Contoh Soalan Seksyen C Bomba KB41 & KB29

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Contoh soalan Peperiksaan Online Penguasa Bomba

Gred KB41 & Penolong Penguasa Bomba KB29
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1. Before the school opens, the students should get ready with all the ____.

A) stationary
B) stationery
C) stationnary
D) stationnery

2. Which of these sentences has wrong prepositions?

A) Kamal got on a bus to Kangar and managed to arrive on time.

B) Suresh sleeps under a comfy blanket in his bed every night.
C) There is hot coffee in the kettle on the stove.
D) The stray dog ran among the busy road and jumped into a

3. Find the best answers for question. “Can I ask you a few personal questions?”

A) Yes I can
B) I will have to think first.
C) Certainly
D) Are you sure?

4. Which of these sentences has the correct usage of the words underlined?

A) The amount of people who borrow some number of money from

the bank has increased.
B) The new principles has draft new rules and principal for the
C) I can complement your staff and their service, but you still have to
hire new staff to have a full compliment of staff.
D) The man has adopted a big dog together with its puppy. The
puppy is wearing collar and it’s blue.
5. The loan shark asked him repeatedly and continue to ____ him.

A) harass
B) harras
C) harrass
D) harres

6. Choose the wrong pair of common nouns and proper nouns,

A) man - Walt Disney / Abraham

B) book - Apple / Macintosh
C) tea - Earl Grey / Darjeeling
D) school - Sunny Elementary / Clifford High school

7. The Simpsons are going for holidays in the _____.

A) carribean
B) caribean
C) caribbean
D) carrebian

8. Last night Farah _____ on the floor and fell asleep in front of the TV.

A) laid
B) lays
C) lie
D) laying

9. Choose the sentence with correct order of multiple adjectives.

A) There is a red old lovely post-box in front of the house.

B) She bought some Victorian silver charming ornaments at the flea market.
C) The playroom has eight small triangular plastic tables.
D) The man is selling his bluish antique Italian car.
10. The correct numeral for 48029 is:

A) forty hundred eight thousand zero and twenty nine.

B) four thousand eighty hundred and twenty nine.
C) forty thousand hundred eighty and twenty nine.
D) forty eight thousand and twenty nine.

11. The correct idiom in the sentence would be:

A) the factory workers had work around the clock; they are as
tired as a dog.
B) sarah is the kindest lady i have ever met, she is as fresh as a
C) most of the artefacts in the museum are antics, they are as deaf
as the post.
D) they upgraded the old kitchen cabinet, it is as fit as a fiddle.

12. Which of the following famous quotations describe “weapon” as real weapon?

A) Silence is the ultimate weapon of power.

B) Hungry man, reach for the book: it is a weapon.
C) Any weapon is a good weapon as long as you can use it with
honour and skill.
D) A sneer is the weapon of the weak.

13. Some sentences may convey several different meanings. Which of the meanings does
not present the sentence?

I saw her duck

A) I looked at a duck that belonged to her.

B) I have a saw and a duck.
C) I use a saw to cut her duck.
D) I looked at her quickly squat down to avoid something.
14. Choose sentence with the correct past tense.

A) Kamal have watched ‘Conjuring’ and found that it is not so bad.

B) The lady cried when she hear the sad news about her husband.
C) The tall building which burnt last week has fell to the ground.
D) All the candidates was eager to see the result of their final exam.

Soalan No. 15 hingga 19 berpandukan teks di bawah.

Read the passage below and choose the best answer from options A, B, C dan D

The Crucial Thinking Skill Nobody Ever Taught You - The ancient Stoic philosophers like
Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus regularly conducted an exercise known as a
premeditation Malorum, which translates to a 'premeditation of evils". The goal of this
exercise was to envision the negative things that could happen in life. The Stoics believed
that by imagining the worst-case scenario ahead of time, they could overcome their fears of
negative experiences and make better plans to prevent them. While most people were
focused on how they could achieve success, the Stoics also considered a possible failure
and how they would manage failure. Imagine the most important goal or project you are
working on right now. Now fast forward six months and assume the project or goal has
failed. Tell the story of how it happened. What went wrong? What mistakes did you make?
How did it fail? In other words, think of your main goal and ask yourself, "What could cause
this to go horribly wrong?" This strategy is sometimes called the "kill the company exercise
in organizations because the goal is to spell out the exact ways the company could fail. The
idea is to identify challenges and points of failure so you can develop a plan to prevent them
ahead of time. Marie Kondo, author of the blockbuster best-seller The Life-Changing Magic
of Tidying Up, uses inversion to help people declutter their homes. Her famous line is, 'I
should be choosing what we want to keep, not what we want to get rid of'. In other words,
the default should be to give anything away that does not -spark joy" in your life. This shift in
mindset inverts decluttering by focusing on what you want to keep rather than what you want
to discard. Inversion is an essential skill for leading a logical and rational life. It allows you to
step outside your normal patterns of thought and see situations from a different angle.
Whatever problem you are facing, always consider the opposite side of things.
Adaptation from Mental Models - by James Clear

15. The Crucial Thinking skill of the ancient Stoic philosophers’ state that,

A) it is wise to envision the negative things that could happen

and preventing them.
B) it is wise to predict the failure instead of success.
C) great inventors like to reveal compelling opportunities in their
ideas, they think of all possibilities.
D) to success we must identify challenges and plan ahead.
16. The different thinking of the Stoics compared to other people is;

A) put their brain in the reverse mode.

B) think for all the possibilities.
C) think about futures and past events.
D) foretell the failures in any aspects and be prepared.

17. “Kill the company” exercise can help the management to,

A) sum up the potential mistakes in achieving a goal in life.

B) reveal any possible obstacles for six months in future.
C) identify any weak points in achieving goal and avoiding them.
D) think of the bad, planning ahead and be prepared in facing failures.

18. Marie Kondo uses the idea of inversion to,

A) ease the burden of choosing things and belongings.

B) eliminates the unimportant things in the process.
C) helps the hoarders in making decision in decluttering
D) give a bigger picture of the important to declutter.

19. “Whatever problem you are facing, always consider the opposite side of things.” Choose
a proverb which symbolizes the above statement.

A) Every cloud has a silver lining.

B) An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
C) The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
D) Failing to plan is planning to fail.

20. What is the subject of this sentence? Richard Clayderman’s dramatic solo piano on
“Ballad for Adeline” remains one of my favourite instrumental.

A) Richard Clayderman
B) Solo piano
C) Richard Clayderman’s dramatic solo piano
D) Richard Clayderman’s dramatic solo piano on “Ballad for Adeline”

21. Choose the wrong prefixes for the root word;

A) happy / unhappy
B) read / misread
C) polite / inpolite
D) legal / illegal

22. Choose sentence with correct conjuction.

A) The big house near the junction is spacious but expensive.

B) Sham tried very hard for the final exam so he does not get good
C) The nurse works diligently just she can get a compliment from her
D) Either the jeans nor the pants looks right on me.

23. These sentences have correct usage of collective nouns, except:

A) it is really fun to watch a parade of elephants presents some tricks.

B) the chef was shocked to see a colony of rats in their pantry.
C) the zoo has a new attraction when a band of gorillas will be brought from africa
D) a fisherman was nearly killed when a zeal of sharks attacked his boat.

24. In order to improve our reading, we must pay attention on the ____ of each words.

A) pronounciation
B) pronunciation
C) pronuanciation
D) pranunciation
25. When John says that, “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it”, he means that...

A) he prefers to stay home than walk around the neighbourhood

B) he wants to walk slowly until he reaches the bridge
C) he does not want to talk about that problem right now.
D) he wants to settle his problem right away.

Soalan No. 26 hingga 30 berpandukan teks di bawah.

Read the passage below and choose the best answer from options A, B, C, and D

A debit card also known as a bank card is a plastic payment card that can be used instead of
cash when making purchases. It is similar to a credit card, but unlike a credit card, the
money is immediately transferred directly from the cardholder's bank account when
performing a transaction. Some cards might carry a stored value with which a payment is
made, while most relay a message to the cardholder's bank to withdraw funds from a payer's
designated bank account. In many countries, the use of debit cards has become so
widespread that their volume has overtaken or entirely replaced cheques and, in some
instances, cash transactions. Debit cards usually also allow instant withdrawal of cash,
acting as an ATM card for this purpose. Merchants may also offer cashback facilities to
customers so that a customer can withdraw cash along with their purchase. Online debit
cards require electronic authorization devices for every transaction and the debits are
reflected in the user's account immediately. The transaction may be additionally secured
with the personal identification number (PIN) authentication system; some online cards
require such authentication for every transaction. The advantages of prepaid debit cards;
include being safer than carrying cash, worldwide functionality, not having to worry about
paying a credit card bill or going into debt, the opportunity for anyone over the age of 18 to
apply, and be accepted regardless of the credit capability. However, there are some risks in
using the debit card. If the card provider offers an insecure website for letting you check the
card's balance, this could give an attacker access to the card information. If you lose the
card and have not somehow registered it, you likely lose the money. And there is a risk that
the prolific use of prepaid debit cards could lead data provider companies to miscategorize
you in unfortunate ways.

26. A debit card is used to....

A) encourage people to do unlimited shopping at certain retails.

B) replace money and cheques when purchasing things.
C) limit the business transactions at the counter.
D) allow the seller to deduct money from the bank.
27. The debit card only be used under such situation except:

A) there is sufficient amount of money to do the purchase.

B) purchasing is made at the authorized premises.
C) the retailer or premises have the device to do the transactions.
D) the card is used by other person with acknowledgement of the owner.

28. In your opinion, the personal identification number is vital because;

A) it makes the transaction easier and authorized.

B) it is an identification number to recognize the purchaser as
the account holder.
C) it satisfies the seller to proceed with the transaction.
D) it is part of the account number that is needed for the bank.

29. Below are the advantages of debit card except;

A) can be used anywhere.

B) safer than carrying cash.
C) do not require any annual fees.
D) will be free from debt.

30. The phrase, “regardless the credit capability” in the passage means that,

A) must have at least a thousand in balance.

B) always saves at least a little sum of money every month.
C) does not matter the balance in the account.
D) must refer to the authority at the respective bank.

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