Software Requirements Specification: Prepared By: Team Error Mohammad Zaheer, Mohammad Waris, Sayed Mustafa
Software Requirements Specification: Prepared By: Team Error Mohammad Zaheer, Mohammad Waris, Sayed Mustafa
Software Requirements Specification: Prepared By: Team Error Mohammad Zaheer, Mohammad Waris, Sayed Mustafa
Mohammad Zaheer,
Mohammad Waris,
Sayed Mustafa
Table of Contents
Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................... ii
Revision History ............................................................................................................................ ii
1. Introduction ..............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Purpose ............................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Document Conventions.................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Intended Audience and Reading Suggestions .................................................................................. 1
1.4 Product Scope .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.5 References........................................................................................................................................ 2
2. Overall Description ..................................................................................................................3
2.1 Product Perspective ......................................................................................................................... 3
2.2 Product Functions ............................................................................................................................ 3
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics ..................................................................................................... 4
2.4 Operating Environment.................................................................................................................... 5
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints .......................................................................................... 5
2.6 User Documentation ........................................................................................................................ 6
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies ...................................................................................................... 6
3. External Interface Requirements ...........................................................................................6
3.1 User Interfaces ................................................................................................................................. 6
3.2 Software Interfaces .......................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 Communications Interfaces ............................................................................................................. 6
4. Other Nonfunctional Requirements .......................................................................................7
5.1 Performance Requirements .............................................................................................................. 7
5.2 Safety Requirements ........................................................................................................................ 7
5.3 Security Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 7
5.4 Software Quality Attributes ............................................................................................................. 7
5.5 Business Rules ................................................................................................................................. 8
6. Other Requirements ................................................................................................................8
Appendix A: Glossary....................................................................................................................9
Revision History
Name Date Reason For Changes Version
Software Requirements Specification for Hotel Reservation System Page 1
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The SRS will provide a detailed description of the requirements for the Hotel Reservation System
(HRS). This SRS will allow for a complete understanding of what is to be expected from the
introduced system which is to be developed. The clear understanding of the system and its’
functionality will help with the correct software to be developed for the user. The Project team will
use the SRS to completely understand the expectations of this HRS to develop the appropriate
software. The hotel end users will be able to use this SRS as a “test” to see if the development team
will be developing the system to their expectations. If it is not to their expectations, the development
team will change the SRS to fit the end users’ needs.
The document is prepared using Microsoft Word 2016 and has used the font type 'Times New
Roman'. The fixed font size that has been used to type this document is 12pt with 1.5line spacing. It
has used the bold property to set the headings of the document.
The intended audience of this document would be owner and specific employees like Manager and
Receptionists of Hotel Khalifa, and project team with the objective to refer and analyze the
information. The SRS document can be used in any case regarding the requirements of the project
and the solutions that have been taken. The document would finally provide a clear idea about the
system that is building.
The introducing software, Hotel Reservation System which will be implemented for Hotel Khalifa
will automate the major operations of the hotel. The Reservation System is to keep track in room
Software Requirements Specification for Hotel Reservation System Page 2
and check availability. The Inventory Control System will keep track in all inventories of the hotel
and guest details will handled by guest management. Administration department will monitor the
all. The end users are Owner, Manager and Receptionist. Owner can access to all system
functionalities without any restrictions. Manager can access to all system functionalities with limited
restrictions. Receptionist can only access to the Reservation management section. The objectives of
the Hotel Reservation System are to simplify the day to day processes of the hotel. The system will
be able to handle many services to take care of all customers in a short time. Safety, ease of use and
most importantly the efficiency of information retrieval are some benefits the development team is
going to present in this system. The system will be user appropriate, easy to use, provide easy
recovery of errors and have an overall end user satisfaction.
1.5 References
[1] IanSommerville,Software Engineering 8th edition.Pearson education,2008.
[6]”Efficient-Ideas-For-MISs”, [Online].Available:, [Accessed: Nov.10, 2020]
Software Requirements Specification for Hotel Reservation System Page 3
2. Overall Description
The Hotel Reservation System is a new software product which will be produced by the project
team in order to solve the problems that have occurred due to the current manual system. The newly
introduced system will provide an easy access to the system and it will contain user friendly
functions with attractive interfaces.
Make Reservations
Search Rooms
Manage Guest (Add, Update Guest)
Manage Room Details (Add, Update, Delete)
Manage Staff (Add, Update, Delete, View)
Manage Inventory (Add, Edit, Delete)
Retrieve Reports (Staff payment, Income)
Manage Users (Add, Update, Delete)
Taking Backups
Manage Complaints
Software Requirements Specification for Hotel Reservation System Page 4
There are three user levels in Hotel Reservation System of Hotel Khalifa.
1. Owner
2. Manager
3. Receptionist
Hotel owner has the privilege of monitoring and authorizing of all the tasks by the system. He / She
can access every function performed by the system. Owner of the company as well as the system can
access to the administration panel which is considered the core of the system. As the main
authorized person of the company owner has the ability to manage the other users including their
user levels and privileges. Taking backups of the system and restoring system can also be performed
by the Owner. In the meantime, he / she will be able to take all kinds of reports available in the
system. Hotel owner has the right to remove a staff member from the system database.
Manager is responsible for managing resources available in hotel reservation system. The reason for
using a Manager is to reduce the work load done by the owner that cannot be assigned to the
receptionist, as those tasks seem much responsible. The user level, Manager has the authority to take
all the reports available in the system. Manager has other abilities that receptionist, user level does
not have. Such as, adding new staff member to the system, modifying them or removing them,
adding new guests to the system, modifying them or removing them from the system, adding new
inventory to the system, modifying them or removing them. Adding new room types to the system,
modifying them or removing them
Software Requirements Specification for Hotel Reservation System Page 5
As a hotel receptionist, his or her role will be to attain the goals of bookings and to ensure that all
guests are treated with a high standard of customer service. Receptionist’s role has the least
accessibility to the system functions. He or she can perform limited functions such as registering
new guest to the system, making reservations, sending e-mail reminders to customers for booking
confirmation. Management of hotel will prefer to hire receptionist who has a good general
education, possibly in English and IT.
1. Operating System Supports all known operating systems, such as Windows, Linux
2. Computer 512MB+ RAM, monitor with minimum resolution of 1024x768, keyboard, and
3. Hard Drive should be in NTFS file-system formatted with minimum 10 GB of free space
4. A Laser printer will need to be used to print these reports and notes
1. Software is designed to run on any platform above Microsoft Windows 7 (32bit).
In order to maintain the reliability and durability of system, some design and implementation
constraints are applied. System will need a minimum memory of 512MB. But it is recommended to
have a memory of 1GB. When designing interfaces of system, we had the capability to work with
new tools such as Django. Considering the client’s budget, we decided to create those interfaces in a
simple realistic manner using affordable technology.
Software Requirements Specification for Hotel Reservation System Page 6
A User manual will be provided to the client which will give a clear idea in interacting with the
system. It will be written in a simple understandable language. A hard copy of the user manual will
be delivered to the client.
Some software used in implementing the system is with high cost and the client has agreed to afford
the amount of money needed to purchase them. It’s assumed that client won’t change that decision
on the next phases of the software development. Although we assume that client is using windows 7
or windows 8. Otherwise if client use an open source operating system, there is a need of changing
the SRS accordingly.
The computer this software going to be install need to have Windows Operating System equal or
above, Windows 7.
When a specific reservation is reserved at the same time an e-mail notification will be sent to both
relevant staff member’s e-mail account and guest’s account. Guest will be notified in the check-out
date. To get that functionality, it requires having a stable internet connection.
Software Requirements Specification for Hotel Reservation System Page 7
Performance requirements define acceptable response times for system functionality. Although the
system is developed for the least system performances, the performance of the system will depend
on the performance of the internet connection, hardware and software components.
There are several user levels in hotel reservation system, access to different subsystems will be
protected by a user log in screen that requires a user name and password. This gives different views
and accessible functions of user levels through the system. Maintaining backups ensure the system
database security.
Receptionists and Managers and Owner will be able to log in to the Hotel Reservation System.
Receptionists will have access to the Reservation/Booking and subsystems. Managers will have
access to the Management subsystem and also the Reservation/Booking subsystems. Owner has the
maximum privilege to all subsystems.
Availability: - The system will be available during normal hotel operating hours
Correctness: - extent to which program satisfies specifications
Efficiency: - How much less number of resources and time are required to achieve a specific
task through the system.
Flexibility: - Ability to add new features to the system and handle them properly.
Software Requirements Specification for Hotel Reservation System Page 8
Integrity: - How the system would secure the information in the system and how would it
avoid data loss.
Reusability: - The ability to use the available components of the system in other systems as
Khalifa Hotel Reservation System will perform under three users which are Owner, Manager and
Receptionists. The system is designed in a way where responsibility and privileges are decreased in
the order of owner, manager and receptionist. The role of manager is elected in the aim of making
the owner’s hands free from regular interfering with the system. So, most of the privileges that
owner has are given to manager as well, except the ones which are critical and important, such as
taking backup, restoring of the system and handling financial details, hotel income reports of the
system. Receptionists are given with the most frequently used features of the system which has less
responsibility than the other two.
5. Other Requirements
When the system is completely developed and submitted to the client, few sessions will be required
to make the users of the system understand the functionality of the system. After those sessions, it’s
required that a member from the development team should spend sometime in the system
Software Requirements Specification for Hotel Reservation System Page 9
background for an agreed time period. That time period will be used in identifying new bugs that
could not be reached in the earlier stages of the development process.
Appendix A: Glossary
Check-out – settle one’s hotel bill before leaving
Check-in – when a guest announces his / her arrival to the hotel