Our Town April 11, 1930

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Volume 16, No. 27 Narberth, Pa., Friday, A.pril 11, 1930 Price, Three Cents

.. Obtain Clear Tide To Hold Union Services

Hul)' \Veek Union services will
Children To Exhibit Award Contracts
To Scout Property be held hy the Protestant Churches Wares To Pa~ents For Tennis Courts
of Narberth, from Monday to

• win Be Held by Merion Title in Thursda)' of next week.

The schedule is as follows:
Program of School Activities to Recreation Board to Spend
Interest of Fathers' ~rollday evening, Baptist Church Be Given Parent-Teach- $1764 on Playground
.Association. of the Evangel, Rev. John Van er Association. Improvements.
Ness, preacher; Tuesday, Holy
Trinity Lutheran Church, Rev.
\'11 ednesday, The Presbyterian
Thc Narberth Scout House propcrty, Church, Rev. Samuel MacAdams, Parents of Narberth children wiIl have Bids were awarded and plans com-
located at the statIOn on the south side, preacher; Thursday, Methodist a chance to get real glimpses of every- pleted for five important improve-
• was sold by Sheriff Frat at Norristown Episcopal Church, Rev, Cletus A. day activity in the Narberth schools, at ments at Narberth's community play-
on Mareh 26. It was taken up by the Senft, preacher. the regular monthly meeting of the Par- ground, corner of Windsor Avenue
Merion Title and Trust Company, and All Good Friday services will be
ent-Teacher Association (formerly and Wynnewood Road, by the Nar-
will be held by them in the interests of held as usual hy the individual berth Recreation Board at a meeting
the Fathers' Association, sponsors of churches in their respective huild- Mothers' Council) on Monday afternoon,
held Tuesday night.
the Narberth Troop. ings. April 14, at 2.30 o'clock. The meeting
. . . According to Dr. LeRoy A. King,
It was put through the formality of a
sale in order to clear the title. It is
rumored that the Fathers' Association Second Community
thiS month IS a week earher than usual,
owing to the Easter holidays, and is held
in the afternoon to permit the children to
president of the board, the borough
will this summer have as well-equip-
ped and supervised a recreation cen-
• is working on plans to provide the Nar- take part. ter as any in Philadelphia's suburbs.
building and equipment. Service Is Sunday Almost every grade in the school will Of appropriations of ~1400 apiece
The history of the scout property,
present some brief, interesting exercise-- voted by Borough ~ouncll and School
originally the Caldwell Real Estate office,
Dramatization and Musical Pro- none of them of the formal much-re- Board, the Recreation Board plans to
spend $1764 on physical impro~ements
dates back to 1922 when a group of ten
hearsed kind, but all showing' something
citizens contributed $100 each toward gram to Feature done in the ordinary activity of the at the playground, and a major por-
securing the land for the scouts' usc. . Affair. school year. There will be a few regular tion of the balance for salaries of
They wcre John A. Caldwell, A. C.
but abbreviatcd recitation periods, some supervisors.
Shand, A. ). Loos (all deceased), Fred
PROCEEDS FOR RED CROSS music. some physical exercises; and the Following opening of bids, for
Patten, C. P. Cook, W. D. Smedley, Dr.
• O. J. Snyder, Fletcher W. Stites, J. J.
like, sufficiently varied to be interesting which proposals had been advertised
in themselves, and all together giving a receutly, contracts were awarded and
Cabrey and Robert ). Nash. The title The second community service of
simple picture of what the school is try- d(;cisions made as foIlows:
. was taken by the Merion Title and Trust the spring series will be held at the ing to do in its day-by-day work. 1. Two double tennis courts, of
Cmpany for the Fathers' Association. )J arberth Theatre Sunday evening at Parents, whether members of the As- clay, with fences and concrete posts,
Beeause of inactivity no progress was
7:45 o'clock. Features of the program saciation or not, are cordially invited to to be constructed by M. R. Lane &
made by the Fathers' Association in the
will include musical selections by the attend this meeting, which is made pos- Sons.
way of erecting a suitable building, and
sible through the very active co-opera- 2. A new bleachers to replace the
the matter was allowed to drift along. Lyric Trio and a dramatization of
tion of the principal and teachers, as delapidated affair along the first base
The death of three of the contributors "The Terrible Meek." well as the children. line of the baIl field, to be built by
• further complicated matters and involved The sen'ice is sponsored hy the The complete program foIlows: Charles L. Jenkins. Narberth.
the title.
Protestant Churches of Narberth. the 1. Opening exercises, sixth grade girls 3. Two iron fences, one on each
\Vith the reorganization of thc Fath-
Merion Friends' Meeting. the Wom- Miss McKay; 2. Dramatization, kinder- side of the grandstand, to act as wings
ers' Association active step were taken
garten, M.iss Williams, 3. Reading, First and aid police in prevellting interfer-
to put the scout work on a proper basis. an's Community Club and the Ameri-
Grade, Miss Eniun; 4. Arithmetic, Second ence 11)' spectators with baIl games-
The first of these is thc clearing of the can Legion. l'\et proceeds from con- Grade, Miss Bishop; 5. Music, Fourth to he erected by George V. Wood-
title to the propcrty. trihutions given at this service will go Grade, Miss Fricke; 6. Spelling, Fifth -env.
to the Dcvon Relief Fund of the Grade, Miss LaIc; 7. (a) Irish Lilt, Sev- 4. Two new drinking fountains,

Community Club Will American Red Cross. cnth Grade Girls, 1'.1 iss Church; (b) Bal- ncar teams' dugouts, to he installed as
Thc program of the Lyric Trio fol- ance Boards, Seventh Grade Girls, Miss a gift by the Autocar Company.
Change Constitution lo\\'s:
Church; 8. Tumbling, Sixth and Scventh S. Allan B. \Vetherall, Narberth
Grade Boys, Mr. 'NeathcralL School Physical Director, was ap-
lows: Trio. Largo, I-l andel; harp solo. pointed in charge of the playground,
Members to Vote on Revisions
Prien'. Hasselmans; Trio, The Great Business Folk to Meet and with a cOlJllllittee of the Recrea-
.~ of Rules at Meeting ..\wakening, Kramer; violin solo with l'\arberth's Board of Trade is sched- tion Board. he was authorized to re-
Tuesday. harp a. ccompaniment, (a) Midnight
ne11 s, 1-1 en 1Jerger- K reI,· Ier; (b) '1'1 Ie
uled to, h?ld i~s Ap~il ;meetin g next
Monda) I1Ight, accordmg
ceive allplications for two teachers to
aid in supervising summer activities.
. bto announce-
.. En'rythin/.( must bc modcrnized these
days, so Tucsday, April 15, the \\'oman's D cat II, ·
" "
Rosan', N e\'m; 1 no, 1 here Is ~ 0
, ment made thIS week y
ertram esper.
W 'C
'I'h I
e p ace WI
. CI b
Maroon Champs Dined
l'ommnnity C1nh will hold a mcding to "1'1 t f "'1'1 T 'bl M k" c tIe omen s ommuillty u
lC cas 0 Ie ern ~ • ee", room in Elm HaIl. by Two Service Clubs
hrinR np to datc thcir constitution and hy Charles Rann Kennedy, IS as fol-
hy-laws. A committce on this revision lows: A Peasant \Voman, Kathleen Lowcr Merion's championship basket-
has been at work all this ycar going McConneIl; A Soldier, Frank Foll- Postpone School Board ball team has been banqueted properly
on'r othcr club constitutions and trying ml'r; An Army Captain, Robert E. Friday, April 25, has been set as tbe since their season ended two weeks ago.
to find the best plan for thc management Keighton. The Place: A wind-swept date for the next meeting of the Nar- Last week the Rotarians gave them a
of this club. Mrs. E. C. Batchelor read hill; the Time: A time of darkness. berth School Board, since its regular midday luncheon at the Den under the
at the last meeting the proposed changes. monthly meeting date falls on Good
.. so at this meeting thcrc will bl' a second
rcadin/.( and a forum opcn for discussion
April Has Its Showers Friday, the 18th. It is expected that
at its meeting this lJlonth the board
Ardmore Bank, and on Tuesday night the
Kiwanians entertained them at dinner at
Beginning Sunday, and increasing in Whitehall in Haverford. The members
hdorc thl' vote. ..\s this is a strictly prccipitation Monday, the first good rain will decide on a new principal for of the squad along with Coach Bill An-
hnsincss mcding only mcmhers will he in a month in this section freshened up the borough's school. derson. Principal G. H. Gilbert and Man-
allowcd. the grass, brought out the buds on the ager Frank Mantz, were introduced to
trees and moistened soil that was be- Bake Sale Saturday the members. The usual number of
On Child Welfare Group coming dry and hard. According to the The Woman's Bible Class of the speeches were given and compliments
Miss Gertrude S. Ely, Bryn Mawr, has records of Charles Decker, Main Line Presbyterian Church will hold ,I bake were passed around to the appreciation
heen appointed a member of a Statewide weatherman, it was a normal April sale on Saturday, April 12, beg:r.ning of all concerned. The members of the
Committee to develop a ten-year program week in all respects except for a some-
• at 9:30 A. M. at 235 Haverford Ave- basketball team enjoyed the occasion to
of chiln welfare for Pennsylvania. what cool snap on Tuesday. nul'.
the fullest.

Page Two OUR TOWN A,ril 11, 1930

Joyous Aftemoons of Hiking and Discovery ~~g o~rshcO::s.cut along river road back
" "dty Descn"bed
by N arberth Young P eop1e VtVl If you would like to join our merry
band of hikers corne to the Y Dung EGGS
People's Bible Class at 9:45 A. M.
. I
Sunday morning. 'I'r)" liN lor f,II"lIt)· in .. frleti)·
By Connie
Hiking continues to grow in favor
ghmmer and then the cobwebby out-
hnes .
of dusty rafters and dank wa II s I Aft
er you
ave pro
fit d b
and eheatedyour
I .......h eg...... Dlreet Irom York
COllllfy Farlno-Ol.))·

with the young people of Narberth. come into view.. The ground is soft bates, you will know where we get :l:le PI~n UOZEN
The largest crowd to date turned out to our feet. LIght another match, all our pep for the hikes. No one can.
for the regular Sunday afternoon hike. someone has buried somethlllg here; attend these meetings without acquir- In Order" of 15 or 30 Dozen

After crowding the e'xponents of maybe it's treasure. "Maybe it's a ing a zest for living, both spiritually
Shank's mare into cars we drove to dead cat," someone says. Well, no and physically. FARMERS' PRODUCE CO.
the mouth of historic Mill Creek. En matter, we'll soon find out if this
route we passed the sites of many old rusty spade holds out. I'. .. HANOVER, PA.
mills. Some of these buildings are We have quite a pile of earth now., An Onental dancmg ~lrI recently
still standing. \Vhat was that! The spade touches wa~ arrested at Kans~s Clt~ on com-
One of the old settlers tells us that something hard. Dig faster; it's plamt of a moral. uphft ~ocJety. n~t
there were no less than twelve of these something round. Oh, a handle. she was npt convIcted. 1 hey couldn t
mills along Mill Creek, between Ard- Why, it's a kettle, and so heavy. get anythll1g on her. •
more and the Schuylkill, a brass Maybe there's gold in it. But when * * *
foundry, carpet mills, flour mills, cot- we bring it to the light there is noth- Motorists should lJe very pleased to
ton mills and even a gun factory. ing in it. It has a date on it though, learn that an automobile derailed a
Winding in and out along Mill 1853. We wonder has it lain there train in Oklahoma recently.
Creek Road, we suddenly came around that long, perhaps buried by some
a turn in the road, to discover the blue child long ago. There is no treasure
Schuylkill, a reflection of the match- in it, but it seems like an antique, so
less sky.
We are out of the cars in a flash,
it may prove to be treasure after all.
Out in the fresh air again hunger Tune -'er Up We suggest
each one anxious to outdo the other assails us. We think of our lunches.
in climbing over Wlooded hills and A fire is started and we gather around You will now be mak- Johnston's
along laurel-bounded woodland paths. it, munching our sandwiches.
We enter a valley, and lo! a swim- Hunger satisfied home we go tak- ing greater use than ever and Whitman's
ming pool greets us. Shouts of de-, ' , Chocolates,
light. vVe will come here again in - ••• - - - - - - - - - of your car with the
~J attractively wrapped
the warm weather.
On we go again. 1852-H. C. and
arrival of warm weather.
in special fancy .
N. Keech reads the chimney stone in l*'{ We offer expert me-
an old deserted house. Why, that was ) EASTER packages.
before the Civil War. We wonder
about the history of the old house #If
chanical service at a They are fresh and
as we travel further along. S·· f B M moderate charge. delicious.
A bullet-riddled car next greets our Ign 0 est eats
view. Has it been abandoned by ban- Also: Abbott's rich
Alemite Greasing-Exide
dits or is it that someone has been
using it for target practice? It Pays you Batteries ice cream, including
egg nogg.
Up a hillside and we find ourselves Atlantic-Texaco--Amoco Gas
in a large field. What a beautiful TO LET US FILL YOUR
view. Down below, the river, spark- DAILY MEAT NEEDS, TVill Deliver Allywhere
ling in the sunlight, sweeps round a
neighboring hill. and in the distance
faint smoke and the dim outlines of
stacks and spires remind us of the ARE NEVER HIGH, OUR BRIDGE
town beyond.
Someone cries, "There's the haunted
housel" Sure enough; we are in sight QUALITY IS UNIQ.UE.
of our destination, Boulder Farm. A Narberth Avenue, at P. R. R. Rig"t at the Narberth Statioll
tumble-down barn and some miserable C. P. COOK, General Manager NARBERTH 2838-2839
farm buildings contrasted by a well-I
built farmhouse squat on the rolling And Note These Prices!
hillside. Here and there great jagged
rocks jut out like great black fingers. LAMB SPECIALS:
They are indeed ominous rocks. Are Chops, loin or rib .. 55c lb.
they trying to warn us that the coun- :Shoulder Lamb.. 25c lb.
try folk say the house is haunted? Leg of Lamb...... 35c lb.
If they seek to warn us it is use-
less. Like hungry hounds we scurry Rib Roast, •
around, striving to sate our curiosity.
Let's find the spooks if there are any.
thick end ,28c lb. For Confirmation
Rump Steak 45c lb.
Up to the garret we scramble. Noth-
ing but empty rooms, save for some
yellowed newspapers. Down to the
Round Steak 45c lb. and Easter:
cellar we hurry next. It is very dark
here; light a match, someone. A faint All other cuts correspondingly rea·
sonabl~. Please not~ lIIe sell onl"
New Beauty
meats-and W~ sell onl" the BEST
JUST PHONE 62,200 (free
Bids for the erection of a Chain Link
Fence approximately three hundred
(300) teet long, six feet high, of two-
of toIl charge) on your Ard-
more, Bryn Mawr, Cynwyd,
Juvenile Footwear
Inch mesh, number six gauge copper- Merion or Narberth exchange.
bearing. wire, are hereby requested.
Full specifications may be seen at the
Principal's Office of the Narberth
-In lasts to assure foot
School, Sabine and Essex Avenues.
BRADLEY Health, Too!
Sealed bids will be received up to 8
P. M. Friday, April 25, 1930, at which
time the bids will be opened. Contract
will be awarded to the lowest respon-
sible bIdder. The Board reserves the
right to reject any' or all bids.
Send bids to Borough of Narberth 2106·08 Market Street
School Board.
LEROY A. KING, (Opposite Erlang~r Theatre) SHOES
.+' .. .. ..
For Your Con"enience This Store
Oltr radios operate ~uithollt a sqlleal. either
"·Olll the set 0/' yo 111' pocket-
Will Be Open E"ery E"ening
Until Easter.
ROBERT LITTLER, Phone: Narberth 2336
709 Montgomery Avenue, Near Meeting House Lane Phone: NARBERTH 4053

11I111111I11I11111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I11111111111111 !.~~~~~~~~~~~~~I •

April 11; 1930 OUR TOWN Page. Three

au . . . . . . . ,.. . . . . . . . _
tBishop Murder Case' Ramon Novarro's tDeviI
Where to Go Playing at Egyptian May Care' at Narberth
LOCAL MOVIES Children's parties Saturday after- A benefit for All Saints Church Sun-
NARBERTH-Today and tomor- noons continue popular at The Egypt-I day School, Wynnewood, and its Len-
row, Ramon Novarro in "Devil ian, according to letters received by ten mite box offering, is scheduled at
May Care"; Monday and Tues-
day, "Condemned," with Ron- the theatre's managing director from the Narberth Theatre for the first four
ald Colman and Ann Harding;
Wednesday a n d Thursday, parents of the children. At this Satur- days of next week. The talking pic-
"Seven :keys to Baldpate"; Fri- day's party the attractions will include tures to be performed by the theatre's
day and Saturday, "His First "Lazy Days," which is an "Our Gang" new sound system are "Condemned"- I
comedy, and a "Mickey Mouse" talk- Ronald Colman's artistic and dramatic I
ARDMORE-Today, "Dangerous
Parad Ise"; tomorrow, "LI ttle ing comedy. Both pictures are also film, Monday and Tuesday; and "Seven
Johnny Jones"; Monday, Tues- Keys to Baldpate," the Richard Dix
to be seen at the evening performalH.es comedy drama of thrills in a deserted
day and WednesdaY, "The
this Friday and Saturday. summer hotel in winter, to be pre·
Locked Door", with Rod La
Roque; Thursday and Friday,
"The Lost Zeppelin"; Saturda~',
The Egyptian's feature at evening sented Wednesday and Thursday
This Friday and Saturday Ramon
uQther Tomorro,v." performances this week-end :~ S. S.
Novarro in "Devil May Care"-his!
EGYPTIAN-Today and tomor- Van Dine's "Bishop Murder Ca;~," in first talking and singing romanc!' -]s
row, "Bishop Murder Case"; which Basil Rathbone makes a c.lpable being presented, accompanied by a
• Monday and Tuesday, "Woman
Trap"; Wednesday and Thurs-
Philo Vance, assisted by Raymond "Mickey Mouse" talking comedy.
Hackett and Leila Hyams.
day, "Big News"; FridaY and I Next Monday and Tuesday "vVoman sinN and ext Friday and Saturday the Sala-
Fried management have book-
Saturday, Duncan SIl<ters In
"It's a C:reat Life."
ITrap" is scheduled, with Chester Mor- edWilliam Boyd in "His First Com-
SEVILJ,E-Today and tomorrow, ris and Evelyn Brent, both of whom mand," the thrilling romance of a.

"Cameo Kirby"; MondaY and have large followings among "talkie" rookie. I
Tuesday, "Chasing Rainbows";
Ifans. "Big News" with Carol Lom·
Wednesday a n d Thursday,
Tom Moore in "Woman Rack-
et"; Friday and
"Harmon~' at Home."
bard and Robert Armstrons is booked
for next Wednesday and Thursday.
And for next week-end, the Duncan
sisters and Lawrence Gray and Benny

tomorrow, "T h e Aviator";
Monday and Tuesday, "Rich
Rubins will appear in a song..and-
dance comedy, "It's a Great J.ife."
Accompanying it will be Harry Lang-
People"; 'Vednesday a n d
Thursday, "Battle of Paris"; don's latest talking comedy. "Head

W,eve to thisl
Friday and Saturday, "Ro- Guy," and the usual week-end Inquirer Note the difference:
mance' of the Rio Grande." News-Reel, with Graham McNamee
ADBLPHI-Last week of "Meet
newscasting. I The same show sounds
Lady Clara"

BROAD--Clvic Repertory Thea-
tre of Ne\v York, Eva I.e Gal-
Junior High School
lienne, director; Ton I g h t, Gym Exhibit Tonight This FRI. and SAT.

"The Sea Gull'·;· Saturday mat-
Inee, "Peter Pan"; MondaY,
"Romeo and Juliet"; Tuesday,
"The Women Have Their
Lower Merion Junior High School
in , INfiRMARY
Way"; Wednesday matinee, presents its sixth annual gymnasium eX-I
~ LUE .. litmua paper •••
"Peter Pan"; Wednesday night, hibition tonight in the Junior High audi-
"The Sea Gull"; ThursdaY,
"The Women Have Their Day"; torium at eight o'clock. I NaVARRO ~Vlow in the brow ••• hot
• Friday, "John Gabriel Bork-
man"; Saturday matinee, "Peter
The physical directors, Miss Marjorie
(?'(J to the feet ••• "Rende.r"
Hugg and Imer E. Unger, are in charge
Pan"; Saturda~' night, "Romeo your heart with thil
and Juliet."
CHESTNUT Street Opera House
of the program which will include box-I
ing, dancing, apparatus work, drills,
~~DEVIL folk-80ng gone cuckool We h,;Ye itl
-Walter Hampden, tonight, All the late8t bits •.• on genuine Vietor
"Richelieu"; Saturday matinee,
"Hamlet"; Saturda~' n I g h t,
wrestling and tumbling.
The senior high school will present MAY Records. Swing into a clinch with tho
famous Vietor dance arrangemenU. The
FORREST-"Follow Thru", only
musical comedy in town.
their gymn exhibition April 15.
CARE" greatest orcbestra.... the be8t talent•••
in every ~ld record for Vietorl
~ARRHCK-"Strange Interlude"
in Its last two weeks. Soprano and Pianist His First Talking and Singing Let w play you ,hi. 1,. •.. TODA.Y!
LYIUC - "Drinlnvater's comedy, Romance
• To Give Joint Recital
"Bird In HancI:'"
SHUBERT-"So This Is ParisT
opens Saturday night, April 19.
WALNUT-Last two days of
Evrythlng's Jake."
Helen Buchanan Hitner, well-known
Philadelphia soprano soloist, and Ruth
Next MON. and TUES.
MUSICAL EVENTS McLinn, an accomplished pianist of Ronald Colman in
• Final concert by Curtis Institute Princeton, New Jersey, will appear in a ffCondemned" "The Main Line Music StoTe"
of Music Students, Pennsyl-
vania MUseum, Fairmount, Sun- joint recital on Thursday evening, April
day evening, April 13, 8:15. 24, at 8.15 P. M. in the social room of
Raver's "Scheherabade" songs; 44B WEST LANCASTER AVE.
Bach's French suite. the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, Nar-
• Metropolitan Opera Co., "Parsi-
fal," Academy, Tuesday after-
berth and Woodbine avenues. Miss Mc-
noon, April 15, at 1.. Linn is the daughter of the late Dr. Mil- Richard Dix in
ton McLinn, former pastor of the church. 22298--ST. JAMES INFIRM-
ff 7 Keys to Baldpate"
The program for the evening will ap- ARY and WHEN YOU'RE
S!IIILlNG- Kin, Oli.....•• Or.
pear in next week's issue of "Our

Town," ARY aM AFrER You'n;
GONE-e.n. A.u"I,,_

t The EGYPTIAN :h~';J.


.. NOW-Mauri<. C/wvali.,._
Library Notes
A recent interesting gift to the Nar- tt Bala A"enue Near C"'nw"'d
and mat-
inee Sat-
TIONS- 'Val. Shi'knl and YIC"
'or Orr:Ja..,ra-and· FUNNY.
herth Community Library is "The Blank- DO:-Wayne King and OrcA.

enburgs of Philadelphia," by One of
t THIS FRIDAY "Our Gang" and "Micked
22279-'TAINT NO SIN-
Geor,. Ql.~n and Iii.· Mu.l.,......
Them, Lucretia A. Blankenburg. Herein
is told the efforts of two Philadelphians, t and SATURDAY it:thbe~~eCj~medies and Basil, and CAN'T YOU UNDER-
one adopted, one native, to free their city
from that alliterative stigma, "Corrupt t ffTHE BISHOP MURDER CASE" t IU8-RIO RITA-and ONLy
A ROSE-Richard Crook._

.. and Contented," for the account of

Rudolph Blankenburg's mature life is
essentially the story of 40 years of re-
t NEXT M 0 N DAYan d
form movements in Philadelphia politics, ,A TUESDAY: CHEST~R ~~Woman ATrap"
while through Mrs. Blankenburg's 82
years one can trace the constant enlarge-
ment ot woman's activities. As a child,
and EVELYN ,
Mrs. Blankenburg was almost ostracized A Next WEDNESDAY and A
• because her mother, one of the first , ~~BIG NEWS" THURSDAY, With ROB- ,
graduates of Woman's Medical College, A ERT ARMSTRONG and A
was a practicing physician. As an octo- , CAROL LOMBARD ,
genarian, Mrs. Blankenburg addresses anI
international congress of women.
tFriday and Harry in. LangJ~n
The book is not only inspiring read- ,ASaturd· and Th~ Duncan SlJl~rs, LtlWr~ncet
• ay Next Gray and B~nn>, Rubins in
ing, but a valuable source of information
on the history of Philadelphia politics of
the period.
I ffIT'S A GREAT LIFE" t e-+ • • • • • • • • • • . • •

OUR'i'OWN A.pril 11, 1930

Page Four


Signs point to outstanding Mask
I OUR mO~' ~."
Jess Retires

and Wig show, opening at Gar-

rick April 21; Hedgerow sched-
I .JL \ , W .l.~ Dear Uncle Cy,
1 had intended to permit your heat-
ute. I' A Co-operatiye Community News-Maga~ine, founded in 1914 by the Narberth I cd and illogical criticism of myself to
All signs point to the fact that the Ciyie Association, and published eyery Friday at Narberth, Pa., by the go unanswered; but when you allow
Mask and Wig Club of the University II a third party to intervene in your be-
LIVINGSTON PUBLISHING COMPANY half, my back is to the wall. And a
of Pennsylvania will have the smooth- I Littlekiss must fight! 1 do not recall
cst and most complete productions in I
their history when their forty-second!
PHILIP ATLEE UVINGSTON, President and General Manager
insulting Dean Bishop. I have not, I
think, the pleasure of his acquaintance.
annual show, "John Faust, Ph. D.," I THOMAS A. ELWOOD. Associate Editor Butmay
he suchwell
is my opinionhimself
consider of deans that
which was given its public opening in I Office-258 Haverford Avenue, Narberth by me. If he is a disciple of yours,
Lancaster on April 5. "John Faust, my reverend uncle, 1 presume he is
Ph. D.," will open its Philadelphia en- Telephone-Narberth 2545; if no answer, Ardmore 3100 Dean of the Collegiate Institution for ,.
gagement of two weeks at the Garrick
Theater 011 Easter Monday, April 21. I SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 'Pcil50 : •
PER YEAR IN ADVANCE I the Propagation of Drunkenness. Noth-
ing personal, of course, intended. Yet
if I am to be cndowcd with a repnta-
The authors of this year's Mask and I Entered as second-class matter, October 13. 1914, at the Post Office at
Wig show, whose identities are I Narberth, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879.
I tion for, making insulting remarks, I
must live up to that which is spoken
shrouded under the cognomen of "A of me. •
Couple of Other Fcllows," have con- I If Dean Bishop (Mr., ~lrs., or Mis~,
. ' April 11, 1930 as the case may be) thlllks that thIS
sUlte.d all the versIons and stones con-I I writer spends any appreciable amount
cern1l1g the Faust legend in writing 10f time composing these insignificant
the book of "John Faust, Ph. D." The
Gounod opera, Goethe's drama, Calder-
I Recreation Comes Into Its Own
trifles of epistolary art, he is sadly and
hadly mistaken. They arc but the by-
on's "El Ma~ico," Marlowe's "Dr. Several )'ears ago the 0llen stretch of land between the Railroad and pr,oduct of a lI~ighty pen, a pel!, my
Faustus," Khnger's "Faust" a n d ' ' ,< nllddle-aged fnend, perhaps slightly
Hei~e's. "Bal1~t" h~v~ all been use~ in Windsor Avenue and Wynnewood Avenue was an unsightly public more famous in this vale:; of tears than
fas~lOn1l1g tillS satlflc. tra,:esty whIch, dump. Todav due to the ·wisdom generosity and energy of a uroup of your O\~n., Both, the BIshop al?d Illy
willie true to the penod 111 costumes
I , : . . '. . h I

and settings, both of which are to be Narberth s CItIzens, tllls same bog tS one of the heauty spots of the Mam persons) wonld be astounded to see (ii
uncle (If 111 reahty they are dIscrete

unusually elaborate and colorful this Line they have not already unknowinJ!ly
year, has been brought strictly up t o ' . . , . I seen) the product of my pen when it
date i,n spi.rit and interpretation. The i La~t summer the lI11~etus gIven recreatIOn matters by the reo~g~11lzed is ,functionil~~ for profit. :nll~n the
plot, 111 bnef, concerns the efforts of RecreatIon Board made Itself felt, when under the able superVISIon of fa!=lle pen glld~ t!le .r.eceptlve paper
one Johannes Faustus a teacher in I WIth hght wlllmslcahtles and sober
the co-educational Uni~ersity of Wit-I Allan B. \Vetherall, the school's new director of physical education, an opinions than reflect both the keen in-
tenberg, ,to win the hand of the fair average of nindy-four children turned out cyen' da" to participate in' tellc::ct and the wide ~cquaintance with
:r...f arguente, a sophisticated under- . . I reality that charactenze the master at
graduate. The romance is beset with the sports and programs at the playgrounds.
~II sorts of difficulties, and, of course, This summer the playgrounds promise to come into their own. Con-
I his work.
Jasmine (That is my wife. I mar-
lS further complicated by the appear- ., I I '. . .' .I
ance of Mephistopheles, who offers to struct10n WIll be startec soon on two c ay ten11lS COUl ts, \\ luch wll ad so harmoniously tu my own, Jasmine
dried her because her /,riven name fitted

turn the gray-haired Faustus into a greatly to the benefits to be derived by the children. Th.e replacement of and Jess! Could anything be sweeter,
handsome youth if the latter, in turn, I Id II I I I H f d \ ' I f I 1 II Ii II . I purer, nobler? But I digress.) has
will give himself, body and soul, to his t le 0 J eac lers a ong t le aver or f venue SIC e 0 t 1(' Ja l(' c WIt 1 urged me to cease what she terms mv
Satan tic Majesty, This compact per-I a new stand wil\ increase seating capacity at games and add much to I' "silly campaign against a mental an;1
'mits the action of the story to shift to I ' '. . I II' f d . k' f '. I I philosophical inferior." She fears the
,the Infernal Regions, and gives an op- It lelr enjoyment. nsta at10n 0 two rll1 II1g ountams on t le p ay- dire results that would confront Illy
portunity for ol?e. of the 1110st pic-I ground, the gift of the Autocar Company, will be greatly appreciated. profe~siOl!al standing were the truth
turesque and .stnkmg scenes that tl~e vVire fences adJ'oining the grandstand will add to safet). factors and per- ?! .tlll~ little e~capade to be known.
Mask and WIg Club has ever had 111 ! I hIS IS the c1l1ef reason for my re-
any of the shows. mit easier handling of big crowds. signation, which I am about to tender.
Jasper Deeter, well-known .director This I)rogram of I)hysical imlJrovements costing in the neighbor- Jasmine, in the event that ,You ha,:e
of the Hedgerow Company 111 Rose . . '. . . not had the pleasure of meeting her, IS
Valley, has been staging the book, this hood of $1700, m(ltcates the thoroughncss WIth whIch the Recreat10n a very forceful lady. Her slightest

have had .two dIfferent people to dIrect Board and Council in appropriating $1400 each for the work of the
being the first .time that the Wig~ers Board is attacking the problem of recreation. The wisdom of the School whim is like anotl.ler's irOl~ command.
.And then there IS. the agItated .Dean
the d~ncmg numbers and the story. p . B I ,'1\ I fl. d' N I' I' r ' • . I ~Ish~'p' Really, 1 have no particular
F~ancls C. W. Patton, who has gained \..ecreatlOn oare \\1. le:> r~ ecte .11~ arbert 1 ~ P a)~rounds wlllch WIll "Itch (as he vulgarly terllls it) for •
Widespread attention here for his work be the equal of any 111 111lladelplua s suburbs 111 eqUlpment and super- I the position of chief columnist to the
in training dance choruses, will take vision. I ;"[ail1 Liner. One reason for my dis-
care of that department of the cur-
rent Mask and Wig offering. I like of even the thought of it is the
absence of any material remuneration.
Charles Gilpin, who has been com-
posing the music for t.he club's show
De'Von Disaster Relief After that reason, the others matter
Frequentl)' residents of this section have heen called uI)on b)' the !ittle. But one. of the others is the
for many years now, IS saId to have A . R C . . , mtensely moromcal character of the
contributed the best score of his career. m~ncan ed ross to contn~ute to\yard t!le aId of destitute l?erSOns, majority of your correspondents.
for "John Faust, Ph. D." Numbers VICtl111S of flood, fire or other dIsaster JI1 vanous parts of the nation and By way of parting gift to Dean
that. are bein~ ~lentioned as almost world. Always a generous response has been made. In the present in- Bishop, I would advise h.im that the
certam song hIts mclude "Just. an Old stance, where one of our own communities has suffered tragic loss there ~er~on to whom he .talked m ~our pub- •
German Custom," "A Soldier On I Id b . f I b'I' d '11' f' ' . IlIshmg office compbmented hnn rather
Leave," "How Can a Devil Be Good," s lOU e !10 qu~stion 0 . t le a 1 Ity an WI II1gness 0 neIghbors to give I than complemented him. The little e
"I...rarguerita," and "Something Ought every posslhle aid to theIr own people. Imakes a large difference. Witness
to be Done About This." In addition I those persons who bear the name Hill.
several of the famous arias and fid II I He committed several other remark-
marches from the olJera are woven
into the piece as well as several old
Con ence We Paced
Re-election of S. Edgar Downs as superintendent of the Lower grammar, hut, not having his letter
ahly irritating errors in diction and ..
(ierman folk songs, Merion township schools for a term of four years will cause little com- hefore me, I can not here call attention
The cast is as follows: Mephistoph- ISh I P d" . I . . to thelll. I would assure him, finally,
el , J. Alexander Bliedung; Dr. John ment as t le c 00 :loar s actIOn was entIre y antIcIpated. During the th.at the name is Littlekiss and not
I'aust, Edward Craven; Marguerite sixteen years Mr. Downs has been connected with the school district Llttlefish.
\Vilbert Sheridan Beaumont; Martha: enormous strides have been made in an educational way, in proportion Truly yours,
L. Guernsey Clark; Siebel, Benjamin even larger than the corresponding growth and development of the town- Jess A. Littlekiss.
Charles Taber; Valentine. Gerald ship in wealth and IJOIJulation. l'ostscriptum: I have no contempt
George Christ; Brander, Walter T. for females in general, but only for
Sheldon; Christopher, Ward Munroe Plans for the coming year indicate that no cessation in the advance-: certain deluded ones. I will wager
French; Gertrude, Joseph Saunders ment of standards is contemplated. Penn \Vynne is to have a half-mil- one cream puff (three inches in
E~t0!1; Dante Allegheri, Royal Gregg; lion-dollar building. Kindergartens arc to he inaugurated in several of length by four inches in breadth by
VirgIl, John .Albert Palmer; .first witch, the elementar)' schools. Verv few changes will be made in the faculty of two inclies in height) that 1 have
"V. R. SWIre; second WItch F r e d ' .•.. . kissed as many kisses as Dean Bishop.
Sturewald Jr. ' t h e entire system wl11ch has estabhshed an excellcnt record of scholastIC If that gentleman (or lady) desires
, '" '" '" I
achievement. Despite this growth it has heen possible to decrease the to have our respective osculatory rec·
."RaJ?cour," by Lynn Rigg~, will be school tax rate by two mills. ords submitted to. son.le unpre~udiced
given ItS first. performance thIS season, Our best wishes are extended to Mr. Downs and his aides at the be- arb,itration board, It WIll be enllnently
tomorrow mght, at the Hedgerow I .. fl' f ffi satisfactory to yours truly.
Theater in Rose Valley with Dorothy gmnmg a 11S new our-year term of 0 ceo ' J. A. L.
Yockel and William Price in the lead- IN. B. If, on the other hand, Dean
ing roles, and Dudley Vaughan, Republican Representative James M. Beck, of Pennsylvania, says Bishop fee.l~ that the test should be
Harry Bellav.er, Ford Wofer. and AI- prohibition is going to ruin his party (Republican) if something isn't present abIlity. rather t.han past pe~-
fred Rowe 111. the supportmg cast. d b ' . I r "'" b P 'd' H . .. forn~ance, I WIll meet. h\lll Sor her) 111
"Raneour" WIll be repeated next I one ~ C?ut It ng ~t a~va). lnay e reSI ent oO\cr ought to <lppomt a public contest at any tnne. fhe Lower
Thursday night and "The Romantic I commISSIOn on rtl1nation. Merion Auditorium to be the place.
Age," which has Frances Torchiana I * * '" Contestants to bring their own eqnip-
ffJr its leading woman, will ret.urn to A Missouri dishwasher was found dead with three bullet holes ment (I will. not trust any persOl? to
the repertory next Saturday mght. I h 1 h' h d d h I I' I ' . , . choose my kIsses for me). The tlllle,
Shakespeare's. "Othello," Hed-I t ro~g 1 IS ea an one t roug 1 .11S C lest, and eVldence~ of beatmg and of course, will have to be arranged
gerow'~ first new produ,:tion this sea-I chokmg: No doubt he had left dned ~gg on a plate once too often-and /Iater. But I think Jasn.line is going
son, WIll open Monday mght, April 21. the pumshment was made t<} fit the cnme. CONTINUED ON PAGE I j
April 11, 1930

High Lights in Lower Merion School


I Page Five

ATm 1m", ',,~::~~s~:~e:~,~~~:~~~t::~:::1
illlClldcli1 S. E. DOWIiS IIPOl~ Ihc required to conduct regular classes in
~::::T~~ ,I J·B~~~:.;f~w?N ·
Phone: Narberth 3652-M
11/allifold adivilies alld fealurcs of addition to their administrative duties. "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ of
IIII' L01('er Merioll Scllool s)'slelll. At present all have ample time for this i,!! ... ?¥iii
Lower Meriun Township is justly work and that of supervision, and in ,
I George A• Witte i!!!!I' Hydrated Lime for
. famed for its excellent public buildings,
not least of which are its schools, both
public and privat<:. ~roney invested in
eight buildings are supplied with
elcrical assistants who compile all
statistical and other routine reports.,
Paperhanging and
I. l: d S
Lawns and Gardens.
f or
\lermanellt attractive improvements avail- These changes have made possible the. ecorating rus Je tone
able to the public proves a distinct com- adjustment by the principal of the! ESTIMATING Qriveways.
munity asset in every way, but the chief school programs to departmental or Narberth 4135W ;
.. value ofbya its
mined school system
measure of must he to
service deter-
the platoon may
structor work now
teach which each in- ~,~~~i~~~~~~~~ii~~~--~-~-~--~-~-~-~--~-~-~-§--i-~-~-~--~-i-~-;--i-§-~--i-~-~-~--;-~·~-~·-~
those branches I~=- -- - - - - ---_. . -
community. Its chief function is to con- to which she is best adapted. The ~2M!IMIMIMIM!MIMIMIM!!M!I!M!I!M!I!M!I!M!IMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMIMlMfO\
serve and develop the physical, mental, principal has opportunity to modify
and moral powers of the children to the schedules as needed and to supervise
end that they may become able-bodied, work in the gymnasium, the lunch
straight thinking right acting members of
society, capable of rendering community
room, and the playground, and yet
have time to meet parents and get ac-
~~Above Everything,
service and of assuming their full share ql1ainted personally with pupils and I
of the responsibilities of life and govern- their problems. ,
The highcr standards rcquired of
students who enter training institu-
The schools have now become large-I
ly cooperative organizations wherein
students, teachers, and principals all
tions; the longer courses provided for have a part. Coercion hos largely dis-!
graduation with degree from normal appeared and school management has i
schools; the extra opportunities now hecome a matter of mntnal helpfulness.. For many years J. A. MILLER, Narberth, has
atforded teachers in service for addi- Physical Education and Health Work
tional training in our colleges and un i- In 1914 the Senior High School and repaired old roofs and put on new ones-slate, tile and
• versities; the requirements here for Ardmore Avenue alone had gymna-
ncw teachers of special scholastic and siums. \Ve now have eleven. There
tcaching ability; the permission granted was not a single playground in the asbestos shingle-roofs that wear like a brick wall, and
by the Board to the Superintendent to district sufficiently large to make pos-
select those hest suited to each field sible any outside competetive games look a good deal prettier.
of work; the greater specialization such as hasehall. football, soccer.
• now required of all who qualify for hockey, track, or tennis. One woman
high grade positions and the unusually devoted full time to supervision of For dependable, guaranteed serVIce, just lift the
fine equipments supplied for thc con- health activities and one man one-half
vcnience and comfort of teachers; of each day to physical work. \Ve now receiver and call
these have all aided in raising the pro- employ two men and nine womcn all
, fessional standard of our teaching
force and the quality of the work in
t!,ain(:d workcrs. who are engaged' full
tnne III hcalth work.
the schools.
No single factor has influenced the
progress of Lower Merion more than
All childrcn are periodically weighed
and measured. Our thrce physicians
check carefully all physical defects
and administcr toxin-antitoxin injec-
our splendid system of transportation. COXTTXUED ON NEXT PAnE
In April, 1914, the first school bus was ~s=i~I:::l)"'lJ"'lJ=lJ:;:lJOO::lJ;==i~J;;: Gutters .:. Spouting .:. Sheet Metal Work .:. Roofing
purchased, and Bart Cassidy was
selected as driver. Our fleet of seven Call Narberth 2920-111 Forest Ave., Narberth
district owned \'ehicles, supplemented
hy thrce hired by Narberth Borough, ESTABLISHED 19\2
have made possihle the abandonment
of all rural and ungraded schools; the
transfcr of studcnts and teachers to
large central buildings; the gradation
of the work so that teachcrs may in-
struct in subjects in which they are
skillful; the safe delivery of children
• of all ages from and to their homes
without exposure during had weather;
the transportation of special groups to
points of historic interest; the proper
conduction of athletic teams to places
Comes Spring
of contest; the delivery of all books,
• supplies, and otber equipmcnts to
points needed without extra cost. Our And dresses and drapes need cleaning.
school owned buses now cover approx-
imately 80,000 miles pef year, using
schedules as definitc as those of train No matter how dainty or dirty they are,
or trollcy.
• Administration we are able to give them the best of
Sixtcen years ago all principals. ex-
e service.

. Let Us Effects of new beauty

Clean and harmony may be Before you put your furs
away, later on, why not let
yours--created by a
.. your windows and cellar, master decorator-at
us clean and glaze them for
and vacuum-clean your you? We also repair and re-
prices that are moder- model, as you wish. Our
ate. cleaning and pressing serv-
,. Cellars whitewashed. ice for men's suits and top-
All work done well and coats is moderate in price,
at moderate prices. carefully good in workman-

.. THE Atlas Co., Inc.

10i l\' arbcrth A vcnuc (ncar
ship, and prompt in delivery.

SERVICE Theatre Bldg.), N arbcrth

.. F,a"k H. Sedy, Jr.
Phone: NARBERTH 3625
5 Bala Ave., Bala
Phone CYNWYD 877 UPHOLSTERING .:. WINDOW Cleaners •.• Dyers .:. T ai/ors
HAULING-Local & Long SHADES .:. AWNINGS 220 BALA AVE., Cynwyd 102 FOREST AVE., Narberth
• Distance. Crating, packing UNPAINTED FUHNITURE PHONE: CYNWYD 928
and shipping• PHONE: NARBERTH 2602

Page Six OUR TOWN April 11, 1930

High Lights in L. M. S. .It


tions and vaccinate against smallpox
Our dentist prescribes treatments by I ,.
the home dentist for all those who have
neglected teeth or remedies conditions I
in our own clinic in the cases of those I
who are poor. I
Our two trained nurses take children I
to hospitals for treatments and for the I •
removal of adenoids, tonsils, and other
causes of ill health. They also pre-,
scribe proper food, encourage and re- I,
quire regular and prompt school at-
tendance, and supplement the efforts I
of the physicians combating con-I
tagion. I

Our corrective teacher supplies re- I
medial measures in the many cases I
which have been either neglected or I
overlooked, or arranges with the:
parents for treatments in the hospitals. ! Here are facts on painting, which we can prove by the sim-
Our domestic science teachers super-
plest arithmetic. SWP is the most economical paint you can
vise the mid-morning milk service and
the preparation of the hot noon lunches
now provided in all ten schools (the
I put on your house. It costs more per gallon, of course. But
Senior High School alone had lunch I did you ever stop to think of how much extra surface a gallon
in 1914 and that served in the lower I of S WP covers? Mark this-a gallon of SWP will thoroughly
corridor of the building). cover almost twice as much surface as cheaper paint. There-
All athletic teams are now equipped
properly for their respective sports and fore far fewer gallons of SWP are needed. In addition, SWP
a physician is always present or avail- lasts twice as long as cheaper paint-saves repair bills by
able in case of injury. Spci/y sWP and ~n8alJ.
Trained deans assume general charge giving full protection to the surface - and its rich, weather- a lJood pain"r •
of the health problems of the girls in proof colors retain their beauty to the end. Come in and let
the two high schools and act as ad-
visers in all doubtful cases and during our figures prove it.
social functions.

S.W Porch and Deck Paint

Especially prepared to withstand
outside exposure and hard wear on •
porch floors, steps, decks of boats,

WHAT WOULD ~~ quart $1.20

YOU • • • • S-WMar.Not ..
SWP House Paint A water-resisting floor varnish made
To Harle Guartmteed to withstand tramping heels. For
Protection/rom Mot" The world's standard of house paint
oak: light maple, birch $1 45
Damage/or.'J Ye(fr.~? quality. SWP is made in one quality
or lmoleum. Per quart •
Insured and guaranteed I A
only and that the very best. Famous •
for long life and the permanency of
binding, invulnerable contral'l its many beautiful colors. Covers
for the proteetinn rof your "01- S.,V Enameloid
more square feet of surface per gal·
Ion. Costs less on the house than The world's finest rapid-drying dec-
ing from the ravagt", of mol hI".
cheaper paints at a lower price per orative enamel. Ideal for wood-
One single treatmt'nt with gallon. Rezularcolorsper, $3.60 Trade..mark Rc~illtcre(1 work, furniture, toys, etc. Wid.. •
KON ATE Dlakcs any article
immune to moth dal1lage for
eallon . s·w Paint Prudu(':~ "rl'; :Jitl"H' u."urld range of charming cOlor9'$1 80
at least tI,ree year". We guar- Gloss White, per gallon.. $3'80 over under ,hi. lamoUi "ad~·"""l1 Fer quart.... •••••••••. •

antee this in writing and LIo)'d's
Casuah)' Com pan)' insurt,s
every KOllated articIt·.
Konating is the scientifie 11I0th·
proofing process den·I,;,.e,1
after years of re"card, and
countless laboratory tests at
Mellon Instilnle of Industrial
Resear"h, Univl"rsilV of Pius·
burgh. \Ve art' tbe' exclusivt'
Philadell)hia ser"ice agt,nts for
this great discovery. Our oper-
ators will KOllat,· your \'01·
uables in your own Iwnw, or
move them to our modern
warel,ouses for trt,atmcnt.
The prOCt,ss is quick and clean;
harmless to texture, finish or
color; inexpensive and stain·

Hard-vvare Store
less. It penetrates to the ends
of the nap and the center of the
weave - making any material
treated impervious to moth
damage for at least three years.
Details and prices on Konating
or any of our other services
such as storing, packing, sbip.
ping or moving gladly fur-
nished without obligation.
Just call Evergreen 1200 or
l\lichigan 9100
Where }70U Can Always Get It!
Garden Tools (51 Seeds Window Shades House Furnishings
4015 rJ1'alnut S treel
3939 Germantown .... v..
203 Haverford Avenue, Narbt~rth .:. Phone: NARBERTH 2555 .:. We Deliver

April 11, 1930 OUR TOwN Page Seven

Main Line Boys Are

Haverford College Athletes
Eight freshmen may be letter win- For friendly ser"ice, for con"enience of prompt deli"ery, and for reasonable prices made pos-
ners in three spring sports at Haver- sible by cost-cutting co-operation, BUY AT
ford College this year. The baseball
team, with four first-year men in the
lineup, is counting- heavily on this un-
seasoned material, while the track
squad has three potential varsity men
and tennis team. Baseball has John
L. Simons of Kingston. Pa., as ,
catcher; Georg-e Rice of Doug-laston.1
Long Island, N. Y., at third base; Bill
Tripp of Alleg-an, Mich., and Howard
Maxwell House All Gold
Hag-er of Narberth, in the outfield.
The freshman trackmen are Bill COFFEE BARTLETT PEARS
Battey of Haverford, a sprinter and
broad-jumper: 'Walter W. Jones of I-lb. tin, 39c large can, 3 Sc
Narberth, a hurdler and high-jumper,
and Albert Zintl of Woodbury, N. J.. a
hurdler. The tennis player is Bernard
Chicken-of-the Sea TUNA FISH can, 23c
V. Lentz of Fort Snelling, Minn., - -
president of the freshman class. Taylor SHRIMPS for Salad 2 cans, 25c
Real Estate Transfers
An English type residence on
STEEL WOOL, Handi-Rolls 2 pkgs, 15c
Princeton road, Cynwyd, has been
sold by P. Beccia, through Chandler
& Rankin. to John Layman. It was
Baby Miller Fancy Shoepeg CORN 3 cans, 50c
held at $32,000. - .
Libby's Cooked CORNED BEEF can, 25c
Hirst & MacFarland have sold for I
Rudolph Lukens, a Dutch Colonial
residence of stone construction, con- White Haven TOMATOES 3 cans, 29c
taining 12 rooms and 3 baths, together
with a 2-car garage. on Bowman Ave-
nue just east of \Vynnewood Road at Baker's COCOA (Save 6c) ~ -lb. can, 19c
:Merion, Pa., at a price close to $35,-
ODD, to Walt Whitman Connelly, a --------------------
member of the firm of Cassatt & Co. Campbell's PEA SOUP 3 cans, 25c
The property contains a frontage of 80
feet on Bowman Avenue and a depth
of 150 feet. It is a part of the S. I Myrtle Brand Fancy Pink SALMON tall can, 17c
Wilson Heaton tract.

Chicago is to advertise the city's All Gold Sliced PEACHES (No. I Can) 15c
good points. Well, the bad ones have
had plenty of publicity.
Santa Clara Fancy Large 20-30 Size PRUNES lb. 19c

Galvanized BUCKETS with Pouring Lid, IO-quart

sIZe 19c
-That Good Pittsburgh
Assorted Colors
.. II Ib·,15 c
Blue Diamond Paper Shell ALMONDS lb., 33e
I Heart of Maine APPLE SAUCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 cans, 2ge
Imperator Fancy RICE . 2 pkgs., 25e
Sunmaid Seeded or Seedless RAISINS .. 2 pkgs., 25e
Blue Label Sweet Garden PEAS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . can, 1ge
Del Monte SLICED PINEAPPLE " can, 25e
AS WELL AS REYMER'S Gold Medal FLOUR 5-lb. bag, 2ge
R. & R. BONED CHICKEN " can, S5e
Names put on FREE
Mueller's MACARONI, SPAGHETTI, NOODLES 2 pkgs., 25e
ReYlller's calldies sold BOSANT
.. e.rclusively at PEACHES
Sliced or Hal"es

The Essex 2 large cans, 49c lb., 5Sc lb., 29c

Kandy Kounter I
• 107 Essex Avenue, Narberth Main Line shopping center for those who like to pur..
chase the best food at moderate prices.
We Deliver
I Haverford Avenue, Narberth PHONE NARBERTH 4050
• Abbott's Ice Cream in Fallcy We Deli"er From City Line to Bryn Mawr
o:l-=-='d-=-='d'd-=c=-=c~ 1l~!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!i!!!i!!!iiiiiiiii~!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!iiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~'!!!!!i!!!!!!!!i!!!!!i!iiii!!!!!~~1

Page Eight

Colts Lead Pilots

Make Our Shop Your Headquarters For USE OUR 9.\.1'1. toSP.M.
Determined'in Last Match
Easter Cards FREE A"'TO PARKS Mrd t& MARKET STREET I) A. M. to 9.30 P. M.
Tonight. Free Bus Service to (,9th St. Terminal
High in Quality---Low in Price!
'Vith one more match to play the
Colts lead the Pilots by one point in ~ ~
the Narberth Church Bowling League.
136 SOUTH 15TH ST., Philadelphia
Tonight at the Ardmore Recreation
Center the champicn of the second half FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY
of the season will be determined. Then
there will be a roll-off with the Lion.,.
first half champs, to determine the sea-
Jeddo-Highland Thousands after thousands of families come to Seal'S, Roebuck Retail Stores
to be outfitted. They have profited in the high quality clothing found and
son's champions.
Standing of Teams
'V. L. Pts.
c/lnthracite the tremendous savings realized. You, too, can outfit the entire family with
the season's finest clothing at a big saving in your budget.
Colts . .25 14 3(j
Pilots .25 14 35 SPRING REDUCTIONS

Easter Coats
Battlers 25 14 32
Boosters 23 16 32 The usual Spring Reductions will take place this year
Lions 23 16 30
1\1 eteors
Camels ......10
13 23
on May 1st.
This is a season when your coal supply is probablY II
Pep Boys .. ....... 7 2(j 8 dwindling and an extra ton or two will be required to
+15 00
BATTT,ER::> carry you through until May 1st.
Nicholson 174 183 128
Kelm 144 141 160 If you have not been using Jeddo-Highland coal this is
"'. D. Smedley .'" 154 183 19:1 a logical time to try it and when the time cOliles to
Durbin 210 169 187
H. T. Smedle~' ' .. ' 147 12:1 16S
fill your bins in the Spring we know from experience
Handicap 19 19 19 that your choice will be Jeddo-Highland, the Aristo-
crat of Anthracite.
Totals •••. •.•. • 0. 848 818 SiJ5 They're here-the light coats for your Easter Ensembles.
179 155 152 ! NARBERTH COAL COMPANY Coats for "Mother" and "Daughter." The CAPE coats _
Donahue •••••••• 177 o' 160 1,,4 the BELTED POLO coats _ _ _ the FLARED coats _ _ _ the
Brennan .0 •••••

Meehan '0 ••••••••• 168

Lacel' ............ lR9
Totalx ..........
H8 0.0


iI Main Line Distributors
Ralph S. Dunne
FITTED coats _ _ _ the SCARF coats _ _ _ all beautifully tail-
ored, of the newest woolens and silks. Black and new colors.
Sizes 14 to 52.

I NARBERTH 2430-2431
., ........ ,. 160
lIfason ............
Laughlin ..........
Haws ..... , .......
1 :If>
1 :n
Coats for the "Miss"
Handicap ......... ;'7 64 57 To KEEP Your Home
Totals .......... S30 795 7fi4
Humphries ., ...... 15H
:-;undstrom ........ 17;'
1 s:~
in GOOD Condition
l\furray- .... .... 1 :10
]0)') Pays in the 10llg rUIl, and it
Haist ............. HI; ]55 151;
",,'eiss ........... ,. 18S 141 looks better
Alhert ............ . . 150 H3
* * *

Totals ., ........ 798 790 7fi1 Spending money on house At these low prices the little
BOOSTERS repairs is a good investment.
String'1!eld ........ 210 HI; 1 r.o "Miss" can be happy at "Easter"
::Iia"Niven ". , .. , ,. 132 1!10 121
Ri,,;or ............ , 174 162 145 For reliable general repair work around the house, time, too! Sears, Roebuck offer
ni1f!y ............. 143 164 142 Why not try me?
"',,,.<1 ............. 14ft 11;0 177 such low prices and a wide selec-
H,,"dle:lp ......... 7 7 7 Patching and Shingling Roof
Totals ..........
811 829 742 Screens of 'all Kinds tion for the little one to please
Callahan 14 108 136 Hardwood Floors her own self.
C. Jenkins

••• 0


Book Shelves, etc.
Conley " ......... 147 169

Sneller ........... 1,,0
• ..........• - 726


779 •
_ _ ' Carpenter- and
Build~r• ·w-Women's Dresses-$8.95-·-- ..•
ION • N ar bert·
h A vee Pholles: Day-Narb. 3973,M

A Buffalo man studying to 1>e a 1I1is-
sionar~ was foun<f bootlegging liquor I 0
to help ,pay his tuition. The drys hope l~
Evening-Narb. 3828-R - • The result d'f Sears, R'bebuck's i1mazing v<5lume of b~si­
ness and alert styling. You simply can't find better values!
he won t preach what he practices. ~~:========================:.~ All have that "more expensive look" _ _ _ excellent ma-
terials and smart, new fashion notes. Printed crepes, georg-
ettes, flat crepes and ensembles, too, at $8.95.
Misses' Size-14 to 20-Women's Sizes 38 to 52

Smart Suits

Extra Trousers $5.50

More and more you're finding "Fashion
Tailored" Suits wherever well-dressed men
are seen. Not because they're low in price,
but because they have the smartest styles,
finest all-wool fabrics and the best tailoring
that all the resources and skill of Sears,
Roebuck can command.

AII-Wool Fabrics!
See these new suits. Patterns and
shades in a wide array. As to the price
-just another example of how our buy-
ing power reacts to your best advantage!
.Wide Selection-Sizes for
Ail Size Men

The "Youngster's Pride"

4 Pc. Knicker Suits
The youngster will be proud of this new "Easter"
Suit-Made to stand the hard wear active boys give
their clothes! Here are the same style features which
distinguish men's better suits-single-breasted, ~-but­
ton coat, plain vest, fashionable peak lapels! Two
pairs of plus-four golf knickers.
Unusually Wide Selection of Colors
Bring the youngsters in and let them choose their favorite
color. Our stocks offer this wide sel.ection. .
,..:,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;[g]l WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OR YOUil MONEY BACK
Page Ten OUR TOWN April 11, 1930
--------_._--------- ---~---------
-----------~---- 1\

P~~tin~~ b~~~N~rberth--II"llIlIlIlImm"Ii"III"i11I""111111111
Girl Exhibited at Library I
The staff of the Narberth library is
To make our
sponsoring an exhibition of paintings menu fit the
by Margery Dorrance Cowin to be
given at the library the week of April I FAMILY
14 starting next Monday.
Miss Cowin, who began her work at
the School of Industrial Art and grad-
uated from the School of Design for I ~~
Women, studied under George B.
Harding, Henry B. Snell, R. Sloan
Bredin an~ Paul Gill, internationally
I we have made a general ,.
price reduction: on din-
known artists. ners both a la carte and
She received the Alumnae FellOW-I
table d'hote.
ship at gra?uation a?d s~ec~alized the I
next year to portrait pamttog. On Wednesday, for
The pictures in the exhibition arc I instance, a full course
portraits and landscapes. Several of
the latter were done this winter in dinner, including fried
Miss Cowin is a daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. 'Valtcr Cowin, 206 Merion
II chicken and waffies, for
75c ordinarily a dollar).
Avcnuc, Narberth. Fried scallops help
make a delicious dinner
Successful Concert Given I that costs 75c on Thurs- •
For Benefit of Blind School I days.
A succcssful conccrt was givcn for All our food is served
the benefit of the Royer-Grcaves at moderate prices; and •
School for Blind at thc Ardmore \V0111-
our food and service are
an's Club last F~iday nig-h:, Guests I of the best.
from PhiladelphIa, Glensldc, Nar- I
berth, Cynwyd, Plymouth Mceting I Try them and see!
and Norristown as wcl1 as from the •
Main Linc werc secn in the apprccia-
tive audiencc. Thc music by the ~~
School orchcstra and Girls' Glee was
vcry pleasing- whilc thc reading fr0111 I ARCADIA

the Braille by Alice H ughcs was a'
revelation to those who had ncvcr seen
anvonc read with the fingers. 239 Haverford Avenue,
The dances added much to the pro- Narberth
gram and J\1rs. Lucile Meade and
1lrs. 'Gertrude Sharkey of thc Phila- Phone: Narberth 3799
delphia Civic Theatre Company won
::~~:~;:la;~\:~~~~~ISC by
The pnpils and teachers of thc
Rover-Greaves School with Mrs. Jes-
sie - RO\'er Creaves, the Foundcr and •
J'rincip;d, wish to thank the v.roman's
Club of Ardmore, the Juniors of the
club, and al1 friends, new and old, for for Spring
t heir aid in making the concert a SllC-
ccss. . Palm Sun"all
~~=MM=eM==M=~! an" Eoster Trips
I Myleeraine's
_.r It works like magic- l..
1. really it is just honest work. l L .
Yon need only drive into our station, let us U
know your pleasure, and give us just a
few minutes time. B ..
We hop to work-render the service and
your car is again ready to roll.
III !leallh's a dal/!Jel' Ihlll we R esnIt you invest a few dollars-double the
life of your car, and our organization
I .
)'0111' !lollle is !lealed makes a living. Everybody profits at
Mylecraine 8.
ARDER coal that deserves its
Alemite-ing, Oil Changing, Gear Servicing
A I.
splendid reputation for reo
lia";lity. Our anthracite is of
to ·notch heat-content. Keep
yo~r folks well by keeping your
house warm.
:1:111 st.
L. M. Thompson

:12:1 s. Brond st. 44 RITTENHOUSE PLACE

1337 Olh'e st.
BALA.CYNWYD II 4701 Greene st. Just Drive in or Phone ARDMORE 1651 STATIONS
~Q~::~~=~:d== I~!i!i!!i!i!!!!~iii!!!!!!!!~~_~~!!....!L!!-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..!!..!i_!L~,!i!_~!!!!!!!i!i!!i!!!!!!!!~!i!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!i!!i!i!!i!i!!i!i!~1

April 11, 1930 DURTOWN Page Eleven

At Cynwyd...
• • • • Montgomery Pike and Levering Mill Road
A MODERN addition to the popular and con- make of car, assure a thorough and cor-
veniently located Atlantic Service Station rectly done job.
pictured above now offers to motorists an- The finest lubricants, headed by the long-
other complete Atlantic lubrication service. lasting Atlantic Paraffine Base Motor Oil,
.. Here, amid clean, inviting surroundings, are used. The cost to you is no more than
and with overhead protection from bad you've probably paid for far less efficient
e. weather, you can have your car lubricated service and much lower quality lubricants.
while you wait. Car lift and other modern
• • •
facilities enable quick work. Lubrication
Let us drain and refill your crankcase and put
charts and courteous attendants fully your car in perfectly lubricated condition before
acquainted with the requiretnents of every spring beckons you toward the open road.
, .


OUR TOWN A.pril 11, 19J1J
Page Twelve
Reports Forty-nine Cases I II
7:45 P. :\1.-COIl1l11Ullitv Servlc'~ in reception of new memher.; ~nd work. Contributions, checks or cash, Br)'n Mawr Trust Company.
the Theater. M lisical pmgram the ceh;:bration of the Sacra- . ft' will also be received by the Merion
In' the Lvric Trio and a clral~!l­ ment of the Lord's Supper. . F._or t y-lIIne
. new
. cases
. () can aglous..
lltle and •frust Compal1\' at Ardmore L et "0 ur T own " h ear 0 f your news,
t(zation ,)f '"The Terrible ~[eek" 6:45 P. M.-Meetings of the thrce I
dls~ases, 1I1c1.ud~ng ~our of scarlet fever Narherth, Bala-Cynwyd; and by th~ Send it by mail or phone.
hy Charles Rann Kennedy. See Endeavor Societies. alief one of (bpllthena, were reported by
news item. 7:30 1'. 1L-Rehearsal of Young Health Officer Marvin E, Reynolds
Union Services during' Holy \\·eek. People's Chorus, directed by of the Lower Merion Board of Health
Methodist Episcopal Churt:h (See special notice in this wcek's Mrs. \\' oolmington. for the week ending April 4th. Three QUALITY RAISED
Rev. Samuel MaeAdams, Minister.
Sunday, April 13:
9:45 A. 11.-Sunday School.
On Ea:'ter Sunday Evcning' au: Or-
ganist and Quart~t will present "The
7:45 1'. 11.-Union meeting in ~he
Narberth Theatre.
On next Friday evening (Good Fd-
of the cases of scarlet fever are in
Bala-Cynwyd and the fourth in Bryn
Mawr. Other cases reported include
Seeds & Plants
11 :00 A. 1[.-:\1 oruing \\' orship and (;au"t. Holv Citv," a sacrcd cantata In .\lired day) there will be a special meeting in 5 of chicken pox, 9 of german measles, For the
. . 13 of measles, 16 of mumps, and one of
Sermon.-"Tetelestai." the Presb\·terian Church w.th Sermon
6 :45 P. M .-Epworth League, by the Rev. Henry B. 1o.laster. D. D.,
7 :45 P. M.-Community Service in Holy Trinity Lutheran Church L. L.D. Special music by the Young
pneumonia. ·Thc case of diphtheria is
located in Merion. VEGETABLE AND FLOWER
the N arherth Theatre. Special
Music hv the "Lnic Trio." Palm Sunday, April 13:
Dramatization of "l:he Terri]'le 9 :45 A. :\1.-Bi1>le School.
People's Chorus.
Extensive plans are being mad~ hy Seek Disaster Funds GARDEN
this church for the appropria t·~ cele- .\n appeal for $40,000 has been made GrUR' ....1 1I0r.erlll1l.11 Rooh Bulb. (FuJI LIne) II
Meek," II :00 A. :\I.-The Service with A.,:- bration of the glorious Easter feqh·al.

Flowe,'; C' !'IlIrllb. ,\RPOrtlJrIl. Root. Lawn Mowers '" Ko er.
(For Holy \Veek Union Services cession of memhers and haptism An augmented choir will furnish ,:pe- 11\' thl: American Red Cross for relief Fruit T ',:e~ . Rlmborb Koob j<'ertmaers
sce special notice in this week's paper.) of infants. Theme: "Humhle.! cial music in the morning alld 111 the for victims of the Devon Fireworks Cabbolr': Plllllb Ollion lIets InsecticIde.
disaster. Checks may be sent to Strawberry I'lant. SeNI I'utntoe. Foncl,,"les
Sunday, April 20: and Exalted," evening there will be a choral service • Ve,retnble IIn,l Flower SeedR. Garden Toot•• Spray Pump.
11 :00 A. 11.-Easter Service. The (,:45 1'. :\I.-Senior Luther Leaguc. Wayne Branch, S. E. Penna. Chapter,
with mnsic by the augmented choir and American Red Cross, Radnor Town-
Lenten llite Box Offerill'-' WIll 7 :45 1'. :\1.-Col1llllnnitv Serv:c'~ in also a large Young .People's Chorus.

be received. the :\arherth Theater. ship Building, Wayne, Pa. All money
(For Holy \\'eek Fnioll ~cl'\'icl''', Sl'e received will be spent for the benefit Oor Mr. W, O. Btrd's exoerl Seed.men flO "aps. Vatuable
7 :45 P. M.-Easter Cantata--"Frol11 advice on any subject of fer· "Iaotlo. informa·
.'\ film actress recently threw a glass of sufferers, without reduction for ad-
Olivet to Cah·ary." spccial note elsewhere.)
Friday, 2 :00 I'. ~I.-Thc ~ilc!;t of champagne over the boiled shirt ministration expense. ]. Franklin Mc-
ttlllinir "Iantto , Oarden aod
"'•• .... , 1
as1l:tnl!'. Doo't lIe.ltate to c.l1. LADELPBIA
s•.ttoo, Flo",e.. aod
1 V_ ,... ..
lu.trated, Oet voor
. .
front of a Paris editor, who can now Fadden, chairman of the S. E. Penna. "hone or ",rtte, PHI copy NOW,
Baptist Church of the E'Yangel \Vatch. Fridav. 8 :00 "'. :-'I.-Preparatory consider himself launched. Chapter, is in charge of the relief .-=- Orllers (lC '3 ur mure delivered free wlthlo lUI-mile radIus of Philo.
Robert E. Keighton, :\( inister. Service: Thelllc: "B lood' s Bleaching
Sunday, April 13: Quality."
9:45 A. M.-\\'orship Scnice of thc
Church School ill the audit,,) ill 111 The Presbyterian Church
11 :00 A. :\l.-~Iorning \Vorship Ser-

111011: Thc Elld of the Road. Re\' . .Iohll Vall Xess, 1linister.
This is the )'alll1 Sunday Ser· 11 cetings ior .-\pril 13:
ilion requcsted by the c Jngrc- 9:45 A. :-'I.-Bihle School.
gatioll in its annual hallo: of II :00 A. ~L-~Iorning Wor~.hip. C~JlI'
scrmons to hc repeated. ) twill munioll Address on Proclallll.
illg thl' Lord's Death:' Th!s
be the third I'rescntatioll of lhis
thellle. will he followed hy the Pubhc
are answering this question
in the affirmative . ..
"Pick a
A NEW WAY of washing dishes ... a new way oE launder-
{ / Z ing. . . a new way to a new freedom from tiresome house-
GOOD GARAGE work ... a new road to a new personal comfort never before yours.
The Automatic Gas Water Heater takes you out of drudgery on a
wave-crest of hot water that flows at the turn of a faucet to supply
-then STICK" 150 domestic needs.
When you take a home inventory, think seriously before you O.K.
your hot water supply. Gas comes to you at the turn of a valve; a
snap of a button brmgs light; telephone connections take but a few
seconds; and cold water flows constantly.
Why shouldn't HOT WATER be as quick and certain? It should-
Montgomery Garage Open and will be with an Automatic Gas
Water Heater, one of the greatest of all
330-334 IONA AVENUE home conveniences. See them and know
NARBERTH 2641 how perfect hot water service can
JOHN J. McGILL, Manager
really be. Special
• • ., f • .. • . ..
• • •
• "

Does business keep
you on the road?
Reach for a tele.
phone wherever you
are-pay the home
folks a "voice visit."



THE MAIN LINE lf you have afLJ
Use one of our Automatic Gas Water
SAVE . . . be ready for any emergency Heaters until one full month's gas bill
has been received and if not entirely
that may arrive. satisfactory in every way we will re-
move the heater and refund all money
SAVE. get into the money-making Choice of
state of mind. RUUD AUTOHOT or
SAVE . . . dollars put out at interest de-
Prices low as $7'.00
velop other dollars. ALLOWAN£E OF'
SAVE . . . at this bank because you are
safeguarded by our reputation
for reliability, efficiency and
For Your O.d Deater
Only $5 Down
4% Interest on Sa'JIings Balan" in I8 Months

Write • •• Telephone • •• Call • •• or cAsk Your Home Service ~presen"

NARBERTH BALA.CYNwYD Ardmore 3500 Upper Darby: Boulevard 1600 Bryn Mawr 327
Wayne 56 Cynwyd 1780· . Hilltop 233
Page Fourteell A.pril II, 19JO

James B. Smith, of Avon Road, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bedford, of

e hostess to her club at lunch- Long Island. were the guests of Mr.
Mrs. A. C. Miller, of N d bridge on Monday afternoon. and Mrs. James B. Smith last week.
berth Avenue, and Mrs. E ~d among the members are Mrs. Miss Betty Van Horn and Miss
of Chestnut Avenue, motor .filler, Mrs. H. F. Stevens, Mrs. Helen Carter, of Merchantville, N. J.,
field, N. J., last week. Mr Jefferis, Mrs. E. H. Cockrill, spent last week as the guests of their
ited her niece, Mrs. E. . obert Nash, l\Irs. G. W. Orth aunt. Mrs. S. R. Jefferis, of Dudley
of Plainfield, and Mrs. Mi , s. John Ahhott. Avenue.
Montclair, N. J., where sh' CONTINUED ON PAGE 17
sister, Mrs. ""V.
Grevatt. ;,
Miss Kitty Truedell Gr
tel' of Mr. and Mrs. W. R~
of Woodbine Avenue, will L
of honor at a lunchen and .
performance of "Peter Pan" t.
given by Miss Molly Flynn, of ~
more. Among the guests are •
Business Guide •

Miss Barbara Newman, Mrs. W. Rli.

sell Green and her son, Master Stan-
Jean Graham, of Merion; and Miss
Gene Smith, of Swarthmore.
Mrs. John E. Wetzel, of South Nar-
berth Avenue, was the hostess to her
Courteously and Reasonably
bridge club last Wednesday.
Mrs. John Fulton and her two sons,
John Russett Fulton, Jr., and Shafer
Holmes Fulton, of Great Lake, L. I.,
'Ve Serve the Best
I - c - e
and Mrs. George E. Shaffer, of Chi- A Clean Amusement Center 102 Forest Ave. Narberth 2602 200 Woodbine Ave. Narberth 4058
2nd Floor, Narb. Theatre Bldg.
cago, III., are the guests of Mrs. Eber-
hardt Mueller, of Essex Avenue, this ARCADE TAILOR SHOP
NARBERTH THEATRE French Dry Cleaning Laundries
week. Perfect Sound-Better Pictures 719 Montgomery Ave. Narb. 4165-W
The Hospitality Committee of the 129 Narberth Ave. Narberth 2458 EARL ltlACK
Woman's Community Club of Nar- I,OUIS THE TAILOR First-Class Hand Work
234 Woodbine Avenue 33 Narberth Ave.
berth will give a bridge luncheon to- Phone: Narberth 2666
day at the home of Mrs. Edward Lar-
A.utomobile Ser"ice
ney, of Braeburn Lane. FUNI~'S GARAGE
Mo"ing-Hatlling •
The Phi Tau Delta Sorority of the Repairs, Simonizing, Gas and 011 Coal JOHN NEELY
Lower Merion High School had lunch- 107 Essex Ave. Narberth 2710 NARBER'I'II COAl, CO. Heavy Duty Hauling- Mack Trucks
Jeddo Highland Anthracite 510 Brookhurst Ave. Nar. 2858-W
eon at the Bombay in Philadelphia GEORGE L. LOFTUS Narbert.h 2430-2431
and later attended the performance of General Repair-Batteries, Etc.
"The Little Show" on Saturday after- 925 Montgomery Ave. Narb. 2553 Newspapers
noon. Among those who were present
Contractors OUR TOWN
EARl, ltlECKE GUY CnOYLI~ The Community Newspaper
were the Misses Ruth Hopkins, Car- Automobile Repairing General Contraetor-Drlves 258 Haverford Ave. Narh. 2545
rie Louise Douglas, Janet Caldwell, 111 lona Ave. Narberth 3787 802 Montgomery Ave. Narb. 2800
Polly Mitchell, Mary Ramsey, Lois SltliTH'S AUTO WRECKING anrl
JAlIlES FRATANTONI & SONS Painting~Papering
Rinehart, Betty Magarity. Helen Bot- TOWING SERVICE
Night Phone: Narberth 2675 Jobbing-Stucco Work
toms, Peggy Odoiorne, Helen Staley,
Myrtle Schlipf and Alice Maguire.
Miss Mabel Kirkpatrick, of Essex
Day Phone: Narberth 2699

237-239 Hampden Ave. Narb. 4166

I Goorl Work-Moderate Prices
:130 Price Ave. Narberth 2945
Avenue, has as her guests last week- IIARRY II. IIAlIlER Plastering
end Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Miers, NARBERTII PASTRY SHOP Fine Assortment Good Food
We Bake Fresh Dally on Premises 250 Haverford Ave. EDWARD S. HAWS
of Allentown. Miss Kirkpatrick en- 243 Haverford Ave. Narberth 3694 Plastering, Jobbing, Stucco Repairs
tertained at an informal tea on Sunday 109 Dudley Ave. Narberth 3721
afternoon in honor of Mr. and Mrs. lVHITE'S SWEET SHOP Drugs
Ice Cream, Candy, Nuts, Pastry
Miers. 219 Haverford Ave. Narberth 4005 ARCADE PHARltlACY Plumbing-Heating
Miss Mary Mackeag, of Dudley Ave- Fredericl, Dannenhauer, Proprietor
705 Montgomery Ave. Narb. 2513 COOK BROTIIERS
nue, who has been quite ill, is now Plumblng-Heating-Rooflng
convalescing. Banks 104 Essex Ave. Narberth 4040
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Goodall, 1I1ERION TITI,E & TRUST CO. Electricians DANIEL J. ltlcGARRY
of Dudley Avenue, spent several days Haverford and Narberth Aves. lVAI,TER G. CASE. Prop'r. Oil Burning Equipment
Phone Narberth 3698 Narb. Electric Shop Old Gulph Road Narberth 2673
in New York last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Jackson, NARBEUTH NATIONAL BANK Wiring and Appliances
Member Federal Reserve System 241 Haverford Ave. Narberth 4182 HARRY B. lVALI,
of Oak Lane, spent last week-end with Friday Evenings, Open 7 to 9 Plumbing & Heating
Mrs. Jackson's mother, Mrs. \V. J. PAUL C. LYNN 100 Forest Ave. Narberth 3652-M
Jones, of S. Narberth Avenue. Electrical Worl,
Barbers 344 Dudley Ave. Narberth 2623-W
Among the recent arrivals at the Printing-Mimeographing-
Chalfonte-Haddon Hall, Atlantic City, JOSEPR AMATO
this week are Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. 244 Haverford Ave. Feminine Apparel- Multigraphing
SANITARY BARDER SHOP 258 Haverford Ave. Narb. 2545
For the Whole Family-It's Clean 216 DudleySuzanne
L. Klrscht, Prop.-41 N. Narberth Harry H. Hollar
Av. PATRICIA ELIZABETH SHOP 109 Forest Ave. Narberth 2618
'Vomen's & Children's Apparel
125 N. Narberth Ave. Narberth 2898
Batteries Radio--Victrolas-Music
\VUl\"DER BA'I" & ELEC. SERVICE Flowers-Nurseries- l\"ARBERTH EI,ECTRIC snop
Exclusive Atwater Kent Dealer I~or Radio and Electric Satisfaction
108 Forest Ave. Narberth 2866 Garden Ware 241 Haverford Ave. Narberth 4182

Beauty Parlors
Montg. Ave. at Meeting House Lalle
Phones: Narberth 4020 and 4021
I ReaI E state-I nsurance

For Easter 103 Essex Ave.

Phone: Narberth 3932

Foreign, Domestic Pottery
1268 Montgomery Ave.
Nar. 3923 J
31 Narberth Ave. Narberth 3843
A Complete Real Estate Service
Serve an appropriate assortment of E. W. BUltNS Restaurant
CIIAltLES L. JENIHNS Garden Work, Landscaping, Hauling ARCADIA RESTAUltAN'l'
Abbotts de luxe Ice Cream in indi- Building Construction
vidual fancy forms. Easter lilies, 250 lona Ave. Narberth 2780 Good Food at Moderate Prices
Old GUlph Hd. Narberth 3984 239 Haverford Ave. Narberth 3799
Easter eggs, Easter Bunnies, Baby TIlE FI,O\VER SIIOP
Chicks - made to your choice. 'VALTER P. MIESEN Mrs. Norman Jefferies
100 N. Narberth Ave. Day: Narb. 233 Haverford Ave.
Or, you may prefer a Setting Hen 3973-M Night: Narb. 3828-R
Narberth 2861 Roofing
(2 quarts) of de luxe Chocolate and JOHN A. 1I10WRER. INC. Complete Line of Nursery Stock Above Everything-A Good Roof
Vanilla on a nest of delicious Frozen Building and Jobbing Carpentry Montgomery Ave. Narberth 3796 111 Forest Ave. Narberth 2920
Egg Nog. Enough for 12 to 14 gen- 714 Montgomery Ave. Cynwyd 687
erous servings. PUUUIl\"G BUOTHEUS Fruits-Groceries-Meats Shoes
Order in advance from your nearest Builders
533 Gordon Ave. Narberth 2831 1I0YJUEI,'S 1IIARKE'!' JOliN DJUZIN
Abbotts Dealer or telephone: 209 Haverford Ave. l~dwards' Shoes for Children
lVALTEU SCHLIPF Na.rberth 2855 N. Narb. Ave. Narb. 4053
JANE LOGAN 520 Merw~'n Road
Narberth 2865 GEORGE 1I1. DANDO
Abbotts Hostess Credit and Service Grocer
5be will teU you about them and tbe cost.
Pbone: Lombard 9400. Or, write to ber at
Abbotta Dairies, Inc., Lombard at Tbird 5t..
Philadelphia. for free, beautiful illustrated
lVlIl. n. & H. T. SlIIEDI.EY. INC. 105 Forest Ave.
"For Permanent Satisfaction"
29 Narberth Ave. Narberth 3700 NARIJERTH
Narberth 3605-3677
Narb. 3980-4180
Shoe Repairing & Shining
B. G. Constan tine
228 Haverford Ave. 252 Haverford Ave. Narb. 400G-W
booklet 611ed with idea. for novel Ice cream G. V. lVOODROlV
·d......ta for every month in tbe year. Contracting Builder .J. J. lVHITESIDE
Forms can be mailed to your home if you
109 Forest Ave. Narberth 2916 237 Haverford Ave. upholstering-Furniture
Phones: Narberth 2446 or 3669
live within 200 mil.. of Pbiladelphia. -Decorating
Candy-Cigars-Cigarettes Hardware ATI.AS CO., INC. •
ABBOTTS DAVIS'-Oldest Store In Narberth
Candy. Cigars, General Mdse.
NARBERTH HARDWARE CO. Shades and Unpainted Furniture
107 Narberth Ave. Narberth 3625
Seeds, Implements, Paints, Furns.
de luxe

in fancy forms ~
Phone Narberth 4035
Abbotts' Ice Cream
103 Essex Ave.
230 Haverford Ave. Narberth 4177
Garden Tools and Seeds
Narberth 3791 203 Haverford Ave.
I Attorneys-at-Law
Narberth 2555 205 Haverford Ave. Narberth 4033

Aprii II, 19JO
--- -_
.. _.~--------_ ... _---

Performance of ~Rummage' Pleases Large

Audience at Ardmore Woman's CIu b
"--- - .- _.~--_._---- . - .~-_. __ l)Oa TOWN
._- ----_._------ ---------------------

.:. COKE

$11.00 a Ton
II Page Fifteen

Ladies' ImpoTt~d
FELT HATS, $lup~~:rd
Spring colors, all shape & sizes.
l~elt hats trimmed with straw.
306 Dudley Ave., Narberth
"Rummage," the prize-winning play Charming Hostess Phone Narberth 2430 Phone Narberth 2562-R
~~~~~el~.a~~er~~e~:d"S~~gi~:\V~:~~,~ iII ~~~~~ t::1t::3?_'2...":1...t'?!:"l~~'--~
Ardmore, was admirably presented on
Friday evening, March 21st, to a large
• and enthusiastic audience at the \Vom- I ABC AGENCY OPENED AT ARDMORE
an's Club of Ardmore. It was un-
doubtedly a huge success, as the acting
of the entire cast was enjoyed by
I We are pleased to announce that we have opened an ABC Oil
Burner demonstration agency at 31 East Lancaster Avenue,
everyone present. Ardmore, Pa., where we will be pleased to demonstrate per-
Among the leading characters which feet automatic heat to anyone. Phone Ardmore 3833 and
deserve especial mention was that of make an appointment to see a demonstration of what auto-
1\lrs. Goodenough, portrayed by Mrs. matic oil heat will do for you.
James McCurdy, of Narberth, who
played. thc part remarkably and was
trnc to the type delineated. Her de- ABC Oil Burner Sales Corporation
livery was extremely pleasing and 802 NORTH BROAD STREET
natural. Robert H. Maitland as Mr. Philadelphia, Pa.
Goodenough, the harassed husband Ardmore Office: 31 E. Lancaster Avenue
and father, was splendid, while Miss
Janet McDowell as their daughter was
very good. J\Irs. Stephen E. Slocum
\\'on the heart of her audience by her
impersonation of Nora Maguire, the
belligerant and cunning Irish woman. GOLD MEDAL "A" MILK IS PERFECTLY SEALE D
Harry Kabernagle, of Germantown,
was a pleasing and forceful Officer
Ryan. There were many minor parts
in the supporting cast which were
• very well done. Mrs. Albert P. Braid,
who represented a darkey flapper, -Photo by JackRon.
charmed the audience with her song, Miss Virginia ]. Hart, daughter
"Lucky Day," and her use of the col- of Mrs. Henry B. Patton, of Haver-
ored dialect. Mrs. John S. Adams and ford, who will entertain at a lunch-
Mrs. Edwin Lawrence, two East Side eon and bridge party on April 15th
flappers, raised many a laugh with in honor of Miss Beatrice Paxson,
their witticisms which were apropos daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
to the purchasing of hats and gowns Paxson, of Radnor, whose marriage
at the rummage sale. A touch of to Mr. William B. Hart will take
pathos was addcd to the play by Mrs. place on May 15th. ,
C. A. Rogcrs, who took the part of the
Little Woman and by an Italian
-woman enacted by Mrs. Nicola D'As-
cenzio, of Germantown. Among the
Present Musical Play I
minor characters those who deservc
special mention were Chcstcr \Val- at Friends' Central I
• leigh, of Lansdowne, who played the
part of thc Chinaman; Curnow Carlson I
cnough, Jack Pierce, Dean Autilio, Many Attend Delightful Affair; i
as thc son of Mr. and Mrs. Good- Elections to Cum Laude .
Helen McCurdy, Jack Spears and .Mrs.
William E. Stanley.
Inez Reffeto recited interesting and
Announced. I
entertaining monologues, while the
Phillips-] enkins Trio, of Philadelphia, MOTHERS HEAR ADDRESS!
delighted the audience with a group
of songs, among which were "Pale
Moon," "Lullaby" and "The Fairies in On Tuesday, the 18th. Ralph P.
• the Bottom of Our (;arden." As an Bridgman, Director of l'arents' Coun-
cncore they sang Victor Herbert's cil, Philadelphia, addressed a meeting
"Gypsy Love Song."
Members of the Junior Club who of mothers of ] unior High School boys
acted as ushers were Miss Floreuce at Friends' Ccntral School, Overbrook.
Hutchinson, Miss Ann Culbertson, His topic was "The Growing Boy" and
)'Irs. Edward Burt, Mrs. Albert Fey, his talk was the first of a series of lec-
Mrs. Felix Maguire, Mrs. Earl tures by different people to this group
Think of health as the vital factor
Thompson, Mrs. Ross Andrews and on topics which relate to young people. in the life of your child. Then real.
:Miss Jean Arnold. Dancing followed Mrs. Charles H. English of Narberth
the play in the club room. is the chairman of this study group. ize that nothing is more important
At two o'clock this afternoon the A delightful musical romance entitled
club will hold their regular monthly "The \Vishing Well" was presented on than pure, rich milk - a quart every
card party in the club rooms. In con- Friday evening by the Dramatic Club
ncction with this thcre will be a iash- of the School. With a pleasing depic- day, In Gold Medal Milk, nature
ion show by the Bon Marche Gown tion of Irish humor through the spokcn
Shop, of Ocean City, N. J. Those word and song the very capable young has placed practically all the food
playing cards will be charged a small men and young women who partici-
ft'e, otherwise everybody is welcome pated showed that they had been ex- elements and vitamins needed for
to the fashion show. cecdingly well trained and were not
without some individual talent. Mrs.
health and growth. Thirty-four gold
Coaches Signed Berenice S. Flick, a member of the medals for superior purity' and Flavor
.. faculty at Friends' Central, directed the
Announcement by the Executive play. About five hundred parents and
Athletic Committee of the signing oi friends attendcd. is a record that has stood for many
Coaches Branl1nall, Pattersall, 1...lc- Elections to Cum Laude Society at
Pete and Taylor, in tennis, cricket, Friends' Central: (Cum Laude Society years. This Fine milk is scientiFically
soccer and basketball, completes the is the Secondary School scholastic safegu'arded all the way from the
coaching staff for Haverford College honorary society and is comparable to
for next year, with the exception of Phi Beta Kappa in the colleges). Pro- farm to your, door. Enjoy its
iootball. The gridiron sport was left fessor Putnam Lockwood of Haverford
without a head coach when Harvey College addressed the student assembly healthfulness every day.
Hannan accepted an offer from the on Monday as part of the ceremony
University of the South, to take over clecting six new members to the
the football and track departments Friends' Central Chapter of Cum,
there. Coach Brammall's team which Laude. The following young people
has compiled a record· of nineteen wins have maintained a superior average in

and eight losses in the two years in all their subjects during their junior
which he has been coaching it, will year and the first half of their senior
face a hard schedule of sixteen matches. year, thereby becoming eligible for
James McPete will be in charge of the election in recognition of their excellen t /'
soccer men, who have a record of fifty- scholastic achievement: ]. Stokes Cle-
nine wins, eighteen ties, and seventeen ment, ] r., Pauline Tarbox, William I
defeats, in the eight years that he has Serber, Ralph P. Earle, Helen M. Pike,'
been at Haverford. Sam Taylor, bas- Dorothy P. Humphreys. After Dr'l
ketball mentor during the season just Lockwood's talk their election was for-
passed, will again tutor the quintet, mally announced by the principal, Dr.
• and he is hoping that the team will Barclay L. Jones, and keys awarded by SUP P LEE -W ILL S - JON E S
better the record of eight losses and Anna B. Eisenhower, Secretary of the
five victories, compiled last winter. local chapter.

"/,r;ll1, 1930
Page Sixteen OUR TOWN
ing the alteration of their main plant ship of Reconciliation and secretary of
Main Line Adopts Autocar Trucks to Do building at Ardmore. This work was the National Christian Council of
started last year when $170,000 was China. He is a winner of the Walker
Highway Work in Russia expended in preparation for quantity Prize for an essay on Social Recon-
Community Concerts -- production of the New Autocar "Blue struction and has written numerous
The Autocar Company, which has 1 S.treak" Motor. :rhe alter~tions pro- books on religious and international
Membership Dues to Finance just paid the vide for the .en.tlre reroutmg of ~I~e subjects.
. thirtieth consecutive divi- 1II0tor,
tranSllllSSlon and rear axle dlvl- -
A ppearances of Artists dend on Its preferred stock, recently sions and will permit production to
Before Association. completed negotiations involving the keep pace with .the increased sales
· . volul1le expected 111 1930 For Permanent
__ sa Ie 0 f sixty-mne heavy duty trucks to .
The lIf' I' I I
I fi . I the Amtorg Trading Company, of New S I C · k Satisfaction •
l al11 .me. las ( e lIlIte y York, for export to Russia. Fift .-four e ect ommencement Spea er
which means that I~cal eOllcert
the cOl1ll1lunlty plan, 1I 0 f tl lese .um't s WI'11 I~e usc d f or )stre~t
music lovers Henry T. Hodgkin, director of study
'11 I I . fl' IconstructIon and lIIamtenance work In at the new Quaker School of Social
lave t Ie opportumty 0
the world s greatest artIsts dunng the
leanng 'f
I"'· I I
oscow, kan(. t 1e I'
. d f l ' I and Religious Study in Philadelphia,
remamd" er or 11g'1-
1'1 has Ileen selected to deliver the com-
, .1 . way wor m out ymg Istl'lCtS.
of season, WIt
underwriting or lout and amou~1t 0 f t 1Ie sa Ie w IIIC
the necessIty
guarantees, 'II mc
1e mencel11ent day address at Haverford
. Iu d e d a College on June 7. Dr. Hodgkin, who Built Home
'tl t tl I' 1 . I f I fi' quantity of spare parts, totaled nearly is a graduate of Kings College, Eng- WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY,
WI IOU Ie s Ig ltest ns ( 0 (e ICltS. $400000
BrieHy the plan is to form a local as-
sociation, each member of which is en-
.,' .
lalld, has been chairman of the Student
Volunteer Missionary Union, secretary
I he Autocar COlnpany has com- of the Friends' Foreign Missionary
l INC.
titled to a scat at all concerts that can pleted a construction program involv- Association, chairman of the Fellow- ;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;::;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;:
be given within the limits of the
budget created by lIIembership dues. II
The more members, the bigger and
beller and more numerous will be the
resulting concerts. All funds will go
into the concerts themselves, with no
profit to anyone except the listeners.
The community concert plan, which
has. the support of nine of the leading
natIOnal managers, offers the oppor- •
tunity of hearing such world-famous
artists and groups of artists as the
New York Philharmonic and Philadel-
phia Orchestras, Rosa Ponselle, J er-
itza, . Martinelli, Elman, Spalding,
L.he\'lnne, Bauer, Levitzki, the English
SlIlgers, the London String Quartet,
the Russian Symphonic Choir etc.
The choice of actual concerts is' made
by the local committee, after the avail-
able budget is realized, with the as-
surance of the greatest possible re-
to choose a SIX!
turn for whatever the investment may by hydraulic shock absorbers. They
be. There will be no box office sale It is wise to choose a six-cylinder
and the concerts can be heard only motor-the only way to get six-cylin- are mounted lengthwise, in thedirec-
by those who arc members of the as- der smoothness. Six-cylinder tion of car travel, with self-adjusting
smoothness takes out vibration and spring shackles to maintain quiet. •
Dr. Sigmund Spaeth, of 1\ew York
well known writer and speaker 01; rou~hness•.This saves motor, chassis, Modern low suspension and extra
1I111,ic, is general director of the com- body, passengers, and driver.
munity concert 11l00'ement, and will wheelbase give the Chevrolet Six
visit the Main Line during the week The Chevrolet is a six. Yet it sells at a good proportions. The fron t view is
of May 19 to address \'arious local 01'- distinguished by the honeycomb
g;~nizati()ns, after which membership price that anyone can afford to pay.
Will be thrown open 10 all who arc in- And it lasts longer, because of fine radiator. The gasoline tank is at the
terested in hearing g-ood music. materials, oversize parts and a big, rear for safety and finer appearance.
Among those who have thus far
been inlere,ted in the community smooth, 50-horsepower six-cylinder Chevrolet beauty instantly says
concert plan in the Main Line arc: engine that always "takes it easy." "Body by Fisher" -style, quiet, safety •
)'Iiss Elfrida Ro"massler, Miss
Florence Leonard, Bruce C. Beach, With all its six-cylinder smoothness -Fisher composite steel-and-wood
~lr,. C. B. Pennypacker, Mrs. H. Wil- construction-non -glare windshield
son Moorehouse. 1f rs. Gideon Boer- and power the New Chevrolet Six
icke. Mrs. Albert P. Braid, Miss Eliz- saves gasoline and oil, through -adjustable driver's seat-deeper
cushions-greater leg room-clearer
abeth Ransley. 1fis, Grace A. Penny-,
l~'lck~r, \Villiam T. ~fclntyre, Horace I'
modern efijciency-overhead valves
-high compression power-latest vision-finer fabrics and fitments.

l~ntnken, Edwin \V. Ehmann, Jo,eph
L. Bowles, all of Ardmore; Adolph carburetor-long -wearing pistons- There is just as much extra value
\~ogel and Mrs. C. Fred Kuebler. Jr.. crankcase ventilation-air cleaner.
~ arberth; Mrs. J. E. Bacon, Bala-
throughout. BY ANY STANDARD
Cynwyd; 1\lr,. Frederick 1\eel\', Mrs. Thus Chevrolet brings truly modern the Chevrolet Six is the wisest choice
J:tl~les Chadwick-Collin, and ~rrs. transportation within reach of all in the low-price field ... with its six-
Jo.<hlh Harcum, Bryn 1fawr. who can afford any car. Chevrolet cylinder valve-in-head motor . • •
economy also means sincerity in with full scientific equipment ..•
manufacture. To illustrate: with Body by Fisher .•• with four
Chevrolet valves are adjustable-to long semi-elliptic springs, long
save replacing. Chevrolet molded wheelbase, low suspension, rear-
brakelininggreatlyreducesbrakeup- mounted gasoline tank, honeycomb
Enjoy a Delightful keep. The rear axle inspection plate radiator and all the other features of
on the Chevrolet means accessihiIi ty. this day and age.
Sunday Dinner in The whole car is full of
such evidence that true ROADSTER OR PHAETON See your nearest Chev-
Ph iladelphia economy comes from ad- a~95 rolet dealer today and
at the beautiful new vancement and refine- ~ drive this six. Ten min-
mente There are four utes at the wheel will
EMBASSY ROOM extra-long, chrome-va- show you what a differ-

Locust Street at 17th
nadiumspringscontrolled F.O.B.FACTORY.FLlNT,MICII. ence six cylinders make.
Ti,e Coupe .• •••••••••••••••••••.•••••• $565
The Coach , •••••• 565
The Sport Roadster • •••••.••••.••••••• 555
Ti,e Special Sedan
(6 ",ire wheels .~tandard) •••••••••••• $725
Ti,e LiS!IIt Delil'ery Cllassis . ••••••• ; ••• 365

I' 655 The Sedan Delil'ery 595

Special Dinner nightly, $2.50. Also por t "oupe .•••••••..•.••••.. • •• • ·
T e SCbS
Th TI I e t Jl .'on CI, a ss's
,2- .... I •••••••••••••••••• 520
a 10 carte. Delicious dishes. Concert he lu edan •••..•.•.•.••.••••••••. 625 11fz-Ton Chassis ",ith Cab ....•..•...•. 625
Orchestra 7 to 9 P. M. Excellent The Sedan 675 Roadster Delil1ery (pick-Up box extra) •• 440 •
parking space directly adjacent to All prices f. o. b. factory, Flint, Mich.
hotel; garage adjoining. Reservation:
"Paul," Pennypacker 3800
Exaplional trll<rlaining fad/ili.s • ••
for T.as, Card Parli.s, Banqu.ls,
DanctS, Ell.

April 11, 1930 OUR TOWN Page Seventeen


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Heatmg CALL'I

CONTINUED }<'HOM PAGE 4 , Justice of the Peace l
to Florida some time in the latter I I, t REAL ESTATE 1 ROBERT COMPTON
1 Fire Insurance-Best Companies i 109 Forest Avenue
part of April.
J. A. L.
............ .-..------------_
Phone 40~9-W 2111 Haverford Aye. \
I Narberth .~~~ .. _

-W-E- -H-A-V-E:e,:r; d:'i~ ~

P. P. S. I herehy tender my resigna-
tion, to take effect immediately. Real Service
• Jess A. Littlekiss. I able homp.s
with. a smile
* * * , for rent, in Narberth,
Your second letter-reproduced Merion and Cynwyd. General Repairing:
herewith-came too late to tear apart
the type of the first, but I'm removing I $75 to $125 All Makes of Cars
my remarks about you slinking away Cars Washed, Polished and
• with your tail hetween your legs to SHARP & STALDER Greased'
pnhlish it this week. Just what is
you, capacity 011 the paper whose
envelope yon used?
Superior Realtors Battery Work
All Work Guaranteed
No, He Doesn't 1524 CHESTNUT ST., PHILA.
Dear Ullcle Cy,
This is merely politely to request Suburban Phones: Rit. 7733; Narberth 4178
yon, if you should happen to publish
my most recent letter, to delete the
phrase which indicated my intention Service .... +'4* ..
to retire. I have changed my mind.
Also, if you happen to he ill the pnh- of
lishing office in the near future, I
should like vou to delete that phrase
of mine which Ullwar,antedly asserted
EASTER Narberth
the superior fiune of my pell over Colonial homes with detach-

yours. I feel that this snggestion was
indelicate and impolite. I have re-
PLANTS and ed garage, offering wide
selection of exteriors. Ex-
clusively different; plus rare
Station Garage
cently heard several persons from the planting'S and old shade.
:\1 ain Line commend your column;
consequently I feel that it is not for
At Ardmore Avenue
(Under New Management)
The Only Drive.in Station in
JIle to censure thus severeh'. of selected quality )l~lIrIlIHhecl Exhntit 1101lH('" Narberth
0'....' Until II ,,·... ,,"k P. In.
Truly (though hastily) 'yours, Motor via Laneaster PiJ<e to Ard- Essex and Haverford Avenues
• Jess A. Littlekiss. at moderate prices more Ave. 'I'urn left at Auto

Lower Merion H. S.
including Cal' Plant to exhibit House.
. Phone Narberth 2554

Baseball Schedule
Uncommon ¥
April IS-Chester, Tues., hOll1e. Varieties
April 22-Abington, Tues., away.
April 29-Upper Darby, Tues., away for those preferring
1!av 6--Havedord. Tues.. home. the unusual in floral
:-'-f a)' 9-0:orristown, Fri.. home.
1-1ay to-George School, Sat., away. souvemrs
May 13-Chester, Tues., away. 1
May 20-Abington, Tues.• here.

:May 23-Radnor, Fri., here. For Your
May 27-Upper Darby, Tues., here.
Jnne 3-Havedord. Tues., away. Friends and
Bank Notice
Charter No. 12595. Reserve Dis-
trict No.3. we provide prompt
• Report of condition of the Nar-
berth National Bank of Narberth, delivery service of
in the State of Pennsylvania, at fresh flowers and
the close of business on March 27,

1930. plants on any speci-
RESOURCES fied day in all parts
• Loans and discount
207.89 of the world.
Other bonds, stocks 1
and securities owned 202,737.50

.. Banking house .. ..... ....... 45,180.60

Furniture and fixtures 14,388.38
Reserve with Federal
Reserve Bank ........
Cash and due from
24,795.24 Assortment
Your Home.
banks 39,782.39
Other assets 7.90 of imported floral
• artware accessories • II
Total .$608,053.85
LIABILITIES for sun room, porches
Capital stock paid in $50,000.00 and garden.
profits-net 7,293.04
Distinctive New Ideas for It
... Reserve for dividends,
contingencies, etc. .... 2,000.00
Due to banks, including
• •.. FREE
certified and cashiers'
checks outstanding 163.78 ~
Charming little cottages . • . stately colonials
witl' eight to ten rooms . . . glimpses of Early
Demand deposits
Time deposits
319,768.54 f lm American interiors . . . English garden fences.
Total......................... $608,053.85 ~~\. r You must see these Thirty-Four pages of allur-
State of Pennsylvania,
County of Montgomery, ss.:
~\.~\ , ing pictures of lovely homes-some actually built
and lived in-some original designs.
I, J. L. McCrery, Cashier of the Y\' 1~"
above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is
,.! t~ "For Home Lovers", a colorful new book of
homes, is yours ior the asking. Phone your
true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. The request, drcp a note in the mail, or, better still,
call at our office-we'll sec that you get your copy.
• Subscribed and sworn to before
Cashier. Flower Shop Shull Lumber Company
me this 3d day of April, 1930. Mrs. Norman Jefferies
J. BAIRD CALDWELL, The Link Bdwun Fortst and Home
Notary Public. 233 HAVERFORD AVB. 25-29 BALA AVE., BALA-CYNWYD
Correct-Attest: NARBERTH
• EDWIN P. BOLD, Telephone Narberth 2861

Page Eighteen OUR TOWN April 11, 1930

the Messrs. 'William Dothard Ned

Cunningham, Richard Gillis, of Nar-I
I •
berth; Mr. John Lancaster of West CHAS. F. EBERT
?:be FIRESIDE Philadelphia, and Mr. Richard Kro-
mer, of Cynwyd. I
Jobbing CarPenter
Phone; NARBERTH 4129
Miss Polly Palmquist, of Narbrook

CONTINUED ,}<'ROM PAGE 14 six weeks' visit to her former home in
San Antonio, Tex.
Park, and Mr. William Dothard, Miss
Jane Evans and Mr. Robert Guiand
will attend the dance given by the AI~
pha Omicron Pi at the Drake in Phila-
:•• ~:~~d:l~:~:~ ••,
Miss Betty Hoff of Levering Road,
Cynwyd, entertained at bridge Thurs- Miss Elma Reese, daughter of Mr. delphia tomorrow night.
and Mrs. G. Howard Reese, of Hamp- . Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weightman,
day afternoon, April 3. The guests,
who are members of the school, were den Avenue, spent last week-end in of Oaklyn, N. J., were the guests of •
the Misses Peggy Fox, Marion Tipton, Fox Chase. Mrs. Reese visited Wash- Miss. Potly Palmqust at tea on Sunday
Carolyn Shearman, Julia Moore, Peggy ington, D. C., Friday of last week to evenmg.

Duncan, Virginia Alexander, Katherine see the cherry blossoms. Mrs. Robert S. Gutelius, of Mifflins-
Gerhart, Marian McClure, Eleanor Among other visitors to Washing- burg' Pa., arrived on Tuesday to spend

ton, D. c., last week, were Mrs. several weeks with her son-in-law and
Brown, and Polly Perkins of Cynwyd,
Thomas Manning, of Hampden Ave- daughter, Dr. and Mrs. Edwin C. .~J;..n..n..u-u-u-n:~)OOO.lI-.,,-a-V_lJ:.~~'" •
the Misses Jean Tracy, Mary Sue
\Vestcott and Peggy Berry of \Vynne-
wood, Jane Dunham of Haverford, and
nne, who went to visit her son Mr.
Thomas E. Manning, Jr.; Mr: and TOM';~' ~1;dN~1~:.rtlL.AB~nEedgerton, of BONEMEAL
13etty Magarity and Mary Jean Poor- Mrs. yv. H. Hartel and their daugh- Chestnut Avellue, motored to Balti- 100 lbs. ct.2 95
man of Narberth. ter, MISS Helen Hartel, of Avon Road; more, Md., last week-end. ''P •
Also Peat Moss and Vigoro
M iss Carolyn Shearman of Lever- Dr. and Mrs. G. E. Robertson and
their son and daughter, Mr. Douglas L. M. THOMPSON (COAL)
ing Mill Road, Cynwyd, entertained CAKE SALE Phone, Cynwyd 280

at bridge Friday afternoon, April 4, for Robertson and Miss Jean Robertson;
some of her school friends. Mr. \V. A. Stout, of Hampden Ave-
nue. 9 A. :'o~L~~e~:,:~ :~urdayS '30:b=lS=n:&.. uuQ~~
The guests were: The Misses Peggy
Duncan, Virginia Alexander, Dolly M r. a~ld Mrs. J. ~aymond Sharp 235 Haverford Ave., Narberth MOORE'S
Diehl, Marion Tipton, Peggy Fox, and fanuly, of WoodSIde Avenue vis- Mrs. H. H. Mead's Boys' Class EMPLOYMENT SERVICE
Betty Huff, Elizabeth Ann Wood and ited relatives in Trenton, N. l,on ~ O All Saints
Church Reliahle Help for All Occasions
Louise O'Leary, of Cynwyd, ana Miss Sun.day. Mrs. Sharp is entertaining at ~............ '-"'-",.~~- At Short Notice
Marian Schwabbe of Bala, Libby a (1Inner and bridge this evening. ~t=::l.t=S~t=lt:1t=11 2:; Arclnlore Aren«le' Ardmore

Swift of Ardmore and Betty Magarity Mr. Allen Cameron and Mr. Robert
and Libby Megee of Narberth. Cameron, of Montgomery Avenue, •
spen~ last week-end in New York City.
The old members of the Phi Tau MISS Betty Needham, of Chestnut
Delta sorority entertained the new Avenue, was the hostess to the mem- Tree Trimming, Top Soil
members at a theatre party Saturday ber.s of her sorority, the Alpha Theta Planting of All Kinds
afternoon, April 5. Those who attended ChI, last \Vednesday evening. Among CAMV .~()VUf).J
were the 11.1 isses Rnth Hopkin~. Carie the me III bers and guests were the
Louise Douglass, Ray Wilson, 1I1yrtle ~1 isses Mary~ Anderson, Margaret t71
f'{)~ ~L§ •
Schlipf, Alice Maguin~, Helen Stal~y, Sage, Isabel I'arrell, Rosalind Mellor
Betty Magarity, Lois Rhinehart, janet
Caldwell, Peg Odiorne and Helen Bot-
toms of Narberth, Mary Ramsey of
Virginia StingIer, Anabel Needham:
the Messrs. David \Vhiteside Jack
Co.tt~r, Willard Black, John' Fitch,
Bryn Mawr, and Mildred Evans, Betty
Coneys and Polly Mitchell of Cynwyd.
\V111Iam Wannup, Kenneth Tarent and
~ e~ Cunnin~ham. This sorority is
T he Majestic ".' I
,Miss Irma Ruth Minnich, of Wood- glvmg a movIe benefit at the Narberth Silver Fox Rl
side Avenue, was the hostess to her Theatre on April 23 and 24. Tickets The onvcr fox I. the peer of nil foxes
bridge club on Tuesday evening. may be obtained from any of the mem- mlIad)-"s
and commands 'R VeT;)' ImpOrtant place In
Among the members were Mrs. bers at the regular price. wardrobe,
George \Vatts, the lvlisses Lois Cald- A habitant of Canada and the Northern
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vveightman, State8, Dark tllulJe JII color (almost ulal'il'
well, Betty Purse, Eleanor Knauer, formerly of Narberth, and now of with n. mixture of sih'er gray hail". (nw of
Louise Jones, Martha Sunderland and the most hard~' furM; will g-i\'e yl'HI'!'J of
Oaklyn, N. J., will ent.ertain at bridge 8ervt(',~ and ('RUlIle favornhlp eommj'nt
Virginia Smith. on Wednesday evenmg, April 16. always, Cnreful1~' RP}tlC:ted p.-Its, ~tarttn~
Miss Eleanor Michaelson, of Haver- at $135, P. G. Godfre~'. Hulte 324-2rl·~G. at
Among the guests will be the Misses Ten fi~lp\'tm Chp.stnut StrE'l't. Phlladl'lllhln,
ford Avenue, spent last week-end at Ruth Hopkins, Patience \Vohlert and A thoroughly American Con(~prn wllh :10
Canoeing-eamp Iroquois
~'eal's' fur ('x(Jprleuee, Specfn.l;zes In foxeH,
Penn Hall, Chambersburg, where she !\fiss Polly Palmquist, of Narberth and Ahm f'Xp('rt rt.-palrlng or refashlonh~g. I~ocated on beautiful Lake Wln-
was the guest of 1Iiss Betty Otto, !\f iss Beatrice Kromer, of Cyn~vYd; Very muderate storage charges.
--Adv. nepesaukee, White Mountains,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Otto, N. n., is this >!elect summer
of Grayling Avenue, who is a student camp for growing girls.
there. From Chambersburg, Miss
Michaelson returned to Hood College
to resume her studies. •
1fr. Jimmy England, of the Valley
Forge Military Academy, spent last
week-end with his sister, Mrs. Howard
When You KNOW activities
Horseback riding, water sports,
athletics, hiking, canoeing, dra-
F. Cotter, Jr., of Brookhurst Avenue.
!vi r. Hammond Sullivan, of Eliza-
beth, N. J., spent last week-end with
That It's Safe matics, dancing, music, archery,
arts, and crafts All activities
his mother, Mrs. Frank O. Sullivan, of
ti modified to suit ~ach girl's ph)'>!-
Essex Avenue. ical and individual needs.
Mrs. Sullivan was the hostess to her THAT negotiable bond, that heir-
club at luncheon and bridge on Thurs-
11iss Louise England, of Essex Ave-
nue, who was recently operated upon
loom, that costly jewel
isn't it worth a penny a day to keep it
Fresh vegetables, milk, eggs and
for appendicitis, is now convalescing. safe beyond worry? For that amount fruit. Highest grade of meats.
Mrs. E. T. Bouhgner, of Hazleton, Menus varied daily, under the
Pa., has been spending the last three you may rent a per>!onal supervision of the DI-
rector and prepared by thor-
weeks with her niece, Miss Betty oughl)' etlkient coo),>!.
Purse, of Elmwood Avenue. box in our thief- •
Miss Julia M. Wetnz, of Essex Ave- proof, fireproof
nue, entertained at a luncheon and
bridge at the Rittenhouse, Philadel- vault. General Information
phia, last Saturday. Opens July 2-eloses, August 27
Miss Lois Smith, of South Narberth Limited Number of Campers _0
Avenue, was the hostess to her bridge Experienced Instructors
club on Monday evening. Among the 'I'ralned Nur>!e
members arc 'Mrs. J. J. Jefferies and
1\1 rs. ~. H. Smith, of Penn Wynne; Strictly Christian, Non-Sectarian
1\,1 rs. Richard T. Odiorne, of German-
town; Mrs. Thomas W. Jackson, of
Oak Lane; Mrs. James A. Maxwell, of
Lansdale; Mrs. Katherine Martin, All Calls Recei"e the Per-
Miss Margaret Kent and Miss Mabel YOUandWE sonal A tlention of the Director
keep separate keys
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Arthur El-
wood, of Sabine Avenue, formerly of to your box, which
Bala, a:-e being congratulated upon the cannot be opened

birth of a daughter, Phylis Joyce El- without BOT H. CAMP IROQUOIS FOR GIRLS
wood, on April 4, at the Bryn Mawr LAKE WINNEPESAUKEE
Hospital. Mrs. Elwood, prior to her Thus, 100% secur-
marirage, was Miss Edith Eleanore ity. WHITE MOUNTAINS, N. H.
Maguire, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Joseph D. Maguire, of Narberth. She
Mrs. Walter M. Burkhardr, Director
Bryn Mawr Court, Bryn Mawr

was society editor of the Bala-Cynwyd
News and Our Town.
The DVarherth DVational CRank Phone: Bryn Mawr 11l8-W
Mrs. Robert Fellows Wood, of For- Beautifully Illustrated Catalog on
rest Avenue, gave an 11 o'clock break- Member Federal Reser"e System Request
fast on Wednesday morning in honor •
of Mrs. Philip Pitcher, of Forrest Ave-
nue, who has recently returned from a

April 11, 1930 .:lUR TOWN Page Nineteen


General Not ..;ce- toClassified Advertisements will be charged only

residents of the Main Line Whose names Please note that our Shu-Gleam process enables
appear In the telephone directory; to persons maintaining an account with
us, or to regular subscribers to either THE MAIN LINER, OUR TOWN, or us to recolor your leather shoes to match your dress
NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD. -all colors: 18 kid finishes and 18 metal finishes.
.,R ates-MInimum
10 cents a line In each paper; 25 cents a line In all three.
charge, 35c In one paper; 75 cents In all three Av-
erage of five words to the I1ne. No blackfaced type used. Goodwear Shoe Repairing Shop
• Deadline for lnsertions- Classified ad\'ertisements wlll 252 Haverford Ave. Narberth 4006·W We Call and Deliver
be accepted up to Wednesday 6
o'clock for OUR TOWN or all three papers; Thursday, 1 o'clock, for THE
MAIN LINER; Thursday, 5 o'clock for NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD.

Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100

Girls' Dresses and Little
Boys' Suits.

Humming Bird Hosiery

Silk Underwear
FOR service on electric refrigerators,
phone Narberth 2763-J. (omb4-18)
French Jewelry
LIST with us your real estate any-
where on the Main Line section in- -at moderate prices
cluding Bala-Cynwyd, Narberth, Ard-
more, Merion, Wynnewood or Wynne-
field and Overbrook In Phlla., for sale
or rent. You may be assured of suc- Open Evenings Until Easter
cessful service In way of prompt ac-
• tion, in way of seiling or leasing your
property, large or small. Samuel Ax-
elrod & Son, 66th and Diamond Sts.
Trinity 1934. (omb4-18)
DRESSMAKING and alterations or
Patricia Elizabeth Shop
mending in your home or mine. Mrs.
M. Redlich, Lakeview Apts. Narth. For Sale
2366-W. (627)
MAILING and addressmg service avail-
POWJ~R and hand lawn mowers and Women's and Children's Apparel
lawn equipment. Also I-ton Chevro-
able to bus. firms, assocIations, etc. let truck, large, open body; good run-
Call Nar. 2646 or Cyn. 811 (obtf) ning order; will demonstrate. Ph.
PIANO tuning and repairing in your Service Co., Cyn. 877. 6 Bala Avenue, 125 N. Narberth Avenue (Theatre Building)
own town costs much less. Send Bala. (omb-tf)
postal. Q. Ubertl, 311 Hampden Ave- PHONE: NARBERTH 2898
nue. (tf) Real Estate For Sale
G. ESSLINGER, carpenter; all kinds WYNNEWOOD - Detached dwelling
repairs. Narb. 3748-W. 122 Conway containing 5 rms. and pantry on first

.. Ave. .
PLASTERING, jobbing; cement and

stucco repairs; waterproofing.. E. S.

tloor, 7 bedrooms with 4 baths 011 the
two upper floors. It Is a stone dwell-
ing on lot apprOXimately 1 acre with
2-car garage. Mod. home and beauti-
Haws, 109 Dudley' Ave. Narb. 3721. ful location, worth $50,000. Anxious to
sell, will entertain an offer. Apply
F'INGER WAVING or water-waving
done in your home. 60c without dry-
ing or $1 with drying. Ph. Cynwyd
Samuel Axelrod & Son, 56th and Dia-
mond Sts. Trinity 1934. (omb4-18)
11 for appointment. (om4-26) Help Wanted
Lost and Found
I.OST-On Al,rlJ 5, a fountain pen,
owner's name on same. Rew. Nar·
herth 2859.
"'OMAN or girl, five days a wcel" to
come at 4 o'cloc!, and assist with
dinner. Write "I\f,"
News, or Ph. Cyn. 1543.
MAN or woman who Is an effective bl11 World's Pocket Billiard Champion
LOST-March 28, white wirehaired dOg" collector for work in and around
with black spots. "Peggy," M C.
Narherth. Ph. Narberth 4182. (omb)
Curtis, Bala, on collar. Reward.' Ph.
Cynwyd 858. (omb4-11) CAN use services two or three dll)'S
J.QST-Black and tan dog, Montgom·
week balance summer honest hUlljy
man around residence Minden Munor, SATURDAY AFTERNOON AND EVENING
ery County license. Ph Narberth
• 2512 or :1796.

Apartments For Rent

Wynnewood. Care of lawn, washillg
automobiles, general utility, $3.50 day.
eight hours. All tools. materials fur-
nished. Ph. Ard. 538 for aPllointment.
APRIL 12, 1930
1"IRST fioor unfurnished apt., 2 large (omlJl
rms .• bath, kitchen, private entrance. COOKING and downstairs 01' walling" AT THE
neas. rental. 205 Forest Ave Narb. and upstair" work or general work
4081. (0'mb4-18) in small fIl11liJ~·. Colored, with :lr"t-
MODERN-4-room apt., hot water ht., class ref. Ph. Orcgon 417S. (0Illb4-ll)
at station; reasonable.
berth 2487.
Call Nar-
J. P. Whitc, 113 gssex
YOUNG 11Ian, hetween 17 and U' yr~., ARDMORE RECREATION CENTRE
for Illlrl time work. Apply Geo. A
Ave. (4-18) ,lone", 5217 (; irard A,·c. (omb)
Household Goods for Sale lIfAID-I :ener,,1 11Ouscwork. Phone 63 West Lancaster Avenue, Ardmore
FOR :';ALI~-neasonable, 2 practically Nar. 3972-'V. (omb)
new single bed sl,ring". Narberth "rHITN \\'UJlUltl for dn~":-- "'ork-ror
:1981-.1. laundry and <'leaning. Phone Nar- ADMISSION FREE
FOR :';AI.)<J-Three-piece living room herth 3973- W. (omb)
suite, good condit lon, will sell rea- 'VOI\fAN-For da~";; work and good
sonahl)·. NarherUi 2428. laundress. White or eolored; 11IUllt
... Garages For Rent
ha ve good refll. Phone Ardmore 2911.
YOUNG gardener, telllporary position,
nA RAG l~ for rent, Rocka\'on H.d .• roaN, some experience relluired. Phone
Ph. M.erlon 3U14. (4-~;j) Bryn Mawr 661. (0Illb4-1l)
Miscellaneous :';ALI~SMAN--I~xperienced in landscape
GARDJ.;r-;-ollc acre of productive gtu'- .salex ,vork, Il)antillg and construc-
den Jnay he had in exchange COl' tion, tnUllt be well educated and have
share of the produce. Ph. Nllrh. 2G~2. good appeal"anee und pcrsollalit~·. Mer-
(omh1-11) Ion 17S!I. • (omu)

Situations Wanted
l1NJ)I~R(1nAJ')UATI': nurse of experl.
cnce and refinement wishes position First Church of Christ, Scientist
with invalid. Will travcl. Ph. l.ocust Athens and Linwood Avcnues, Ardmore.
8146. (omh4-11) Sunday Services.
POSITION as ollieI' assistant or SCere· 1\.00 A. M. and 8 P. M.
tary to doetor or dentist. Ph. Narb. I \.00 A. M.-Sundav School.
:171 :I-I\r.
\,yednesday evcniJig testimonial meet-
Real Estate For Rent ing, 8 o'clock.
• ngn:CHWOOD - Private famil)' will
rent part of comf. furn. home to
small family. Ard. 1895-R. (omb4-11)
Reading Room, 19 \,yest Lancaster
avenue. Open daily, 10.30 A. M. to
4.30 P. M.
Rooms and Boarding ,,yednesday evening, 9.15 to 9.45.
ROOM for rent, furnished, board oP- The subject of the Bible lesson ser-
• tional or housekeeping privileges.
Narberth 4195-1\[. (4-18)
mon for Sunday, April 13, is "Doctrine
of Atonement."

L• ~ _
Page Twenty OUR TOWN April 11,1930

Plan Plant Exchange Pocket Billiard Champion I •

The Board of Directors of the
\Voman's Commuuity Club is planning
to Play at Ardmore
• I
a plant exchange, or sale, on May 0, at
the hOl11e of Mrs. E. C. Drew, Moreno
road. Locally grown annuals and perien-
Halph Grccnlcaf, world's pockct hil-I
liard champion, will make his first
public appearance on the Main Line
Grown -up styles
nials may be bought at this time, or, if
on Saturday afternoon and evening,
wants arc made known to Mrs. Drew
and her committee, they will try to ar-
range an earlier exchange. "\Vhen you
:\pril 12th, at the Ardmore Recreation
Centrc. (,3 \V, Lancaster Avcnue. Ard-
more, ina scries of exhibition matchcs,'
on low- heeled lasts
go o\'er your gardens," said l\Irs, Drew, In addition to match games Grecnleaf
will give dcmonstrations of trick and I

"sa,'c your surplus illr this sale. If you
ha"e nu place to keep the plants, call
Narberth 3H20, and they will be collected
and kept growing."
intricate sh,ots for which hy is ~amo~ls'l
After ho1cllllg the champlOnslllp IlIne
years straight. (irccnleaf lost it for
one yem, but he is again u'!ck on the

for growing girls
throne and promises to cont1l1ue there. I
He is going to England th}s sllmlller'l
G. O. P. Women to Hold so it is unlikely that he "'III he seen We ~re confirmed in the -opinion that one is
in this section again for somc time. No
Big Political Meeting admission will he charged for these I never ,too young to be chic. Even to th~ point
exhibitions, I
The Repuhlican \\'olllen of l'enn- I of takfug some of our most popular grown-~p
sylvania have issued invitatiolls for a Lower Merion Loses I styles, and building them on junior Shoor-
meeting on ~ronday afternoon at 3 Opener To Norristown!
o'clock in the ballroom of the \Var- Tred lasts, with just the right height of heel
wick }lotel. Speaker, Han. James J. .
Davis, U. S. Secretary of Lahar; topic: 1 Lo,,"er ~Il'noll II igh SdlOo1 opl'nl'd its
President Hoo"er's Stahilization of Ll'agnl' hase1)~11 Sl'ason Tnesday after-
Employment. Other speakers. Han. nnon hy losmg to Norristown High'
for every age. It's really a bright idea ••• but
much of the credit belongs to the wide-awake
Joseph R. (irnndy. l:, S. Senator; I 7 to 2. The game was played in spite of
Hon. Francis Shunk Brown former t the very cold weather. members of the younger set, who pointed
Attorne~ General. of Pennsylv~nia,,and I,o,,"er ~r l'rion, out!li.t the win~lers I •
Ii on. (.lfiord 1'1Ilchot, former ('OV- 3 to 2, hut ~rrors .aE cntlcal moments al- i out to us how important a thing fashion
l'rnor of Pennsdvania, the latter two lowed the (oullty Scat boys to walk off i
candidates for (;overnor. Topic: Dis- with the vl'rdict. Keith Parks I!itched is in one's busy young life.
cussion of the issues of the coming well considering the weather, but hIS con-
spring primary. trol is still poor. Durante. N01'fistnwn
After the meeting there will be a hurll'r, gan' tell hases on ball. hut they
tea at the Hannah Penn House. were scattl'rl'd throughout the game.

DON'T discard you: worn-out electrical appliances

-washers, Irons, vacuum cleaners, toasters,
lamps, cords, etc.
Cleo Tie , • iD patent leather.
We can repair them and anything electrical,. with guar- 87.75 •• red, blue aDd peeD
calf •• sizft 2~ to 8 •• '8.00
anteed prompt servIce and satisfaction at a 1' ery low cost.

Call Ardmore 1125

49 Anderson Avenue
GUS, Electrician
WELSH Ardmore, Pa.
The pump •. iD a youthful ver-
.loD •• pateDt leather •• size.
2Yz to 8 •• special '6.7S
* Contractiflg
* Repairs

,"-,$I ...

TWOo8trap •• patent or taD with

.imulated lizard •• sizes 2y'!
181 Two for 351 108 •• '9.50

Step-iD •• with double goriDg
•• lpleDdid fittiDg•• in patent ••
•Izes 2Yz to 8 •••9.00

ODe·.trap •• imported, geDu-

~'••••, h....llan,
~ 2% to ••• " ..

Bow pump •• c1aslic IiDea ••

ID pateDt leather, cODcealed

~p;ys to /';Y a trifle more fbr

goplDg •• 2Yz to 8 •• 87.75

1\alcigh (PI,AIN on. TIPPED!

T1Ine in 011 "The Raleigh Rente" el:ery Friday, 10:00 to 11 :00p. m.
(New York Time), over Ihe W'EA F coast-Io-coast network o/N.B.C.
The Manufacturers of Sir Walter Raleigh Smoking Tobacco.

... ,~- '

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