Department: M.B.A (Finance) Internship Report On National Bank of Pakistan
Department: M.B.A (Finance) Internship Report On National Bank of Pakistan
Department: M.B.A (Finance) Internship Report On National Bank of Pakistan
A (Finance)
Internship Report on National Bank
Of Pakistan
Executive summary
History of NBP
Branch management
Objectives of NBP
Functions of NBP
Services of NBP
Corporate finance
Swot analysis
General suggestions
Executive Summary
This report is based on internship in National Bank of Pakistan, Main branch lalamusa. It is a
famous and reputed bank of Pakistan. National Bank of Pakistan maintains first position in
banking sector in Pakistan. This report is based on the activities, which are performed in this
bank. This report contains marketing analysis, competitive analysis, SWOT analysis, bank tariffs
and exchange rates of National bank of Pakistan. There are also stated the activities which I
performed during my internship in the branch. In this report also discuss the industry analysis of
banking system in Pakistan. There are also mentioned the way of investment, rates of investment,
all types of financing and loans facilities which provides the National bank of Pakistan. The
problems in this branch are also discussed .This report also intimates about the daily reserves
which are required by the branch to meet the need of its daily requirements.
Performance of the Branch: No doubt, National bank of Pakistan is a biggest bank of the
country and its all branches are performing their role for its development and profitability. NBP,
Main branch Lalamusa is also providing excellent banking services to their customers as well as
other banks in the area.
Being the main branch of National bank of Pakistan in the area, people have deposited their
funds in different schemes and availing advances facilities, resultantly the deposit and
profitability of the branch is in growing position.
Government employees of all departments have their salary accounts in this branch which are
about 1200. Five types of pensioners, around 8000 beside other banking services are being
facilitated by the NBP at this branch. The banks services are available to individuals, corporate
entities and government. While it continuous to act as trustee of public funds and as the agent to
the State Bank of Pakistan (in places where SBP does not have a presence)it has diversified in
business portfolio and is today a major lead player in the debt equity market, corporate
investment banking, retail and consumer banking, agricultural financing, treasury services and is
showing growing interest in promoting and developing the country’s small and medium
enterprises and at the same time fulfilling its social responsibilities, as a corporate citizen. NBP
has developed a wide range of consumer products to enhance business and cater to the different
segments of society. Some schemes have been specifically designed for the low to middle
income segments of population. These include NBP Karobar, NBP Advance Salary, NBP Kisan
Dost, NBP Cash and Gold.
It has implemented special credit schemes like small finance for agriculture, business and
industries, administrator to Qarz-e-Hasna loans to students, self employment schemes for
unemployed persons, public transport scheme. The banks financial performance has been
remarkable. In 2006, total assets are estimated at PKR 635 million, while deposits have grown to
nearly PKR 502 billion. Earnings per share have jumped to PKR 24.01 in 2006. Interest income
increased by PKR 10 billion through growth in the loan portfolio as well as increase in spreads.
Advances increased by PKR 48 billion to PKR 316 billion. The bank maintains a sound loan
portfolio diversified in nature to counter the risk of credit concentration. It ranges from
providing credit to the un-banked market segment under NBP Karobar, to small and medium
enterprises, to agricultural loans, to large corporate customers.
As part of academic requirement for completing MBA (Finance) Master of Business
Administration. The students are required to undergo for two months of internship with an
organization. The internship is to serve the purpose of acquiring the students with the purpose of
knowledge of the discipline of banking administration.
This report is about National Bank of Pakistan (Main Branch Lalamusa). NBP was established
under the under the National Bank of Pakistan Ordinance 1949 and was government-owned.
NBP acted as an agent of the central bank wherever the State Bank did not have its own branch.
It also undertook government treasury operations. Its first branches were in just growing areas in
Pakistan. It offers different product of services to its customers.
Scope of Study: As an internee in National bank of Pakistan, the main focus of my study
research was on general banking operations. These operations include remittances, deposits,
advances and foreign exchange. Similarly aspects of overall report are also covered in this report.
Objectives of Study:
To understand the various operations and to equip with practical knowledge of the
National Bank of Pakistan.
Discuss thorough study of National bank of Pakistan.
History of NBP
The History of National Bank of Pakistan is part of Pakistan’s struggle for economic
independence. National Bank of Pakistan was established on November 9, 1949 under the
National Bank of Pakistan Ordinance, 1949 in order to cope with the crises conditions which
were developed after trade deadlock with India and devaluation of Indian rupee in 1949.Initially
the bank was established with the objective to extend credit to the agriculture sector. The normal
procedure of establishing a banking company under the Companies Law was set aside and the
bank was established through the circulation of an Ordinance, due to the crises situation that had
developed with regard to financing of jute trade. The bank’s Karachi and Lahore offices were
subsequently opened in December 1949. The National bank of Pakistan came forward to
establish its offices in the Cotton growing areas and extended credit facilities liberally in order to
restore stability to the market. In 1951, the country was once again faced a crises in the cotton
trade when prices was crashed.
The National bank of Pakistan has its headquarters in Karachi. The bank operates 1249 branches
in Pakistan and 22 overseas branches. The National bank of Pakistan has assets worth Rupees
737976.44 million on September 30, 2008.
National bank of Pakistan has implemented special credit schemes like small finance for
agriculture, business and industries, administrator to Qarz-e-Hasna loans to students, self
employment scheme for unemployed persons, public transport scheme. The bank has expanded
its range of products and services to include Shariah Compliant Islamic Banking products. For
the promotion of literature, NBP recently initiated the Annual Awards for excellence in literature.
More recently it has started Electronic Home Remittances project. The project introduces
technology based system to handle inward remittances efficiently, by ensuring that the bank’s
branches keep a track of the remittance received from abroad till its final receipt .The precise
summary of National bank of Pakistan regarding its countrywide is as follows:
Mission Statement
“ To make the bank complete and competitive with all international standard in performing,
quality of operations, staff, financial strength and products and services to develop a culture of
excellence in every spare of activity of the bank”.
Goals of NBP
“To be the pre-eminent financial institution in Pakistan and achieve market recognition both in
the quality and delivery of services as well as the range of products offerings”.
“To be recognized as a leader and a brand synonymous with trust, highest standards of services
quality, international best practices and social responsibility”.
1. The manner in which the function of banking that is, the acquiring of deposits, the
investing or converting such deposits into earnings assets, and the servicing of each
deposits are performed.
2. The degree to which officers and employees contribute their talents to the progress and
welfare of bank in discharging duties and responsibilities.
National Bank of Pakistan has a centralized type of management because all the decisions
are taken by the top management. The NBP has four types of management levels which
are as follows:
I. Top Managers: Top managers are responsible for making organization wide decisions
and establishing the plans and goals that affect the entire organization. These individuals
typically have titles such as executive vice president, managing directors, chief operating
officers, chief executive officer or chairman of the board. The NBP have its top
management in their head office at Karachi. They are responsible for making the plans
and establishing goals to run their business smoothly all over the Pakistan around the
globe. Among seven members of group chief executive is called the president. The bank
has directors for superintendence and direction of its business. The government appoints
six directors as members and one president. These members are also responsible for
making the policy of bank.
II. Middle Managers: Middle managers include all levels of management between the
first line level and the top level of the organization. These managers manage the work of
first line managers and may have titles such as department head, project leader, plant
manager or division manager. NBP divided his management into various regions such as
Rawalpindi Region, Gujranwala Region etc. In NBP, regional management falls under
this category. They are responsible for the planning, organizing, leading and controlling
of the resources and staff of the whole region.
III. First level managers are the lowest level of management : They manage the
work of non-managerial individuals who are involved with the production or creation of
the organizations products. The branch managers of NBP fall under this category. They
are responsible for the planning, organizing, leading and controlling the staff and all
affairs of the branch.
IV. Non- Managerial Employees: These employees are not connected with any
decision making. They are normally specialized in their work. The nature of their job is
repetitive and clerical as they do same work again and again.
Objectives of NBP
National Bank of Pakistan is also a commercial organization and its main objective is profit
maximization. This is achieved in two ways:
1. By increasing deposits
2. By charging interest on loans provided to the private sectors and business community.
Functions of NBP
Functions of NBP are as follows:
1. Accepting deposits: This function is important because banks largely depend on the
funds deposited with them by its customers. Deposits are of many types:
I. Current deposits: Current deposits are also called demand liability on current
deposits. NBP pays no interest on current deposits.
II. PLS saving deposits: Profit and loss saving deposits is also called checking account.
Profit on PLS is calculated every month but paid every six months. In NBP current
account can be opened with a minimum amount of Rs.500.
III. Fixed term deposit: Fixed term deposits are deposits with the bank for certain fixed
period before the expiry of which they cannot be withdrawn unless giving due notice. In
this case the rates of profit will be different depending upon the time period.
1. Agency services: NBP also provides agency services to its customers:
I. Collection of individuals: As NBP deals with the purchase and sale of various types
of securities, therefore NBP also provide interest on dividend or interest earned on share
or bonds.
II. Collection of cheques: In the collection and payment of cheques, bills and
promissory notes etc, NBP acts as an agent for its customers.
III. Acting as an agent: NBP also acts as an agent correspondents and representatives for
its customers at home or abroad.
2. General utility services: Utilities provided by NBP are as follows:
I. Clearance of utility bills: NBP provides the services of clearing the utility bills i.e.,
electricity, gas and telephone bill of its customers.
II. Lockers facility: NBP also provides lockers facility to its customers to keep their
valuable assets in it. The charges of different size of lockers are different.
III. Supply of information: NBP provides operational and advisory services for foreign
exchange accounts.
In my first week in NBP they assign me worked in pension department. Pension officer trained
me very nicely and I learned lot of things in this department. They give the pension to retired
government employees. There are five types of pensioners given.
1. Provincial
2. Central
3. Defense
5. Railway
These are different according to their PPO numbers. I am fully trained now in this particular job
and I serve 1000 people in this week. How to fill form? How to enter in ledgers and balance
account and what are file and all other things relating to pension department.
In second week I worked on opening of account. In this week I repeatedly perform this activity.
In third week they assign me with operation manager Mr. Muhammad Ajmal handled the
activities relating to the branch and check all the work in the branch. He gives me official
computer. In this week I type and print so many letters for example, statement of account, letter
of tax verification, letter of issuance of clearing certificates, letters for cheques clearing. I also
print and type the data of advances department and foreign exchange departments. Cheques
clearing daily sheet is also made by me in this week and I am assisted by the other officers. I also
learn about the reserves of the branch and daily finance need by the bank also get some raw aw
information about the opening new account.
In fourth week I assign the same task and learn some more complex and manager deposit. I learn
about accounts in which the branch deals with the main and other branches which are as
1. General account
2. Suspense account
3. Commission account
4. Exchange account
In general account the branch debt or credit the other branches of the NBP. Usually they debit or
credit the main branch which transfers the cheques on this. In suspense account branch expenses
are made and at the end of six months period inform and show the balance to main branch. In
commission account bank charges commission against its services. In exchange account they
also earn more and branch receives earnings from main branch its services.
Secondly in this week I also learn how to open an account in the branch, it is a procedure and
after it bank open an account. On computer I type and print so many letters like, reconciliation
letter joining letter, medical recovery letter and at the end I also scroll the challan of government
and pass vouchers.
In first three days of fifth week there are busiest days of pension department so I did help with
the pension mananger. So first three days serve in this particular task. In this week I do same job
again and print letters, reports, statements and daily clearing statement of cheques. I also did
work with Mr. Farhan and from him I learn about opening an account, payment order and
demand draft. Payment order is made to send payment within city and draft is made for payment
outside the city but inside the country.
In 6th week I perform the duty on the seat of bills where following work is being done. How to
opening an account, issue new cheque books, make a payment order, making the draft and how
cheques send for clearing. Along with this task I also enter the daily post letters in the letter
register. This is a very busy task in the bank.
On 2nd day of this week I join the duty with passing cheques of PLS accounts. There are fifty
three books of signatures cards of A/C holders. So I find the accounts in these books and then
gave the executive officer to verify. In this whole day I perform this particular task.
Next day is also as above routine to sit in front of computer and scroll following files. For
example, income tax, sales tax, withholding tax and property tax.
On fourth day of this week Mr. Muhammad Ajmal assigns me the task to rearrange list of agri-
finance and set them in a sequence and print them on pages. Particular are these: name, address,
security, expiry date, and account no. All the day is served in doing this particular task.
On fifth day of this week the accounts of agri-finance expired limits are checked. Some have
balance in their accounts but most of them have non in this branch. Markup from those account
holders how balance have been deducted from their accounts through vouchers and to remaining
account holders reminding letters have been sent. This is the end of this duty.
Services of NBP
NBP offers the following services to the people:
1. Demand draft: If you are looking for a safe speedy and reliable way to transfer
money, you can purchase NBP’s demand draft at very reasonable rates. Any person
whether an account holder of the bank or not can purchase a demand draft from a bank
2. Letters of credit: NBP is committed to offering the business customers, the widest
range of options in the area of money transfer. If you are a commercial enterprise then
their of credit is just what you are looking for with competitive rates. NBP letters of
credit are the best way to do your business transactions.
3. Pay order: NBP provides another reason to transfer your money using our facilities.
NBP pay orders are a secure and east way to move your money from one place to
another. The charges of NBP are very low all over the Pakistan. It charges Rs.50 for NBP
account holders on issuing one payment order. And charges Rs.100 for NBP non-account
holders on issuing one payment order. It charges Rs.25 for students on payment of fees of
educational institutions. If someone wants a duplicate of payment order they charge Rs.
100 for NBP account holders and Rs. 150 for non-account holders.
4. Traveler’s cheques: Traveler’s cheques are negotiable instruments and there is no
restriction on the period of validity of the cheques. Rupee traveler’s is available at all 700
branches of NBP. This can be encashed in all 400 branches of NBP. There is no limit on
purchase of this cheque. It is one of the safest ways for carrying money.
5. Mail transfer: Move your money safely and quickly using NBP mail transfer service.
And NBP also offer the most competitive rates in the market. They charges Rs.50
exchange rate and Rs. 75 postage charges on issuing mail transfer.
6. Short term investment: NBP now offers excellent rates of profit on all its shot term
investment accounts. Whether you are looking to invest for 3 months r 1 year. NBP rate
of profit are extremely attractive along with the security.
7. National income daily account (NIDA): The scheme was launched in December
1995 to attract corporate customers. It is a current scheme and is part of the profit and
loss system of accounts in operation throughout the country.
8. Equity investments: NBP has accelerated its activities in the stock market to improve
its economic base and restore investor confidence. The bank is now regarded as the most
active and dominant player I the development of the market.
9. Commercial finance: NBP dedicated team of professionals truly understand the
needs of professionals, agriculturists, large and small business and other segments of the
economy. They are the customer’s best resource in making NBP’s products and services
work for them.
10. Trade finance other business loans: There are two types of trade finance.
a. Agricultural finance: NBP provides agricultural finance to solidify faith,
commitment and pride of farmers who produce some of the best agricultural products in
the world. A new program is introduced by NBP with the aim to help farmers maximize
the per acre production with minimum of required input. Select farms will be made role
models for other farms and formers to follow, thus helping farmers across Pakistan to
increase production. The agricultural financing strategy of NBP’s aim is to provide
farmers an integrated package of credit with suppliers of essential inputs, technical
knowledge and supervision of farming. NBP provides loans or the purchase of tractors,
farm implements or any other equipment.
I. Agricultural finance services: “I feel the world” program, a new products, is
introduced by NBP with the aim to help farmers maximize the per acre production with
minimum of required input. Select farms will be made role models for other farms and
formers to follow, thus helping farmers across Pakistan to increase production.
II. Agricultural credit: The agricultural credit strategy of NBP is aimed at three main
Providing reliable infrastructure for agricultural customers.
Help farmers utilize funds efficiently to further develop and achieve better production.
Provide farmers an integrated package of credit with suppliers of essential inputs,
technical knowledge and supervision of farming.
IV. Production loans: Production loans are meant for basic inputs of the farm and are
shart term in nature. Seeds, fertilizers, sprayers etc are all covered under this scheme.
V. Fram credit: NBP also provides the following subsidized with ranges of three months
to 1 year on a renewal basis:
Operating loans
Land improvement loans
Equipment loans for purchase of tractor, farm implements or any other equipment.
b. Corporate finance:
1. Working capital and short term loans: NBP specializes in providing project finance,
export refinance to exporters, pre-shipment and post-shipment financing to exporters,
running finance, cash finance, small finance, discounting & bills purchased, export
bills purchased and post shipment agricultural loans.
2. Medium term loans and capital expenditure financing : NBP provides
financing for its clients, capital expenditure and other long term investments needs. By
sharing the risk associated with such long term investments. This type of long term
financing proves the bank’s belief in its client’s capabilities and its commitment to the
Network of NBP branched spread across the country .This will enable the customer to manage
their company’s total financial position right from your desktop computer. They will also be able
to take advantage of our outstanding range of payment ejection, liquidity and investment
services. In fact, with NBP, you’ll be provided everything which takes to manage your cash flow
more accurately.
Manage the monetary aspect of NBP’s relationship with correspondents to support trade
treasury and other key business are there by contributing to the bank’s profitability.
d. Cash and Gold Finance: cash and gold finance means that loan is given against the gold. The
gold is mortgaged with the bank and loan is taken. It is the area of consumer finance and
borrower can take gold for common use.
e. Advance Salary loan: this loan given to those people who are government servants. They can
get a loan up to the salary of fifteen month.
Dividing an organization into different pars according to the functions is called NBP Branch is divided into two main parts.
A. Cash Department: all physical movement of cash in the bank I made through cash
department. Cash department performs the following function.
1. Receipt
2. Payments
3. Act according to any standing instructions
4. Transfer of funds from one account to another
5. Handling of ATM
6. Verification of signatures
7. Handling of prize bond
8. Posting
Cash receipt Section: The money which either comes or goes out from the bank, its
record should be kept. Cash department performs this function. The deposits of all
customers of the bank are controlled by means of ledger accounts. Every customers has
its own ledger account and has separate ledger.
Clearance Department: A clearing house is an association of commercial banks set
up in given locality for the purpose of interchange and settlement of credit claims. The
function of clearing house is performed by central bank of a country by tradition or by
law. In Pakistan, the clearing system is operated by the SBP. If SBP has no office at a
place, then NBP as a representative of SBP act as a clearing house.
Advance Department: advance department is one of the most sensitive and
important departments of the bank. The major portion of the profit is earned through this
department. The job of this department is to make proposals about the loans. The Credit
Management Division of Head Office directly controls all the advances. As we known
bank is a profit seeking institution. It attracts surplus balances from the customers at low
rate of interest and makes advances at a higher rate of interest to the individuals and
business firms. Any individual or company, who wants loan from NBP first of all has to
undergo the filling of a prescribed form, which provides the following information to the
i. Cash Finance: This is a very common form of borrowing by commercial and industrial
concerns and is made available either pledge hypothecation of goods, produce or merchandise. In
case finance a borrower is allowed to borrow money from the banker up to a certain limit, either
at once or as and when required. The borrower prefers this form of lending due to the facility of
paying markup services charges only on the amount he actually utilizes. If the borrower does
not utilize the full limit, the banker has to lose return on the un-utilized amount. In order to offset
this loss, the banker may provide for a suitable clause in the cash finance agreement, according
to which the borrower has to pay markup service charges on at least on self or one quarter of the
amount of cash finance limit allowed to him even when he does not utilize that amount.
ii. Loans: When customer’s borrowers from a banker a fixed amount of repayable either in
installments or in lump sum at a fixed future time, it is called ''loan''. When bankers allow loans
to customers against collateral securities they are called ''secured loans'' and when no collateral
security is taken they are called ''clean loans''
iii. Overdraft/Running Finance: This is the most common form of banking lending.
When a borrower requires accommodation his banker allows withdrawals on his account in
excess of the balance which the borrowing customer has in credit and an overdraft thus occurs.
When it is against collateral securities it is called '' Secured Overdraft'' and when the borrowing
customer cannot offer any collateral security except his personal security, the accommodation is
called a ''Clean Overdraft''. The borrowing customer is in an advantageous position in an
overdraft, because he has to pay service charges only on the balance outstanding against him.
The main difference between a cash finance and overdraft lies in the fact that cash finance is a
bank finance used for a long term by commercial and industrial concern on regular basis, while
an overdraft is a temporary accommodation occasionally resorted to.
D. Remittance Department: Remittance means a sum of money sent in payment for
something. This department deals with either the transfer of money from one bank to other bank
or from one branch to another branch for their customers. NBP offers the following forms of
a. Demand Draft
b. Telegraph Transfer
c. Pay Order
d. Mail Transfer
Formal applications
Specimen signature
Pay-in-slip book
Pass book
Issuing cheque book
b. Issuance of cheque book: This department issue cheque book to account holder.
Requirements for issuing cheque book are as follow:
c. Current Account: These are payable to the customer when they are demanded. When a
banker accepts a demand deposit, he incurs the obligation of paying all cheques etc. Drawn
against him to the extent of the balance in the account. Because of their nature, these deposits are
treated as current liabilities by the banks. Bankers in Pakistan do not allow any profit on these
deposits, and customers are required to maintain a minimum balance, failing which incidental
charges are deducted from such the accounts. This is because the depositors may withdraw
Current Account at any time, and such the bank is not entirely free to employ such deposits.
d. Saving Account: Saving Deposits Account can be opened with very small amount of
money, and the depositor is issued a cheque book for withdrawals. Profit is paid at a flexible rate
calculated on six-month basis under the Interest-Free Banking System. There is no restriction on
the withdrawals from the deposit accounts but the amount of money withdrawn is deleted from
the amount to be taken for calculation of products for assessment of profit to be paid to the
account holder. It discourages unnecessary withdrawals from the deposits.
f. Foreign Exchange Department: This department mainly deals with foreign business.
The main function of this department are:
L/C dealing
1. L/C Dealing: NBP is committed to offering its business customers the widest range of
options in the area of money transfer. If you are a commercial enterprise then our letter of Credit
service is just what you are looking for. With competitive rates, security and ease of transaction,
NBP Letters of Credit are the best way to do your business transactions.
3. Foreign Currency Account Dealing: This department deals with the foreign
currency accounts which mainly include dollar accounts, euro account etc.
Industry analysis: Banking is one of the most sensitive business all over the world. Banks
play very important role in the economy of a country. The banking sector plays a significant role
in a contempory world of money and economy. It influences and facilities many different but
integrated economic activities like resources mobilization, poverty elimination, production and
distribution of public finance. Pakistan has a well-developed banking system which consists of a
wide variety of institutions ranging from central bank to commercial banks and to specialized
agencies to cater for special requirements of specific sectors. The country started without any
worthwhile banking network in 1947 but witnessed phenomenal growth in the first two decades.
B y 1970 it had acquired a flourishing banking sector.
The government of Pakistan permitted small private sector banks to operate which indulged in
doubtful policies to promote business. The public sector banking which constituted the
backbone, thus continued to suffer because of their approach, size and carried over liabilities.
Mehran Bank is the prime example to that kind of banking in the country, which ultimately
merged into National bank of Pakistan i.e. last resort of domestic banking industry.
Specialized Banks
There are17 listed banks in Pakistan 2004. Four banks are still not listed, which are Habib bank ,
United bank ,Allied bank ,Dawood bank , standard chartered bank Citibank ,and ABN AMRO
bank are main foreign banks in the country . These four banks continue to enjoy a significant
share in the market, both in terms of deposits and advances .All the foreign banks of the country
are busy to invest heavily in the field technology and e-commerce in order to overcome branch
limitation .All the foreign banks have been busy to introduce new products and idea to grab
larger proportion of the local markets. Foreign banks are carrying major proportion of local
business in credit cards, consumer finances and housing finance.
Many domestic banks have increased their general standards. Internet –based services are
constantly increasing the number of ATM machines, either by installing their own machines or
making arrangements with other networks. The number of Debit Cards has also been increasing
at an unprecedented rate. The borrowing to private sector has increased many domestic banks
have been suffering from surplus liquidity crises mainly due to low demand for credit and
slowdown of manufacturing sector in the country . Almost all the banks are now bought to invest
in capital markets to increase their exposure in equities. To stop that risky trend the State Bank of
Pakistan issued the introduction to follow the prudential regulations in letter and spirit and not
invest in the capital markets beyond the limits. The domestic banks lending under consumer
finance and housing finance has also been growing .the analysis of annual reports of banks
shows that their income from core banking activities has been growing .the other positive point
is that that there are growing expectation for increase in interest rates.
The growth in advances has started matching growth in deposit .The quality of asset as well
liability product have been improving. The ratios of non-performing loans have decreased. The
SBP 29 Scheme has benefited the banks as well as the borrowers to pay off their long – standing
dues. Bank ALFALFA is the first to opt for the listing policy of the government and also offered
its share to general public. Two of the state – owned banks, Habib Bank and United Bank, have
been privatized.
Allied Bank of Pakistan was privatized in early nineties .But due to many internal and external
reasons it continues to suffer. Some meaning full managerial changes would be batter at the
earliest .Dawood Bank has recently emerged on the banking scenario of Pakistan and operations
of a Sri Lanka bank by a local business group. It is also not listed at the local stock
exchanges. .Meezan bank is the first bank of the country, which is carrying complete Islamic
1. Deposits
I. Current deposit are on increasing tread which shows confidence of business community
on branch business.
II. Foreign currency accounts were to the introduced to the consumers of the branch in
mid-2011 and within a short span of time equivalent to Rs. 7.29 million were deposited
by the holder.
III. PLS term deposit certificates are fixed deposits for 1 to 10 years. They are redeemed on
their maturity. Branch on deposits business of these deposits was on increasing trend
from 2009 to 2010 due to dwindling economy. In 2011, term deposits dropped by %
because the economy starts to boost and SBP cut the policy rates hence profit rates
IV. Saving deposits are the major part of deposit base of the branch which shows year on
year increase from 2008 to2011 but the rate of change is ranged between 1% to
2011 rate of increase dropped due to reasons mentioned in PLS term deposit section.
These deposits show household deposits that’s why they increase in absolute term in the
same time deposits (mainly business deposits) decreased due to drop in profit rates.
2. Profits: as depicted by the figures shown above, profitability of branch has increased in
every year and shows a growth spectrum in the performance.
3. Deposits:
I. Cash finance is the credit line extended to some business on the basis of pledge,
hypothecation, mortgage or cash flow projections. Branch increased its business in this
area with the advances in this facility increased from 19 million to 27.5 million.
II. Agriculture finance is the advance to farmers to meet their needs against some tangible
security. These advances also increased from 37 to 57 million in the period under review.
III. Staff Loan are no profit no loss advances for branch. Loans availed by employee of NBP
are placed in this head.
IV. Advanced salary is the scheme for salaried individuals of government or non-government
employees to get their 18 months’ salary in advance but amount should not exceed
V. NBP Karobar-transport scheme announced by Federal Government and since 2008 it
stands replaced. Advance granted before 2008 are placed in this head which are
decreasing ever year as the installments are received for them
Swot analysis
1. Oldest institution: NBP is one of the oldest bank of Pakistan and first nationalized
bank. Hence its customer’s base is strength from this plus point as customers have more
confidence in the bank. The additional value services as the privilege for the bank.
2. More deposits than other banks: NBP has the relative competence I having more
deposits than the other bank.This is because of the confidence the customer have in the
bank. The bank being the privileged and oldest bank in banking sector of Pakistan enjoys
this edge over all others, lacking it.
3. Western union facility: National bank of Pakistan, main branch lalamusa, is one of
those service providers which are being facilitated to the customers of western union. In
this particular scheme money is transfer in Pakistan from abroad. This is the fastest way
to money transfer. You can receive the money from this branch to see the name, password
of particular client.
4. Customer satisfaction: Because of government bank, it is enjoying the customer’s
satisfaction. Customer’s feel secure their money in NBP.
5. Online banking: This is also strength of NBP that 130 branches are online. It helps the
speedy services giving to the customers. There is also help in checking the balances and
daily transactions just at one key press.
6. Employee benefits: The employers at NBP are offered reasonable monetary benefits.
Normally two bonuses are given Eid-ul-Fitar & Eid-ul-Azha. This service as an
additional benefit and competency for the bank and a source of motivation for employees.
7. Employee’s loyalty:Employees are very much loyal to NBP . Employee’s
turnover is very low in NBP. Very few employees are leaving the jobs in NBP. So it is
very big strength that your employees are loyal o you organization.
8. Wide area of services: They provide the wide area of services. They offer lot of
services relating to the banking system like, pension to retired government employees,
utilities bills, deposits, sales tax, withholding tax, property tax and various loan schemes.
1. Growing banking system: Now-a-days banking system is growing quickly so NBP
have opportunities to improve the standard and get the more share in the market.
2. NBP have government back: In growing area there is a chance for NBP to improve
itself and increase the share in the market because it is most trustable due to
government’s bank.
3. Increase to economic activities: The economic activities are increase now-a-days.
So banks are contributing more in economic activities. Banks play a role in trade and
commerce. So the business of commercial banks increases.
4. Electronic banking: The world today has become a global village because of
advancement in the technologies, especially in communication sector. More emphasis is
now given to avail the modern technologies to better the performance. NBP can utilize
the electronic baking opportunity to ensure on line banking 24 hours a day. This would
give a competitive edge over others.
1. Increase in no. of banks: Increase in no. of banks is a threat for National bank of
Pakistan. A no. of private banks operating their business and provide the same facilities.
So increase in no. of banks is a threat for NBP.
2. Modern type of banking: Modern and computerized banking is required to fulfill
the customer’s need and maximum branches of NBP are worked in old traditional ways.
Highly skilled people and management required to meet the standard of banking. In NBP
some employees are irresponsible and lack of complete knowledge of banking system. So
these employees are creating problems in the system of NBP.
3. The whole structure change to online: NBP have wide network of branches.
Only 130 branches are online, so it is very difficult and time consume to convert all
branches to online system. So there is also risk involves that if one computer of branch
suffers in problem, all system and all computers of all branches must be turnoff.
4. Customer’s complaints: There exists no regular and specific system of the removal
of customer’s complaints. Now a day a need for total customer satisfaction is emerging
and their demanding consequences customers’ complaints are ignored.
5. Emergence of new competitors: The bank is facing threats with the emergence of
new competitors especially in terms of foreign banking. These foreign banks are
equipped with heavy financial power with excellent and innovative ways of promoting
and performing their services. The bank has to take initiative in this regard or will find
itself for bank in competition.
No doubt the National bank of Pakistan is a biggest bank of the country and its main branch,
Lalamusa is providing excellent banking services to customers as well as other banks in the
area but due to shortage of staff I found great rush at all the times. All the government
employees have salary account in this branch which is about 1200 and five type of
pensioners around 8000 beside other banking services while it has seen that all other banks
are waiting for customers.
During my internship at this particular branch of NBP, there are following problems I have
found which are directly affect on efficiency and performance of the branch. These problems
are called as internal problems. So these are discussing below.
General suggestions
NBP is an effectively operating and profit making organization and carrying out its activities
under a specified system of procedure. The main regulatory body is State bank of Pakistan,
which provides policy guidelines and ensures that the money market operates on sound
professional bases, while the head office specifies the whole procedure of function and
operations. This procedure has been modernized with the passage of time with a view to
streamline the approach and under lying procedure for effective overhauling of its own
capabilities so as to bring them at par with international policies.
Here I am giving some suggestions, which in my view can add some input for efficiency and
better performance of NBP. These recommendations are as follows:
1. Professional training: NBP staff lacks professionalism. They lack the
necessary training to do the job efficiently and properly. Although stall colleges in all
major cities but they are not performing well. For this purpose these staff colleges should
be reorganized and their syllabus should be made in such away to help the employees
understand the ever changing global economic scenario. Banking council of Pakistan
should also initiate some programs to equip the staff with much needed professional
2. Delegation of authority: Employees of the bank should be given a task and authority
and they should be asked for their responsibility.
3. Transfer: Transfer is not properly carried out. Some of the employees are continuously
serving at the same post. They are simply rotated at the same branch. Therefore it is
recommended that rotation of every employee should take place after every three years in
different branches of the bank.
4. Need of qualified staff: Required qualified staff should be provided to branch in
order to improve the functioning of the branch. Especially a telephone operator should be
5. Credit card: National bank of Pakistan should start its operation in credit card. These
cards are very helpful for the ordinary customers in general and the business people in
particular. To make it more secure and to eliminate the misuse of it, the management is
required to keep proper security against the card.
6. Installing validator and ATM: Validator machine is used to count the currency
notes and its installation will help to eliminate the counting errors and will save time.
This branch is situated in the city, which is supported to be the hub of business activities.
In this area an auto teller machine (ATM) is the need of the businessman through which
they can easily check their balance in the bank and also with dram their money
7. Improve distribution of work: Proper distribution of work leads to success in
every organization. Proper distribution of work prevents the employee’s from over and
under work situation. So for a smooth running of an organization proper distribution of
work is the hint to be followed.
During my internship I observed that there was no proper distribution of work in the
bank. I saw that some of the employees worked like ants other sat idle starting here and
there. So this created a lot of over work situation for while relaxation for other.
8. Technological advancement: I would like to suggest that at least all the main
branches of NBP should be fully computerizes in order to expedite the dealing process
among bankers and their customers. Every department should be provided a computer
with adequate training (especially advances, deposits and foreign exchange departments).
Daily records should be entered directly into these computers, (instead entering the
overall daily transactions after the banking hours). It will not only reduce transaction
time, but also will increase accuracy and it will be efficient as well.
9. Staff relationship: Good relationship among staff members leads to the peak
performances in any organization. I observed that the staff relationship was normal
otherwise but sometime I noticed that there existed a little conformity among the staff
members. Another syndrome from which the staff suffered was that all of them
considered themselves more important than others. Some of the officers used to say that
if I am absent for a day the bank would stop working. So this sort of attitude is not good.
10. Favoritism and nepotism: In the city branch during my internship I saw that when
some of the employees are transfer to other places, due to their relation with influential
people and with top management they can transfer their transfer in few weeks, when they
are unsatisfied at that place.
11. Inter departmental transfer: I watched during my internship that, there is number
of employees who have worked on one seat for many a year. It can negative effect
motivation of employees who is hard working and intelligent. Take the example od
advances section. In advances section if the employees are transfer after six month or
seven month, how can be able to show his performance and how can be able to know the
bank customer in a short period of time.
12. Complaints of customers: There should be an information desk to provide the
information and to receive the complaints of the customer in the bank. There is no
complaint box available in the branch and not any person appointed to hear the
complaints. Every person cannot go to the manager for the complaint because most of the
people are hesitant. So I suggest management to install a complaint box in the branch,
and recruit a special person for that guidance of the customer when they are unable to
manage some difficulties in banking matters.
Website of National Bank of Pakistan
Annual report of National Bank of Pakistan
Newspaper Dawn
Newspaper the Nation
Newspaper Business Recorder
Mr. Ijaz Ahmad (Branch Manager)
Auditors report of National Bank of Pakistan
Searching from different websites from internet