Properties of Portland Cement Made From Contaminated Sediments

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Properties of Portland cement made from contaminated sediments

Article  in  Resources Conservation and Recycling · June 2004

DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2003.10.003

64 92

6 authors, including:

Kevin H Gardner Thomas P Seager

University of New Hampshire Arizona State University


Mindy Weimer B.J. Magee

Multnomah County Drainage District Ulster University


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Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241

Properties of Portland cement made from

contaminated sediments
Jennifer L. Dalton, Kevin H. Gardner∗ , Thomas P. Seager,
Mindy L. Weimer, Jean C.M. Spear, Bryan J. Magee1
Environmental Research Group, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH 03824, USA

Received 12 February 2003; received in revised form 20 September 2003; accepted 31 October 2003


Hundreds of millions of cubic meters of contaminated sediments are dredged from US harbors
and waterways annually for maintenance of navigation, environmental remediation, or both. In recent
years, inexpensive ocean dumping has been largely eliminated as a disposal alternative causing a crisis
in the management of sediment. This paper presents a new beneficial use alternative for contaminated
dredged material, which is to use dredged material as a feedstock in the conventional manufacture
of Portland cement. The paper demonstrates the efficacy of the process at the bench and pilot scales,
and presents a summary of practical and economic considerations. A bench scale manufacture was
carried out with feedstock mixtures containing 1–12% dredged material from the New York/New
Jersey (NY/NJ) harbor. The clinkers were quantitatively analyzed with X-ray powder diffraction and
differences in phase concentrations were observed in the clinker samples manufactured with dredged
material (decreased alite and increased belite) suggesting that additional burn time was needed to
account for the quartz present in the sediments. The free chloride concentrations in the clinker samples
were below ACI limits for cement used with reinforcing steel; however, the chloride in the dredged
material remains a manufacturing concern and is expected to increase annual maintenance costs. A
pilot scale manufacture was carried out in a batch rotary kiln; X-ray diffraction analysis and ASTM
tests for strength, soundness, and setting time suggested that with better optimized burning conditions,
dredged material can be successfully incorporated into full scale manufacture.
© 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Contaminated sediment; Dredged material; Cement manufacturing; Beneficial use; X-ray diffraction

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-603-862-4334; fax: +1-603-862-3957.

E-mail address: [email protected] (K.H. Gardner).
1 Present address: Grace Construction Products, 852 Birchwood Boulevard, Birchwood, Warrington, Cheshire

WA3 7QZ, UK.

0921-3449/$ – see front matter © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
228 J.L. Dalton et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241

1. Introduction

Passage of the Clean Water Act (CWA) and the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctu-
aries Act (MPRSA) in the United States has greatly restricted the disposal of contaminated
sediment at sea due to risks associated with ecological exposure. These limitations have
caused a crisis for the management of dredged material that is too contaminated for ocean
disposal (typically one-half to 3/4 of the total volume dredged from Northeast US harbors).
Development of cost effective, environmentally sound, and sustainable dredged material
management alternatives is a critical issue for continued operations of major ports and
harbors, which contribute significantly to the US economy.
For example, between 1976 and 1995, an average of 5,765,000 cubic yards of sediments
were removed annually from New York/New Jersey (NY/NJ) harbor (Jones et al., 2001).
This was done to increase the harbor’s natural depth of approximately 19 ft to nearly 40 ft.
Additional material will need to be handled over the next few years as the Port Authority
prepares to increase the depth of the region’s shipping lanes to 50 ft by the year 2009
(PANYNJ, 2001). This measure is intended to keep the port competitive by allowing the
safe passage of a new generation of cargo megaships.
Typical disposal options that have been used for contaminated dredged material include
confined disposal facilities (shoreline and offshore) and confined aquatic disposal cells
(subaqueous disposal, typically in the harbor). More recently, dredged material has been
amended with stabilizing agents such as cement, cement kiln dust, and fly ash, and used
as fill material at Brownfield sites and to close an abandoned mine in Pennsylvania. These
are important material management options, but no one single approach is likely to solve
the region’s or nation’s on-going predicament: cost effective and, particularly, sustainable
approaches are needed for a long-term solution.
The new technologies that are the focus of current research and development converge
on the premise of beneficial use, in which the material is transformed into a marketable
product and costs recovered by product sales. Success has been demonstrated in using
dredged material to manufacture lightweight aggregate, ceramics and glass tiles, bricks,
and soil (Amiran and Wilde, 2002; Derman and Schlieper, 1999; Hamer and Karius, 2002;
Mclaughlin et al., 1999). A construction-grade blended cement has also been produced
using a patented thermo-chemical process called Cement LockTM (Rehmat et al., 2001).
The work reported in this manuscript used contaminated sediments to replace a portion
of the raw feedstock materials in conventional Portland cement manufacture. Dredged ma-
terial contains major fractions of silica, alumina, calcium and iron oxides, all of which are
important in Portland cement manufacture. Furthermore, the concept of using recycled ma-
terials in Portland cement manufacture is not unique; hazardous wastes are used as kiln fire
at 20% of US cement plants, and industrial byproducts such as coal fly ash and petroleum
contaminated soils have been used to replace virgin feedstock materials. Consequently, the
cement industry is increasingly the focus of studies investigating the potential to exploit
key concepts in industrial ecology such as beneficial reuse of waste materials (Van Oss and
Padovani, 2002, 2003).
Cement manufacture requires high temperatures, typically 1450 ◦ C with a residence time
of 20–30 min at peak temperature. It is expected that organic contaminants will be degraded,
and inorganic contaminants (heavy metals) will be stabilized—either locked into the cement
J.L. Dalton et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241 229

phases or present in the cement kiln dust (a detailed investigation of the fate of contaminants
in the process will be published subsequently in a separate paper). This proposed technology
is advantageous in that it uses existing facilities and technologies to manage the considerable
amount of dredged material produced each year, while reducing the cement manufacturer’s
demand on raw materials. It is anticipated that this technology can be used in concert with
the numerous other available technologies and disposal options described above to manage
contaminated dredged material.
This manuscript presents the results of an investigation of the feasibility of using dredged
material as an alternative feedstock for Portland cement manufacture. The focus of the
work reported here is the production of material on the bench and pilot scales and the
characterization of clinker and cement made using the dredged material.

2. Background: cement manufacture

Portland cement is a hydraulic binder made from limestone and clay, sand or shale. It
was named for its original resemblance to Portland stone, a limestone quarried in the UK.
In the year 2001, nearly 82 million tonnes of cement were manufactured in US cement
plants, while an additional 22 million tonnes were imported from plants abroad (Portland
Cement Association, 2003). Dredged sediments typically have a mineral composition that
includes many of the ingredients essential to cement manufacture, including SiO2 , Al2 O3 ,
Fe2 O3 , and CaO. By adjusting the proportion of all other ingredients, sediments may be
blended with virgin materials at mass ratio of 10–12% (depending upon the composition of
the sediment and other available raw materials) to obtain the proper mineral composition
for Portland cement manufacture. High temperatures are required to convert the combined
raw materials to an intermediate product called clinker, which must be ground and blended
with gypsum to become cement. Even the “final” product is really just one ingredient in the
manufacture of construction products. Cement is eventually batched with water and sand
to make mortar (which is used between bricks or stone to bind individual masonry units to
each other) or, when stone or gravel is added, to make concrete. High compressive strength
is obtained from an exothermic chemical reaction between the water and cement that forms
entirely new minerals. Thus, concrete does not “dry” in the sense that water escapes from
the wet concrete mix; it “cures” in that the water is incorporated into the new molecular
structure of the cement paste.
Clinker can be manufactured using either a wet or dry process. With the wet process, the
raw materials enter the kiln in a wet slurry form, and in a dry process they enter the kiln in a
dry form. Wet process plants (like the Lafarge Corp. plant in Ravena, NY) require more en-
ergy than dry process plants (to drive off the additional moisture), and consequently account
for less than 20% of the clinker manufactured in the US (USGS, 2001). However, because
sediments are removed from aquatic environments, they carry high water contents and may
partially reduce the added water requirements at wet process plants. Therefore, wet process
plants are may be better suited than dry process plants for accepting dredged sediments.
Blended raw materials enter the top of the kiln and travel down as it rotates slowly
about its axis at speeds of 1–4 rpm (Taylor, 1997). The feedstock mixture passes through
progressively hotter and hotter heating zones. At first the water is driven off (between 500
230 J.L. Dalton et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241

and 800 ◦ C); then, the chemical bond between calcium and carbonate is broken, evolving
carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and leaving CaO in the kiln in a process called calcination
(at approximately 1000 ◦ C). Eventually the material becomes molten and calcium silicates
and other clinker phases are formed. At the bottom end of the kiln, called the burning
zone (approximately 1450 ◦ C), the mixture fuses into balls of 0.3 to 2.5 cm diameter clinker
(Neville, 1996). Overall residence time in the kiln is a few hours; the Lafarge kiln in Ravena,
NY has a typical residence time of 3 h (Roberts, 2002). From the furnace, the clinker is cooled
rapidly with air, and then interground with gypsum in ball mills into the fine powder known
as cement. The gypsum is added to control the hydration process and prevent rapid setting.
The mineral phases formed are determined by the raw materials, residence time, and
temperatures employed. Four major phases: alite, belite, aluminate, and ferrite, dominate
clinker composition (Kohlhaas, 1983; Neville, 1996; Taylor, 1997). Although each performs
a different function in the performance of the final product, the most important are alite
and belite, which are most abundant in the clinker and make the greatest contribution to
compressive strength (Table 1). Minor components in the feedstocks may cause problems
in cement manufacture. The most notable of these, in the case of contaminated sediment
feedstocks, are the alkali chloride salts, such as sodium chloride and potassium chloride and
environmentally important metals such as cadmium, chromium, arsenic, copper, mercury,
and lead.
In concrete construction, chloride is anathema. It reduces final strength and may speed
corrosion of reinforcing steel. However, in cement manufacture, chloride in raw material
feedstocks is somewhat less problematic. When chlorides pass through the kiln, they are
ordinarily volatilized at approximately 980 ◦ C, along with alkalis, sulfur, and other elements
present in the raw mix. Only a small fraction is typically trapped in the clinker (Bhatty, 1995;
Taylor, 1997). As they travel up the kiln with other gases to cooler regions, a portion of the
chlorides may precipitate out to form solid or semi-solid salt deposits along the kiln walls.
Periodic maintenance can remove the build-up, although production time is lost (Gadayev
and Kodess, 1999). The remaining chlorides (as well as alkalis) accumulate in the CKD,
which precludes reintroduction of CKD back into the raw feed mix (Taylor, 1997). For
plants that use electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) for pollution control, chlorides and alkalis
may combine to form a sticky residue that clogs the devices, again requiring additional
maintenance (Roger, 2001). High chloride concentrations may also cause early wear on
a kiln’s brick lining, as well as other manufacturing components, including the emission
stacks. However, the tendency of chlorides to scavenge alkali metals from the clinker can be

Table 1
Properties of major clinker phases
Mineral phase Properties in cement

Alite (tricalcium silicate) 3CaO×SiO2 Rapid hydration, high initial and final strength
Belite (dicalcium silicate) 2CaO×SiO2 Slow hydration, good final strength, low heat of hydration
Aluminate (tricalcium aluminate) Rapid hydration, high heat of hydration
3CaO×Al2 O3
Ferrite (tetracalcium aluminoferrite) Slow and moderate hydration, moderate heat of hydration
4CaO(Al2 O3 ×Fe2 O3 )
J.L. Dalton et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241 231

Table 2
Effects of heavy metals on cement manufacture and properties
Chemical symbol Effect on cement manufacture and properties

As Typically enters clinker; unlikely to effect cement manufacture

Cd Cd concentration in clinker decreases as Cl input to kiln increases
High CdO content in clinker will retard hydration; no effect on strength
Cr Reduces viscosity of clinker melt; will get incorporated into clinker phases; accelerates
hydration of paste; improves early strength (used for high strength cements)
Cu Effects vary depending on the form (oxide, salt, or sulfide). Accumulates in CKD
Pb Volatile, may exit the kiln as fines and collect in CKD. Can accumulate in clinker
without adverse effects if <70 ppm
Hg Highly volatile, expected to escape in stack gases. Very little is known about effect on
clinker production
Zn 80–90% of ZnO will go to clinker (80–90%), with the rest to CKD. Other forms can
have varied effects

an advantage in producing low alkali cements and reducing undesirable alkali–silica side
reactions in concrete.
Metals present in feedstock materials are known to effect clinker phase formation, hy-
dration/setting time, and strength development. Small concentrations of arsenic, cadmium,
chromium, copper, lead, mercury, and zinc are typically present in both dredged sediment
samples and convention clinkers. Because these elements are typical of those found in trace
quantities in virgin raw materials, cement producers have extensive experience with their
impact on concrete quality and cement production (see Table 2) (Bhatty, 1995).
Introduction of contaminated sediments containing chloride salts (e.g. from ocean or
estuarine waters) or trace metals is likely to result in increased maintenance expenses at the
cement manufacturing plant, partially offsetting sediment disposal cost savings. However,
the primary purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of dredged material introduction
on traditional performance specifications such as compressive strength, setting time, and
free chloride content for cement and assess the potential to manufacturer a commercially
viable cement product using contaminated dredged material.

3. Methods and materials

3.1. Sample collection

Dredged material samples were collected from the New York/New Jersey Harbor in Oc-
tober of 2000. Sampling was conducted along the Harlem River using a standard Ponar
sampler. Five gallon buckets of sediment were sampled from three locations in the har-
bor, all of which were typical depositional environments. The particle size distribution of
the dredged material is shown in Fig. 1; the median size was 15 ␮m. Extensive sampling
throughout the NY/NJ harbor has found that dredged sediments have a most probable me-
dian size range of 6–20 ␮m, which includes the median particle size of the dredged material
sample analyzed in this work (PANYNJ, 1996). The average water content was 52.5%,
232 J.L. Dalton et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241


volume (%)



0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
particle size (microns)

Fig. 1. Particle size distribution measured for dredged material.

within the range of 41.1–64.3% found from dredged material samples taken throughout the
NY/NJ harbor (PANYNJ, 1996).
Samples of typical cement production feedstock materials were collected at the Lafarge
Building Materials cement plant in Ravena, New York (at the time the plant was owned
and operated by Blue Circle Cement). This manufacturing facility uses a blend of six
raw feedstock materials, described in Table 3, to prepare their feedstock slurry. Samples
of feedstock materials, slurry (the final mixture of feedstock materials entering the kiln),
Portland cement clinker, gypsum, and Portland cement were also collected during this trip
to the Lafarge cement plant.

Table 3
Key properties of feedstock materials
Abbreviated Full name Primary mineral(s) supplied Source
CM Coeymans manlius, high Calcium (CaCO3 ) Mined from on-site quarry
lime rock
Hi mag Roundout rock formation Calcium (CaCO3 ), silica (SiO2 ) Mined from on-site quarry
Kalk Kaulkberg, low lime rock Calcium (CaCO3 ), silica (SiO2 ) Mined from on-site quarry
Fly ash Coal fly ash Alumina (Al2 O3 ), silica (SiO2 ) Purchased, by-product of
coal burning power plants
Baux Bauxite Alumina (Al2 O3 ), iron (Fe2 O3 ) Purchased on open market
Iron Iron (mill scale) Iron (Fe2 O3 ) Purchased on open market
J.L. Dalton et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241 233

Table 4
XRF analysis results for typical feedstock materials (% by mass)
CM Hi Mag Kalk Bauxite Fly ash Iron

SiO2 7.44 28.19 35.29 7.00 46.65 4.91

Al2 O3 1.27 5.21 3.16 44.44 21.23 0.89
Fe2 O3 0.59 3.30 1.59 19.87 6.98 86.73
CaO 47.90 22.47 31.43 4.65 6.50 7.98
MgO 2.47 10.69 1.34 0.34 0.88 0.38
SO3 0.74 0.18 0.49 0.54 0.48 0.08
Na2 O 0.17 0.68 0.26 0.08 0.68 0.12
K2 O 0.31 1.13 0.56 0.00 0.97 0.00
TiO2 0.07 0.25 0.15 1.31 0.69 0.03
SrO 0.05 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00
P2 O5 0.03 0.09 0.07 0.04 0.13 0.06
MnO 0.00 0.07 0.01 0.03 0.00 1.78
ZnO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cr2 O3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01
F 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Cl 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.03
LOI 38.95 27.71 25.64 21.69 14.79 −3.00
SUM 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00

3.2. XRF analysis

The dredged material and feedstock material samples collected were analyzed for major
and minor oxide concentrations using X-ray fluorescence (XRF). Samples were prepared
in the UNH materials laboratory and then sent to Lafarge’s laboratory for XRF analysis on
a Bruker 3400SRS XRF unit. Concentrations of the following oxides and elements were
analyzed: SiO2 , Al2 O3 , Fe2 O3 , CaO, MgO, SO3 , Na2 O, K2 O, TiO2 , SrO, P2 O5 , MnO,
ZnO, Cr2 O3 , F, and Cl. Results of the XRF analysis are shown in Table 4.

3.3. Material preparation

The dredged material was dried in an oven at 60 ◦ C. The dried sample was then broken
down from clumps to its original particle size with a mortar and pestle and sieved through
a 50-mesh (300 ␮m) sieve. Oversized pieces including shells, and large sand particles were
caught on the screen and removed.
The feedstock materials were ground in a crusher to less than 1.5 in. and then in a BICO
pulverizer until the material was less than 10 millimeters. The ASTM methods for sampling
aggregate (C207 and D75) were applied to collecting samples of feedstock materials for
crushing and analysis.

3.4. Free chloride content

The free chloride content of the dredged material and clinker samples were measured with
a chloride ion selective electrode. Samples were first heated to 550 ◦ C to remove organics
234 J.L. Dalton et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241

Table 5
Proportions of feedstock materials in mixtures for bench scale clinker manufacture (% by mass)
Material Control Low DM Medium DM High DM

CM 73.68 73.56 78.80 84.58

Hi mag 1.10 1.10 1.18 1.26
Kalk 20.16 20.34 10.83 0.33
Fly ash 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Baux 2.40 2.97 2.21 1.37
DM A 0.00 1.49 6.63 12.30
Iron 0.66 0.54 0.36 0.16

that interfere with the electrode reading. The sample was suspended in deionized water at
a 10:1 l/kg liquid to solid ratio.

3.5. Bench scale clinker manufacture

The procedures used for manufacturing clinker in the laboratory were based on practices
described in the literature (Caponero and Tenorio, 2000; Espinosa and Tenorio, 2000) and
correspondence with experts (Glasser, 2001; Kozikowski, 2001; Mischulovich, 2001; Tang,
2001; Tenorio, 2001). Four different batches of cement were manufactured at the bench
scale with increasing proportions of dredged material: 0% (control sample), 1.49, 6.63, and
12.3%. Table 5 gives the exact proportions of all feedstock components. Each feedstock
mixture was fired in a platinum crucible with a platinum lid to minimize alkali and sulfate
escape (Glasser, 2001).
Between 40 and 45 g of feedstock mixture was fired at a time. The furnace program, based
on literature data and free lime minimization, consisted of the following: ramp at 20 ◦ C/min
to 1000 ◦ C, ramp at 15 ◦ C/min to 1450 ◦ C, and dwell at 1450 ◦ C for 30 min (Caponero and
Tenorio, 2000; Dalton, 2002; Espinosa and Tenorio, 2000; Trezza and Scian, 2000). The
clinker sample was then cooled to 400 ◦ C in the furnace, removed from the furnace and
cooled to room temperature in a desiccator. Although this procedure did not allow for the
rapid cooling important to Portland cement manufacture, it was safer to handle the crucible
and sample at a lower temperature when the sample had solidified. The clinker sample
was broken into small pieces with a mortar and pestle and ground in the ceramic ball
mill. Any material that did not pass a 200 ␮m sieve was further ground with a mortar and

3.6. X-ray diffraction analysis

Ground clinker samples, passing a 50-mesh (300 ␮m) sieve, were placed in glass sample
plates, smoothed over until the samples were spread out evenly, and tapped to achieve
random orientation of the crystals. Elemental tungsten, wolfram (W), was added as an
internal standard and a 2θ corrector. A Rigaku-Geigerflex goniometer was used to provide
the Cu K␣ X-ray source (45 kV, 35 mA). Data were collected using Datascan 3.1 (Materials
Data Inc. (MDI)). Additional details are available in Dalton (2002).
J.L. Dalton et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241 235

Table 6
Proportions of feedstock materials in pilot scale mixture (% by mass)
Feedstock material Proportion

CM 87.15
Hi mag 3.63
Kalk 0.40
Baux 1.88
Iron 0.29
DM B 6.65

3.7. Pilot scale production

A raw feedstock mixture was prepared and sent to Construction Testing Laboratory (CTL,
Skokie, IL) where it was pelletized and fired in a batch rotary kiln. Table 6 presents the
proportions of all the raw materials used for the feedstock mixture. Pellets were prepared
on a disk pelletizer with a 1 m diameter, rotating at 20 rpm. A moisture content of 31.7%
was used to create pellets ranging in size from 0.94 to 1.56 cm (after screening). The
pellets were then dried in an oven at 110 ◦ C before firing in the batch rotary kiln. The
pelletized feedstock mixture was fired in three separate batches of 5.5–8.2 kg each. The burn
conditions, including temperature and time, for each of the batches of feedstock materials
fired in the rotary kiln are shown in Fig. 2. After firing was complete, the clinker samples
were removed from the kiln, cooled in air, mixed with 6.1% gypsum and ground to a specific
surface of 375 m2 /kg, measured by the Blaine method, to make Portland cement.
ASTM C109, “Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement
Mortars (Using 5 cm cube specimens),” was carried out in the UNH laboratory. ASTM
C151, “Standard Test Method for Autoclave Expansion of Portland Cement,” and C191,
“Standard Test Method for Time of Setting of Hydraulic Cement by Vicat Needle,” were
conducted by CTL.

temperature (deg C)

600 batch 1 batch 2 batch 3

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
elapsed time in kiln (min)

Fig. 2. Pilot scale batch rotary kiln burn conditions.

236 J.L. Dalton et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Bench scale manufacture

Six clinker samples were tested for alite (3CaO×SiO2 ) content using an XRPD semiquan-
titative RIR method described in Stutzman (1996). Three variables were studied: dredged
material content, mixing technique, and firing procedures (full scale rotary kiln or lab scale
muffle furnace). The purpose of testing mixing and scale variables was to evaluate the effects
of the bench clinkering process employed to make the experimental (containing dredged
material) clinkers.
The results for all alite data are shown in Fig. 3. Comparison of control materials fired at
full scale with those fired in the lab shows (with 94% confidence) that full scale firing results
in greater alite content. This may be attributed to the lack of rapid cooling in the muffle
furnace. If cooling occurs too slowly, the alite phase will decompose between 1250 and
1100 ◦ C to form a blended mixture of belite (2CaO×SiO2 ) and lime (CaO) (Taylor, 1997).
In the laboratory, the clinker sample was left in the muffle furnace to cool to 400 ◦ C in order
to be able to handle the sample safely. This cooling process took a couple of hours. At a full
scale cement plant, the clinker is cooled with an air exchanger upon exiting the rotary kiln
to a temperature of at least 1100 ◦ C to minimize decomposition of the alite (Taylor, 1997).
No statistically significant result could be attributed to mixing conditions; consequently,
the proportioning and feedstock mixture preparation procedures used in the laboratory were
considered representative of those employed at full scale.
Similarly, no significant difference was found between the low dredged material (low
DM) clinker samples and the control clinker mixed and fired at the lab scale. However,
clinker samples with medium and high dredged material replacement had alite contents
significantly different than the control clinker (99% confidence).


Control (Zero DM) Experimental (DM varies)

alite content (% mass)

60 DM
mixed and fired
at full scale


50 high
fired at lab scale
mixed at full scale,

mixed and
fired at lab




Fig. 3. Alite content in clinker samples.

J.L. Dalton et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241 237

There are a few possible explanations for the differences in the alite content of the
dredged material clinker samples manufactured in the laboratory, the most likely of which
is the high concentrations of quartz (SiO2 ) in the dredged material. The presence of quartz
was noted during a qualitative XRD analysis of the dredged material; this phase had the
strongest FOM value of all the minerals detected. Due to their larger size, the presence of
quartz crystals in cement manufacture calls for “harder” burning conditions (Taylor, 1997);
a higher maximum temperature or longer retention time may be needed to allow for proper
reactions to occur. In the final stage of the clinkering process the alite is formed as the lime
crystals react with the belite. (Belite is formed in the first stage after CaCO3 decomposes
and reacts with the SiO2 —Taylor, 1997). This final reaction may not have been able to occur
completely as the quartz content increased, resulting in lower alite contents as the dredged
material content was increased. These conditions could be accounted for in the full scale in
order to assure adequate alite contents in the final product.

4.2. Pilot scale experiment

A single mixture containing 6.5% dredged material (dry mass basis—see Table 6) was
used in the pilot scale batch experiment. In addition to the major Portland cement clinker
phases, SiO2 (quartz) was also identified in pilot scale diffractograms. Although XRPD
analysis detected quartz in dredged material samples, it was not detected in the full scale
cement or the clinker produced at the laboratory bench scale.
The strong presence of belite peaks compared to alite was also observed in the diffrac-
tograms from the pilot scale cement. This agrees with the observation made previously for
the clinker samples manufactured with dredged material at the bench scale. These results
strongly suggest the alite phase may not have fully formed during the final clinkering phase;
additional burn time was necessary because of the poor reactivity of the quartz present in
the dredged material (Taylor, 1997). This is a particularly cogent hypothesis because the
temperature in the pilot scale kiln was less than what was specified and intended for the
clinkering: as shown in Fig. 1, the maximum temperature reached in the pilot scale kiln was
1350 ◦ C, less than the intended 1450 ◦ C. Another possible reason for lower alite and higher
belite in the pilot scale is that the alite decomposed during cooling into a mixture of belite
and lime (Taylor, 1997). Both of these scenarios could also explain the increased intensity
of the belite (stronger peaks, better FOM) found in the analysis of the pilot scale cement,
as compared to the cement manufactured at the full scale. With improved burn conditions
and/or rapid cooling, it is probable that the alite content would increase.
Fig. 4 shows the average and standard deviation of the maximum stress values for set of
each mortar cubes made from the pilot scale cement and compares these to the requirements
(standard and optional) presented in ASTM C150 for a types I and II Portland cement. The
original mixture was proportioned to create a type II/I cement which must meet the higher
type I strength requirements (at 3 and 7 days: 28 days strength is the same as type II). The
type II strength requirements are shown as a reference.
The mortar cubes made with pilot scale cement had an average maximum stress slightly
less than that specified in ASTM C150 at days 3 and 7 (there is no requirement for day
1, it is just recorded) for types I and II cements. By day 28 the dredged material mortar
cubes had surpassed the optional strength requirement in ASTM C150 for types I and II
238 J.L. Dalton et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241

control cement
DM cement
Type I Requirement
avg maximum stress (psi)

Type II Requirement




0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
days of curing

Fig. 4. Average and standard deviation of the maximum compressive stress values for mortar cubes compared to
ASTM C150 requirements.

cements. The cement mortar cubes from the pilot scale manufacture did not perform as well
as the full scale cement. Without a control cement manufactured under the same pilot scale
conditions, it is difficult to resolve why the pilot scale cement was not as strong. Results
from the qualitative XRPD analysis of the cement showed the belite peaks to be stronger
and the alite peaks to be weaker than the full scale cement. Since the alite and belite are
associated with good initial and final strength development, respectively (Kohlhaas, 1983),
this difference could explain the weaker than required strength values measured at 3 and 7
days, and the acceptable strength value at 28 days.
A change in length of 0.08% was measured in the hydrated cement specimen under the
autoclave conditions specified in ASTM C151. This is well below the 0.80% maximum
expansion value in ASTM C150. The initial setting time was found to be 126 min, within
the range specified in ASTM C150 of 45–375 min. The final setting time was calculated
to be just over 4 h (241 min). Setting time is highly dependent on the presence of gypsum,
which was not optimized for the pilot scale clinker; too little gypsum can cause rapid set
which can lead to poor strength gain of the cement, and too much will cause a delay in
initial setting time (and strength gain). The major clinker phase content can also influence
setting time. The alite and aluminate phases are responsible for rapid hydration, while the
belite and ferrite phases contribute to slow and/or moderate hydration (Kohlhaas, 1983).
The free chloride contents measured in the clinker samples manufactured in the laboratory
are shown in Table 7. It was found that there was little difference between chloride contents
of all clinkers, with perhaps an unexpected slight decrease in chloride concentration with
increasing dredged material substitution. The free chloride contents measured in the clinker
samples are all below the water soluble chloride limit in Portland cements to be used in
reinforced concrete (0.15%), as well as the limit for prestressed concrete (0.06%). The
J.L. Dalton et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241 239

Table 7
Free chloride content measured in bench scale clinker samples (% by mass)
Clinker sample Free Cl−

Control 0.018
Low DM 0.016
Medium DM 0.014
High DM 0.013

results show that the high chloride content in the dredged material should not affect the
quality of the final product.

4.3. Practical considerations

The results presented in this paper suggest a likely practical replacement of 3–6% of the
total feedstock material (dry mass basis), considering factors of chloride scaling and SiO2
burning. Using a hypothetical annual feed of 3.2 million tonnes per year (the annual feed
rate of the Lafarge plant cooperating in this study), this material replacement amounts to
96,000–192,000 tonnes per year (dry mass basis). With a typical in-place water content of
sediments of 127%, and assuming a bulk density of in-place sediment of 1300 kg/m3 , this
corresponds to a use of 166,700–333,300 m3 (218,000–436,000 yd3 ) of dredged material
per annum at this single cement production facility.
The fraction of raw materials that can be replaced is also a function of the bulk sediment
chemistry and the major elemental content of the feedstocks used by the cement facility. At
the Lafarge plant collaborating on this work, a 6% feedstock replacement would reduce the
required amounts of fly ash, bauxite and iron by 100, 8 and 45%, respectively. A theoretical
maximum was found to be 14% dredged material, which would completely replace the
bauxite and fly ash feedstocks.
There are numerous additional factors that need to be considered to assess the cost and
feasibility of this approach for a particular dredging operation and cement manufacturing
plant. Some of the significant costs that need to be considered include the following:

• Transportation to the cement manufacturer.

• Debris removal and disposal.
• Sediment dewatering (if needed).
• Material transfer and storage on site.
• Kiln modifications for introduction of sediments at the hot end of the kiln.
• Incremental operating costs for kiln cleaning.

To balance these costs, there are two revenue streams for the cement manufacturer: raw
material savings and tipping fees. Tipping fees will of course depend on the dredged material
market, however, with few cost-competitive alternatives currently available, tipping fees can
reasonably be expected to be US$ 45 m−3 (US$ 35 yd−3 ), which is a target cost that has
been set by the Port Authority of NY/NJ (this figure excludes dredging and transportation
costs) (Jones et al., 2001).
240 J.L. Dalton et al. / Resources, Conservation and Recycling 41 (2004) 227–241

5. Conclusions

The research reported in this manuscript demonstrates the potential of using contami-
nated fine-grained dredged material as a feedstock replacement in conventional Portland
cement manufacture. It was shown that kiln operational conditions may have to be adjusted
depending upon the quartz content of the sediments. High chloride content of the dredged
material was demonstrated to not increase the chloride content of the final product, although
it remains a practical manufacturing consideration. The potential of this technology to con-
tribute significantly to the sustainable management of dredged material was demonstrated
by virtue of the annual volume of material consumable and the apparent technical feasibility
of the approach.


Support for this research was provided by the NOAA-UNH Cooperative Institute for
Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology (CICEET) located at the University of
New Hampshire, NOAA grant number NA03NOS4190195. The authors would like to ac-
knowledge the support of Lafarge Cement in Ravena, NY, and particularly the assistance of
Lorraine Roberts, Ron Peck, and Jack Dwyer. The authors would also like to acknowledge
the expert advice of Ann Thayer, Jennifer Kimball, and Thornton Batty of Dragon Cement
in Thomaston, Maine regarding the cement manufacturing process. The assistance of the
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in collecting sediment samples
is also gratefully acknowledged.


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