David C. Baird Experimentation An Introduction To Measurement Theory and Experiment Design PDF
David C. Baird Experimentation An Introduction To Measurement Theory and Experiment Design PDF
David C. Baird Experimentation An Introduction To Measurement Theory and Experiment Design PDF
Third Edition
D. C. Baird
Royal Military’ College
Kingston, Ontario
^ ♦
Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey 07632
Library o f Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Baird, D. C. (David Carr)
(Experimentation : an introduction to measurement theory and
experiment design / D. C. Baird. — 3rd ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-13-303298-1
1. Physical measurements. I. Title.
QC39.B\1 1995
507'.24—dc20 94-13384
ISBN D-lB-aOBaTfl-l
Preface, vii
Bibliography, 208
Answers to Problems, 211
Index, 215
The first edition of this book was written with the conviction that, regardless
of the chosen objectives for an introductory physics laboratory, the basic
principles of experimenting should not be neglected and could in fact become
the principal topic. Introductory laboratories in physics are particularly suited
to this purpose since the systems and theories found there are usually simple
enough that the basic characteristics of measurement and experimenting can
easily be made visible and understandable Such an approach to physics
laboratory work can, therefore, be beneficial for a wide range of students, not
only those who will proceed to professional work in physics.
That purpose on which the 1962 edition was based seems still to be
valid. Many changes have taken place in the practice of experimenting, partly
through the introduction of new instrumentation, but mostly because of the
revolutionary impact of computing. Not only can we easily attain a level of
post-experiment data analysis that would have been completely impracticable
30 years ago, but the possibilities for the conduct of the experiment itself
have been enormously expanded by the availability of on-line data analysis
and computer-based control of the apparatus.
The plan of the present edition is largely the same as in that first edition
but the text has been almost completely rewritten. Chapter 1 gives an outline
of an approach to introductory physics laboratory work that emphasizes the
basic nature of experimenting. Chapters 2, 3, and 4 provide the information
on measurement, statistics, and scientific procedures that is needed to
understand the basic principles of experiment design. Chapter 5 treats in a
step-by-step way the practical requirements in designing an experiment, and
Chapter 6 provides the corresponding procedures for evaluating the results of
the experiment after the measurements have been made. At the end of the
main text. Chapter 7 contains some suggestions for writing laboratory
reports. The main addition to the present edition is material on computer
processing of experimental observations.
The material in the text has been based on many years of teaching in
our First Year Physics Laboratory, and I am grateful to the generations of
students whose sometimes painful experience with it provided the opportu
nity for continued refinement. I wish to express my appreciation, too, to Mr.
Peter Snell for valuable discussions and review of the text.
D.C. Baird
to Laboratory Work
As we pursue our daily lives, it is easy to forget that many of the items
that appear in routine communication concern concepts and ideas and are not
genuine statements about the real world. Frequently, the distinction is com
pletely unimportant, and we can get away with careless use of language. Oc
casionally, however, the distinction is vital, and serious error can result from
inattention to it.
The danger arises because the two aspects of our knowledge of the ex
ternal world have completely different character. On the one hand, observa
tions that we make on our system belong to the real world and can (subject to
the necessary presence of uncertainty that is discussed in Chapter 2) have the
status of genuine incontrovertibility. As an example, no thinking person
would question the assertion that we can measure the width of the Atlantic
Ocean to be greater than the length of our living room. With varying degrees
of confidence, therefore, all statements about observations of the real world
have the potential of being immune against refutation, and this can mislead
us by falsely reinforcing the notion that all scientific statements contain
incontrovertible truth about the universe.
All statements that come from scientific study of a system fall into one
or other of the categories that have been mentioned. They may be statements
about observations of a system, they may be statements about models, or they
may be statements about the relationship between a system and a model. If
we keep these possibilities clearly in mind as we listen to scientific
statements and analyse them into these categories, we shall have gone far
toward forming accurate judgements.
But what does all this have to do with possible purposes for the introductory
physics laboratory? Physics teaching laboratories have played such a familiar
role that it is natural to wonder how the normal laboratory with its usual
experiments can be used to provide an introduction to experimenting in gen
eral. The answer lies not so much in the experiments themselves as in the
attitude with which we approach them. This will become clear as our studies
of experimental methods proceed, but it may be helpful at this point to illus
trate the suggestion by anticipating in outline the arguments that are dis
cussed in more detail later. We have already mentioned that our studies on
There are other systems that, although still complex, are simple enough
for us to control them reasonably successfully. Consider, for example, an
electrical power generating and distribution system. It, too, is an enormous
and complex system. It has many inputs, such as the number of generators
that are started up, the routing of the power through the transmission lines,
the salaries paid to the staff, the hours of work on the shifts, the price charged
to the customers per kilowatt-hour, and so forth. It has obvious outputs, such
as the power delivered to various districts, and also other, less tangible
outputs, such as the overall efficiency of the system and the reliability of
service. These are quantities that cannot be controlled directly by the man
agement; the system decides their values, and so they must be counted as
outputs of the system.
How does all this refer to the introductory physics laboratory? If we are
to prepare people to enter a scientifically literate population, would it not be
better to tackle the important problems right away and start deciding whether
the mercury content of fish makes it safe to eat or whether our use of fossil
fuels is contributing to global warming? The trouble is that these are ex
tremely difficult problems. Evidence is hard to obtain and its interpretation is
usually uncertain; even the experts themselves disagree, often vigorously and
publicly. It is almost impossible to make a significant contribution to the
solution of such complex problems without first developing our skills
through using simpler situations.
To see how this can be done, let us think about some of these simpler
systems. An automobile engine is a system that is simple in comparison with
any of the earlier examples. The system includes only the engine, fuel supply,
mounting, surrounding atmosphere, and so on. The inputs may be the
obvious controls such as fuel supply, fuel-air ratio, and ignition timing (even
though some of our direct control may have been usurped by the computer
ized systems now found in automobiles, these quantities remain as inputs to
the engine itself). The output as always are the factors whose values are set
by the system—for example, the number of rpm, the amount of heat pro
duced, the efficiency of energy conversion, and the composition of the ex
haust gases. This is still a somewhat complex system, but we can begin to see
that relatively simple relationships between inputs and outputs can exist. For
example, the input-output relation between accelerator setting and rpm for a
gasoline engine is sufficiently direct and predictable for most of us to invoke
it daily. Notice, however, that the system is still sufficiently complex so that
the effect of that one input is still not restricted to the single output in which
we are interested—rpm. Other outputs such as heat produced, composition of
exhaust gas, and efficiency are also affected by the accelerator setting, even if
we are generally prepared to ignore the connection.
from small, secondary effects, they include only the frequency of vibration
and the amplitude of oscillation. Last, the connection between the inputs and
outputs is relatively direct and reproducible. Altering the length of the pendu
lum's string offers few surprises when we measure the frequency of vibration.
Here is a system that is simple enough to allow the basic principles of
experimenting to be clearly visible. If we use it to develop expertise in
studying systems and evaluating their outputs, we shall acquire the compe
tence to tackle later the more important but more complex problems.
This gives us the key to at least some constructive uses of the intro
ductory physics laboratory. There is real point in working with a pendulum
but only if we view it properly. If we look at it as “just a pendulum,” our only
reaction will be total boredom. If, however, we view it as a system, just like a
supermarket, an electrical power system, or the national economy, but
differing from these only in that it is simple enough for us to understand it
relatively well, our battered old pendulum supplies excellent simulation of
the problems of the real world.
ability to make our own decisions about how to handle a situation. It takes a
great deal of practice and experience to develop confidence in our own de
cisions about experiment procedures, and the introductory laboratory is not
too early to start. We therefore place a great deal of emphasis on experiment
planning, for this is the stage at which much of the skill in experimenting is
needed. It is important to avoid the temptation to regard preliminary planning
as a waste of time or a distraction from the supposedly more important task
of making the measurements. Time must be explicitly set aside for adequate
analysis and planning of the experiment before a start is made on the actual
measuring process.
The most fruitful use of laboratory time results when the experiments
are accepted as problems that we must solve on our own. Certainly, errors in
judgment will be made, but students can learn more effectively when they see
the consequences of their decisions through direct, personal experience than
when they rigidly follow some established “correct” procedure. What is
learned from an experiment is more important than the production of some
supposedly “good” result. This is not to say that they should be complacently
indifferent to the outcome of the experiment. Development of experimenting
skills comes about only if the challenge of obtaining the best possible result
in every experiment is taken seriously.
chief concern, the actual process of measuring, so we leave the topic of stan
dards without further mention (except reference to the texts listed in the Bib
liography), and take up the study of measuring processes.
rules for determining the size of the interval; that depends on many factors in
the measuring process. The type of measurement, the fineness of the scale,
our visual acuity, the lighting conditions—all play a part in determining the
width of the measurement interval. The width, therefore, must be determined
explicitly each time a measurement is made. For example, it is a common
error to believe that, when a measurement is made using a divided scale, the
“reading error” is automatically one-half of the finest scale division. This is
an erroneous oversimplification. A finely divided scale used to measure an
object with ill-defined edges can give a measurement interval as large as
several of the finest scale divisions. A well-defined object and good viewing
conditions, on the other hand, may permit the identification of a measurement
interval well within the finest scale division. Every situation must be assessed
Other aspects may confuse the issue. Consider, for example, a piece of
equipment that gives a digital readout. If a digital voltmeter shows that a
certain potential difference is 15.4 V, does that readout imply that the value is
15.40000 ... exactly? Clearly not, but what does it mean? That depends on
circumstances. If the instrument is made in such a way that it reads 15.4 V
because the actual value is closer to 15.4 than it is to 15.3 or 15.5, then the
meaning is: This reading lies between 15.35 V and 15.45 V. On the other
hand, a digital clock may be made in such a way that it changes its indication
from 09.00 to 09.01 at the time of 09.01. When we see it reading 09.00, we
know that the time lies between 09.00 and 09.01, a slightly different interpre
tation from that appropriate to the digital voltmeter. Again, each situation
must be judged by itself
The kind of uncertainty that we have been considering arises from natu
rally occurring limitations in the measuring process. A different type of
error can appear when something affects all the measurements of a series
in an equal or a consistent way. For example, a voltmeter or a micrometer
caliper can have a zero error, a wooden meter stick may have shrunk, a
stopwatch may be running fast or slow, and so on. These errors are
termed systematic errors, a subclass of which are calibration errors.
Because such systematic errors may not be immediately visible as one
The preceding sections have been concerned solely with the concept of
uncertainty in a single measurement. It is rare, however, that a single
measurement ends the process. Almost invariably the result we desire is a
combination of two or more measured quantities or is at least a calculated
function of a single measurement. We might wish, for example, to
calculate the cross-sectional area of a cylinder from a measurement of its
diameter, or to calculate its volume from measurements of both diameter
and length. The various measurements will sometimes be of different
types, as in a calculation of g from values of the length and period of a
pendulum. In all such cases the presence of uncertainty in the basic meas
urements obviously entails the presence of uncertainty in the final com
puted value. It is this final uncertainty that we now wish to calculate. For
the purposes of this section we assume that our uncertainties have the
character of ranges or intervals within which we are “almost certain” that
our answer lies. For the computed values we calculate intervals within
which we again wish to be “almost certain” that our answer lies. That
means that we must do our calculation for the “worst case” of combined
uncertainties in which the deviations in the various measured quantities
happened to occur in such directions as to reinforce each other. This is
perhaps a pessimistic assumption, and we see later in Chapter 3 how the
probabilities that are associated with various error combinations enable us
to make a more realistic and less pessimistic estimate. For the moment,
assume that we wish to calculate from the uncertainties in the primary
values the maximum range of possibility for the computed answer.
z = f{x)
The function /enables us to calculate the required value Zq from a measured
value Xq. Moreover, the possibility that x can range from Xq- 5x to Xq+ 6x
implies a range of possible values of z that range from Zq- 8z to Zq + 8z,
where 5z is the value of the absolute uncertainty in z. We now wish to calcu
late the value of 8z. The situation is illustrated graphically in Figure 2-1, in
which, for a given /(x), we can see how the measured value Xq gives rise to
the computed result Zq, and how the range ±5x about Xq produces a corre
sponding range ±5z about Zq.
Before considering general methods of evaluating 8z it is instructive to
see how finite perturbations are propagated in simple functions. Consider, for
example, the function
z = x*"
If X can range between X(, - 8x and Xq+ 8x , then z can range between
Zfl “ 8z and Zq+ 6z, where
z „ ± 8z = (x„±5x)^
= Xg ± 2 x„8x + ( 8x)^
We can ignore (Sx)^, since 5x is assumed to be small in comparison with Xq,
and equate Zq to x^, giving for the value of 5z
8z = 2 xq5x
This can more conveniently be expressed in terms of the relative uncertainty
8z _ 2xq8x _ 2
Zo ^0 ^0
Thus, the relative uncertainty of the computed result is twice that of the initial
The finite differences 8z and 8x that were used in the preceding section could
be regarded as components of the derivative dz! dx. We can therefore obtain
our value of 8z by first using standard techniques to obtain d z ! dx in the
dz ^ d { f{ x ))
dx dx
and then writing
dx (2- 1)
This is a relatively simple procedure, and it works well in cases for which the
elementary, finite-difference approach would lead to algebraic complexity. If,
for example we have to deal with the function
(x^ + l)
dz _x~ + \ - x x 2 x
l-jc '
\-x ^
5z = 8x
This calculation would have been very awkward if any other approach had
been used. Furthermore, it gives 8z generally as a function of x and 8x ; any
particular desired value can be obtained by setting x = x^. We now use this
technique to evaluate uncertainties for some common functions.
z= r'
Differentiating and replacing the derivative by finite differences gives us
= nx
6z = nx'’ ' 8jc
The significance of this result becomes a little more obvious when ex
pressed in terms of the relative uncertainty. Thus,
5z _ 5x
z X
Thus, when evaluating powers of a measured quantity, we must compute the
uncertainty in the final answer using the relative uncertainty of the measured
quantity. The relative uncertainty in the final answer is the relative uncer
tainty of the basic quantity multiplied by the power involved. This method is
valid for either powers or roots, so that precision diminishes as a quantity is
raised to powers and improves on taking roots. This situation must be care
fully watched in an experiment in which powers are involved. The higher the
power, the greater is the need for good initial precision.
Trigonometric Functions
We give only one example, because all the others can be treated in similar
ways. Consider
z = smx
8z = (cosx) 8x
This is one case where the elementary method of inserting jco± 8x in the
function shows the result more clearly. We obtain
This result makes it clear that the dx in the original expression was really an
approximate form of sin 8jc. Only in the case of very large uncertainty would
this difference be significant, but it is best to be aware of the situation. For
one thing, it allows us to understand that, when we use that original expres
sion, we must express the uncertainty in angle,8x, in radian measure, becau
se only then can we replace sin 8x by dx itself. Such uncertainty calculations
using trigonometric functions normally have straightforward application when
dealing with apparatus such as spectrometers.
5z = —8x
and the relative uncertainty can be calculated as usual.
8z = e"8x
This is an important case, because exponential functions occur frequently in
science and engineering. These functions can become very sensitive to the
exponent when it takes values much over unity, and the uncertainty 8z may
become very large.
As stated earlier, the method can be easily applied to any function not
listed above by evaluating the appropriate derivative and using Equation (2-
The last two examples, treated by the elementary method, suggest that the
differential calculus may offer considerable simplification of the treatment. It
is clear that if z is a function of the two variables x and y,
z = f{x^y)
the appropriate quantity for calculating 5z is the total differential d z . This is
given by
^ 5/ ^ 5/ ,
dz = — dx-\-— dy
dx dy ( 2- 2)
z = xy
To use Equation (2-2) we need the values of dz / dx and dz I dy. They are
dz dz
- y and dy = X
Thus, the value of 5z is given by
6z = y8x + xby
The significance of this result is more clearly seen when it is converted to the
relative uncertainty
8z _ 5x ^ 3y
z X y
Thus, when the desired quantity is a product of two variables, its relative uncer
tainty is the sum of the relative uncertainties of the components. Notice the con
trast with the result for uncertainty in the case of two added variables, where we
must combine the uncertainties using the absolute uncertainties.
a h
If the original expression for z contains more than two variables, we can
simply extend the result for 8z by adding terms as appropriate. This process
gives the relative uncertainty directly, which is frequently convenient. If the
absolute uncertainty 8z is required, it can be evaluated simply by multiplying
the relative uncertainty by the computed value Zq, which is normally avail
able. This form of implicit differentiation still offers the simplest procedure even
when z itself is raised to some power. For example, if the equation reads
z = xy
it is unnecessary to rewrite it
z X y
giving 8z / z as required.
Quotients can be treated as products in which some of the powers are nega
tive. As before, the maximum value of 8z is obtained by neglecting negative
signs in the differential and combining all the terms additively.
1-1 1
/ ^
To obtain the uncertainty in /, we can differentiate the equation imphcitly to
df _ ds ds’
5^ 5'^
It is now possible to calculate d f ! f directly and more easily than by writing
/explicitly as a function of 5 and s' , and differentiating. In this way we can
prepare a formula for the uncertainty into which all the unknowns can be in
serted directly. Make sure that appropriate signs are used so that all contri
butions to the uncertainty add positively to give outer limits of possibility for
the answer.
A special situation can appear when compound variables are involved. Con
sider, for example, the well-known relation for the angle of minimum devia
tion for a prism of refractive index n and vertical angle A:
sin + £)„,)
sin] A
If A and D,,, are measured variables with uncertainties 5A and the
quantity n will be the required answer, with an uncertainty 8 „,. It would be
fallacious, however, to calculate the uncertainty in A + D^^^, then in
sinY (^-}-D,„), and combine that with the uncertainty in s in i^ , as if the
function were a quotient of two independent variables. This can be seen by
thinking of the effect on n of an increase in A. Both siny(^ + D,„) and sin^^
increase, and the change in n is not correspondingly large. The error lies in
applying the methods of the preceding sections to variables, such as A and
A+ that are not independent. The cure is either to reduce the equation to
a form in which the variables are all independent or else to go back to first
principles and use Equation (2-2) directly. Cases that involve compensating
errors should be watched carefully, because if they are treated incorrectly,
they give rise to errors in uncertainty calculations that are hard to detect.
1. I use my meter stick to measure the length of my desk. I am sure that the
length is not less than 142.3 cm and not more than 142.6 cm. State this
measurement as a central value ± uncertainty. What is the relative uncer
tainty of the measurement?
2. I read a needle-and-scale voltmeter and ammeter and assess the range of
uncertainty visually. I am sure the ammeter reading lies between 1.24
and 1.25 A and the voltmeter reading between 3.2 and 3.4 V. Express
each reading as a central value ± uncertainty and evaluate the relative
uncertainty of each measurement.
3. My digital watch gives a time reading as 09:46. What is the absolute un
certainty of the measurement?
4. If I can read a meter stick with absolute uncertainty ±lmm, what is the
shortest distance that I can measure if the relative uncertainty is not to
exceed (a) 1%, (b) 5%?
5. I use a thermometer graduated in fifths of a degree Celsius to measure out
side air temperature. Measured to the nearest fifth degree, yesterday's tem
perature was 22.4° Celsius and today's is 24.8° Celsius. What is the relative
uncertainty in the temperature difference between yesterday and today?
6. The clock in the lab has a seconds hand that moves in one-second steps.
I use it to measure a certain time interval. At the beginning of the inter
val it reads 09:15:22 (hours:minutes:seconds), and at the end it reads
09:18:16. What is the relative uncertainty of the measured time interval?
7. For the desk mentioned in Problem 1 ,1 measure the width, and I am sure
the measurement lies between 78.2 cm and 78.4 cm. What is the
absolute uncertainty of the calculated area of the desktop?
8. In measuring the resistance of a resistor, the voltmeter reading was 15.2
± 0.2 V and the ammeter reading was 2.6 ±0.1 A. What is the absolute
uncertainty of the resistance calculated using the equation R = V / H
9. A simple pendulum is used to measure the acceleration of gravity using
T = 2n -
11. The focal length, /, of a thin lens is to be measured using the equation
1-1 1
f s s'
s = object distance = 0.154 ± 0.002 m
s' - image distance = 0.382 ± 0.002 m
What is the calculated value for focal length, its absolute uncertainty,
and its relative uncertainty?
12. A diffraction grating is used to measure the wavelength of light using
the equation
(isinO = X
The value of 0 is measured to be 13° 34' ± 2'. Assuming that the value
of d is 1420x 10"^ m and that its uncertainty can be ignored, what are
the absolute and relative uncertainties in the value of ^ ?
13. A value is quoted as 14.253 ±0.1. Rewrite it with the appropriate num
ber of significant figures. If the value is quoted as 14.253 ± 0.15, how
should it be written?
14. A value is quoted as 6.74914 ± 0.5%. State it as a value ± absolute un
certainty, both with the appropriate number of significant figures.
Statistics of Observation
Assume that we have made 100 measurements of some quantity and that
we must now report our results. The first response to the question—What
did you obtain?—is the rather feeble reply: “I made the measurement 100
times and here are the 100 answers.” This statement may be clear and free
from the possibility of misinterpretation, but it is hardly helpful. Our
audience will find it difficult to make any sense out of a plain list of
numbers, and questions will naturally arise, such as: Is there anything
systematic about the numbers? Are there any regularities? Do any appear
more frequently than others? And so on. To show the characteristics of
the measurements more clearly, some kind of graphic display would
clearly be helpful.
Figure 3-1 A set of obervations and its histogram.
Many distributions have a peak near the center. If the peak is well defined,
the value on the horizontal scale at which it occurs is called the mode of the
distribution. Whenever we wish to draw attention to such central concentra
tion in our measured values, we quote the modal value. Sometimes a dis
tribution shows two peaks; we call it a bimodal distribution and quote the
two modal values.
If we place all our readings in numerical order and divide the set into two
equal parts, each containing the same number of readings, the value at which
the dividing line comes is called the median. Because it is obvious that areas
under distribution graphs represent numbers of observations (the left-hand
bar in Figure 3-1 represents 5 observations, the second from the left rep
resents 9, so that the two together represent 14, and so on), the median is that
value at which a vertical line divides the distribution into two parts of equal
area. The median is frequently quoted in sociological work; people talk about
median salaries for certain groups of employees, for example.
The third of the commonly quoted numbers is the familiar arithmetic average,
or mean. For a group of N observations, x., the mean x is defined by
X= (3-1)
We shall discover that for our purposes the mean is the most useful of the
three quantities we have defined.
Notice that for a symmetrical distribution the mean, median, and mode
all coincide at the center of the distribution. On the other hand, if the distri
bution is not symmetrical, each has a separate value. For the histogram
shown in Figure 3-1, the values of the mean, median, and mode are shown in
Figure 3-2, which illustrates their relationship to the distribution as a whole.
20 40 60 80 100 120
Mean 119 II
Median 120 I
Mode 125
Figure 3-2 The relationship between a histogram and its mean, median, and mode.
and the mean thus differ substantially. This example illustrates the care required
in interpreting quoted statistics; people who quote statistics frequently do so in
the way that best suits their particular purpose.
Let us now turn to the question: To what extent is our chosen number represen
tative of the distribution as a whole? That is, how rehable is it to use a single
number as a substitute for a whole distribution? In answering that question, we
have at the present stage no justification to offer for the procedures that will be
described. We rely, instead on an intuitive feehng that narrow distributions give
us more confidence in the results than do broad distributions.
^ (x-x,r
5' = (3-2)
The definition is to some extent arbitrary, for in defining a measure of
the breadth of the distribution we could have chosen other powers to which
the quantity (x-Xj) could be raised, and we could have chosen other de
nominators. There are, however, reasons for these choices; these reasons and
the significance of the standard deviation will become clear shortly.
In this and the following sections, for reasons that will become clear, we ig
nore the mode and median and restrict ourselves to numerical interpretation
of the mean and the standard deviation. Because the presence of random
fluctuation has denied us the opportunity to identify a realistic interval within
which we can feel certain our answer lies, we must alter our expectations of
the measuring process. As said before, it is not so much a matter of obtaining
sensible answers to questions as of knowing the sensible questions to ask.
Specifically, it is not sensible to ask: What is the right answer? It is not even
sensible to ask: Having made 100 observations of a quantity, what shall I
obtain when I make the measurement the next time? The only sensible ques
tions involve not certainty but probability, and several different questions
about probabilities are possible.
For example, we could ask: What is the probability that the 101st
reading will fall within a certain range on our scale of values? That is a sen
sible question, and sensible answers can easily be imagined. If, for example,
of our 100 original readings, a certain fraction of the values fell within some
particular range, we might feel justified in choosing that fraction as the prob
ability that the 101st observation will fall within that interval. This would not
be an unrealistic guess, and we could attempt a standardized description of
our distribution by quoting the fraction of the total number of readings that
fall within various specified intervals. This would satisfactorily convey in
formation about our set of readings to other people, but a major problem ap
pears when we discover that our answers for these probabilities are specific
to our particular histogram. If we were to make another series of 100 read
ings, holding all the conditions the same as they were before in the hope of
obtaining the same histogram, we would be disappointed. The new histogram
would not duplicate the first exactly. It might have similar general character
istics with respect to location and breadth, but its detailed structure would not
be the same as before, and we would obtain different answers to questions
about probabilities.
How, then, are we going to find answers to our questions that have
some kind of widely understood numerical significance? One solution is to
abandon the attempt to describe our particular histogram and to start talking
about defined theoretical distributions. These may have the disadvantage of
uncertain relevance to our particular set of observations, but there is the
enormous advantage that, because they are defined theoretical constructs,
they have properties that are definite, constant, and widely known. Many
such theoretical distributions have been constructed for special purposes, but
we restrict ourselves to one only, the Gaussian, or normal, distribution.
Even if to use it successfully we need not know very much about the origins
of the Gaussian distribution, it is interesting to understand why its axiomatic
foundations make it particularly relevant to many physical measurements.
The equation for the Gaussian distribution can be derived from the assump
tion that the total deviation of a measured quantity, x, from the unperturbed
value X that would be obtained in the absence of perturbing fluctuations is
the consequence of a large number of small fluctuations that occur randomly
in positive and negative directions. To construct a simple model of such a
situation, suppose that there are m such contributions to the total deviation,
each of equal magnitude a and equally likely to be positive or negative. Any
individual measured value, x, therefore differs from X by an amount that
contains a random number of positive contributions to the deviation, and a
corresponding number of negative contributions. If we repeat the measuring
process many times, therefore, we obtain a set of values that range from
X-\- ma for a measurement in which all the fluctuations happened to be
positive simultaneously, to X - m a if the same happened in the negative di
rection. Either of these possibilities is most unlikely. If perturbations occur
randomly, it is much more likely that they will occur in a mixture of positive and
y = Ce - h ^ { x - X f (3-3)
We need not be concerned about the derivation of this equation; for our pur
poses, it is sufficient to know the principles on which it is based and the re
sulting properties of the function. If we wish to know more about the origins
of the function, the full derivation is in Appendix 1.
In the equation the constant C is a measure of the height of the curve,
since y = C fox x = X at the center of the distribution. The curve is symmet
rical about x = X and approaches zero asymptotically. The quantity h obvi
ously governs the width of the curve, because it is only a multiplier on the x
scale. If h is large, the curve is narrow and high in relation to its width; if
small, the curve is low and broad. The quantity h clearly must be connected
with the standard deviation of the distribution. Now that we are dealing
a = (3 ^ )
Now that we have a definite equation for the distribution, all the original
ambiguity about interpreting the standard deviation in terms of probability
disappears. We now have definite, unique, and permanent values. For
example, the area enclosed within the interval X ± a for a Gaussian
distribution is 68% of the total area under the curve, and within the interval
X ± 2 a it is 95%, and this is so for all Gaussian distributions. The relation
between the a values and areas on the distribution curve is shown in Figure
3-4 by the lines drawn vertically at intervals of l a and 2a from the central
and we shall have the occasion to use these probability values repeatedly. A
more extensive account of the mathematical properties of the Gaussian dis
tribution is in Appendix 1.
The results given in the preceding section provide useful, precise methods for
interpreting means and standard deviations, but a problem arises when we
apply such thoughts to real measurements. Numbers like 68% and 95% refer
specifically to a theoretical construct, the Gaussian distribution. When we
engage in a real measuring process, all we have is one, or at most a few, ac
tual measurements of our desired quantity. We have at first no way of
knowing which Gaussian distribution, with attached values of X and a , is
appropriate to our observations. So what are we to do? The answer lies in a
concept that provides a bridge between the world of theoretical constructs
and the world of real measurements. For the particular circumstances of our
measurement, we invent the concept of the infinite set of measurements that
could be made. For rather obvious reasons, this infinite set of measurements
will never be made, but the concept enables us to interpret our real meas
urements. The construct is called the universe, or population, for that par
ticular measurement. Once we have made, say, 100 measurements with a
particular apparatus, we tend to feel that nothing exists but our 100 values.
We must now invert our thinking and view the measurements as a sample of
the infinitely large universe, or population, of measurements that could be
made. The universe, however, is permanently inaccessible to us; we shall
never know the universe distribution or its mean or its standard deviation.
Our task is to construct inferences about these quantities from the definitely
known properties of our sample.
(Note that the vertical scale for the two curves is not the same. They have
been plotted with a common peak value solely for purposes of illustration.)
a... = (3-5)
where N is the number of readings in the sample. This result gives us the op
portunity to make a very important statement. A particular sample mean has a
68% chance of falling within the interval X and a 95% chance for the
interval X ±2a„,. These intervals are smaller than the corresponding intervals
for single readings, and they supply a numerical measure of the improved
precision that is available from sampling.
Notice that the statement about sample means, although precise and im
portant, still does not help us much, because it still involves the unknown
quantities X and a The resolution of this difficulty and the significance of the
standard deviation of the mean will become clear soon. In the meantime we
turn our attention briefly to the other important property of samples—the
distribution of sample standard deviations.
It can be proved by sampling theory that the sample standard deviations also fall
on a Gaussian distribution that is centered on the value of the universe standard
deviation a . The distribution is illustrated in Figure 3-6. As will become clear,
however, the variance of the sample standard deviations will not concern us as
much as the variance of sample means, and we postpone to Section 3-11 further
discussion of the variance of sample standard deviations.
The sample properties just presented are interesting, but how do they help us
when we do not have access to the actual distributions, either for sample
means or sample standard deviations? When making real measurements, we
obtain our lone sample with its mean and standard deviation, and we have no
idea how these values relate to the universe values. The problem, therefore, is
to find a connection between the theoretical results and the sample properties
that allows us to infer the universe properties from the sample values. We
cannot expect to obtain exact information. In addition, we must make one
basic, obviously imprecise assumption. Assume that our single number, the
standard deviation of our sample, provides us with a value for the universe
N -\
This quantity is only slightly different from the original value for the
standard deviation of a set of observations. The N in the denominator of the
original expression has been replaced by - 1, and the difference between
the two quantities is significant for only small values of N. In the future,
when we talk about a sample standard deviation, we shall assume that we are
using the equation in the new form and that we are really talking about the
“best estimate” of the universe value a .
as our standard deviation of the mean, now a known quantity obtained from
our real sample. We can now say: The sample mean x has a 68% chance of
falling within the interval X ± S,„ and a 95% chance of falling within
X ± 2S„,. This statement is close to what we want, but it is not yet completely
satisfactory. It tells us something about a quantity that we know, x , in terms
of a quantity that we do not know, X. We really want the statement to be the
other way around; we want to be able to make an assertion about the un
known, X, in terms of a quantity, x , of which we do know the value. Fortu
nately, it is possible to prove that the above statement about probabilities can
be inverted to yield the desired result. We obtain thereby the statement to
ward which we have been working ever since we started the discussion of the
statistics of fluctuating quantities. The final statement is: There is a 68%
chance that the universe mean, X, falls within the interval x ± S„,. and a 95%
chance that it falls within the interval x ±25',,,. This is now, finally, a state
ment about the unknown quantity, X, in terms of wholly known quantities, x
and 5',,,. Along the scale of x values, we now have a real and known interval
between x - 5,„. and 3c -i-5',„, and we know that there is a 68% chance that the
desired quantity X lies within this interval.
This statement provides us with the answer we have been seeking and
brings us as close as we can come to exact information about the unperturbed
Clearly, in any sampling process, the larger the sample, the more precise the
final statements. Even though the precision of a mean value increases only as
the square root of the number of observations in the sample [Equation (3-5)],
it does increase, and larger samples have more precise means. There may,
however, be limitations of time or opportunity, and we cannot always obtain
samples of the size we would like. Usually, a compromise must be sought
between the conflicting demands of precision and time, and good experiment
design incorporates this compromise into the preliminary planning. Never
theless, it may occasionally be necessary to be content with small samples. In
this undesirable eventuality, we should be aware of the magnitude of the
resulting loss of precision. There is, first, the influence on the value of the
standard deviation of the mean; the smaller N is, the larger the value of S’,,,,
and the longer the interval on the x scale that has the 68% chance of contain
ing the universe value X.
Second, for small samples, we must place declining faith in the use of
the sample standard deviation S as the best estimate of the universe value a .
To illustrate this, recall the distribution curve for sample standard deviations
shown in Figure 3-6. It is worth asking: Given the existence of this distribu
tion, how good is our best estimate of the universe standard deviation, and
how does it vary with sample size? The answer must be based on the width of
the distribution of sample standard deviations, and so we should calculate the
standard deviation of this distribution. It is called the standard deviation of
the standard deviation. (This process could obviously go on indefinitely,
but we stop at this stage.) The value of the standard deviation of the standard
deviation, calculated mathematically by sampling theory on the basis of the
equation of the Gaussian distribution, is
6 8 % C o n fid e n c e 9 5 % C o n fid e n c e
N ■j2{N-\) N yl2(N-\)
2 1.4 2 0.7
3 2 .0 3 1.0
4 2.4 4 1.2
5 2.8 5 1.4
6 3.1 6 1.6
7 3.4 7 1.7
8 3.7 8 1.8
9 4 .0 9 2 .0
10 4 .2 10 2.1
15 5 .2 15 2 .6
20 6.1 20 3.2
50 9.8 50 4 .9
100 14.1 100 7 .0
Figure 3-7 Sample standard deviation distributions for samples of various sizes.
than the ± 8z that we calculated before, but we can hope to find actual
numerical significance for them. Such statistical validity is available only if
the uncertainties in x and y have statistical significance, and we assume in the
following calculations that the measurements of .r and y have been
sufficiently numerous to justify a calculation of the standard deviations Sx
and Sy. We hope now to calculate a value for Sz that will have the same
significance for z values as Sx and Sy had for the values of .;c and y.
Even if we never calculate them individually, that distribution of separate z
values provides the significance of the S, that we are about to calculate.
If we assume that the universes of the separate jc, y, and z values have
Gaussian distributions, the quantity a , (of which we are about to calculate
the best estimate in terms of the various 5 values) has the usual significance
(i.e., any particular z value has a 68% chance of falling within ± a. of the
central value). As before, let
z = f(x,y)
and consider perturbations and gy that lead to a perturbation Sz in the
computed value of z. The value of Sz will be given, as before, by
dz dz
8z : — OX+ — oy
dx dy
This perturbation in z can be used to calculate a standard deviation for the N
values of z. Each perturbation in z is equivalent to the difference between a mean
S ( 6z)'
S. =
■ dy
( 8y)^ + 2 — — 6x5y
Af ■ 11 ^\ ^ J dxdy
1 /s \2 2 dz dz /o 5 \
=[|] N Ndxoy
But and
Also, because hx and 53^ may be considered for the present purpose to be in
dependent perturbations,
^ ( 6x 8y) = 0
Thus, finally.
s = 5? + (3-9)
Note that most experiments are not carried out in accordance with the restricted
assumptions of the foregoing development. If, for example, we are studying the flow
rate of water through a pipe, we would measure the flow rate, pipe radius, and pipe
length independently and would choose the number of readings in each sample on the
basis of the intrinsic precision of the measurement. We cannot, therefore, use
Equation (3-9) directly, because the various 5's are not compatible. The solution is to
calculate the standard deviation of the mean for each of the elementary quantities first.
If these are used in Equation (3-9), the result of the calculation is immediately a
standard deviation of the mean for z.
Let us now apply Equation (3-8) to a few common examples. In all the fol
lowing cases the various 5s are all assumed to be best estimates of the ap
propriate universe value a .
1, ^=1
& dy
Note that this result provides justification for Eq. (3-5). The mean value for
the sample, Z (-^/) / N, is just such a function as z = x-\-y, where x and y
happen to be independent measurements of the same quantity. Thus, if
Z = — (X, -FX , + X 3 - F . . . )
dz dz
= l / N, = \ / N, and so on.
dx. dx.
= NS
=s j 4n
which is the result we had earlier for the standard deviation of the mean.
z =x-y
dz dz
= l, = - \
dx dy
but, again,
s. = ^sl+sl
Recalling Section 2-8, we note that the earlier discussion of measured differ
ences is still valid. The standard deviations in x and y combine additively,
even though the quantity x - y can have quite small values.
z = xy
dz dz
dx dy
5, = +x^Sl
The specific value of SI at any particular values of jc and y, say Xq and yo, can
be obtained by substituting Xq and yo in this expression. As was the case for
= ax
Again, this result is more instructive and more easily remembered when ex
pressed in terms of relative values:
the results of the two preceding sections can obviously be extended to give
the result
z at ) y J
in which, for example, x is a quantity to which have been assigned outer lim
its, ±5jc, within which we are “almost certain” that the actual value lies, and y
is a quantity whose uncertainty is statistical in nature, a sample standard
deviation, Sy, perhaps, or a standard deviation of the mean, S^,/J~N. We
require an uncertainty for z. The initial difficulty is even to define the
uncertainty in z. We are trying to combine two quantities that in effect have
completely different distibution curves. One is the standard Gaussian
function; the other is a rectangle. This rectangle is bounded by the values
Xq + 8jc and Xq - dx and is flat on top because the actual value of x is equally
likely to be anywhere within the interval ± bx. Any general method of
solving this problem is likely to be far too complex for general use, but a
simple approximation is obtainable by using the following procedure.
In the calculation for z we could use the sample mean, y , for the y
value, implying that the universe mean has an approximately two-thirds
chance of falling within the interval, y ± s j . We, therefore, calculate
limits for x that also have a two-thirds probability of enclosing the actual
value. Because the probability distribution for x is rectangular, two-thirds of
the area under the distribution curve is enclosed by limits that are separated
for the value of the standard deviation of the mean for x and / ^fN for the
y function. This yields a value for uncertainty in z which can be interpreted in
accordance with the two-thirds prescription. Note that the limits for 95%
probability are not simply twice as wide as those for two-thirds probability;
they must be calculated separately using the foregoing method.
The guidance for making such decisions can be found in the properties
of the Gaussian distribution. In a Gaussian distribution the probability of
obtaining readings outside the 2a limits is 5% (as we have seen before),
outside 3a limits it is approximately 0.3%, and outside 4 a limits the chance
is no more than 6 x 10"^ The decision to reject is still the responsibility of the
experimenter, but we can say in general terms that readings that fall outside
3a limits are likely to be mistakes and candidates for rejection. However, a
problem can arise because of our lack of information about the universe of
readings and its parameters X and a . The better our knowledge of a , the
more confident we can be that any far-out and isolated reading arises from a
genuinely extraneous cause such as personal error, malfunction of apparatus,
and the like. Thus, if we make 50 observations that cluster within 1% of the
central value and then obtain one reading that lies at a separation of 10%, we
can be fairly safe in suggesting that this last reading did not belong to the
same universe as the preceding 50. The basic requirement before any
rejection is justified is confidence in the main distribution of readings.
Clearly, there is no justification for taking two readings and then rejecting a
third measurement on the basis of a 3a criterion. Unless the case for rejection
is completely convincing, the best course is to retain all readings, whether we
like them or not.
The following observations of angles (in minutes of arc) were made while
measuring the thickness of a liquid helium film. Assume that the observa
tions show random uncertainty, that they are a sample from a Gaussian uni
verse, and use them in Problems 1 to 14.
34 35 45 40 46
38 47 36 38 34
33 36 43 43 37
38 32 38 40 33
38 40 48 39 32
36 40 40 36 34
T = 2n -
In this chapter we briefly review the nature of scientific activity in the hope
that the procedures used in various types of experimenting will be seen to
arise naturally from the problems that are encountered. To understand the
nature of scientific thinking, it helps to go back to fundamentals and pretend
that we are inventing a new area of scientific study right from the beginning.
the frontiers of scientific work when we know nothing about a new phe
nomenon, we may have to consider a wide range of possibilities. Normally,
the first phase of research on a totally new phenomenon consists of a search
for the variables that seem to be related. By identifying these significant
variables, we narrow the field of investigation to practical levels and facilitate
continued work at both experimental and theoretical levels.
Concept of a Model
After we have analyzed a new phenomenon and are aware of the significant
variables, we can proceed to the next level of sophistication. To illustrate this
stage, consider an elementary example. Suppose we were going to paint a
wall and wished to know the amount of paint to order. We would have to
know the area of the wall, so what would we do? The natural reaction would
be to measure the length of the wall and its height and then multiply the two
numbers together. But what would that give us? And why would we think
that the numerical product has anything to do with the wall? When we mul
tiply these two numbers together, we do obtain something, but it is the area
of the completely imaginary rectangle that is defined by the two lengths. This
imaginary rectangle may or may not have any relationship to the wall. The
important thing to notice is that we are dealing with two completely different
categories. First, there is the real wall whose area we need. Second, there is a
completely invented, conceptual rectangle that is constructed from defini
tions, exists in our imagination only, and in the present case is specified by
the two measured lengths. We are commonly insensitive to this important
distinction because we are all so familiar with the concept of rectangles that a
simple, almost subconscious, glance at the wall reassures us that a rectangle
is a satisfactory representation of the wall.
But suppose we were not able to make that judgment. Suppose we were
blind and had done nothing more than measure the base and one side of the wall
without thinking about angles or any other property of the wall. We could
multiply our two dimensions to obtain an area that had no relevance at all to the
wall if the wall happened to have the shape of a parallelogram. To avoid that kind
of error, as blind experimenters, we would have to recognize the necessity to
check that the imaginary rectangle defined by the two dimensions compared
sufficiently closely with the actual wall. To do this, we would have to know the
various properties of rectangles, and we would have to compare with the actual
wall as many of these properties as possible. For example, we could test such
properties as straightness of sides, right-angle comers, equality of diagonals, and
so on. Only after a sufficient number of properties had been compared between
the rectangular constmct and the real wall, and found to correspond adequately,
could we have faith that the area of the imaginary rectangle was a good enough
approximation to the actual area of the real wall.
model against the real system. Only if the properties of the model are shown
experimentally to be adequately in correspondence with those of the real
system are we justified, like the painter about to order paint, in proceeding to
the next step.
Refinement of Models
ess. The models we have now are as good as generations of intelligent and
hard-working scientists in the past have been able to make them. We should
consider ourselves fortunate in our professional work if we are able to make a
few small improvements to existing models. Major revisions or the intro
duction of completely new models are rare and tend to be associated with
Nobel prizes.
It is possible to gain the impression from the foregoing discussion that in sci
entific development there is some kind of unique sequence that starts with
observation and ends with a satisfactory model. Indeed, scientific thinking
has quite frequently progressed in this way, but the sequence is not invari
able. There are many examples of a basic, invented idea, the foundation of a
model, that was the fruit of pure speculation by the originator, without
awareness of the observations that could be directly associated with the con
jecture. We can recall, as examples, de Broglie's speculation on the wave
model of matter, which was published in 1924 before any of the relevant
phenomena were observed directly, and Fermi's invention of the concept of
the neutrino almost 40 years before the particle itself was directly observed.
There is no single process of scientific development, no single “scientific
method.” Ideas and observations tend to shuffle forward roughly together but
with no automatic leadership from one or the other. Regardless of the precise
order of development, one point remains invariable—the fundamental activ
ity in scientific experimenting is to compare the properties of models with the
corresponding properties of the real world.
We have not discussed at all the processes by which new ideas are in
troduced to serve as a basis for totally new theories. Sometimes an existing
idea can undergo a process of continued refinement and attain closer and
closer correspondence with observation without any alteration of the basic
concepts on which the theory is founded (for example, the Ptolemaic theory
Consider an elastic band, suspended from its upper end, from the lower
end of which we can hang weights. The most primitive form of construct
with respect to the properties of the system would be a verbal description of
its behavior. We could say something like: As I hang more weights at the
bottom of the elastic band, it stretches farther. This verbal description could
prompt us to invent the general concept “springiness” to serve as a model.
But if we wish to refine the model to make it more useful for detailed com
parison with observation, our purely verbal methods of description start to
fail us; we cannot refine such a vague concept as springiness without resort
ing to the precision of description that is available in numerical and mathe
matical modes of expression. We would then make a series of measurements
of the extension of the elastic band as a function of load, hoping that they will
suggest a more explicit concept. We would obtain a set of measurements
such as those shown in Table 4-1.
Load, Extension,
kg m
0 .0 5 0.03 ± 0 .0 1
0 .1 0 0 .0 4
0 .1 5 0 .08
0 .2 0 0.13
0 .2 5 0 .1 9
0 .3 0 0 .3 0
0 .3 5 0 .3 4
0 .4 0 0.38
0 .4 5 0 .3 9
(Notice that for simplification we are pretending to know the weights exactly
so that we can ignore the uncertainty in them. The values of extension for the
rubber band are measurements made by us, and so the uncertainty must be
In Figure 4-1 we have done nothing more than plot the observations on
the graph. At this stage the set of observations is the only thing we have, and
there is no justification for putting anything else on the graph.
This completes the first stage of the process, that is, observation. We
must now undertake the next stage, in which we construct a model, or mod
els, of the system.
The type of process required at the various stages depends much on the par
ticular experiment. For example, we may be experimenting on a phenomenon
that is being observed for the first time and for which there are no existing
ideas. In such a case, our task would be to identify the significant variables
and possibly to generate some kind of model. Or we may be working on
some relatively familiar phenomenon, in which case we would probably have
some existing proposal or theory that could be applied to our system, thus
creating a model. Whatever the circumstances, we draw a distinction between
models that are empirical and models that are theoretical. The word
empirical means that models of this type are based solely on the observations
themselves, without any reference to the detailed, internal operation of the
system. The processes by which we can generate empirical models and the
usefulness of such models is described as we proceed. A theoretical model is
constructed more generally, not just for one particular set of observations,
and is based on some basic concept or principle about the actual mode of
operation of the system. The nature of theoretical models and their usefulness
is also described. We consider each type in turn.
Empirical Models
Assume that we have made a set of observations on a system for which there is
no existing model. All we have is a set of observations on some property of the
system. It could be the load versus extension measurements on our elastic band,
and the results probably take the form of a graph hke that in Figure 4-1. Our
problem is to construct a suitable model. What can we do? There are several
possibilities, and we consider them in order of increasing sophistication.
Drawing a smooth curve through the points. The next stage of sophisti
cation in model construction is represented by a process that is so commonly
carried out (usually without due regard to its significance) that its name is
used as the heading for this section. As we view the graph of observations
initially (Figure 4-1), we must remember that it contains the observational
points and nothing else; we have no basis yet for putting anything else on the
diagram. There will inevitably be some scatter in the points because of their
inherent uncertainty, but it is possible to base the model construction on the
single basic assumption that, uncertainty and scatter notwithstanding, the
actual behavior of the system is smooth and continuous. This is our concept,
or idea, and as we draw a smooth curve (Figure 4-2) through the points, we
assume that it is valid to apply that concept to our system.
which many of the procedures for treating observations were first devised.
The responsibility for deciding to assume smooth and regular behavior lies
with the experimenter, who should make the assumption only if familiarity
with the system leads to the carefully considered conviction that it is valid.
the usual answer would be to draw the smooth curve and obtain the interpo
lated value as shown on the graph. We could then reveal that the graph de
picts the noonday temperatures for the first few days of this month and that
we were asking for a temperature at midnight. Likewise, people who have
belief in the infallible validity of extrapolation can be asked why they have
not made a fortune on the stock market.
leading. For scientific work they are not recommended except in special
cases. The way in which the common spreadsheet programs can be adapted
for our purposes is described later.
Theoretical Models
a = 9.8 ms'2
Notice that this hypothesis already contains several assumptions about the
system, thereby starting our process of constructing an invented model. By
v = 9.8r assuming V= 0 at / = 0
assuimng X = 0 at ^ = 0
We have chosen to write the final equation in a form in which t is expressed
as a function of jc because this corresponds to the way in which the experi
ment was set up. We chose x as the input, or independent, variable and
measured t as the dependent, or output, variable. So we want our equation to
tell us r as a function of jc.
In the course of the derivation, all the assumptions that we insert con
stitute further components of the model. The final result for the measurable
variable, the time of fall, is thus a property of the model. Its applicability to
the system is the next topic of investigation.
D ista n c e , jc, m T im e , /, s
0.1 0 .1 4 8 ± 0 .0 0 5
0 .2 0 .1 9 6
0.3 0 .2 4 4
0 .4 0 .2 9 0
0.5 0 .315
0 .6 0 .3 5 2
0.7 0 .385
0 .8 0 .403
The task is somehow to compare these two, but it is not at all clear how that
should be done. One simple suggestion is to insert the various values of x in
the equation and calculate corresponding values of t. We could then compare
these with the measured values. If they agreed exactly, we could perhaps be
confident that the system and the model were in correspondence. The
probability of that happening, however, is minute; apart from anything else,
the presence of uncertainty in the measurements eliminates the possibility of
exact correspondence. The major point, though, is that the model is most
unlikely to be totally free of systematic defects and deficiencies. It is one
of the principal purposes in experimenting to detect these discrepancies
and deal with them constructively. The possibility of doing this
effectively by using simple arithmetic comparison is small. Much more
significant for our purpose is the overall behavior of the system; the best
way to view that behavior is on a graph.
(j,) Distance, m
Figure 4 -9 The process of comparing the properties of a real system
with the properties of a model.
vehicle en route to the moon. If that were our purpose, we would have to
construct a more refined theory until we had one that is good enough for that
purpose. Even then, we would find that a theory adequate for moon rockets is
inadequate to describe the motion of the planet Mercury. For that, as was
mentioned earlier, the theory of Newtonian gravitation must be replaced by
Einstein's theory of general relativity. And the adequacy of Einstein's theory
for describing Mercury's orbit (at a particular level of precision) does not
“prove” that it is true or correct, simply that it is good enough for that pur
pose. Equally, the presence of Einstein's theory does not discredit either
Newton's theory of gravitation or our simple model of constant acceleration
under gravity. Most people do not measure the depth of wells by using Ein
stein's relativity theory. In general, we use a particular theory because it is
good enough for the purposes in hand. If increased precision is desired at any
time, the necessary refinements can be introduced as required (unless, of
course, we are working at the limits of knowledge in a particular area, and the
chief obstacle is the absence of an improved theory).
judge immediately how well the two correspond. The ways in which common
spreadsheet programs can be made to do this are described in Chapter 6 .
The objective is to arrange the plotting process so that the behavior of the
system and the model are represented on a graph in linear form.
Consider the function for the time of free fall under gravity
This function, when plotted on an x, t graph has the shape of a parabola.
Consequently, if we were to plot the measurements of x and t, intending to
compare them with the graph of the function in the model, it would be almost
impossible to judge visually whether our results were compatible with a
parabola. Suppose, however, we were to plot as variables, not t versus x but t
versus . Tthe equation that appears in the model
r = 0.4515(x"')
would then take the form of a straight line, whose equation we write
vertical variable = t
horizontal variable = x
slope = 0.4515
The experimental values of and t are given in Table 4-3 and are plotted
in Figure 4-10. This graph also contains the line representing the function;
the resulting simplification is immediately obvious. The whole process of
comparison is facilitated, and we can identify immediately the degree of cor
respondence between the model and the system.
In this example we chose the time of fall as the output variable and the
distance of fall as the input variable. This choice caused us to plot the vari
ables as t and . The process would have been equally effective and prob
ably more convenient if we had plotted versus x instead of t versus x* ^
The slope would have been different, but the opportunity to compare the
model and the system would have been equally good. In an experiment, there
may be several equivalent ways to plot the variables in the form of a straight
line. Sometimes one is more convenient than another; sometimes one gives
us a better basis for comparing the system and the model. We have to make a
decision each time on the basis of the particular circumstances.
X = constant x W
constitutes an invented model of the system. Assume that we wish to test this
model against the system. The only trouble is that (unlike the former example
of the falling ball in which the model contained the known value of the
gravitational acceleration) we may not know the value of the constant (the
X = constant x W
really represents the infinite set of lines on the W - x plane that have all the
values of slope, from zero to infinity, that correspond to the infinite range of
possibilities for the value of the constant. Some of these lines are represented
in Figure 4 -1 1(b). What, then, constitutes the outcome of our comparison?
Laying one graph on top of the other produces the diagram shown in Figure
4 -1 1(c) and provides us with the opportunity to choose a line that is compat
ible with the experimental points.
But which line or lines are we to choose? Clearly the lines OA and OB
have no obvious relevance to the observations and can be disregarded. We
can, on the other hand, identify a certain bundle of lines that fall within the
region of uncertainty of the measured points. We can estimate visually the
edges of this bundle; they are represented by the lines OC and OD. Within
these limits all the lines have some degree of consistency with the observa
tions, but no single line stands out as uniquely suitable. All we can say for the
moment is that the observations are compatible with the model over a certain
range of slopes. This means that there is a certain range of values of
“springiness” (within the model) that are consistent with the system. The
conclusion is, then, that if we have an initially undetermined constant in the
model, the experimenting process can be used to determine, within a certain
interval, the value that is appropriate for the system. This is the normal way
of determining experimental values of physical quantities.
Figure 4-11 T h e u se o f s tra ig h t-lin e a n a ly sis to o b ta in th e v alu e o f an u n d e te rm in e d c o n s ta n t in a m odel.
model—and the consequences for the accuracy of the R value can be serious.
If all our pairs of /, V values gave the same, or nearly the same, value for /?,
we might feel confident in our measurement of R, even without drawing the /, V
graph. In the much more likely event that the R values do not all turn out to be the
same, we have no way of interpreting the variations without the graph.
L oad
As we ensure in these ways that the final answer is free from such
sources of systematic error, it does not matter whether or not we know the
origin of the discrepancy. For the purposes of obtaining the value of the
quantity under study, it is sufficient at this stage merely to identify the existence
of the discrepancy and to ensure that it is not permitted to introduce errors into
the answer. We can later consider possible sources of the discrepancy.
Notice that any decision about the appropriateness of the model for the
system must be based on the experiment itself. We are, of course, not going
to attempt to decide on such meaningless questions as whether the model or
theory is “true” or “false,” “correct” or “incorrect,” or whatever. As we have
said so often, all models are imperfect in principle, and we simply need to
know if the model is good enough for our purposes at our level of precision.
Only our own experiment can provide the basis for making that decision, and
it is one of our major objectives in designing the experiment to ensure that
this will be possible. Once we have checked that our model is good enough,
we can proceed to evaluate our unknown quantity, not forgetting that, if our
situation changes and increased precision is called for, we must reopen the
question of the model's adequacy for our purpose. As has been described in
Section 4-3, almost invariably the best ways of testing models of physical
systems involve a graphical approach. In principle we wish to draw a graph
of the model's behavior and to superimpose on it our observations of the be
havior of the system. To do this in simple form, however, there are some
For our present purpose suppose that we have only one input variable,
either because only one exists or because we can isolate one by holding the
others constant. The procedure is clear; we must measure the variation of the
output variable with the input variable and plot the resulting values for com
parison with the corresponding graph for the model. As was suggested in
Section 4-3, however, it would take a computer to draw even simple nonlin
ear functions, and the advantages of drawing graphs in straight-line form are
so overwhelming that we consider only this approach.
Simple Cases
If the model we are considering contains only linear functions (such as dis
tance traveled at constant velocity as a function of time, or the potential dif
ference across a constant resistor as a function of current), we have no prob
lem; the equation is already in straight-line form. This is rarely the case,
however, and we are almost invariably faced with the necessity of converting
the functions found in the model into linear form. We have already encoun
tered this requirement in Section 4-3. There the function was
vertical variable = t
horizontal variable =
slope = 0.4515
constant = 0
This is a simple case, and it is often less easy to see how an equation
can be converted into linear form. There are no definite rules for doing it. The
best way is to keep clearly in mind the form toward which we wish to work,
vertical variable = slope x horizontal variable + constant
and juggle the quantities in the original equation around until we have the
required form. Opportunities for practice are found in the problems at the end
of this chapter.
/ = 0.4515x''^
can be used equally effectively in any one of the equivalent forms
-t r =0.2039x. x = 4.905r'
with appropriate choices for vertical variable, horizontal variable, and slope.
There is a conventional tendency to plot graphs with the input variable hori
zontally and the output variable vertically, but there is no real requirement to
do so. We should choose the form of graph that most effectively serves our
Our purpose should include not only the basic experimental require
ments, but also the comfort and convenience of the experimenter. For this,
one should plot variables as simply as possible. For example, consider an ex
periment to determine a coefficient of viscosity by studying the flow of liquid
through a pipe. The appropriate equation (Poiseuille's equation) is
8 ti^
One possible choice is to plot Q versus {na^ I ii)P . This seems to suit our
purposes because the resulting graph has a slope equal to l/r|, but it is an
unwise choice for a number of reasons. First, it greatly increases the amount
of arithmetic required to do the plotting, because each value of P must be
multiplied by / M . Second, each of the quantities a and i has an attached
uncertainty; if this were to be combined each time with the uncertainty in F,
we would have a falsely enhanced uncertainty for the compound quantity (for
example, in the actual experiment a would be measured only once, and its
uncertainty should not be combined with that of P as if every time we
measured P another measurement of a were made to combine with it).
Clearly, in this case the path of wisdom is to plot Q versus P and to use
na^ /8r|^ as the slope, thus avoiding all the difficulties just mentioned. We
are then able to calculate r\ from the value for the slope and the measured
values of a and i using
S ix slope
In general, it is best to plot variables that are as simple as possible and to
leave most of the arithmetic to be done just once in calculating the answer
from the slope.
In many cases it may suit our convenience (or else it may be absolutely nec
essary) to plot the graph using variables that are not single measured quanti
ties but are constructed out of the primary measurements. Consider, for ex
ample, the so-called compound pendulum, a rigid lamina of a certain shape
that is allowed to oscillate under gravity about an axis perpendicular to the
plane of the lamina, as shown in Figure 5-1 (a). The normal model of its os
cillation (for small angles of oscillation) gives the period of oscillation, T, as
T = 2 n i ---------
i gh
where T = period of oscillation (output variable)
h = distance from center of mass to point of support (input variable)
g = gravitational acceleration (constant and unknown)
k = radius of gyration about center of mass (constant and unknown)
= ^ p h -k ^
which is now in linear form with
vertical variable =
slope =
4 tc'
intercept = -k^
Notice how in this case plotting in straight-line form is possible only by us
ing compound variables.
unreliable, because small changes in placing the lines can cause large
changes in the length of the intercepted portion; a linear form, on the other
hand, enables us to determine the slope of the graph reliably. Fourth, by using
the intercept method the answer is determined solely by a few points in the
vicinity of the intercepts, and we obtain no benefit from all the other points.
When drawing a straight line, however, all the points can contribute to the
choice of the line. Last, the linear graph gives g and k from almost
independent measurements on the graph, whereas with the other method any
inaccuracy in the value of k is propagated automatically into the value of g.
The use of compound variables can also be convenient when there are
two or more separate input variables. In such cases, even if the use of com
pound variables is not absolutely necessary for linear plotting (as it was for
the compound pendulum), they often provide the neatest and most effective
way of plotting graphs. It was mentioned earlier that, if a system involves
two independent input variables, we can study the variation of the output
variable with either input variable in isolation, while holding the other input
variable at a number of discrete levels. For example, if we wish to measure
the specific heat of a fluid, C, by continuous-flow calorimetry, we can allow
it to flow at a certain mass flow rate, m, through an electrically heated tube in
which the rate of heat generation is Q per unit time. The equation for the re
sulting heat balance (neglecting losses, etc.) is
Q = mC^T
where AT is the difference in temperature between the input and output ends
of the tube. Clearly, both Q and m are separately controllable, and we can
perform our experiment by studying the variation of AT with m, holding Q at
various fixed levels, or we can study the variation of AT with Q, holding m at
various fixed levels. We would then be able to plot either AT versus l/m, in
which case the various slopes would have values Q/C, or else AT versus 2,
which would give the various slopes as Cm. Neither possibility by itself
provides a complete description of the behavior of the system. Another
possibility exists. If we treat the product mAT as one variable and plot it
against Q, we obtain a single graph that summarizes all the information about
the system by incorporating both input variables simultaneously, whether we
did or did not control the values of m. The slope would simply have the value
C, and we would have a neat way of testing the model and obtaining our
unknown in one simple step.
Logarithmic Plotting
where y and x are measured variables and a and b are constants whose values
are to be obtained from the experiment. The equation can be put in linear
form by taking logs of both sides to the base e. We obtain
slope = 2
Thus, functional dependence like a simple square can be tested by using such
logarithmic plotting (known as a “log-log plot”).
But what is the advantage of this type of graph over a plot, as we have
been recommending all along, of y versus One obvious answer is that it
allows us to plot on one piece of paper of reasonable dimensions variations
that are too extensive for traditional plotting. A range of one power of 10 in
our observations can be conveniently plotted on simple graph paper, a range
extending over a factor of 100 is difficult, and a factor of 1,000 makes satis
factory plotting impossible. For these very large excursions of the variables,
only logarithmic plotting allows realistic representation of the results.
would be a better model than y = x^, that fact would probably elude us if we
plotted y versus x^. We would simply obtain a set of points that deviate from
a straight line, and the source of the discrepancy would not be immediately
obvious. The log-log plot, on the other hand, would still give us a straight
line, and this would tell us that some function involving a power was still a
good model. The slope of the line would not be 2, of course, and the
improved value of the exponent, 1.8, would be available from the slope of the
log-log graph. In Chapter 6 , we consider further the uses of log-log plotting
for the construction of empirical models involving such powers. It suffices
for the moment to note that, at the stage of designing an experiment, the
possibility of semi-log or log-log plotting should be kept in mind if either the
type of function or the range of variables suggests that either is appropriate.
We now list the actual, practical steps by which we prepare to do the experi
ment. These may seem tedious to those whose ambition is to get on with the
experiment as quickly as possible and worry later about what to do with the
results. Indeed, for many of the simple experiments commonly encountered
in teaching laboratories, the painstaking care that we are about to recommend
may seem pointless and pedantic. But remember that the simple experiments
in teaching laboratories are merely simulation in suitably simplified form of
the much more complicated and important situations that will be encountered
later in real systems. If in an introductory physics laboratory we forget to
measure the wire diameter while doing an elasticity experiment, it is probably
not going to matter too much. We can return to the laboratory later and
recover the offending measurement; even if we do not, the world will not
come to an end. But if ten years later we plan some space-based
astronomy with a very expensive telescope in a spacecraft and we notice
only when our experiment is in orbit that we have omitted to test the
optics properly, the consequences can be very serious. Acquire as early as
possible the habit of meticulous and painstaking planning of experiments
even if for the moment such planning may sometimes seem overmetic-
ulous and superfluous.
The equation representing the behavior of the model must now be put into
straight-line form, as described in Section 5-2. As we have already men
tioned, there is no unique, correct choice for the straight-line form. Choose a
form that suits the purposes conveniently and effectively. For example, if the
equation contains some unknown quantity the value of which is to be deter
mined by the experiment, it is probably best to use a form for the straight line
that puts the unknown into the slope. It is possible to determine unknown
quantities from intercepts, but because intercepts can frequently be subject to
errors arising from instrument defects or other systematic errors, it is usually
preferable to obtain unknowns from slopes. If the equation contains two un
knowns, it is probably best to find a form that enables us to obtain one un
known from the slope and the other from an intercept.
Before starting the actual measurements, we should make decisions about the
ranges over which we hope to make them. It is usually best to plan on a range
for the input variable of at least a factor of 10. More is better, and less can
often give an unsatisfactory basis for comparing the behavior of systems and
models. Obviously, we cannot choose directly the range of the output
variables; the system itself will tell us these values, but we must still be
careful. There may be instrument limits beyond which damage can occur—
elastic limits, overheating of precision resistors, overloading of meters and
other instruments, and the like. Carefully made trial measurements will allow
us to determine the range of the input variables that will avoid overloading
any part of the system. This is the time to consider carefully all aspects of in
strument ratings, which can be particularly significant for electrical appara
tus. For example, does the resistance box have marked on it the maximum
current for each range? If so, we incorporate that limit into the choice of
range for the variables. If the limits for some piece of equipment are not
marked on the equipment itself, we must find the values in the manufacturer's
catalogue. In all cases we must ensure that limits are identified and observed.
It is too late when the smell of overheated insulation or a vertical column of
blue smoke above a meter alerts us to the frailties of physical apparatus and
the expense of replacement.
We should not start an experiment until we have a general idea of the preci
sion we hope to attain in the overall result. This is not to say that we can
guarantee a final level of precision, but we should have a target figure to
serve as a guide for our choice of measurement methods. For example, the
request—Measure the acceleration of gravity using a pendulum—is by itself
virtually meaningless. In response to this request, we could spend ten minutes
with crude apparatus and obtain a result with a precision of 10%, or we could
spend weeks with refined, expensive equipment and attain 0.01%. We can
obtain a realistic impression of the expectation only from some request such
as: Measure g using a simple pendulum with a final uncertainty around 2%,
and try not to spend more than two hours on it. The figure 2% and the
specified time give a general idea of the kind of measurement we are being
asked to make and enable us to make sensible choices for experimental
method and care in measuring.
To see how such a design could be carried out, we return to the exam
ple of the pendulum and the hoped-for value of 2 % for the final uncertainty
in the g value. We know that the result for g, although it will be obtained
graphically, in essence involves measurements of i and T (in the form T^). If
the uncertainty in any measurement of either £ or is in excess of 2%,
therefore, there is little chance that it will contribute usefully to a final de
termination of g within 2%. Suppose, as a first guess, we elect to restrict the
uncertainties in each of I and to fall below 1%. What are the implications
for the measurements of i and T\ The first step must be to make trial meas
urements to assess the absolute uncertainty with which we can make meas
urements of £ and T. Once we have determined these uncertainties, we can
find the limits on the ranges of the £ and T measurements that allow the
precision to be acceptable. Assume that with the apparatus available we are
fairly sure that we can measure lengths with an absolute uncertainty of ±1 mm.
What is the measured length at which this uncertainty corresponds to
precision of 1%? If the requirement is
^ = 0.01 in cm)
= 10 cm
Thus, so long as the measured lengths are greater than 10 cm, the contribu
tion to the overall uncertainty from ^ is within the acceptable range, and we
have identified one limit on the acceptable range of I .
All the detail described in this section may seem to constitute an un
necessarily exacting approach to a small, simple experiment, but it is wise to
recall again that we are practicing for much bigger, more important experi
power (to give the L) and the period squared (to provide T~^). We can thus
say immediately that, whatever the final, theoretical form for the equation, it
must have the structure
^ length ^
g = (dimensionless constant) x
The process can give no information about dimensionless quantities
(pure numbers such as 7i, etc.), and so we must always include their possible
presence in equations obtained by dimensional analysis.
r <uamI
The appropriate dimensions are;
of v: LT~'
of 7 (force): MLT'^
Thus, by comparing in turn the powers of M, L, and T on the two sides of the
equation, we obtain
for M 0 = a-\-b
for L \= a -b
forT - \ = -2 a
-(dimensionless constant) x
Powerful as this method is, difficulties obviously arise when the quan
tity under discussion is a function of more than three variables. We then have
more than three unknown powers but only three equations from which to
determine them. A unique solution is not possible, but a partial solution may
be found in terms of combinations of variables.
1 (tube length) L
r| (viscosity coefficient,
defined as force per
unit area per unit
velocity gradient) (A/Lr-2)(L2)-'(Lr> X L-')-' =ML-'7’-'
r (tube radius) L
Comparing powers of
M 0= a +c
T -1 = - 2 a - c
Here we have four unknowns and only three equations, so that in general a
complete solution is not possible. We can obtain part of it, however, for it is
obvious that the M and T equations give us
c = -\
The equation for Q must therefore contain the term P ! r\. The remaining part
of the solution can be written only as
b-\-d = 3
If we write this
d = 3 -b
we can see that Q must contain the product It also contains so that
we can write
Q o z
P X r 3X
— - ^
r| \r
Because it is inconceivable that Q should increase with f , if all other quanti
ties are kept constant, it is obvious that b must have a negative value, and we
can invert the ^ / r term to obtain, finally.
Q cc — X X
In all the preceding sections we have assumed that there was a clear and
definite relationship between the input and output variables, and that the in
put variables themselves were readily identifiable and relatively well con
trolled. We do, however, encounter circumstances in which we are not so
fortunate. Perhaps our input variables cannot be clearly isolated, so that, with
everything varying at once, it is difficult to identify the effect of each on the
output of the system. Or perhaps the system is so complex and subject to so
many variable factors that we find it hard to judge whether the effect in
which we are interested even exists. Many experimental techniques, mostly
of a statistical nature, have been devised for use in such circumstances. De
scriptions of these can be found in the texts on statistics listed in the Bibliog
raphy. For our present purpose, we restrict ourselves to a brief description of
the problems appearing at the various levels of complexity and uncertainty.
Suppose we wish to study some relatively small effect, such as the extension
of a hard steel wire under load. Not only is the effect small, but it also is
subject to a number of perturbing factors—for example, temperature. If we
Even industrial processes, with their inherent fluctuations and their lack
of input control, pose problems that are simple in comparison with some of
the questions to which we seek answers today. Does the addition of fluorides
to municipal water supplies improve the condition of peoples' teeth, and does
it have other, possibly harmful effects? Do nuclear power stations cause a
higher incidence of leukemia in their vicinity? In seeking the answers, we
have almost every problem that can face an experimenter. There is little or no
control over the input variables, there is wide variation in individual re
sponse, the response may be of only a probabilistic nature, there may be long
delays in observing a response, there is rarely an opportunity to observe a
genuine null effect (we do not normally carry out surveys of sufficient sensi
tivity before the municipality starts to add fluorides or before the nuclear
power station is built), and there is commonly a multitude of confusing ex
traneous factors. The only thing we can do is to carry out the sampling pro
cedure as carefully as possible. We must obtain an artificial null-effect
measurement by constructing an experimental group as large as possible that
is under the influence we are studying and a control group that is exempt
from that influence but that in every other respect matches the experimental
group as closely as possible.
identifying the factors that influence systems. The concept of correlation re
ceives further consideration in Section 6-14.
s = O.Saf^
s and t are measured variables. Determine a.
7. The fundamental frequency of vibration of a string is given by
2 e \m
/, I , and T are measured variables. Determine m.
8. The velocity of outflow of an ideal fluid from a hole in the side of a tank
is given by
T = 2n
T and a are measured variables, i is fixed and known. Determine g.
10. The deflection of a cantilever beam is expressed by
" = ------ r
d, W, and (. are measured variables, a and b are fixed and known. De
termine Y.
11. The capillary rise of a fluid in a tube is given by
h and R are measured variables, p and g are fixed and known. Deter
mine a .
12. The gas law for an ideal gas is
pv=R T
p and T are measured variables, v is fixed and known. Determine R.
13. The Doppler shift of frequency for a moving source is given by
/ = / o -------
/an d Vq are measured variables, is fixed and known. Determine v.
14. The linear expansion of a solid is described by
^ = ^o(l + a-A T)
i and AT are measured variables, is constant but unknown. Deter
mine a .
1 1-1
5^ and s' are measured variables. Determine /. There are two ways of
plotting this function. Which is better?
17. The resonant frequency of a parallel L-C circuit is given by
CO =
JT c
CO and C are measured variables. Determine L.
18. The force between electrostatic charges is described by
1 ^ 1^2
F, /,, /2, and r are measured variables, pg and i are constant. How do
you check the form of the function?
20. The discharge of a capacitor is described by
Z = AR^+-
Z and CO are measured variables. Determine R and C.
22. The relativistic variation of mass with velocity is
X U n-
X and n are measured variables. Determine R.
Experiment Evaluation
The main point is to state the result of the experiment honestly and ob
jectively. The experimenter should strive earnestly to maximize the yield of
the experiment by making the final answer as reliable as possible and the
limits of uncertainty as close as the experiment will permit, but in all cases it
is important to be realistic.
The process of evaluating the result of an experiment has several parts. First,
we must obtain the values of the basic measurements and their uncertainties.
Second, we must assess the degree of correspondence between the properties
of the system and of the model. Third, we must calculate the values of what
ever property of the system we set out to measure. Last, we must make an
estimate of the overall precision of the experiment. Let us consider each of
these steps in turn.
The first step in working out the result of an experiment consists of calculat
ing the elementary quantities of which the experiment is composed. For ex
ample, an experiment on a simple pendulum that has the purpose of obtaining
a value for g will probably yield, as its input variable, a set of measurements
of length i . The output variable will be presented by a set of measurements
of the times required for a certain number of oscillations, and from them
values of the period T can be calculated. Our present purpose is to compute
the values of i and T and their uncertainties; these will be the basis of the
subsequent graphical analysis. The choice of procedure here depends on
whether we have elected to make a subjective assessment of the uncertainty
range of each measurement or have decided that random fluctuation is
sufficiently prominent that statistical treatment is desirable.
Estimated Uncertainty
In the case of the simple pendulum, the first variable to consider is I . Here
we may have found that measuring the length of the pendulum with a meter
stick has enabled us to identify intervals, as described in Section 2-3, within
which we are almost certain our values lie. Our experimental results will
therefore take the form of a set of values for ( in the form: value ± uncer
tainty. It is conceivable, too, if we have been counting swings and measuring
the times with a stopwatch, that we are similarly able to identify intervals on
the time scale within which we are almost certain that our values for time lie.
These, too, would be expressed as time value ± uncertainty. This, however, is
not yet our variable T. We might have counted 15 oscillations of the pendulum,
obtaining a time value of 18.4 ± 0.2 s, and the value for the period, the time
required for one oscillation, must be obtained by division as 1.227 ±0.013 sec.
Notice that not only the central value must be calculated in this way but also the
value of the uncertainty. In simple algebraic terms
The end result of this experiment will be a set of f and T values, com
plete with uncertainties, and we shall then be ready to start drawing our
Statistical Uncertainty
There are times when it may be important to preserve the origin as part
of the graph. It may be desirable or even necessary to examine the behavior
of the graph at the zero of one or both axes. At other times, for purposes of
illustration, it may be useful to show clearly the scale of some variation in
relation to its zero value. However, for the purposes of the graphical analysis
with which we are here concerned, it is generally best to make the graph fill
the graph paper.
search through the text to find out what the uncertainty marks mean. If
several graphs are to be plotted on one piece of paper, make sure they are
clearly distinguished by the use of some different symbol or by color or by
some other means.
Once all our observations have been plotted on the graph paper, we are ready
to proceed with the next stage—the comparison between the properties of the
system now displayed before us and the properties of any models we have
available. The procedure depends on circumstances, and we describe the
various situations in turn. In all the following we assume that, on account of
the difficulty in representing nonlinear properties of models on hand-drawn
graphs, we have chosen or rearranged our variables so that the graphs take on
linear form.
Let us suppose, first, that we have a model that is fully specified and
that has no undetermined quantities. The purpose of the investigation would
then be only to see how well the properties of the model match the properties
of the system. To do this we would simply draw on the graph, using the same
scale, the graph of the function that represents the properties of the model. A
typical case was illustrated in Figure 4-10, in which observations of the time
of fall of an object as a function of distance are compared with the behavior
of the analytical expression
t = QA5\5x''^
which represents the theoretical model of the situation.
Now that we have considered the case in which a model and a system
turned out to have properties that are undistinguishable at the level of preci
sion involved, we must consider the other possibilities in which the proper
ties of the model and the system do not overlap completely.
No Detectable Discrepancy
In any case that comes within this category, we would state the re
sult of the comparison using some phrasing such as: We observed agree
ment (compatibility, consistency, etc.) between the model and the obser
vations only over the range so-and-so. Or: The properties of the model
and the system are observed to diverge significantly after the value such
and such. Notice again that we must resist the temptation to think that
something is “wrong” because we do not encounter complete correspon
dence between models and systems over the whole range. Both models and
systems exist in their own right, and we cannot prejudge the extent to which
their properties overlap. In fact, the detection of the limits on the validity of a
particular model can furnish important clues for its improvement.
In all the foregoing we have stressed one important point: We must not
think that an experiment is giving us a “right” or a “wrong” result. We just
carry out the experimental process as carefully as possible and then state the
outcome as honestly and objectively as we can. It is not a bad thing to be
reminded from time to time that models may provide only partially satisfactory
representation of the behavior of systems. It is most important for us to know the
hmits for the vahdity of models, and the manner in which models fail can furnish
invaluable evidence to those who seek to improve them.
In all the preceding sections, we have dealt with models that were completely
specified, including the numerical values of all quantities. The purpose of
experiments was simply to compare the behavior of the system and of the
model. As was considered in Section 4-5, however, it is also possible, indeed
very common, to use straight-line analysis in determining for some quantity
in the model the numerical value that is appropriate for our system. In such
cases the model is not fully specified, because it contains a quantity or
quantities of initially unknown value. It is not possible, therefore, to draw a
graph for the model to compare with the points, for the graph initially con
tains nothing but the points alone, as shown in Figure 6-2(a).
Suppose that we have measured the values of current through, and the
potential difference across, a resistor and we wish to test the observations
against the model
V = IR
In the absence of a specified value for R, the behavior of the model is repre
sented by all the lines on the I-V plane that have the equation
V = constant x /
where the constant can take all values from zero to infinity. In principle, we
can simply draw all these lines on the same graph as the measurements, and
determine first the extent to which the behavior of the system and of the
model overlap. Second, from the bundle of lines that fall within the regions
of uncertainty of all the points, we can determine the range of R values that
are appropriate for our system (as illustrated in Figure 4-11). For our present
purpose, it is not quite as simple as that because, on the basis of the measured
values shown in Figure 6-2(a), we have no right to prejudge the behavior of
the system at the origin. It is best to leave the question of intercepts to a later
stage and simply decide on the range of straight lines that is consistent with
the observations.
There are several ways of doing this. The most satisfactory, a statis
tical method, is described later. In the meantime we content ourselves
with simpler, mechanical procedures and carry out the time-honored
practice of drawing the best straight line through the points. To do this by
eye requires some mechanical aid that does not obscure half the points.
An opaque ruler cannot be used, but a transparent straight edge is accept
able. Probably the most satisfactory aid is a length of dark thread, which
can be stretched over the points and easily moved until the most satisfac
tory position is found. If difficulty is encountered in judging visually the
trend of a set of points, it is often helpful to hold the graph paper at eye
level and sight along the points. This makes the clustering of the points
around a straight line or a systematic deviation from a straight line much
clearer than in the direct view.
would then represent, respectively, the steepest and least steep slope of the
set of lines that are consistent with the observational points.
Once we have chosen the lines, we can set about determining the nu
merical value of their slopes so that we can obtain the answer we want, such
as, in the case of the V = IR example, the value of R. For our purpose, the
question of slope has nothing to do with the angle made by the lines on the
graph paper; we are talking about intervals of the measured variables I and V,
and so the slopes must be calculated analytically. For a line such as AB on
Figure 6-3 look carefully near the ends, and identify as exactly as possible
places at the top and bottom of the line where it crosses an intersection of
lines on the graph paper. Identify the coordinates (/i,kl) and (I2 ,V2 ) of these
intersections and evaluate the slope as
V -V
slope = —-----^
A -/,
We then immediately have
R = slope
which gives us the answer we want. In more complicated expressions, the
value for the slope may give the desired answer only after computation with
other measured quantities.
We carry out this process three times. The line AB gives us our chosen
“best” value for R, and the other two lines, CF and ED, will give us the upper
and lower limits, outside which we are “almost certain” the value for R does
not lie. It usually happens that these extreme values for the uncertainty range
are roughly equidistant from the central value, and is then finally possible to
state the value for R as
R = value ± uncertainty
It may sometimes appear that the “best” line and the two outer limiting
lines are not equally spaced. The reason is usually that the graph contains too
few points to allow good assessment of the positions of the lines. Although
circumstances occasionally appear in which experimenters feel obliged to
express a result as
f+uncertainty 1
[-uncertainty 2
visual judgment of a graph is rarely sufficiently precise to justify such a pro
cedure. If it is genuinely difficult to identify a “best” line, it is acceptable to
delineate the edges of the band of values (lines ED and CF in Figure 6-3)
and to calculate simply the maximum slope (of the line CD) and the mini
mum slope (of the line EF). We can then give the experimental answer as the
interval between these two slopes, or else we can calculate a central value for
the slope as the average between these two extreme values with an uncer
tainty equal to ± half that interval.
If in our experiment the desired answer is not equal to the slope di
rectly, the expression for the slope may contain a number of quantities, and
the unknown may have to be calculated from the slope by a separate arith
metic process. If these other quantities are themselves uncertain, the uncer
tainty in the answer will have to be found by combining the uncertainty of the
slope with the other uncertainties, using the techniques of Chapter 2.
When the correspondence between model and system is only partial, we must
be careful to obtain answers without introducing systematic error from the
discrepancies. Refer to Figures 6-l(b ) and 6-l(c ) and consider first the cases
in which the measured values correspond adequately with the straight line of
the model over only a limited range. Obviously, our evaluation of slopes
should be confined to those regions in which the system and model are
compatible. The points that deviate systematically from the line clearly arise
from physical circumstances that are not included in the model, and it is
obviously inappropriate to include them in any calculations that are based on
the model. We disregard, therefore, all points that deviate systematically
from straight-line behavior by an amount clearly in excess of the estimated
uncertainties and observed scatter of the points, and we restrict our calcula
tions of the slope and its uncertainty to the linear region.
All the procedures described in the preceding sections have one characteristic
in common; they are all based on the use of visual judgment by the ex
perimenter. Thus, although the procedures are commonly used and are useful,
they are vulnerable to the criticism that, even when they are carefully carried
out, we cannot be sure of the numerical significance of the results. It would
be comforting if we could use some mathematical procedure to identify the
“best” line for a set of points, for then we would be released from the
insecurity of personal judgment. In addition, we could hope to find out what
we mean by “best” and to assess the precision of that choice.
cannot be satisfied, the simple treatment following is not valid. The least-
squares method can be extended to cover the case of uncertainty in both
dimensions, but the procedure is not simple. Anyone who wishes to pursue
the subject can find an excellent treatment in the text by Wilson listed in the
and we desire the values of the parameters, slope m and intercept b, of that
best line.
= y,-{mx,+b)
The criterion of least squares then enables us to obtain the desired values of
m and b from the condition
-(wjc, -\-b)f = minimum
Y,[y,-(mx,+b)f = M
Then the condition for the minimum is
dM dM
0 and = 0 ( 6- 2)
dm db
A brief algebraic exercise (given in full in Appendix A2-2) then allows us to
obtain the values of slope and intercept for the best line as
m= (6-3)
b= (6 ^ )
' N -2
Sf. = S, X (6-7)
These values for the standard deviations can be used in association with
the values of m and b to determine intervals with the normal meaning,
namely, that intervals of one standard deviation give a 68% chance of enclos
ing the universe value, two standard deviations 95%, and so on. One
important advantage of the least-squares method is, therefore, that it supplies
statistically significant values for the uncertainties in our slope and intercept.
Not only are they statistically significant; they are in addition derived objec
tively from the actual scatter in the points themselves, irrespective of any
optimistic claims for the uncertainties of the measured values.
The procedures used in Section 6-7 to determine the slope and intercept of
the best straight line can, in principle at least, also be applied to nonlinear
functions. We can write an equation analogous to Equation (6-1) for any
function, and we can still use a requirement similar to Equation (6-2) to ex
press the minimizing of the quantity M with respect to the parameters in our
chosen model. If the resulting equations for the parameters are easy to solve,
we can obtain their values just as we did for straight lines.
squared differences, and then vary the chosen function until a minimum is
found for that sum. Descriptions of such computer-based methods are given
in the text by Draper and Smith that is listed in the Bibliography. If, however,
a method can be found to test a model in linear form, this is certainly simpler.
F ig u r e 6 - 5 Im p ro p e r u se o f le a s t-s q u a re s fittin g .
All the foregoing discussion involved the assumption that we were already in
possession of a model that we wished to compare with a system. Although
this is commonly the case, it does happen sometimes that we have a set of
observations for which no model is available— for example, in research on a
phenomenon that has never been observed before, or in work on a system
that is so complex that a theoretical model will never be available. The
observations, when plotted in elementary form, will probably show a
curve of no readily identifiable form. In the absence of a model, what are
we to do?
One thing we can do is try to find functions that have some degree of
correspondence with the observations. Such a procedure can be very useful.
For example, in very complex systems for which there is little hope of con-
Power Law
where a is a constant. We have
logj^ = alogx
(where the logarithms can be taken to any base we please) and a graph of log
y versus log jc is a straight line with slope a. Consequently, if we wish to test
whether a power law is a good function for our observations, we can plot
them in the form log y versus log .x. If the resulting points plotted in this way
correspond well with a straight line, we can say that a function involving a
simple power, positive or negative, integral or fractional as determined by the
graph, is a good fit with our observations. The value of the appropriate
power, a, is derived from the slope of the graph and is obtained within
uncertainty limits that depend on the uncertainties plotted on the points. A
graph like this can be plotted on ordinary graph paper by plotting the actual
values of log x and log y, or we can use logarithmic graph paper. This paper
has rulings that are spaced in proportion to the logarithms of the numbers, so
that we can plot our observations directly on the paper.
Exponential Functions
y = ae'"
where a and b are constants. In this case
log^ y = log^ a + bx
(where the logarithms must be natural logarithms, taken to the base e), and
the graph of the function is a straight line when we plot log^ y versus x. If
there is reason to suspect that an exponential function is appropriate to a
particular system, we should do a semi-log plot, either on ordinary graph
paper by obtaining the values of log^ y, or on semi-log graph paper, which
has one logarithmic and one linear scale. The appropriate values of a and b
are obtainable from the intercept and slope of the line, with uncertainties
determined by the plotted uncertainties of the measured values.
The best quantity to quote is the standard deviation of the mean, because it
has recognizable numerical significance. Sometimes the standard deviation
itself is quoted. It is always essential to quote the number of readings so that
the reliability of the a estimate can be judged.
In the undesirable event that no graphical analysis has been possible and the
result is obtained algebraically from a number of measured quantities, use the
methods of Chapter 3 to calculate either outer limits for the uncertainty or
else a standard deviation.
If the straight line has been established by a least-squares method, the uncer
tainties in the constants m and b will have been obtained directly. These un
certainties have the advantage that they have been obtained from the actual
scatter of the points, regardless of their estimated uncertainties. (This does
not mean that, if we intend to make a least-squares fit to a straight line, we
should not bother to plot the uncertainties or even not draw a graph at all. As
was emphasized in Section 6-9, the graph, with the uncertainties on the
points, is still needed to judge the range of matching between the model and
the system before the least-squares calculation is done.) If the straight line
has been drawn by eye, the lines at the limits of possibility will give the pos
sible range of slope and intercept. This uncertainty in slope may have to be
combined with the uncertainties of some other quantities before the final un
certainty of the answer can be stated.
Once the overall uncertainty of the final answer has been obtained, the
question of the number of significant figures to be retained in the answer can
be considered. This matter has already been covered in Section 2-11; we re
peat the discussion here simply for the sake of completeness as we discuss
experiment evaluation.
feet we are considering even exists. This is a not uncommon situation in, for
example, biological, medical, and environmental studies. We are all familiar
with the discussions about the role of smoking in lung cancer, of low levels
of ionizing radiation in leukemia, or of diet in cardiovascular disease. In such
cases the concept of “proof’ is almost always brought into the discussion in
phrases such as: We have not proved that smoking causes lung cancer. Can
we prove that heart attacks are less likely if we eat margarine instead of but
ter? And so on. In cases like these we are in a very different area of operation
from our earlier kind of experimenting, and it is worthwhile spending a mo
ment to think about what we mean by words like “proof’ and “cause.”
• • •
F ig u r e 6 - 6 E x tre m e s o f b e h a v io r w ith re sp e c t to c a u se -a n d -e ffe c t re la tio n sh ip s.
106 colds, the questions we must ask are: Is this difference significant? What
do we mean by “significant”? If the difference is significant, can we attribute
it to the ascorbic acid? And so on. Even painstaking attention to the details of
experimenting, control over samples, elimination of extraneous variables,
repetition of the experiment, and the like, may not clear up the situation very
much. Biological systems are so complex that we can rarely attain the degree
of control over variables that characterized the electrical experiment. It there
fore becomes inappropriate to seek the kind of “proof’ that is available in
other systems. We cannot say that we have “proved” that smoking causes
lung cancer or that ascorbic acid reduces the incidence of colds in the
same way that we can “prove” that a potential difference “causes” a
current to flow. We have to be content with another class of statement,
which, although less exact, can still be adequately significant and
completely convincing.
Values of r calculated in this way can vary all the way from I, for perfect,
fluctuation-free dependence of one variable on another, to 0 if there is no
connection whatsoever between the two variables. For intermediate values,
the correlation coefficient indicates the extent to which the observed variation
in one quantity can be ascribed to variation in another. In case (I) it is the
extent to which the variation in the output variable can be ascribed to
variation in the input variable; in case (2) it is the extent to which the vari-
22 -
20 -
18 -
• •
16 - • • • •
o 14 -
10 - • • • •
• •
8 - • •
• • • • •
6 • •
• • • • •
4 - • • •
• • • •
2 -
1 - • •
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (Sec)
F ig u r e 6 - 7 T h e d e p e n d e n c e o f n u m b e r o f co u n ts on c o u n tin g tim e fo r a
w e a k ra d io a c tiv e so u rce.
Graph Drawing
(1) Uncertainties. Apart from size, a problem appears with the common
spreadsheet programs when we try to represent uncertainties on the points.
Both Lotus 1-2-3 and Quattro Pro have an alternative to the normal “jc-y”
choice on the graph menu. They call it “High-Low,” and it is designed to
represent stock market prices. It produces a vertical bar to represent the
On the work sheet the load values were entered in column A. In column
B were entered the values for the extension incorporating the minus value of
the uncertainty, and in column C were entered the extension values calculated
with the positive sign for the uncertainty. For the graph choices, the primary
selection of graph type was “High-Low.” Columns B and C were selected as
the “ 1st Series,” and column A was selected as the “X-Axis Series.” Such a
representation is satisfactory if all one wants is to show the observations and
if the uncertainty is restricted to the vertical direction. The “High-Low”
option for graph type, however, does not allow us to plot graphs of functions
in any easy way, and we are restricted to showing experimental values only.
To plot functions easily we must use the ordinary “jc-y” choice for
graph type, as opposed to the “High-Low.” Figure 6-9 shows the observa
tions from Table 4-3 as re-plotted using Quattro Pro 4.
Because we wish to plot the graph of the model as well as the observa
tions, we must use the “.x-y” choice for graph type rather than the “High-
LOAD, kg
F ig u r e 6 - 8 T h e o b se rv a tio n s o f T a b le 4 -1 re -p lo tte d u sin g Q u a ttro P ro.
Low” form, which raises problems about representing the uncertainty on the
points. The diagram was prepared as follows. In the work sheet, column A
contains the values of distance. Columns B and C contain the measured val
ues of time of fall using, respectively, the negative and positive signs for the
uncertainty. Column D contains values of the square root of each distance. To
draw the graph of the experimental observations, columns B and C were used
together as the “ 1st Series” (i.e., the y-axis variable), and column D was used
as the “X-Axis Series.” Under the menu entry “Customize Series,” the
“Format” was chosen to be “Symbols” (so that no connecting lines would be
drawn between the points), and the “Marker” selected was “Horizontal Line.”
This produced an indication on the graph of the vertical range of each
measured point. To draw the graph of the model function, column E was used
to calculate values of time for each distance of fall, using the model function.
That column was then chosen as the “2nd Series” under the graph menu and
plotted by using “Lines” as the format. In this way both the experimental
observations and the model function can be shown simultaneously on the
same graph. Such a diagram, although too small to allow accurate appraisal
of the experiment, can serve as an acceptable illustration in a report.
(2) Least Squares Analysis. The larger spreadsheet programs such as Lotus
1-2-3 and Quattro Pro, have built-in facilities that use the least-squares prin
ciple for fitting straight lines to sets of observations. These facilities can
make the process fast, accurate, and simple—almost too simple, in fact—and
and these three represent a large part of what we require from the regression
analysis. The one remaining item, the standard deviation for the intercept, is
not represented directly in the regression output, but it can be obtained by a
short calculation. The quantity “Std Err of Y Est” means the standard devia
tion of the y values about the best hne. This is the quantity that, in Section 6-7 we
called 5y, and the value we need, the standard deviation of the slope, was
given by
If we want the standard deviation of the intercept, therefore, we must obtain it
by this separate calculation from “Std Err of Y Est.”
Regression Output:
Constant -0.00656
StdErrofYEst 0.005217
R Squared 0.997152
No. of Observations 8
Degrees of Freedom 6
X Coefficient(s) 0.454867834598
Std Err of Coef. 0.00992360903
The regression output also gives us (along with a few things that do not
concern us) the value for the regression coefficient r. It is called “R Squared,”
and we can see that, as we would expect for a well-controlled experiment, its
value is very close to 1.
was drawn in much the same way as was the one shown in Figure 6-9. The
points were produced by exactly the same procedure, and the only difference
lay in the way the line was produced. For Figure 6-9 we wished to plot an
explicit model function, and we had to calculate the y values for that func
tion. In Figure 6-10 we are pretending that we do not have an explicit model
function, and we have used the least-squares procedure to generate a func
tion. To plot the line, therefore, we must use the least-squares values of slope
and intercept to calculate y values on that line. These values appear in Figure
6- 10(b) in column E, and in the graphing process, that column was selected
for the second graph and the “Lines” option was chosen for it. As before,
such a diagram makes a suitable illustration for a report.
SlideWrite has one additional advantage in that it will plot directly the
uncertainty on the points, either in the vertical or horizontal direction (but not
both together). Figure 6- ll( a ) shows the observations plotted directly. In
Figure 6- 1l(b) we see the result of fitting a straight line to the observations,
(c) shows an exponential function, (d) shows a logarthmic function, and
(e) shows a power law (i.e., a function of the type ax^). Clearly, none of
these is a good fit to the observations, but if we had had some good
reason to use such a function, the program would give us the best choice
of parameters for that chosen function on the basis of the least-squares
criterion. Figure 6- l l ( f ) shows a better fit. It is for the sigmoidal
function, which has the form
LOAD, kg
0.50 (d ) 0.50
0.40 / f 0.40
f/ E
0.30 f / §
0.20 T X 0-20 T
0.10 0.10
■ ^
0.00 ____________1____________ 1____________ 1____________1____________ 0.00
0.20 0.30 0.20 0.30
LOAD, kg LOAD, kg
0 .5 0
0.40 0.40
0.30 z 0.30
(0 /
z /
0.20 5
0.10 0.10
0.20 0.30
Figure 6-11 V a rio u s fu n c tio n s fitte d to th e o b se rv a tio n s o f T a b le 4 -1
T = ao+-
l + exp
^3 y
and the program has given us the values of the various a's optimized to meet
the least-squares criterion using an iterative process.
A U (/^ ) A U (Z ^ )
123±4 7 .4 ± 0 .2
158 8 .4
194 9 .1
2 00 9 .6
229 10.3
245 10.5
269 11.4
292 11.9
296 12.2
The uncertainties given in the first line refer to all the readings in each
(a) Plot these readings in the appropriate fashion, and mark the
uncertainties on the points. Suggested table headings to expedite
the calculations are given above.
(b) See if the observations can be interpreted in terms of a straight
line for any part of the range or all of it.
(c) Obtain the slope of the best line.
(d) Calculate the best value for L.
(e) Obtain the slopes of the lines at the outer limits of possibility, and
so state the range of uncertainty for the slope.
(f) Calculate the absolute uncertainty in the measurement of L.
(g) Obtain the best value of R from the intercept.
(h) Obtain the uncertainty for the R value.
(i) State the complete result for the experiment with the
appropriate number of significant figures in each quantity.
2. Ten observers report on the intensity of a lamp measured repeatedly by
using a comparison photometer. Their results (in arbitrary units) are as
O b s e rv e r M e a n o f In te n sity M e a su re m e n ts S ta n d a rd D e v ia tio n o f M e an
I 17.3 2 .1
2 18.4 1.9
3 17.1 2.5
4 16.6 2.8
5 I9.1 3.2
6 17 .4 1.2
7 18.5 1.8
8 14.3 4.5
9 16.8 2.3
lO 17.4 1.6
What is the overall mean value for the intensity, and what is its standard
3. An experiment has been carried out to investigate the temperature de
pendence of the resistance of a copper wire. A common model is repre
sented by the equation
R = R^(\ + aT)
where R is the resistance at temperature T°C, Rq is the resistance at 0°C,
and a is the temperature coefficient of resistance. The observations of R
and T that were obtained follow:
rc R O hm s
lO 12.3
20 12.9
30 13.6
40 13.8
50 14.5
60 15.1
70 15.2
80 15.9
(c) Evaluate the standard deviation for the slope and for the intercept.
(d) Hence, evaluate the standard deviation of a.
(e) State the final result of the experiment with the appropriate
number of significant figures.
4. It is desired to fit a set of observations to the function y = a-\-bx^ by
using least squares. Use the same procedures that are used in Appendix
2, Section A2-2, for calculating the constants of a linear function to
obtain equations for a and b in the parabolic function. Hence, calculate
the values of a and b appropriate to the following set of observations:
0.5 1.5
l.O 6.3
1.5 12.4
2 .0 12 .6
2.5 18 .0
3 .0 32.8
3.5 4 0 .2
4 .0 4 7 .4
V i X >’ T /
ages at the end of first-year university. The first number of the pair is
the secondary-school average and the second is the university average.
7 8 ,6 5 ; 8 0 ,6 0 ; 8 5 ,6 4 ; 7 7 ,5 9 ; 7 6 ,6 3 ; 8 3 ,5 9 ; 8 5,73; 7 4 ,5 8 ; 8 6,65; 80 ,5 6 ; 8 2 ,6 7 ; 8 1 ,6 6 ; 8 9 ,78
8 8 ,6 8 ; 8 8 ,6 0 ; 9 3 ,8 4 ; 8 0 ,5 8 ; 7 7 ,6 1 ; 8 7 ,7 1 ; 8 0,66; 8 5 ,6 6 ; 87 ,7 6 ; 8 1 ,6 4 ; 7 7 ,6 5 ; 9 6 ,8 7 ; 7 6 ,5 9
8 1 ,5 7 ; 8 4 ,7 3 ; 8 7 ,6 3 ; 7 4 ,5 8 ; 9 1 ,7 8 ; 9 2 ,7 7 ; 8 5,72; 8 6 ,6 1 ; 84 ,6 8 ; 82 ,6 6 ; 8 1 ,7 2 ; 9 1 ,7 4 ; 8 6 ,6 6
9 0 ,6 8 ; 8 8 ,6 0 .
7. Evaluate the correlation coefficient for the values of ^/jc and t in Table
writing, there is one principle that will make the production of good, readable
prose more likely. Whether one is preparing a report for internal circulation in a
private organization or a paper for publication in the open literature, there is one
person whose interests must claim the writer's first attention—the person who
will actually read the report. As far as the report is concerned, that person is the
most important person in the world. We are well advised to concentrate our
attention on him or her. Our readers are very hkely people we do not know,
perhaps in some far-distant part of the world and very hkely knowing nothing
about us or our work except the report that they hold in their hands. We probably
have only one chance to influence them—as they read our report—and the report
must do it alone. We cannot stand beside our readers, adding explanation and
clarification if they encounter difficulty in understanding what we have written.
Not only must the report stand on its own, the outcome of the reading can be
highly significant. The public recognition of our work, the opportunity for others
to benefit from it, our own reputation, perhaps even our chances of employment
or promotion may depend on these few minutes spent by our readers as they
work their way through our report. Do we have to be persuaded further that we
should take writing seriously?
We now consider the various sections of the report in turn, all as seen
through the eyes of our all-important reader.
7 -2 TITLE
The title is probably the first part of the report to draw the attention of read
ers. Because they are almost always busy people with many items competing
for their attention, our report will capture their interest only if the title is in
formative, appropriate, and attractive. It should not be too long, yet it should
specify quite explicitly the topic of the work. For example, if the purpose of
the experiment is to measure the specific heat of a fluid by using continuous-
flow calorimetry, we can use this fact directly as a title: “Measurement of the
Attention to these three items will almost invariably result in a good choice
of title.
The sections that follow analyze the various parts of a report. The various
subsections that are described under each section heading should not them
selves be used as headings in actual reports. Although practice obviously
varies with circumstances, reporting on most normal work in the introductory
physics laboratory needs only the minimum of division. The sections of a
report that are essential are the following:
These divisions can be used as a basic starting point. The headings should be
neat, clear, and written in block capitals. Subsections within each of these
main sections should be used only when the length or complexity of the re
port makes them indispensable for clarity. Other main sections may be intro
duced in accordance with the requirements of particular experiments. Sug
gested possibilities are the following:
tailed that it would interrupt the smooth development of the main argument,
we should consider making it an appendix to the report. In that way all the
detail is available to any reader who wants it, but the main continuity of
thought is not broken.
Topic Statement
Review of Existing Information
Application of Information to Specific Experiment
Summary of Experimental Intention
Topic Statement
With a good title, we can assume that we now have our readers' attention and
that they have picked up the report. However, they are almost certainly
starting from zero, or close to it, as far as our particular experiment is con
cerned. As they start to read, our first task is to orient their thinking toward
the particular area of study. We are not going to succeed in this by diving
immediately into unorganized detail about the experiment. Think instead of
the most general statement that can be made about the experiment and state it
directly. For example: “It is possible to measure gravitational acceleration by
using the oscillation of a simple pendulum.” In this way readers are taken
from their initial state of ignorance to direct awareness of the specific topic of
the work.
At this point readers need some reminder of the basic information relating to
this particular area. We can meet this need by giving them a brief summary of
the existing state of knowledge relevant to the experiment. The summary may
include, as necessary, some aspects of the history of the subject, a summary
of earlier experimental work, or both. Two items are not discretionary and
must be included in every report on an experiment. One is a clear statement
of the system and the experimental circumstances with which the report
deals; and the second is a description of the model or models used.
Readers are now equipped to understand all that follows in the report, and
their natural reaction at this point will be to wonder: “How does all this refer
to this particular experiment?” We therefore supply a paragraph or two to
show how the basic information, such as an equation representing the behav
ior of the model, can be converted to provide a foundation for our particular
experiment. Commonly, this involves some procedure such as putting the
basic equation into straight-hne form (or some suitable equivalent) and
identifying the ways in which the model can be tested against the system. We can
also point out at this stage the information that will become available from the
parameters of the graph (such as slope and intercept in the case of straight-line
plotting). Readers thereby become fully aware of how our final answer will be
ables them to make sense of the subsequent description of the actual conduct
of the experiment.
No mention has yet been made of the traditional statement of purpose for the
experiment. It has been omitted so far because, although it should appear
somewhere in the introduction, there is no universally suitable location. If the
topic of the experiment is familiar, the statement of purpose can form an ac
ceptable topic statement right at the beginning of the introduction. For ex
ample: “It is the purpose of this experiment to measure the acceleration of
gravity by timing the fall of a freely falling object.” Under suitable circum
stances such a statement of purpose can make an excellent topic statement.
On the other hand, the basic purpose of an experiment might involve matters
so complicated and unfamiliar that a statement of it would be completely in
comprehensible unless it followed a substantial amount of preparatory mate
rial. It is easy to imagine a complicated theoretical description that could
profitably conclude with the phrase: “... and it is the purpose of this experi
ment to determine a value for the coefficient k in equation lO.” It does not
matter a great deal where the statement of purpose comes, so long as it is in
cluded and comes at a point in the introduction where it fits well and makes
good sense to the readers.
The report's introductory section takes the form of a descriptive sequence that
proceeds from general to specific. We start with a topic statement that is the
most general remark about the experiment we can make, and we end with a
completely specific statement of intention. Such a sequence is designed to
suit readers' requirements in the introductory section, and a similar sequence
is equally suitable for the procedure section. If we were to start the descrip
tion of procedure by launching immediately into a mass of unorganized de
tail, we would succeed only in irritating our readers. How can they appreciate
the great care we took in some experimental detail if they are not aware even
Outline of Procedure
To set the scene for the subsequent description of the details of procedure and
measurement, we first offer readers a review of the whole course of the
experiment. If the experiment really consisted of the measurement of the
variation of electrical resistance of a copper wire with temperature over the
range 20°C to 100°C, we say just that to provide the readers with a frame
work into which they can fit all subsequent description of detail. If we start
the description of procedure by saying that we connected terminal A to ter
minal B, switched on power supply C, read voltmeter D, and the like, we
shall have lost their attention in two lines.
Now that the readers know the general course of the experiment, they are
ready to be told the specific methods by which we measured each of the re
quired quantities, carried out sample preparation, and performed other steps.
This can be done quite simply by stating each in turn until we have com
pleted the list. We must make sure that no significant method of measure
ment is omitted; in such a thing as a timing measurement it is almost cer
tainly important that we used an electronic timer with millisecond accuracy
rather than a stopwatch that could be read to 0.2 second, and our readers need
to know that we did so. If a quantity in the experiment could be measured by
using some standard and familiar technique, it may be sufficient to mention it
by name. For example: “The resistances were measured using a Wheatstone
bridge accurate to 0.01%.” If we feel it is unusually significant, we can
discuss at this stage the accuracy of any particular measuring process, while
remembering that the overall precision of the experiment is a different topic
that will appear in a subsequent section of the report.
After readers have learned the methods by which we made each measure
ment, they may recall the difficulties or possibilities for error that are inher
ent in particular procedures. They therefore need reassurance that we, too,
had thought of these possibilities and had been sufficiently careful to take the
necessary precautions. As we offer that reassurance, however, we need
not go to extremes. Care should obviously be taken with all measurements;
there is no point in making superfluous claims to virtue in describing
routine and obvious precautions. There are times, however, when special
care to avoid some particular source of error is a genuinely important part
of the experiment, and it is reasonable to draw attention to this before we
close the procedure section.
Apparatus Diagrams
Measured Values
At this point in the report, readers have all the information they need for un
derstanding the experiment, and they are ready to receive the results directly.
Because any good experiment almost inevitably involves the variation of
some quantity with another, the results are usually best presented in a table.
As always, neatness and clarity are of paramount importance. Lines for the
table should be drawn with a ruler, and ample space should be provided for
the headings and for the columns of figures. The headings should be explicit
and should include, if possible, the name of the variable, its symbol, and the
units of measurement. Attached to each numerical entry should be its uncer
tainty, unless some separate discussion of uncertainties makes the precision
of the measurements absolutely clear. Tables should be clearly identified
F ig u r e 7 - 1 A c o m p le te d a p p a ra tu s d ia g ra m .
with a table number and a title. At this point it may be appropriate to refer to
any graphs we have drawn of the basic variables. A simple statement will
suffice. For example: “A graph of the time of fall versus height is shown in
Figure 2. Any tables of values that are so extensive and detailed that their
inclusion in the main text of the report would disrupt the readers' train of
thought should be relegated to an appendix.
Following the main table or tables, list the measured values of all the
other quantities in the experiment. As always, each should have its uncer
tainty attached, and the units of measurement should be clearly stated.
The report should state explicitly the kind of uncertainties we are quoting.
These are likely to be either estimated outer limits or statistical quantities
such as a standard deviation or a standard deviation of the mean. In the
case of statistical quantities, we must not omit mention of the number of
readings in the sample from which the results were derived. If any
quantities in our list of measured values were obtained by computation
from some basic measurement or measurements, we must state clearly the
type of calculation used to obtain the final uncertainty in the computed
quantity. It is not necessary to give much, if any, of the arithmetic details,
provided that our readers can see clearly the kind of calculation that was
If the experiment has been well designed, we will probably obtain our final
answer by some graphical procedure. It is now time to tell the readers exactly
what that procedure is. In simple cases we may obtain the answer from the
basic graph of one measured variable against the other, but even then we
must be explicit about what we have done. For example: “The value of the
resistance was obtained from the slope of the graph (shown in Figure 3) of V
versus I between 0.5 A and 1.5 A.” If the answer was not the slope itself but
was obtained from calculation with other measured quantities, we must state
explicitly what we have done. For example: “Our value for the coefficient of
viscosity was obtained from the slope of the graph of Q versus P in combi
nation with the measured values of a and i using Equation (3).”
Throughout the results section of the report, we do not trouble our busy
readers with unnecessarily detailed calculations. They trust us to do simple
arithmetic, but they want to know what kind of calculation we did. If we feel
compelled, for some particular reaspn, to offer an unusual amount of detail
regarding such calculations, we can always put it in an appendix where it will
be available if wanted but where it will not obscure the clarity of the main
Graphs in the report differ from the graphs used in doing the experiment.
Those graphs were working documents designed as computational aids.
For a precise experiment, the graphs are possibly quite large and finely
drawn to permit precise extraction of information. On the other hand, it is
extremely unlikely that our readers will want to do any numerical work of
their own using the graphs in the report. These graphs serve mostly as
illustrations. They allow the readers to see the behavior of the system so
that they can judge for themselves the validity of our assertions about the
The graphs in the report must be clear, neat, and uncluttered so that
readers do not have to work too hard to get the message. The points on the
graphs should have their uncertainties clearly marked on them (by a box or a
cross), and the axes should be clearly labeled. Both the type of uncertainty
and any symbols used in labeling the axes should be explicitly identified in
some obvious way in or beside the graph; we do not want to cost our readers
the irritation of hunting through the text to find out how to interpret the
graph. Do not, however, fill up empty spaces on the graph with arithmetic
calculations of slopes, and the like. Each graph should obviously have a clear
title or, as is common in printed publications, a more extended caption. In
addition to supplying identification, an extended caption has the added ad
vantage of supplying a good location for the important details mentioned
earlier. A sample of acceptable layout for such an illustrative graph is given
in Figure 7-2.
(n e w to n m^)
F i g u r e 7 - 2 A c o m p le te d grap h .
The discussion is an integral part of the report and not an afterthought. It has
this importance because we have yet to describe the aspect of the experiment
that we have, right from the beginning, regarded as the basic issue in ex
perimenting—the relationship between the system and the model. The out
come of that comparison is vital for the experiment, and our readers will be
eager to hear what we have to say about it.
That statement will raise some questions in the mind of the readers, and
we must turn our attention to them now.
One of these questions concerns the possibility of error in the final answer
that could be caused by failure of correspondence between the system and the
model. Some of these possibilities have already been mentioned in Section
4-5, and readers need reassurance that we have protected the final answer
from that kind of error. We should point out, for example, that an unexpected
intercept will not contribute to error in a quantity that has been obtained from
the slope alone, or that a systematic departure from linearity over part of a
graph did not invalidate an answer that was obtained from the linear segment
only. Much of the skill in experimenting lies in the protection of the final
answers from such sources of error, and we can be quite explicit about our
claims to have done so.
Sometimes, however, despite our best efforts we fail and are unable to offer
any constructive ideas. We must be completely honest. If we are dealing with a
well-tested system and a well-known, reliable model and if we have tried and
failed to resolve a failure of correspondence between them, our situation cannot
but be of interest to other workers. We should tell them about it, and perhaps we
shall all learn something from the resulting discussion.
Mathematical Properties
of the Gaussian or
Normal Distribution
For example, a deviation of the total value 2nE can be generated in only
one way: All the elementary contributions to the deviation must have the
same sign simultaneously. An error of magnitude (2n - 2)E, on the other
hand, can occur in many ways. If any one of the elementary fluctuations had
been negative, the total deviation would have added up to {2n - 2)E, and this
situation can arise in In different ways. A deviation of (2n - 2)E is, therefore,
2n times as likely to happen as one of 2nE. A situation in which two of the
elementary fluctuations have negative signs can, correspondingly, be
generated in many more ways than for one, and so on.
n\^yl2me rT
This is known as Stirling's theorem. Although its full derivation is beyond
our scope, its plausibility can be indicated as follows.
«! = c - V
This is an approximation to the formula given above. A full derivation is in
the text by Margenau and Murphy listed in the Bibliography.
//-►oo yi )
, n I n ( n - \) ( I \2 n {n -\){n -2 )
l-h---- -h '
I! n 2! 3!
As n becomes larger, all the terms involving n clearly tend to unity, so that
the series tends to
1 I I I
1-|-----1----- 1----- h . . .
1! 2! 3!
and the sum of this series to infinity has the value e, which gives us the re
quired result.
' H
/j-r+ (l/2 )
/i+ (l/2 ) r
{n + r)\ {n-r)\ = n^ 1 - -
(. 1 + -
1 - - ^ X In
V n)
The variable part of (A 1-1) can now be written
n j
n J fl
^ +-nlj f\ l - -n
1+ - e
/ \ -nir
fV l - -n
hx = - ^
for the value of the exponent, and in the constant replace I / hy h dx. The
equation then reads
P{x) dx = " dx
The value of the standard deviation, therefore, is given by
1 Nh -h^x^
- - - f yfn
/- Xx^dx
The integral is a standard one and has a value /2 /z \ and so the value of
the standard deviation is
h _ 1
Vtt 2hi^ 2h^
This provides the justification for Equation (3-4) and also enables us to
rewrite the probability function P(x) in terms of the standard deviation as
P{x)dx ■ e-^^^^dx
It is frequently desirable to know what fraction of the area under the Gaussian
distribution is enclosed within certain limits on the horizontal scale because
this tells us the probability that observations will ocbur within that interval.
To calculate these areas we proceed as follows. The probability that a
deviation falls between jc and x-\-dx
Although this integral can be easily evaluated for infinite limits, it is not so
simple for fixed limits as we now require. Numerical methods of integration
are used, with results that are given in Table A l-1 (see also Figure A l-2).
T A B L E A l - 1 A re a s u n d e r th e G a u ssia n C u rv e
0 0 .0
0.1 0 .0 4
0 .2 0.08
0.3 0 .1 2
0.4 0 .1 6
0.5 0 .1 9
0.6 0.23
0 .7 0 .2 6
0.8 0 .2 9
0 .9 0 .3 2
1.0 0 .3 4
1.1 0 .3 6
1.2 0.38
1.3 0 .4 0
1.4 0 .4 2
1.5 0 .43
1.6 0 .45
1.7 0 .4 6
1.8 0 .4 6
1.9 0 .47
2 .0 0 .4 8
2.5 0 .4 9
3 .0 0 .4 9 9
The Principle of
Least Squares
= - x f + { x - X ) ^ +2(x, - X) ( x - Z)]
or, since - x ) = 0,
This last expression clearly has a minimum value when x = X , thus confirm
ing that the use of the mean as the most probable value for a sample is con
sistent with the principle of least squares.
y = mx-\-b
We assume that the x values are precise, that all the uncertainty is
contained in the y values, and that the weights of the y values are equal.
(For the definition of the concept of “weights,” see Appendix A2-3.) The
deviations of the observed points from the straight line y = mx-[-b are of
the form
^y i =y i - { mx , +b )
and we wish to have a minimum value for the sum of the squares of these
quantities. We have
=[>', -{mx^ + b ) f
= yf + rn^xf +b^ 2mXjb - 2mx-y- - 2y.b
If there are N pairs of observations, the sum of the squares, M, is given by
M = Y .^ b y y
= Z Z ^ + 2 wZ) ^ X, - x^y, - I b ^ ^ y ,
« Z « ,’ - ( ! * , ) ’
^_Z Z -y- ~ Z Z )
We apply this result to our case by noting that the x and y of the formula are
the y \ , y 2 , and so on that appear in the expression for m. We can write,
^dm^ 2 ( dm
S]y\ + s: +
Now, in making our set of measurements of the .x and y values, we would not
normally have measured explicitly the standard deviation for each y value. In
the absence of these we assume that the values of the various SyS can be re
placed by a quantity based on the scatter of the y values about the line whose
m and b values we have calculated. These intervals, 8y,, have a standard de
viation whose value (Equation 6-5) was
Z ( S t ,)^
‘S' =
and this is the value that we shall use in place of all the separate ‘Sy,» ‘^>'2’ and
so on. Justification of the term - 2 is not attempted here. It is associated
with the fact that the 8y, are not independent but are connected by the
existence of the best line that is specified by the values of m and b. The
equation for the standard deviation of the slope can therefore be written
y 5' +
l^ J l^ 2 j
5! = 5.^
dy^ J
Let us write
^ dm ^
where we have introduced a second index k to denote terms in the summation
for the standard deviation. We must now evaluate the partial derivatives---- .
and we can see that differentiation with respect to y gives us, for as an ex
dm I
A '* ;
\^ k
To obtain the value of this must now be summed over the index k. If
we write
^ dm^ I
\^ k j NE « M Z * .r l
dm 1
\^ k
________ I_______
a' Z « M Z * ,F
so that, finally, the value of 5,„ is given by
5... = 5„ X
The value for Sf^ can be found by using the same procedure.
^_ Z ~Z
The best estimates of the standard deviations for m and b can be written
(as they were in Section 6-7) in terms of the deviations of the measured
points from the best line. For a weighted least-squares fit, these deviations
must now be weighted. The weighted value of Sy is given by
The best estimates of the standard deviation for the slope and intercept can
now be written as
s,=sl +
J^w W
w = ' £ { H x - x Y)
and X is the weighted mean of the x values, given by
Y, wx
The suffix i has, as before, been omitted. Further detail on weighted least-
squares fitting to straight lines is in the text by Squires that is listed in the
Appendix 3
Difference Tables
and the Calculus
of Finite Differences
The calculus of finite differences supplies a powerful tool for the treatment of
measured variables. For the moment, however, let us consider the situation
wholly from the mathematical point of view. After we have established
mathematically the results we need, we can proceed to apply them to
Consider a known function y = f(x) (see Figure A3-1) that can be ex
pressed in terms of a Taylor expansion about the value x = a :
fix) = f(a) + { x - a ) \ ^ ]
dx^^ Ja
Such a function is said to be analytic at the point x = a. Any good book on
calculus will provide more detail.
/ ( a ) , f(a-hh), f ( a + 3h), . . .
and we can illustrate these values on a graph as shown in Figure A3-2.
A /(a + A) = / ( a + 2h) - f { a + h)
and so on, and these quantities are related to the first derivatives of the
function at the various values of x. In a similar way we define the second
T A B L E A 3 - 1 D iffe re n c e T a b le fo r th e F u n c tio n y = 2x = x^
\ 3
2 12 12
3 33 18
4 72 24
5 135 30
6 228 36
7 357 42
8 52 8 48
9 747 54
10 1020
X = a -\-u h
X y A A2
2 8
3 27 18
37 6
4 64 24
6l 6
5 125 30
6 216 6
30 + 6
= 36
9l + 36
= 127
7 2 1 6 + 127
= 343
The difference table for actual observations does not work out as neatly
as did the two foregoing examples. For purposes of illustration these exam
ples were constructed by using explicit mathematical functions, and absolute
constancy was found at some level in the differences. Real observations dif
fer from these examples in two respects. First, there is no guarantee, for a
particular set of real observations, that a simple function that would lead to
constancy of some difference column even exists. Second, even if some ele
mentary function is appropriate, the presence of uncertainty in the observa
X = a -\-u h
we have
Consider first the case in which the measurements are precise, so that
the scatter is negligible in comparison with the measured values. In this case
the difference table will contain values that behave relatively regularly, and
we can use it to perform immediately such procedures as interpolation and
extrapolation. Furthermore, if a polynomial of a certain order will serve as a
good fit to the observations, the differences of the appropriate order will turn
out to be nearly constant, and the next differences will scatter around zero.
We can then use the procedures of the preceding section to construct the ap
propriate polynomial.
If, on the other hand, our observations show larger scatter, we are faced
with a somewhat different problem of interpretation. It is in principle possible
to fit a polynomial exactly to any set of values, no matter how much scatter
they show. In fact, to any set of values it is possible to fit an infinite number
of polynomials, two of that infinity being represented by the curves in Figure
F i g u r e A 3 —4 F ittin g a p o ly n o m ia l to a se t o f o b se rv a tio n s.
Specimen Experiment
We are given a spring suspended from a stand, a pan to hold weights attached
to the lower end of the spring, a set of weights, and a stopwatch with a scale
divided into fifths of a second.
We are told that, on the assumption that the extension of a spring is propor
tional to the load on it, the period of oscillation, 7, of a suspended load, m,
given by
7 = 2 ti
We are asked to measure k for the spring with an uncertainty not greater than
10% .
Experiment Design
r' = 4 n ^ -
Comparison with the straight-line equation
vertical variable = slope x horizontal variable
suggests that we could choose
vertical variable =
horizontal variable = m
slope = -----
This is an acceptable choice, but the unknown, k, appears in the denominator
of the slope. To simplify later arithmetic, it is equally valid and more conven
ient to write the equation
m= — r
vertical variable = m
horizontal variable =
slope = — -
RU(/fc) = 2 X^ = 30%
0.3 ^
t > ----- = 6 s
Thus, whatever the actual value of T, if we time a number of oscillations that
gives a total time interval of 6 seconds or more, the uncertainty in our timing
measurements is likely to be acceptable. For convenience we might choose a
constant number of oscillations for the various loads, but if we were short of
time in a long experiment, we could choose for each load the number of os
cillations that gives us a satisfactory value of t.
6. Let us decide, as a first guess, that we shall measure the time for lO
oscillations, knowing that even for the lowest load this gives us a measured
time interval in excess of 6 s, and that we shall time oscillations for loads of
O.l, 0.15, 0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, and 0.5 kg. Since we want to plot m
versus and incorporate the value of the absolute uncertainty in that is,
IT X AU(r), we should lay out the table that expresses our measurement
program to have the following headings:
P e rio d "
N um ber o f
L oad, m, kg O s c illa tio n s T im e , t, s P e rio d , T, s T\ s~ A U (r^ ), r
Experimental Results
The next step is to make the actual measurements and fill in the table with the
measured values of t and the values calculated for Period and for Period “
with its absolute uncertainty. The result of this process will then appear as in
the following table.
N um ber o f P eriod^,
L o a d , m , kg
O s c illa tio n s
T im e , t, s P e rio d , T, s A V ( T \ s^-
O.IO lO 8.2 ± 0 .3 0 .8 2 ± 0.03 0 .6 7 ± 0 .0 5
0 .1 5 lO 9.8 0 .9 8 0 .9 6 0 .0 6
0 .2 0 lO 10.7 1.07 1.14 0 .0 6
0 .2 5 lO 11.5 1.15 1.32 0.07
0 .3 0 lO 12.5 1.25 1.56 0.08
0 .3 5 lO 13.0 1.30 1.69 0.08
0 .4 0 lO 13.8 1.38 1.90 0.08
0 .4 5 lO 14.5 1.45 2 .1 0 0 .0 9
0 .5 0 lO 15.2 1.52 2 .3 1 0 .0 9
The next step is to interpret what we see in terms of the categories de
scribed in Section 6 ^ . We first observe the scatter of the points and consider
if it is consistent with our prior estimate of the uncertainty. In the present
case there seems to be reasonable consistency between the scatter and the
estimated uncertainty, and no further consideration of this point seems to be
required at this stage. The next point to, consider is the extent to which the
behavior of the system is consistent with the model. The model predicted a
straight line passing through the origin, and we must judge our graph against that.
We can see immediately that in our case the correspondence with straight-hne
behavior seems quite adequate over the whole range. We are justified, therefore,
in including all the points when we decide on our choice of lines.
The next step is to draw lines so that we obtain values for the slopes.
One choice is to draw our “best” line by eye and also lines that represent the
maximum and minimum slopes permitted by the range of uncertainty in the
scatter. At this stage, the graph will look as shown in Figure A4-2.
We now have to read values off the graph that will enable us to calcu
late these slopes. For each line we look for convenient intersections with the
graph paper, illustrated in Figure A4-3, that give us the coordinates of points
at the top and bottom of the line.
On the present graph, the chosen intersections are indicated by arrows, and
the appropriate coordinates are marked. Given these coordinates, it is easy to
calculate the slopes.
Steepest line:
slope =
= 0.284 k g s '
Central line:
slope =
= 0.253 k g s '
Least steep line:
slope =
= 0.223 kg s '
slope = — 7
which gives
k = 4 ti^ Xslope
Highest value:
yt = l l . 2 l l kgs"'
Middle value:
A = 9.988 kgs"'
•S 1-0 hZ
Figure A 4-3 T h e id e n tific a tio n o f in te rse c tio n s at th e to p an d at th e b o tto m o f th e g ra p h to p erm it
c a lc u la tio n o f th e slo p e s.
Lowest value:
k = 8.804 kg s
In this section we give a version of a final report that could be written on the
basis of the experiment that we have just described. The report is written ac
cording to the suggestions offered in Chapter 7. Only the final version of the
report is given; the details of its construction and their correspondence with
The stiffness of a spring can be measured by timing the oscillation of a sus
pended load. For an elastic spring (extension oc load) it can be proved that the
period of oscillation, 7, of a suspended mass, m, is given by
7 = 271 ( 1)
where /: is a constant for a particular spring. The objective of the present ex
periment is to measure the value of k for a spring with an uncertainty not
greater than 10%.
m = —^ - Tr2
which is linear in m and 7^ with slope ^/47r~. Thus, by measuring the
variation of oscillation period with load we shall be able to plot a graph of m
versus 7^ and obtain the value of k from the slope.
Using the apparatus shown in Figure 1, we measured the variation of
oscillation period with load.
The loads consisted of a Cenco weight set ranging from 0.1 kg to 0.5 kg
with stated precision 0.04%.
The measurements of load and oscillation period are shown in Table 1.
0 .1 0 10 8 .2 ± 0 .3 0 .8 2 0 .6 7 ± 0.05
0 .1 5 10 9.8 0 .9 8 0 .9 6 ± 0 .0 6
0 .2 0 10 10.7 1.07 1.14 ± 0 .0 6
0 .2 5 10 11.5 1.15 1.32 ± 0 .0 7
0 .3 0 10 12.5 1.25 1.56 ± 0 .0 8
0 .3 5 10 13.0 1.30 1.69 ± 0 .0 8
0 .4 0 10 13.8 1.38 1.90 ± 0 .0 8
0 .4 5 10 14.5 1.45 2 .1 0 ± 0 .0 9
0 .5 0 10 15.2 1.52 2.31 ± 0 .0 9
The uncertainty shown for the measured times was estimated by visual
judgment to be the outer limits for possible values of time, and so the calculated
values for the uncertainty of also represent outer limits of possibility.
Period^ sec^
F ig u r e 2 G ra p h o f m v e rsu s T
The value of k and its uncertainty was calculated from the slopes of the
three lines shown, giving
A:= 10.0±1.2kg s"'
Using an oscillation method, we have measured the value of the stiffness constant
for a spring to be lO.O ± 1.2 kg s - 2 . The model represented by equation (1) predicted
for the m versus graph a straight line passing through the origin. In our
experiment, the variation of m with proved to be consistent with a straight hne
within the present limits of uncertainty. Instead of passing through the origin,
however, the lines shown in Figure 2 can be seen to have a finite intercept on the
axis that cannot be ascribed to measurement uncertainty. Our value of k.
however, was obtained from the slope alone and should be free from error
arising from factors that would give rise to an intercept.
33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51