140706DPRB14303 Exde03 79 PDF
140706DPRB14303 Exde03 79 PDF
140706DPRB14303 Exde03 79 PDF
Revised where
EX-DE 03 31/10/2019 indicated – A.Compagnoni V. Lettieri S.Sacco
Final issue 03
EX-DE 02 21/06/2019 Final issue A.Compagnoni V. Lettieri S.Sacco
Issued for
EX-DE 01 19/04/2019 A.Compagnoni V. Lettieri S.Sacco
Issued for
EX-DE 00 05/04/2019 R. Paganelli V. Lettieri S.Sacco
Validity Revision
Contractor Contracto Contractor Company Company
Status Number Date Description
Prepared r Verified Approved Checked Approved
Revision Index
Company logo and business name Project name Company Document ID
Algeria BRN
Gas Gathering Job N. JA0051
Contract N.
Facility and Sub Facility Name Scale Sheet of Sheets
n.a. 1 / 79
Document Title Supersedes N.
This document contains the process report describing the process analysis and calculations carried
out to validate the verification/modification of existing facilities and the design of new parts for the
BRN Excess Gas Valorization Project in Algeria
Document Verification
A. Compagnoni 31/10/2019
V. Lettieri 31/10/2019
00 Issued for comments
01 Issued for comments
02 Final Issue
03 Revised where indicated - Final Issue
Abbreviation Description
BHGE Baker Hughes a GE Company
BRN Bir Rebaa Nord
bbld Barrels per Day
BoP Balance of Plant
BS&W Base sediment & water
BVS Block Valve Station
CAFC Central Area Field Complex
CPF Central Processing Facilities
CTH Centre Traitement Huile
FCP First Calgary Petroleums
GSA Groupement Sonatrach Agip
HHV Higher Heating Value
HIPPS High Integrity Pressure Protection System
MLE Menzel Ledjmet East
MMSCMD Million Standard Cubic Meters per Day (at 1.01325 bara and 15°C)
MW Molecular Weight
ppmv Parts per Million by Volume
PVT Pressure Volume Temperature analysis
RTU Remote Telemetry Unit
RVP Reid Vapour Pressure
SH Sonatrach
SI System International
Sm3 Standard Cubic Meter (at 1.01325 bara and 15°C)
TEG Tri-ethylene Glycol
TVP True Vapour Pressure
1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 7
GSA is a joint venture between Sonatrach and ENI created in August 1991, after the discovery of BRN field.
Currently GSA processes fluids from multiple fields / blocks.
The global production of the fields is collected and processed by three different trains in the central oil
treatment plant (CTH).
So far, GSA was not entitled to sell the associated gas and, consequently, all the gas produced was injected
into the reservoir for disposal and to increase oil recovery. Based on the latest reservoir studies, the injection
rate can be reduced while the excess gas can be delivered to MLE through a pipeline in order to exploit MLE
gas plant spare capacity and export facilities. The activities for “BRN excess gas” valorization include the
development of new discoveries and additional gas reserves in North Berkine area through the BRN Gas
Gathering project, the plant modifications to BRN and MLE facilities which are necessary to get salable
products, and the construction of a 16” and 180 km export pipeline from BRN to MLE plant.
The main purpose of the BRN Gas Gathering project is to increase the gas production of BRN field, through
the construction of four new wells (BRNP-1,2,3 and BRSWP-1) in North Berkine area, the development of the
field gathering system to collect the production of the new wells, and the connection of the new gathering
system to the existing BRN gathering system and receiving facilities.
The existing facilities of BRN plant are analyzed in the new configuration with increased gas flow rate, with
particular attention to the Gas Liquid Separation, the Oil Stabilization, the Booster Compressors, the Gas
Dehydration and the Reinjection Compressors. The target of this activity is to identify the modifications
needed on existing equipment and the new parts required to process the increased production.
The new Connection ROD-BRN is one of such modifications, consisting of a first transfer line from BRN
reinjection compressor suction to ROD reinjection compressor suction, a second transfer line from ROD
reinjection compressors discharge to BRN reinjection compressors discharge, and all the necessary valves
and instrumentation. The main purpose of the new Connection ROD-BRN is to allow the use of ROD
reinjection compressors in parallel with BRN reinjection compressors to increase the total production
capacity of BRN plant. As ROD reinjection compressors are currently working at reduced load, the result of
this modification is an optimization of the existing equipment already installed on site.
The connection of the 16” export pipeline on BRN side is foreseen downstream the existing BRN reinjection
compression unit. The main additional equipment consists of a gas-metering package, a flow/pressure
control unit to provide a suitable split between the injected gas and the excess gas feeding the pipeline and
a pig-launching trap. Based on the Algerian Regulation, eight block valve stations shall be provided along the
pipeline path in order to provide the automatic insulation for emergency reasons. On MLE side, the 16”
export pipeline is connected upstream the existing inlet slug catcher.
This document describes the process analysis and calculations carried out to validate the
verification/modification to the existing facilities and the design of new parts to be installed.
Design Life
The Design life for BRN Gas Gathering project is 25 years.
Units of Measurement
The project shall conform to the SI units of measurement system, except as stated in Table 2.1 below.
Heat kJ
Power kW
Heat Transfer Coefficient W/(m² °C)
Viscosity cP
Dimensions mm, m or km
Pipe Diameter in
Tubing Size mm
Velocity m/s
Vessel Nozzles in
Sound Pressure/Power dB(A)
Standard Conditions for gas are referred to 1.01325 bara and 15 °C.
Meteorological Data
The following wind data shall be used for design.
Table 3.1 Wind
RNVA 99 RNV – Reglement neige et vent Algerie
Reference Code
65 Rev 67 NF – Effets du vent
Maximum Wind Speed m/s 50 at +10m Elevation
Normal Wind Speed
m/s 38 at +10m Elevation
(For Equipment/Machinery Operation)
Normal Wind Speed
m/s 2 to 10 at +10m Elevation
(For Dispersion/Radiation)
Predominantly from the north east, but there is still
Prevailing Wind Direction
significant wind from the south east.
For yearly rainfall profile, refer to Table 3.2 and Figure 3.2.
Site Elevation
WGS-84 ellipsoid.
Overall, mean temperatures in the region are 30–35°C in summer dropping to 10–12°C in winter (see Table
3.6 and Figure 3.2). The data displayed is from the Hassi- Messaoud weather station.
Relative Humidity
Table 3.9 – Humidity
Maximum Relative Humidity 50%
Minimum Relative Humidity 12%
Earthquake Loads
The requirement for earthquake loading is not anticipated in the region.
Seismic Class: Zone 0 (negligible seismic area)
Reference Code: Regles Paraseismigues Algeriennes Rpa 99 / Version 2003
Nitrogen 0,0052
CO2 0,0181
Methane 0,8447
Ethane 0,0632
Propane 0,0243
i-Butane 0,0043
n-Butane 0,0067
i-Pentane 0,0031
n-Pentane 0,0021
Benzene 0,0001
Toluene 0,0004
E-Benzene 0,0001
p-Xylene 0,0003
o-Xylene 0,0001
C6* 0,0031
H2O 0,0088
C7+BRNP-1* 0,0153
22-Mpropane 0,0001
TOTAL 1,0000
Nitrogen 0,0007
CO2 0,0250
Methane 0,7686
Ethane 0,1005
Propane 0,0378
i-Butane 0,0093
n-Butane 0,0101
i-Pentane 0,0066
n-Pentane 0,0034
Benzene 0,0002
Cyclohexane 0,0012
Mcyclohexane 0,0008
Toluene 0,0005
E-Benzene 0,0001
p-Xylene 0,0005
o-Xylene 0,0001
C6* 0,0061
C7_1* 0,0031
C8_1* 0,0029
C9_1* 0,0021
C10_1* 0,0021
C11_1* 0,0016
C12_1* 0,0013
C13_1* 0,0010
C14_1* 0,0008
C15_1* 0,0007
C16_1* 0,0006
C17_1* 0,0005
C18_1* 0,0005
C19_1* 0,0003
C20_1* 0,0003
C21_1* 0,0002
C22_1* 0,0002
C23_1* 0,0002
C24_1* 0,0002
C25_1* 0,0001
C26_1* 0,0001
C27_1* 0,0001
C28_1* 0,0001
C29_1* 0,0001
C30_1* 0,0001
C31_1* 0,0001
C32_1* 0,0001
C33_1* 0,0001
C34_1* 0,0001
C35_1* 0,0001
H2O 0,0086
C36+ BRSWP-1* 0,0002
TOTAL 1,0000
sep-2019 0,69 587,2 29,4 1,38 1173,3 58,9 Well Closed 0,74 782,5 31,0 2,81 2543,0 119,3
oct-2019 0,69 587,2 29,4 1,38 1173,3 58,9 1,38 1173,3 58,9 0,74 782,5 31,0 4,2 3716,3 178,2
2020 0,69 587,2 29,4 1,38 1173,3 58,9 1,38 1173,3 58,9 0,74 782,5 31,0 4,2 3716,3 178,2
2021 0,71 601,2 30,1 1,42 1201,2 60,3 1,42 1201,2 60,3 0,76 801,1 31,7 4,3 3804,7 182,4
2022 0,73 615,2 31,0 1,45 1229,1 61,9 1,45 1229,1 61,9 0,77 819,7 32,6 4,4 3893,2 187,4
2023 0,74 629,2 31,7 1,48 1257,1 63,3 1,48 1257,1 63,3 0,79 838,3 33,3 4,5 3981,7 191,7
2024 0,89 755,0 38,0 1,78 1508,5 76,0 1,78 1508,5 76,0 0,95 1006,0 40,0 5,4 4778,0 230,0
2025 0,89 755,0 38,0 1,78 1508,5 76,0 1,78 1508,5 76,0 0,95 1006,0 40,0 5,4 4778,0 230,0
2026 0,91 769,0 38,7 1,81 1536,4 77,4 1,81 1536,4 77,4 0,97 1024,6 40,7 5,5 4866,5 234,3
2027 0,92 783,0 39,4 1,85 1564,4 78,8 1,85 1564,4 78,8 0,99 1043,3 41,5 5,6 4955,0 238,5
Press. Press. Temp. Press. Press. Temp. Press. Press. Temp. Press. Press. Temp.
[bara] [bara] [°C] [bara] [bara] [°C] [bara] [bara] [°C] [bara] [bara] [°C]
For each of the new gas wells, all years from 2019 to 2027 have been considered for process design of the
gas gathering system. Gas, condensate and water flow rates are as per production profiles and wellhead
process conditions provided by reservoir engineering (Par. 4.1), whereas pressure and temperature in the
gathering system (Par. 5.3) have been taken from the flow assurance study. For further details refer to docs.
no. 00140706DPRV14300 and 00140706DPFM14304 (Ref. [2] and [13]).
Provision is made for the connection of a temporary pig launcher to allow the export flowline to be pigged
through to the manifold.
The Xmas tree and flowlines system up to the wellhead choke valve is rated to the well shut-in pressure. The
system downstream the choke valve is de-rated to a design pressure of 94 barg by the provision of a relief
valve downstream of the choke valve. The 94 barg design pressure allows ANSI class 600 piping components
to be used in the Gathering System.
Blanked connections are provided downstream the choke valve for future installation of a separator to
handle the full production flow rate.
The corrosion inhibitor injection is foreseen immediately downstream of the choke valve, allowing to change
the construction material from Duplex to carbon steel with 6 mm corrosion allowance. A second corrosion
inhibitor injection point is located downstream the blanked connection for future installation of the
separator. The second injection point will be used only when the separator will be in operation.
Continuous use of hydrate inhibitor is foreseen for the first period of production of BRNP-1 only, and the
injection point is located upstream of the wellhead choke valve. For BRNP-2,3 and BRSWP-1 wells the
connections for hydrate inhibitor injection are blanked, since flow assurance analysis shows that continuous
hydrate inhibitor injection is not needed. When the separator will be installed, a second hydrate inhibitor
injection point will have to be provided at separator gas outlet. Before start-up/restart, a sufficient quantity
of hydrate inhibitor shall be injected to all wellheads to prevent hydrate formation, therefore portable
injection facilities will be used on the wells where a permanent injection package is not provided.
BRSWP-1 is equipped with a permanent multiphase flow meter, whereas BRNP-1,2,3 wells can be equipped
with a portable multiphase flow meter using the same blanked connections for future installation of the
The provided collection pit has the scope of handling any possible relief flows. The temporary pig launcher
also can be connected to the collection pit, in order to handle venting and draining requirements.
Each well is controlled by hydraulic power supplied by the wellhead control panel (WHCP) unit. Fibre Optic
Telemetry enables the Wellhead Control Panel to send status indication to the CTH through RTU/SCADA
systems. Start up of each well is performed locally and the wellhead choke valves are manually set. Each well
can be shut down by remote signals sent to the WHCP from the CTH.
An hydrate inhibitor injection package is provided for BRNP-1 well, including 2x100% injection metering
pumps, an hydrate inhibitor tank and a drainage sump. The package guarantees continuous supply of hydrate
inhibitor during the first period of well life and the sufficient amount of hydrate inhibitor to be injected before
well production start-up/restart.
Gathering system
The Gathering system scheme is shown in Figure 5-1.
Production from wells BRNP-1,2,3 is collected from the new BRNP field manifold through 8” pipelines. A 14”
pipeline connects the BRNP manifold to the existing receiving facilities of the BRN Centre Traitement Huile.
The tie-in to the existing plant is located in the BRN receiver room of the Train 1&2. The BRNP manifold
consists of:
Import flow lines from BRNP-1,2,3 wells
Export flow line to BRN receiving facilities
Collection Pit
Measurement/test manifold with multiphase flow meter
Production from well BRSWP-1 is collected from the existing field manifold M7 through an 8” pipeline. The
tie-in to the existing plant is located in the M7 receiver room. The well fluid collected by manifold M7 is
delivered to the Train 1&2 of the BRN Centre Traitement Huile through an existing 12” pipeline.
Selection of Nominal Pipe Size for all pipelines are validated by flow assurance analysis.
All the new pipelines shall be piggable, therefore connections for temporary PIG launcher/receiver are
provided at both sides of each pipeline.
The provided collection pits have the scope of handling any possible relief flows. The temporary pig
launcher/receiver can be connected to the collection pit a well, in order to handle venting and draining
Steady state process conditions at wellhead choke valve outlet are provided in Table 5-1. They are calculated
by a flow assurance analysis assuming a delivery pressure of about 35 barg to the Train 1&2 of the BRN Centre
Traitement Huile.
oct-2019 40 17 44 38 50 41 45 34
2020 40 19 44 40 51 43 45 34
2021 41 26 45 48 52 51 45 38
2022 41 31 45 53 51 55 46 47
2023 41 35 43 53 49 55 47 57
2024 41 46 42 53 47 55 47 62
2025 41 49 41 53 45 54 47 62
2026 41 53 40 53 44 54 47 62
2027 40 53 40 53 42 53 47 62
The well fluid both from new wells and from existing wells is conveyed to two separation trains.
Each separation train is composed by separators working at different pressure levels and receiving wells
according to the flowing pressure of the fluid.
The wellfluid coming from new gas wells is sent to the HP separators, 200-V-01 and 200-VS-201, with the
flowrate splitted 50% each.
The wellfluid coming from new oil wells is sent to the HP separators, 200-V-01 and 200-VS-201, with the
flowrate splitted 50% each.
The wellfluid coming from existing wells is conveyed to different separator, based on original simulation.
Verifications have been made on the following items with the aim to verify if they are adequate to receive
the additional flowrate coming from the new wells.
HP separators
Two HP separators are installed at BRN plant, both operating at 35 barg.
The HP separator of the 1st train is 200-V-01 while the HP separator of the 2nd train is 200-V-201.
PSVs installed on HP separators 200-V-01 and 200-VS-201 are sized for blocked outlet scenario and have been
verified considering the additional flowrate due to the new oil and new gas wells.
PSV 11 and PSV 12 currently installed on separator 200-V-01 are P orifice and it is not adquate to release all
the gas flowrate in case of blocked outlet.
It is necessary to use the orifice P2 (assumption: AST catalogue - 63.617 cm2)
This document is property of Eni S.p.A.
It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Company Document 24 / 80
Contractor Document ID
Validity Revision
Status Number
EX-DE 03
PSV inlet and outlet lines with the new orifice have been verified and the results are reported in the following
A verification of PSV11/12 has been performed for the 1st years of production, to verify the possibility to
operate the plant with the existing PSVs installed.
For the 1st years, since the gas flowrate treated by the plant is lower than in year 2024, the PSVs are suitable
to release the gas flowrate in case of blocked outlet.
Then, a modification to the plant is required to operate in safe considtions (e.g. HIPPS installation or PSVs
For further details reference shall be made to Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata..
PSV 211 and PSV 212 currently installed on separator 200-V-201 are P orifice and are suitable to release the
flowrate in case of blocked outlet.
Even if the orifice is suitable for the additional flow rate, the PSV inlet and outlet lines with the new orifice
have been verified and the results are reported in the following table.
MP separators
Two MP separators are installed at BRN plant, both operating at 9.2 barg.
The MP separator of the 1st train is 200-V-02 while the MP separator of the 2nd train is 200-V-202.
For these separators no criticalities have been envisaged.
LP separator
One LP separator is installed at BRN plant, operating at 3.5 barg. The item tag is 200-V-03.
Here below only the criticalities identified are reported:
Other separators
Two additional separators, installed at BRN plant, have been verified: 210-V-01 (1st train) operating at 16.7
barg and 210-V-201 (2nd train) operating 5 barg.
For these separators no criticalities have been envisaged.
Booster Compressors
Due to the new gas and oil wells, the gas flashed from the different separation stages and from the
stabilization column, has increased, hence a verification with the Compressor Vendor has been required to
investigate the suitability of the compressors. The verification has been made considering as mandatory
requirement for the compressors the achievement of a discharge pressure of 36 bara.
Here below the results of the analysis provided by the compressors Vendor.
The analysis highlights the necessity to increase the insterstage pressures to allow the compressors to treat
the required flowrate.
Due to this pressure increase, the operating pressure of the stabilisation column has been increased up to
the maximum value of 10.5 bara.
All the control valves on separators gas outlet have been analysed in order to verify their suitability to
regulate the flashed gas and to reduce its pressure to the one indicated by compressor vendor.
In particular the following valves have been verified:
This document is property of Eni S.p.A.
It shall neither be shown to Third Parties not used for purposes other than those for which it has been sent.
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Company Document 27 / 80
Contractor Document ID
Validity Revision
Status Number
EX-DE 03
Moreover, a verification has been made also on control valves on gas oulet from HP separators and the
results is repoted in the following table:
The result of the analysis is that all the valves are suitable to control the new gas flowrate feeding the booster
gas compressor system and the dehydration unit.
Further details relevant to the sizing of the valves can be found in the Errore. L'origine riferimento non è
stata trovata..
Suction KO Drum
Each compressor is provided with a suction KO Drum, which has been verified considering not only the
required process flowrate, but also the additional flowrate required for the recycle, and indicated by
Compressor Vendor in Table 7-1.
The analysed KO drum are:
- Low pressure KO drums 360-V-01 360-VS-201A/B
- Medium pressure KO drums 360-V-02 360-VS-202
- High pressure KO drums 360-V-03 360-VS-203
The vessel diameter and liquid hold-up for Compressors Inlet KO Drums have been verified and they result
to be suitable for the scope.
Further details can be found in the Errore. L'origine riferimento non è stata trovata..
The dehydration Unit 310 consists of two dehydration packages operating in parallel, one installed on BRN
Train 1 and the second on BRN Train 2. The rated gas capacity is 4 MMSCMD for the first one and 3 MMSCMD
for the second one.
Each Gas Dehydration System comprises a Contactor Inlet KO Drum 310-V-01/VS-201, a Glycol Contactor
310-C-01/201, a Glycol Regenaration Package 310-X-01/201, a Glycol Flash Drum 310-V-02/202, a Glycol
Coalescer Separator 310-S-03/203, a Lean Glycol Cooler 310-EA-01/201 and all the necessary heat
exchangers, pumps, filters, valves and instrumentation.
Compressed flash gas (with condensed hydrocarbon liquids and water) and associated gas from the HP Inlet
Receiver are co-mingled and flow to the Contactor Inlet KO Drum. This drum is fitted with a demister and its
purpose is to remove bulk and entrained liquids from the saturated gas stream, which then flows to the
Glycol Contactor. The gas is dehydrated by counter-current contact with lean tri-ethylene glycol (TEG) in the
structured packing section of the contactor. Dry gas exits the contactor and flows to the Glycol Coalescer
Separator, for removal and recovery of finely entrained TEG from the contactor; the liquid bottoms from the
Glycol Coalescer Separator are returned to the dehydration package. Rich glycol flows on level control from
the Glycol Contactor to the Glycol Regeneration Package. In addition, recovered glycol from the Coalescer
Separator (gap level control – not normally flowing) is combined with the rich glycol stream. The rich glycol
is regenerated by conventional means with fuel gas stripping. Lean glycol is cooled and pumped on flow
control to the Glycol Contactor, completing the circuit.
Line Sizing
Following criteria have been used for line sizing and verification of Unit 310:
No overdesigned margin on flow rate has been considered to verify existing lines.
Check of existing line sizing results are shown from Figure 8-1 to Figure 8-11, including the gas flow rate
considered for each line.
Particular attention should be paid to the process line that transfers the dehydrated gas from Dehydration
Unit 310 to Reinjection Compression Unit 370. The NPS of this line is 18” for the first part (18"-HG-034-13E-
V) and then the NPS is reduced to 14” (14"-31-HG7-13E-V) for a short length just few meters before the
connection to the reinjection compressors Units 380 and 390. As presented in Figure 8-6, in the 14” line the
recommended maximum values of kinetic energy per unit volume ρv2, pressure drop Δp and velocity v are
far long exceeded, and the fluid velocity is higher than the erosional velocity as well. The 18” line slightly
exceeds the recommended maximum value of kinetic energy per unit volume ρv2 and pressure drop Δp,
whereas the fluid velocity is acceptable and more importantly it is lower than the erosional velocity.
A line replacement with a 20” line (or 24” if an overdesign margin 10% on flow rate is applied) would be
required to operate with a gas flow rate up to 8.25 MMSCMD. However, if this is not feasible due to layout
or production constraints it will be mandatory to put in place periodic surveys to assess pipe wall thickness,
mainly in all the areas where sudden change in fluid direction are envisaged (e.g. bends, restrictions, T-pieces,
etc.). Moreover, since the limit of kinetic energy per unit volume ρv2 is exceeded, it is recommended to carry
out a stress analysis of the line.
As presented in Figure 8-8 and Figure 8-9 the gas flow rate on Train 2 through Contactor Inlet KO Drum 310-
VS-201, Glycol Contactor 310-C-201 and Glycol Coalescer Separator 310-S-203 should be limited to 4
MMSCMD in order not to exceed the process line limits described above.
No issues have been found in the process sizing verification of remaining lines.
Equipment Sizing
Nozzle size of Contactor Inlet KO Drums 310-V-01/VS-201 have been verified against values recommended
by doc. no. 10009.HTP.PRC.SDS (Ref. [11]) for maximum kinetic energy per unit volume ρv2 for vapors and
maximum fluid velocity for liquids. Results are presented in Figure 8-12 and Figure 8-13.
The process verifications for 310-V-01 have been carried out for a gas flow rate of 4.6 MMSCMD, whereas
for 310-VS-201 a gas flow rate of 4.2 MMSCMD has been considered.
Process data
Operating temperature 46,5 °C
Operating pressure 30,09 barg H2 = 650 mm
All references are to "Design Criteria, Guide to Selecting and Sizing Process Vessels" PRG.PR.VES.0001 Rev 3
KO Drum 3.0.1 Project
Job No. 4,6 MMSm3/d
Vertical KO Drum Program
Vessel No. 310-V-01
Calc No. Date Page 2 of 3
Droplet Method
Droplet diameter, dp mm Leave blank if not known
CRe² N/A
Drag coefficient, C N/A From Fig
Critical velocity, vc N/A m/s
Select gas critical velocity, vc 0,19 m/s vc by Droplet Method where available
Sizing factor 2,00 Ratio of allowable to critical velocity
Max allowable velocity, va 0,37 m/s
Calculation of Diameter:
Required normal residence time (HLL to LLL), tln 3 minutes Refer to Table
Normal level height difference, Hrl 1 mm
Select standard Hrl 350 mm Standard level ranges, Table
Liquid level to inlet nozzle axis, H2 605 mm, Round up to next 50 mm, 650 mm
Inlet nozzle to upper tan line or demister if present 1875 mm, Round up to next 50 mm, 1900 mm
KO Drum 3.0.1 Project
Job No. 4,6 MMSm3/d
Vertical KO Drum Program
Vessel No. 310-V-01
Calc No. Date Page 3 of 3
Select material type
Material density kg/m3
Corrosion allowance, s c mm
Design pressure, DP barg 0,0 MPag
Design temperature, DT °C
Allowable material stress, I MPa See Table 4.1.4.a, or ask FED
Joint efficiency, z
Shell Thickness
Thickness of cylindrical shell -2083,3 mm
Head Thickness
Thickness of semi-elliptical head -12500,0 mm or shell thickness, if greater
Vessel Area
Area of cylindrical shell 30,7 m2
Area of semi-elliptical heads 13,6 m2
Process data
Operating temperature 46,64 °C
Operating pressure 30,09 barg H2 = 650 mm
L:D Ratio low
Liquid levels are different to those calculated
All references are to "Design Criteria, Guide to Selecting and Sizing Process Vessels" PRG.PR.VES.0001 Rev 3
KO Drum 3.0.1 Project
Job No. 4,2 MMSm3/d
Vertical KO Drum Program
Vessel No. 310-VS-201
Calc No. Date Page 2 of 3
Droplet Method
Droplet diameter, dp mm Leave blank if not known
CRe² N/A
Drag coefficient, C N/A From Fig
Critical velocity, vc N/A m/s
Select gas critical velocity, vc 0,19 m/s vc by Droplet Method where available
Sizing factor 2,00 Ratio of allowable to critical velocity
Max allowable velocity, va 0,37 m/s
Calculation of Diameter:
Required normal residence time (HLL to LLL), tln 3 minutes Refer to Table
Normal level height difference, Hrl 1 mm
Select standard Hrl 350 mm Standard level ranges, Table
Liquid level to inlet nozzle axis, H2 605 mm, Round up to next 50 mm, 650 mm
Inlet nozzle to upper tan line or demister if present 1875 mm, Round up to next 50 mm, 1900 mm
The Glycol Contactors 310-C-01/201 are fed with gas at water dew point conditions and shall deliver a gas
stream with a maximum water concentration of 100 ppmwt.
Column diameter of existing Glycol Contactors 310-C-01/201 have been verified with design criteria given
by doc. no. PRG.PR.GAS.0001 (Ref. [12]). As presented in Figure 8-16 and Figure 8-17, the vessel diameter is
suitable for a gas flow rate up to 5 MMSCMD for the 310-C-01 and up to 3 MMSCMD for the 310-C-201.
For further investigations about water removal performance at gas flow rate higher than rated capacity,
the Vendor of the Dehydration Package should be contacted.
According to potential off spec of dehydration system, possible run cases have been defined in order to
identify critical issues for downstream plant units.
About that the following gas compositions have been identified:
This gas composition is typical of actual condition. Because of this, this will be defined "as it is" composition.
The MW associated to composition is 23.43 g/gmol. This gas composition is not related to new wells.
The scope of analysis is to evaluate the behavior for the following items:
- BRN compressors;
- FG heater;
- ROD compressors.
The analysis was carried out on the two-case basis: the use of the existing furnace and the use of the new
specified exchanger. In this case, the tests were made considering the actual consumption of FG required by
turbines. Because of this, it was possible to determine the pressure drops that in some cases exceed
maximum allowable value indicated in the native data sheet.
For a ROD compressors package, the two planned cases in relation to production profiles were considered.
All analyses were conducted considering the winter and summer seasons.
According to Att.9 everything that is highlighted in green is fine, what is highlighted in yellow has deviations
that are acceptable, while what is highlighted in red is critical.
According to the analysis, the results are the following:
1) the limiting stage of all system is the Pipeline (for hydrate formation and for a presence of free water);
2) except for the "critical" cases where the water concentration is about 1200/1300 ppmw, all constrains
indicated by BHGE for BRN compressors are total respected.
3) The existing Fuel Gas Heater can be considered a "critical item" only during the winter season.
This issue has an impact for a Gas Turbines of the compressors.
4) There are not critical issues for the ROD compressor. The gas caming from BRN plant is about 1/3 of that
gas coming from ROD plant. For these cases there are not any problems.
In the new configuration with increased gas production, the whole gas flow from dehydration Unit 310 is still
processed by reinjection compression Unit 370. When the capacity of Unit 370 is not sufficient to cover the
production gas flow, ROD reinjection compression Unit 360 is added in parallel through a new dedicated
connection. The gas flow at reinjection compressors discharge splits into two streams to reinjection system
and to BRN-MLE 16” export pipeline. See Process Flow Diagram Connection ROD-BRN doc. no.
140706DPFM22303 (Ref. [4]) for further detail.
In the new configuration, the reinjection compression system shall be capable of processing a gas flow rate
up to 8.25 MMSCMD. A performance assessment of existing BRN reinjection compression Unit 370 and ROD
reinjection compression Unit 360 have completed to indentify the system modifications needed to elaborate
the increased flow rate. The analysis on compressor and its auxiliaries have been delivered by BHGE, the
compressor packages Vendor.
BHGE re-calculated performances and maximum flow rate of existing BRN Reinjection Compressors Unit 370
at new operating conditions. The results are summarized in Table 9-2 (Ref. [3] BRN REINJECTION TRAIN
ANALYSYS - November 28, 2018).
Table 9-2 – Max flow rate at new operating conditions of Reinjection Compressors Unit 370
P in at 1 stage barg 30 30
P out at 3rd stage barg 300 300
st nd rd
T in (1 /2 /3 stage) °C 50/51.5/51.9 50/71/73.2
Molecular weight g/mol 20.85 20.85
Speed - 105% 105%
Flow Rate MMSCMD 2.52 (Note 1) 2.31 (Note 1)
The maximum flow rate achievable by existing Reinjection Compression Unit 370 and shown in Table 9-2 is
not sufficient to cover the increased gas production, therefore a compressors re-bundle is needed to increase
the rated flow rate.
The re-bundle is an upgrade modification consisting in the replacement of the internal bundle (mainly rotor
and diaphragms) and, in terms of site activities, it can be compared to a compressor major maintenance
where the current bundle is replaced with the spare one. Indeed casing, head flanges, bearings will remain
unchanged. In general oil seals /dry gas seals remain the same as well, but in this case, where oil seals are
installed, considering the big variation in operating pressure, existing oil seals are expected to be replaced to
keep same oil flow and discharge temperature based on new delta pressure across the seals.
The new bundle will have a rotor equipped with a set of currently best in class impellers and relevant static
parts, to be accommodated inside existing compressor casing. The same operating speed range will be kept
covering the new operating condition.
Re-bundle to 3.5 MMSCMD and 4 MMSCMD have been analysed by BHGE for each reinjection compression
Unit 380 and 390.
The analysis of the compressor machine itself has given positive results. By re-bundling the existing
compressors it is possible to achieve the following delivery flow rate from each machine:
- 4.3 MMSCMD in winter
- 4.1 MMSCMD in summer
Regarding the compressor Balance of Plant, BHGE performed capacity checks on one gas re-injection unit
only (Unit 380) based on the following assumptions:
Existing frame 5C Gas Turbine power availability, at maximum and ambient temperature (+ 50 °C),
assuming 2% power losses due to gearbox, 5% performance degradation due to aging and air
inlet/exhaust outlet pressure losses.
New gas composition as per ref. [01] paragraph 2.1 of “BIR REBAA NORD – RE-INJECTION
COMPRESSOR REBUNDLE BALANCE OF PLANT STUDY – SOL6619252 rev.02”– (gas mol. weight =
20.85 kg/kmole).
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Gas supply pressure at 1st stage compressor suction flange: 31.0 bar abs
Gas delivery pressure at 3rd stage compressor discharge flange: 301 bar abs (min.)
In fact, the above assumptions should lead to the most demanding conditions for aircoolers and scrubbers
design verification and the highest fluid velocity within the existing pipework. Analysis of the results allowed
BHGE to support and demonstrate the viability of the upgrade and identifying capacity
constraints/bottleneck too.
It is worth to highlight that the BHGE report “BIR REBAA NORD – RE-INJECTION COMPRESSOR REBUNDLE
BALANCE OF PLANT STUDY – SOL6619252 rev.02” covers only process discipline verifications. Other
disciplines analysis, like pipe stress analysis, equipment nozzles load evaluations, etc. as well as detail
engineering studies are excluded by the scope of report above indicated.
The first point to highlight is that calculated normal operating temperature at 2nd stage compressor discharge
flange exceeds design temperature (140 °C) of downstream piping and air cooler (380/390-EA-02) when
ambient air temperature will exceed +50°C and +47 °C for the 3.5 MMSCMD case study and 4.0 MMSCMD
case study respectively. This apparently impedes reaching the target flow rate during the hottest day of the
Nevertheless, after checking existing documentation, BHGE reached the below conclusions:
a. Design temperature for piping, flanges and gasket of piping class 78N is not an issue since the existing
material is suitable to operate at much higher temperature (up to 320 / 350 °C according to the
design code.
b. The only item that cannot tolerate higher design temperature are the manual isolation valves of the
pressure safety valves 380/390-PSV-004 A/B. In fact, the seats of the installed valves are in DERLIN,
a material suitable up to 150°C. To solve the issue BHGE suggest replacing these valves with new ball
valves, provided with seats in high temperature resistant material (e.g. PEEK or similar).
c. Design temperature for 2nd stage air cooler, tubes, headers, flanges, fins is not an issue, since all the
existing components, according the design code, can tolerate a much higher design temperature.
Based on the above considerations, BHGE suggest increasing the design temperature of the 2nd stage
discharge line to 180 °C as minimum, up and including the 2nd stage discharge cooler. This has virtually no
impact on the existing materials (apart from substitution of two 3” ball valves for each compression train)
but requires requalification of the affected materials with the Algerian authorities.
The main results of the BoP verification at 3.5 and 4.0 MMSCMD are summarized at par. 9.1.1 and 0. For full
analysis report about compressors BOP verification refer doc. no. SOK6619252 and SOK6619083 (Ref. [5] and
Table 9-3 – Actions/checks to increase gas flow rate up to 3.5 MMSCMD on Unit 380 (or Unit 390)
SOL6619252 rev.02”.
The re-bundle allows the compressor to meet the target flowrate of 3.5 MSCMD per each train, nevertheless care should
be paid to the operating conditions, in particular to the 2nd stage discharge line up to 2nd stage discharge cooler, since,
when ambient temperature exceed +47 °C, normal operating gas temperature slightly exceed downstream piping
/equipment design temperature. Therefore, with the current train configuration is not possible to handle 3.5 MSCMD
of gas when ambient temperature exceeds + 47 °C. Nevertheless, being the coincident operating pressure well below
the design pressure, BHGE do not expect any dramatic impact to extend the operating envelope of the train even in the
warmest days of the year by replacing the PSVs isolation valves (38/39VB30 and 38/39VB31) and re-qualifying (if
necessary) the piping and equipment with the Algerian authorities. BHGE strongly recommend performing a stress
analysis to ensure load on the equipment nozzle are respected.
From the HYSYS simulations it emerges that during normal operation no liquid condensation occurs and, making
reference to the inlet fluid phase envelope– see paragraph 4.1 – it seems the fluid is in dense phase starting from 1st
stage discharge conditions. Therefore, even if suction scrubbers underperform, this does not affect negatively the
overall train performances.
For more details about BHGE analysis related “compressor suction / discharge piping”; compressor suction / discharge
nozzles; compressor anti-surge valves and the other checks see “BIR REBAA NORD – RE-INJECTION COMPRESSOR
Table 9-4 – Actions/checks to increase gas flow rate up to 4.0 MMSCMD on Unit 380 (or Unit 390)
[a] 380/390PSV004A/B inlet header: replace existing 4” For more details see ref. [10]
inlet header with a new 6” line.
[b] 380/390PSV004A/B configuration: both PSVs shall be For more details see ref. [10]
operated in parallel configuration. Therefore: With reference to the 3.5 MSCMD case
- Install nr 3 new pilot operated PSVs - orifice ”H” type. the proposed configuration allows for PSV
Of the 3 new PSVs 2 will be in-line simultaneously while periodic inspection with both train in
the 3rd will be stand-by. operation.
- Install an additional 3” inlet line complete with ball
type isolation valve.
- Two isolation valves shall be locked in open position,
the 3rd shall be locked closed.
- Staggering of PSVs set point is recommended (as per
API 520 STD).
[c] THERMOWELLS: most of the existing thermowells ScrutonWell type thermowells are
should be replaced since they are not passing actual recommended to avoid replacement of
wake frequency calculation according to ASME PTC the temperature instrument as well.
19.3 code.
For more details see ref [08]
[d] FLOW ELEMENTS/TRANSMITTERS: verify maximum adjustable range of
New span for FT-001, FT-002 and FT-003 have to be current instrumentation at site.
[e] Carry out stress analysis for 2nd stage compressor From 2nd stage discharge flange, up to
discharge line due to issue on design temperature. 2nd stage discharge cooler inlet.
Increase Design Temperature of pipework and Start the Re-qualification process with
380/390EA-02 to 185°C minimum. Algerian Authorities.
Replace PSVs isolation valves (38/39VB30 and
[f] Carry out stress analysis for all process lines where the Refer to line’s summary table of
energy parameter limits (ρv2) is exceeded paragraph 4.2.2
[h] SUCTION SCRUBBERS (all): OEM (MetanoImpianti) to Confirmed – see ref. [09]
confirm suitability of the equipment to the new
operating conditions.
SOL6619252 rev.02”.
The re-bundle allows the compressor to meet the target flowrate of 4.0 MSCMD per each train, nevertheless care should
be paid to the operating conditions, in particular to the 2nd stage discharge line up to 2nd stage discharge cooler, since,
when ambient temperature exceed +47 °C, normal operating gas temperature slightly exceed downstream piping
/equipment design temperature. Therefore, with the current train configuration is not possible to handle 4.0 MSCMD
of gas when ambient temperature exceeds + 47 °C. Nevertheless, being the coincident operating pressure well below
the design pressure, BHGE do not expect any dramatic impact to extend the operating envelope of the train even in the
warmest days of the year by replacing the PSVs isolation valves (38/39VB30 and 38/39VB31) and re-qualifying – if
required - the piping and equipment with the Algerian authorities. BHGE strongly recommend performing a stress
analysis to ensure load on the equipment nozzle are respected.
For more details about BHGE analysis related “compressor suction / discharge piping”; compressor suction / discharge
nozzles; compressor anti-surge valves and the other checks see “BIR REBAA NORD – RE-INJECTION COMPRESSOR
Table 9-5 – ROD Gas Production, Reinjection and Fuel Gas flow rates
Year Gas Production Gas Injection Fuel Gas
(Sm3/d) (Sm3/d) (Sm3/d)
2019 6.209.426 5.809.426 400.000
2020 8.100.378 7.650.378 450.000
2021 8.100.143 7.650.143 450.000
2022 8.100.592 7.650.592 450.000
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ROD gas production, injection and fuel gas flow rate are presented in Table 9-5. The installation of the
connection ROD-BRN shall not affect the availability of ROD Unit 360 to process the required ROD gas
injection flow rate. BHGE calculated the maximum flow rate of BRN gas to ROD reinjection compressors in
two scenarios with ROD reinjection total flow rate of 5.8 MMSCMD (Case A) and 7.65 MMSCMD (Case B), as
shown in Table 9-6 and Table 9-7 for two different BRN gas molecular weights (Ref. [7], email da Giglitto
Alessandro (BHGE) dated 30/01/2019). BRN gas molecular weight at reinjection compression units is
expected to be not lower than MW=21.7, therefore the results shown in Table 9-7 for MW=20.8 have not
been used for process design. Considering these results, ROD reinjection compression Unit 360 is available
to process a BRN gas flow rate ranging between 0.98 and 2.26 MMSCMD in the period from 2019 to 2032.
After 2032, ROD Unit 360 would be available to process an higher BRN gas flow, but that’s not been further
investigated as in that period of time a lower BRN gas production is expected as well.
Table 9-6 – Maximum gas flow rate of Unit 360 Train A (or Train B), BRN Gas MW=21.7
ROD Gas Flow Rate MMSCMD 2.9 3.8
BRN Gas Flow Rate MMSCMD 1.13 0.49
P in at 1st stage barg 28
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Table 9-7 – Maximum gas flow rate of Unit 360 Train A (or Train B), BRN Gas MW=20.8
ROD Gas Flow Rate MMSCMD 2.9 3.8
BRN Gas Flow Rate MMSCMD 0.93 0.42
P in at 1st stage barg 28
P out at 3rd stage barg 340
T in (1st/2nd/3rd stage) °C 50/60/65
ROD Gas MW g/mol 23.54
BRN Gas MW g/mol 20.8
Speed - 100%
With rebundling of the injection / export gas compressor, the relief requirements for the blocked outlet case
are changed. This section intends to review the relief system assessments.The compressor blocked outlet
case is currently protected by two 2J3 pop-aciton pilot PSVs in duty/standby arrangement. With compressor
rebundling the relief load is increased and both PSVs are required to be online to provide adequate
According to final configuration plant, the compressed gas (7 MMSCMD) is sent to MLE plant by dedicated
During development of pipeline engineering it was necessary to provide a SDV near pipeline entrance.
in order above indicated it is credible that for SDV closure the blocked outlet scenario will involve both
compressor packages.
In order to verify this case it was been necessary to consider the contemporary discharge of the all PSV (two
for each compressor train).
In order to model the blow down network from pressure safety valves to existing flare the geometric
parameters considered are the following:
“Current configuration” foresees one PSV in-line and the second as stand-by.
Each PSV piping arrangement as per following figure scheme.
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300# 150#
3" 4"x3" 4" 4" 8"x4" 8"
- Size PSVs: 2”J3” - piloted type pop action (according with data sheet in attachment - Att. n°8);
- Discharge flow rate: 104100 kg/h (MW: 24.3);
- Set Pressure: 300 barg (accumulation 10%);
- Discharge temperature (upstream valve): 136°C;
Rated flow rate and discharge temperature (downstream valve) have been defined according to TA
indication. These values are 162000 kg/h @ MW: 24.3 and 56°C.
Figure 9.1. Flarenet results showing pressure (barg) and discharge flow rate (Kg/h)
Figure 9.2. Flarenet results showing Mach no. and sound power level (dB)
Temporary configuration
on line
PSV- SIZE: 2"J3"
004B 3rd stage
1st stage
380 380-EA-02
02 380-K-03
- Size PSVs: 2”J3” - piloted type pop action (according with data sheet in attachment - Att. n°8);
- Discharge flow rate: 94500 kg/h (MW: 20.85) for each PSV;
- Rated flow rate (by BHGE input): 144000 kg/h (MW: 20.85) for each PSV;
- Set Pressure: 300 barg (accumulation 10%);
- Discharge temperature (upstream valve): 136°C;
- Discharge temperature (downstream valve): 79.5°C.
Figure 9.3. Flarenet results showing Mach no. Pressure (barg), and sound power level (dB)
- The relief pressure at 4” blow down tail pipe exceeds the maximum allowed design pressure for 150#
piping systems by around 2%, if 20% of excess margin is applied in accordance to ASME B31.3 (20%
of excess on the design pressure for no more than 50 hours at any one time and no more than 500
- Although the relief pressure at 4” blow down tail pipe is well within the maximum allowed design
pressure if 33% of excess margin is applied (33% of excess on the design pressure for no more than
10 hours at any one time and no more than 100 h/yr);
- The calculated Mach number value in the blowdown tail pipe (sonic velocity is reached) exceeds the
API suggested limit (M=0.7).
This configuration foresees three new pressure safety valves (orifice 2”H3”) with modulating action type
pilot. Two valves will be in-line and the third as stand-by.
Future configuration
on line
PSV- SIZE: 2"H3"
3rd stage
1st stage
380 380-EA-02
02 380-K-03
Each PSV will be able to relieve approximately 94,500 kg/h of gas at the new operating conditions (20.85
The relief pressure at 4” blow down tail pipe is lower than the maximum allowed design pressure for 150#
piping systems;
The Mach number value is lower than the previous case “configuration with compressor rebundle and
existing PSVs”, although it is still above the API suggested limit (M=0.7).
Figure 9.3.3 Flarenet results showing Mach no. Pressure (barg), and flowrate (Kg/h)
In order to mitigate potential damage the replacement of the existing PSVs with new valves provided with
modulating action type pilot is absolutely necessary. Differently, for a Mach number parameter, the existing
tail pipes is not according to design criteria. The limit value indicated by criteria is 0.7 for tail pipes.
Far case above indicated the Mach Number is higher than 0.7 along all pipe segments.
High Mach Number value will be able to generate impulse phenomena. In order to mitigate these
phenomena it will be useful to fix the pipes. The best configuration would require, in addition to the PSVs
replacement, a new tail pipes. In order to respect the Mach number limit, the replacement of tail pipes is
needed. The new size of tail pipes must be equal to 10".
With the new tail pipe's size both mach number and pressure value will be inside the design criteria
accettability range.
For a new arrangement it will be considered a rating 300 for the enlargment 10"x3" while for a downstream
pipe and valve will be possibile to reduce the rating value according to the existing sub header.
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Figure 9.3.4 Flarenet results showing Mach no. Pressure (barg), and flowrate (Kg/h)
P&IDs with red marks related to process modification are shown in attachment (Att. n°8).
This configuration foresees, for each compressor train, three new pressure safety valves (orifice 2”H3”) with
modulating action type pilot. Two valves will be in-line and the third as stand-by.
Each PSV will be able to relieve approximately 94500 kg/h of gas at the new operating conditions (20.85
Figure 9.3.4 Flarenet results showing Mach no. Pressure (barg), and flowrate (Kg/h)
EP asked to BHGE about the possibility to de-pressurize the two trains in sequential mode (within a delay
time to be defined), in order to ascertain the possibility to achieve a lower discharge peach flow rate of 280
tons/h as previously indicated by BHGE.
BHGE clarified that a de-pressurization in sequential mode would be technically possible within short time
(few seconds), but in this case the PSVs installed on the first compressor stage could open up, discharging
into the same blow-down header. This solution would not satisfy the target to achieve lower discharge flow
In conclusion, the compressor trains de-pressurization will be as per BHGE philosophy (simultaneous de-
pressurization of the two trains).
According to BHGE the values considered for two compressor trains (380 and 390), there are two Blow Down
valves. The first, BDV 251, depressurizes the first stage, the second, BDV 252, depressurizes the second and
third stages.
According to BHGE Depressurization Study, the flowrate, pressure and temperature values are the following:
In order to model the blow down network from Blow Down valves to existing flare the geometric parameters
considered are the following:
Figure 9.3.5 Flarenet results showing Mach no. Pressure (barg), and flowrate (Kg/h)
According to current configuration plant, the gas compressed coming from gas compressors package is totaly
reinjected. For emergency shut down scenario the gas inventory is depressurized by FO-101, installed
downstream the BDV-251. According to Att.10, the Orifice diameter is 9,475 mm. In the following P&ID
screenshot is shown the current configuration:
The future configuration foresees to send the compressed gas to MLE plant by dedicated pipeline. For this
reason, it will be necessary a dedicated new lines that interconnects compressors with pipeline. In the
following P&ID screenshot is shown the future configuration:
According to increased gas inventory, the orifice FO-101 is not adequate to depressurize the new inventory
in 15 min. Because of this, in order to optimize time depressurization, it is suggested the change of the actual
orifice. The diameter of new FO will be 19 mm.
In the existing plant, all the gas coming from the dehydration Unit 310 is sent to Unit 370 consisting of two
identical compressor operating in parallel and both driven by gas-turbines.
According to this arrangement, the Gas Turbines will work in parallel.
Scope of the present study is to verify if fuel gas temperature is enough hot to avoid condensation inside
In order to guarantee that the existing fuel gas conditions are suitable for the new service, EniProgetti
checked that the new conditions (temperature and pressure values) available at battery limit are consistent
with BHGE requirements.
According to BHGE, the minimum fuel gas temperature at GT battery limit should be +57 °C at gas MW= 20.85
and +66 °C at gas MW= 21.7 in order to ensure proper fuel gas superheating (e.g. +28 °C above dew point).
According to EniProgetti study, no adequate superheating equipment is currently installed, so it is not
possible to exclude hydrocarbon condensation in the GT fuel gas system. For this reason the installation of
dedicated fuel gas electric heaters is recommended.
The fuel gas coming from dehydration unit is destinate at following users:
- Unit 450 = 3212 kg/h
- Blanketing / flare / FG services = 2569 kg/h;
- Unit 370 for gas turbines.
During summer season the actual fuel gas system is adeguate. The temperature values at B.L 3 are higher
than those required by BHGE.
The following table summarizes the results related to the winter cases: 4 and 3.5 MMSCMD _ MW: 21.7
_ winter season (Tamb = + 20°C and -5°C).
In these cases the temperature value at B.L 3 are lowest than values indicated by BHGE (66°C). Because of
this, for all cases is necessary a new heater.
The following table summarizes the results related to the winter cases: 4 and 3.5 MMSCMD _ MW: 20.85
winter season (Tamb = + 20°C and -5°C).
In cases where the Tamb is -5°C, the temperature value at B.L 3 are lowest than values indicated by BHGE
(57°C). So, only for these cases is necessary the new heater.
Tamb = -5 °C
4 MMSCMD 35 32,74 16461 16461 360 0,9 51,3 22,76 10680
3.5 MMSCMD 35 32,74 15861 15861 360 0,72 52,5 22,78 10080
Tamb = 20°C
3.5 MMSCMD 35 32,74 15861 15861 360 0,724 58,1 22,76 10080
Finally, for all cases where the 420-F-01 is not enough to guarantee the temperature value required by BHGE,
it will be needed to increase the heat capacity. For a most serious case it is required 170 kW. The results are
indicated in the following table:
IN Unità 420 420-F01 BL 3
T, P, QIN, Q, ΔP, Q, Heat P, QIN,
MW =21.7 Flow, T, °C
°C barg kg/h kg/h bar kg/h Flow, KW barg kg/h
BL3: T=66 °C
Tamb = -5 °C
4 MMSCMD 35 32,74 16461 13600 360 0,6 2861 173 66 22,7 10680
3.5 MMSCMD 35 32,74 15861 13600 360 0,6 2261 161 66 22,7 10080
Tamb = 20°C
4 MMSCMD 35 32,74 16461 13600 360 0,59 2861 109 66 22,7 10680
3.5 MMSCMD 35 32,74 15861 13600 360 0,59 2261 97 66 22,7 10080
IN Unità 420 420-F01 BL 3
T, P, QIN, Q, ΔP, Q, Heat P, QIN,
MW =20.85 Flow, T, °C
°C barg kg/h kg/h bar kg/h Flow, KW barg kg/h
BL3: T=57 °C
Tamb = -5 °C
4 MMSCMD 35 32,74 16461 13850 360 0,55 2611 61,2 57 22,73 10680
3.5 MMSCMD 35 32,74 15861 13850 360 0,55 2011 51,2 57 22,77 10080
P&IDs with red marks related to process modification are shown in attachment (Att. n°7).
Connection ROD-BRN
The new Connection ROD-BRN consists of a first transfer line from BRN reinjection compressor suction to
ROD reinjection compressor suction, a second transfer line from ROD reinjection compressors discharge to
BRN reinjection compressors discharge, and all the necessary valves and instrumentation. The main purpose
of the new Connection ROD-BRN is to allow the use of ROD reinjection compressors in parallel with BRN
reinjection compressors to increase the total production capacity of BRN plant. As ROD reinjection
compressors are currently working at reduced load, the result of this modification is an optimization of the
existing equipment already installed on site.
Two control valves regulate the gas flow exchanged between BRN and ROD plants in compliance with the
following criteria: the gas flow rate transferred from BRN to ROD plant shall be equal, at any time, to the gas
transferred from ROD plant to BRN plant. For further details refer to doc. no. 00140706DPFM22303 and
00140706DPRB14318 (Ref. [4] and [8]).
According to analysis presented in par. 9.2, ROD reinjection compression Unit 360 can take not more than
2.26 MMSCMD of BRN gas in order to avoid affecting current ROD gas reinjection flow rate. However, the
connection ROD-BRN has been designed for a larger maximum flow rate, to account for potential variations
during plants life. In particular, lines from BRN plant to ROD plant and from ROD plant to BRN plant are
designed for maximum 5 MMSCMD and control valves for maximum 4 MMSCMD.
In process conditions where the BRN gas flow rate to be compressed by reinjection compression units
exceeds the maximum capacity of BRN Unit 370 by less than 0.3 MMSCMD, the BRN Unit 370 will be operated
at partial load in order to keep the gas flow rate through the connection ROD-BRN at a value not lower than
An overdesign margin of 10% on flow rate has been used for new lines, no overdesigned margin has been
considered to verify existing lines.
Line sizing results are shown from Figure 9-1 to Figure 9-4.
No issues have been found in the process sizing verification of existing lines.
Ref. 5 GSA – Gas Injection Trains Rebundle BALANCE OF PLANT PROCESS VALIDATION
REPORT - SOK6619252