A Comprehensive Review On Light Weight Kenaf Fiber For Automobiles
A Comprehensive Review On Light Weight Kenaf Fiber For Automobiles
A Comprehensive Review On Light Weight Kenaf Fiber For Automobiles
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Natural fibers have been used since the dawn of civilization. Customer demand for sustainable products
Received 13 March 2020 and advances in technology has increased due to which the utilization of natural fibers are playing vital
Received in revised form role in application of aerospace, automobile, marine industries etc., whereas natural fibers are exten-
18 April 2020
sively used in automotive industries and aerospace applications. Good amount of research has been
Accepted 6 May 2020
Available online 21 May 2020
directed on natural fibers and related composites to find mechanical, thermal and physical character-
istics. Amongst variety of available natural fibers like bamboo, sisal, cotton, jute, kenaf, coir, industrial
hemp, banana etc., kenaf fibers has been used exclusively in hybrid composites because of its enhancing
Natural fiber
mechanical properties. Therefore, this paper gives an overview on development of kenaf based com-
Kenaf posite by considering various factors like, stacking sequence (layer by layer), volume ratio of fibers to
Composite material matrix, angular orientation of fibers and chemical modification of fiber surface to enhance adhesion of
Development of composite fiber to matrix etc., the mechanical properties and various application of kenaf hybrid composite. Several
Hybrid composite issues related to enhancing the properties of composite are also discussed in order to get sustainable
Mechanical properties hybrid composite.
© 2020 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-
2588-8404/© 2020 The Authors. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of KeAi Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
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H.T. Sreenivas et al. / International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 3 (2020) 328e337 329
“KII Automotive Group” are accomplished in meeting necessary method followed is to chemically treat fibers to order improve the
demand [16]. adherence of polymer on to the surface of fiber, advance the
strength, water absorption resistant and to improve their com-
2. Morphology of Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) posite property. Amongst different chemical modifications process,
treatment of fibers with alkali is commonly adopted surface alter-
The morphologies of natural fibers were shown in Figs. 1-4 ation method [26]. Different processes are used to obtain composite
[17-23].Kenaf sapling relates to Malvaceae family with binomial laminates as listed as shown in the Table 3. Property of the laminate
name Hibiscus cannabinus. It is a yearly yield of couple of na- can also be altered altering the percentage or volume of rein-
tions, largely cultivated in South Asian vicinity. It grows up to forcement and matrix [23], Rule of mixture, stacking sequence of
1.5 m tall at sapling and 3.5 m tall with wooded base, stems are of the lamina prepared [15], orientation of the fibers [27], adding filler
1e2 cm in drag. The plant leaves are of 10e15 cm extended, particles [9] and the weave pattern (wrap & weft) [15].
different in shape. Flower head are 8e15 cm, yellow, pastel white
or supreme purple in composition, when the flower petals are 3.1. Fiber orientation
white/yellow, the center is bright purple as shown in Fig. 4(c).
The fruit of plant is 2 cm in diameter, keeping few seeds in pulp. The behavior of composite depends upon the direction in which
Kenaf bast has greater flexural strength combined with its the load is applied. Unidirectional composites has extreme strength
outstanding tensile strength which makes it the fiber of selection of considerable number of composite for a load aligned with the
for a large range of products [15]. Kenaf fibers separated from the fibers, in other directions their strength reduces drastically and
bast of the plant [17] and the morphology is obtained as in Fig. 1 depend on matrix material. For bidirectional composites, ultimate
(b), containing cell wall, Lumen in Fig. 2 showing sectional view strength is low, but occurs in two unique directions. Since the di-
captured from transmission electron micrograph. Kenaf stalk has rection of the fibers turn out to be more statistically diversified
inward woody center joined by an outside fibrous bark encom- throughout the composite, decrease in ultimate strength, where
passing core of stalk. Fiber found from external fibrous bark is the properties are consistent in all stacking/loading directions as in
referred to as bast fibers as in Fig. 4 (d) [18] (see Fig. 3). Fig. 5 (1,2) [28].
The above Table 1 [16,24] gives an overview on types of fiber and
chemical composition in each stage of fiber derived from kenaf 3.2. Fiber content
Different staged experimental values of Kenaf for 90 days and The fiber content or fiber volume has a vital role in final prop-
150 days is tabulated in the Table 2 [23]. erties of the composites. Young's modulus for the Composites can
Comparison Table 3 [1e10] for the properties of kenaf fiber be calculated by “Rule of mixtures' i.e. EC ¼ EF VF þ EM VM, also
comparing with other cellulose and synthetic fibers. (VM þ VF) ¼ 1 or VM ¼ (1 - VF)” [18]. The elastic modulus along
with fiber can be controlled through choosing volume percentage
3. Features of fiber reinforced composite processing of the fiber. The quality of the composite builds almost relatively
with fiber content as in Fig. 6.
Manufacturing Technique adopted to laminate hybrid compos-
ite plays a vital role in altering the property of composite laminate 3.3. Fiber woven fabric
[25]. During the process various constrains such as pressure, tem-
perature and processing time are involved in order to obtain a Different structures and kinds of woven textiles are often pro-
desirable laminate. Various process are available in order to prepare duced on required mechanical properties and application condi-
polymer composite [11]. Despite the fact that the natural fibers hold tions. The main types of woven textiles are plain weaves, basket
extraordinary properties, they also come with some limitations weaves, Twill weaves, quasi unidirectional, hybrid, long shaft satin
like, low thermal stability, higher dampness, variations in quality weaves or harness weaves, and tri-axial weaves as in Fig. 7. Woven
and poor adhesion with polymeric matrix. The most suitable textiles can be 2-D or 3-D as shown in the Fig. 8 (weft and wrap).
Fig. 2. Ultra-thin section of kenaf fibers from transmission electron micrograph of (a) Ultra-thin cell wall structure of Kenaf bast fiber showing Lumen (L) and Cell wall (CW) (b)
Kenaf core fiber transverse section (c) Kenaf Bast fiber transverse section [21].
Table 2
Experimental data on kenaf cultivation in Togo (2002) [23],
Plant diameter (cm) Plant height (cm) Report mass Fibers rate of dry bark (%) Dry stalk yield (t/half year) Dry fibers yield
Stem bark/wood (t/half year)
Table 3
Comparison of the properties of kenaf fiber with various natural fibers with synthetic fibers [1e10].
Fiber name Density (kg/m3) Diameter (mm) Tensile strength (MPa) Tensile modulus (GPa) % Elongation
Fig. 5. (a) Fiber orientation and (b) property of composite along fiber orientation [28].
Fig. 8. Weft and Wrap directional weave (a) 3D fabric-angle interlocked and its cross-section (b) modified woven fabric-layer-to-layer and its cross-section. Weft, warp yarns, binder
and additional are colored blue, pink, purple respectively.
334 H.T. Sreenivas et al. / International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 3 (2020) 328e337
Table 4
Summary of Fabrication processes adopted to obtain composite laminate.
boards and other integrated circuit components) due to their low fiber has an economical asset to coir fiber and utilization of the
cost and lightweight property [28,51e55] (see Table 4). latter has progressively accelerated over the years. Kenaf fiber
also revealed alike or even enhanced mechanical properties (i.e.
5.1. Automotive applications of kenaf fibers tensile strength & modulus), physical properties (i.e. moisture
content, density) related to various other natural fibers (i.e.
One of the major reasons why plastics are increasingly been bagasse, pineapple, coir, etc.) utilized as a filler material in
utilized in the locomotive industry is to substitute heavier ma- polymer based composites for automotive parts [65,66].
terials like magnesium, copper and steel and to have a light Advanced applications of natural fiber based polymer composites
weighted vehicles for better efficiency [56,57]. Besides that, are growing rapidly in all sectors particularly more focused on
automotive makers also considering into selecting the utmost automotive engineering field as shown in Table 5. Besides, the
resource-efficient plastics (i.e. bio-based plastics) for better increasing response for the advanced materials with personal-
feasible and less environmental impact. This resulted to reduc- ized physical and mechanical properties, makes the kenaf fiber,
tion of greenhouse gas emission of CO2 and energy efficiency the most attractive natural fiber for high-performance applica-
usages. In addition, it is estimate that over the year there are tion. Prior study carried by Yang et al. [67], indicates reduction in
several million automotive vehicles approaching their end of 25% vehicle weight narrates to a reduction of 250 million barrels
useful live. Although some of the components can be recycled, of crude oil consumption per annum. Besides that, car companies
however approximately, 25e40% of the automotive weight (fiber in Brazil, like General Motors, Ford, Honda and Volkswagen are
and plastic) remains as waste in landfills [58]. As maximum already in use of natural fiber (i.e. jute, hemp, kenaf etc.) bio
components were fabricate from non-biodegradable materials composite for their car seats, roofs, dashboard coverings and
composites for example polystyrene, polypropylene (PP) and trunk lids [68e70]. Remarkably, General Motors used kenaf and
polyethylene (PE) & glass fiber, they stand difficult to use again flax based hybrid polymer composites in door panel and package
because of having variable levels of contamination. These phe- trays to substitute synthetic fiber in its Saturn L300 and
nomena would results in toxic release that may have risks to European-market Opel Vectra. Currently in Malaysia, local auto-
environment. Therefore, combination of bio-based materials for motive company such as Perodua and Proton utilized kenaf based
automotive works can help in diminishing negative impact on polymer composites in automotive trim constituents such as
environment during automotive production. The utilization of seatbacks, package tray, door panels and headliners. Kenaf has
bio-based resources has several potential advantages for green- huge prospective to be commercially manufactured into various
house gas emission and other ecological influences over whole bio composites for automotive parts [71]. Furthermore to it, ad-
life cycles and in the use of renewable sources, instead of finite vances in kenaf fiber reinforced bio-based polymer composites
resources [59,60]. Average total weight of polymer materials in a could offer completely biodegradable & renewable composites
modern car's body is about 100e150 kg. Hence, the primary aims for next generation automaker. In addition, usage of kenaf fiber,
behind the increasing demand of bio composites in automotive bio based polymer and their bio composites in the automotive
components are, (1) To improve design flexibility for easier company would (1) Reduce dependency on fossil fuel such as
assembling/disassembling of automotive parts, (2) To reduce petroleum, decreases greenhouse gas emission through a better
carbon dioxide emission from automotive which contains carbon, Carbon dioxide balance over the vehicle's lifetime, (2) Give a
(3) Reduction of weight in cars for reasonable fuel consumption, positive influence on local kenaf farmers, and (3) Enrich envi-
and (4) Minimalize the dependence on non-renewable resources ronmental excellence by developing ecological resource supply
such as petroleum-based plastics [61]. The plastic parts of auto- chain considerably [72e74].
motive vehicle can be classified into 4 main parts, namely, (1)
Structural parts and fuel systems, (2) Interior trims, (3) Under- 5.2. Other applications
the-hood applications, and (4) External parts. Moreover, plastic
materials are also present on “hidden” automotive part (i.e. Till date, many works on natural fiber reinforced polymer
sealers, paintings, coatings, adhesives, vanishes as well as elec- composite for ballistic-resistant bio composites [76] has predomi-
tronics and electrical components. Begin with Europe, later in nantly focused on vehicle protection, structural protection and
North America, natural fiber based polymer composites were personal body armor. There is a huge volume of published studies
introduced in lot of vehicles to produce automotive parts like describing the role of kenaf fiber based polymer composites [73].
seat backs, dashboards, package trays, trunk liners, door panels, One study from Yahaya et al. [27] describes chemical treatments
and other interior trim units [62]. Formerly (1960s), coir fibers effect and layering sequence on mechanical properties of treated
were used for the first time in car seats. After several spans, coir woven kenaf/aramid/epoxy hybrid laminated bio composites for
fibers gained popularity and were continuously used in head ballistic application. The outcomes displayed that hybrid bio com-
restraints, back pads & seat bottoms [63,64]. Remarkably, kenaf posites of kenaf fiber with Kevlar on outer layers showed improved
H.T. Sreenivas et al. / International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 3 (2020) 328e337 335
Table 5
Application of Natural Fiber Polymer Composite (NFPC) in automotive industry [75].
mechanical properties as related to the other sequencing com- selection for a wide range of products as discussed by other
posite. Yahaya et al. [77] reported their research works focused on authors. Recently, a lot of effort has been put to commercialize
mechanical & ballistic properties of woven KenafeKevlar rein- kenaf fiber for various applications [83e86]. Currently, the use of
forced epoxy hybrid bio composites. The result from experiment kenaf has exceeded the traditional application into a more
shows that, increase in kenaf fiber volume, decreases ballistic particular and commercial usage such as sport, food packaging,
property of the hybrid bio composites. particleboard, Medium Density Fiber board (MDF), wood plastic
Common method to make paper from kenaf fiber is by using composite (WPC), non-woven materials, pultruded products,
soda pulping before processing the attained pulp in a paper ma- composite chair and table, paper production, textile, furniture,
chine. The utilization of kenaf in pulp and paper production has animal feeds, a platform for mushroom farming, medicine, etc.
resolved several solutions especially over manufacturing paper [87e90].
from trees. Surprisingly, in 1960's the USDA selected kenaf fiber as
most promising source of tree-free newsprint over 500 other 6. Conclusions
plants. Then in 1970, International Paper Company's mill located in
Pine Bluff, Arkansas produced kenaf newsprint, and successfully Kenaf, a well-known Malaysian crop has started drawing
utilized by six U.S. newspapers. Again in 1987, a Canadian mill attention and interest in the recent decades because to its divergent
produced kenaf newsprint to be used by U.S. newspapers [78]. The applications and its enhancing mechanical properties obtained
reasons of using kenaf fiber for paper production are because of from hybridizing with synthetic and other natural fiber. Modifica-
excellent properties of kenaf paper which are stronger, brighter and tion in properties of the composite depend upon growing and
produced cleaner pages as well as less detriment to environment climate conditions of the crop. According to the research work
compared to standard pine paper. Kenaf fibers are naturally white carried on kenaf based polymer composites, increased tensile,
compared to tree pulp, thus less bleaching treatment is need to flexural strength & modulus, impact & thermal behavior of hybrid
create a brighter sheet of paper. composite has studied and discussed in the paper. Varying several
Kenaf fiber has found to be a significant source fiber for parameters like processing method, temperature, chemical treat-
composites and other industrial based applications. Kenaf dis- ment of fiber, orientation of fibers, stacking sequence, volume
plays non-abrasiveness during processing, also biodegradability, fraction of fibers and weave pattern effectively influenced the
low density, and high specific mechanical properties [79e82]. In properties of composite. Thus kenaf has been influencing many
recent times, kenaf fiber is used as a natural resource for pulp researchers to work on kenaf based hybrid composite. Various in-
and paper industries for alternative to wood. This is done to dustries have adopted kenaf hybrid polymer composite for their
prevent cutting down trees in the forest. Kenaf fiber also used as applications. The overall view of the work carried out by several
non-woven mats in the automotive industries, fiberboard, & researchers quoted that, optimum fiber content of fiber-reinforced
textiles. Besides that, kenaf has been described to have excellent composites showed the best properties and for exceeding fiber
tensile and flexural strength that makes it as the material of content, mechanical properties of the composite has diminished.
336 H.T. Sreenivas et al. / International Journal of Lightweight Materials and Manufacture 3 (2020) 328e337
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sian cultivated kenaf fiber, Ind. Crop. Prod. 31 (2010) 113e121.
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financial interests or personal relationships that could have chanical properties of hybrid fiber (hemp, jute, kevlar) reinforced Composites,
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper. Advances in Mechanical Design, Materials and Manufacture, AIP Conf. Proc.
1943 (2018) 20109-1e20109-6.
[26] Parul Sahu, M.K. Gupta, A review on the properties of natural fibres and its
bio-composites: effect of alkali treatment, Proc. IMechE Part L: J Mater. Des.
Appl. (2019) 1e20.
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