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Internship Report: Department of Chemical Engineering University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore

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Internship Report

Submitted to:
D G Cement Factory Limited, Dera Ghazi Khan
Submitted by:
Muhammad Zakria


University of Engineering and Technology,
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A quarry is a kind of open-pit mine from which rock or minerals are extracted.
Quarries are normally utilized for extracting building materials, like dimension stone.
Quarries are normally shallower than other kinds of open-pit mines. Quarries are also at times
used as filming locations In other words a quarry is a big man-made hole in the ground from
where minerals or rock are taken out. Quarries are made when big deposits of commercially
helpful minerals or rock are found close to the Earth's surface. Quarrying is a type of mining
and is also called as open pit mining or strip mining. When minerals are found profound
beneath the surface, a deep mine has to be dug to dig out them. Quarries are normally dug
deeper and bigger; awaiting the mineral resource is worn out. When they are no longer used,
quarries are frequently utilized as landfill sites for the disposal of waste.
Kinds of rocks
Kinds of rock extracted from quarries comprise:
 Clay
 Gypsum
 Limestone
 Iron Ore
 Silica sand
Quarries in level areas frequently have particular engineering problems for drainage.
The Coquina Quarry is excavated to more than 60 feet (18 m) beneath sea level. To lessen
surface leakage, a moat lined with clay was constructed round the complete quarry. Ground
water that leaks into the pit is pumped up into the moat. Many quarries fill with water after
desertion and turn into lakes. Further quarries are made into landfills.
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Study of Different Raw Materials Quarries

1. Limestone
Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed largely of the minerals calcite and
aragonite, which are different crystal forms of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Most
limestone is composed of skeletal fragments of marine organisms such as coral or
Limestone makes up about 10% of the total volume of all sedimentary rocks.
The solubility of limestone in water and weak acid solutions leads to landscapes, in
which water erodes the limestone over thousands to millions of years. Most cave
systems are through limestone bedrock.
Limestone has numerous uses
as a building material, as aggregate
for the base of roads, as white
pigment or filler in products such as
toothpaste or paints, and as a
chemical feedstock. Most carbonate
rocks were deposited from seawater.
These sedimentary carbonate rocks
are common on every continent and
have formed through most of
geologic history; they are still
forming today in the tropics as coral
reefs and at the bottoms of shallow
seas. Marine limestone forms because seawater has high concentrations of two key
dissolved chemicals-calcium (Ca++) and bicarbonate (HCO3-) ions. In the near-
surface layer of most oceans, corals, clams, and other sea-dwelling creatures use these
two chemicals to make protective shells by combining them to form calcite or
"aragonite," which is the same chemical composition as calcite but has a different
crystal form.
Sedimentary limestone deposits can be extensive, covering hundreds of square
miles, and can be relatively uniform in thickness and quality. Therefore, limestone
quarries can be large and long lived, mining limestone layers that can be hundreds of
feet thick over areas of several square miles. Many quarries produce multiple
products, and crushed rocks that are not pure enough for certain uses may still be
suitable as road aggregate. Marble quarries can also be very large. However, these
rocks that were once regularly bedded have been metamorphosed into irregularly
shaped bodies that are more difficult and costly to mine.
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2. Iron Ore
Earth's most important iron ore deposits are found in sedimentary rocks. They
formed from chemical reactions that combined iron and oxygen in marine and fresh
waters. The two most important minerals in these deposits are iron oxides: hematite
(Fe2O3) and magnetite (Fe3O4). These iron
ores have been mined to produce cement.
Nearly all of Earth's major iron ore
deposits are in rocks that formed over 1.8
billion years ago. At that time Earth's oceans
contained abundant dissolved iron and
almost no dissolved oxygen. The iron ore
deposits began forming when the first
organisms capable of photosynthesis began
releasing oxygen into the waters. This oxygen immediately combined with the
abundant dissolved iron to produce hematite or magnetite. These minerals deposited
on the sea floor in great abundance, forming what are now known as the "banded iron
formations." The rocks are "banded" because the iron minerals deposited in
alternating bands with silica and sometimes shale. The banding might have resulted
from seasonal changes in organism activity.
3. Shale
Shale is a fine-grained
sedimentary rock that forms from
the compaction of silt and clay-size
mineral particles that we
commonly call "mud". This
composition places shale in a
category of sedimentary rocks
known as "mudstones". Shale is
distinguished from other
mudstones because it is fissile and
laminated. "Laminated" means that
the rock is made up of many thin
layers. "Fissile" means that the rock readily splits into thin pieces along the
Cement is common material that is often made with shale. To make cement,
crushed limestone and shale are heated to a temperature that is high enough to
evaporate off all water and break down the limestone into calcium oxide and carbon
dioxide. The carbon dioxide is lost as an emission but the calcium oxide combined
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with the heated shale makes a powder that will harden if mixed with water and
allowed to dry. Cement is used to make concrete and many other products for the
construction industry.

Shale is a rock composed mainly of clay-size mineral grains. These tiny grains
are usually clay minerals such as elite, kaolinite and steatite. Shale usually contains
other clay-size mineral particles such as quartz, cherty and feldspar. Other
constituents might include organic particles, carbonate minerals, iron oxide minerals,
sulfide minerals and heavy mineral grains. These "other constituents" in the rock are
often determined by the shale's environment of deposition and often determine the
color of the rock.
4. Silica sand

Silica sand is one of the most common varieties of sand found in the world. It
is used for a wide range of applications. Silica sand is used in industrial processing, to
make cement, glass, as fill, and to create molds and castings.
Sand is the general term for broken down granules of minerals or rocks,
technically between about one-sixteenth of a millimeter to two millimeters in
diameter, falling between silt and gravel in the spectrum of sizes. There are many
varieties of sand in the world,
each with their own unique
composition and qualities. The
white sandy beaches of iconic
tropical destinations, for
example, are made up primarily
of limestone that has been
broken down, while many
black sands are either volcanic
in origin or contain magnetite.
Other sands have high levels of
iron in them, and so are rich and yellow in color.
The most common mineral in the Earth’s continental crust is quartz, and most
silica sand is made up of broken down quartz crystals. Silica is another name for
silicon dioxide, SiO2, of which quartz is a specific latticed structure. So silica sand is
quartz that over the years, through the work of water and wind, has been broken down
into tiny granules. These granules can be used for many different purposes, and can be
found in most non-tropical regions of the world.
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5. Gypsum
Gypsum is a naturally occurring mineral mined from deposits formed by
ancient sea beds as a raw material. Composed of calcium sulfate and water, it is used
for a variety of manufacturing, industrial, and agricultural uses. An important property
of gypsum is that it is naturally
Cement is produced from
a chemical combination of
calcium, silicon, aluminum, iron
and small amounts of other
ingredients that are carefully
measured to get the right result.
Often gypsum is added during
the final grinding process since it
helps regulate how long the
concrete takes to set. Gypsum is
added to control the “setting of
cement”. If not added, the cement will set immediately after mixing of water leaving
no time for concrete placing.

Average Chemical Analysis

1. Limestone
L.O.I 43.30 %
SiO2 0.82%
CaO 53.87 %
Al2O3 0.57%
SO3 0.16 %
MgO 0.76 %
Na2O 0.12 %
K2O 0.01%
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Moisture 0.17 %

2. Shale
L.O.I 11.23 % SiO2 46.64%
Al2O3 13.21 % Fe2O3 6.65 %
CaO 7.48 % MgO 3.72 %
K2O 2.02% MnO 0.02 %
P2O5 0.04 % TiO2 0.53 %
Moisture 6.88 %
3. Gypsum
Ig loss 16.48 % (12 ----- 32)
SiO2 0.51 % (0--------1)
Al2O3 (0-------.5)
Fe2O3 0.02 % (0------.1)
CaO 35.23 %
MgO 0.77 %
MnO 0.00 %
P2O5 0.00 %
TiO2 0.02 %
SO3 47.77 %
Na2O 0.12 %
K2O 0.02 %
Total 100.87 %
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Mining is the extraction of valuable minerals or other geological materials from the
earth from an ore body, lode, vein, seam, or reef, which forms the mineralized package of
economic interest to the miner.
Ores recovered by mining include metals, coal, oil shale, gemstones, limestone,
dimension stone, rock salt, potash, gravel, and clay. Mining is required to obtain any material
that cannot be grown through agricultural processes, or created artificially in a laboratory or
factory. Mining in a wider sense includes extraction of any non-renewable resource such as
petroleum, natural gas, or even water.
Limestone Mining and Processing Operations
Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed primarily of calcium carbonate
with the occasional presence of magnesium. Most limestone is biochemical in origin
meaning the calcium carbonate in the stone originated from shelled oceanic creatures.
Limestone can also be chemical in origin as is the case with travertine. Chemical
limestone forms when calcium and carbonate ions suspended in water chemically
bond and precipitate from their aquatic sources. Because of its high calcium content,
limestone is usually light in color, although many variations exist. Commercially, the
term limestone includes dolomite, dolomite limestone, oolitic limestone, and a porous
calcite rock that is commonly formed near hot springs.
Limestone Mining Operations
Limestone mining operations mainly consists.

 Drilling
 Blasting (Primary and Secondary)
 Loading/Transporting
 Crushing (Hammer Crusher)
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There are three drilling techniques to choose from:

 Solid bit drilling with removal of the cuttings by circulating water or other
flushing medium.
 Core drilling with continuous core extraction.
 Rotary drilling with removal of cutting by means of compressed air.

Rotary drilling with removal of cutting by means of compressed air

Solid bit drilling with rotary bits and removal of cutting with flushing medium is
suitable only in solid rock deposits. The selection of the most suitable drilling method in
terms of technical suitability and also of economy is the fundamental condition for successful

Rotary Drilling (Crawler Mounted Machines)

In rotary drilling crawler mounted machines are used to for the drilling of blast holes.
This method is unsuitable for deposits consisting of loose or soil type deposits. Crawler
mounted machines used for the drilling of large diameter holes for blasting.
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The drill bit, operating by rotary action, shatters the rock, and the cuttings are
removed from the hole by air issuing from the bit. The dust carried out of the hole with this
flushing air can be trapped in a dust collector, which is mounted on the drilling machine.

It comprises a cyclone in which the coarser particles are precipitated, while the finer
ones are retained in special fitters.
The suction extractor is connected to a flexible tube which terminates in a plastic
sleeve forming an airtight closure over the mouth of the borehole, so that alt the dust can be

Drilling machines
Modern rotary drilling machines are operated by just one man. They mostly have fully
hydraulic drive systems, are reliable in operation and attain drilling rates of up to 30 m/hour,
depending on the nature of the rock and the diameter of the hole. The power pack
compressor, hydraulic units, drilling mast, rod magazine, operator's platform and dust
suppression system are mounted on a traction unit usually equipped with crawler tracks, The
prime mover is generally a diesel engine, Although it is more expensive in energy
consumption than an electric motor, it is nevertheless preferred because It provides better
mobility of the drilling machine and make it independent of power feed cables. On some
machine a slewing ring enable the superstructure to swivel on the crawler chassis. The use of
increasingly long drill rods likewise aims at Increasing the efficiency of the machine, a trend
which has led to the development of the '"single-pass" machine which drills the hole to its full
depth with just one long rod, i.e., without having to couple successive rods as drilling
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There are some drilling machines and air compressors are listed below used in QUARRY;

No Description Engine Capacity

1. Crawler drill PCR-200 75 mm dia hole
Furukawa no.1
2. Crawler drill PCR-200 75 mm dia hole
Furukawa no.2
3. Crawler drill Atlas ROC-460 110 mm dia hole
no. 3
4. Crawler drill Atlas ROC-460-5 110 mm dia hole
no. 4
5. Hydraulic Rig Rock L6-44/CAT C-11 110-152 mm dia hole
Atlas no 6
6. Air Compressor PDR-250 250 CFM
Airman no 1
7. Air Compressor 750HH 750CFM
Sulair no 2
8. Air Compressor 750HH 750CFM
Sulair no 3
9. Air Compressor Atlas XAHS-830 830CFM
Copco no 4
10. Air Compressor Atlas XAHS-830 830CFM
Copco no 5
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When the blast holes have been drilled, they are charged with explosive and the
charges are fired. The object of blasting is to loosen and fragment the rock so as to obtain
rock pile suitable for loading. The amount of explosive to be used in any given case will
depend on the specific explosive consumption, i.e., the amount needed for producing a tone
of rock pile or for loosening and fragmenting a cubic meter of solid rock. It is an empirical
value which varies from one set of quarrying conditions to another and should be known in
any quarry where production is in progress. The smaller the spacing and the burden, with
correspondingly smaller blast hole diameter the better will be the fragmentation obtained,
because the explosive will be more uniformly distributed along the face. A finer location grid
is more particularly advantageous in dealing with thick-bedded rock tending to produce a
coarsely fragmented rock pile.
With increasing blast hole diameter, spacing and burden there is an Increase both in
the Proportion of very finely fragmented material (due to shattering of the rock in the
immediate vicinity of the charge) arid in that of Large lumps (dislodged from the Darts of the
rock farthest from the charge) A coarse grid of this kind will as a rule be economically
advantageous only in rock which is fractured finely fissured and brittle Blasting by the
tunneling method, now seldom used represents an extreme case of fining large concentrated

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1. Emulsion explosives
This cap sensitive explosive has plastic consistency and is very suitable for
achieving high loading density. It has excellent blasting properties. It can be used as
bottom charge for any kind of blasting. Due to its consistency and high water
resistance it can be confidently employed for deep under water blasting.
Technical data
Density 1.25 g/cc
Gas Volume 860 lit. / Kg
V.O.D (unconfined) 4600 - 5000 m/sec
Sensitivity Detonator No. 8
Consistency Emulsion
2. Powder explosives
ANFO is a low density explosive of relative high weight strength well suited
mainly as a column charge in all types of rocks where conditions are moderately dry.
It is non-cap sensitive explosive and require premier for initiation. ANFO has
excellent storage properties and offer maximum safety in handling and transportation.
Ammonium nitrate 95.5 %
Fuel oil 4.5 %
Technical data
Density 0.90 g/cc
Gas Volume 918 lit. / Kg
V.O.D (unconfined) 3000 m/sec
Sensitivity Primer Required
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Consistency Perils

Blasting Accessories:
Standard type Plain Detonator consists of base charge of high explosive and a
primary charge of an initiating explosive pressed in to an aluminum tube. It is used
with safety fuse.

Technical Data
Length of Aluminum casing 41mm
(Nominal) Outer Diameter 7mm
Use In combination with safety fuse
100 Detonators packed in a smaller card box. 50 small boxes packed in
a master card board box containing total of 5000 detonators.
2. Wabocord (Detonating Cord)

Wabocord consist of a core of high explosive contained in polythene and

wrapped in various layers of cottons /jute yarn. The detonating cord is then coated
with PVC, giving it a high tensile Page 15. Strength and making it water proof. The
structure of Wabocord assures its efficient field performance as it is unaffected by
both heat and cold within a wide range from - 60 °C to 30 °C
Technical Data
Velocity of detonation 6000-7000m/sec
Water resistance
Water proof, can withstand pressure of 25m water head for 48 hours.
Explosive gram mage 10 + 1 g/m
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Safety fuse consist of a central core of specially

formulated black power with jute and cotton
countering. Water proofing is done by bitumen, wax as
well as PVC. It is designed to propagate flame to the
plain detonators within time limit.


Charcoal 10---20 %
Sulfur 10---15%
Potassium nitrate 70---80%

Technical data

Burning Time 100-120 m/sec

Suitable for damp and dry conditions
Coating PVC / Bitumen

4 reels of 250 meters each, packed in a cardboard box.

Short-delay blasting is performed by means of short-delay electric detonators or,
when blasting with a detonator fuse, by means of pyrotechnic delay mechanisms (relays).
Single-row and multi row short-delay blasting arrangements are used. The principal single-
row short-delay blasting arrangements are sequential row blasting, in which the charges are
detonated one by one from one end to the other, and consecutive-counter blasting, in which
the detonation proceeds from the center of a row toward its flanks, providing head-on
collision of the fragments and formation of a pile against the center of the face. In cases of a
large face, the method can be repeated, forming several collision centers along the front
(wave arrangement).
Advantages of Delay:
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1. Reduce to fly rock.

2. Reduce free face between two lines.
3. Control vibration
4. Control boulders during steaming and to control over size

Secondary Blasting
No blasting method can completely avoid the products of a certain proportion of
oversize pieces of rock ("boulders"). These oversize pieces have to be further reduced;
otherwise they would have an obstructive effect on the further operations of loading, haulage
and crushing. The maximum size of bounders that can be tolerated will of course depend also
on the size and capacity of the handling and crushing plant used in the quarry. Boulders are
usually broken up by blasting (secondary blasting) because this nearly always give a suitable
products, whatever the type of rock This is mostly done by drilling small-diameter holes to a
depth equal to a little more than the diameter of the boulder.
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Loading machines
The machines used for loading in open-pit quarrying in solid rock. Including
limestone and shale are:

 Cable Operated Excavators

 Hydraulic Excavators
 Wheel Loaders
 Crawler Loaders

The choice of machine to be used in any given instance must be made with great
care.be use once a particular system has been adopted. Large ones usually operate with
several systems of loading machinery, enabling these to be interchanged suit varying
conditions of service.
Wheel loaders
The wheel loader, or wheel-mounted loading shovel, has been further improved in
recent years. Besides carrying out rock loading duties in the quarry, the wheel loader is
suitable for clearing and trimming work as well as for other handling and loading duties in
the cement works itself. Most of t base machines used in the cement industry have bucket
capacities of between 3 and 8 m3. About 80% of all these machines employed in rock
quarrying, and 100% of those with more than 2m3 bucket capacity. Such machines are higher
loading rates than rigid framed wheel loaders of equal bucket capacity, Because of the travel

movements that the loader has to perform between scooping up the material and depositing it
in the haulage vehicle, its working cycle time is longer than that of the excavator.
The travel movements cause heavy wear on tyros. Efforts to improve tyre service life
include the use of tyro chains for protection against cuts by sharp pieces of rook. Another
development with the same purposes the so called headless tyro, which has a carcass formed
as an oval-section air chamber, to the circumference of which a renewable rutting belt ts
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The service ice of a wheel loader is shorter than that of an excavator. The mechanical
and hydraulic systems of the articulated wheel loader with center pivot steering are
sophisticated and subject to severe operating loads and stresses, requiring a correspondingly
large amount of servicing and maintenance. Against this the initial cost of the machine is
relatively low, and when used for load and carry duties it enables savings in haulage vehicles
and personnel to be effected.

Excavators have long been used in quarrying. they Initially made little headway
because of their small size (.3-.7m3 bucket capacities) and the Flood attachment of the bucket
to its arm It was only with the Introduction of the movable loading bucket in Iieu with the
fixed bucket that the advantages of these machines began to be widely recognized.
Excavators are heavy construction equipment consisting of a boom, stick, bucket and
cab on a rotating platform known as the "house". The house sits atop an undercarriage with
tracks or wheels. A cable-operated excavator uses winches and steel ropes to accomplish the
movements. They are a natural progression from the steam shovels and often called power
shovels. All movement and functions of a hydraulic excavator are accomplished through the
use of hydraulic fluid, with hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic motors. Due to the linear
actuation of hydraulic cylinders, their mode of operation is fundamentally different from
cable-operated excavators.

The bucket of the hydraulic excavator has three degrees of freedom.

1. raving the bucket,
2. crowding (forward motion of the bucket)
3. swiveling of the bucket in relation to the arm

Hydraulic excavators mostly have a service weight in the range between 50 and 90t.
the bucket capacities of 3 to 4m3. Larger machines are seldom used an cement raw materials
quarrying. In the open pit mining of other minerals, however, there is a trend towards the use
of machines weighting more than 100 t. with buckets of 6 to 8m3.
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The three degrees of freedom enable the hydraulic excavator bucket to perform a
swiveling movement up or down, so as to adjust the postilion of its teeth to obtain the best
possible penetration for digging, without causing a
collapse of a heaped up rock pile. Also, larger
pieces of rock can be selectively scooped up from
the pole. For digging from a rock face the angle of
the teeth can be suited to the direction of the strata.
The excavator can in fact be used for the direct
breaking out of material from a quarry face, though
of course the loading cycle time will then be
increased and the performance of the machine In
terms of loading rate {tons/hour) correspondingly
reduced. However, as an adjunct to blasting, the
hydraulic excavator can suitably be used for
clearing and trimming the quarry floor and for removing any toe rock masses that have been
left standing.
On the other hand, hydraulic excavators are usually at a disadvantage in having a
shorter service life and a lower degree of operational availability. Although the drive and
hydraulic units are generally so designed as to be readily exchangeable and renewable repairs
nevertheless require more skill and care.
Hydraulic excavators are available as diesel or as electrically powered machines. The
high cost of diesel fuel is a strong argument s favor of electric drive, which has the additional
advantage of a higher service life expectation. On the other hand, it receives its power supply
through a cable which not only limits its range of action but may also Impede the movements
of the haulage vehicles The use of hydrostatic drive in combination with power summation
control achieves favorable operating efficiency. With this method of control the power and
the working speed can be adapted to the working conditions, while the oil pressure in the dual
circuit hydraulic system plays a major part on applying the appropriate force in performing
the required motion (bucket slewing gear, bucket arm, boom, travel machinery), The rate of
oil supply is the deciding factor for the speed with which the motion is performed.
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Specifications of different loading machines used at quarry.

No Description Model/Engine No Capacity

1. Komatsu wheel loader no.1 Komatsu SA6D110-1 3.3 m3
2. Komatsu wheel loader no. Komatsu SAA6D170E-3 8.7 m3
3. CAT wheel loader no. 1 CAT 3408 6.1 m3
4. CAT wheel loader no. 2 CAT 3408 6.1 m3
5. CAT wheel loader no. 3 CAT 3406C 4.2 m3
6. CAT wheel loader no. 4 CAT 3406-E 4.5 m3
7. CAT wheel loader no. 5 CAT C-11 4.0 m3
8. CAT wheel loader no. 6 CAT C-18 6.4 m3
9. Komatsu dozer no.1 Komatsu S6D155-4 14 m3
10. Komatsu dozer no. 2 Komatsu SAA6D140E-2 9.4 m3
11. CAT dozer no 1-4 16.4 m3
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A dumper is a vehicle designed for carrying bulk material, often on building sites.
Dumpers are distinguished from dump trucks by configuration: a dumper is usually an open
4-wheeled vehicle with the load skip in front of the driver, while a dump truck has its cab in
front of the load. The skip can tip to dump the load; this is where the name "dumper" comes
from. They are normally diesel powered.

A towing eye is fitted for secondary use as a site tractor. Dumpers with rubber tracks
are used in special circumstances and are popular in some countries.

Early dumpers had a payload of about a ton and were 2-wheel drive, driving on the
front axle and steered at the back wheels. The single cylinder diesel engine (sometimes made
by Lister) was started by hand cranking. The steering wheel turned the back wheels, not front.
Having neither electrics nor hydraulics there was not much to go wrong. The skip was
secured by a catch by the driver's feet. When the catch is released, the skip tips under the
weight of its contents at pivot points below, and after being emptied is raised by hand.

No Description Engine/model no Capacity

1. Komatsu dump truck no Cummins NTA-855C 20 m3 (32 tone)
2. Volvo dump truck Volvo Sweden D-13 15 m3 (13 tone)
3. CAT dump truck no (1-6) 35.2 m3 (52.3 tone)
4. CAT dump truck no 7,8 CAT-C-27 42.5 m3 (63.5 tone)

Specifications of different loading machines used at quarry.

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Impact Hammer Crusher (limestone Crusher)

A crusher is a device that is designed to reduce large solid chunks of raw material into
smaller Chunks. Crushers are commonly classified by the degree to which they fragment the
starting material with primary crushers that do not have much fineness, intermediate crushers
having more significant fineness and grinders reducing it to a fine power. Here the material is
held within a cage, with openings of the desired size at the bottom, end or at sides to allow
crushed material to escape through them. Here the breakage can take place in a much shorter
scale compared to fragmentation process used in cone or jaw crushers .
An impact crusher can be further classified as Horizontal impact crusher and vertical
shaft impact crusher based on the type of arrangement of the impact rotor and shaft. These
break rock by impacting the rock with hammers/blow bars that are fixed upon the outer edge
of a spinning rotor. Here the rotor shaft is aligned along the horizontal axis.
The input feed material hits the rotating hammers of the rotor and due to this sudden
impact it breaks the material and further breaks the material by throwing it on to the breaking
bar/anvils. These have a reduction ratio of around 10:1 to 25:1 and are hence used for the
extracted materials, sand, gravels etc. Here the feed material is crushed by highly rigorous
impacts originating in the quick rotational movement of hammers/bars fixed to the rotor. The
particles are then crushed inside the crusher as they collide against crusher parts and against
each other, producing finer, better-shaped product.
Adjusting the distance between impact frame and rotor frame can change the shape
and size of the output. In an impact crusher the breakage takes place in a lesser time span as
compared to the conical or jaw crushers. So here the nature and magnitude of forces as well
as the energy dissipated due to impact breakage is different from that of the relative slow
breaking that occurs due to compression or shear in other type of crushers.

Operating principle:
The Impact Crusher Machine rotor revolves in fixed direction by means of driving
action of triangle belt that connects with motor. Above rotor, there are sets of suspended
impact plates. Material enters into the crushing chamber through the charging hole and
feeding guide plate. The blow bars fixed on rotor strikes the feed material onto impact plate
and then fall from it to mutually shock material blocks. Therefore, material will be moved
recurrently and repeatedly in the crushing chamber that is composed of rotor, impact plate/
anvils, hammers/ blow bars , by means of which intense shock phenomenon will act
predominantly, and the material will be crushed along its natural crack and hence bulge. The
gap between impact plate and hammer/blow bar can be adjusted according to practical
requirement by adjusting the angle and distance of the impact anvils. Product output is easily
controlled by varying the rotor speed, input feed rate and the grinding screen configuration.
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For good performance, all the factors below should be taken into account:
 Proper crushing chamber for the material
 Feed rate control
 Discharge conveyor with regards to crusher’s capacity
 Selection of proper material and size for the impacting members.
 Setting of the optimum number of hammers, rotor speed, etc.
 The input material properties like density, strength, etc.
 The factors below, when not taken care of may affect the performance of a
 Occurrence of humid material in the crushers feed
 Extreme humidity
 Isolation of feed in the crushing chamber
 Irregular dispersal of feed over the crushing chamber
 Deficiency of feed control
 Incorrect motor size
 Deficient capacity of the crushers’ discharge conveyor
 Extremely hard material for crushing
 Crusher functioning at a rotation speed below required conditions.

The average life if a hammer in an impact crusher depends on the kind of operation it
is being used, the hardness of the material of the hammer, the usage of the crusher, depth of
penetration of material into the hammer faces and the kinetics of the hammer rotation.

Technical Specifications
No Description Crusher I Crusher II
1 Material Limestone limestone
3 TYPE Impact hammer crusher Impact hammer crusher
4 Capacity 400 T/Hr. 800 T/Hr.
5 Feed size 1200 mm 1800 mm
6 Product size 90% <50mm 95% <50mm
7 Main motor 450 KW 1250 KW
8 Power consumption 2-3.10 KWH/T 1.5 KWH/T
9 FRAME Steel plate, cast steel Steel plate, cast steel
10 Hammer Special wear resisting steel Special wear resisting steel
11 Breaker plate High manganese chrome steel High manganese chrome steel
12 Shaft Nickel chrome molybdenum steel Nickel chrome molybdenum steel
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Clay Crusher: (Roller Crusher)

The Roller Crusher consists of two rollers with cast bosses. One of the roller shafts is
adjustable while the other has a fixed position and is provided with a flywheel. The gap
between the two rollers can be varied according to the degree of crushing required. The motor
power is transmitted through a gear drive and two cards a shaft to permit the adjustment of
the space between the rollers. Both rollers have scrapers to remove any material sticking to
the surface. The clay is drawn into the gap between the rolls by their rotating motion and a
friction angle formed between the rolls and the particle, called the nip angle. The two rolls
force the particle between their rotating surface into the ever smaller gap area, and it fractures
from the compressive forces presented by the rotating rolls. Some major advantages of roll
crushers are they give a very fine product size distribution and they produce very little dust or


Technical Specifications
No Description Unit II (FLS, Denmark)
1. Type Roller crusher
2. Capacity 350 T/Hr.
3. Feed size 500 mm
4. Product size 100% <50mm
5. Main motor 250 KW
6. Power consumption 0.6 KWH/T

Belt conveyors
A conveyor belt is the carrying medium of a belt conveyor system (often shortened to
belt conveyor). A belt conveyor system is one of many types of conveyor systems.
A belt conveyor system consists of two or more pulleys (sometimes referred to as
drums), with an endless loop of carrying medium - the conveyor belt - that rotates about
them. One or both of the pulleys are powered, moving the belt and the material on the belt
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forward. The powered pulley is called the drive pulley while the unpowered pulley is called
the idler pulley. There are two main industrial classes of belt conveyors;

Those in general material handling such as those moving boxes along inside a factory
and bulk material handling such as those used to transport large volumes of resources
limestone, clay, coal, iron ore, silica sand, overburden and more. Today there are different
types of conveyor belts that have been created for conveying different kinds of material
available in PVC and rubber materials.
The belt consists of one or more layers of material. Many belts in general material
handling have two layers. An under layer of material to provide linear strength and shape
called a carcass and an over layer called the cover.
The carcass is often a woven fabric having a warp & weft. The most common carcass
materials are polyester, nylon and cotton. The cover is often various rubber or plastic
compounds specified by use of the belt. Covers can be made from more exotic materials for
unusual applications such as silicone for heat or gum rubber when traction is essential.
Material flowing over the belt may be weighed in transit using belt scale. Belts with
regularly spaced partitions, known as elevator belts, are used for transporting loose materials
up steep inclines. Belt Conveyors are used in self-unloading bulk freighters and in live
bottom trucks. Belt conveyor technology is also used in conveyor transport such as moving
sidewalks or escalators, as well as on many manufacturing assembly lines.
Encouraged by the good experience gained in lignite mining, belt conveyor systems
have evolved into an important means of transport in open pit quarrying and mining
operations in loose-textured material or soft ground. In rock quarrying on the other hand this
method of maternal handling is only sporadically used and then for the most part only in the
production of raw materials for the cement industry. The coarsely fragmented material
produced by rock blasting has to undergo suitable primary crushing in a mobile or portable
plant and has to be fed carefully on to the belt conveyor by means of a special device so as to
prevent damage to the belt. The sequence:
 Drilling and Blasting
 Loading
 Haulage (e.g, in Dump Trucks)
 Is Replaced By Drilling and Blasting
 Loading
 (Primary) Crushing
 Conveying (Belt Conveyor)

Overland belt conveyor systems are usually designed for carrying the quarried
materials over medium distances. These installations are characterized by flexibility of
design, enabling them to adapt themselves to uneven terrain conditions. For example, by the
use of catenar type idler sets with rollers mounted on steel wire ropes. The specific cost of
transport with the belt conveyor decreases with Increasing length of the system and
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increasing material handling rate. The latter in turn being dependent on belt width, speed and
cross-sectional shape.

The speed may be anything up to 3 second and instead of a standard trough angle of
20", more deeply roughed cross-sections with angles of 25" or 30 may be used. With
increasing center to-center distances the steel wire cable belt becomes the type predominantly
employed. Depending on the length of the belt, its slope (angle of ascent) and handling rate,
one or more drive motors, installed at one or both ends of the belt, are used to power it. In
comparison with haulage, the overland belt conveyor makes much more modest demands
upon route alignment and the structures for bridging any traffic routes that have to be crossed
- not least because the uniformly distributed loading of the conveyor does not require any
appreciable bearing capacity of the subsoil. Gradients of up to 18" can moreover easily be
A drawback of the belt is its limited adaptability to alignments curved on plan and the
susceptibility of the belt to suffer damage from coarse hard lumps of material. Furthermore,
somewhat limited positional adaptability in the quarry in order to cope with varying locations
of the mobile crusher (which In turn will depend on variations in the working and loading
points in the quarry) is another disadvantage of the belt conveyor.
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Keeping the belt conveyor in good operational order some devices is used.
Technical classifications

No. Description LBC C3 LBC C4 LBC C5

1. Capacity 800 T/Hr. 800 T/Hr. 800 T/Hr.
2. Horizontal 2346 m 2088 m 1777 m
3. Vertical 13.5 m 29.93 m 2.53 m
4. width 800 mm 750 mm 750 mm
5. Speed 1.33 (*2.66) m/s 1.33 (*2.66) m/s 1.33 (*2.66) m/s
6. Main motor 2 x 110 KW 2 x 110 KW 2 x 110 KW

Bag House Filter

A bag house filter is a particular air pollution control device, used in
similar applications as electrostatic precipitators. In the 1970s, introduction of
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fabrics capable of withstanding high temperatures (> 350 degrees Fahrenheit)

made bag houses practical for use in electrical generation and industrial

Bag houses are highly efficient particulate collection devices, regardless

of the incoming dust loading or particle size. Bag houses also offer adaptability
as dry collection devices using absorbents for removing gases and heavy metals.
Dust enters the bag
house compartment through
inlet on the hoppers. Larger
particles drop out while
smaller dust particles collect
on filter bags. When the dust
layer thickness reaches a level
where flow through the
system is sufficiently
restricted bag cleaning is
initiated. Cleaning can be
done while the bag house is
still online (filtering) or in
isolation (offline). Once
cleaned, the compartment is
placed back in service and the filtering process starts over.
Components of a reverse air bag house:
 Isolation dampers
 Filter bag tensioning system
 Anti-collapse rings on bags
 Reverse air fan
Most bag houses use long, cylindrical bags (or tubes) made of woven or
felted fabric as a filter medium. (For applications where there is relatively low
dust loading and gas temperatures are 250 °F or less, pleated, nonwoven
cartridges are sometimes used as filtering media instead of bags.) Dust-laden
gas or air enters the bag house through hoppers (large funnel-shaped containers
used for storing and dispensing particulate) and is directed into the bag house
compartment. The gas is drawn through the bags, either on the inside or the
outside depending on cleaning method, and a layer of dust accumulates on the
filter media surface until air can no longer move through it. When sufficient
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pressure drop (delta P) occurs, the cleaning process begins. Cleaning can take
place while the bag house is online (filtering) or is offline (in isolation). When
the compartment is clean, nor mal filtering resumes.

Quality control 
(QC) is a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a
manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set
of quality criteria or meets the requirements of the client or customer.
There are two types of Quality Control Procedures:€
1. Chemical Labs
To check the Composition of different components of
Cement with the help of X-ray Analysis.
2. Physical Labs
To check the Setting Time, Expansion Testing and
Compression Testing of different components of Cement.

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