Lec 32
Lec 32
Lec 32
Now this compressive load may act concentrically on the angle section or may act through its
one leg which will be eccentric and the strength calculation of such type of angle sections are
given in code in clause 7.5 of IS 800:2007. Now in clause 7.5.1 of IS 2007 it is told that the
compression in single angles may be transferred either concentrically to its centroid through
end gusset or eccentrically by one of its leg to a gusset or adjacent member.
(Refer Slide Time: 2:04)
That means an angle sections is loaded with the axial compression member and either the
compressive load will be transferred through this Cg of this angle section by the use of gusset
plate or it may be transferred through one of its leg may be through one of its leg.
So when the angle section is transferring the load through its one leg, then the eccentricity
will come into picture and because of this eccentricity three types of things will happen one is
torsional buckling, torsional buckling means basically flexural torsional buckling, another is
flexural buckling which comes for all the members which is common, and another is
torsional buckling.
So the combination of flexural torsional buckling can be calculated from a formula which is
given in the clause 7.5.
(Refer Slide Time: 3:49)
Now for concentric loading when the angle is concentrically loaded this can be calculated
through the clause 7.1.2 mean in case of concentrically loaded in compression the design
strength may be evaluated as per clause 7.1.2 of IS 800:2007. This clause 7.1.2 we have
discussed already that means it is a concentric loading what we have designed earlier in case
of compression member, which may be channel section, maybe I section, maybe other type of
However if this is not concentric then we have to go for another clause which is given in
clause when the angle section is loaded by the axial compressive load through its one
leg. So in clause it is told that when the single angle is loaded concentrically through
one of the its leg the flexural torsional buckling strength may be evaluated using an
equivalent slenderness ratio, λe , which is given by
λe = √ k 1+ k 2 λ 2vv +k 3 λ 2ϕ
Where k 1 , k 2 , k 3=¿ constants depending upon the end condition as per Table 12 of IS 800-
2007. Depending upon end condition means whether it is fixed or it is hinged, whether it is
connected by one bolt, two bolt or welded depending on the end condition end fixity
condition the value of k1, k2, k3 is defined in table 12.
l /r vv
λ vv =
ε √ π E/250
( b1+ b2 )/2 t
λ ϕ=
ε √ π 2 E/250
Now for a particular grade of steel this π 2 E /250 is constant, so that can be calculated
because E is constant for a particular grade of steel, therefore ε is also constant. So if we
can calculate λ vv and λϕ and if we find out the value of k 1, k2, k3 from table 12 then I
can find out the equivalent slenderness ratio λe .
(Refer Slide Time: 7:58)
Now we have used r vv in the previous expression which is the radius of gyration about
minor axis, which will be the minimum radius of gyration about the minor.
So for a particular angle section we can find out the properties from the geometry, from SP: 6
we can find out the value of r vv for a particular angle section then we know what is the width
of the legs of the angle b1, b2 and thickness of the leg and also if we know the grade of steel
then we can find out the yield stress ratio ε that also we can find out.
And the constants k1, k2, k3 that can be found in table 12 of IS 800:2007. Now this value of k1,
k2, k3 depends on number of bolts at the end of the member as well as the connecting member
fixity that means gusset or connecting member fixity means what type of fixity is there
whether it is fixed, or hinged depending on that and whether number of bolts are more than or
equal to 2 or 1. So depending on that we can find out k1, k2, k3.
Say for example if I have a fixed connection, if fixity is there and if the number of bolts are 2
or more than 2 then I can take the value of k 1 as 0.2, value of k2 as 0.35 and value of k3 as 20.
So similarly I can consider different type of member fixity, if it is hinged then k 1, k2, k3 value
can be found, similarly if number of bolts are 1 at the end then depending upon the fixity I
can find out the value of k1, k2, k3.
Example: An ISA 150×150×12 used as a strut has the effective length as 3 m. Calculate the
strength when it is connected by
Basically what changes we will find out for different cases that is the equivalent λ which is
λe. So λe depend on k1, k2, k3 so that k1, k2, k3 can be found from table 12 and depending on
the type of fixity and number of bolts the k 1, k2, k3 value will change and accordingly the
strength will be going to change. So through this example we will try to understand.
rvv = 29.3 mm
For angle sections, Buckling curve ‘c’ is used. [Table 10, IS 800:2007]
l /r vv 3 000 /29.3
λ vv = = = 1.1523
ε √ π E/250 1× √ π 2 ×2 ×105 /250
( b1+ b2 )/2 t
λ ϕ= 2× 12 = 0.1407
ε √ π 2 E/250 ¿
1 × √ π × 2× 105 /250
= 1.5674
f y /γ m 0
Design compressive stress, f cd =
∅+[∅2 −λ2 ]0.5
(Refer Slide Time: 21:05)
f y /γ m 0
f cd =
∅+[∅2 −λ2 ]0.5
¿ 2 2 0.5
1.567 4+[1.567 4 −1.269 2 ]
= 91.38 N/mm2
Now the same calculations will be done when the two sides are calculated by two bolt for the
same case and let us see how the strength is going to vary from earlier case.
Therefore, λ vv=1.1523
λ ϕ =¿ 0.1407
¿ 1.03
(Refer Slide Time: 27:06)
ϕ=0.5 [1+ α ( λ−0.2 )+ λ ]
¿ 1.2338
f y /γ m 0
f cd =
∅+[∅2 −λ2 ]0.5
250 /1.1
¿ 2 2 0.5 = 118.8 N/mm2
1.2338+[1.2338 −1. 03 ]
Now coming to third case when it is connected by weld at each end, so for this case what we
can consider that this will be similar to the earlier. So in case of weld connection we can
assume it will be fixed at both the end and as we have calculated the k1, k2, k3 value
considering two bolts for this case also will become same.
This case will be exactly similar to earlier case, i.e., Connected by two bolts at each end.
Pd =¿ 410.9 kN
So what we have seen here that Pd value for first case we got 316.1 kilonewton and for
second case we got Pd is equal to 410.9 kilonewton and in third case Pd value we got 410.9
kilonewton, that means when two bolts or weld connections are used the design strength is
becoming higher compared to the one bolt connections, right. So if we want to increase the
strength of the member we should choose for higher number of bolts means where one bolt is
sufficient we will choose two bolt with smaller diameter. So that we can accommodate more
strength on the member with same member size member size will be same but strength will
be more because λe is going to change, right.