Important Questions PDF
Important Questions PDF
Important Questions PDF
1. Describe the typical structure of a java program and give the steps to execute it.
2. Demonstrate toUpperCase() and toLowerCase().
3. Write a program to print the names of a student in the sorted order of the last name, if
name is in the form of “firstname lastname” using collection.
4. Explain the features and benefits of Object Oriented Development.
5. List the functions defined in String buffer class.
6. Write a program to read the strings and sort the list of strings.
7. Differentiate between String and StringBuffer class. How java converts data into its
string representation during concatenation illustrate with an example.
Unit – II
Inheritance, Interfaces, Packages.
1. What is the need of an interface?
2. Differentiate overloading and overriding.
3. Under which context do you use final and finalize?
4. Define Garbage collection in Java?
5. What are the advantages of Enumeration?
1. Write a program to demonstrate the Interfaces.
2. Differentiate method overloading and overriding using an example.
3. Explain creating and using packages in java.
4. What is runtime polymorphism (or) dynamic method dispatch? Explain with an
5. Write a program to demonstrate creating package and using the created package.
6. Write a short notes on the following:
a. Interface
b. Package
7. Can an interface reference variable refer to an object that implements that interface.
8. State the purpose of finalize() method in java with an example.
Exception handling, Multithreading.
1. Illustrate with an example the throw statement by manually throwing an arithmetic
2. Differentiate between local and instance variables with example.
3. Which are the two subclasses under Exception class?
4. How can thread be suspended from execution?
5. Explain the delegation event model.
6. What is the difference between throw and throws clause.
7. What is the normal priority of a thread and how the priority of a thread can be
8. How do you restrict access to an object to one thread at a time?
1. Differentiate throw and throws clause used in java.
2. Write a program for creating and using user-defined exception.
3. Explain the flow of control in exception handling programs with example.
4. What are the different ways of creating thread? Explain any one method with example.
5. Write a program to show the handling of multiple exceptions.
6. Explain isAlive() and join() method with an example.
7. What is the method defined by a class implementing the java.lang.Runnable interface.
8. Write a program to create threads where one thread prints 1 to 100 and another thread
prints 1 to 200.
9. Explain exception handling mechanism with example.
10. What are the various ways of creating thread? Explain any one method with example.
Basic I/O Streams, Exploring java.lang, Exploring java.util, Regular Expressions.
1. What is the difference between “>>” and “>>>” operators.
2. When ParseInt() method can be used.
3. What is the advantage of using adapter classes?
4. What are wrapper classes? List out various wrapper classes.
5. What method is used to read a byte from
6. Write a code to read a character from console.
7. Define adapter class. Why is it used?
1. Write a program to read two dates and find the difference.
2. Why do we need wrapper classes? Explain about isInfinite() and isNaN() method.
3. How do you use character streams, show with example?
4. With a Java program illustrate the use of I/O streams.
5. Write a program to read the ‘n’ integer values form the console and find the sum of all
6. Write a program to read the integer values from console and check whether it is a
prime number or not.
AWT & Event Handling, Layout manager, Swings.
1. Write a program to insert buttons in Border Layout.
2. Differentiate component and container in AWT.
3. What is AWT?
4. Mention the interface which provides the capability to store elements in a collection
that guarantees that no duplicates are stored and all elements can be occurred in natural
5. Mention the differences between closeable and flushable interfaces.
6. Write the interfaces used to print the elements of collection.
7. List the different Layout managers with example.
8. List the different interfaces with methods used for mouse event handling.
9. List the different AWT controls.
1. Write a program for mouse event handling.
2. Write a program to demonstrate synchronization.
3. Write a program to print numbers in a grid using layout manager.
4. Explain the steps involved in creation and handling of Menus.
5. Explain the use of Comparator with example.
6. Explain the different iterators used for accessing the elements with example.
7. Write a program for keyboard event handling?
8. Explain the steps involved in creation and handling of Menus.
9. What is event handling? Explain the steps involved in it?
10. How is the use of event listeners in java?