Strategies Analysis of Luxury Fashion Rental Platform in Sharing Economy

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Strategies analysis of luxury fashion rental platform in sharing

Yixuan Fenga, Yinliang (Ricky) Tanb, Yongrui Duana, , Yu Baic

School of Economics and Management, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
A. B. Freeman School of Business, Tulane University, New Orleans, LA 70118, USA
School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China


Keywords: As the sharing economy has grown rapidly in recent years, luxury fashion rental has become a
Luxury fashion rental prominent business trend. An increasing number of designer brands are finding ways to co­
Sharing economy operate with rental platforms rather than compete with them. We develop a stylized model to
Online platform study the impact of business-to-consumer product sharing on luxury fashion brands. Specifically,
Conspicuous behavior
we consider a setting where a designer brand firm provides a luxury fashion product to a rental
platform, which can either purchase the product from the firm then rent to consumers, or allow
the designer brand firm to use its platform to reach the consumers directly with a commission fee.
Our analysis reveals that the presence of a rental platform leads to two simultaneous effects: a
market expansion effect and a cannibalization effect. In the base model, we show that the market
expansion effect dominates the cannibalization effect. Therefore, the designer brand firm can
benefit from the appearance of a rental platform. Further, our analysis reveals that the optimal
choice between the wholesale and agency contract of the firm and the platform depends critically
on two parameters: the revenue-sharing proportion and salvage value. We illustrate that when
the revenue-sharing proportion is relatively large and salvage value is relatively small, both the
firm and the platform benefit more under the agency contract. Moreover, we illustrate the ro­
bustness of our main insights to consider the presence of different consumer segments, con­
sumers’ conspicuous behavior, competition between rental platforms, and two-period rental

1. Introduction

As the sharing economy has grown rapidly in recent years, luxury-rental-on-demand has become a hot trend, mainly driven by
young consumers craving newness and novelty while embracing consumption sustainability (Imran and Anita, 2019). With more and
more companies entering the luxury fashion rental market, consumers prefer to rent rather than purchase products like designer
fashion clothes (e.g., Rent the Runway, Chic by Choice, LeTote), luxury fashion (e.g., Armarium), fine jewelry (e.g., Switch), and
designer handbags (e.g., Bag Borrow or Steal). Even some traditional retailers, such as Ann Taylor and Bloomingdale’s, have launched
rental services successively, while other brands like J. Crew, Levi’s, and Club Monaco actively seek cooperation with rental platforms
(Elizabeth, 2018a). According to The Wall Street Journal, GlobalData Retail estimates that the valuation of the fashion rental market

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: [email protected] (Y. Feng), [email protected] (Y.R. Tan), [email protected] (Y. Duan),
[email protected] (Y. Bai).
Received 23 October 2019; Received in revised form 14 July 2020; Accepted 21 July 2020
1366-5545/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

in 2018 is $1 billion and predicts that it will grow to $2.5 billion in 2023 (Khadeeja, 2019).
Traditionally, rental platforms are in competition with designer brand firms and retailers. For example, when Urban Outfitters
launched its own rental service, it expected some cannibalization of its retail sales. “We do anticipate that some sales might be
impacted,” said David Hayne, Urban Outfitters’ chief digital officer (Kate, 2019). However, the fashion rental business has been very
well accepted by designer brand firms and retailers. Some designer brand firms actively cooperate with rental platforms. As stated by
Jennifer Hyman, co-founder and chief executive of Rent the Runway, the way rental platforms work with designers has changed
theatrically in the past few years. Platforms work with fashion designers or retailers to help them launch their own rental services or
let them use the rental platform to reach consumers directly (Imran and Anita, 2019). Motivated by this emerging business practice,
our research aims to answer the following research questions. First, in the luxury fashion industry, should designer brand firms
cooperate with rental platforms? Second, under cooperation with rental platforms, should the firm and the platform adopt a
wholesale contract or an agency contract? Third, how does the rental business affect consumer surplus? The answers to these
questions will provide relevant managerial insights to the managers in related industries.
To address these questions, we develop a stylized model consisting of a rental platform, a designer brand firm, and a unit mass of
consumers. The upstream designer brand firm can either sell fashion products directly to the consumer or use a platform to rent the
product. We consider two prevailing contracts commonly used in the luxury fashion rental market: the wholesale contract and the
agency contract. First, we study the wholesale contract, under which the firm determines a wholesale price charged to the platform
and a retail price charged to consumers, and the platform determines the rental price. Next, we analyze the agency contract, under
which the firm sets both the retail price and the rental price, while the platform acts as an agency and collects a part of the rental
profit as a commission fee. Further, we compare the benefits of the firm and the platform under different contracts and analyze the
factors that influence the contract choice of the agency contract and the wholesale contract.
Our analysis highlights three main findings. First, the presence of a rental platform can benefit the designer brand firm. This is due
to the tradeoff between the market expansion effect and the cannibalization effect caused by the rental market. On the one hand, the
rental platform offers consumers an alternative to purchase the product, causing a decrease in the demand of the retail market, i.e.,
cannibalization effect. On the other hand, some low-valuation consumers who do not purchase the product in the retail market may
choose to rent it, leading to increased total market demand, i.e., market expansion effect (expansion effect hereafter). Our analysis
shows that under either a wholesale contract or an agency contract, the expansion effect always dominates the cannibalization effect,
and consequently, the designer brand firm earns a higher profit with the presence of a rental platform. This also explains why
designer brand firms are willing to work with rental platforms.
Second, the firm favors the agency contract when the proportion of the rental market revenue that a platform can keep is
relatively small and the salvage value of returned rental products is large, while the platform favors the agency contract when the
salvage value falls into a certain range. The optimal choice between the agency and wholesale contracts mainly relies on the revenue-
sharing proportion and the salvage value, and we illustrate that when the proportion is comparatively large and the salvage value is
comparatively small, both the firm and the platform benefit more from the agency contract than wholesale contract, which implies
that under this scenario, the agency contract can improve the overall profit of the supply chain.
Third, we find that compared with the wholesale contract and the single traditional channel, the retail price under the agency
contract is strictly lower, which indicates that when the firm has the power to determine the rental price under the agency contract,
the equilibrium retail price of the traditional channel will decrease. For high valuation consumers who purchase the product, their
consumer surplus will increase and benefit more from the presence of a rental platform under the agency contract.
We also illustrate the robustness of the base model by considering the presence of different consumer segments, consumers’
conspicuous behavior, competition between rental platforms, and two-period rental setting. In a nutshell, we find that our core
insights are robust and these extensions also provide some interesting new insights. When considering a subset of consumers who
always prefer renting the product to purchasing it, we find that the designer brand firm may not always benefit from the rental
market as in the base model. When considering consumers who buy the product because they desire uniqueness, we find that
conspicuous behavior will reduce the Pareto-improving region in which both the firm and the platform are willing to choose the
agency contract rather than the wholesale contract. When considering the competition between two rental platforms, we find that
both firms will choose the same contract form in equilibrium. When extending our base model to the two-period rental setting, we
find that the designer brand firm always prefers low price difference strategy under the wholesale model, while under the agency
model, the designer brand firm will strategically choose between low price difference strategy and high price difference strategy.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 2, we review the relevant literature. The model setup is described
in Section 3. Next, we present the equilibrium results and main findings in Section 4. Further, we consider several model extensions in
Section 5. In the last section, we summarize this study and provide some future research directions. All proofs are provided in
Appendix A.

2. Literature review

This study is related to three research streams: sharing economy, sell-or-lease strategy, and agency pricing. Recently, the rapidly
developing sharing economy has attracted extensive attention from researchers. Belk (2014) conceptually depicts the sharing
economy phenomenon in the internet era and provides some implications for business operations. Jiang and Tian (2018) analytically
examine the influence of product sharing between strategic consumers. They discover that, depending on the marginal cost, product
sharing may be win-win or lose-lose for the platform and consumers. Tian and Jiang (2018) further investigate the effect of product
sharing on the distribution channel and reveal that the sharing among consumers benefit the retailer more than the manufacturer.

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

Benjaafar et al. (2018) conduct a similar model considering peer-to-peer sharing. They prove that usage levels and ownership can be
either lower or higher compared to a scenario without product sharing, depending on the rental price. Wang et al. (2020) provide a
product-sharing model considering the participation of the firm in the sharing market. They divide consumers into two types, high
and low usage, and show that the firm will have an incentive to rent the product only when the joining cost is comparatively low and
the proportion of consumers with low usage is comparatively high.
Most of the present empirical and analytical studies focus on sharing business practice in different industries, including ride-
sharing industry (e.g., Bellos et al., 2017; Najmi et al., 2017; Albiński et al., 2018; Yu et al., 2019), hospitality industry (e.g., Zervas
et al., 2017; Roma et al., 2019), food industry (e.g., Choi et al., 2019), and healthcare industry (e.g., Asghari and Al-e 2020). For the
fashion industry, Choi and He (2019) conduct an analytical model to study the impact of peer-to-peer collaborative consumption
(P2P-CC) and the operation strategies of the platform. They show that P2P-CC is always beneficial for the fashion brand and the
consumers. Furthermore, they prove that the platform will benefit more from adopting revenue sharing pricing than adopting fixed
service pricing. Our paper is closely related to Yuan and Shen (2019), which also focuses on business-to-consumer product sharing.
They investigate the impact of consumers’ illegal renting behavior on the fashion retailing market and indicate that the retailer can
prevent illegal renting behavior by increasing the product return cost. For the system performance, they show that the centralized
system is better for the retailer and the renter. Instead of assuming that the platform rents the product and the firm sells the product
separately, we study the impact of business-to-consumer product sharing on a distribution channel and focus on the contract choice
between the designer brand firm and the rental platform.
Our work further complements the stream of literature on the firm’s sell-or-lease strategy decision (e.g., Bagnoli et al., 1989; Desai
and Purohit, 1998; Desai and Purohit, 1999; Bhaskaran and Gilbert, 2005; Agrawal et al., 2012). Recently, Dou et al. (2017) study a
monopoly firm’s leasing or selling strategy for an information product, considering two types of consumer valuation depreciation.
They discover that leasing benefits more than selling for vintage depreciation information products. However, when the extent of
individual depreciation is above a certain threshold, selling will become more profitable than leasing for the information product
with individual depreciation. Instead of focusing on a single party’s sell-or-lease strategy as previous studies, our research focuses on
the distribution channel’s sell-or-lease strategy in a marketplace where the platform can rent out their purchased product. In this
scenario, the platform, which can be regarded as a consumer of the firm, is also the firm’s indirect competitor.
Our paper also complements the stream of literature on agency pricing. The early research on agency pricing focuses on the
industry of e-book. Hao and Fan (2014) conduct a horizontally differentiated model to study the pricing strategy of e-books. They find
that compared with a wholesale contract, e-book prices are higher under the agency contract and the publisher is worse off. Tan and
Carrillo (2017) extend this research by considering a vertically differentiated model. They discover that the agency contract can
outperform the wholesale contract for both the publisher and the retailer, and further ascertain that this benefit is mainly due to the
publisher’s power of setting the price. Recent research focuses on a broader context. Hao et al. (2017) reveal that an app’s price will
be higher under an agency advertising contract than under traditional advertising. Abhishek et al. (2016) discover that the impact of
an electronic channel’s sale on the traditional channel’s demand plays a crucial role in the retailer’s choice between agency selling
and reselling. Tian et al. (2018) consider the impact of competition between upstream suppliers and prove that the reselling mode
will outperform the agency selling mode when the competition intensity between upstream suppliers is high and the order-fulfillment
costs is large. Shen et al. (2019) consider a scenario in which the manufacturer also needs to pay for slotting in addition to paying a
proportion to the platform. They show that the agency model can be win-win when the manufacturer and the platform can negotiate
both the slotting fee and the revenue-sharing proportion. We contribute to this literature stream by investigating the agency pricing
model in the luxury fashion rental industry.

3. Model setting

We consider a luxury fashion retail market consisting of a designer brand firm (“the firm”) who sells a luxury product, a rental
platform (“the platform”) that rents the product, and a continuum of consumers. Table 1 summarized the notations used in this study.
We use subscripts to represent different parties: the designer brand firm (denoted by F), the rental platform (denoted by P), and the
supply chain (denoted by SC). We use superscripts to represent different channel structures and contracts including the single
traditional channel (denoted by N), vertically integrated channel model (denoted by I), wholesale model (denoted by W), and agency
model (denoted by A).

3.1. Consumers

Consumers have a heterogeneous valuation of the product. We normalize the total market size to 1, and assume consumers’
valuation of the product, v , is uniformly distributed between 0 and 1 (i.e., v U [0, 1]). Consumers’ utility from buying the product is
ub = v pb , in which the subscript b denotes the retail market and pb denotes the retail price charged by the designer brand firm.
When there is no rental platform, consumers will purchase the product only when their valuation is higher than the retail price. We
define the threshold vb = pb as the level where consumers are indifferent about buying the product or not. Correspondingly, the
demand of the retail market becomes DbN = Pr(v pb 0) = 1 pb .
Similar to Yuan and Shen (2019), the consumer’s valuation of the rental product is v , where < 1 represents the discounted
value of the rental product. Note that a consumer can enjoy the purchased product indefinitely while they can only use the rental
product for a pre-determined period. As a result, is related to the length of time that a consumer can enjoy the rental product.

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

Table 1
Summary of Notations.
Notation Definition

v Consumers’ valuation of the product, v U [0, 1]

The discounted value of the rental product, 0 < < 1
Db Demand of retail market
Dr Demand of rental market
pbk The unit retail price, decision variable (k = N, I, W, A)

prk The unit rental price, decision variable (k = N, I, W, A)

The unit salvage value of the returned product
w Wholesale price charged by the firm, decision variable
Proportion of the revenue from the rental market that the platform charges as a commission fee, 0 < < 1/2
vb Indifferent valuation point at which consumers are indifferent about buying the product or not
vr Indifferent valuation point at which consumers are indifferent about renting the product or not
vbr Indifferent valuation point at which consumers are indifferent about the decision to purchase the product or rent it

k Profit of each party (i = F, P, SC) under different models (k = N, I, W, A)
CSk Consumer surplus under different models (k = N, I, W, A)
SW k Social welfare under different models (k = N, I, W, A)

Specifically, a higher value of suggests that the rental product has a relatively longer rental term and vice versa. The consumer’s
utility from renting the product is ur = v pr , in which the subscript r denotes the rental market. When only the rental platform
exists, consumers will rent the product when v pr 0 . Similarly, we define the threshold vr = r as the level where consumers are
indifferent about renting the product or not.
p p
We characterize the threshold vbr = 1b r as the indifferent valuation point at which consumers are indifferent about the decision
to purchase the product or rent it. When r < pb , it can be readily shown that vr < vb < vbr . In this case, as shown in Fig. 1, consumers
can be divided into three groups: (a) Consumers in the low valuation region [0, vr ) will neither buy nor rent the product; (b) Con­
sumers in the intermediate region [vr , vbr ) will rent the product from the platform; (c) Consumers in the high valuation region [vbr , 1]
will purchase the product. When r pb , we can get vbr < vb < vr . In this scenario, as shown in Fig. 2, consumers with low valuation
[0, vb) will neither purchase the product nor rent it and consumers with high valuation [vb, 1] will choose to purchase the product.
To address the more practical case where the retail and rental markets can coexist, we assume that r < pb .The demand of retail
market and rental market are respectively given as:
pb pr pb pr pr
Db = 1 , Dr =
1 1 (1)

3.2. The firm and the platform

We study two prevailing contract forms between the designer brand firm and rental platform, the wholesale contract and the
agency contract, both of which are commonly used in the luxury fashion rental industry. For example, Rent the Runway, the
dominant player in the luxury fashion rental economy, used to own the inventory on its website, purchasing from different fashion
brands. Now it also allows partner designer brands to rent directly to consumers on the platform, making a profit by charging a
commission fee. Currently, about 15% to 25% of the platform’s inventory comes directly from outside fashion brands (Elizabeth,
Under the wholesale contract, the designer brand firm sets a wholesale price w to the platform and a retail price pb to consumers.
Then the platform determines the rental price pr . Under the agency contract, following Tan et al. (2016) and Geng et al. (2018), the
platform acts as an agent and collects portion of rental revenue as a commission fee and the designer firm retains the 1 portion.
Since is usually governed by the industry standard, we assume that is exogenous. The key difference from the wholesale contract
is that the designer brand firm has the control to set the rental price pr . According to business practice, the bulk of the revenue is
collected by the firm, which leads us to focus on the case of < 1/2 .
Without loss of generality, we assume the marginal cost of the product is zero. In line with the luxury fashion rental practice,
consumers need to return the products at the end of the rental period. To get the closed-form solution, we do not consider the moral
hazard of the renter and assume all consumers treat the product with great care and return the product on time. After one rental

Neither purchase
Rent Purchase
nor rent

0 1
Fig. 1. Consumers Purchasing Choice when < pb .

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

Neither purchase
nor rent Purchase

0 1
Fig. 2. Consumers Purchasing Choice when pb .

period, the returned products can be rented out again in the next period or sold to a discount store. We designate the salvage value of
the returned product as and it is collected by the party who operates the rental business. That is, the salvage value is collected by the
platform under the wholesale contract and designer brand firm under the agency contract.

4. Analysis

In this section, we consider a Stackelberg game to model the interaction between the firm and the platform and analyze the
prevalent contracts associated with the luxury fashion rental industry. We assume that the upstream firm, as the market leader, makes
the first move in the game. Then in the second stage, the platform, as the follower, responds to the firm’s choice. We assume that both
parties have full information about consumers’ demand. We also analyze the single traditional retail channel and integrated channel
model as the benchmarks for later comparisons. Fig. 3 illustrates the details of these models.
When there is no rental platform, the designer brand firm sells the product to consumers directly through a single traditional
channel. In the integrated channel model, the firm and the platform no longer make individual decisions to maximize their own
profits, but rather make collective decisions based on the overall profit of the supply chain. We assume proportion of the rental
revenue is collected by the platform. Table 2 summarizes the equilibrium outcomes of benchmarks and details are provided in
Appendix A.

4.1. Wholesale model

Under a wholesale contract, the timing of events is as follows: (1) the firm determines the wholesale price w for the platform and
the retail price pb to consumers; (2) the platform determines the rental price pr ; (3) observing the retail price and rental price,
consumers make their decisions. Utilizing the backward induction, we first consider the platform’s problem:
max P = (pr w ) Dr + Dr
pr (2)

After characterizing the optimal rental price, we substitute this solution back into the firm’s problem, which is:
max F = pb Db + wDr
w , pb (3)

We summarize the equilibrium results under the wholesale contract in the following Lemma.

Wholesale Model Agency Model

Fashion Brand Firm Fashion Brand Firm

w pr
Rental R
pb pr pb
Paltform Paltform

Consumerr Consumerr

Single Traditional Channel Integrated Channel Model

Fashion Brand Firm Fashion Brand Firm

Rental Paltform
pr pb

onsumer Consumer

Fig. 3. Different Pricing Models.

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

Table 2
Equilibrium Outcomes of Benchmarks.
Single Traditional Channel Integrated Channel

Retail price, pb 1 1
2 2
Rental price, pr . N/A
Retail market, Db 1 1
2 2(1 )
Rental market, Dr N/A
2 (1 )
Firm’s profit, F 1 (1 + ) 2 + (1 )
4 4 (1 )
Platform’s profit, P N/A ( )
4 (1 )
Supply chain’s profit, SC 1 1 2
4 +
4 4 (1 )
Consumer surplus, CS 1 1 2
8 +
8 8 (1 )
Social welfare, SW 3 3 3 2
8 +
8 8 (1 )

Lemma 1. The optimal solutions under the wholesale contract are as follows:

a) Pricing: w = , pbW = 2 , prW = 4 .

+ 1 2
2(1 )
b) Demand: DbW = 4(1 )
, Dr = 4 (1
1 2 2 1 3 2
c) Profits: W
F = 4
+ 8 (1 )
, W
P = 16 (1 )
, W
SC = 4
+ 16 (1 )
1 2 3 7 2
d) Consumer Surplus and Social Welfare: CSW = 8
+ 32 (1 )
, SW W = 8
+ 32 (1 )

It is straightforward to see from Lemma 1 that as the unit salvage value increases, the retail price pbW remains constant while the
rental price prW decreases. Consequently, the demand of the retail market shrinks (i.e., < 0 ), but the demand of the rental market
increases (i.e., > 0 ). In equilibrium, we find that both the platform’s profit and the firm’s profit increase in . This result indicates
that both the firm and the platform have an incentive to improve the unit salvage value of the returned product under the wholesale
contract. The platform, for example, can improve the sophisticated cleaning services, while the firm can design more durable pro­
As the discounted value of the rental product, , increases, both the wholesale price w and rental price prW increase. For
(0, 1/2], F < 0 , P < 0 , < 0 ; for [1/2, 1) , F > 0 , P > 0 , > 0 . As is associated with the length of the rental
term, the implication from this result is that when the rental term is relatively low (i.e., (0, 1/2]), the lower the rental term is, the
more beneficial the firm and the platform will be. That is to say, both the firm and platform have an incentive to increase the
difference between the valuation from purchasing the product and from renting the product. However, when is relatively high (i.e.,
[1/2, 1) ), both the firm and platform prefer a lower difference between these two markets. Next, we compare the equilibrium
results under the wholesale contract with the single traditional channel and yield the following proposition.
Proposition 1. The following results hold under the wholesale model and the single traditional channel:

a) pbW = pbN .
b) DbW < DbN , DbW + DrW > DbN .
c) FW > FN , SC W N
> SC .
d) CS > CS , SW > SW N .

Our finding in Proposition 1 shows that the firm’s profit under the wholesale contract with the presence of a rental platform
outperforms that under the single traditional channel. The difference stems from the tradeoff between the market expansion effect
and the cannibalization effect. When a rental platform exists, it competes with the designer brand firm, and some consumers convert
from purchasing the product to renting it. With the same retail price (i.e., pbW = pbN ), the retail market demand decreases (i.e.,
DbW < DbN ), which we refer to as the cannibalization effect. At the same time, with the rental platform, some low-valuation consumers
who initially do not purchase the product choose to rent it from the platform, resulting in aggregate market demand increases (i.e.,
DbW + DrW > DbN ), which we refer to as the market expansion effect. Proposition 1 shows that, under the wholesale model, the ex­
pansion effect dominates the cannibalization effect. Consequently, the firm’s profit is higher under the wholesale contract than under
the single traditional channel. At the same time, under this business-to-consumer product sharing market, the consumer surplus and
social welfare are also better than those under the traditional retail market.

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

Next, we compare the performance of the wholesale contract with another benchmark—the integrated channel model. The
integrated channel model is known as the ideal supply chain scenario. Comparing the equilibrium outcomes under the wholesale
model with those derived from the integrated channel model, we obtain the following proposition.
Proposition 2. The following results hold under the wholesale model and the integrated channel:

a) pbW = pbI , prW > prI .

b) DbW > DbI , DrW < DrI , DbW + DrW < DbI + DrI .
c) For 0 < < min { 2( ) , 2 } , FW < FI , otherwise W
F > F;

For 0 < < min { 4( )
, 2
}, W
P > P,
otherwise W
P < P;

SC < SC .

d) CSW < CSI , SW W < SW I .

These results show that when >2 (i.e., 2( )
< 2 ), if (0, 4( )
], then the firm favors the integrated channel model while
the platform favors the wholesale model; if ( 4( )
, 2( )
], then both the rental platform and the firm prefer the integrated
channel model; if ( 2( ) , 2 ) , then the firm prefers the wholesale model while the platform prefers the integrated channel model.
This implies that when the revenue-sharing proportion belongs to an intermediate range, both the firm and the platform prefer the
2 1 1
integrated channel model. Similarly, when 3 < < 2 (i.e., 4( ) < 2 < 2( ) ), if ( 4( ) , 2 ], then both the rental platform
and the firm prefer the integrated channel model. This is because compared with the wholesale model, the overall profit of the supply
chain increases under the integrated channel model, and when the rental market revenue is appropriately distributed, both parties are
2 1
satisfied with an increased profit. However, when < 3 (i.e., 2 < 4( ) ), the firm always prefers the integrated channel model
while the platform prefers the wholesale model. Consistent with the expectation, the consumer surplus and social welfare under the
integrated channel model are also better than those under the wholesale model.

4.2. Agency model

Under an agency contract, the timing of events is as follows: (1) the firm determines the rental price pr and retail price pb
simultaneously; (2) after observing the retail price and rental price, consumers make their choices. In this scenario, the profits of the
firm and the platform are as follows:
F = pb Db + (1 ) pr Dr + Dr (4)

P = pr Dr (5)
Lemma 2 summarizes the equilibrium outcomes under the agency contract. For convenience, we define
m = 4(1 ) (2 ) 2 , n = 2(1 ) + , and l = 4(1 2 )(1 2 ) .
Lemma 2. Under the condition 4(1 ) (2 )2 > 0 and < , the optimal solutions under the agency contract are as follows:

2(1 )(1 ) (2 )(1 + ) 2

a) Pricing: pbA = m
, prA = m
2(1 )+ ( 2 + (3 )) 2
b) Demand: DbA = m
, DrA = m
c) Profits:
2 + (1 ) (1 ) (2 )( (2 )(1 + ) 2 )
F = , P =
m m2
2 (4(1 2 )(1 ) 3 2 )+2 2 n + (1 )(4(1 )2 + ( 2)( (2 3) + 2) )
SC =

d) Consumer Surplus and Social Welfare:

2 (4(1 )+ 2 ) 2 2 n + (l + 2 (4 + (4 11) ) + (1 )(2 )(2 (1 ) ) 2)
2 m2
2 (4(3 4 )(1 ) 5 2 )+2 2 n + (3l + 2 (12 + (8 33) ) + (2 )(6 (3 )2 ) 2 )
SW A =
2 m2

By comparing Lemma 1 and Lemma 2, we find that under the agency contract, the retail price pbA is no longer a constant but varies
with parameters, which is different from that under the wholesale contract. In addition, we can show that pbA is strictly less than 1 (the
retail price under wholesale contact). For the consumers with high valuation who purchase the product, their consumer surplus also
become higher. This indicates that under the agency contract, the consumer who buys the product can benefit more from the presence
of the rental platform. We next compare the equilibrium under the agency contract with the benchmark of a single traditional

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

Proposition 3. The following results hold under the agency model and the single traditional channel:

a) pbA < pbN .

b) DbA < DbN , DbA + DrA > DbN .
c) FA > FN , SCA N
> SC .
d) CSA > CSN , SW A > SW N
Similar to the wholesale contract, the firm’s profit under the agency contract outperforms that under a single traditional retail
channel. Even with a lower retail price (i.e., pbA < pbN ), the cannibalization effect still leads to lower demand in the retail market (i.e.,
DbA < DbN ). At the same time, the expansion effect makes the aggregate demand of the retail market and rental market higher than
without a rental market (i.e., DbA + DrA > DbN ). Proposition 3 indicates that the profit benefit from the expansion effect dominates the
profit loss incurred by competing. Consequently, the firm’s profit is higher under the agency model. At the same time, under the
agency contract, the consumer surplus and social welfare are also better than those under the traditional retail market. Proposition 1
and Proposition 3 explain why fashion retailers are willing to work with rental platforms in practice.

4.3. Comparison

To further explore the mechanisms of the wholesale contract and the agency contract in the fashion rental industry, in this section,
we compare profits of the firm and platform under these two contracts respectively and analyze the critical factors that determine the
firm’s and the platform’s choices between these two contracts. We summarize the firm’s contract choice in the following proposition.
2(1 )
For convenience, we define g ( ) = (1 2 ) 2 4(1 ) + 2(1 ) 2, 1 = , and satisfies g ( ) = 0 .
(1 )(2 ) + (1 )g ( )

Proposition 4. By comparing the firm’s profits under different contracts, we can get:

a) If , then A
F > FW .
b) If and , then for (0, 2 ) .
1 A W 1
< 1 2 F > F
c) If and , then for and for ( 1, 2 ) .
1 A W A W 1
< 1 < 2 F > F (0, 1) F < F

Proposition 4 reveals that the firm’s choice between the agency contract and the wholesale contract mainly relies on the revenue-
sharing proportion and the salvage value . The result of part a) shows that when the salvage value is relatively large, the firm
always prefers the agency contract no matter how the proportion is valued. This is due to the fact that under the agency contract, the
salvage value of the returned products is collected by the firm, whereas under the wholesale contract it is collected by the platform. A
higher suggests that the firm can benefit more, which encourages the firm to choose the agency contract. When is relatively small,
the firm’s contract choice depends mainly on the revenue-sharing proportion . Common wisdom suggests that the firm is willing to
choose the agency contract when is low and the wholesale contract when is high. The result of part c) is in line with this
Next, we analyze the platform’s contract choice. For convenience, we define
)+ 2 ) m )+ 2 )+m
, and
4 (1 )(2(4(1 +2) 4 (1 )(2(4(1 +2)
1 = m2 + 32 (1 )n 2 = m2 + 32 (1 )n
} , where ¯ is the upper critical value of .
(2 ) (1 ) (3 ) + 2(1 )
¯ = min { n
, 2

Proposition 5. By comparing the platform’s profits under different contracts, we can get:

a) If 1 < ¯ 2, then A
P < P
for (2, 1) , and A
P > W
P for ( 1 , ¯) .
b) If ¯ > 2, then A
P < P for
(2, 1) and ( 2 , ¯) , and A
P > W
P for ( 1, 2).

Proposition 5 reveals that the platform’s contract choice depends mainly on the salvage value , and the platform is willing to
choose the agency contract only when the salvage value falls into a certain range. When is relatively large (i.e., ( 2 , ¯) ), the
platform prefers the wholesale contract. This is because a higher encourages the platform to choose the wholesale contract to collect
the salvage value of the returned products. Interestingly, we find that when falls into a small range (i.e., ( 2 , 1) ), the platform
also favors the wholesale model. This is because under the agency contract, as decreases, both the retail price and the rental price
increase, and the rental market demand decreases while the retail market increases (i.e., b < 0 , r < 0 , b < 0 , r > 0 ). This
implies that when is relatively small, the firm will aggressively increase the rental price to increase the demand of the retail market,
which induces the profit loss of the platform. As a result, the platform is willing to choose the wholesale contract.
Fig. 4 illustrates the findings of Proposition 4 and Proposition 5. It is easy to find that there exists an area for the salvage value
and the revenue-sharing proportion in which the agency contract will benefit both the firm and the platform. In the area high­
lighted blue, the profits of the firm, the platform, and the supply chain are all improved compared with the wholesale contract. This
Pareto improving region provides practical guidance for platform operation in the fashion rental industry.

5. Extensions

To check the robustness of our main findings, in this section, we analyze several alternative scenarios. First, we consider the

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

Fig. 4. Illustration of Firm and Platform’s Contract Choices ( = 0.6).

existence of different consumer segments, where some consumers always prefer to rent the product rather than purchase it. Second,
we consider consumers’ conspicuous behavior for the retail market. Next, we consider the competition between rental platforms.
Finally, we extend the base model to a two-period model setting. These extensions illustrate the robustness of our main findings to
alternative model settings and also provide new insights on the impact of the business-to-consumer luxury fashion sharing.

5.1. Different consumer segments

We first consider the general model by relaxing the assumptions on consumers. In the base model, we assume that consumers
always prefer purchasing the products when the utility from buying the product is higher than that from renting it. However, we
observe that some consumers prefer to rent the product rather than purchase it even when they have a high valuation for the product.
For example, many consumers choose to rent an evening gown or tuxedo instead of purchasing one because they can only be worn in
a formal setting. As a result, although consumers have a quite high valuation on formal clothing, they prefer the rental service when it
is available. We call this segment of consumers as rental enthusiastic consumers. If there is no rental market, they have to purchase the
products, but otherwise, they always prefer rental to purchase.
We assume that proportion of consumers are regular consumers that behave the same as in the base model, and 1 proportion
of consumers have a strong preference for the rental service, where 0 < < 1. We use superscripts “Wr ” and “ Ar ” to represent the
wholesale model and the agency model, respectively. We first compare the designer brand firm’s profit under the wholesale model
with the single traditional channel benchmark. For convenience, we define:
(1 ) ( (1 2 ) 2 (1 ) 2) (2 2 +2 ( 1 + ) + ( 1 + )2)( 1 + )2 2
W1 2 (1 )2

(2 2 +2 ( 1 + ) + ( 1 + )2)( 1 + ) 2 2 (1 ) ( 2 + (1 )2 (1 2 ))
W2 2 (1 )2

Proposition 6. Comparing the firm’ profit under the wholesale model with that derived from the single traditional channel, we can get:

a) If Wr 2 > 0 , when min{ r

W 1, 0} < < W 2,
then Wr
F < F ,
the firm benefits more from the single traditional channel than the wholesale
b) If Wr 2 > 0 , when 0 < min{ r
W 1, 0} or r
W2 1, then Wr
F > F ,
the firm benefits more from the wholesale model than the single
traditional channel.
c) If Wr 2 < 0 , then FWr > F ,
the firm benefits more from the wholesale model than the single traditional channel.
Proposition 6 presents an interesting new insight: When satisfies certain conditions, the firm may earn a lower profit with the
presence of a rental platform than in a single traditional retail channel. Intuitively, the rental market will expand the demand because
of the expansion effect. However, as high valuation consumers transfer to the rental market, the firm will suffer a loss in the retail
market. When the loss in the retail market exceeds the extra rental market profit, like the low salvage value of the returned product or
low discounted value due to product returns, the expansion effect cannot dominate the cannibalization effect. Consequently, the
proportion of rental enthusiastic consumers determines whether the presence of a rental platform is beneficial to the designer brand
Next, we compare the equilibrium solutions under the agency contract with the single traditional channel benchmark. For
convenience, we define

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

r 4( 1 + )( 2 + +2 2 + 2 2 2 + 2 2)
A = 2 2
(4 4 8 +4 +4 8 + 12 3 +8 8 +4 2 8 2 +4 2 2)

Proposition 7. Comparing the firm’ profit under the agency model with that derived from the single traditional channel, we can get:

a) If 0 < r
A < 1, 0 < < Ar , then Ar
F < F ,
the firm benefits more from the single traditional channel than the agency model.
b) If 0 < r
A < 1, Ar < 1, then Ar
F > F ,
the firm benefits more from the agency model than the single traditional channel.
Similar to Proposition 6, Proposition 7 reveals that the firm may not be better off under the agency contract when the proportion
of rental enthusiastic consumers is high. This result is driven by the comparison between the benefit in demand and loss in high
valuation consumers. When the proportion of rental enthusiastic consumers is large, although the rental market increases the ag­
gregate demand, it still cannot make up the loss of profit caused by the high valuation consumers in the retail market transferring to
the rental market. That is to say, the weak expansion effect of the rental market cannot dominate the cannibalization effect. Con­
sequently, the firm prefers the single traditional channel.
To summarize, when considering rental enthusiastic consumers, the results are consistent with our core insight in the base model:
When the proportion of rental enthusiastic consumers is small, the presence of a rental platform benefits the designer brand firm. This
confirms the robustness of the base model once more. Moreover, the existence of rental enthusiastic consumers also provides a new
interesting insight: The high valuation consumers’ actions affect the firm’s strategy about the rental market. Firms prefer the market
with a rental platform if most of the high valuation consumers prefer to purchase products.

5.2. Consumers’ conspicuous behavior

In the luxury fashion market, conspicuousness is an important factor that affects customers’ perceived value. Consumers often
choose to purchase designer apparel, jewelry, watches, and other products that are “hard to get” (i.e., unique) to conspicuously
display their social status (Amaldoss and Jain, 2005a; Tereyagoglu and Veeraraghavan, 2012; Amaldoss and Jain, 2015). Grilo et al.
(2001) describe conspicuous consumption as a negative externality that is caused by the increase in consumers purchasing the same
product. In this subsection, we incorporate consumers’ conspicuous behavior into the base model and investigate the impact of the
conspicuous behavior on different parties’ channel decisions.
We assume that consumers who purchase the luxury product desire uniqueness. Therefore, as the number of people using the
product increases, consumers’ utility from buying the product decreases. Following Amaldoss and Jain (2005b), consumers’ utility
from purchasing the product is ub = v pb (Db + Dr ) , where captures consumers’ desire for uniqueness. For the consumers who
rent the product, they pay little attention to uniqueness, and therefore the utility from renting the product is ur = v pr . To check
the robustness of core insights in the base model, we focus on comparing profits under different models. First, we compare the profit
of the designer brand firm with and without a rental platform.
Proposition 8. When considering conspicuous behavior, the firm’s profits under the wholesale contract and the agency contract are always
higher than under the single traditional channel.
In the past, it was a common practice for marketers to promote conspicuous products by emphasizing the uniqueness of their
products. Some luxury companies use exclusive channels to sell their products because they fear that wide availability may damage
the company’s reputation. When deciding whether to cooperate with rental platforms, this has become a principal consideration for
many luxury firms. Our results suggest that, considering the consumers’ conspicuous behavior, the profit benefit from the expansion
effect of the rental market always dominates the profit loss from the cannibalization effect incurred by competing and consumers’
conspicuous behavior. As a result, the firm will get a higher profit with a rental platform than without it. This result reinforces our
findings in the base model. We find that the rental platform is actually beneficial to the upstream designer brand even with the
existence of conspicuous behavior.
Next, we analyze the contract choice of the designer brand firm and the rental platform under the wholesale contract and the
agency contract. Although we can obtain a closed-form solution, the comparison of profits is fairly complex. Therefore, we investigate

Fig. 5. Illustration of Firm and Platform’s Contract Choices Considering Conspicuous Behavior.

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

Fig. 6. Timeline of Model Considering Platform Competition.

the effect of conspicuous behavior through numerical experiments and provide several representative examples in Fig. 5 with dif­
ferent values of .
In general, we observe that when considering consumers’ conspicuous behavior, the results are consistent with our main insights
in the base model. That is, the choice between the agency contract and the wholesale contract mainly relies on the portion of revenue-
sharing and the salvage value . When is very small or is very large (i.e., Area a in Fig. 5), the firm is willing to choose the agency
contract while the platform would like to choose the wholesale contract (i.e., FA > FW , PA < PW ); when is very large and is very
small (i.e., Area c), the firm favors the wholesale contract while the platform is more willing to choose the agency contract (i.e.,
F < F , P > P ). In these two scenarios, although the overall profit of the supply chain is higher under the agency contract, both

parties cannot reach coordination. When is relatively large and is relatively small (i.e., Area b), there exists a region of and in
which both the firm and the platform would like to choose the agency contract, and the agency contract can improve the supply chain
Furthermore, we find that as increases, the region of coordination (Area b) decreases. The intuition is that when consumers’
utility from purchasing the product is affected by the demand of the total market, the firm has a stronger incentive to acquire the
pricing power. That is, the firm prefers the agency contract on a larger region compared with the base model. At the same time, the
platform prefers the wholesale contract in a larger region, as more consumers will rent the product instead of purchasing it compared
with the base model. Consequently, the area in which both the firm and the platform are willing to choose the agency contract

5.3. Platform competition

With the booming of sharing economy, more and more platforms enter the luxury fashion rental market and in some cases,
different rental platforms will compete for a single designer brand firm’s rental business (Kate, 2019). In this subsection, we analyze
an alternative model with two competing rental platforms and one designer brand firm, and examine the impact of platform com­
petition. Fig. 6 illustrates the timeline of this alternative setting.
In stage 1, given the contract choices of the rental platforms, denoted by P1 and P2, there are four possible scenarios: both rental
platforms choose agency contracts (AA), P1 chooses the agency contract and P2 chooses the wholesale contract (AW), P1 chooses the
wholesale contract and P2 chooses the agency contract (WA), and both platforms adopt wholesale contracts (WW). The following
proposition summarizes the equilibrium outcomes with two competing rental platforms.
Proposition 9. When considering the competition between two rental platforms, both firms will choose the same form of contract, and the
equilibrium result is either AA or WW.
To understand the intuition behind Proposition 9, we suppose that rental platforms choose different contracts in stage 1 and
assume P1 chooses the wholesale contract and P2 adopts the agency contract. Then in stage 2, if the designer brand firm chooses to
work with P1, it immediately follows the subsequent interaction in Section 4.1, and from Lemma 1, the profit for the firm is
1 2
F = 4 + 8 (1 )
. If the designer brand firm chooses to cooperate with P2, it follows the subsequent interaction in Section 4.2, and
from Lemma 2, the profit for the firm is FA =
+(1 ) (1 )
. Following Proposition 4, the firm always chooses the desired
platform with a higher profit. For example, when , the firm has a higher profit under the agency contract and will choose to
(2 )( (2 )(1 + ) 2 )
work with platform P2. Therefore, the profit of P2 is A
P = 2m
, and the profit of P1 is zero. However, if P1 also
chooses the agency contract, then the firm will randomly pick a platform, and each platform can get an expected payoff pA/2 .
Therefore, P1 will choose the same contract as P2.
To further illustrate the impact of competition on the platforms’ contract choice, we conduct numerical experiments used in the
base model and show the difference of platforms’ choices. As shown in Fig. 7, we observe that when FA > FW , there exists a region
(Area b in a)) in which both rental platforms choose agency contracts, although in this case, the wholesale contract for the platform is
more profitable than the agency contract (i.e., PA < PW ). The intuition is that, in this scenario, if the competitor chooses the
wholesale contract, the platform that adopts the agency contract will dominate the competitor because FA > FW and it also can get a
higher profit from choosing the agency contract because PA > PW /2 . Similarly, when FA < FW , there also exists a region (Area b in
b)) in which both rental platforms choose wholesale contracts, although in this case PA > PW . This indicates that the competition
between platforms can change the platform’s contract preference in some cases.

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

Fig. 7. Illustration of Competing Platforms’ Contract Choices.

5.4. Two-period rental model

For exposition, we focus on the one-period setting in the base model. However, one can argue that product can usually be rented
for multiple times in practice. In this subsection, we extend the single-period setting to a two-period model. For some luxury fashion
products, especially like designer fashion clothes, they usually have a limited life cycle (Caniato et al., 2012). We normalize the life
cycle of the product to be 1. Note that the luxury fashion renting is usually a short-term event, therefore we assume the discounted
value is less than 0.5. In the first rental period, similar to the base model, consumers’ valuation from buying the product is v , and the
valuation of the rental product is v . Then in the second rental period, the product’s expected usage time will be reduced to (1 ).
That is, in the second rental period, consumers’ valuation of buying the product is reduced to (1 ) v , and renting valuation is still
v . To reduce the complexity of analysis, we assume that the rental platform and the designer brand firm will strategically decide
prices but not dynamically adjust prices in different periods.
pb pr
Following the base model, in the first period, the demands of retail market and rental market are D1b = 1 1
p p p
D1r = 1b r r
, respectively. In the second period, consumers’ utility from purchasing and renting are (1 ) v pb and v pr ,
respectively. They would strategically choose among purchasing, renting, and neither purchasing nor renting. The demand can be
expressed as:

pb pr pb pr pb pr pr pb pr
1 1 2
, 1 2
<1 1 2
, 1 2
D2b = pb pr , D2r = pr pb pr
0, 1 2
> 1. 1 , 1 2
> 1. (6)

To examine the robustness of our key findings, we first compare the profit of the designer brand firm under the wholesale contract
with the single traditional channel.
Proposition 10.. In the two-period rental model, the designer brand firm’s profit under the wholesale contract is always higher than that
under the single traditional channel.
Compared with the demand in the first period, we can easily find that the demand of the retail market in the second period
decreases (i.e., D2b < D1b ), while the demand of the rental market in the second period increases significantly (i.e., D2r > D1r ). This
implies that when considering multi-periods rental, the rental market will further cannibalize the retail market. Proposition 10 shows
that, under the wholesale model, the gain from the expansion effect of the rental market still dominates the loss from the canni­
balization effect. This result further reinforces our main findings in the base model.
Next, we compare the equilibrium characteristics under different models. As shown in Equation (6), based on pricing decisions
made by the designer brand firm and/or the rental platform, there are two cases of the second period’s demand: (a) The rental market
p p
partially cannibalizes the retail market with a relatively small difference between retail prices and rental prices (i.e., 1b 2 r < 1). We
call this strategy as the low price difference strategy; (b) The rental market totally cannibalizes the retail market with a relatively large
p p
difference between retail prices and rental prices (i.e., 1b 2 r > 1). We call this strategy as the high price difference strategy. Comparing
the equilibrium outcomes under different contracts, we obtain the following proposition.
Proposition 11. Under the wholesale model, the designer brand firm always chooses the low price difference strategy. However, under the
agency model, the designer brand firm will strategically choose between low price difference strategy and high price difference strategy.
The intuition behind Proposition 11 is that, when one product can be rented multiple times, the order quantity of the platform to
the designer brand firm is the maximum demand of two periods’ rental markets. That is to say, if the designer brand firm chooses the
wholesale contract, although the rental demand of the second period increases, the firm can only partially benefit from the increased

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

Fig. 8. Illustration of Firm’s Strategy Preference under Agency Contract.

demand. In this case, the designer brand firm has no incentive to give up the retail market, so she always chooses the low price
difference strategy to compete with the rental platform. However, the designer brand firm has the power to set the rental price under
the agency contract, so she has an incentive to strategically adjust pricing strategy to get more profit. We numerically compare the
firm’s profit under different strategies. For ease of discussion, we denote the firm’s profit under low price difference strategy as FAL
and profit under high price difference strategy as FAH . As shown in Fig. 8, as increases, increases and decreases, the region in
which the firm prefers the high price difference strategy will increase. The intuition is that, as increases, increases and decreases,
the designer brand firm benefits more from the rental market, which encourages the firm to give up the second period’s retail market
and choose the high price difference strategy.

6. Conclusions

The luxury fashion rental business has become a major trend with the rapid growth of the sharing economy. Even designer brand
firms and traditional retailers are trying to find ways to cooperate with these platforms. In this paper, we analytically study the
impact of rental online marketplace on luxury fashion brands. Specifically, there exists a designer brand firm that sells a luxury
fashion product and a rental platform that can either rent the purchased product from the brand firm or allow the firm to use its
platform to rent out directly to consumers. We analyze the contract choice between the firm and the platform. Our analysis reveals
several important findings.
To begin with, the presence of a rental platform can benefit the designer brand firm. This is due to the tradeoff between the
market expansion effect and the cannibalization effect of the rental market. The rental platform provides consumers with an alter­
native way of owning luxury fashion goods, thereby reducing the demand in the retail market (the cannibalization effect). At the
same time, for some consumers with low-valuation, it turns out that they initially don’t buy the product, but now choose to rent it
from the platform, so that the aggregate market demand increases (the expansion effect). Our analysis shows that under both the
agency and wholesale contracts, the expansion effect dominates the cannibalization effect, and the designer brand firm benefits more
with a rental market than without. This result provides a possible explanation for why many fashion retailers cooperate with rental
Further, we find that the revenue-sharing proportion and the salvage value have a crucial impact on the optimal contract decision
of the firm and platform. We show that when the proportion of revenue need to share is small and the salvage value is relatively large,
the firm favors the agency contract, while the platform would like to choose the agency contract when the salvage value falls into a
certain range. Our results also reveal that when the portion of revenue-sharing is relatively large and salvage value is relatively small,
both the firm and the platform benefit more under the agency contract than under the wholesale contract. In this scenario, the agency
contract can improve the overall profit of the supply chain.
Third, compared with the wholesale model, the single traditional channel model, and the integrated channel model, the designer
brand firm will charge a lower retail price under the agency model. This indicates that when the firm has the power to set the rental
price of the new channel, the equilibrium price of the traditional retail channel will decrease. For high valuation consumers who
purchase the product, under the agency contract, their consumer surplus will increase and benefit more from the presence of a rental
We briefly point out some caveats of this study which may provide interesting directions for future research. First, this study only
considers two prevalent contract forms between the designer brand firm and the rental platform. Future research can explore other
supply chain contracts and cooperation modes. For example, some platforms help the fashion retailer to launch its own rental services
(Elizabeth, 2018b). Furthermore, this research has assumed that both the firm and the platform have full information about the
demand. Studying the effects of information asymmetry on the rental market would also be an interesting direction. Notwithstanding
these limitations, this study takes the first step to understand the impact of a rental market on luxury fashion brands and contributes
to the emerging field of research on sharing economy.

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065


The authors sincerely thank the review team for the thoughtful and constructive comments. This work is supported by the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 71771179 and 71532015) and the International Exchange Program for
Graduate Students of Tongji University.

Appendix A

Proof of single traditional channel

Given the demand function in Section 3, i.e., DbN = 1 pb , the designer brand firm’s optimal problem becomes:
max F = pb (1 pb ). Setting the first derivative of pb equal to zero, we get pbN = 2 . Substituting the optimal retail price pbN into
demand and profit functions, we have:
DbN = 1 pbN =

N 1
F = pbN (1 pbN ) =
Consumer surplus CSN and Social welfare SW N can be calculated as follows:
1 1 1
CSN = 1 (v ) dv =
2 2 8

N 3
SW N = F + CSN =

Proof of the integrated channel model

pb pr pb pr pr
Given the demand function Db = 1 1
, Dr = 1
, the supply chain faces the following optimization problem,
pb pr pb pr pr pb pr pr
max = pb (1 ) + pr ( )+ ( )
pb , pr SC 1 1 1

We first show that SC is jointly concave in pb and pr by examining the Hessian.

2 2
1 1
H= 2 2
1 (1 )

It is easy to find that the Hessian matrix is negative definite. Setting the first derivative of pb and pr equal to zero, we get pbI =
and prI
= 2
. It is easy to check that the results satisfy the consumption < pb . Consequently, we have the following equilibrium
pb pr 1 pb pr pr
DbI = 1 = , DrI = =
1 2(1 ) 1 2 (1 )

(1 + ) 2 + (1 ) ( )
F = pb Db + (1 ) pr Dr + Dr = , P = pr Dr =
4 (1 ) 4 (1 )

1 2
SC = F + P = +
4 4 (1 )
pb pr 2
1 1
CSI = pr ( v pr ) dv + pb pr (v pb ) dv = +
1 8 8 (1 )

3 3 2
SW I = SC + CSI = +
8 8 (1 )

Proof of Lemma 1
pb pr pb pr pr
Given the demand function Db = 1 1
, Dr = 1
, we utilize the backward induction technique and first consider the
platform’s optimal problem,

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

pb pr pr pb pr pr
max P = (pr w )( )+ ( )
pr 1 1

Calculating the first derivative of pr , and making it equal to zero, we have: pr (w, pb ) = 2 (w + pb ) . Then we substitute

pr (w, pb ) into the firm’s problem,

pb pr pb pr pr
max F = pb (1 ) + w( )
w , pb 1 1

We first show that F is jointly concave in pb and w by examining the Hessian.

2 1
1+ 1
H= 1 1
1 ( 1+ )

It is easy to check that the Hessian matrix is negative definite. Setting the first derivative of pb and w equal to zero, we get
pbW = 2 and wrW = +2 . Substitute pbW and prW into pr (w, pb ) , and we have prW = 4 . It is easy to check that the results satisfy the
1 2

consumption < pb . Similar to the integrated channel model, we can get other equilibrium results.

Proof of Proposition 1

Comparing equilibrium outcomes under the wholesale model (W) with that under the single traditional channel (N), we find,
pbW pbN = 0 ;

DbW DbN = < 0, DbW + DrW DbN = >0

4(1 ) 4
2 3 2
F F = > 0, SC SC = > 0;
8 (1 ) 16 (1 )
2 7 2
CSW CSN = , SW W SW N = > 0.
32 (1 ) 32 (1 )

Proof of Proposition 2

Comparing equilibrium outcomes under the wholesale model (W) with that under the integrated channel (I), we find,

pbW pbI = 0, prW prI = > 0;


DbW DbI = > 0, DrW DrI = < 0, DbW + DrW (DbI + DrI ) = < 0;
4(1 ) 4 (1 ) 4
( +2 2 ) ( +4 4 ) 2
F = 8( 1 + )
, W
P = 16(1 )
, W
SC = 16(1 )
< 0;
3 2 5 2
CSW CSI = < 0, SW W SW I = <0
32 (1 ) 32 (1 )
Because (0, 2 ) , we can easily get that when 0 < , 2 }, F, otherwise F; and when
1 W I W I
< min { 2( ) F < F >
0< < min { 4( )
, 2
}, W
P > P,
otherwise W
P < P.

Proof of Lemma 2
pb pr pb pr pr
Given the demand function Db = 1 1
, Dr = 1
, the firm determines the retail price pb and rental price pr si­
multaneously and the optimal problem is:
pb pr pb pr pr pb pr pr
max F = pb (1 ) + (1 ) pr ( )+ ( )
pb , pr 1 1 1
We first calculate the Hessian matrix and get:
2 2
1 1
H= 2 2(1 )
1 (1 )

We find that when 4(1 ) (2 )2 > 0 , F is jointly concave in pb and pr . Next, we set the first derivative of pb and pr equal
to zero, and get and prA = 4(1 ) (2 )2 . From the assumption < pb , we get < 0 , i.e.,
2(1 )(1 ) (2 )(1 + ) 2 (1 )( 2 + )
= pbA 4(1 ) (2 )2 (4(1 ) (2 )2 )
< 2 . Similar to the integrated channel model, we can get other equilibrium results.

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

Proof of Proposition 3

Comparing equilibrium outcomes under the agency model (A) with that under the single traditional channel (N), we find,
( 2 + )
pbA pbN = <0
2(4(1 ) (2 )2 )

(2 )( 2 + ) (2(1 )+ )(2 )
DbA DbN = < 0, DbA + DrA DbN = >0
2(4(1 ) (2 )2 ) 2 (4(1 ) (2 )2 )

A N ( 2 + )2 A N ( 2 + )2 A
F F = > 0, SC SC = + P >0
4 (4(1 ) (2 )2 ) 4 (4(1 ) (2 )2 )

(2 )(2 (4 + ( 4 + 2) ) + (4 4 + ( 8 + (8 3 ) )))
8 (4(1 ) (2 )2 )2
Because < 2 , 2 (4 + ( 4 + 2) )+ (4 4 + ( 8 + (8 3 ) )) > (4 + ( 4 + 2) )+ (4 4 + ( 8 + (8
3 ) )) = 2 (4(1 ) (2 )2 ) >0 .

Proof of Proposition 4

Comparing the profit of the firm under the agency model (A) with that under the wholesale model (W), we find,
2( 2 + 2(1 ) 2) + 4 (1 ) ( 2 ) + 4(1 ) 2
F = F F =
8 (1 )(4(1 ) ( 2 + )2 )
We define f ( ) = 2 ( 2 + 2(1 ) 2) + 4 (1 ) ( 2 ) + 4(1 ) 2 . If = (4(1 ) ( 2 ))2 4( 2 + 2(1 )
2 )4(1 ) 2 = 16 2 (1 ) ((1 2 ) 2 4(1 ) + 2(1 ) 2) 0 , i.e., g ( ) = (1 2 ) 2 4(1 ) + 2(1 ) 2 0,
we have f ( ) 0 , FA > FW . As g ( )/ = 2((1 2 ) 2(1 ) ) < 2((1 2 ) 2(1 ) ) < 0 , g (0) = 2(1 ) 2 > 0 , there
must exist a unique that satisfies g ( ) = 0 . g ( ) 0 indicates that .
If g ( ) > 0 , i.e., < . let f ( ) = 0 , and we have , 2= . Because
2(1 ) 2(1 )
(1 )(2 ) + (1 )g ( ) (1 )(2 ) (1 )g ( )
(2 )( ( 2 + )( 1 + ) + (2 + ( 2 + ) ))
< 0 and ), we get that when , f ( ) > 0 for , and when < 2,
F 1 1 1 1
= (4( 1 + ) + ( 2 + )2 )2
(0, 2 1 2
(0, 2
) 1

f ( ) > 0 for and f ( ) < 0 for 1, 2 ) .

(0, 1) (

Proof of Proposition 5

Comparing the platform’s profit under the agency model (A) with that under the wholesale model (W), we find,
A W ((4(1 ) (2 )2 )2 + 32(1 ) (2(1 ) + )) 2 + 16 (1 ) (4(1 )+ 2 ) 16(2 ) 2 (1 )2 2
P = P P =
16 (1 )(4(1 ) (2 )2 )2

We define l ( ) = ((4(1 ) (2 )2 )2 + 32(1 ) (2(1 ) + )) 2 + 16 (1 ) (4(1 )+ 2 ) 16(2 )

2 (1 ) 2 2 , and calculate = 64 2 (2 + )(1 )2 2 (4(1 ) (2 )2 )2 > 0 .
)+ 2 ) m )+ 2 )+m
Let l ( ) = 0 , and we have 1 = and (m = 4(1 )2 ,
4 (1 )(2(4(1 +2) 4 (1 )(2(4(1 +2)
2 = ) (2
m2 + 32 (1 )n m2 + 32 (1 )n
). From prA > 0 , DbA > 0 and < pbA , we get } . We define
(2 ) (1 ) (3 ) + 2(1 )
n 2(1 )+ 2
< < min { n
, 2
} . It is easy to test that We get that if 2, then l ( ) < 0 for and
(2 ) (1 ) (3 ) + 2(1 )
¯ = min { n
, 2 2
< 1. 1 < ¯ (2, 1)

l ( ) > 0 for ( 1 , ¯) , and if ¯ > 2, then l ( ) < 0 for (2, 1) and ( 2 , ¯) , and l ( ) > 0 for ( 1, 2).

Proof of Proposition 6

We first calculate the equilibrium results under the wholesale model. When considering rental enthusiastic consumers, the de­
mand of the retail market and rental market are respectively given as: Db = (1
pb pr
) , Dr =
pb pr
+ (1 )(1
) . We ( )
summarize the equilibrium results in the following Lemma. The calculation process is similar to that of Lemma 1.
Lemma 3. Under the wholesale model, the optimal solutions are as follows:

(3+ (1+ ) ) 3(1 ) 2

a) Pricing: wr = , pbWr = 2 , prWr = .
+ 1
2 4 4(1 )
( (1 ) + (1 )(2 (1 ) ) )
b) Demand: DbWr = , + ).
Wr 1
4(1 )(1 (1 ) )
Dr = 4
(1 + 1
1 1 1
c) Profits: Wr
F = 8
(2 (1 )+ 2 ( 1
+ )+ + (1 + 1 (1 )
)) ,

Wr ( (1 ) + (1 )(1 ) )2
P =
16(1 ) (1 (1 ) )

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

Wr 1 2 1 1
SC = (6 (1 )+3 ( + ) + 3 + (3 3 + ))
16 1 1 (1 )

Next, we compare the firm’s profit under wholesale contract with the rental enthusiastic consumer market (Wr) and that under the
single traditional channel (N) and find,

Wr N 1 2 1 1
F = F F = ( 2+2 (1 )+ ( + )+ + (1 + ))
8 1 1 (1 )
(1 ) ( (1 2 ) 2 (1 ) 2) (2 2 +2 ( 1 + ) + ( 1 + )2)( 1 + )2 2
We define r
W1 2 (1 )2
(2 2 +2 ( 1 + ) + ( 1 + )2)( 1 + )2 2 (1 ) ( 2 +(1 )2
. It is easy to prove < 1. If > 0 , i.e., = 0.8, then for
r (1 2 )) r r r r
W2 2 (1 W1 < W2 W2 W2
all min{ r
W 1,0}
< < we have < W2,
besides, for 0 < Wr
F F ;
< min{ r
W 1,0} and r
W2 < < 1, we have Wr
F > F .

If Wr 2 < 0 , then for all the market, we have FWr > FN .

Proof of Proposition 7

We first calculate the equilibrium results under agency contract and summarize in the following Lemma. The proofs are similar to
that of Lemma 2. For convenience, we definemr 4(1 ) (4 (4 ) ).
Lemma 4. Under the agency model, the optimal solutions are as follows:

2(1 ) ( (1 ) + (1 )(2 + (1 )(1 ) ))

a) Pricing: pbAr = mr
(2 (2 ))(1 ) (2 (2 ) )
prAr =

(2(1 ) (2 (3 ) ))
b) Demand: DbAr = mr
2 + 2(1 ) (2 2 ) 2(1 )(1 ) 2
DrAr =

) )+ 2 (1
c) Profits:
(1 )(1 ) ( + (1 )(1 ) )+ (2 2 2 + 2(1 )(1 + )
F = mr
((2 2 ) + 2(1 )(1 ) 2 2 2(1 ) )(( (2 ) 2)(1 ) + (2 (2 ) ))
P =
(mr ) 2

Next, we compare the firm’s profit under the agency contract with the rental enthusiastic consumer market (Ar) and that under
the single traditional channel (N) and find,
(1 )(1 ) ( + (1 )(1 ) )+ (2 2 2 + 2(1 )(1 ) )+ 2 (1 + ) 1
Ar N
F = F F =
mr 4
4( 1 + )( 2 + 2 2 2 + 2 2)
We define . In the agency model, for 2
1 4 4
r + +2 2
A < <
(44 8 +4
8 + 12 +4 2
3 2 +8 8 + 4 2 8 2 + 4 2 2) 4 4 + 2
2 2 2 + 2
2 +2 2+2 2 2 2
2+2 +2 3 + 2 2 2 2 + 2
2 +2 2 +2 2 2 2
, or 0< < 2 ,
2(1 + )
< < 2+ 2(1 + )
(2 2 + )( 1 + )
< < 2 2 +
, if 0 < r
A < 1 , for r
A < < 1 , we have F
> F
; besides, we have Ar
F < N
F .
If A < 0 , then for all the market, we have F > F . Otherwise, A > 1, for all the market, we have F < F .
r Ar N r Ar N

Proof of Proposition 8

To proof Proposition 8, we first calculate the equilibrium results under different pricing models. We use superscripts “Nc ”, “Wc ”
and “ Ac ” to represent equilibrium results under the single channel, the wholesale model and the agency model, respectively. Under
the single traditional channel, considering consumers’ conspicuous behavior, consumers’ utility from buying the product is
1 p
ub = v pb Db , and we get the demand function is DbNc = 1 + b . Similar to the proof of the single traditional channel in the base
model, we get pbNc = 2 , DbNc =
1 Nc
2(1 + ) F = 4(1 + )
With the presence of a rental platform, consumers’ utility from buying the product is ub = v pb (Db + Dr ) , and the utility
pb + pr + pr
from renting the product is ur = v pr . We set ub = ur , and get v = ( 1+ )
. The demand of the retail market and rental
market are respectively given as:
pb + pr + pr pb + pr + pr pr
Db = 1 , Dr =
( 1+ ) ( 1+ )

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

We summarize the equilibrium outcomes in the following Lemmas.

Lemma 5. When considering conspicuous behavior, under condition 8(1 ) 2 > 0 , the optimal solutions under the wholesale model are
as follows:

a) Pricing:
3( + ) + 4( 1 + ) ( + ) + 2 ( + + 2) + (2( 1 + )(1 + 2 ) + ( 3 + 4 ))
wc = 2
(1 + )( + 8( 1 + ) )

+ 4( 1 + ) + 2 ( + ) Wc ( 3 + (3 2 ) 2( 2 )( 1 + ) + 2 ( + ) + ( 1 + )(1 + 6 ))
pbWc = 2 + 8( 1 + )
, pr =
(1 + )( 2 + 8( 1 + ) )

b) Demand:
(1 + ) +( 4 + 2 + 2(1 + ) ) + 2(2 + ) 2 2 2 2
DbWc = , DrWc =
(1 + )( 2 + 8( 1 + ) ) 2 + 8( 1 + )

c) Profits:
2 + (1 2 2 ) + 2( 1 + ) 2( 1 + + )( + ) ( 1 + ) (2 + ( 1 + 2 + 2 )) 2
Wc Wc
F = 2
, P =
(1 + )( + 8( 1 + ) ) (1 + )( 2 + 8( 1 + ) ) 2
Lemma 6. When considering conspicuous behavior, under the condition 2 4 + 2 (2 + ) + ( 2 + ) 2 2 < 0 , the optimal solutions
under the agency model are as follows:

a) Pricing:
(1 + ) + ( 2 + 2 + (2 + + ( + ))) ( 1 + )(2 + ) 2
pbAc = 2 + 2( 2 + (2 + )) + ( 2 + ) 2 2

( 2 +2 + ( 2 + ) + ( 2 + )( ) + ( 1+ + + ))
prAc = 2 + 2( 2 + (2 + )) + ( 2 + )2 2

b) Demand:
2( 1 + ) + ( ( 2 + ) )( + ) 2 2 + ( + 2( 1 + ) )
DbAc = 2 + 2( 2 +
, DrAc =
(2 + )) + ( 2 + )2 2 2 + 2( 2 + (2 + )) + ( 2 + ) 2 2

c) Profits:

Ac ( 1+ ) ( + )( + ( 1+ + ))
F = 2 + 2( 2 + (2 + )) + ( 2 + ) 2 2

Wc ( 2 2 + ( + 2( 1 + ) ) )( 2 + 2 + ( 2 + ) + ( 2 + )( ) + ( 1+ + + ))
P =
( 2 + 2( 2 + (2 + )) + ( 2 + )2 2)2

Next, we compare the firm’s profit under the wholesale and agency contract with that under the single traditional channel and

Wc Nc (2 + ( 1 + 2 + 2 ))2
F F = >0
4(1 + )( 2 + 8( 1 + ) )

Ac Nc ( 2 2 + ( + 2( 1 + ) ) ) 2
F F = >0
4(1 + )( + 2( 2 + (2 + )) + ( 2 + )2 2 )

Proof of Proposition 10

We first calculate the equilibrium results under the wholesale contract. In the two-period rental model, the profit function of the
firm and the platform are respectively given as:
F = pb (D1b + D2b) + wD2r , P = pr (D1r + D2r ) wD2r + D2r

We summarize the equilibrium results under the wholesale contract in the following lemma. We use superscript ij to represent the
players choose j pricing strategy (low price difference strategy denoted by L and high price difference strategy denoted by H) under
different contract (wholesale contract denoted by W and agency contract denoted by A). The proofs are similar to that of Lemma 1.

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

Lemma 7. Under the wholesale model, the equilibrium of high price difference strategy doesn’t exist, the optimal solutions of low price
difference strategy are as follows:

a) Pricing:
(2 3 ) 2 (2 )(1 ) + 4 (2 + ( 4 + ) )2
wWL =
2(8 (2 ) (18 (19 8 )))

(1 )3 (8 + ( + 4( 4 + )) ) (1 ) 2 ( 2 + (8 + 5 ) 2(9 + ) 2 + 8 3)
pbWL = , p WL =
2(8 (2 ) (18 (19 8 ))) r 2(8 (2 ) (18 (19 8 )))

b) Demand:
8 (1 )(2 (4 ) ) + 2 ( 16 + (21 + 2( 5 + ) ))
b =
2(8 (2 ) (18 (19 8 )))

2(1 2 )(4 + ( (33 + ( 21 + 5 )) 20)) ( 1 + ) 2 (2 + ( 4 + ) )

b =
2(1 2 )(8 (2 ) (18 (19 8 )))

(1 )( (2 (5 + ( 3 + ) )) 2 2 (3 + 2( 3 + ) ))
r =
2(8 (2 ) (18 (19 8 )))

(1 )3 (2(1 2 ) 2 + (1 )(2 3 ))
r =
2 (1 2 )(8 (2 ) (18 (19 8 )))

c) Profits:

WL (1 )3 (4 (1 2 ) 2 + 2 (1 )(2 3 ) + 8 (1 2 )(2 + ( 4 + ) ))
F =
4 (1 2 )(8 (2 ) (18 (19 8 )))

(1 )3 (4 2 ( (2 (5 ) ) (8 (17 6 ) ))(1 2 )(2 (4 ) )

+ 2 (8 56 + 158 2 228 + 175 3 67 4 5 + 11 6 ))
P = .
4 (1 2 )(8 (2 ) (18 (19 8 ))) 2

Without the rental platform, the demands of the firm in two periods are D1Nb = 1 pb and D2Nb = 1 1
, respectively. Similar to
1 1 1
the proof of the single traditional channel in the base model, we get , = 2 , and FN = 2 .
= = pbN 2
D1Nb D2Nb 2
Next, we compare the firm’s profit under the wholesale contract with that under the single traditional channel and find:

WL N 4 (2 )(1 )3 2 (1 2 )+ 2 (2 )(1 ) 4 (2 3 ) + 4(1 ) 3 (1 2 )(4 (11 2(4 ) ))

F F = >0
4 (1 2 )(8 (2 ) (18 (19 8 )))(2 )

Proof of Proposition 11

In lemma 7, we show that the equilibrium of the high price difference strategy doesn’t exist under the wholesale contract. Next,
we calculate the equilibrium results of two pricing strategies under the agency contract. The profit functions can be expressed as:
F = pb (D1b + D2b) + (1 ) pr (D1r + D2r ) + D2r , P = pr (D1r + D2r )

We summarize the equilibrium results of different pricing strategies in the following lemmas.
Lemma 8. When the firm chooses the low price difference strategy, the optimal solutions are as follows:

a) Pricing:
(1 )(2(1 2 )(4 + ( 8 + + 2 )) + (4(2 1)(2 + ( 4) ) + ( (3 + ) 2)))
pbAL =
(2 3 )(8 8 2(12 (12 ) ) + (4 )(4 3 ) 2 )

(1 )(2 (2 )(1 2 ) (2 (4 ) ))
prAL = 2
8 8 2(12 (12 ) ) + (4 )(4 3 )

b) Demand:
4(1 )(1 2 )(2 2 ) + (1 2 )( (2 ) + 2 (10 7 ) 8) 2 (2 3 )2
b =
(2 3 )(8 8 2(12 (12 ) ) + (4 )(4 3 ) 2)

Y. Feng, et al. Transportation Research Part E 142 (2020) 102065

4(2 ) ( +8 ) + 4(2 10 ) + (1 )( (2 ) + 36 38 2 8) 2 (2 3 )2
b = (2 3 )(8 8 2(12 (12 ) ) + (4 )(4 3 ) 2)
(4 14 + 14 2 4 3 + 3) 2 (1 2 )(2(1 ) + (2 )(1 2 ))
r =
(2 3 )(8 8 2(12 (12 ) ) + (4 )(4 3 ) 2 )

2(1 )( 2 (2 4 + (3 + )) + (2 (5 (4 ) )) 2 )
r =
(2 3 )(8 8 2(12 (12 ) ) + (4 )(4 3 ) 2 )

c) Profits:

AL (1 )(4(1 ) (1 2 )(2 (4 ) ) + 2 (2 (5 (4 ) )) + 2 (2(1 2 ) + ( (3 + ) 2)))

F =
(2 3 )(8 8 2(12 (12 ) ) + (4 )(4 3 ) 2)

AL (1 )( (2 (4 ) ) 2(2 ) (1 2 ))(2 (2 (4 ) ) (4 (8 (4 ) )))

P = .
(8 8 2(12 (12 ) ) + (4 )(4 3 ) 2)2
Lemma 9. When the firm chooses the high price difference strategy, the optimal solutions are as follows:

d) Pricing:
(1 )(4 2 (4 + (1 ) ))
pbAH =
8(1 ) (8(1 ) + 2)

(1 )((4 3 ) 2 )
prAH =
8(1 ) (8(1 ) + 2)

e) Demand:
4(1 ) (4 + 2(3 ) )
b = 2)
b = 0,
8(1 ) (8(1 )+

(2(1 )+ ) (1 + ) (1 )((4 3 ) 2 )
r = 2)
, D2AH
r = 1
(8(1 ) (8(1 )+ ) (8(1 ) (8(1 ) + 2) )

f) Profits:
2 (1 ) + 2(1 )(1 ) (1 + (1 ) )+ (4 5 (4 )(1 ) )
F =
(8(1 ) (8(1 ) + 2) )

AH (1 )((4 3 ) 2 )( (4(1 ) + ) + 2 (2 3 2(1 ) ))

P = .
(8(1 ) (8(1 ) + 2) ) 2


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