate Alcaraz ‟ s employment and
Abbott‟ s compliance with the Labor Code termination procedure, it was found that petitioner Abbott
breached its contractual obligation to Alcaraz when it failed to abide by its own procedure in
evaluating the performance of a probationary employee. Company personnel policies create an
obligation on the part of both the employee and the employer to abide by the same.
Records show that Abbott‟ s PPSE270 procedure mandates, inter alia, that the job performance
of a probationary employee should be formallyreviewed and discussed with the employee at least twice:
first, on the third month and second, on the fifth month from the date of employment. Abbottis also required
to come up with a Performance Improvement Plan during the third month review to bridge the gap between
the employee‟ sperformance and the standards set, if any. In addition, a signed copy of the PPSE form
should be submitted to Abbott‟ s HRD as the same would serveas basis for recommending the confirmation
or termination of the probationary employment.
In this case, it is apparent that Abbott failed to follow the above-stated procedure in
evaluating Alcaraz. For one, there lies a hiatus of evidence that a signed copy of Alcaraz‟ s PPSE form was
submitted to the HRD. It was not even shown that a PPSE form was completed to formally assess
herperformance. Neither was the performance evaluation discussed with her during the third and fifth months
of her employment. Nor did Abbott comeup with the necessary Performance Improvement Plan to properly
gauge Alcaraz‟ s performance with the set company standards.
While it is Abbott‟ s management prerogative to promulgate its own company rules and even
subsequently amend them, this right equallydemands that when it does create its own policies and
thereafter notify its employee of the same, it accords upon itself the obligation to faithfullyimplement them.
Indeed, a contrary interpretation would entail a disharmonious relationship in the work place for the laborer
should never be mired by the uncertainty of flimsy rules in which the latter‟ s labor rights and duties would,
to some extent, depend.
b. Proper sanction for lack of contractual due process.
In imposing the penalty of indemnity in the form of nominal damages upon petitioner Abbott, it was
held that while there lies due cause to terminate Alcaraz‟ s probationary employment for her failure to meet
the standards required for her regularization, and while it must be further pointed out that Abbott had
satisfied its statutory duty to serve a written notice of termination, the fact that it violated its own
company procedure renders the termination of Alcaraz‟ s employment procedurally infirm,
warranting the payment of nominal damages.
Evidently, the sanctions imposed in both Agabon271 and Jaka272 proceed from the necessity to
deter employers from future violations of the statutory due process rights of employees. In similar
regard, the Court deems it proper to apply the same principle to the case at bar for the reason that
an employer‟ s contractual breach of its own company procedure - albeit not statutory in source - has
the parallel effect of violating the laborer‟ s rights. Suffice it to state, the contract is the law between the
parties and thus, breaches of the same impel recompense to vindicate a right that has beenviolated.
Consequently, while the Court is wont to uphold the dismissal of Alcaraz because a valid cause exists,
the payment of nominal damages onaccount of Abbott‟ s contractual breach is warranted in accordance
with Article 2221273 of the Civil Code.
c. Proper amount of nominal damages.
Anent the proper amount of damages to be awarded, the Court observes that Alcaraz‟ s
dismissal proceeded from her failure to comply withthe standards required for her regularization. As
such, it is undeniable that the dismissal process was, in effect, initiated by an act imputable to
theemployee, akin to dismissals due to just causes under Article 297274 [282] of the Labor Code.
Therefore, the Court deems it appropriate to fix the amount of nominal damages at the amount
of P30,000.00, consistent with its rulings in both Agabon275 and Jaka. 276
Based on law and jurisprudence, it is clear that the procedural due process required to validly
terminate an employee depends on the ground invoked. There is no uniform procedural due process that
should be applied in all cases.
a. Procedural steps.
In just cause termination, the twin-notice requirement applies. More particularly, the following
procedure in the order presented below should be followed:
1. Service of first written notice;
2. Conduct of hearing; and
3. Service of second written notice.
b. The King of Kings Transport doctrine.
Based on this doctrine which was enunciated inKing of Kings Transport, Inc. v.
Mamac,277 the following requirements should be complied with:
(1) First written notice.
The first written notice to be served on the employee should:
a) Contain the specific causes or grounds for termination against him;
b) Contain a directive that the employee is given the opportunity to submit his written
explanation within the reasonable period of FIVE (5) CALENDAR DAYS from
receipt of the notice:
1) to enable him to prepare adequately for his defense;
2) to study the accusation against him;
3) to consult a union official or lawyer;
4) to gather data and evidence; and
5) to decide on the defenses he will raise against the complaint.
c) Contain a detailed narration of the facts and circumstances that will serve as basis for
the charge against the employee. This is required in order to enable him to intelligently
prepare his explanation and defenses. A general description of the charge will not
d) Specifically mention which company rules, if any, are violated and/or which among
the grounds under Article 282 is being charged against the employee.
(2) Hearing required,
After serving the first notice, the employer should schedule and conduct a hearing
or conference wherein the employee will be given the opportunity to:
1) explain and clarify his defenses to the charge/s against him;
2) present evidence in support of his defenses; and
3) rebut the evidence presented against him by the management.
During the hearing or conference, the employee is given the chance to defend
himself personally, with the assistance of a representative or counsel of his choice. Moreover, this
conference or hearing could be used by the parties as an opportunity to come to an amicable settlement.
(3) Second written notice.
After determining that termination of employment is justified, the employer shall serve the
employees a written notice of terminationindicating that:
1) all circumstances involving the charge/s against the employee have been considered; and
2) grounds have been established to justify the severance of his employment.278
c. The foregoing rule does not apply in case of abandonment.
Abandonment is a just cause to terminate employment. It is considered a form of gross neglect of
duties under Article 282[b] of the Labor Code. However, the procedural due process is different from the
process described above. For obvious reason, due process in abandonment cases does not involve the
conduct of hearing. Compliance with the following two (2) notices suffices, viz:
1) First notice asking the employee to explain why he should not be declared as having
abandoned his job; and
2) Secondnotice informing him of the employer‟ s decision to dismiss him on the ground of
d. The Perez doctrine.
The 2009 Perez doctrine279 enunciates the newguiding principles on the hearing aspect of
procedural due process. This dramatically modified the concept of hearing in just cause
termination. (See separate discussion in No. 9 below) .
Due process in authorized cause termination is deemed complied with upon the separate and
simultaneous service of a written notice of the intended termination to both:
(1) the employee to be terminated; and
(2) the appropriate DOLE Regional Office, at least one (1) month before the intended date of
the termination specifying the ground/s therefor and the undertaking to pay the separation
pay required under Article 283 of the Labor Code.
Procedural due process is not required in termination of the following:
1. Project employment which automatically terminates upon completion of the project;
2. Seasonal employment which automatically terminates upon the end of the season;
3. Casual employment which automatically terminates upon the lapse of the agreed period;
4. Fixed-term employment which automatically terminates upon the expiration of the fixed
Probationary employment may be terminated prior to the lapse of the probationary period
fur just or authorized cause; in which case, the appropriate, applicable procedural due process should
However, if the ground invoked is the failure of the probationary employee to qualify as a
regular employee based on the reasonable standards made known to him at the time of his
engagement, no due process is required. it is sufficient that a written notice of termination is served to
the probationary employee within a reasonable time from the effective date thereof setting forth the
justification of such termination.280
Per Abbott Laboratories doctrine, 281 however, if the employer has prescribed in its company
rules a certain procedure for the termination of probationary employment, the same should be complied with;
otherwise, the employer will be penalized with an indemnity in the form of nominal damages in the amount of
The concept of hearing as part of due process has been significantly changed by
the Perez doctrine.282 It enunciates the newguiding principleson the hearing aspect of procedural due
process. It has interpreted the term “ample opportunity to be heard” in a new light, thus:
(a) “Ample opportunity to be heard” means any meaningful opportunity (verbal or written)
given to the employee to answer the chargesagainst him and submit evidence in support
of his defense, whether in a hearing, conference or some other fair, just and reasonable
(b) A formal hearing or conference is no longer mandatory. It
becomes mandatoryonly under any of the following circumstances:
(1) When requested by the employee in writing; or
(2) When substantial evidentiary disputes exist; or
(3) When a company rule or practice requires it; or
(4) When similar circumstances justify it.
(c) the “ample opportunity to be heard” standard in the Labor Code prevails over
the “hearing or conference” requirement in itsImplementing Rules and Regulations.
This is how the Supreme Court resolved the conflict in the following provisions of the
Labor Code and its implementing rules:
1) Under Article 277(b) of the Labor Code, the employer is required to afford the
employee “ample opportunity to be heard and to defend himself with the
assistance of his representative if he so desires”; while -
2) Under Section 2(d) , Rule I, Book VI of the Implementing Rules of the Labor Code,
the employer is required to afford to the employee a“hearing or conference during
which the employee concerned, with the assistance of counsel, if he so desires, is
given opportunity to respond to the charge, present his evidence or rebut the
evidence presented against him.”
The Perez doctrine is now the prevailing rule as shown by a catena of cases283 which cited it
after its promulgation.
If employee does not answer, hearing should still proceed.284
Outright termination violates due process.285
Investigation still required even if incident was witnessed by many.286
Meeting, dialogue, consultation or interview is not the hearing required by law. It may not be a
substitute for the actual holding of a hearing.287
Prior consultation with union is not part of the due process requirement.288
Cross-examination or confrontation of witnesses is not necessary in company investigations.289
Co-conspirator‟ s confession is not sufficient to merit dismissal.290
If a party was not initially given a chance to be heard at the company level, but later was given
full opportunity to submit position papers or present his case and arguments before the Labor
Arbiter, this defect is cured.291 But if the dismissal is not justified, this principle does not apply.292
Hearing is not required in the following cases:
1. Termination of project, seasonal, casual or fixed-term employment.
2. Termination of probationary employment on the ground of failure of the probationary
employee to qualify as a regular employee in accordance with reasonable standards made
known to him at the start of the employment.293
3. Termination due to abandonment of work.
4. Termination due to authorized causes under Article 283 (installation of labor-saving device,
redundancy, retrenchment or closure of business or cessation of operations) . In such cases,
there are no allegations which the employees should refute and defend themselves from.294
5. Termination due to disease under Article 284.295
6. Termination by the employee (resignation) under Article 285.
7. Termination after 6 months of bona-fide suspension of operation under Article 286. For
purposes of satisfying due process, what is required is simply that the notices provided
under Article 283 be served to both the affected employees and the Department of Labor
and Employment at least one (1) month before the termination becomes effective.296
8. Termination due to retirement under Article 287.
9. Termination due to expiration of tenure made coterminous with lease.297
10. Termination due to closure or stoppage of work by government authorities when non-
compliance with the law or implementing rules and regulations poses grave and imminent
danger to the health and safety of workers in the workplace.298
11. Termination due to expiration of contractual employment in a legitimate contracting or
subcontracting arrangement.299
12. Termination of employee who has admitted his guilt for the offense charged.300
The rules on termination of employment in the Labor Code and pertinent jurisprudence are
applicable to seven (7) different situations, namely:
1. The dismissal was for a just cause under Article 282, for an authorized cause under Article
283, or for health reasons under Article 284, and due process was observed - This termination
is LEGAL.301
2. The dismissal was without a just or authorized cause but due process was observed - This
termination is ILLEGAL.302
3. The dismissal was without a just or authorized cause and due process was not observed - This
termination is ILLEGAL.303
4. The dismissal was for a just or authorized cause but due process was not observed - This
termination is LEGAL.304
5. The dismissal was for a non-existent cause - This termination is ILLEGAL.305
6. The dismissal was not supported by any evidence of termination - This termination
is NEITHER LEGAL NOR ILLEGAL as there is no dismissal to speak
of.306 Reinstatement is ordered not as a relief for illegal dismissal but on equitable ground.
7. The dismissal was brought about by the implementation of a law - This termination
is LEGAL.307
a. Application of the Agabon and Jaka doctrines.
Termination for a just cause or authorized cause but without affording the employee
procedural due process should no longer be considered illegal or ineffectual308 but legal.
Consequently, the employee will not be ordered reinstated but will be awarded an indemnity in
the form of nominal damages the amount of which will depend on whether the termination is
grounded on just cause or authorized cause, thus:
According to Jaka, the indemnity is “stiffer” in case of authorized cause termination because,
unlike in the case of just cause termination where the employee has committed a wrongful act, an
employee dismissed based on authorized cause has not committed any blameworthy act nor any
delinquency or culpability on his part. Instead, the dismissal process is initiated by the employer‟ s
exercise of his management prerogative, i.e. , when the employer opts to install labor saving devices,
when he decides to cease business operations or when, as in this case, he undertakes to implement a
retrenchment program
b. Some principles under the Agabon doctrine.
1. Measure of penalty or indemnity - no longer full backwages but nominal damages.
2. Since the dismissal is considered legal, any award of backwages must be deleted and
replaced by award of indemnity.311
3. Amount of nominal damages may be reduced.312 But as far as the upping of the amount is
concerned, a survey of Supreme Court decisions indicates that there has yet been no
decision increasing the indemnity beyond what has been prescribed in Agabon and Jaka.
Chapter Four
C. Reliefs for Illegal Dismissal
1. Reinstatement
a. Pending appeal (Art. 223, Labor Code)
b. Separation pay in lieu of reinstatement
2. Backwages
a. Computation
b. Limited backwages
Under this article,1 an illegally dismissed employee is entitled to the following reliefs:
(1) Reinstatement without loss of seniority rights and other privileges;
(2) Full backwages, inclusive of allowances; and
(3) Other benefits or their monetary equivalent.
The following reliefs that are awarded in illegal dismissal cases are missing in Article 279:
(1) Award of separation pay in lieu of reinstatement.
(2) Award of penalty in the form of nominal damages in case of termination due to just or
authorized cause but without observance of procedural due process.
(3) Reliefs to illegally dismissed employee whose employment is for a fixed period. The
proper relief is only the payment of the employee‟ s salaries corresponding to the
unexpired portion of the employment contract.
(4) Award of damages and attorney‟ s fees.
(5) Award of financial assistance in cases where the employee‟ s dismissal is declared legal
but because of long years of service, and other considerations, financial assistance is
(6) Imposition of legal interest on separation pay, backwages and other monetary awards.
(ArtIcle 223, Labor Code)
The Labor Code grants the remedy of reinstatement in various forms and situations. Its
provisions recognizing reinstatement as a remedy are as follows:
1. Article 223 which provides for reinstatement of an employee whose dismissal is declared
illegal by the Labor Arbiter. This form of reinstatement is self-executory and must be implemented even
during the pendency of the appeal that may be instituted by the employer.
2. Article 263 [g] which provides for automatic return to work of all striking or locked-out
employees, if a strike or lockout has already taken place, upon the issuance by the DOLE Secretary of
an assumption or certification order. The employer is required to immediately resume operation and
readmit all workers under the same terms and conditions prevailing before the strike or lockout.
3. Article 277 [b] which empowers the DOLE Secretary to suspend the effects of termination
pending the resolution of the termination dispute in the event of a prima facie finding by the
appropriate official of the DOLE before whom such dispute is pending that the termination may cause a serious
labor dispute or is in implementation of a mass lay-off.
4. Article 279 which grants reinstatement as a relief to an employee whose dismissal is
declared illegal in a final and executory judgment.
5. Article 286 which involves bona-fide suspension of operation for a period not exceeding six (6)
months or the rendition by an employee of military or civic duty. It is required under this provision that
the employer should reinstate its employees upon resumption of its operation which should be done before
the lapse of said six-month period of bona-fide suspension of operation or after the rendition by the employees
of military or civic duty.
(NOTE: The reinstatement referred to in the Syllabus pertains only to the reinstatement
under Article 223. Discussion, therefore, will focus on this relief)
(Article 223, Labor Code)
Article 2232 of the Labor Code, as amended,3 provides that an order of reinstatement by the
Labor Arbiter is self-executory and thereforeimmediately executory even pending appeal. Being self-
executory, no writ of execution is required to be issued to implement it.4 The concept of reinstatement
under Article 223 is to restore the illegally dismissed employee to a state or condition from which he
has been removed or separated.5 To underscore its immediate executory nature, the 2011 NLRC Rules
of Procedure provide that the perfection of an appeal shall stay the execution of the decision of the
Labor Arbiter except execution for reinstatement pending appeal.6
Once an appeal is filed, the Labor Arbiter loses jurisdiction over the case. Consequently, all
pleadings and motions pertaining to the appealed case are required to be addressed to and filed with the
Commission (NLRC) . This rule, however, cannot be invoked to prejudice the immediate
reinstatement of an employee pending appeal.7
By way of distinction, while writ of execution is not required in case reinstatement is ordered
by the Labor Arbiter, it is necessary in case reinstatement is ordered by the NLRC on appeal or by the
CA and the Supreme Court, as the case may be. Only the Labor Arbiter‟ s reinstatement order is self-
executory or immediately executory.8
The following distinctions may be cited between reinstatement under Article 223 and Article 279
of the Labor Code:
(1) Finality. - The reinstatement under Article 223 has not attained finality as in fact it is the
subject of an appeal; while that contemplated under Article 279 has already become final and
(2) Employer’s option to reinstate. - The reinstatement in the former is subject to the
exercise of option by the employer; while that in the latter, no such option is available to the
employer except to reinstate the employee to his former position or to a substantially equivalent
(3) On nature of duty of Labor Arbiter to implement order. - In the former, it is ministerial
upon the Labor Arbiter to implement his order of reinstatement which is self-executory in
character;9 while in the latter, it is not ministerial as it requires the filing of a motion for the issuance
of writ of execution before the Labor Arbiter can implement the order of reinstatement.
(4) On necessity for issuance of writ of execution. - In the former, a writ of execution is not
necessary to enforce the reinstatement order; while in the latter, a writ of execution is indispensable to
effect reinstatement.
The concept of reinstatement pending appeal under Article 223 contemplates all kinds of illegal
dismissal cases. The nature of the ground invoked to justify the dismissal which subsequently is declared
illegal is inconsequential in determining the validity of this remedy.
The Court of Appeals, in the 2010 case of C. Alcantara & Sons, Inc. v. CA,10 denied the
reinstatement of the ordinary union members who participated in the illegal strike but whose dismissal
was found to have been illegally effected since they did not commit any illegal acts in the course of the
strike. The CA justified its denial by ruling that the reinstatement pending appeal provided under
Article 223 contemplates illegal dismissal or termination cases and not cases under Article 264.11 The
Supreme Court, however, pronounced that this perceived distinction does not find support in the
provisions of the Labor Code. The grounds for termination under Article 264 are based on prohibited
acts that employees could commit during a strike. On the other hand, the grounds for termination
under Articles 282,12 28313 and 28414 are based on the employee‟ s conduct in connection with his
assigned work. Still, Article 217,15 which defines the powers of Labor Arbiters, vests in the latter
jurisdiction over all termination cases, whatever be the grounds given for the termination of
employment. Consequently, Article 223, which provides that the decision of the Labor Arbiter
reinstating a dismissed employee shall immediately be executory pending appeal, cannot but apply to
all terminations irrespective of the grounds on which they are based.
The principle of reinstatement pending appeal applies only in case there is a finding of
illegality of dismissal by the Labor Arbiter. In other words, if the dismissal is not illegal as in fact it was
declared valid and legal by the Labor Arbiter, the reinstatement granted by reason of equity and
compassionate justice cannot be executed pending appeal; neither can the employer be held liable for payment
of any reinstatement wages.
This is the gist of the Lansangan doctrine which was enunciated pursuant to and by virtue of
the pronouncement in Lansangan v. Amkor Technology Philippines, Inc. The petitioners in this case
were found by the Labor Arbiter to have committed a dishonest act consisting of:
“[s]wiping another employees‟ [sic] I.D. card or requesting another employee to swipe one
‟ s I.D. card to gain personal advantage and/or in the interest of cheating”, an offense of
dishonesty punishable as a serious form of misconduct and fraud or breach of trust under
Article 297 [282] of the Labor Code:
which allows the dismissal of an employee for a valid cause.”
The Labor Arbiter consequently ruled that the dismissal was valid and legal but he ordered
their reinstatement to their former positions without backwages “as a measure of equitable and
compassionate relief” owing mainly to petitioners’ prior unblemished employment records, show of
remorse, harshness of the penalty and defective attendance monitoring system of respondent
company. Based on these facts, the Supreme Court noted that the principle of reinstatement pending
appeal under Article 223 on which the appellate court relied, finds no application in the present case.
Article 223 concerns itself with an interim relief, granted to a dismissed or separated employee while
the case for illegal dismissal is pending appeal. It does not apply where there is no finding of illegal
dismissal, as in the present case. Further, petitioners are not also entitled to full backwages as their
dismissal was not found to be illegal. Agabon v. NLRC,17 so states - payment of backwages and other
benefits is justified only if the employee was unjustly dismissed.
The employer has only 2 options both of which involve reinstatement:
(1) Actual reinstatement, i.e. , the employee should be reinstated to his position which he
occupies prior to his illegal dismissal under the same terms and conditions prevailing
prior to his dismissal or separation or, if no longer available, to a substantially-
equivalent position; or
(2) Payroll reinstatement, i.e. , reinstatement of the employee in the payroll of the
company without requiring him to report back to his work.18
There is no way the employer can disregard the reinstatement order. Posting of a bond does
not stay the execution of immediate reinstatement.19
Employer has the obligation to notify employee of his choice of option.20 Under the 2011
NLRC Rules of Procedure,21 it is required that the employer should submit a report of compliance
within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the Labor Arbiter‟ s decision, disobedience to which clearly
denotes a refusal to reinstate.
Under the 2011 NLRC Rules of Procedure,22 there are two (2) instances when a writ of
execution should still be issued immediately by the Labor Arbiter to implement his order of
reinstatement, even pending appeal, viz:
(1) When the employer disobeys the Rules-prescribed directive23 to submit a report of
compliance within ten (10) calendar days from receipt of the decision; or
(2) When the employer refuses to reinstate the dismissed employee.
The Labor Arbiter shall motu proprio issue a corresponding writ to satisfy the reinstatement
wages as they accrue until actual reinstatement or reversal of the order of reinstatement.24
The employee need not file a motion for the issuance of the writ of execution since the Labor
Arbiter shall thereafter motu proprio issue the writ.25 Employer may be cited for contempt for his
refusal to comply with the order of reinstatement.26
Employer is liable to pay the salaries for the period that the employee was ordered reinstated
pending appeal even if his dismissal is later finally found to be legal on appeal.27
The provision of Article 223 on reinstatement pending appeal is intended for the benefit of the
employee and cannot be used to defeat his own interest. The law mandates the employer to either admit
the dismissed employee back to work under the same terms and conditions prevailing prior to his
dismissal or to reinstate him in the payroll to abate further loss of income on the part of the employee
during the pendency of the appeal. But the language of the law should not be stretched as to give the
employer the right to remove an employee who fails to immediately comply with the reinstatement
order, especially when there is a reasonable explanation for his failure. 28
In the 2011 case of Pfizer, Inc. v. Velasco,29 petitioner Pfizer contends that the Court of
Appeals committed a serious but reversible error when it ordered petitioner Pfizer to pay respondent
Velasco wages from the date of the Labor Arbiter‟ s decision ordering her reinstatement until
November 23, 2005, when the Court of Appeals rendered its decision declaring Velasco‟ s dismissal
valid. During the pendency of the case with the Court of Appeals and prior to its November 23,
2005 decision, petitioner claimed that it had already required respondent to report for work on July 1,
2005. However, according to petitioner, it was respondent who refused to return to work when she
wrote petitioner, through counsel, that she was opting to receive her separation pay and to avail of
petitioner‟ s early retirement program. In petitioner Pfizer‟ s view, it should no longer be required to pay
wages considering that it was allegedly ready to reinstate respondent as of July 1, 2005 but it was
respondent who unjustifiably refused to report for work. According to petitioner, it would be
tantamount to allowing respondent to choose “payroll reinstatement” when by law it was the employer
which had the right to choose between actual and payroll reinstatement.
The Supreme Court, however, found this contention of petitioner devoid of merit considering the
(1) Petitioner waited for the resolution of its appeal to the NLRC and, only after it was ordered by the
Labor Arbiter to pay the amount ofP1,963,855.00 representing respondent ‟ s full backwages from
December 5, 2003 up to May 5, 2005, did petitioner decide to require respondent to report back to work via the
Letter dated June 27, 2005.
(2) The said letter does not conform to the directive in Article 223 that an employee entitled
to reinstatement “shall either be admitted back to work under the same terms and
conditions prevailing prior to his dismissal or separation or, at the option of the employer, merely
reinstated in the payroll.”
(3) The letter of respondent to petitioner indicating her preference for the payment of
separation pay in lieu of reinstatement is of no moment. It does not have the effect of taking away the option
from the employer to effect actual or payroll reinstatement.
Reinstatement pending appeal under Article 223 is constitutional.30
It is similar to return-to-work order.31
The Labor Arbiter cannot exercise option of employer by choosing payroll reinstatement pending
If the former position is already filled up, the employee ordered reinstated under Article 223
should be admitted back to work in a substantially equivalent position.33
Reinstatement to a position lower in rank is not proper.34
Reinstatement cannot be refused on the basis of the employment elsewhere of the employee
ordered reinstated.35
In case of two successive dismissals, the order of reinstatement pending appeal under Article 223
issued in the first case shall apply only to thefirst case and should not affect
the second dismissal.36
The failure of the illegally dismissed employee who was ordered reinstated to report back to
work does not give the employer the right to remove him, especially when there is a reasonable
explanation for his failure.37
No reinstatement pending appeal should be made when antipathy and antagonism exist.38
If reinstatement is not stated in the Labor Arbiter‟ s decision (neither in the dispositive portion
nor in the text thereof) , reinstatement is not warranted.39
(NOTE: For discussion on the effect of NLRC’s reversal of the Labor Arbiter’s order of
reinstatement, please read the comments on the topic:“VIII. PROCEDURE AND
JURISDICITON, xxx B. National Labor Relations Commission (NLRC) , xxx 2. Effect of
NLRC Reversal of Labor Arbiter’s Order of Reinstatement,” infra)
Under Article 279, an employee who is unjustly dismissed is entitled not only to
reinstatement, without loss of seniority rights and other privileges, but also to the payment of his full
backwages, inclusive of allowances and other benefits or their monetary equivalent, computed from the
time his compensation was withheld from him (which, as a rule, is from the time of his illegal
dismissal) up to the time of his actual reinstatement.92
The raison d‟ etre for the payment of backwages is equity. Backwages represent
compensation that should have been earned by the employee but were lost because of the unjust or
illegal dismissal.93
Simply stated, an employee whose dismissal is found to be illegal is considered not to have
left his office so that he is entitled to all the rights and privileges that accrue to him by virtue of the
office that he held.94
But if the dismissal is not illegal, an award of backwages is not proper.95
In 1996, the Supreme Court changed the rule96 on the reckoning of backwages. It announced a
new doctrine in the case of Bustamante v. NLRC,97 which is now known as
the Bustamante doctrine. Under this rule, the term “full backwages” should mean exactly that, i.e. ,
without deducting from backwages the earnings derived elsewhere by the concerned employee during
the period of his illegal dismissal.98
The components of backwages are as follows:
1. Salaries or wages computed on the basis of the wage rate level at the time of the illegal
dismissal and not in accordance with the latest, current wage level of the employee‟ s
2. Allowances and other benefits regularly granted to and received by the employee should be
made part of backwages.100 Examples:
a. Emergency living allowances and 13 month pay mandated under the law.101
Chapter Four
D. Preventive Suspension
The Labor Code does not contain any provision on preventive suspension. The legal basis for
the valid imposition thereof is found in Sections 8 and 9, Rule XXIII, Book V of the Rules to
Implement the Labor Code.2
Preventive suspension may be legally imposed against an errant employee only when his
alleged violation is the subject of an investigation. This remedy may thus be resorted to only while the
errant employee is undergoing an investigation for certain serious offenses. Consequently, its purpose
is to prevent him from causing harm or injury to the company as well as to his fellow employees. It is
justified only in cases where the employee‟ s continued presence in the company premises during the
investigation poses a serious and imminent threat to the life or property of the employer or of the
employee‟ s co-workers. Without this threat, preventive suspension is not proper.3
An employer has the right to preventively suspend the employee during the pendency of the
administrative case against him as a measure of self-protection.4
If the basis of the preventive suspension is the employee‟ s absences and tardiness, the imposition
of preventive suspension on him is not justified as his presence in the company premises does not
pose any such serious or imminent threat to the life or property of the employer or of the
employee‟ s co-workers simply “by incurring repeated absences and tardiness.” 5
The grounds of violation of the school rules and regulations on the wearing of uniform, tardiness
or absence, and maliciously spreading false accusations against the school, do not justify the
imposition of preventive suspension.6
The failure by an employee to attend a meeting called by his supervisor will not justify his
preventive suspension.7
Preventive suspension does not mean that due process may be disregarded.8
Preventive suspension is not a penalty.9 Preventive suspension, by itself, does not signify that the
company has already adjudged the employee guilty of the charges for which she was asked to
answer and explain.10
Preventive suspension is neither equivalent nor tantamount to dismissal.11
Preventive suspension should only be for a maximum period of thirty (30) days. After the lapse of the
30-day period, the employer is required to reinstate the worker to his former position or to a substantially
equivalent position.
During the 30-day preventive suspension, the worker is not entitled to his wages and other
benefits. However, if the employer decides, for a justifiable reason, to extend the period of
preventive suspension beyond said 30-day period, he is obligated to pay the wages and other
benefits due the worker during said period of extension. In such a case, the worker is not bound to
reimburse the amount paid to him during the extension if the employer decides to dismiss him
after the completion of the investigation.12
Extension of period must be justified. During the 30-day period of preventive suspension, the
employer is expected to conduct and finish the investigation of the employee‟ s administrative case.
The period of thirty (30) days may only be extended if the employer failed to complete the hearing
or investigation within said period due to justifiable grounds. No extension thereof can be made
based on whimsical, capricious or unreasonable grounds.13
Preventive suspension lasting longer than 30 days, without the benefit of valid extension, amounts
to constructive dismissal.14
Indefinite preventive suspension amounts to constructive dismissal. 15
Failure to state the duration of the preventive suspension in the notice does not mean it is
indefinite. There is a reasonable and logical presumption that said suspension in fact has a duration
which could very well be not more than 30 days as mandated by law.16
Salaries should be paid for improperly-imposed preventive suspension.17
Period of preventive suspension of workers in the construction industry is only for 15 days.18
Preventive suspension is different from suspension of operation under Article 286 19 of the Labor
Preventive suspension is different from “floating status.” 21
Chapter Four
E. Constructive Dismissal
Constructive dismissal contemplates any of the following situations:
1) An involuntary resignation resorted to when continued employment is rendered
impossible, unreasonable or unlikely;
2) A demotion in rank and/or a diminution in pay; or
3) A clear discrimination, insensibility or disdain by an employer which becomes
unbearable to the employee that it could foreclose any choice by him except to forego his
continued employment.2
The termination initiated by the employee based on the just causes described and enumerated
in Article 2853 of the Labor Code is in the nature of involuntary resignation. Thus, an employee may
put an end to the employment relationship without need of serving any notice on the employer for any of the
following just causes:
(1) Serious insult by the employer or his representative on the honor and person of the
(2) Inhumane and unbearable treatment accorded the employee by the employer or his
(3) Commission of a crime or offense by the employer or his representative against the person
of the employee or any of the immediate members of his family; and
(4) Other causes analogous to any of the foregoing.4
Thus, unlike resignation without just cause under the same Article 2855 where the law requires
prior written notice, the employee may terminate his employment without serving any notice to the
employer if such is occasioned by any of the just causes mentioned above.
There is forced resignation where the employee is made to do or perform an involuntary act -
submission or tender of resignation - meant to validate the action of management in inveigling, luring
or influencing or practically forcing the employee to effectuate the termination of employment, instead
of doing the termination himself.6
Both involuntary and forced resignations are embraced within the concept of constructive
dismissal. The common character pervading involuntary or forced resignation or constructive dismissal
is the act of “quitting” from employment by the employee because of the attendant just causes, acts,
facts or circumstances which render the continued employment impossible, unreasonable or
unlikely.7 Thus, if there is no cessation of work, there can be no constructive dismissal.8
The test of constructive dismissal is whether a reasonable person in the employee‟ s position
would have felt compelled to give up his position under the circumstances. It is an act amounting to
dismissal but made to appear as if it were not. In fact, the employee who is constructively dismissed
may be allowed to keep on coming to work. Constructive dismissal is, therefore, a dismissal in
disguise.9 The law recognizes and resolves this situation in favor of the employees in order to protect
their rights and interests from the coercive acts of the employer.10
Voluntary resignation is likewise distinct from constructive dismissal. For instance, it was
held in Concrete Aggregates v. NLRC,11 that an employee who tendered her voluntary resignation
and signed the quitclaim after receiving all the benefits due her for her separation cannot claim that she was
constructively dismissed. The fact of her transfer due to a new secretarial staffing pattern which she
objected to, or the alleged hostility on the part of her employer, cannot render nugatory the voluntary
nature of her resignation. She was not eased out much less was she forced to resign. This is a case of voluntary
resignation and not a constructive dismissal.
In Admiral Realty Company, Inc. [Admiral Hotel] v. NLRC,12 it was ruled that the transfer
of the location of an employee‟ s office from under the steps of the stairs to the kitchen which allegedly
caused her mental torture which forced her to resign does not amount to constructive dismissal but a
case of voluntary resignation. It was not shown that her transfer was prompted by ill will of
management. It merely involved a change in location of the office and not a change of her position.
An indication that the resignation was voluntary and does not constitute constructive dismissal
is the act of the employee who resigned and took a leave of absence on the date of effectivity of his
resignation and while on leave, he worked for the release of his clearance and the payment of his
13 month pay and leave pay benefits. In doing so, he, in fact, performed all that an employee normally
does after he resigns. If indeed he was forced into resigning, he would not have sought to be cleared by
his employer and to be paid the monies due him. The voluntary nature of his acts has manifested itself
clearly and belied his claim of constructive dismissal.13
An example of a resignation which was deemed indicative of constructive dismissal is the
2014 case of Dreamland Hotel Resort v. Johnson.14 Respondent, an Australian citizen, worked as
Operations Manager for about three (3) months with petitioner hotel but he was not paid his salaries
corresponding thereto, prompting him to tender his resignation letter, the tenor of which reads:
“I hereby tender my resignation to you, Mr[. ] Wes Prentice, Dreamland Resort, Subic,
Zambales, Philippines.
“Since joining Dreamland Resort & Hotel over three months ago, I have put my
heart and soul into the business. I have donated many hours of my personal time. I have
frequently worked seven days a week and twelve to thirteen hours a day. I am now
literally penniless, due totally to the fact that I have lent you and your resort/hotel
well over $200,000AU (approx 8million pesos) and your non-payment of wages to
me from 1 August 2007 as per Employment Agreement. xxx.15
The above statement only goes to show that while it was Johnson who tendered his
resignation, it was due to the petitioners‟ acts that he was constrained to resign. The petitioners cannot
expect Johnson to tolerate working for them without any compensation. It is impossible, unreasonable or
unlikely that any employee, such as Johnson, would continue working for an employer who does not pay him
his salaries.
“Illegal dismissal” is readily shown by the act of the employer in openly and expressly
seeking the termination of employment of an employee; while “constructive
dismissal,” being dismissal in disguise, is not readily indicated by any similar act of the employer that would
openly and expressly show its desire and intent to terminate the employment relationship.
More concretely, the employer in illegal dismissal cases would normally defend and justify the
termination but in constructive dismissal, there being no express dismissal to speak of, the employer
would normally contend that there was no termination at all.
In terms of evidence, in illegal dismissal cases, documentary, testimonial and other forms of
evidence are adduced by the employer to secure affirmation from the court of the validity of the
termination; in constructive dismissal, the employer, who normally denies the termination, would
advance arguments against the circumstantial evidence being presented by the employee to prove his
constructive dismissal.
As far as the reliefs under Article 27916 of the Labor Code are concerned, the same are
available to both illegal and constructive dismissal.
Denying to the workers entry to their work area and placing them on shifts “not by weeks but
almost by month” by reducing their workweek to three days.17
Barring the employees from entering the premises whenever they would report for work in the
morning without any justifiable reason, and they were made to wait for a certain employee who
would arrive in the office at around noon, after they had waited for a long time and had left.18
Instructing the employee to go on indefinite leave and asking him to return to work only after
more than three (3) years from the time he was instructed to go on indefinite leave during which
period his salaries were withheld.19
Implementing a rotation plan for reasons other than business necessity.20
Sending to an employee a notice of indefinite suspension which is tantamount to dismissal.21
Demoting a worker or re-assigning him involving a demotion in rank or diminution of salaries,
benefits and other privileges.22
Reducing the employee‟ s functions which were originally supervisory in nature and such
reduction is not grounded on valid grounds such as genuine business necessity.23
Imposing indefinite preventive suspension without actually conducting any investigation. It was
only after almost one (1) year that the employer made known the findings in its investigation
which was conducted ex parte. 24
Threatening a sickly employee with dismissal if he will not retire and promising employment to
his son and daughter. The employee retired and signed two (2) quitclaims entitled “Receipt and
Release” in favor of the company.25
Forcing the employee to resign with threat that if he will not resign, he will file charges against
him that would adversely affect his chances for new employment.26
Asking the employee to choose whether to continue as a faculty member or to withdraw as a
lawyer against the mayor with whom the former owes certain favors, makes the cessation from
employment of said employee not voluntary. Such act is in the nature of a contrivance to effect a
dismissal without cause.27
Asking the employee to file a resignation on the condition or promise that she would be given
priority for re-employment and in consideration of immediately paying her two (2) months ‟
vacation which she desperately needed then because she was ill. The employer‟ s refusal in bad
faith to reemploy her despite its promise to do so amounted to illegal dismissal.28
Changing the employee‟ s status from regular to casual constitutes constructive dismissal.29
Offer made by a labor contractor to reassign its employees to another company but with no
guaranteed working hours and payment of only the minimum wage. The terms of the
redeployment thus became unacceptable for said employees and foreclosed any choice but to reject
the employer‟ s offer, involving as it does a demotion in status and diminution in pay.30
Preventing the employee from reporting for work by ordering the guards not to let her in. This is
clear notice of dismissal.31
Transfer of respondent employee from Credit and Collection Manager to Marketing Assistant
which resulted in demotion as it reduced his duties and responsibilities although there was no
corresponding diminution in his salary. In holding that there was constructive dismissal, the court
took note of the fact that the former position is managerial while the latter is clerical in nature.32
Reducing the number of trips of the drivers and shortening their workdays which resulted in the
diminution of their pay.33
Forcing the employee to tender her resignation letter in exchange for her 13 month pay, the
reason being that the employee was found by the employer to have violated its no-employment-
for-relatives-within-the-third-degree-policy, she having been impregnated by a married co-
1. Cosare v. Broadcom Asia, Inc. 35 - In this 2014, the Supreme Court declared petitioner as
having been constructively dismissed based on the facts and circumstances obtaining herein. It is clear
that the respondents already rejected Cosare‟ s continued involvement with the company. Even their
refusal to accept the explanation which Cosare tried to tender on April 2, 2009 further evidenced the
resolve to deny Cosare of the opportunity to be heard prior to any decision on the termination of his
employment. The respondents allegedly refused acceptance of the explanation as it was filed beyond
the mere 48-hour period which they granted to Cosare under the memo dated March 30, 2009.
However, even this limitation was a flaw in the memo or notice to explain which only further signified
the respondents‟ discrimination, disdain and insensibility towards Cosare, apparently resorted to by the
respondents in order to deny their employee of the opportunity to fully explain his defenses and
ultimately, retain his employment. The Court emphasized in King of Kings Transport, Inc. v.
Mamac,36 the standards to be observed by employers in complying with the service of notices prior to
termination which require compliance with the reasonable period of at least five (5) calendar days from
receipt of the notice within which to explain his side.
In sum, the respondents were already resolute on a severance of their working relationship
with Cosare, notwithstanding the facts which could have been established by his explanations and the
respondents‟ full investigation on the matter. In addition to this, the fact that no further investigation
and final disposition appeared to have been made by the respondents on Cosare‟ s case only negated the
claim that they actually intended to first look into the matter before making a final determination as to
the guilt or innocence of Cosare. This also manifested from the fact that even before Cosare was
required to present his side on the charges of serious misconduct and willful breach of trust, he was
summoned to his superior‟ s office and was asked to tender his immediate resignation in exchange for
financial assistance.
2. Tuason v. Bank of Commerce.37 In this 2012 case, the Supreme Court ruled that petitioner
was forced to resign. Pressure was exerted on her to resign from her work. The Court has in fact
examined the exchange of communications between petitioner and the respondent officers of
respondent bank before it arrived at its ruling that petitioner was constructively dismissed. It was
proved, among others, that petitioner was replaced in her position while she was on leave. Like Tuason,
any reasonable person similarly situated would have felt compelled to give up her post as she was, in
fact, stripped of it considering that someone else was already discharging her functions and occupying
her office.
Mere allegations of threat or force do not constitute evidence to support a finding of forced
resignation or constructive dismissal.38
A threat to sue the employee is not unjust and will not amount to forced resignation or
constructive dismissal. For instance, a threat to file estafa case, not being an unjust act, but rather
a valid and legal act to enforce a claim, cannot at all be considered as intimidation. A threat to
enforce one‟ s claim through competent authority, if the claim is just or legal, does not vitiate
Employee who alleges that he was coerced or intimidated into resigning has the burden to prove
such claim.40
Giving the employee the choice or option between resignation and investigation is not illegal.41
The facts of the case should be considered to determine if there is constructive dismissal.42
Voluntary resignation is different from constructive dismissal. An employee who tendered her
voluntary resignation and signed the quitclaim after receiving all the benefits due her for her
separation cannot claim that she was constructively dismissed.43
An employee may be constructively dismissed and at the same time legally dismissed. The
case in point is Formantes v. Duncan Pharmaceuticals Phils. , Inc. 44 Petitioner45 was
constructively dismissed because, while still employed with the respondent, he was compelled to
resign and forced to go on leave. After being confronted with the complaint for sexual abuse
lodged by a subordinate female employee and before being required to explain his side, petitioner
was no longer allowed to participate in the activities of respondent company. His salary was no
longer remitted to him. His subordinates were directed not to report to him and the company
directed one of its district managers to take over his position and do his functions without prior
notice to him. He was required to explain his side on the issue of sexual abuse as well as the
charge of insubordination only after these things have already been done to him. However, his
dismissal was considered legal because there was a just cause for his dismissal from the service
consisting of his sexual abuse of a subordinate female employee which, although not cited in the
Notice of Termination served on him when he was terminated, was duly proved during the trial of
the case before the Labor Arbiter. Since the dismissal, although for a valid cause, was done
without due process of law, the employer was ordered to indemnify petitioner with nominal
damages in the amount of P30,000.00.