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FREUD’S PSYCHOSEXUAL - rational component of the personality - begin to experiment with urine and

THEORY that reflects the child’s emerging feces

SIGMUND FREUD- a theorist who had a great abilities to perceive - the control they learn to exert over
impact on western thought - exists in conscious mind their bodily functions is manifested in
 States that maturation of the sex - as egos mature, children become better toilet-training
instinct underlies stages of personality at controlling their irrational ids and - improper resolution of this stage, such
development finding appropriate ways to gratify their as parents toilet training their children
 Developmental theory needs too early can result in a child who is
 Understanding normal growth and 3. SUPEREGO (morality) uptight and overly obsessed with
development helps nurses predict, - Develops from 5-6 order.
prevent, and detect deviations from - Opposite of the ID 3. PHALLIC (3-6 y.o)
patient’s own expected patterns - Operates on moral principle - genital organs are the focused in this
Development- biological, cognitive, and social differentiate between good and bad stage
emotional changes that begin at conception and - If we follow it, we feel proud and if not, - begin to struggle with sexual desires
continue than a lifetime. we feel guilty toward the opposite sex parent (boys
Example: older adult demonstrate cognitive - Person’s regulating, restraining, and to mothers and girls to fathers)
development resulting in wisdom prohibiting actions - for boys, Oedipus complex, boy’s desire
- Conscience for his mother and his urge to replace
Developmental theories - Influence on the standards of social his father who is seen as a viral for the
- are also important in helping nurse’s forces (i.e, family, peers, teachers, etc) mother’s attention.
assess and treat the person’s response - Experiences castration anxiety (for
to an illness. “when children are born, their minds are boys)
- guides the nurses in planning entirely “id”. As they try and fail things, learning - Electra complex is for girls whose desire
appropriate individualized patient care what is acceptable in society, they develop as for her father’s attention and wish to
3 COMPONENTS OF PERSONALITY: ‘ego”. The superego is the last to develop as take her mother’s place
1. ID (instincts) children learn the values of their parents and 4. LATENCY (6-12 y.o)
- only present at birth gain a moral understanding of the world.” - Sexual instincts subside and children
- childish desires and no values begin to further develop the
- gain pleasure and avoid pain 5 STAGES OF PSYCHOSEXUAL superego/conscience
- “I want it, and I want it right now” DEVELOPMENT: - Moral values
2. EGO (reality) 1. ORAL (0-1 y.o) - Children begin to become in morally
- represents the reality component - mouth is the pleasure center for acceptable ways and adopt the values
mediating conflicts between the development of their parents and other important
environment and the focus of the ID - infants are born with a sucking reflex adults
- helps people judge reality accurately and desire their mother’s breast 5. GENITAL (12+ y.o)
and regulate impulses that make good - the infant may develop negative habits - Sexual impulses reemerge
decisions such as nail biting/thumb sucking if - If other stages have been successfully
their oral needs are not met during met, adolescents engage in appropriate
infancy. sexual behavior, which may lead to
2. ANAL (1-3 y.o) marriage and child birth
- Puberty stage

ERIK ERIKSON- a stage theorist who took
Freud’s theory and modified it into 8 stage
 Places much less emphasis on sexual
urges and far more emphasis on social
and cultural influences than Freud did

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