PVP2013-97036 Factors That Influence The Sealing Behavior of Spiral Wound Gaskets
PVP2013-97036 Factors That Influence The Sealing Behavior of Spiral Wound Gaskets
PVP2013-97036 Factors That Influence The Sealing Behavior of Spiral Wound Gaskets
July 14-18, 2013, Paris, France
José C. Veiga
Gustavo Monteiro da Silva
Nelson Kavanagh
Teadit Indústria e Comercio Ltda.
Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil
To measure the gasket displacement, transducers were The Test Protocol was designed to reproduce field
installed on the flange edge, 120 degrees apart, as shown in conditions of gasket installations. The ends of the studs were
Figure 7. prepared to obtain elongation measurements with a micrometer.
The stud stretch is used to calculate the gasket stress. Three
displacement transducers were equally positioned around the
flanges edges. The gasket seating stress was limited in the
maximum yield strength of the studs and applied in steps.
Figure 10: Flange x Guide Ring contact illustration Charts in Figures 13, 14 and 15 and Tables 2, 3, 4 show
the typical test results for Low Density Gaskets (LD) and High
Density Gaskets (HD). The following differences can be seen:
- All HD gaskets show an improved sealability at the same
seating stress level. This property is extremely important to meet
EPA Consent Decree [23] Fugitive Emissions requirements.
- HD gaskets exhibit less strain and no guide ring contact. The
last two points in charts show the winding thickness recovery,
which is greater for HD gaskets. This property indicates that HD
gaskets have a better buffer against media pressure fluctuations
and joint creep.
0 1
Gasket seating Gasket strain Leakage (ppm) Gasket seating Leakage (ppm)
stress (psi) (mm) stress (psi)
Cupped Non Cupped Non Cupped Non Sample A Sample B Sample A Sample B
cupped cupped cupped 3.07 µm 1.84 µm 3.07 µm 1.84 µm
5636 7335 0 0 1917 38 5885 4918 4430 6.2
10918 10136 0.19 0.15 1005 20 9617 9688 3250 5.4
13844 14793 0.45 0.39 226 19 13858 14006 680 4.4
17006 19090 0.71 0.73 69 11 21890 19954 148 3.3
25020 26567 0.93 0.96 18 3.0 29234 28595 34 1.8
39177 36642 1.22 1.15 4.0 1.0 39513 39674 14 1.6
49655 46274 1.32 1.26 3.5 0.8 63537 62301 12 0.8
Recovery 0.91 0.87 Recovery
Table 5: SW 6 in – Class 300 - Winding cupping Table 6: SW 6 in – Class 900 – Winding Surface Finish
Gaskets available in the market have the winding surface According to ASME B16.20 “the filler shall be essentially
finish that varies from each manufacturer and also from the same flush with, but not below, the metal winding on both contact
manufacture. This characteristic is not subject to any standard faces of the gasket”.
specification. Experiments were performed changing the surface As seen in the authors previous paper [17] gaskets with the
finish to evaluate is influence on the gasket sealability. filler flush and metal winding as shown in Figure 21 exhibit high
Figure 19 shows the difference between the samples tested. leakage values in a wide range of stresses if compared with
The roughness average measured with a Mitutoyo Surftest 301 gaskets that have the filler protruding beyond the metal
as 3.07 µm (1.2 x 10-4 in) for Sample A and 1.84 µm (7.2 x 10-5 windings, as shown in Figure 22 and Table 7.
in) for Sample B. The sealability comparison of samples with
different surface finish is shown in Figure 20 and Table 6
The winding surface finish showed a major influence on the
gasket sealability and it should be subjected to further research
to determine a maximum value and a measurement procedure.