MS-Slurry Jcking PDF
MS-Slurry Jcking PDF
MS-Slurry Jcking PDF
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 3
2. SITE SAFETY & HEALTH .............................................................................................................. 3
3. PRE-CONSTRUCTION ................................................................................................................... 3
4. TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT (BY MAIN CONTRACTOR) ................................................................ 3
5. PERMIT ........................................................................................................................................... 4
5. EQUIPMENT ................................................................................................................................... 4
6. JACKING AND RECEIVING PITS ................................................................................................. 4
7. METHOD OF PIPE JACKING ........................................................................................................ 5
This Method Statement for Pipe Jacking is prepared specifically for jacking pipes using
guided shield boring/slurry system.
2.1. All construction activities will be carried out in accordance with Safety and Health Acts’
requirements specified by but not limited to ‘Akta Keselamatan Pekerja 1994 Dan Akta
Jentera 1967’ and as per UTIC Service’s Safety Procedure/Manual.
2.2.1. The quality of the air in the pit shaft will be tested at least twice daily by
mean of a gas meter by the foreman in-charge. The test will also be carried
out if anyone within the confined space feels uncomfortable at any time in
the course of working. The reading from the gas meter and time of testing
must be recorded for future reference.
2.2.2. For toxic atmosphere, e.g. those with remnants of liquids, vapors, gaseous
etc, proper ventilation fan must be put in place to disperse the gases.
Ventilation fans must be maintained to ensure air in working area is kept to a
comfortable & safe level for workers.
2.2.3. A first aid box will be kept near the site at all times.
2.2.4. Spare water pumps, generator and ventilation fans will be kept on standby
with easily access within the site.
Study the proposed invert levels of sewer line on all relevant drawings to ensure no
discrepancy before commencement of excavation.
4.1. Temporary traffic diversions and pedestrian routes will be provided where work in roads
or footway obstructs existing vehicular or pedestrian access. Set up of temporary traffic
arrangements and control of work in public roads and footways will comply with the
requirements of the relevant authorities.
4.2. Traffic signage, safety barriers and blinker lights will be placed at positions as instructed.
4.3. For construction site situated within the R.O.W. of any public road within residential and
town areas, flagmen will be provided to direct traffic during working hours. Blinkers lights
will be put in place after working hours or at night to warn road users.
5.1. MBSA
6.5. Iseki TCS 600 (ID 375mm, OD 520mm), slurry system c/w slurry tanks, control cabin,
charge and discharge pumps, jacking frame, etc.
Temporary jacking/drive and receiving pits will be constructed. The size of the
jacking/drive and receiving pit will be 3.3m to 2.1m (internal diameter) round concrete
It is proposed that the precast concrete shaft be made up of concrete ring with the
following dimensions:
iii. Height : 1 m
The shaft when place to final level, can be subjected to either of the following pressures:
ii. The shaft full of water will be subjected to water pressure internally and
externally saturated soil pressured.
7.4.2. Lift and position 1st precast concrete chamber ring into the excavated hole.
Manually trim the base to ensure the concrete chamber ring is in upright
7.4.3. The annulus between the concrete ring and excavation will be backfilled
with suitable material from the material excavated earlier.
7.4.4. 2nd additional concrete chamber ring will then be added to the top of 1st
concrete ring and the whole shaft will be sunk by manual excavation within
the shaft. Excavation shall proceed and concrete chamber rings added until
required depth is reached.
7.4.5. During sinking of concrete rings, if necessary, they will be hold together by
combination of shackles and turn-buckles fixing through the lifting holes to
minimize separation of the concrete rings.
7.4.6. Adjustment for the verticality of shaft can be made by applying pressure to
the high point on top of the concrete shaft. Selective excavation of the base
will also help to control the sinking.
7.4.7. After the shaft has achieved the required depth, the bottom of the shaft will
be plugged using concrete. This will minimize the infiltration of ground water
into the shaft as well as providing a working platform for the jacking machine.
8.1.1. Setting out for alignment and invert level of the sewer mains will be carried
out and marked on top of the concrete shaft for reference.
8.1.2. Request for Inspection (RFI) shall be submitted to the Resident Engineer for
a joint survey of the setting out for the proposed alignment and invert level of
pipe before commencing any jacking work.
8.1.3. Setting up of equipment shall be carried out in accordance to the level and
alignment of the pipe jacking crossing, which shall be transferred into the
launching shaft using survey equipment.
8.1.4. The setting up work shall commence with the construction of a thrust wall,
which shall serve as a reaction resistance to the jacking force. A mild steel
plate of approximately 50mm thick shall be erected in front of the thrust wall
together with the formwork.
8.1.5. Ready mixed concrete of approximately Grade 20 shall be poured into the
formwork to form the thrust wall. The erected mild steel plate shall serve to
distribute uniformly any uneven or concentrated loads exerted by the
hydraulic jacks during pipe jacking.
8.1.6. The guide rails shall then be erected at the base of the shaft and welded
firmly to the sheet piles to form a launching platform for the pipes.
Appropriate water pumps and other ancillary equipment, which includes
Head Office Klang Valley
No.12 Crossvent Subang, Jalan Lira U3/41, Pekan Baru Subang
Seksyen U3, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA
Tel: (603) 78327030 Fax: (603) 78327830 5
charge and discharge pumps, slurry tanks, slurry pipes, control panel and
etc. Shall be positioned of the setting up works to confirm the accuracy of the
alignment and level.
8.1.7. The pipe jacking work commences with the insertion of the slurry shield into
the ground. The shield is positioned on the guide rails and driven into the
ground by the hydraulic jacks.
8.1.8. Once there is enough space in the launching shaft, a unit of the reinforced
concrete jacking pipe (RCJP) is lowered on to the guide rails and jointed to
the shield.
8.1.9. The pipe is then driven into the ground together with the slurry shield. Once
the first pipe is sufficiently jacked into the ground, another pipe shall be
lowered on to the guide rails and jointed to the first pipe. As the pipeline
proceeds, excavation of the soil takes place within the shield and the spoils
are removed in the form of slurry pipes. Frequent checks are carried out to
ensure that the pipeline is advancing according to the designed line and
grade. When the need arises, necessary adjustments at the slurry shield can
be made to correct any deviations.
8.1.11. Once the slurry pipes and the cables are disconnected, the shield is lifted out
of the reception shaft.