MODULE 1 (Lesson 2-3) in Gender and Society: Fiona Yvannie T. Murillo BSSW As 3-1
MODULE 1 (Lesson 2-3) in Gender and Society: Fiona Yvannie T. Murillo BSSW As 3-1
MODULE 1 (Lesson 2-3) in Gender and Society: Fiona Yvannie T. Murillo BSSW As 3-1
Submitted by:
Fiona Yvannie T. Murillo
Submitted to:
Ms. Claudette Caroline L. Lacandazo, LPT
Lesson 2: Gender and Sexuality Across Time
Activity 1:
Get a one whole sheet of yellow paper. Interview people from different age
groups (adolescent, adult, elderly) and ask them what they can think of when they hear
the words gender and sexuality. Ask them what influenced them to have these
thoughts? Please refer to the sample table below.
Social media, environment, Discussed during biology, It is the thought passed unto
peer, family influence on psychology, and them by their family and it is
self-awareness philosophy classes in what they have learned in
college days, point of their generation, simple as girl
views from friends who and boy.
are part of the LGBTQ,
personal point of view.
Lesson 3: Gender and Sexuality as a Subject of Inquiry
Activity 1:
CONTEMPLATE: The following are common statements we hear from people. Reflect
why you think people agree or disagree with the statement. Reflect about your own
thoughts: Do you agree or disagree with each statement. Why or why not? Write your
answers on a ½ crosswise yellow paper.
For question one, I am quite curious on how the youngest generation would
react, whether or not they would accept the thoughts, how varied their understanding
would be, how would it affect their relationship to others since they are more interactive
with each other, and how it would affect them as individuals in growing up. After all,
there are persisting bullying cases related to gender even in the younger age group. For
question two, indigenous communities are viewed as traditional communities. They are
viewed to be still preserving traditions or beliefs that may be contradicting the
acceptance of different genders. Gender studies may give us an understanding on how
different type of communities, aside from age groups, receives gender and sexuality. I
also wonder on the effect of introducing gender awareness to indigenous communities
or would it be better to leave them with their beliefs. Questions four and five focus on
the definitions of gender and sexuality and how related or not the two are. Since there
are several perspectives to view gender and sexuality, I am interested on finding a
common ground that would best describe gender and sexuality.
In general, I want these questions to be answered to have a better understanding
on the concept. At the same time, it is the reason why these questions are within the
scope of gender studies; for people to have a better understanding. Gender and
sexuality cover a lot and viewed from different perspective. Yet, I believe that gender
studies are done to unite the thoughts or concepts to resolve an array of issues
regarding the topic.