Free-Fall Lifeboat Safety: Purpose Incident Analysis - Aquarosa
Free-Fall Lifeboat Safety: Purpose Incident Analysis - Aquarosa
Free-Fall Lifeboat Safety: Purpose Incident Analysis - Aquarosa
Da Dan Xia (IMO No. 9451290) - On 14 April The lifeboat was fitted with simulation wires
2014, the wire lifting sling for the ship’s free- to prevent it from launching under these
fall lifeboat failed catastrophically during circumstances. However, on this occasion,
recovery of the lifeboat after a routine the simulation wires failed allowing the
launching exercise in Wellington, New lifeboat to move down the guide rails into the
Zealand. This resulted in the lifeboat falling sea. The ATSB found that the simulation
several metres into harbour waters. One crew wires failed due to a combination of incorrect
member was injured, and the lifeboat installation and cumulative internal wear from
launching davit was rendered unserviceable. numerous shock loading events that resulted
from previous lifeboat launching drills.