Otology: Special Paper in Celebration of Prof. Yang'S 50 Years Career in Medicine
Otology: Special Paper in Celebration of Prof. Yang'S 50 Years Career in Medicine
Otology: Special Paper in Celebration of Prof. Yang'S 50 Years Career in Medicine
unless there is evidence of auditory nerve damage, the children. It may be diagnosed at newborn times and
term "auditory neuropathy" may not be appropriate. should be suspected in children failing hearing screening
They propose the use of a broader definition of "nerve or deemed at high risk.
conduction disease" [10]. Others have proposed using the Etiologies leading to AN clinical presentations may in-
double meaning term "auditory neuropathy/auditory clude neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, degenerative neural
dys-synchronization (or AN/AD)" [4, 11]. At the Internal diseases, metabolic neural diseases, hereditary motor
Conference on Diagnosis and Intervention of Auditory neuron diseases, demyelination diseases, inflammatory
Neuropathy in Italy in 2008, a guide line for differential neural diseases, ischemic/hypoxic neuropathy, cerebral
diagnosis and intervention of AN in children was pro- edema, cerebral palsy, abnormal release of neurotrans-
posed, which named this class of diseases as"auditory mitters, infectious diseases (e.g. parotiditis), autoim-
neuropathy spectrum disorder"(or ANSD) [12, 13]. The two mune diseases and development retardation. From the
mainstream terms at this time are AN and ANSD. In latest literature, neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and hypox-
consideration of its broad use in the clinic, AN is used in ia are the most important risk factors [18]. Gene mutation
this report to refer to the condition in this group of pa- is another major cause for some AN phenotypes, espe-
tients. cially in AN children with non-syndromic pre-lingual
Epidemiology and etiology of AN
AN clinical audiology characteristics and
Summarized in Table 1 are epidemiology reports regard- diagnosis
ing AN in the literature. It shows that the rate of AN is
about 7% to 13.4% (average 10%) among children with Currently, reported clinical characteristics vary greatly
confirmed diagnosis of severe or profound hearing loss [5, among AN patients. Clinically, compromise of auditory
, with a matched gender ratio [19, 20]. When the average nerve activities are represented by abnormal or absent
hearing screened newborn population is used, the rate ABRs, absence or elevated thresholds in acoustic reflex
falls blow 1% [17, 20]. Among all age populations or with absent or weak contralateral inhibition, etc. Cochle-
deaf-mute school students, average rate of AN is below ar function indicators such as otoacoustic emissions
3% [21-24]. These data show that AN rate decreases as (OAEs) and cochlear microphonic (CM) are usually nor-
patient age increases. From this, it is speculated that AN mal. There are also unique psychophysical presentations.
may be a condition related to hereditary and/or peri-natal Clinical complaints or functional hearing loss in AN
factors and may be present in about 10% of high risk patients are reflected mainly through psychophysical
1999 Rance et al [20] Children with severe or profound hearing loss 1/9 11.100
2002 Siniger et al [26] Patients in NIDCD sponsored newborn hearing screening Review 10.00
2005 Cheng et al Students in US deaf and mute schools 76/777 9.78
2006 Foerst et al [23] Children with severe SNHL 32/379 8.44
2008 Vlastarakos et al [24] Children with confirmed hearing loss Meta-analysis 8.00
2009 Sanyelbhaa Children with severe or profound hearing loss 15/112 13.40
2010 Berlin et al Children with hearing loss Review >10.00
2009 Dowley et al Children with severe SNHL 12/30 40.00
2006 Foerst et al [23] Average newborns 32/3415 0.94
2012 Vol.7 No.2
testing. Because psychophysical testing requires cooper- rooms for debate over if AN can be diagnosed based on
ation by the patient, its results are available only from CM linearity data.
older children and adults. Among AN patients reported Simultaneous presence of the two indicators discussed
in the literature, pure tone hearing loss ranges from mild above is a necessary requirement (inclusion criteria) for
to profound, although mild and moderate in most cases. differentiation from other sensorineural hearing loss and
Audiogram patterns are also variable, although dominat- diagnosis of AN. Almost all AN subjects in the reported
ed by ascending patterns [25]. Speech discrimination dis- literature have been identified using these two condi-
orders are the most difficult for AN patients, typically tions [5]. Combined testing of ABRs, CM and OAEs pro-
showing unproportionally poor discrimination contrasted vides information regarding diseases locations along the
to pure tone thresholds, especially in noise [4, 26]. Middle auditory pathways including OHCs, auditory nerve and
ear muscle reflex and olivocochlear reflex are important brainstem, although there still lacks means to identify
to hearing in noise. These are compromised in AN pa- diseases at IHCs and pre- or post-synaptic locations.
tients, i.e. loss of efferent inhibition. This may explain
the poor speech discrimination in noise. Zeng et al Electrophysiological characteristics of AN
found that AN patients had decreased sensitivity to tem-
poral envelop fluctuation and speculated that speech dis- The CM, summiting potential (SP), compound action
crimination difficulties in AN patients might be related potential (CAP) and central auditory evoked potentials
to compromised temporal processing [3]. Compromised (CAEPs) in AN patients all have distinct features that
timing cue perception may affect low frequency discrimi- can be used to differentiate sub-types of AN and facili-
nation, temporal separation perception, timing integra- tate clinical diagnosis and intervention.
tion, temporal modulation perception, forward and back- Starr [29] and Santarelli [30] found that click induced CM
ward masking, signal recognition in noise, binaural beat, in AN children is abnormally large in amplitude. SHI
interaural temporal difference based sound localization, Wei et al [28] concluded that non-linearity in CM I/O
etc. On the other hand, intensity cue perception, such as curve indicates intact OHCs but is insufficient to deter-
intensity discrimination and interaural intensity differ- mine the status of IHCs.
ence based sound localization, is no different in AN pa- Round window electrocochleography (RW ECoG) us-
tients from normal individuals [27]. es transtympanic electrode to record cochlear responses
Among existing diagnostic criteria for AN, the only and provides increased details in information regarding
widely accepted mandatory one is "absent or abnormal the cochlea and VIIIth cranial nerve. Studying the SP
ABRs", which represents disruption to synchronicity in and AP in RW ECoG in conjunction with observation of
activities along the auditory pathway. All patients includ- abnormal positive potential (APP) [30] or dentritic poten-
ed in AN studies so far show this presentation. Abnor- tial (DP) [31] may help locating the AN disease site.
mal ABRs in AN usually refer to inappropriate ABR O'Leary et al were the first to report SP with delayed
morphology or thresholds not anticipated based upon latencies and increased amplitudes (i.e. APP) on RW
pure tone thresholds. This is probably the most distinct ECoG in some children with profound hearing loss [32].
clinical feature in AN. Another necessary presentation is Santarelli [30] and McMahon et al [31] later also recorded
"intact OHC function", as represented by existence of APP in some AN children. Santarelli divided RW ECoG
OAEs or CM or both. It is widely accepted that OAEs findings in AN patients into three groups: 1) presence of
originate from OHCs, but whether CM is solely from both SP and CAP, indicating postsynaptic lesions at prox-
OHCs or may contain contributions from IHCs is still imal auditory nerve endings; 2) presence of SP with
being debated. Because of this, when OAEs are not pres- absence of CAP, indicating pre-synaptic lesions at IHCs;
ent, CM may not be the definite indication of "intact and 3) increased SP amplitude with delayed latencies (or
OHC function". Some believe that the linearity of CM APP) and no CAP, representing pre-synaptic lesions, per-
input/output (I/O) curve reflects the presence of OHCs haps from compromised neurotransmitter release pro-
[28] and that perfect linearity represents loss of OHC cess [30]. McMahon et al [31] believed that APP represent-
compression functions and only contributions from ed pre-synaptic damage, but the mechanisms may be
IHCs. On the other hand, non-linearity in CM I/O similar to that causing increased SP amplitude in pa-
curves indicates intact OHC function, although this does tients with endolymphatic hydrops (i.e. bias shift of IHC
not necessarily provide information on IHCs. Used togeth- cilia toward an "off" position). In their study, SP latency
er with ABR results, OAEs can be an important indicator was normal, followed by a long negative potential, in
of AN. However, linearity measurement has not been some AN patients, which was considered as a DP indicat-
quantified and its relations with OHC function have not ing post-synaptic damage. In general, presence of APP
been confirmed by laboratory or clinical data, leaving appears to indicate pre-synaptic damage or damage to
2012 Vol.7 No.2
Particular pathological changes that can potentially dis- grossly abnormal while OAEs are present. Auditory
rupt or lower neural conduction synchronicity include pathway dysfunction related to this gene involves only
mechanical changes in hair cells, metabolic changes loss of the spiral ganglion, with no peripheral or cranial
within hair cells, compromised release and re-uptake of nerve neuropathy.
neurotransmitters, decrease in receptor sensitivity and These animal models have served to guide clinical
impaired discharge initiation at nerve endings, as well as treatment for AN, i.e. cochlear implant can be expected
pathologies involving neurotransmitters, axons and my- to produce good results in patients with presentations
elin sheath. corresponding to animal models of IHC and synaptic le-
At this time, the best evidence to support existence of sions, whereas it usually fails in those with presentations
AN is presence of accompanying peripheral or cranial corresponding to models of auditory nerve or central au-
nerve neuropathy. If such neuropathy is absent and there ditory pathway damages.
is clear auditory responses to electrical stimulation,
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