Diffusion Cu Step PDF
Diffusion Cu Step PDF
Diffusion Cu Step PDF
The surface diffusion of Cu adatoms in the presence of an adisland at FCC or HCP sites on
Cu(111) is studied using the EAM potential derived by Mishin et al. [Phys. Rev. B 63 224106
(2001)]. The diffusion rates along straight (with close-packed edges) steps with (100) and (111)-type
microfacets (resp. step A and step B) are first investigated using the transition state theory in the
harmonic approximation. It is found that the classical limit beyond which the diffusion rates follow
an Arrhenius law is reached above the Debye temperature. The Vineyard attempt frequencies and
the (static) energy barriers are reported. Then a comparison is made with the results of more
realistic classical molecular dynamic simulations which also exhibit an Arrhenius-like behavior. It
is concluded that the corresponding energy barriers are completely consistent with the static ones
within the statistical errors and that the diffusion barrier along step B is significantly larger than
along step A. In contrast the prefactors are very different from the Vineyard frequencies. They
ccsd-00003626, version 1 - 17 Dec 2004
increase with the static energy barrier in agreement with the Meyer-Neldel compensation rule and
this increase is well approximated by the law proposed by Boisvert et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 75
469 (1995)]. As a consequence, the remaining part of this work is devoted to the determination of
static energy barriers for a large number of diffusion events that can occur in the presence of an
adisland. In particular, it is found that the corner crossing diffusion process for triangular adislands
is markedly different for the two types of borders (A or B). From this set of results the diffusion
rates of the most important atomic displacements can be predicted and used as input in Kinetic
Monte-Carlo simulations.
The diffusion of adatoms on metal surfaces is still the subject of very active research [1, 2]. Indeed, it plays a crucial
role in crystal growth which is important to master in view of the applications, for instance in nanotechnologies. The
more the growth is understood at an atomic level, the more the fabrication processes can be controlled in order to
obtain a better quality of the device performances.
As a starting point, homo-epitaxial systems can be used as models since effects such as lattice mismatch or inter-
diffusion processes are excluded. A large number of theoretical and experimental works has been devoted to homo-
epitaxial growth, e.g., on Pt [3, 4, 5, 6, 7], Cu [8, 9, 10], Ag [11, 12], Rh [13, 14, 15], Al [16, 17, 18]... In this respect, the
understanding of adisland shapes is of fundamental importance since they can indirectly influence the growth mode.
The (111) surface of FCC metals is particularly interesting due to the observation of fractal as well as two (2D) or three
(3D) dimensional compact adislands depending on the temperature [5, 6, 19]. Actually, the adisland morphology and
its evolution with temperature result from a competition between thermodynamics and kinetic phenomena depending
on the activation (or not) of various diffusion processes. The shape of adislands is governed by thermodynamics when
the temperature is such that the adisland is able to relax to its equilibrium configuration during the time interval
separating the incorporation of two consecutive atoms. In this case the shape of adislands on a (111) FCC surface is
determined by the ratio of two step energies since two types of steps with close-packed edges exist on this surface:
the A step with a ledge of (100)-type orientation and B step with a ledge of (111)-type. The anisotropy ratio of the
two step energies Estep /Estep is most often very close to unity (for instance, using the Mishin et al.[20] potential for
Cu, we have found Estep =263meV and Estep =265meV [21]) and therefore the adisland shape derived from the Wulff
theorem is an almost regular hexagon exhibiting three-fold symmetry with edges corresponding to the smallest step
energy slightly longer than the other ones [22]. When kinetic effects dominate, the adisland morphology depends on
the flux of atoms impinging on the surface as well as on the rates of adatom diffusion on terraces, along steps, around
adisland corners and of adatom attachment to (detachment from) the adisland.
The most efficient tool to simulate the evolution of the adisland morphology is the Kinetic Monte-Carlo (KMC
[23, 24, 25]) method which needs as input the various rates of all the elementary atomic processes. Two types of
processes are essential in this respect: the diffusion along steps (and its anisotropy between step A and step B), and
the corner crossings to go from one edge to another. At low temperature when none of these processes are activated
one expects a fractal growth if the impinging flux is not too small since diffusion is rapid on a flat (111) FCC surface
(e.g. the activation energy is only 40meV for Cu). When these two processes occur, compact adislands can grow.
An intermediate situation is also possible corresponding to an activation of step diffusion while corner crossing is
still frozen. However other physical properties may have some importance: for instance, the step on which adatoms
or dimers preferentially bind and the kink dissociation process play a role on the adisland shape which can vary
with temperature from triangles limited by A steps, to triangles limited by B steps with intermediate hexagon-like
patterns [3, 5]. The various possible sequences are extremely dependent on the details of the energy profile and the
modification of a single barrier can lead to very different adisland shapes. Moreover the diffusion across a step plays a
crucial role in the crystal growth mode (Volmer-Weber, Stransky-Krastanov or Frank Van der Merwe). Indeed during
growth adatoms can be deposited either on a wide terrace or on a preformed adisland. In the former case, the atom
will diffuse until it sticks to the adisland, whereas in the latter case the adatom needs very often to overcome an
extra activation energy (Schwoebel barrier) to incorporate to the descending step edge. Depending on temperature
a 3D growth can thus be initiated. Therefore we have carried out a very detailed analysis of the various possible
diffusion processes of a copper adatom in the vicinity of an adisland. Two types of epitaxy will be considered in which
adatoms occupy either normal FCC sites or faulted HCP sites. Actually the stacking fault energy is very small in
copper and adisland nucleation has been observed at FCC sites on the nominally flat surface and at HCP sites on the
Cu(21,21,23) vicinal surface[10].
Many experiments based on field ion[26, 27] and scanning tunnelling [2, 28, 29] microscopies have been devoted
to the determination of surface diffusion coefficients. However their interpretation may be somewhat tricky since,
apart from peculiar cases, several elementary processes are involved. On the theoretical side, diffusion rates have
been deduced either from Transition State Theory (TST) in the harmonic approximation [21, 30, 31, 32] (TST-HA),
or using classical thermodynamical integration[33] (TI) (see Appendix A) or else from classical molecular dynamic
(MD) simulations[34, 35, 36, 37, 38]. In the classical limit all theoretical approaches conclude that an Arrhenius law,
Γ = Γ0 exp(−∆E/kB T ), fits accurately the evolution of the diffusion rates with temperature in good agreement with
experiments. On the basis of MD simulations it has been suggested that the barrier ∆E for diffusion along steps
on Ag(111) and Au(111) might be different from the static barrier [34] whereas Boisvert et al. [33] found that the
value of the static barrier for Cu on Cu(100) lies inside the error bars of the results obtained both with MD and
TI methods. Actually a very good accuracy on ∆E (better than a few 10−2 eV) would need huge simulation times.
Furthermore the Arrhenius law being obviously approximate, the separation between a prefactor and an exponential
term is somewhat arbitrary as will be discussed in Sec.IIB.
From the above remarks, it is clear that any investigation of diffusion processes should begin with the determination
of the (static) potential energy barriers. A limited number of barriers concerning high symmetry systems have been
calculated using ab-initio codes[39] but these codes are too computer time demanding when the symmetry is low,
i.e., when the number of elementary diffusion processes is large. One must then rely on semi-empirical potentials
such as those derived from Effective Medium Theory (EMT)[40], Embedded Atom Model (EAM)[41, 42] or Second
Moment Approximation (SMA)[43]. Even with these simple models, unknown barriers are sometimes deduced using
some approximations [9]. Even though these approximations are reasonable some effects can be missed as we will see
in the following.
The aim of this work is the determination of the diffusion rates corresponding to most of the elementary diffusion
processes that may occur during the growth of a single 2D adisland on Cu(111). After having briefly presented the
potential used (Sec.IIA) we study the diffusion of an adatom along step A and step B (Sec.III) using the two methods
described in Sec.IIB, namely the TST-HA approach (in the classical limit) and MD simulations. We show that the
static activation barrier accounts quite well for the results of MD simulations. However, the prefactors obtained in the
latter method are different from those given by TST-HA. Furthermore they are quite consistent with the Meyer-Neldel
law proposed by Boisvert et al. [35]. As a consequence, in the remaining part of the paper, we limit ourselves to
the determination of the static barriers for other diffusion events in the presence of straight steps (Sec.IV) or in the
vicinity of steps with defects, for instance around corners and kinks (Sec.V). Conclusions are drawn in Sec.VI. Finally
Appendix A briefly summarizes the TST-HA theory and the TI method.
A. The potential
We have used in this work the EAM potential derived by Mishin et al.[20] for copper. In this model the total
energy of an assembly of N atoms with respect to that of N isolated atoms is written as a function of all interatomic
distances rij :
1 X X
E= V (rij ) + F (ρi ) (1)
2 i,j=1 i=1
where ρi can be interpreted as a function proportional to the electron density induced at site i by the neighbors, i.e.:
ρi = ρ(rij ). (2)
The proportionality factor is chosen such that ρi = 1 for a bulk atom at equilibrium. The chosen reference energy
implies that V (r) and ρ(r) vanish when r tends to infinity and F (0) = 0. The functions V (r), ρ(r), and F (ρ) are fitted
parameterized functions which, on the whole, contain 26 parameters. The 26 parameters are required to give exactly
the bulk equilibrium lattice parameter, cohesive energy and bulk modulus and to fit selected properties of copper
taken from experiments or obtained by ab-initio calculations. These properties are mainly related to the bulk phase
and include in particular the stacking fault energy which is of a peculiar importance in the present work. More details
can be found in Ref. [20]. In addition, Mishin et al. have shown that their potential was able to reproduce many
physical quantities not included in the fitting data base and, in particular, the surface energies of low index surfaces.
Moreover we have already used this potential in a previous work [21]. First we verified that it gives other surface
properties, like the step and kink energies, with numerical values very close to experimental data. Then we used it to
study the diffusion of monomers, dimers and trimers on Cu(111) and our results were in very good agreement with
STM observations. We are thus very confident in using this potential for the present problem.
The diffusion coefficients along straight steps (i.e., with a close-packed edge) have been calculated using two tech-
niques. On the one hand, they can be derived from the TST[44] by combining the determination of the minimum
energy path and the calculation of the vibrational free energy in the framework of the HA and, on the other hand,
using MD simulations. Indeed, as will be seen in the following, the most frequent diffusion event for an adatom
attached to a straight step corresponds to jumps along this step since the barriers corresponding to other events are
much higher. Thus this diffusion is essentially a one-dimensional problem.
From TST the surface diffusion coefficient D(T ) along straight steps at temperature T is related to the diffusion
frequency (or diffusion rate) ΓT ST (T ) by:
1 2
D(T ) = a ΓT ST (T ) (3)
when the diffusion is assumed to proceed by uncorrelated jumps of length a between neighboring adsorption sites
along the step (note that a increases slowly with T when thermal expansion is taken into account but in practice this
effect is quite negligible). The diffusion frequency ΓT ST (T ) is given by:
kB T
ΓT ST (T ) = 2 exp(−∆F/kB T ) (4)
where ∆F is the difference of total free energy between the saddle point and the starting adsorption configuration
(stable or metastable equilibrium). The factor 2 arises from the number (nc = 2) of diffusion channels, i.e., ΓT ST (T )
is the diffusion frequency in both directions along the step. ∆F can be split into two contributions:
∆F = ∆E + ∆Fvib (5)
∆E is the potential energy barrier, i.e., the difference in total energy (Eq.1) between the saddle point and the
equilibrium configuration. This static diffusion barrier ∆E can be calculated by determining the minimum energy
path using the Ulitsky-Elber algorithm [45] which we already used with success in our study of the surface diffusion
on the flat Cu(111) surface [21]. For technical details the reader is referred to this latter reference. The quantity
∆Fvib = ∆Uvib − T ∆Svib is the contribution of vibrations to the variation of the free energy (with obvious notations).
In the HA (see Appendix), ∆Fvib is given by:
∆Fvib = kB T ln(2 sinh( ))∆n(ν)dν (6)
0 2kB T
where ∆n(ν) is the difference between the vibrational densities at the saddle point and at equilibrium which are
computed from the eigenvalues of the dynamical matrix. Note that at the saddle point one of the eigenvalues νp2 is
negative. This eigenvalue is excluded from the vibration density and, consequently:
Z νmax
∆n(ν)dν = −1. (7)
Y hνpe
sinh( )
kB T p=1 2kB T
T ST (T ) = 4 exp(−∆E/kB T ) = ΓHA
0 (T ) exp(−∆E/kB T ) (8)
h 3NY −1
sinh( )
2kB T
if we call νpe and νps the (real) eigenfrequencies for the equilibrium and saddle point configurations and N + 1 the total
number of atoms, i.e., including the adatom. Note that the three free translational modes (of zero frequency) have
been excluded from the spectra. It is seen that the prefactor ΓHA
0 (T ) depends in general on T and, consequently,
T ST (T ) does not follow an Arrhenius law.
Let us examine the limits of low and high temperatures. In the low temperature limit ∆Svib → 0 and ∆Uvib (T ) =
∆Uvib (0) + O(T 4 ) [46] so that:
kB T
T ST (T ) ≃ 2 exp(−(∆E + ∆Uvib (0))/kB T ) (9)
In the high temperature limit we get:
T ST (T ) = 2ν0 exp (−∆E/kB T ) (10)
ν0 = 3N −1
. (11)
In this TST-HA approach the deviation from the Arrhenius law comes from quantum effects. We will see in the
following that these effects become negligible above the Debye temperature (TD = 343K for Cu [48]). Accordingly the
classical molecular dynamics approach, which we will briefly describe in the next subsection, is fully justified above
TD .
The motion of the N+1 atoms is studied by MD simulations in which the Newton equations of motion in the
potential given by Eq. 1 is solved using the Verlet algorithm in its velocity form. The simulation is carried out
in the temperature range 350K-600K and no correction of the temperature is needed since quantum effects can be
neglected [49]. The thermal expansion of the Cu crystal is derived from MD simulations in the bulk and the nearest
neighbor distance is fitted by a = 2.553 + 2.51610−5T + 1.193910−8T 2 in Å. After an equilibration period, the motion
of the adatom is observed during another period trun and the trajectory of the adatom is recorded. This trajectory
is analyzed by assuming that the diffusion proceeds by uncorrelated and discrete jumps. At this point, we must
emphasize the differences between MD and TST. The basic assumption in TST is that each crossing of a dividing
surface containing the saddle point corresponds to a diffusion event and thus “recrossing effects” are ignored [44].
This is not the case in MD since recrossing events can be identified, i.e., they occur when the adatom turns back in
a very short time after having crossed the dividing surface. Moreover in Eq.3 each diffusion event is assumed to be a
jump of length a while long jumps of length na can occur in MD. Finally, anharmonic effects are included since the
forces are calculated from the exact expression of the potential.
The diffusion coefficient is given by the Einstein formula:
r(t) = ni ri , (13)
NS is the total number of jumps during the time interval t, ni ri is the displacement vector corresponding to the ith
jump (ni = 1, 2, 3... for a simple, double, triple... jump, respectively, and ri = a) and, for uncorrelated jumps (i.e.,
a2 X n2i a2 X Nn 2 a2 MD
D(T ) = = n = Γ (T ) (14)
2 i=1 trun 2 n trun 2
where Nn is the number of jumps of length na observed during the period trun .
The discrimination between the accepted and rejected diffusion events and between the different jump lengths is
done with the same criterion as in the work of Ferrando and Tréglia [34]. Let us call τth the thermal time given by:
m 1/2
τth = a( ) (15)
kB T
where m is the mass of the adatom, i.e., τth is simply the time to go over the lattice spacing for a particle with an
energy kB T , for example τth = 1ps at T=500K. The diffusing atom is considered to have resided at a given site if
the time spent on this site is longer than τth . This is illustrated in Fig.1. For instance the case (a) corresponds to a
single jump since the time spent at sites i − 1 and i is longer than τth , whereas no jump is recorded in the case (b)
since the time spent at i + 1 is too short (recrossing event). Finally the case (c) corresponds to a double jump since
the time spent at site i is too short.
b) rejected jump
time (ps)
FIG. 1: Typical time evolution of the position of an adatom along a step. The adatom starts from site i and the unit along the
ordinate axis is the nearest neighbor spacing a. The adatom is considered to be at site i if its coordinate lies in the interval
[i − 1/2, i + 1/2]. The rejected, single and double jumps are marked by arrows.
The usual method to analyze the temperature dependence of ΓMD is to draw an Arrhenius plot, i.e., ln ΓMD (T )
vs 1/kB T [33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38]. Most often a quasi-linear behavior is observed, the larger the number of recorded
diffusion events (i.e., the smaller the statistical error), the smaller the deviation from linearity. As a consequence,
ΓMD (T ) can be approached by an Arrhenius law:
ΓMD (T ) = ΓMD
0 exp (−∆E MD /kB T ) (16)
It is then found that ∆E MD differs slightly from the static barrier ∆E. This small discrepancy may be due
to statistical errors. Actually, as we will illustrate in the following (see Fig.5), if the fit is carried out by setting
∆E MD = ∆E the corresponding straight line is also contained inside the error bars. Furthermore, if real physical
effects were responsible for the variation between ∆E MD and ∆E, then (∆E MD − ∆E) should be a function of
temperature. Consequently the Arrhenius law is not strictly obeyed and the splitting of ΓMD into a prefactor and
an exponential is somewhat arbitrary. However if the variation of (∆E MD − ∆E) is of the first order in T, then the
Arrhenius law remains almost strictly obeyed with a slope equal to ∆E.
Actually, using TI (see Appendix) Boisvert et al [33] have shown that the diffusion frequency can be written as
an Arrhenius-type law in which the prefactor ΓT0 I and the barrier ∆E T I are almost independent of temperature in
the range 100 − 800K for surface diffusion of Cu on Cu(100). Moreover, by comparing the TI method with MD
simulations, these authors observed that the static barrier ∆E lies always inside the error bars of ∆E T I and ∆E MD .
We will see in the following that, similarly, our results on the diffusion of Cu along straight steps of Cu(111) can be
fitted nicely by assuming ∆E MD = ∆E.
A. The geometry
It is well known that there are two types of steps with close-packed edges on Cu(111): the step A with a (100) ledge
and the step B presenting a (1̄11) ledge. The study of the surface diffusion along or across these steps is a prerequisite
to investigate the growth of large Cu adislands on Cu(111). These adislands are expected to be bordered by steps of
type A or B and, out of equilibrium, may be or not in stacking fault[10] since the stacking fault energy is rather small
in copper. In the first case the atoms occupy HCP sites while, in the second, they are located at FCC sites. Thus we
have to study four geometries: step A or step B for adislands at FCC or HCP sites.
Step A
j x
j x
Step B
FIG. 2: Diffusion processes of a Cu adatom (gray circles) along the steps A and B limiting a stripe in FCC geometry on
Cu(111): j (jump) and x (exchange) mechanisms. The filled black circles are the atoms of the stripe and the atoms of the
substrate are denoted as open circles with a size decreasing when going towards the inside of the substrate.
In practice a super-cell containing p1 × p2 two dimensional (2D) unit cells with Np layers is built to represent the
Cu(111) surface. On this super-cell a stripe of Nstripe close-packed atomic rows is added at FCC or HCP sites. This
stripe is thus limited by an A step on one side and a B step on the other one (Fig.2). The number Nstripe of rows is
large enough to avoid any interaction between the two steps. On each side of this stripe (A and B edges) an adatom
is deposited. Finally, usual periodic boundary conditions are applied.
We have first carried out static calculations from which the minimum energy path between two first neighbor
adsorption sites along A and B-steps is determined for the jump and exchange diffusion mechanisms shown in Fig.2.
These calculations were performed on a large super-cell: the slab representing the surface contained (11 × 11) 2D unit
cells and was 10 layer thick. The stripe was made of 4 atomic rows. In view of the large number of atoms in this
super-cell, only the point k// = 0 in the surface Brillouin zone was used to calculate the phonon frequencies. Similarly
to our previous work [21], the equilibrium structure was deduced from the conjugate gradient method and convergence
was achieved when all the forces were smaller than 10−3 eV/Å. The minimum energy path was determined using the
Ulitsky-Elber algorithm [45] and the iteration process was stopped when all the forces perpendicular to the path were
less than 310−2 eV/Å.
Step type A B
Stripe geometry FCC HCP FCC HCP
∆Ej (meV) 247 235 312 302
0 = 2ν0 (THz) 7.84 8.54 7.44 8.04
∆Ee (meV) 1532 1512 1715 1691
The results show that the adsorption energy of an adatom along a B-step is favored by 7 meV with respect to
an A-step. This difference in energy is probably too small to have any influence on the island growth morphology
and could not be at the origin of an asymmetry between A and B-steps. In contrast the diffusion paths along step
A and step B for the jump mechanism are quite different. While along step A the diffusion proceeds by FCC →
HCP(saddle point)→ FCC jumps on the (111) terrace, along step B the path can be approximated by a displacement
along the channel of a (011) microfacet which can be considered as the ledge. Indeed let us recall that the (111)FCC
surface with periodic monoatomic B steps can be denoted either as (p+1)(111)×(1̄11) or as p(111)×(011)[50]. The
resulting energy barriers presented in Table I show that diffusion always proceeds by the jump mechanism (the energy
barrier for the exchange mechanism being extremely high) and is expected to be faster along step A than along step
B since its energy barrier is smaller by about 60meV. Moreover, for both steps the diffusion barrier along a HCP
stripe is slightly smaller by 10meV than along a FCC stripe, i.e., the variation of the energy barrier between A and B
steps is almost exactly the same in FCC and HCP geometries: 65meV and 67meV, respectively. Consequently from
static calculations, the asymmetry between the diffusion along A and B-steps should be rather similar in FCC and
HCP geometries. Then we have calculated the phonon spectrum for adatoms at the equilibrium and saddle point
configurations, from which the prefactor ΓHA
0 (T ) is deduced. In Fig.3a we show the evolution with temperature of this
prefactor: it is seen that the high temperature limit is attained above ≃ 300K, i.e., close to the Debye temperature of
Cu. This limit is equal to twice the Vineyard attempt frequency (Eq.11) and is given in Table I. Accordingly, above
300K, the diffusion rate follows an almost perfect Arrhenius law which is actually almost undistinguishable from its
asymptotic limit 2ν0 exp(−∆E/kB T ) (Fig.3b). One notes that the prefactors are not very dependent on the geometry
and thus, in this model, the diffusion rate is governed almost entirely by the exponential term. The diffusion along
step A is indeed faster than along step B and the motion is slightly easier in the HCP geometry. In order to quantify
the asymmetry between step A and step B we have also calculated the ratio ΓA /ΓB of the diffusion rates along the
two types of steps (see Fig. 4). This ratio is very similar in HCP and FCC geometries, it increases as the temperature
decreases and typically adatom diffusion processes are approximately 4 and 6 times faster along step A than along
step B at 600K and 450K, respectively.
10.0 -2.0
a) -3.0 b)
9.0 Ahcp
ln(ΓTST [THz])
Γ0 [THz]
7.5 Bhcp
7.0 Bfcc
6.0 -9.0
100 200 300 400 500 600 0.018 0.020 0.022 0.024 0.026 0.028 0.030 0.032 0.034
T (K) 1/kBT [meV]
The simulations have been performed on a (11 × 11) slab containing 16 layers with a stripe made of 4 atomic rows in
FCC sites on one side of the slab and in HCP sites on the other side. One adatom is deposited along each of the four
close-packed step edges of the two opposite stripes. This procedure allows to obtain with a single simulation box, the
four trajectories from which the diffusion coefficients are extracted. We have performed a series of MD simulations
for temperatures ranging from 350K to 600K. The classical equations of motion were integrated with a time step of
3.5fs. The system was first equilibrated for about 12ps. In the considered temperature range the far most frequent
event is a jump along the step, however from time to time an extra event occurs, such as the formation of a dimer
with an atom escaping from the step (see Sec. V B). To avoid the occurrence of such “unwanted events”, we have
preferred to perform a number of independent simulations rather than a single and longer one. At each temperature
the total simulation time was chosen in order to get a meaningful statistics, i.e., it increases when the temperature
2 hcp
1 MD
0.018 0.021 0.024 0.027 0.03 0.033
1/kBT [meV]
FIG. 4: Arrhenius plots of the ratio ΓA /ΓB of the jump diffusion rates for a Cu adatom along A and B steps on Cu(111)
in FCC and HCP geometries as deduced from the TST-HA model and MD simulations (open circles: FCC geometry, open
triangles: HCP geometry).
increases. The diffusion coefficient can be calculated either from the Einstein relation (Eq.12), or from Eq.14 which
assumes uncorrelated discrete jumps. We have found that the two methods give practically the same results showing
that the jumps are indeed uncorrelated. In the following the results will be analyzed using the second approach which
has the advantage of allowing an estimation of statistical errors. Thus the analysis of the trajectory consists in an
enumeration of the various jumps (accepted or rejected) occurring during the simulation time. The statistics of the
number of jumps is presented in Table II. It is seen at first glance that significant differences with TST-HA are
expected since the transmission coefficient κ (i.e., the fraction N1 /(N1 + Nr ) of accepted jumps) is far from being
Step type A B
Stripe geometry FCC HCP FCC HCP
T(K) t(ns) N1 N2 N3 Nr N1 N2 N3 Nr N1 N2 N3 Nr N1 N2 N3 Nr
350 165.9 277 3 0 258 401 9 0 180 71 0 0 137 115 3 0 82
400 98.0 391 17 1 382 608 19 1 343 127 3 1 259 193 7 0 187
450 77.7 696 21 1 582 953 30 2 553 275 8 0 478 377 16 1 384
500 58.8 960 33 3 875 1294 38 3 727 447 19 0 779 544 31 5 561
550 39.2 977 55 4 993 1323 60 3 815 540 26 4 842 603 50 4 722
600 30.8 1159 57 7 1020 1448 88 9 926 709 38 7 1249 769 57 8 910
TABLE II: Statistics of single (N1 ), double (N2 ), triple (N3 ) and rejected single (Nr ) jumps for the diffusion of a Cu adatom
along step A and step B on Cu(111), in FCC and HCP geometries, from MD simulations. The total simulation time t is given
for each temperature T.
In Fig.5 we show the Arrhenius plots of ΓMD (T ) for the four geometries with error bars corresponding to the
standard deviation. We have first carried out a least mean square fit with the two parameters ΓMD
0 and ∆E MD .
Similarly to the results of Boisvert et al. [33] on the surface diffusion of Cu on Cu(100), we find that ∆E MD is quite
close to the static barrier ∆E (see Table III) and the fitted straight line lies inside the error bars demonstrating the
quality of the statistics. However, as already discussed in Sec.IIB2, it is advisable to compare with a fit in which the
barrier has been fixed to its static value. The corresponding fits shown in Fig. 5 are nearly as good as the previous
ones. Moreover the associated prefactors become quite comparable in FCC and HCP geometries in contrast with the
previous fits for which the prefactor for the B step in the HCP geometry was much smaller than in the FCC geometry.
This does not seem physically reasonable but is most probably due to the uncertainty on ∆E MD since a small error
in ∆E MD must be compensated by a large variation of the prefactor in order to give the same value of ΓMD . Thus
we have adopted the values of the prefactors ΓMD
0 derived from the fit in which ∆E MD = ∆E. In this case it is
seen from Tables I and III that ΓA /ΓB as deduced from MD is about twice smaller than the corresponding value in
TST-HA (see Fig.4). Indeed in the TST-HA model the prefactors are very similar for steps A and B while, from MD
simulations, the prefactor corresponding to steps B, which have the highest diffusion barrier, is about twice that of
step A. We will now give a physical interpretation for this difference.
Step type A B
Stripe geometry FCC HCP FCC HCP
<κ> 0.52 0.64 0.36 0.50
(a) ∆E (meV) fitted 239 226 308 279
(THz) fitted 5.0 4.9 11.6 7.8
(b) ∆E (meV) fixed 247 235 312 302
(THz) fitted 6.0 6.1 12.8 14.0
TABLE III: Transmission coefficients < κ > averaged over temperature, energy barriers and prefactors derived from MD
simulations: a)both parameters ∆E M D and ΓM
have been obtained from a least mean square fit; b)ΓM
has been obtained
from a least mean square fit with ∆E M D fixed at its static value ∆E.
It is frequently found that when the activation energy increases within a family of processes, the prefactor also
increases. Thus, in the expression of the process rate, the increase of the prefactor somewhat “compensates” for the
decrease in the Arrhenius exponential term governing the dependence on temperature. This effect is known as the
Meyer-Neldel compensation law [51]. It has been investigated by Boisvert et al. [35] in the particular case of surface
self-diffusion by means of MD simulations. By studying jump and exchange processes on the (100) and (111) surfaces
of elements belonging to the end of the transition series or to noble metals, they have proposed the following law for
the prefactors:
From theoretical models [52, 53] the exponent α is expected to lie in the range 0.5-1 depending on the nature of the
excitations that give rise to the activated process. For acoustical phonons, a simple phenomenological model predicts
α = 3/4 and a characteristic energy ∆0 of the order of 2-3 times larger than a typical phonon energy (for instance
hν = kB TD where TD is the Debye temperature). Actually Boisvert et al. [35] have found that their results can be
reasonably fitted with α = 0.7, ∆0 = 74meV and Γ00 = 0.74THz.
As already stated, our MD data for steps A and B obey the same trend since ΓMD
0 increases with ∆E. Thus it is
interesting to add the corresponding data (see Fig.6) on the plot giving the logarithm of the prefactor versus (∆E)0.7
-2 -2
-3 -3
-4 -4
ln (Γ [THz])
-5 -5
-6 -6
-7 -7
-8 a) -8 c)
-9 -9
0.018 0.021 0.024 0.027 0.030 0.033 0.018 0.021 0.024 0.027 0.030 0.033
-2 -2
-3 HCP A -3
-4 -4
ln (Γ [THz])
-5 -5
-6 -6
-7 -7
-8 b) -8 d)
-9 -9
0.018 0.021 0.024 0.027 0.030 0.033 0.018 0.021 0.024 0.027 0.030 0.033
-1 -1
1/kBT [meV] 1/kBT [meV]
FIG. 5: Arrhenius plots of the MD jump rates for Cu diffusion along straight steps on Cu(111) in FCC and HCP geometries.
The error bars give the statistical error. The straight line is a least mean square fit in which the energy barrier has been fixed
to its static value. a)Step A in FCC geometry; b)Step A in HCP geometry; c)Step B in FCC geometry; d)Step B in HCP
which should be a straight line (Fig.3 of Ref.35). Our results are quite close to the straight line obtained by Boisvert
et al..
ln(Γ0 [THz] )
0 50 100 150 200
0.7 0.7
∆E [meV]
FIG. 6: Plot of ln Γ0 as a function of ∆E 0.7 . The points represented by empty triangles are taken from Boisvert et al. [35] and
refer to various surface self diffusion processes on low index surfaces of Au, Ag, Ni and Pd. The points indicated by arrows
(filled black diamonds) are derived from our molecular dynamic simulations along A and B straight steps on Cu(111) in FCC
and HCP geometries. The dashed line is the fit corresponding to Eq.17.
Let us now comment on the differences between the TST-HA and MD approaches. As already mentioned, MD
simulations take into account the transmission coefficient κ and anharmonic effects. From our simulations κ does not
vary significantly with temperature. From Table III, it is seen that on average κA /κB ≃ 1.5 for both geometries. As
a consequence the increase of the prefactor for step B with respect to step A is not due to the transmission coefficient
but rather to anharmonic effects which, as discussed by Boisvertet al. [33, 35], lead to multiphononic excitations. The
prefactor is then proportional to the number of ways of assembling these excitations. This gives rise to an entropy
factor increasing with the barrier height (see Appendix). This interpretation is consistent with the absence of a
Meyer-Neldel effect in the TST-HA model which has already been noted by other authors [39].
As a conclusion, it is clear that the prefactor should increase with the (static) barrier height. Moreover the law
proposed by Boisvert et al. (Eq.17) can be used to get a reasonable estimate of this variation. Thus, in the remaining
part of this work, we will limit ourselves to the determination of the static diffusion barriers.
When an adatom is deposited on an adisland it wanders on its surface until either it meets a group of adatoms
already present on this adisland or it comes down the step edge by diffusing across the step. However the additional
barrier (called the Schwoebel barrier) felt by the adatom for the latter process is often rather high relative to the
barrier (40meV) encountered on the flat surface and the probability that an adatom crosses the step is small. As
a consequence it is often assumed that the flux of adatoms towards the step comes from the lower terrace. The
“traditional picture” of an adatom “jumping” down the step (process j of Fig. 7) and therefore loosing one nearest
neighbor in the diffusion process usually leads to high energy barriers but another type of diffusion process exists, i.e.,
the exchange mechanism in which the adatom takes the place of a step atom which becomes an adatom attached to
the step (processes x0 and x1 of Fig. 7). In Table IV we present the energy barriers corresponding to the three types
of diffusion mechanisms across the steps A and B on an adisland in FCC and HCP configurations. Interestingly the
energy barriers for a jump mechanism are almost the same (around 510meV) in all cases, but the exchange mechanism
has a lower barrier by ≃ 200meV for the process x0 (≃ 130meV for x1 ) on step A and ≃ 400meV for both exchange
processes on step B. A strong anisotropy is therefore found between step A and step B. The Schwoebel barrier is thus
only ≃ 50meV for step B while it is around 250meV and 300meV for x0 and x1 , respectively, on step A. The existence
of a low Schwoebel barrier across step B is in agreement with the previous EAM calculations by Trushin et al[42] and
could be at the origin the fast decay of double layer Cu adislands on Cu(111) observed in experiments[54, 55].
A step adatom diffusing along the step will possibly meet another single adatom to form a step dimer, or stick
to a kink. The latter case will be discussed later (see Sec.V). Let us first mention that the adsorption energy of a
dimer along a B-step is favored by 5meV with respect to an A-step. In Table V we present the energy barriers for the
formation and dissociation of a dimer (see Fig.8). As expected the diffusion of an adatom is favored by the proximity
Step A
x1 j x0
x1 j
Step B
FIG. 7: Diffusion processes of a descending adatom across the A and B- steps limiting a stripe in FCC geometry on Cu(111),
by jump (j) or exchange (x0 and x1 ) mechanisms. The atoms are represented as in Fig.2.
Step A B
Direction j x0 x1 j x0 x1 j x0 x1 j x0 x1
◮ 507 299 374 508 289 362 510 90 106 510 86 103
◭ 1222 1014 1032 1218 999 1016 1228 807 776 1222 799 767
TABLE IV: Diffusion barriers of an adatom descending or ascending a step (A or B) by various mechanisms: jump (j), exchange
(x0 or x1 ) (see Fig. 7)for FCC and HCP geometries. The directions ◮ and ◭ correspond to descending and ascending adatoms,
of another adatom, the energy barrier for the dimer formation being around 15 % lower than the energy barrier to
diffuse freely along a step. Once the dimer is formed the probability for the dimer dissociation is rather low since in
any case the associated barrier is larger than 500meV (see Table V), however a concerted motion of the two atoms is
conceivable (see Fig.8).
Step A B
Dimer dissociation 520 509 568 560
Dimer formation 207 197 262 255
TABLE V: Energy barriers for the formation and dissociation of a step dimer along A and B-steps in FCC and HCP geometries.
We have therefore calculated the energy barrier for the diffusion of such step dimers (Table VI). Interestingly the
barrier height for the dimer motion shows a more pronounced anisotropy between step A and step B than for the
single adatom motion. Indeed the ratio of the diffusion barriers along steps A and B is ≃ 1.27 and ≃ 1.40 for the single
adatom and concerted dimer motions, respectively. In addition the comparison of Tables V and VI shows that the
concerted motion of the dimer is easier than the dimer dissociation along step A, while along step B the dissociation
is favored. As a consequence, the dimer diffusion will proceed by concerted motion along step A, whereas along step
B a two step process is preferred, i.e., a dissociation followed by the re-bonding of the dimer.
Step A B
Edim (meV) 463 440 640 625
TABLE VI: Diffusion barriers Edim for the dimer diffusion along steps A and B in FCC and HCP geometries.
Step A
dissociation formation diffusion
Step B
FIG. 8: Atomic motions corresponding to the dissociation, the formation and the concerted diffusion of a Cu dimer along the
steps A and B limiting a stripe in FCC geometry on Cu(111). The atoms are represented as in Fig.2.
When an adatom sticks onto a preformed close-packed adisland bordered by A and B steps with defects (kinks
or other adatoms) it will in general remain attached to it and, if edge diffusion and corner crossing processes are
activated, the adatom will diffuse back and forth between the two types of steps. In the following section we will start
by presenting the potential energy profiles for typical diffusion sequences along which the most important processes
occur. Then the other diffusion processes will be systematically investigated and the result for their activation barrier
will be given and commented on.
The diffusion path around an adisland in FCC geometry with A and (or) B borders and the corresponding energy
profile is shown in Fig.9. An adatom starting from step A passes around a kink (kink crossing), detaches from this
kink, diffuses along step A and then passes around a corner between step A and step B (corner crossing) on which
a similar path is followed. Such a sequence is very instructive since the most important processes are encountered
(the formation and dissociation of dimers along the steps have been studied in Sec.IV.B): i) diffusion along step A
(a ⇆ b, e ⇆ f )and along step B (j ⇆ k, n ⇆ o), ii) kink crossing on step A (b → c → d) and on step B (n → m → l),
iii) kink attachment (e → d on step A, k → l on step B) or detachment (d → e on step A, l → k on step B), iv)
corner crossing (g ⇆ h ⇆ i).
a b c Step A
d e f g h
j Step B
l m
FIG. 9: a) A typical diffusion path of an adatom along the borders of an adisland in FCC geometry with A and B edges on
Cu(111), b) The associated energy profile. The atoms are represented as in Fig.2.
The energy barriers for the diffusion along step A and step B have been already studied (Sec.III.B). The numerical
values given in Fig.9b are very slightly different (by a few meV) due to the finite size of the adisland edges.
The kink crossing is a two step process since a secondary energy minimum is found at site c on step A and m on
step B. The energy barrier to pass around the kink is significantly larger than for the diffusion along straight steps.
This is actually the one-dimensional analogue of the Schwoebel effect encountered when diffusing across steps. This
means that the adatom is repelled by the descending kink. Furthermore even if the adatom reaches site c on step
A, it will most probably come back to site b (barrier: 20meV) than continue its way to site d (barrier: 85meV). On
the contrary on step B an adatom reaching the site m will most probably continue its way to site l (barrier: 5meV)
rather than turning back to site n (barrier: 111meV).
The energy barriers for kink detachment are rather high (505meV for step A, 559meV for step B) since roughly two
nearest neighbor bonds have been broken at the saddle point. Moreover the energy barriers for the kink attachment
are significantly lowered (by 30-40meV) compared with the diffusion barriers of the straight steps. Thus an adatom
reaching site e or k has a larger probability to attach to the ascending kink than to be reflected. It is worthwhile to
note that this effect cannot be obtained when using approximate expressions for the barriers. Finally it is interesting
to compare these energy barriers to those involved in the dissociation and formation of dimers along steps A and B.
By comparing with the results of Table V, we see that the kink detachment is easier than the dimer dissociation,
while the kink attachment is more difficult than dimer formation. This is clearly due to the change of local atomic
The energy profile for the corner crossing has some similarity with the kink crossing since the energy barrier is
significantly larger than for the diffusion along straight steps, i.e., the adatom is repelled by the corner leading to a
Schwoebel-like effect. Furthermore a secondary energy minimum is met at site h during the process. However the
two minima on both sides of site h (sites g and i) are roughly at the same energy (the energy difference between sites
g and i being ≃ 7meV ) since both sites have the same first nearest neighbor coordination. Moreover it is interesting
to note that an adatom located at site h has a larger probability to escape towards step A (barrier: 22meV) than
towards step B (barrier: 108meV).
In addition, contrary to the diffusion across the straight steps (see Table IV) the exchange mechanism is never
favored compared with the jump process. Indeed, we have already seen (Table I) that the diffusion along steps does
not proceed by exchange. Similarly we have verified that the exchange mechanism is also unfavorable for kink and
corner crossings. This is illustrated in Fig. 10 for the corner crossing: the usual double jump mechanism (g → h → i)
is much preferred to a single (Fig.10b) or double exchange (Fig.10c) mechanism. Surprisingly however the rather
unexpected double exchange mechanism is less costly than the single exchange.
Bearing in mind that crystal growth is a kinetic phenomenon leading to out of equilibrium shapes like triangular
adislands, it is also important to study typical diffusion processes occurring in the vicinity of such adisland shapes.
For this reason we have also considered the corner crossing of a triangular adisland bordered with A or B steps. The
results of our calculation, illustrated in Fig. 11, is quite instructive since it is found that the corner crossing of a
triangular adisland bordered with B steps is much easier than for a triangle with A edges. This asymmetry already
exists if the crossing mechanism occurs by successive elementary jumps, but it is much more pronounced for the
exchange mechanism which is highly favorable at the corner of a triangular adisland bordered with B edges. Indeed
the corresponding activation energy is only 230meV, i.e., even much less than the simple diffusion along the straight
step B. This could have important consequences on the growth scenario.
Finally, in view of carrying out a KMC simulation of Cu/Cu(111) growth it is important to have a complete picture
of the various diffusion processes. An enumeration of (almost) all diffusion mechanisms (labelled by roman figures)
of an adatom in the vicinity of a preformed adisland is presented in Fig. 12. For the sake of completeness we have
also considered the possibility for a step edge atom (V , V I, V I ′ ) to escape along the step or a step adatom (IV ′ )
to escape on the terrace. We use the following notation hereafter: the initial configuration of the diffusion events
represented in Fig.12 is denoted by an index 0 and the final configuration by an index i = 1, 2, 3, 4. For example
the simple diffusion of an adatom along a straight step A is denoted as: IV’A
0→1 . The arrow is simply reversed for
the opposite displacement. Note that, even though FCC-HCP jumps are the smallest possible diffusion movements,
a) b) Step A c)
Step A Step A
f g h g g h
i i i
Step B Step B Step B
d) 800 729meV simple
700 670meV
600 double
328meV 302meV
300 245meV
306meV jump
100 f g i j
FIG. 10: Possible diffusion mechanisms for passing around the corner between step A and step B on an adisland in FCC
geometry on Cu(111): a)jump process, b)single exchange and c)double exchange mechanisms, d)the corresponding potential
energy profiles: jump (full line), single exchange (dashed line) and double exchange (dotted line).The atoms are represented as
in Fig.2.
they were not taken into consideration here (except for IIA
0→4 discussed in the following) since in the vicinity of an
adisland all the sites that can be reached by such jumps are unstable, and an adatom situated on such a site would
immediately be attracted by the step.
Most of the diffusion processes along steps have already been discussed in detail above and we shall not make any
further comment on them. Let us however try to extract some general trends from Table VII.
One can observe that the diffusion energy of an atom in the vicinity of an adisland in HCP geometry is systematically
smaller by a few meV than the corresponding energy in the vicinity of an adisland in FCC geometry similarly to the
diffusion along straight steps.
Obviously, the energy necessary for an atom to leave an adisland towards the terrace and loose all its first nearest
neighbors from the adisland, is much higher than the diffusion energy along steps. Indeed the energy cost of such
processes is around 950meV for a corner (IV0→2 ) or a kink atom (V’0→2 ), around 650meV for a step adatom to escape
on the terrace (IV’0→2 ) and decreases to 400meV for the motion IIB
0→2 . These energy barriers obviously decrease with
the number of bonds lost in the diffusion process which are equal to 3, 2 and 1, respectively. However this correlation
is very approximate since, for a given number of broken bonds, the values of the activation barriers vary over a rather
large interval: for instance, when a single bond is broken the activation barrier lies between 323 and 560meV. Indeed,
similarly to the case of straight steps, the potential energy surface of an adatom is strongly affected by the vicinity
of the adisland. As a consequence the diffusion path cannot be guessed from symmetry arguments and, at the saddle
point, many different interatomic distances with the neighbors are involved so that it is difficult to derive an effective
a) Step A
b) Step B
1 2 3 3 4
2 5
4 1 6
E(meV) E(meV)
500 477meV
400 373meV
400 340meV
313meV 3 4
300 300 274meV
235meV 230meV
3 4
200 200
1 2 5 6 100 1 2 5
100 exchange 6
0 0 -24meV
FIG. 11: Upper part: possible diffusion mechanisms (jump and exchange) for passing around the corner of a triangular adisland
bordered a) by A-steps or b) B-steps in FCC geometry on Cu(111). The atoms are represented as in Fig.2. Lower part: the
corresponding potential energy profiles: jump (full line) and exchange (dashed line) mechanisms.
III 2 2 V’ 3
1 1
Step B
2 3
IV’1 V’
V 1
2 VI
1 IV’
II 4 1 1 VI’
1 2
Step A
2 1 1 1
1 V
IV 4
II 2
FIG. 12: Diffusion processes of an adatom around an adisland bordered with A and B steps at FCC sites on Cu(111). The
atoms are represented as in Fig.2.
pair interaction model as done in our previous work[21]. Let us also stress that the terrace site that can be reached
from an adisland site may be unstable or quasi unstable, see for example the diffusion processes IV0←2 and V’0←2 for
both steps.
profile would be very different if the diffusing atom and its nearest neighbor were isolated on the terrace. The dimer
motion was studied in detail in our previous work [21] and the energy barrier corresponding to a motion of type
II0→4 from an FCC-FCC to an FCC-HCP configuration (also called ff-fh in Refs.21, 29) was found equal to 16meV
(the initial and final sites being almost energetically degenerate), whereas in the presence of an adisland this motion
becomes highly asymmetrical, and the true dimer (FCC-FCC) is stabilized by the vicinity of the adisland. This
phenomenon is similar with the experimental finding of Repp et al.[29] who observed the stabilization of a dimer by
the proximity of a monomer. In the case of IIB
0→4 the influence of the step atoms is so strong that the final site
becomes unstable.
In conclusion, we have carried out a systematic study of the diffusion processes that can occur for a Cu adatom in
the presence of a close-packed adisland on Cu(111). In view of the small value of the stacking fault energy in Cu, two
geometries have been considered in which the atoms of the adisland occupy FCC or HCP sites. The diffusion rates
along step A and step B without defects have been first investigated using TST-HA and MD simulations in the classical
limit. They obey Arrhenius laws with activation barriers significantly larger along step B than along step A. Whereas
the (static) potential energy barriers account for the slope of the MD Arrhenius plots within statistical errors, the
attempt frequencies are markedly different due to the anharmonic and recrossing effects included in MD simulations.
Indeed, in contrast with the Vineyard attempt frequencies which have similar values for all geometries, the prefactors
derived from MD simulations obey the Meyer-Neldel compensation rule, i.e., the increase of the activation barrier
for B steps compared with A steps is somewhat compensated by an increase of the prefactor. Furthermore, the law
proposed by Boisvert et al. [35] to relate the activation barrier to the prefactor accounts quite well for our results.
Consequently we have then limited ourselves to the determination of static potential barriers for a large number of
diffusion events that can occur in the presence of an adisland. A number of additional differences have been put
forward between the diffusion along A and B borders which may have an influence on the adisland growth shapes. In
agreement with previous EAM calculations [42] we find that the exchange mechanism for descending a step is largely
favored, especially on step B for which the Schwoebel extra barrier is only ≃50-60meV. Moreover it is shown that
the corner crossing diffusion process by jump or exchange for triangular adislands with A borders have a similar and
high (≃480meV) activation barriers while for triangular adislands with B borders the exchange mechanism is largely
favored and has a rather low barrier (230meV). From this set of results the diffusion rates of the most important
atomic displacements can be predicted and used as input in KMC simulations which are currently in progress.
Diffusion event ∆Z FCC HCP FCC HCP
II 0→1 0 38 33 189 180
0←1 38 33 189 180
0→2 1 400 396 411 405
0←2 30 28 32 29
0→3 60 54 3 3
0←3 2 668 660 600 602
0→4 39 33 - -
0←4 6 10 - -
TABLE VII: Calculated diffusion barriers for a Cu adatom jumping from an initial site 0 to a final site (1, 2, 3, or 4) and
vice-versa. ∆Z is the number of nearest neighbor bonds broken in the diffusion process. The various diffusion events are shown
in Fig.12.
Let us consider the (3N+3-dimensional) configuration space of a system with N+1 identical atoms of mass m and
assume that the potential energy of this system has two minima at points A and B separated by a saddle point P. We
suppose that the dividing surface ΣP (containing P) between the regions A and B as well as the diffusion path (i.e.,
the steepest descent line going from A to B through P) have been determined (see Fig.13). The coordinate system is
chosen so that one coordinate, s, runs along the diffusion path. The equation of ΣP is then s = sP . In the transition
state theory (TST) the diffusion rate from A to B is given by [44]:
When integrating over ps = mvs in the canonical average of the numerator of Eq.A1, ΓA→B
T ST (T ) can be rewritten:
T ST (T ) = (A3)
h ZA
where ZΣP is a constrained partition function, i.e., in which the representative points of the system in the 3N+3-
dimensional configuration space are compelled to stay on ΣP and ZA is the partition function when the representative
points are located in the region around A. Thus the dimensionality of the configuration space is 3N+2 for ZΣP and
3N+3 for ZA .
If the static barrier ∆E is much larger than kB T , the HA can be used and ΓA→B
T ST (T ) becomes:
kB T
T ST (T ) = exp(−(∆E + ∆Fvib )/kB T ) (A4)
where ∆Fvib = ∆Uvib − T ∆Svib is the contribution of vibrations to the free energy, with:
hν hν
∆Uvib = coth ∆n(ν)dν
0 2 2kBT
Z νmax
hν hν hν
∆Svib = kB coth − ln 2 sinh( ) ∆n(ν)dν (A5)
0 2kB T 2kB T 2kB T
Z νmax
∆n(ν)dν = −1. (A6)
Indeed, in the HA the constraint on ZΣP can be expressed as qP = 0 where qP is the normal coordinate corre-
sponding to the unstable mode at point P. As a consequence this mode must be excluded from the summation over
ν. Consequently, in this approximation and in the classical limit:
where ν0 is the Vineyard attempt frequency (Eq.11). These quantities have been calculated explicitly for self-diffusion
on the (100) surface of Cu and Ag [31, 32]. Finally note that the correction factor κ(T ) is generally omitted in the
In this approach, the integration over all momenta in both canonical averages of Eq.A1 is carried out in the classical
limit. This leads to
exp(−E(...rij ...)/kB T )dΣP
kB T 1/2 ΣP
T ST (T ) =( ) Z . (A9)
exp(−E(...rij ...)/kB T )dVA
FIG. 13: Schematic potential energy surfaces in the vicinity of two potential wells A and B separated by a saddle point P. The
surfaces Σs are given by s=cst where s is the coordinate along the diffusion path.
The integration domain extends over the hyper-surface ΣP in the numerator and the hyper-volume VA limited by ΣP
and containing A in the denominator. Let Σs be the surface s = cst, i.e., it is normal at s to the steepest descent line
containing A and P and set:
C exp(−W (s)/kB T ) = exp(−E(...rij ...)/kB T )dΣs (A10)
where C is a constant. If we multiply the numerator and denominator of Eq.A9 by exp(−W (sA )/kB T ), this equation
can be rewritten as:
kB T 1/2 h sP i−1
T ST (T ) = ( ) exp(−(W (s) − W (sA ))/kB T )ds exp(−(W (sP ) − W (sA ))/kB T ) (A11)
2πm −∞
= ν(T ) exp(−∆W/kB T ) (A12)
exp(−E(...rij ...)/kB T )dΣs
W (s) = −kB T ln Z Σs (A13)
exp(−E(...rij ...)/kB T )dΣA
The function W (s) is known as the “potential of mean force” [56] in the literature. Indeed it is straightforward to
show that
dW ∂E
=< >. (A14)
ds ∂s
Finally ∆W = W (sP ) − W (sA ) is an activation free energy which satisfies:
exp(−∆W/kB T ) = (A15)
in which both ZΣP and ZΣA are now constrained partition functions having thus the same dimensionality (3N+2) of
the configuration space. Note that this point of view is closely related to the formulation of Wert and Zener [47, 57].
We must emphasize that if we set ∆W = ∆E + ∆U T I − T ∆S T I , the quantities ∆U T I and ∆S T I are different from
∆Uvib and ∆Svib (Eq.A8) even in the HA. Indeed the number of modes, being the same in the two partition functions,
∆UHA vanishes and ∆SHA is independent of temperature.
This method has been used by Boisvert et al.[33] for the diffusion of Cu on Cu(100) without resorting to the HA.
They used MD simulations to calculate ∆W, ν(T ) and κ(T ) and showed that their result for Γ(T ) (Eq.A2) can be
fitted nicely by an Arrhenius law. Indeed they found that: i) if ∆W is written as ∆E T I − T ∆S T I , then ∆E T I and
∆S T I are both effectively temperature independent, ii) κ(T ) and ν(T ) are only slightly dependent on temperature.
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