5) Heat Transfer I
5) Heat Transfer I
5) Heat Transfer I
Fluid Flow
Heat flux
Thermal conductivity
Convective heat transfer coefficient
Overall heat transfer coefficient
Heat and temperature
The common units for measuring heat are the British Thermal Unit
(Btu) in the English system of units and the calorie in the SI system
(International System of Units).
Heat and work
The heat flux can be determined by dividing the heat transfer rate by
the area through which the heat is being transferred.
B= C/A
B = heat flux (Btu/hr-ft²)
C = heat transfer rate (Btu/hr)
A = area (ft²)
Thermal Conductivity
The heat transfer characteristics of a solid material are measured
by a property called the thermal conductivity (k) measured in
Btu/hr-ft-˚F. It is a measure of a substance’s ability to transfer heat
through a solid by conduction.
Cylindrical Q= k A [Δt/Δr]
Q= rate of heat transfer (Btu/hr)
A= cross-sectional area of heat transfer (ft²)
Δx= thickness of slab (ft)
Δr= thickness of cylindrical wall (ft)
Δt= temperature difference (˚F)
K= thermal conductivity of slab ( Btu/ft-hr-˚F)
Q= h A ΔT
Q = the rate heat of transfer (Btu/hr)
h = convective heat transfer coefficient (Btu/hr - ft² - ˚F)
A = surface area of heat transfer heat transfer (ft²)
ΔT = the overall temperature difference (˚F)
Cross ventilation
Single ventilation
Stack ventilation
Heat transfer and simulation in buildings