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Addis Ababa University

College of Social Sciences

Department Sociology

Ageing and society group assignment

Title ; An assessment on socioeconomic factor that hinder access to

health care service utilization of elder gulile sub city particularly in
sidest kilo campus around markos church

Name ID No

Addisie Tagele SSR/4573/10

Alemwork Molla SSR/7354/10

Wubayhu Alene SSR/7272/09

Submitted to Mr;Dawit December 31,2019


This study had been conducted in gulile sub city particularly in sidest kilo campus around in
markos church. The study would aim to assess socioeconomic factors that hinder access to health
care service utilization of elders. The general objective of this study would to assess the
socioeconomic factors that hinder access to health care service utilization of study area. Under
this study the specific objective would be to investigate economic condition of elderly people. To
evaluate the adequacy of existing the health care service provided for elderly people provided by
government; to assess how lack of information health care service affect health utilization of
elderly people, to investigate elderly people challenges on health care service provided by
government and challenges faced by government in line with providing the health care service of
the elders of study area. The researcher had been both quantitative and qualitative through
questioner distribution. The major socioeconomic factor affect elders of study area was shortage
of income, transportation cost are the core factor hinder studied area of elderly. Finally, health
care service was the major argument follows how individual humans provided health care
service to mitigate from disease and used health care service during illness.



In a world where an ageing society in which the proportion of people who are greater than 65
years steadily increasing. The increase number of elderly people worldwide has implication for
provision of services for the aged in all sector; political, economical, educational, Housing,
social welfare and health among others. Health is major concern of elderly people to care for
themselves and others role in society (WHO, 2011:2). socio-economic status broadly
conceptualized us onsposion in the social structure. Sociologist Webber encompasses the notion
of class, status and power (Schafer R.T. 2006:73). in recent works that measure of socio-
economic status should reflect material, human and social capital ( Course & Posse, 2003:345).

As people age they face combination of physical, emotional and material problem; there can be
difficult to negotiate (Giddens, 2001:96). One of the main concerns of elder people to retaining
in dependence, freedom of movement and participation in social world. Elderly is senescence in
the last stage of normal life span in human being (Hebding, 1996: 342).

For statistically and public administration purpose. age eligibility for retirement chronological
age which is 60 or65 western and 55 for developing countries and 60 years in a significant
number of elder’s people was those supported by family and community, due to death of relative
or separation caused by famine, disease and displacement. people live an impact of health.
However, health organizations are aimed to achieve complete physical, mental and social well-
being. but not merely absence of disease and infirmity (R,schefer,2006:11)

In Addis Ababa city, the number elder is increasing rapidly. the health state of Addis Ababa city
in generally poor as it’s the true further countries as a whole compared to other low income
countries even within the sub Saharan Africa widespread poverty along with low income level of
the population, low educational level, inadequate access to clean water and sanitation facilities,
high population growth and access to health service are some of the major factors that
contribution to high burden health in the city (AAHB) the gulile is one of sub city Addis Ababa
in these case sidest kilo is the branch of gulile . Elderly person through their lifelong

accumulates in gulile sub city had been from low level of education, traditional, values, customs
and inferences of the society . Hence, it is common to see their orders that have the knowledge
and skill to help not only them but also other facing serious problem and resort of begging


Hence , health is universal human aspiration and basic human need as well as the development of
society rich or poor can be judge by the quality of its population health how fairly is distribution
as recess the social Spectrum and the degree of protection provide from this advantage due to
illness of protection provide from this advantage due to illness health quality is central to this
promise .The sociological Medicare is a government founded health insurance program large
service to elderly people above 65 years age and older those diagnosed with disability such as
also renal failure (WHO.2002:9).

Elderly people are also likely to experience transport problem or Suffer from lack of mobility
factors and hinder that can impact on their access to health care (Robertson and Aug, 2013:16) .

In recent years, the disparity in the health care assess promote schools to identify in varies factor
that hinder to service utilization by elder population (OMH, 1998:17) .

Human health is determined not only by the microbes and toxics that directly cause illness organ
systems failures. But also by other biological and social factors health the equality rises from
unequal distribution of underlying determinants, including income and assets, knowledge and
literally they influence intermediate risk factors. Accessibility of service distance, costs actual
and perceived are determines health (RCSD, 2009:19).

The reality of health care utilization for elderly people varies from one sowed of another, due to
various socio economic factors. In more developed region health care is provided by institution
network that are more or less sustained elderly individual. In developing countries, the picture is
rather different as the modern health care system is not being the point of contact for an elderly
person. In sufficient knowledge about their health need and their lacks of autonomy are

constraints that hinder health care decision of elderly. The elderly people are serviced by both
public and private health care providers (WHO,2016,79)

In Ethiopia the main health problem were communicable disease caused by poor sanitation and
malnutrition and exacerbated man power and health facilities .In the country due to shortage of
data, it is difficult to provided detailed analysis about the socioeconomic factors that hinder
health service utilization condition of elderly people (CSA,2007:9) In Addis Ababa city,
existing linking between impacts of climate change and human health related disease, show
strong relationship with elderly health service climate stress , human disease occurrence and
prevalence marked in environment (ORHO,2005:5).

Although some researcher have been conducted on the socio-cultural factor that hinder health
care service utilization of elderly people Addis Ababa city and others city of Ethiopia by
quantitative research approach on specific barrier of health (Alpha,2004:6-10;Chali &
Belaynesh,2011:5-11,Gada , 2014:6-10). The research had been triad to study the socioeconomic
factors that hinder elderly people health care utilization by mixed research approach in case of
gulile sub city ,particularly in sidest kilo .

1.3, Objectives of the study

1.3.1, General Objective

The general objective of study is to assess the socioeconomic factors that hinder access to health
care service utilization of elders in case of Addis Ababa city particularly in gulile sub city
around sidest kilo in markos church .

1.3.2, Specific Objective

To investigate the economic condition of elderly people

To evaluate the adequacy of existing health care service provided for elderly people by the

To assess how lack of access to information about health care service affect the health care
utilization of elderly people.

To investigate the challenges faced by the elderly in their efforts to access the health care service
provided by the government.

To assess the challenges faced by the government in line with providing the health service to the
elderly people.

1.4 Scope of study

The study would be geographically delimited to in gulile sub city. It would be focused only on
socioeconomic factor that hinder the health care service utilization of elderly people in gulile sub
city would be discussed briefly in the actual research.

1.5 Significant of the Study

The finding of this study would be important to identify different socioeconomic factor that
hinder access to health care service utilization of elderly in society. In addition, the result of this
study was targeted to service and intervention the problem of elderly people accesses health care
services. Finally, the study would be to provide broad society regarding to the elders and base
information for those who need to do further research.

1.6 Limitation of the study

While conducting this study, there would be constrained of volunteer respondents and lack of
organized data, information in the city, time and lack of money. The researcher tried to overcome
these constraints by negotiate the respondents, and use information for this research.


2.1. Major Socio economic impact on elders’ health

2.1.1. Income, poverty and health

Socioeconomic factors determine where people and communities live; the kind of environment
they in habit’s how they treated by other Goods and services they provide for them. Poverty both
us social concept and measurable characteristics related to many of the social economic factors
such as famine, war, disease displacement, the weakening of family and community support.
Poor community are usually don’t have their political power needed to get service

Weather at level of households, communities or the nation, poverty is the major determinant of
ill health Poverty generates or reinforces social exclusion due to gender; geographical location
and ethnicity rural population usually have access to water and sanitation facilities; fewer
education opportunities and higher risk of malnutrition than urban population (Navy, keith &

2.1.2, Socio economic factors of older people determinat health service OCIO-ECONOMIC

The average income for men and women decline after age 55 and the incidence of low income
increase (Lorystone,1988:7). Unattached people aged 65 years and over, particularly women
among poorest countries. Some disease shows a strong association with socioeconomic status, as
Ethiopia health survey revealed that the rate chronic hypertension was lowest in the highest
socioeconomic groups and highest among those in lowest socioeconomic class (susan,2005:15).

The health promotion survey also found a very strong relationship between education and self-
rated health, activity limitation and happiness. For example; people over 65 years of age; those
with elementary education or less reported health that was only fair or poor compared to those
complete secondary educations. it was suggested that health differences among people with

varying level of education may have more to do with subsequent employment history than with
educational level itself (Health welfare Ethiopia,2010:23).

Average earnings before retirement also seem to have a clear influence on health after
retirement. In the study using Ethiopian pension plan data, a strong relationship was reveal
between average earning before retirement and death rates after retirement. The elderly people
with lowest average earning were twice as likely to die between 65-70 years of age as elderly
people in the highest earning groups (Gentlemen, M.C.woltson,1991:12).

2.1.3 Difficult working condition

Working condition within individual clinics could be barriers to high quality care. It could hinder
Service provision. And the opposite can benefit elderly people by providing improved services
according to patients need and motivation elderly people to use service that can meet their health
needs. Poor working condition to the health workers like unfavorable environment. Low salaries
lead to poor provision of health service (MSH, 2008:14).

2.1.4 Social interaction and health

Because of patient’s provider communication is central to the health care delivery process; poor
communication resulting from language barriers has implication for the quality and outcome of
care. For example, poor patient provider communities may lead inappropriate medical testing in
attempt to establish diagnosis in the substance of an adequate medical history (Morale, Brow, et
al, 1991:7).

2.1.5. Health and Aging

The study of aging and elderly concerns itself not only with physical process of growing old, but
also with social and cultural factors connected to aging. Aging is not something thing taken for
granted as natural advances in medicine and nutrition have shown that much that was once
regarded inevitable about aging can slowed down (Hlddens,2001:71).

As world assembly on aging convened by the united nation in venna 1982,) whatever there hold
set, the people who falling to the category of the elderly are not a homogeneous group; the
process of biological aging is continuous from birth to death and varies considerably from

Individual to another. Age is one of the principal factors determining the natural and extent of an
individual health and social needs, but with the population the oldest and younger members have
lived through and been influenced by different economic, social and political events.

Currently observers speak of three categories of old people. Those who between 65 to 75 years
are younger old throe who between 75to 85 years are middle aged old and more than or above 85
years are old age.

2.1.6. Human right and health

Health and human rights are closely linked violation of the human rights of women, men and
children can have the most serious health consequences such violation could take the form of
torture and other form of violence, denial of food and shelter, lack of access to health care
facilities in times of distress, respect of human dignity and privacy of individuals could
facilitated more sensitive and human care (Manu Jm,1999:7).

2.2. Sociological perspective of old age

sociological perspective suggest that the meaning of old age depends on social structure and thus
varies across and space (Brinkmen,1988:115,Steward ,1981:54)views old age as a time when
energy is low , the circle of family and friends diminishes and income reduces. Setaric (1985)
sees aging as developmental process beginning with the ending up in old age and ancestral spirit,
however all the studies failed to identify the with exact old age period leaving it to depend on
social structure, time and social status transition.

2.2.1. Theoretical frame work of Aging

One of the major problems in social gerontology recent years’ study of aging is not clearly
directed by social theory

2.2.2. Theory of social Gerontology: - the rise of functionalism

the emergency of the social theory of aging and age was located to the theory of post war years
with the government concern about the storage of the younger people in the work in us an
USA&UK (Blaggers&Dowel,2001;111)

in the post war years’ social gerontology emerged as multi-disciplinary field of study which
attempted to respond the social heath mind, economic, policy implications and projection of
population change (Philiphison, 1998;1110).

2.2.3 Aging, Political Economy and Political Distribution

Political economy of elders age emerges as crucial theory in both side of the Atlantic. It was
drewed from Marxion insight in analyzing the capitalist complexity of modern society how and
elders was socially constructed to foster the economy. It is grow direct response to the
hegemonic dominance of structural functionalism in the form of disengagement theory. The bio
medical paradigm and huge forms of disengagement theory, social expenditure were located to
elderly people (Ibid, 1998;112-115).

2.2.4 Aging In post Modern World: Gerontology.

The postmodern perspective of age and aging identity under the pinned discourse of better life
style and increased leisure opportunities for elderly people due to healthier life style and use of
bio-technologies to facilitate the longevity of human experiences ( Powell and Bings, 2002;9).

The view of aging process as a mask of disguise concealing the essential youth full of self
beneath is one which appears to be popular argument. There are underlying issues for
understanding postmodern gerontology. Firstly, the mask alerts social gerontologist to the
possibility that a tension exists between the internal; appearance of the body faces and functional
capacities and the internal or subjective sense of experience of personal identity which is likely
to become prominent as Aging travels through the life course. Secondly, elderly people are
usually fixed to roles without resources which don’t do justice to the richness of their
individual’s experience and multi-factors of their personalities (Featherstone and Hepworth,

2.3 Social Class and Health

Social class is clearly associated with difference in mortality morbidity rates. class is linked to
health because; crowded living condition, substandard housing, poor diet and stress all
contributed to ill health of many low income(pamuk,1998.5)

In certain instances, poor education may lead to a lack of awareness of measures necessary to
maintain good health financial strains are certainty a major factor in the health problems of less
affluent people in lower class (Pamuk, 1998,5).


3.1 Description of the study area

The study conducted in gulile sub city particularly in sidest kilo campus around markos church.

3.2 Research Design

The researcher used cross-sectional survey design because it is cost effective and time saving.
Study design focusing on socioeconomic factors that hinder access to health service utilization
elder people in gulile sub city who live sidest kilo around markos church.

3.2.1 Sampling Technique and Sample Size

The researcher had been used both probability and non-probability techniques from the
probability sampling techniques are simple random had been used to get deep information from
those sufficient knowledge of the issue of study selected deliberately. From non-probability
sampling techniques, the researchers also use purposive non-probability techniques.

3.3 Survey Instrument

3.3.1 Questionnaires
The researcher had been used questionnaire intend to have both open ended and close ended to
collect quantitative data and helps to get rich information from elder people respondents explain
about the issue that hinder access to health service utilization of elder people.

3.4 Source of Data

3.4.1 Primary sources of data

The researcher had been collected primary data from elderly people use of questionnaire.

3.4.2 Secondary source of data

The researcher was used collected secondary source of data from both published and
unpublished documents report from health care centers, reference books and other journalism

3.5 Methods of data analysis and interpretation
Quantitative had been analyzed along with tabulation, percentage and frequencies, the
quantitative data had been analyzed by using qualitative analysis methods of summarize
interview results.

3.6 Ethical Consideration

The researcher would apply ethics of research as to conduct scientific and ethical research. Some
ethics researches are: -

. The respondents don’t be forced to participate in the research participation and response they
give must be voluntarily.

. The researcher never insures the respondents who have volunteered to cooperate with us.

. Removing of all names and addresses from questionnaire and replaced by identification number
or code.

. The researcher would be confident.

3.7. Operational Definition
Old person: - has living long nearly to the end of the usual period of the life.

Retirement: - Is the point where a person stops employment completely.

Elderly: - Being past middle age and approaching old age rather old.

Health: - state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely absence of
disease and infirmity.

Socioeconomic factors: - are relating to involving a combination of social and economic

factors. Accounts for much difference in social activities and economic level.

Senescence: - The state of being old or the process of becoming old.

Social problem: -elder people, who lacks social activities.

Economic problem: - decreasing economic level in the case of coming elderly.

Health Service Utilization: - defined as a function of three components, predisposing,

enabling and need, people are predisposing illness due to different factors such as demographic
characteristics, socioeconomic status and health believes. Enabling factors to provide the means
for individuals are service and health related need variable are the most important factors in
prediction the use of health service.


4. Data analysis and presentation.

4.1. Introduction
This chapter deals with the data analysis and interpretation of the research findings on the
socioeconomic factor that hinder access to health care service utilization of elders people in the
study area the finding of the study was analyzed based on data collected through questionnaires
distribution to elder people that the issue related to the socioeconomic factors that elderly people
no to access health care service. The response was analyzed in relation to the research factor that
hinders to access their health care service utilization.

4.2 Description of the respondent

The research was collected to the study areas, so in these areas there are 20 elderly people thus
above 60 years old among these 4 female and 6 male selected as respondents. Are for the study
socio-economic factors that hinder elders not to access health care services.

4.3. Socio- demographic characteristic of the respondents

4.3.1 Sex of respondents

Table 4.1. Respondent distribution based on sex

Sex Frequency Percentage (%)

Male 6 60
Female 4 40
Total 10 100

As indicated the table 4.1. above 6(60%) of the respondents were male and 4(40%) of
respondents are female. The study shows that most elderly society who live in that area were
male and female in the study was nearly few, the respondent is important to identify
socioeconomic factor that hinder to access their health care service utilization.

4.3.2 Age of respondent

Table 4.2. Respondent distribution based on age.

Age Frequency Percentage (%)

55-60 1 10
61-64 3 30
65-70 5 50
> 71 1 10
Total 10 100

As shown in the table 4.2 above1(10%) of respondents are aged 55-60 years old, 3(30%) of
respondents are categorized under 61-64 years old,5(50%) respondents categorized under 65-70
years old and 1(10%) respondents are under 71 and above 71years old. In the above table 4.2 the
major of respondent are between 65and 70years old. And followed by 61-64 years old.

4.3.3. Religion of respondent

Table 4.3. Respondent distribution based on religion

Religion Frequency Percentage(%)

Orthodox 10 100
Protestant - -
Muslim - -
Catholic - -
Others - --
Total 10 100

As indicated table 4.3 the respondents are orthodox religion follower who live in that area

4.3.4. Occupation of respondents

Table 4.4. Respondent distribution based on occupation

Occupation Frequency Percentage (%)

No occupation 7 70
beggary 1 10

Candle and taper seller 1 10

Other 1 10

Total 10 100

As indicate table 4.4 above the above largest number 7(70%) respondent no occupation and
1(10%) respondents are beggary, candle and taper seller and other worker like condiment and

4.3.5. Education level of respondents

Table 4.5. Respondent’s distribution based on level of education

Education level Frequency Percentage (%)

Unable to read and write only 2 20
Read and write only 1 10
1-4 grad 3 30
5-8 grad 4 40
9-12 grad - -
Diploma - -
Degree - -
Total 10 100

As show in table above 4.5 above 2(20%) of respondents are unable to read and write , 1(10%)
followed respondents can read and write only , 3(30%) respondents are 1-4 grad e, 4(40%)
respondent are 5-8 grade , so in this table show the elder in that area are not live who learn
grade 9 and above grade 9 .In general in that area majority of the elder are grade 5-8 which
accounts 40%and followed grade 1-4 which accounts 30%and the third are unable to read and
write which are 20% accounts, the last is able to read write which are 10%.

4.3.6. Marital status of respondents

Table 4.6. Respondent distribution based on marital status.

Frequency Percentage (%)

Marital status
Married 8 80

Unmarried - -
Divorce 2 20
Single - -
Total 10 100

As indicated in the table 4.6. Above the majority (80%) of respondents are married, followed
2(20%) of elderly respondents are divorced. So the majority of the elder are married and Others
are divorced.

4.3.7. Family size of respondents

Table 4.7. Respondents' distribution based on family size

Family size Frequency Percentage

No family 1 10
1-2 4 40
3-4 3 30
5-6 2 20
>7 - -
Total 10 100

As indicated in the table 4.7. above the majority 4(40%) of respondents are 1 and 2 family size,
followed 3(30%) respondents are 3-4 family size, 2(20%) respondents are 5-6 and 1(10%)
respondents are no family.

4.4. Economic condition of elders

4.4.1 per monthly income of respondents

Table 4.8. Respondent’s distribution based on income per month

How much amount of money you earn per Response Frequency Percentage (%)
month? No income 8 80
Only for 2 20
Total 10 100

As indicated in the tables 4.8 above 8(80%) respondents are not income source per month even
throughout a year and 2(20%) respondents earn only for consumption, lack tea and bread.

Table 4.9. Respondents distribution current access health care service.

Are you current accessing healthcare Response Frequency Percentage (%)

Yes 8 80
No 2 20
Total 10 100

As indicated in the table 4.9 above the majority 8(80%) of elder respondent accessing health care
services. The rest 2(20%) elder’s respondents do not access health care service.

4.4.3 Access to health care service

Table 4.10 respondent access to health service Sector

Health sector Frequency Percentage (%)

Government 1 10
Private 9 90
Total 10 100

As the table 4.10 above show that the majority 9(90%) of respondent’s access health care service
in the voluntary private sector and 1(10%) respondents access in the government health care

4.4.4 Problems respondents face while access health.

Table 4.11. Problems respondents face while training to accessing health

Do you face problem while Response Frequency Percentage

trying to access health care

Yes 9 90
No 1 10
Total 10 100

As show in the table 4.11 above all respondents responded that they faced problems while access
health care service so the elderly people faced by many factors while to access their health

4.4.5 Factor that hinder respondent access health care service

Table 4.12 factor that hinder access health care service

Factors Frequency Parentage (%)

Lack of information 1 10
Lack of quality service 2 20
Lack of access transport -
Economic problem 7 70
Other - -
Total 10 100

As shown in the table 4.12 above the factor that hinder respondents not access health care service
4(10) % respondents are faced lack of information, 2(20%) of respondents faced do to quality of
service 7(70%) of respondents faced lack of economic access.

According to the question as they asked 69 years old man said that the contribution of
government in line to provide elderly people health care service was very low. Due to low
motivation of government provide the health care service many elders no access health care
services. It was not independently open health center for elders and majority of the elder who
live in these area are dependent on society and, poor economic condition social problem such as
prejudice, discrimination and isolation are the major cause for not that hinder health care service.

4.4.6. Challenges that respondent faced while access health care service
provided by government.

Table 4.13. Challenges of respondents while accessing health care service provided by

Do you face challenges Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 10 100
while accessing health care
No - -
service provided by Total 10 100

As shown in the table 4.13 above all respondents challenged when the access health care
service provided by government which accounts10 (100%).According to this the elder people
move to private health care service .so the people challenges are low quality of clinical services ,
high repetition patient , lack of supplies specialist health care provider, low chance of older
people patients successful, computation with other age group patient and unopened
independently focus elderly people health problem of health care service provided by

4.4.7. Types of challenges face respondents not access health care

Table 4.14. Type of challenge faced by respondents

Challenges Frequency percentage (%)

Poor service - -
High amount of money 3 30
Discrimination - -
Miscommunication 2 20
Other 5 50
Total 10 100

As shown in table 4. 14 above the majority 5(50%) respondents were challenged by other
problems followed 3 (30 %) respondents were challenged by high amount of money for medicine
and 2(20%) respondents challenged missing communicated.

the elderly people who live poor economic condition are mostly adequate. The adequacy health
care service due to low income engagement. They use governmental health care service.
Because, it had not other probability as lack of money uses health care services. Other elders are
live to depend the society and relatives. They live us dependents and do not survive their health
needs. Their family had been low interest for elderly people provided special health care service.
The adequacy of they used governmental health care service was influenced lack of education,
poor economic condition, family influence are the major cause of elderly people adequacy local
governmental provided health care service rather than the success full of their diagnoses health

4.5 The fairness of the health service

The respondent talk the health service utilization are not fairness. They are discriminated based
on educational level, marital status, based on age group and level of income. so the government
are not contributing the elder society.

4.6 The cause that you come this area and the comfortableness of area
who live
The causes that we came in these areas are mostly in case of age they are unable to work ant they
are help neither family nor relative. so my best choice are coming in this city and live in these
area are more suitable. Another causes are because of disease, these diseases are like
psychological stress, the death of the family member like the husband, wives and child so at this
time the society isolate the elder from the group. some elder came from in these area are in case
in 1986 the derg come to power and they go in the military campaign after come the home place
the family member are not live in that area in case of they come in these area. The dis agreement
between the society, and lack of food clothe and shelter.
These area are not comfortable but as we compare to other city before I come to Addis Ababa
most society talk it is the best and they accesses health care service and any other service but not
the best, because of high population and multi ethnic region, the service are highly
discriminated .in general these area health utilization are not comfortable.

5. Conclusion and recommendation

5.1 Conclusion
Based on the finding of the study the following conclusion was developed. The study shows that
elder’s people suffered from different socioeconomic factors. Economic factor was the major
factors affect elderly people. The studied areas of elderly people are not engage in work because
of age they are not force for ability to work. Majority of elder people less adequate governmental
provided health care services. Low level of governmental support in housing condition ,the
inefficiency of medical drugs shortage of manpower and supply low level health care service are
discourage them to adequate governmental provided health care service.

Lack of information was the other factors which few number of current elders affect health
problems due to haven't source of information. they faced governmental provided health by
wasting use of medicine, inappropriate use health care, cutting use medical service are the
common challenge faced by elderly people effort to access health care service provided by the
government. Additionally social problem such as prejudice isolation and discrimination and also
worrying for their life decrease as they grow old. Elders consider as person who finished their
living contract are social problem affect elders not access health care service utilization. finally
the governmental health care service challenges faced elderly people by low supplying quality of
medical drugs, shortage of laboratory and patient bedroom are crucial challenge face elderly
people not access health care service utilization provided by government.

5.2 Recommendation

Based on finding of this study, the researcher recommended the following points to be addressed.

Governmental body raising awareness on aging and writes of elderly is necessary in order to
change the community attitude towards elderly people, intensive and continual awareness raising
work needs to be done.

The administration of studied area design and implement programmers such us self-employment
or income generation schemes for the elderly people who are capable and willing to engage in.

Initiate humanitarian support for those poor elders to insure access to income and health care

Government should design and formulate an effective socioeconomic police that encourage
elderly people participation in right and to utilize the health care.

Government should be to design and formulate an effective independently to support health care
service for elderly people live remote from the society.

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Table of Contents

CHAPTER ONE..........................................................................................................................................1

1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................1

1.1 .BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY.....................................................................................................1

1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMS...................................................................................................2

1.3, Objectives of the study.........................................................................................................................3

1.3.1, General Objective..............................................................................................................................3

1.3.2, Specific Objective..............................................................................................................................3

1.4 Scope of study.......................................................................................................................................4

1.5 Significant of the Study.........................................................................................................................4

1.6 Limitation of the study..........................................................................................................................4

CHAPETER TWO........................................................................................................................................5

2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE...................................................................................................5

2.1. Major Socio economic impact on elders’ health...................................................................................5

2.2. Sociological perspective of old age......................................................................................................7

2.3 Social Class and Health.........................................................................................................................8

CHAPTER THREE...................................................................................................................................10

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..........................................................................................................10

3.1 Description of the study area...............................................................................................................10

3.2 Research Design.................................................................................................................................10

3.2.1 Sampling Technique and Sample Size..............................................................................................10

3.3 Survey Instrument................................................................................................................................10

3.3.1 Questionnaires...............................................................................................................................10

3.4 Source of Data.....................................................................................................................................10

3.4.1 Primary sources of data....................................................................................................................10

3.4.2 Secondary source of data..................................................................................................................10

3.5 Methods of data analysis and interpretation.........................................................................................11

3.6 Ethical Consideration..........................................................................................................................11

3.7. Operational Definition........................................................................................................................12

CHAPER FOUR........................................................................................................................................13

4. Data analysis and presentation...............................................................................................................13

4.1. Introduction........................................................................................................................................13

4.2 Description of the respondent..............................................................................................................13

4.3. Socio- demographic characteristic of the respondents........................................................................13

4.4. Economic condition of elders.............................................................................................................17

4.5 The fairness of the health service......................................................................................................21

4.6 The cause that you come this area and the comfortableness of area who live...................................21

CHAPTER FIVE........................................................................................................................................22

5. Conclusion and recommendation...........................................................................................................22

5.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................................22

5.2 Recommendation.................................................................................................................................23



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