Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership
Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership
Emotional Intelligence and Transformational Leadership
There is an ongoing debate between the proponents and skeptics of emotional
intelligence (EI) with regard to its contribution to leadership effectiveness in
organizational settings. Not aiming to address all the leadership styles exhaustively,
this research looked into the relationship between EI and transformational leadership
(TL) by reviewing the accumulated research assets in the existing literature. After the
staged review, 20 empirical studies covering five different continents were chosen
for an in-depth analysis. The results show that most studies provide empirical support
of the relationship, with variances in identifying subfactors of EI and TL that further
explicate the EI–TL relationship. At the same time, the remaining studies are found
to be skeptical, not fundamentally denying the relationship, but commonly pointing
out the problem with EI measures and emphasizing the need for more valid and
reliable assessment tools. Building on these findings, the present research suggests
implications for practice and research in the human resource development (HRD)
emotional intelligence, transformational leadership, EI measures, leadership
Corresponding Author:
Taesung Kim, Assistant Professor, Incheon National University, Creative HRD, 119 Academi-ro,
Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, 22012, South Korea.
Email: [email protected]
378 Human Resource Development Review
Responsive and Responsible Leadership, many thinkers recognize than ever the
importance of influential leaders to tackle challenges, seize opportunities, and secure
success. In the organizational context, research and practice alike have been in
pursuit of the formula and programs for effective leadership. For example, Google
has trans- formed the manager’s role by taking the traditional personnel-related
power away from managers and reassigning their duties to primarily help solve
problems (Bock, 2015); almost a half of human resource development (HRD)
professionals ranked leadership development for managers at the top of their priority
(Association for Talent Development [ATD], 2016); organizational scientists have
long researched effective leadership to propose a variety of definitions, styles, and
There are numerous factors assumed to affect effective leadership, making it diffi-
cult to come to a consensus on adequate configuration for leadership development. In
particular, a lingering question is why leaders with proven expertise are not necessar-
ily successful in influencing others and attaining business goals. In this respect,
Goleman (1998) proposed that performance of those in low-level positions in the
orga- nizational hierarchy tends to be associated with technical excellence, while it
may not be the case for those on higher levels. Even worse, individual prowess and
cognitive intelligence are often suspected to be a barrier to performance of
organizational lead- ers who are interdependent with a variety of humans in crafting
results. Suciu, Petcu, and Gherhes (2010) looked into the potential economic effect of
leaders’ emotional intelligence (EI) and argued that leaders who underestimate EI are
likely to fail due to their inability to move followers and satisfy customers.
Over the last few decades, the concept of EI has been around in the HRD field
and is broadly assumed as a crucial attribute of effective leaders. For example,
Clarke (2010) asserted that effective leaders act as role models in a group, paying
attention to members’ emotions and making efforts to establish a positive climate.
Furthermore, Ashkanasy and Tse (2000) claimed that transformational leaders are
attentive to their own emotions, as this practice allows them to reflect on their
emotional behaviors, perceive others’ emotions, and effectively react to their needs.
As indicated by a myr- iad of programs aimed at improving leaders’ EI, these claims
have garnered substantial support from many practitioners as well.
However, some researchers challenge the scientific rigor of EI-related
propositions and argue that EI itself is conceptually incoherent among various
definitions (e.g., Antonakis, 2004). Matthews, Zeidner, and Roberts (2004) even
maintain that EI seems to be more myth than science and that the proponents of EI
stand on speculative scaf- foldings, rather than on sufficient evidence. In fact, when it
comes to scholarly work on the relationship between EI and leadership effectiveness,
the results are mixed. For example, Barling, Slater, and Kelloway (2000) argued that
important components of EI are positively associated with transformational
leadership (TL) behaviors; Antonakis, Ashkanasy, and Dasborough (2009) found no
significant evidence of EI’s contribution to TL behaviors; Harms and Credé (2010)
added a variation that EI and TL have a marginal association. In brief, the existing
body of research has yielded inconsistent results about EI and incurred an ongoing
debate between the proponents and skeptics. This inconclusive tension underscores
the urgency of an extensive inves- tigation for a theoretical contribution, while
advising the practical field that it would
be premature to regard EI as a key determinant of effective leadership and embed it
into leadership development efforts. What inheres in an application without solid evi-
dence might include invalid schemes and unpredictable results, as well as ineffective
use of resources. Said differently, it is necessary to take an in-depth look at the rela-
tionship between EI and leadership and to offer an integrated reference for both
researchers and practitioners.
To this end, the present research attempts to look into the relationship by
reviewing the accumulated research assets in the existing literature. In particular, not
aiming to address all the leadership styles exhaustively, we focus on TL in relation to
EI because all-inclusive scoping is likely to end up with completely incoherent
interpretations and, moreover, because TL is featured with comprehensive aspects of
effective leader- ship and, therefore, is regarded the most prevailing leadership style
in recent research and practice (Carasco-Saul, Kim, & Kim, 2015).
In sum, the purpose of this research is to (a) take an overview of essential
informa- tion about EI and TL, (b) extensively review empirical findings regarding
the relation- ship between EI and TL, and (c) suggest implications for research and
practice in the HRD field.
Referring to Torraco’s (2005) guide to an integrative literature review, we conducted
a staged review that proceeded from initial identification of pertinent articles to scan-
ning their titles and abstracts for preliminary inclusion, to the further review of
candi- dates for selection, and, ultimately, to the in-depth analysis of the selected
More specifically, pertinent scholarly articles were identified using multiple
ProQuest databases that include ABI/INFORM Complete, ERIC, ProQuest
Education Journals, PsycINFO, and PsycARTICLES. With the research focus on the
link between EI and TL, the keyword combination of “emotional intelligence” and
“transforma- tional leadership” was used to result in 118 articles found. There were
such restrictions as peer-review, empirical study, and English publication, but no
restriction was placed on publication dates considering the term “emotional
intelligence” was coined by Salovey and Mayer in 1990. Then, the titles and abstracts
of the articles were reviewed to determine whether each study (a) focused on the
relationship between EI and TL,
(b) had a research methodology, and (c) examined empirical data measured by
instru- ments designed for EI and TL. In the following stage, the studies whose
abstracts provided vague descriptions of the research frameworks and measurements
were reviewed in-depth for inclusion or otherwise. The studies that focused mainly
on other factors, such as the gender and new venture growth issues, were excluded,
as were those purely conceptual with no report of measurements. As a result of this
staged review of 118 articles, 20 empirical studies were chosen for further in-depth
Overview of EI and TL
Before examining the relationship between EI and TL, it is necessary to provide an
overview of how EI and TL have been developed, defined, and measured.
In the 1990s, the term “emotional intelligence” was coined by Salovey and Mayer
(1990) who recognized EI as being comprised of multiple emotional abilities
different from cognitive ones. Spurred by the publication of Emotional Intelligence
by Goleman (1995), EI gained worldwide popularity and inspired many to have a
fresh look at emotion from the perspective different from the traditional one.
Definitions of EI. EI is generally used with reference to the ability to perceive, under-
stand, and manage the emotions of both the self and others to accomplish personal
and collective goals (Brown & Moshavi, 2005). One step further, there are three
different approaches to understanding EI: (a) EI as a trait, (b) EI as a competency,
and (c) EI as an intellectual capability.
The first approach suggests that EI is an innate dispositional tendency that allows
for emotional well-being (Bar-On, 1997). Proponents of this view argue that EI is
significantly associated not only with cognitive intelligence but with certain personal
qualities. Referring to the performance potential, instead of performance itself, they
argue that understanding EI along with other cognitive intelligences offers a more
comprehensive picture of an individual’s performance potential.
The second approach holds that EI is a set of acquired skills and competencies
essential for leadership effectiveness and job performance (Goleman, 1995).
Maintaining that leaders with high EI are most successful, this approach stresses that
emotional competence is a learned ability that contributes to effective performance at
work and spans four dimensions: (a) self-knowledge, (b) self-control, (c) social
aware- ness, and (d) relationship management.
The third approach emphasizes that EI is distinct from both competency and per-
sonality (Mayer, Salovey, Caruso, & Sitarenios, 2003; Salovey & Mayer, 1990). This
approach considers EI as a new type of intelligence characterized by “the ability to
perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions so as to assist thought, to under-
stand emotions and emotional knowledge, and to reflectively regulate emotions so as
to promote emotional and intellectual growth” (Mayer & Salovey, 1997, p. 5).
These different approaches more explicitly manifested in the instruments that
mea- sure EI.
Measurements of EI. Among various EI measures, the most frequently used ones are
the following: (a) Emotional Quotient Inventory (EQ-i), (b) Emotional Competence
Inventory (ECI), and (c) Multifactor Emotional Intelligence Scale (MEIS) and
Mayer– Salovey–Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test (MSCEIT; Conte, 2005).
The EQ-i is based on Bar-On’s (1997) noncognitive intelligence model, views EI
as an innate dispositional tendency, and relies solely on self-reporting in measuring
EI. The EQ-i with 133 items is designed to measure the following five areas and their
subcomponents: (a) interpersonal skills, (b) intrapersonal skills, (c) adaptability, (d)
stress management, and (e) general moods.
The ECI views EI as a set of acquired competencies. It intends to measure the
emo- tional competencies of individuals and identify high performers’ emotional
competen- cies and positive social behaviors in the workplace. The ECI consists of
110 items assessing 20 competencies in the following four clusters: (a) self-
awareness, (b) social awareness, (c) self-management, and (d) social skills (Conte,
2005). Unlike the EQ-i, the ECI is a 360-degree tool that includes self, peer, and
supervisor ratings.
The MEIS and MSCEIT take an ability-based approach to EI, as they view EI as a
new type of intelligence. Comprising 12 subsets with 402 items and eight subsets
with 141 items, respectively, the MEIS and MSCEIT measure four EI branches,
(a) perceiving emotion, or the ability to identify emotions in the self and others, as
well as in other stimuli; (b) facilitating thought, or the ability to use and
communicate emo- tions in cognitive processes; (c) understanding the progression of
emotion, or the abil- ity to analyze emotional information and identify how emotions
shift; and (d) managing emotions, or the ability to control the emotions and moods of
the self and others for specific purposes (Brackett & Salovey, 2006). Both are
markedly different from other EI measures in that, similar to the way used in
cognitive ability tests, each item has the correct answer (Rosete & Ciarrochi, 2005).
There are other tools used, such as the Swinburne University Emotional
Intelligence Test (SUEIT), Trait Meta Mood Scale (TMMS), Diagnostic Analysis of
Nonverbal Accuracy (DANVA), SMS-EQ, and EI-type scale.
There has been a development in leadership research, whereby the perspective has
shifted from trait and behavioral theories to current ones such as contingency,
leader– member exchange, and TL theories, to name just a few (Carasco-Saul et al.,
2015). Among this multitude, the TL model has been adopted by much of leadership
literature that has attempted to look into the factors (and their combinations) for
effective leader- ship. In fact, for the last several decades, TL has been most
pervasive in leadership research (Brown & Moshavi, 2005; Harms & Credé, 2010).
This research examined a total of 20 articles focused on the relationship between EI
and TL. These studies were conducted across five continents: eight in North America
(the United States and Canada), three in Asia (China, South Korea, and Taiwan),
three in Europe (the United Kingdom and Norway), two in Oceania (Australia), and
one in Africa (Nigeria). Including one meta-analytic study, three studies did not
provide information on where they were conducted. The data were gathered from
various industries, including public-service providers, university staff, private
companies, and international organizations. There was no dominant industry
surveyed in the studies. This wide range of research settings could serve as a solid
ground for reliability and generalizability of the research findings.
Overall, the findings are divided into two groups. One group of 15 studies
provides evidence that EI is a critical contributor to TL behaviors, with variances in
identifying subfactors of EI and TL that further explicate the EI–TL relationship.
Among the TL subfactors, for instance, some researchers found inspirational
motivation to be most significantly correlated with EI (e.g., Barling et al., 2000),
while others gave the credit to intellectual stimulation (e.g., L. Gardner & Stough,
2002). Despite this room for continued investigation, the results of this dominant
group of studies provide empiri- cal support of leveraging EI for leadership
development. On the contrary, the other group adopted a skeptical stance about the
relationship. In particular, these studies commonly pointed out the problem with EI
measures and emphasized the need for more valid and reliable assessment tools. Not
fundamentally denying the EI–TL rela- tionship, they suspect that the relationship is
overstated by the proponents of EI.
With all these findings and interpretations, the present research offers the HRD
field a comprehensive understanding of the EI–TL relationship and suggests implica-
tions for practice and research.
The author(s) received no financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of
this article.
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Author Biographies
Hyejin Kim is currently an HRD manager for SK Telecom in South Korea with nearly 20
years of professional experience in the field. She received her master’s degree in Workforce
and Development at The Pennsylvania State University. Her area of expertise includes HRD
planning, leadership development, organization development, and coaching.
Taesung Kim is currently an assistant professor in the department of Creative HRD at
Incheon National University in South Korea. He received his Ph.D. degree in Workforce
Education and Development at The Pennsylvania State University and has more than ten years
of extensive experience in the HR field including the tenure with KPMG Korea as a director in
the Learning and Development Center. His research area includes organization development
and change, leadership development, work engagement, and professional ethics.