Trading Made Simple

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This is just a short compilation trading rules eelfranz has posted so far on the thread. Trading Made Simple

Indicators and template needed:

5 shifted ema:
Basically this is a visual reference. When a candle is crossing it the green TDI line is
crossing red also.

Entries and exits...

TDI... Is it going up (long) or coming down (short)... that's the direction to trade.
We Enter a trade when green crosses red on the TDI at the beginning of the new
candle... usually candle 1 or 2. If it's candle 3 or more (as in the third bull candle in up
move and third bear candle in down move) don't enter... find another trade set up. The
only exception is if green bounces off red and continues... it's ok to re-enter on the
A set up is NOT GREEN TOUCHING RED. Why? Many times green bounces back and the
original direction continues. That's a bounce trade.

Exit your trade when the green TDI line goes flat, starts to hook over or makes a check
mark reversal.

If you add other things it will influence your decisions... usually to your detriment. Don't
try to complicate it thinking it can't be this easy. Hence the name Trading Made Simple.

Important to study TDI entries on old charts, any time frame... Give yourself a chance
and trade it like it's layed out..

In regards to stoploss:
I hate S/l trading. If you feel you want it the safest way is to place your S/L at the last
hi or low a couple of candles back...

Demo it:
Take your time and learn. Demo trade it until you feel you got it.

Be sure to brows through the thread and look at the training charts that are and will be
posted. Look at charts others have posted too. A picture tells a thousand words.
NEW update: 4/29/2011

Your safest trades will always be when green crosses red and you enter on candle 1
or 2... odds are in your favor. Why? Because I'm expecting 3-8 candles... which is

With bounce trades the odds are lower for your success... but it still works.

When wanting to enter a TDI trade... take a moment first to observe basic 4x
things... like:

How close am I to the previous high or lo

Am I in an uptrend or downtrend.. short & long term...

Am I in or close to a consolidation area

Are the previous candles small...

Look at the candles on the last reversal... big, little, what

How does the momentum look right now (12-2, 4-6) {Referring to angle of green tdi line
and Stochastics as if it were a clocks hands}.

Does Stoch's confirm the TDI signal

Sounds like a lot of stuff but it's basic stuff and only takes a moment to observe it...

If you don't already know these things... don't trade live yet... is a
good place to learn about the basics of trading 4X.

New update: 5/1/2011

Eelfranz's mindset:
My attitude is "I'm gonna win every trade I enter". I'm confident. Now and then I get
my butt kicked but so what... I learn from it and move on. I see it like stepping into a
gopher hole... I didn't see it... I get up and get going.

Every time I trade I image going to the bank with my wheel barrow. I know there going
to pay me... I just don't know how much today.Throw your fear into the trash... walk
away and don't look back. I tell the market in my minds eye "I refuse to be beaten... I'm
smarter than you because I've figured out an easy system to whop your butt". Don't
take any crap from the market... your better than it is... don't listen to the downer
rumors and excuses... kick ass in your mind and your attitude towards the market... I'm
fired up the more I type it. Hot damm. Got to get a bucket of water to splash my
keyboard to cool it down.... brb...

Trading isn't difficult... over coming your fears is the problem in most cases. Decide in
your mind to take control & kick bootie. Until you do that you will never be more than a
minimum trader. Tell the market to go to hell... your here now... grab the horns... get
some... b.... well you know...

Fear in peoples lives destroys so many. There is nothing to fear in the market. Practice,
took a "year off" of live trading and just studied old charts building my confidence....
trading Demo Only. Now I have no fear to push the button... take the trade. Sometimes
I exit too early and miss another 50 pips... so what... I'm on the prowl looking thru my
charts looking for the next trade. If there is none... click off and check back later.

Develop the attitude "You can't beat me sucker" I'm here to clean your clock." I'm
serious. Make the market bow to you!

Big E

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