Lab Manual 04 Process Management PDF
Lab Manual 04 Process Management PDF
Lab Manual 04 Process Management PDF
Objective ............................................................................................................................................................. 2
Process Management ......................................................................................................................................... 2
Linux Processes ............................................................................................................................................... 2
Process ID ....................................................................................................................................................... 2
System Call Related to Process ........................................................................................................................... 2
Fork System Call .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Definition .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Returned Value from Fork .......................................................................................................................... 3
System Call to Get Process IDs........................................................................................................................ 6
Execute System Call ‘exec’ .............................................................................................................................. 7
Alternate Ways............................................................................................................................................ 7
Orphan Process ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Zombie Process ................................................................................................................................................... 9
The objective of this lab is to learn about Linux process management, commands to see running processes,
system call to create processes, get their IDs, and wait and exec system call and to learn about zombie and
orphan processes.
Process Management
In general, a process is an instance of a program written and compiled. There can be multiple instances of
a same program. In other words, a program that is loaded into computer’s memory and is in a state of
execution is called a process. Processes are dynamic entity. Process essentially requires CPU and RAM
resources but may also require I/O, Network or Printer depending on the program written.
Linux Processes
A Linux process or task is known as the instance of a program running under Linux environment. This
means that if 10 users from servers are running gedit editor, then there are 10 gedit processes running on
the server. Although they are sharing same executable code. The processes running in a Linux system can
be view using ‘ps’ command which we covered in lab manual 02.
Process ID
In Linux system, each process running has been assigned a unique ID which is known as PID (Process
Identification Number). For example, Firefox is a running process if you are browsing the internet. Each
time you start a new Firefox browser the system will automatically assign a PID to the new process of
Firefox. A PID is automatically assigned when a new process is created on the system. If you wish to find
out the PID of the running process like Firefox you may use the command ‘pidof’.
$ pidof firefox
$ pidof bash
$ pidof bioset
To view the running process in a form of a tree we can use ‘pstree’ command. Which shows the running
process in a form of a tree.
It is a system call that creates a new process under Linux operating system. It takes no argument. The
purpose of fork() is to create a new process which becomes the child process to the caller. After the new
child process is created, both processes will execute next instruction following the fork system call,
therefore we have to distinguish the parent process from the child which can be done by evaluating the
returned value of fork() function.
After the system call to fork() is issued, a simple test can tell which
process is the child. Note that Linux will make an exact copy of the
parent address space and give it to the child. Therefore, the parent
and child processes have separate address space.
Consider the following C language program:
#include <sys/types.h>
int main() {
printf(“before forking \n”);
printf(“after forking \n”);
return 0;
The compilations and execution screenshot of the above code is shown below:
The fork() will make a copy of the process just as it executes it and then each process will execute next
instructions after fork() execution. The above screenshot clarifies this statement that after fork the next
statement ran twice, once by the parent process and the another by the child process. Since both
processes have identical but separate address spaces, those variables initialized before the fork() call have
the same values in both address spaces. Since every process has its own address space, any modifications
will be independent of the others. In other words, if the parent changes the value of its variable, the
modification will only affect the variable in the parent process's address space. Other address spaces
created by fork() calls will not be affected even though they have identical variable names.
#include <sys/types.h>
int i = 5;
void parent_process();
void child_process();
int main() {
pid_t pid;
pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) {
i += 10;
else {
return 0;
void parent_process() {
printf("I am a parent process and my value of 'i' is %d \n",i);
void child_process() {
printf("I am a child process and my value of 'i' is %d \n",i);
The screen shot below shows the execution of the above code:
In the program above, both process prints the line, whether the line is printed by parent or child followed
by the value of the variable ‘I’. When the main program executes fork(), an identical copy of its address
space, including the program and all data, is created. System call fork() returns the child process ID to the
parent and returns 0 to the child process.
The images below will diagrammatically show the above code execution of forking:
In the above image, the fork function is called, which creates a new process and assign value of pid in
parent process and assign 0 in child process. During if condition, it checked if the pid is zero or not to
distinguish between parent and child process and invoke the functions of each process respectively.
Due to the fact that the CPU scheduler will assign a time quantum to each process, the parent or the child
process will run for some time before the control is switched to the other and the running process will
print some lines before you can see any line printed by the other process.
Consider the following example that prints PID, if a child then it prints its parent’s PID and if it’s a parent
then it prints its own PID.
#include <sys/types.h>
int main() {
pid_t pid;
pid = fork();
if(pid == 0) {
printf("I am child and my parent is %d and my own PID is %d\n", getppid(), getpid());
else if(pid > 0) {
printf("I am a Parent and my pid is %d\n", getpid());
return 0;
The screenshot bellows shows the running instance of the above code.
In the above example, after the fork, if the process is a child it prints its own PID along with its parent PID
else if it is a parent then it prints its own PID and exits.
#include <sys/types.h>
int main() {
execl("/bin/ls", "ls", (char*)0);
/* We can only reach this code if execl returned with
* an error
return 0;
If the above code is compiled and ran successfully, you should get a window of ‘gedit’ editor of ‘untitled
document’ which would be blank.
Alternate Ways
There are alternate ways to call exec system call, above is one example/way and some of other ways is
listed below:
execlp(“ls”,”ls”,”-lrt”,(char*)0); this is similar to execl(..) the only difference is that the full path of the
command have to be issued in execl(). And another usual method is shown below:
char * execarg[]= {“echo”,”Hello world”, NULL}
execvp (“echo”, execarg);
Orphan Process
In general English terms, orphan is someone who lost parents. Same is the story here. If the parent process
has finished execution and exited, but at the same time if the child process remains unexecuted, the child
is then termed to be an orphan. This is done by making the child process sleep for sometimes. By that time
of child’s sleep, parent process will complete its execution and will exit. Since, parent process is no more
there, child is referred to be an orphan now.
#include <sys/types.h>
int main() {
int pid = fork();
if (pid > 0) {
//parent process
printf("\n Parent ");
printf("\n PID is %d", getpid());
if(pid == 0) {
printf("\n Child ");
printf("\n PID is %d",getpid());
printf("\n Parent PID is %d",getppid());
return 0;
When the execution is on, one can get the following information where process ids for both parent and
child are clearly displayed. And parent process would be executed first and process id will be obtained for
parent first. Then after the span of 5 seconds, child gets executed and its process id will be obtained. The
child referred to be an orphan. Below screenshot shows the execution of the above program.
Zombie Process
A child when ready to inform its exit status to parent, but the parent process is busy in doing something
(maybe sleeping), the child is called to be a Zombie or Defunct. A small piece of code is presented below
which can be serve as an example for zombie process.
#include <sys/types.h>
int main() {
int pid = fork();
if(pid > 0) {
printf("\n Parent");
printf("\n PID is %d",getpid());
if(pid == 0) { printf("\n Child");
printf("\n PID is %d", getpid());
printf("\n Parent PID is %d", getppid());
return 0;
Execution is slightly different here and usage of 2 terminals is required here. To find the presence of
Zombie, ‘ps -al’ command has to be issued which will display the presence Zombie process as shown in
the image above.
#include <sys/types.h>
int main() {
int pid = fork();
if(pid > 0) {
printf("\n Parent");
printf("\n PID is %d",getpid());
if(pid == 0) {
printf("\n Child");
printf("\n PID is %d", getpid());
printf("\n Parent PID is %d", getppid());
return 0;
What happens when the main make-zombie program ends when the parent process exits, without ever
calling wait? Does the zombie process stay around? No—try running ps again, and note that both of the
make-zombie processes are gone. When a program exits, its children are inherited by a special process,
the init program, which always runs with process ID of 1 (it’s the first process started when Linux
boots).The init process automatically cleans up any zombie child processes that it inherits.
Lab Activity
Activity 1)
Write a program that accomplish the following purpose:
a) Call the system call to create the child process and store the value returned from the call.
a. If the returned value is less than zero,
i. Print ‘Unsuccessful Child Process Creation”. ii. Terminate using exit system call
b. If the return value is greater than zero
i. Add a wait system call so that the parent would wait for child process to complete.
ii. Make a loop that prints even numbers from 1 - 10
iii. Print “Parent Ends”
c. If the return value is equal to zero
i. Print the parent ID
ii. Make a loop that prints odd numbers from 1 - 10 iii. Print “Child Ends”
b) Stop
Activity 2)
Write a program to declare a counter variable initialized by zero. After fork() system call two processes will
run in parallel both incrementing their own version of counter and print numbers 1 -5 . After printing numbers
child process will sleep for three second, then print process id of its grandparent and terminates by invoking
a gedit editor. Meanwhile, its parent waits for its termination.
Activity 3)
Write a program which creates processes 4 processes for parallel programming. Each parent will wait for the
termination of its child.
Main process
Process P1 waiting for Process p2 waiting for Process p3 runs a bash
p2 p3 command
Activity 4)
Google execl(), execlp() system call and study more about it than what is written in the manual.
Activity 5)
Implement the following 9 tree structure. Each node must print its name and PID.
e.g. I am Process A and my PID is 2453