L1-CHE-STD-034 v1 - Criteria For Level Crossings Pedestrian Crossings PDF

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The key takeaways are that this document outlines criteria for infrastructure at railway level crossings for pedestrians. It provides standards and guidelines for pedestrian crossings.

The purpose of this document is to provide criteria and standards for infrastructure at railway level crossings for pedestrian crossings.

This document references several standards including the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport, Australian Standards on design for access and mobility, road lighting, traffic control devices and traffic signal lanterns.

Engineering Standard – Track and Structures


Version: 1
L1-CHE-STD-034 Version: 1 Effective from: 1st July 2018


Name Position Signature

Louisa Waymouth Manager Standards

Phil Ellingworth Chief Engineer

Amendment Record

Approval Date Version Description

Rebadge VRIOGS 003.2 Criteria for Infrastructure at Railway
20/06/2018 1 Level Crossings - Pedestrian Crossings. No change to the
technical content.

Approving Manager: Chief Engineer Approval Date: 20/06/2018 Next Review Date: 20/06/2021
L1-CHE-STD-034 Version: 1 Effective from: 1st July 2018


This Standard replaces VRIOGS 003.2 Criteria for Infrastructure at Railway Level
Crossings - Pedestrian Crossings.
The contents of this Standard were prepared by the Victorian Rail Industry Operators Group
(VRIOG). This VRIOG Standard has been rebadged as an MTM document due to the retirement
of VRIOG Standards as of 30th June 2018.
This Standard will be managed under the Engineering Standards Development Procedure
As documents are uncontrolled once printed, it is imperative to check the currency of
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which incorporate learnings and Technical Notes (formerly known as Design Practice Notes).
Technical Notes are issued between editions which correct any errors or ambiguities contained in
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In the event of conflicts or discrepancies between different types of technical documents, refer to
the order of precedence as defined in ‘Chief Engineer’s Guideline Engineering Standards
Listing’ (L1-CHE-GDL-005).
Note: Any clarification described in a Technical Note or Design Practice Note shall take
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Note: MTM does not have the authority to grant waivers on any Standards/Specifications or
clauses within a Standard/Specification which relate to Government Regulations or Legislation,
e.g. Disability Discrimination Act.

Referencing this document

Clauses and subclauses of this document should be referenced using the following format style
L1-CHE-XXX-YYY Clause Z.Z.Z. Referencing the VRIOGS document number is not required.

Approving Manager: Chief Engineer Approval Date: 20/06/2018 Next Review Date: 20/06/2021
L1-CHE-STD-034 Version: 1 Effective from: 1st July 2018


Approving Manager: Chief Engineer Approval Date: 20/06/2018 Next Review Date: 20/06/2021
VRIOGS 003.2 – 2006

Victorian Rail Industry Operators Group Standards

Criteria for Infrastructure at Railway Level

Crossings – Pedestrian Crossings

Issue Date: 30/01/07

Operator Status
Metropolitan Active
Rural Active
Interstate Active
Refer to Engineering Standards
QuickPlace for Revision History

NOTE: This Document is controlled only when viewed on the DOI Engineering Standards Web Site. Any other copy
of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may be inaccurate.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006


The Standard has been created through the collaboration of members of the Victorian Rail
Industry Operators’ Group (VRIOG) for the purpose of establishing standards which, if
implemented throughout the Victorian Rail Network, will facilitate the interoperability of

The use of the Standard is not prescribed by law but, if adopted, conformity with the
provisions of the Standard is mandatory in order that the purpose of the Standard be achieved.

The Department of Infrastructure proposes to issue standards for the maintenance of the rail
network in the future. That standard will touch on some of the issues covered in this standard
such as flangeway gap tolerances and surface irregularities. This standard is primarily
concerned with the design of new facilities.


The Standard is published by the Director of Public Transport for information purposes only
and does not amount to any kind of advice.

Each person is responsible for making his or her own assessment of all such information and
for verifying such information. The content of this publication is not a substitute for
professional advice.

The Director of Public Transport and VRIOG accept no liability for any loss or damage to
any person, howsoever caused, for information contained in this publication, or any purported
reliance thereon.


The technical content has also been widely consulted with people with disabilities and
organisations representing people with disabilities. This has included members of the
Disability Access Sub Committee of the Department of Infrastructure, the Public Transport
Department of the Department of Infrastructure, the Pedestrian Rail Level Crossing Upgrade
Program, and the Minister for Transport’s Public Transport Access Committee.


© Director of Public Transport 2006.

This publication is copyright. No part may be reproduced by any process except in
accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act.
Where information or material is so used, it should be used accurately and the Standard
should be acknowledged as the source of the information.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 3

TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................. PAGE

Section 1.0 Scope and General ........................................................................ 5

1.1 Scope............................................................................................... 5
1.2 Application...................................................................................... 5
1.3 Disability Discrimination................................................................ 5
1.4 Background ..................................................................................... 6
Section 2.0 Siting of Pedestrian Crossings ..................................................... 7
2.1 General ............................................................................................ 7
2.2 Sight Distance at Passive Crossings ............................................... 7
2.3 Angle of Crossing ........................................................................... 8
Section 3.0 Approach Paths ........................................................................... 10
3.1 General Requirements................................................................... 10
3.2 Substandard Municipal Footpath Network ................................... 11
Section 4.0 Crib Enclosures at Passive Crossings ....................................... 12
4.1 General .......................................................................................... 12
4.2 Surfaces......................................................................................... 12
4.3 Layout ........................................................................................... 13
4.4 Fences ........................................................................................... 13
4.5 Signs and Pavement Markings...................................................... 13
4.6 Mid-Crossing Enclosures.............................................................. 14
4.7 Heritage Considerations................................................................ 14
Section 5.0 Gated Crossing Enclosures at Active Crossings. ..................... 15
5.1 Surfaces......................................................................................... 15
5.2 Layout ........................................................................................... 15
5.3 Alternative Enclosure Design ....................................................... 17
5.4 Fences ........................................................................................... 19
5.5 Signs and Pavement Markings...................................................... 19
5.6 Mid-Crossing Enclosures.............................................................. 20
5.7 Heritage Considerations................................................................ 20
5.8 Latches on the Exit Gate of the Escape Path ................................ 20
Section 6.0 Crossing of Rail Tracks .............................................................. 21
6.1 General .......................................................................................... 21
6.2 Layout ........................................................................................... 21
6.3 Surfaces......................................................................................... 21
6.4 Pavement Markings ...................................................................... 21
6.5 Edge Line Continuity to the Enclosure ......................................... 22
6.6 Panel Crossing Units..................................................................... 23
6.7 Flangeway Gaps............................................................................ 23
Section 7.0 Warning Signals At Active Crossings ....................................... 24
7.1 Visual Warnings............................................................................ 24
7.2 Aural Warnings ............................................................................. 25

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of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may be inaccurate.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 4

Section 8.0 Lighting........................................................................................ 26

Section 9.0 Definitions.................................................................................... 27

Section 10.0 Conventions ................................................................................. 29

Section 11.0 Referenced Documents ............................................................... 30

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of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may be inaccurate.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 5


1.1 Scope

This document mandates the accepted criteria that shall be employed when designing new, or
executing substantial alterations to, all pedestrian level crossings on the Victorian Rail
Network. The purpose of this Pedestrian Level Crossing Standard is to ensure that the design
of all future pedestrian level crossings are designed to be as safe as practicable.

This standard does not provide guidance on the level of protection that should be provided
but does give design guidance once the decision is made as to whether the crossing should be
controlled Actively or Passively.

1.2 Application

This standard is to be applied in any circumstance of Substantial Alteration to, or new

construction of at-grade pedestrian crossings of rail lines where separate provision is made
for pedestrians.

This standard is to be used in conjunction with Australian Standards. This Standard contains
more onerous requirements than that of the equivalent Australian Standard which remains in a
draft format. Therefore this Standard is the overriding authority where differences are

1.3 Disability Discrimination

There is a legal requirement that new public transport facilities conform to the Disability
Standards for Accessible Public Transport. The standard described in this document
complies with the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 Disability
Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 and any referenced versions and clauses of
Australian Standards. Where there is any inconsistency they override this document.
Any other Australian Standards are secondary to the above.

Compliance with the DDA Transport Standards may be met by:

 applying the relevant specifications before the target dates; or

 using methods, equipment and facilities that provide alternative means of access to
the public transport service concerned (but not using separate or parallel services)
with equivalence of amenity, availability, comfort, convenience, dignity, price and
safety. This may include direct assistance over and above that required simply to
overcome discrimination.

The operator or provider of a public transport service must consult with passengers with
disabilities who use the service or with organisations representing people with disabilities,
about any proposal for equivalent access. One such organisation is the Victorian Public
Transport Access Committee.

An access path that departs in minor ways from the Transport Standards may be regarded as
deemed to comply if it meets the performance requirements of AS1428.2 Clause 7 with
equivalent effectiveness, amenity, availability, convenience, dignity, and safety. However
direct assistance may be required to ensure that a non-conforming access path of this kind is
available to all passengers. This may translate to assistance being provided by station staff in
some situations.

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of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may be inaccurate.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 6

1.4 Background

The previous standards for at-grade pedestrian crossings of rail lines predated the
introduction of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002. This standard
updates the existing standards to take account of the needs of pedestrians with disabilities
when negotiating at-grade crossings.

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of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may be inaccurate.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006


2.1 General

There are a range of legal pedestrian crossings ranging from a widening of the adjacent road,
a separate path, a path with signs, a crib enclosure, pedestrian booms and gates with visual
and audible warnings.

2.2 Sight Distance at Passive Crossings

At a railway crossing at which there is no active control for pedestrian traffic the minimum
sight distance (SD) in metres to be available for pedestrians to oncoming trains shall be as
shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: Sight Distance Definitions


V  d 
SD =  + 2
3.6  1.0 


V = track speed of trains in km/h

d = pedestrian crossing distance in metres, measured as follows;

i. Where pedestrian mazes are provided- from one trackside maze opening
to the other.
ii. Where there are no pedestrian mazes but there are TGSIs at holding
positions- from one trackside edge of the TGSI to the other.
iii. Where there are no pedestrian mazes or TGSIs- outer rail to outer rail
plus 3m.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 8

Note A: The above formula is based on a walking speed of 1.0 m/s and provides a
safety margin of 2 s. It is recommended that at crossings where there is likely to be
significant use by people with ambulant disabilities, the walking speed be reduced to
0.8 m/s.
Note B: The sight distance should be greater than the distance equivalent to a
crossing time of 10 seconds. This applies even for crossings where only one track is

If this sight distance is not available one or other of the following will be required:

 Removal of obstructions to achieve the required sight distance.

 Provision of active control.
 Closure or relocation of the crossing.
 Reduction of train speed.
 Grade separation.

Note: Removal of obstructions includes any removal of material from a cutting face which
will restore the required sight distance. Maintenance of plant growth will be needed to ensure
retention of sight distance.

2.3 Angle of Crossing

(a) Angle of Crossing

To assist pedestrians with vision impairment or other disabilities the pedestrian path shall
cross the rail tracks at right angles (90º±20º) even if the adjacent road is skewed. However
every effort should be made to achieve a right-angled crossing. Under the following
circumstance a right-angled crossing may not be practicable.

 the topography of the site is inhibitive

 the crossing angle is restricted by the proximity of assets that cannot reasonably be
 the possibility that pedestrians would ignore a formal right-angled crossing and skirt
around the crossing to find a shorter route (this can be particularly important if the
crossing is adjacent to a lightly trafficked road crossing);

Where an angled crossing (i.e. out side of the specified tolerances for a right angled crossing),
is deemed practical a site specific risk assessment must be completed taking into account the
following factors;

 the possibility of higher-standard surface finishes and maintenance across the

tracks, or a reliable flangeway gap treatment that would reduce the problems of an
angled crossing;
 the provision of adequate lines of sight when pedestrians are oriented at an angle to
the track;
 the possibility of additional fencing or the realignment of approach paths to achieve
a right angled crossing;
 the views of the Victorian Public Transport Access Committee or people with
disabilities in the local community;
 other site specific factors.

The risk assessment will be submitted to the regulator as part of either a Notification of
Change or Material Change Application dependant on the impact to the risk profile.

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VRIOGS 003.2-2006 9

(b) Angle of Crossing: A Note for the Melbourne Metropolitan Area

Schedule 7 of the Metropolitan Train Infrastructure Lease requires that all Pedestrian level
crossings when upgraded be perpendicular to the track. This is in direct conflict with the
requirements of this clause. To remedy this situation the Infrastructure Manager will seek a
dispensation to Schedule 7 from the Director of Public Transport until such time as this
contractual obligation is removed. A register of these Dispensations is to be maintained by
the Infrastructure Manager via PASS Assets.

(c) Orientation of Enclosures

In every case the track-side openings in the Enclosures on each side of the tracks shall
squarely face each other even if the pedestrian route itself is skew to the tracks (see Figure 2).
Properly aligned Enclosure openings will provide better navigational cues for sight-impaired

Figure 2 : Alignment of Enclosures on an Angled Crossing

Enclosure openings are

aligned with centre line of

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VRIOGS 003.2-2006


Approach Paths provide access from the Municipal Footpath Network to the Enclosure
adjacent to the rail tracks.

3.1 General Requirements

Walkways, ramps and landings shall comply with AS1428.1 with the following exceptions or
additional requirements.

(a) Width
Walkways, ramps and landings shall have an unobstructed width of not less than 1200mm.

(b) Provision of Landings on Ramps

Ramps shall be provided with landings at the top and bottom of the ramp and at intervals not

 for ramp gradients of 1 in 14: 9m;

 for ramp gradients of 1 in 19: 14m; and
 for ramp gradients between 1 in 19 and 1 in 14, intervals which shall be obtained by
linear interpolation.
 No landings need be provided on slopes flatter than 1 in 19.

(c) Surface Smoothness

The path is to be durable and maintainable asphalt, concrete, rubber or equivalent. It shall be
free of potholes with a non-slip surface with levels no greater than ±12mm from the design
plane when constructed.

Approach paths shall be designed so that water does not accumulate on the surface. If
gratings are located in a walking surface, they shall have spaces not more than 13mm wide
and not more than 150mm long. If gratings have elongated openings, they shall be placed so
that the long dimension is transverse to the dominant direction of travel.

(d) Camber and Cross fall

The camber or cross fall shall not exceed 1 in 40.

(e) Passing areas

Passing areas must have a minimum width of 1800mm and be provided at not more than 6m

(f) Step Ramps

If Step Ramps are provided they shall conform to AS1428.1.

(g) Hand Rails

When an approach path leads to a pedestrian crossing that is a means of access to a public
transport facility handrails shall be provided in accordance with AS 1428.1

(h) Continuity of Visual Clues

There should be a continuity of visual and tactile cues on the route between the municipal
path and the crossing itself, for example a continuity of directional tactile ground surface
indicators where they are provided on the Municipal Footpath Network.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 11

3.2 Substandard Municipal Footpath Network

The condition of the adjoining Municipal Footpaths shall in no way be used to lessen the
Standard that a Pedestrian Level Crossing is upgraded to. Otherwise a counter productive
situation might arise where parties are not motivated to improve a substandard arrangement.

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VRIOGS 003.2-2006


4.1 General

The purpose of a crib Enclosure is to direct pedestrians to face each direction before crossing
the rail tracks to observe if any trains are approaching. Crib Enclosures also provide signage
and directional assistance for pedestrians crossing the tracks and provide a tactile
navigational aid for pedestrians with impaired vision. The design of the Enclosure shall
allow the passage of the great majority of pedestrians with disabilities.

4.2 Surfaces

The surface smoothness shall comply with 3.1(c) and its slopes shall comply with 3.1(d).

Figure 3 : Passive Crib Crossing Layout

2000 mm 2000 mm

550 mm
1900 mm

1350 mm

2300 mm 1700 mm

Fencing Fencing to connect with the enclosure

1350 mm

in a position appropriate to the site

1900 mm

Post A Post B
550 mm

1500* mm minimum

1800 mm 2200 mm
Tactile ground
surface indicator


* Minimum distance should be increased to allow for curve effects when the track radius is less than 600m.
** All dimensions are from face to face. That is, opening dimensions are taken from the inside face of each
bounding member. Structure dimensions are taken from the outside face of bounding members.
*** Part or all of posts A and B facing the rails to be painted or marked to provide a clear luminance contrast
with the background. Yellow paint or chevron hazard marking is deemed to comply with this requirement.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 13

4.3 Layout

The layout shown on Figure 3 shall be deemed to comply. This figure shows a layout which
the pedestrian faces to the right just before crossing the tracks. This left-then-right turn
should be used where possible. An alternative arrangement is the mirror image about the
crossing centre line in which the pedestrian faces the left just before crossing the tracks.
This latter arrangement can be used in special circumstances such as where trains
predominantly approach from the left or in restricted locations where its use enables the
pedestrian path to cross the track at right angles.

The crib Enclosure shall have sufficient Luminance Contrast so that it is easily
distinguishable from the background.

4.4 Fences

(a) Extending Fences from the Enclosure

Where feasible, fences should extend for at least 30m in each direction on each side of the
Enclosure to prevent pedestrians crossing at points other than at the Enclosure. A weldmesh
fence or equivalent shall be used.

(b) Height
Fences should be sufficiently high to discourage climbing by young children but sufficiently
low to avoid blocking the views of shorter pedestrians or those in wheelchairs or on scooters.
It is important that the fence is able to be seen through. A height of 1200mm of an open weld
mesh material is deemed to comply.

(c) Horizontal Elements

If exposed to high speed road traffic (say 50km/h or above), fences shall not be a hazard to
the occupants of errant vehicles. They should not have horizontal elements that could spear
an impacting vehicle.

4.5 Signs and Pavement Markings

The following shall apply to each passive crossing.

(a) Warning Signs

Table 1 lists the warning signs used at Passive Crossings.

Sign A should be erected on the centre barrier fence of the crib where the crossing is in an
isolated location or adjacent to a road crossing controlled by a stop or give way sign.

Sign B should be used at locations when an adjacent road crossing is equipped with flashing
lights and bells. The size of the signs shall comply with the intent of the Disability Standards
for Accessible Public Transport.

Sign C shall be used at all pedestrian and exclusive use bicycle crossings other than active
control gated crossings. The details of this sign are shown in AS1742.1. They shall be
located on the non-trackside approach.

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VRIOGS 003.2-2006 14

Sign VicTrack Plan Numbers Sign Legend

A STD_Rtba.dgn Rev - - LOOK BOTH

B STD_Rtba.dgn Rev - -

C STD_Rtba.dgn Rev - -

Table 1: Warning Signs at Passive Crossings

(b) Luminance Contrast

Where the central fence does not include a sign and there is insufficient Luminance Contrast
to clearly distinguish the fence from the background, the central fence could include chevron
marking or other sign to assist pedestrians who have limited vision.

(c) Complaint Signs

Signs should be placed at the crossing with a telephone number so that members of the public
can register complaints. The sign shall contain a unique location number for identification.

(d) Pavement Marking

The tactile ground surface indicators shall be located as shown in Figure 3. Tactile ground
surface indicators and pavement markings shall be in a contrasting colour with a minimum
Luminance Contrast complying with the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport

4.6 Mid-Crossing Enclosures

When the crossing is over more than one track, and there is sufficient space between tracks, a
mid crossing enclosure shall be considered. Where a mid-crossing enclosure is to be
provided, its warnings and its signage should reflect the design of the outside Enclosures.
Cross track pairs of gates shall operate in synchrony but independently of the other cross
track pair.

4.7 Heritage Considerations

The crossing shall provide compliant layouts and materials without detracting from the local
amenity where possible

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VRIOGS 003.2-2006



5.1 Surfaces

The surface smoothness shall comply with 3.1(c) and its slopes shall comply with 3.1(d).

5.2 Layout

The layout shall conform to that shown in Figure 4.

When the track radius is less than 600m the distance from the nearest rail to the nearest fence
of the enclosure shall be greater than 1500mm to allow for curve effects.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 16

Figure 4 : Active Crossing Layout- Preferred Design


* Minimum distance should be increased to allow for curve effects when the track radius is less
than 600m.
All dimensions are from face to face. That is opening dimensions are taken from the inside face of
each bounding member. Structure dimensions are taken from the outside face of bounding
Part or all of posts C and D facing the rails to be painted or marked to provide a clear luminance
contrast with the background. Yellow paint or chevron hazard marking is deemed to comply with
this requirement.

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of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may be inaccurate.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 17

(a) Clearance to Adjacent Road Booms

In some cases the gate motor would be located close to a road boom barrier. Figure 5 shows
the normal minimum clearances to ensure acceptable levels of safety for maintenance staff
working on both pieces of equipment for the case when the boom and the gate motor would
be located in the same enclosed space.

Figure 5 : Normal Minimum Clearances- Preferred Enclosure Layout




3950 (typical)
4300 (typical)

Centreline of nearest track

(b) Reduction in Clearance to Adjacent Road Booms

The clearances shown in Figure 5 may be reduced if it can be shown that equivalent levels of
maintenance worker safety would still be maintained. Techniques that may be used to reduce
these clearances include the following.

 Use of a shorter and heavier boom counterweight.

 Application of a machine guard around the outer end of the boom counterweight.
 Special safety procedures applied to staff undertaking maintenance.
 Increasing the difference between the offset from the rail track of the gate motor
and the offset to the road boom. Oblique crossings will increase (or decrease) the
effective lateral offset of the outer end of the boom counterweight depending on
whether the angle is greater or less than 90 degrees.

5.3 Alternative Enclosure Design

Figure 6 shows an alternative Active Crossing layout with the gate motor in the escape path.
This layout is deemed to be acceptable only where site specific circumstances prevent the
adoption the preferred layout. The alternative layout incorporates a motorised gate with the
hinge on the side of the escape path.
If a boom mast is located nearby a minimum clearance of 2m is required from the enclosure
fence to the boom mast. This is required to ensure adequate clearance to the movement of the
road boom counterweight. This clearance can only be reduced in special circumstances by
measures such as those outlined in Clause 5.2 (b).

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VRIOGS 003.2-2006 18

Figure 6 : Alternative Active Crossing Layout




* Minimum distance should be increased to allow for curve effects when the track radius is less than

All dimensions are from face to face. That is opening dimensions are taken from the inside face of each
bounding member. Structure dimensions are taken from the outside face of bounding members.

Part or all of posts C and D facing the rails to be painted or marked to provide a clear luminance contrast
with the background. Yellow paint or chevron hazard marking is deemed to comply with this requirement.

The swing angle of the gate shown in the diagram is 108 degrees. If the swing of the actual gate is less
than this the outer vertical edge of the gate should be marked as described for post D and marking for
post D omitted.

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of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may be inaccurate.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 19

5.4 Fences

Fences shall comply with 4.4.

5.5 Signs and Pavement Markings

(a) Warning signs

Sign B in 4.5(a) shall be mounted facing the Approach Path.

Sign D shall be mounted on the emergency exit gate facing the tracks.

Sign E shall be mounted on the emergency exit gate facing the Approach Path.

Sign F shall be mounted on the trackside of the motorised gate.

Sign VicTrack Plan Numbers Sign Legend

D STD_Rtba.dgn Rev - -

E STD_Rtba.dgn Rev - -

F STD_Rtba.dgn Rev - -

Table 2: Warning Signs at Active Crossings

(b) Luminance Contrast

In cases where the gate has insufficient Luminance Contrast to distinguish it from the
background, then chevron markings could be used.

(c) Complaint Signs

Complaint signs should comply with 4.5(c).

(d) Pavement Marking

No painting of the pavement is required if the raised pavement markers are placed as shown
in Section 6.4.

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VRIOGS 003.2-2006 20

5.6 Mid-Crossing Enclosures

When the crossing is over more than one track, and there is sufficient space between tracks, a
mid crossing enclosure shall be considered. Where a mid-crossing enclosure is to be
provided, its warnings and its signage should reflect the design of the outside Enclosures.
Cross track pairs of gates shall operate in synchrony but independently of the other cross
track pair.

5.7 Heritage Considerations

The crossing shall provide compliant layouts and materials without detracting from the local
amenity where possible.

5.8 Latches on the Exit Gate of the Escape Path

The purpose of the latch is to inhibit wrong way entry by pedestrians who wish to bypass the
gate when a train is approaching. Ideally they should be readily operated by pedestrians of all
abilities when legitimately exiting the escape path in the opposite direction. As far as
possible, latch designs should be consistent across the rail network. Current practice may be
continued or alternatively spring loaded hinged gates may be used until a suitable latch is

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of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may be inaccurate.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006


6.1 General

The details of the crossing of the tracks themselves are most critical to feelings of danger and
of safety especially for pedestrians with disabilities.

6.2 Layout

The minimum width of the path across the rail tracks shall be as shown in Figure 7.

Figure 7 : Layout of Track Crossing

2440 mm

150mm 170mm 1800 mm 170mm 150mm

Raised Pavement Markers as per

per AS1428.4
AS1428.4 Appendix
Appendix D
D incorporated
in yellow line marking

6.3 Surfaces

The surface smoothness shall comply with 3.1(c) and its slopes shall comply with 3.1(d).
Particular attention should be taken of tripping hazards where the crossing is on a curve with
different rail levels.

6.4 Pavement Markings

(a) Raised Pavement Markers

The edge markers shall be sufficiently high and wide to enable a cane user to locate the edge
of the crossing. The arrangement shown on Figure 7 is deemed to comply with this
requirement. The use of raised yellow markers is preferred. The dimensions of raised
pavement markings should be as shown in Figure 8, as adopted from AS1428.4.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 22

Figure 8 : Raised Pavement Markers

(b) Location of Pavement Markers

In cases where there is an escape path at the active crossing, no lines or pavement markers
should cross the route to the escape bypass. The layout of these tiles should be as shown in
Figure 9.

Figure 9 : Location of Raised Pavement Markers


6.5 Edge Line Continuity to the Enclosure

In some cases the width of the Enclosure facing the crossing of the tracks will be slightly
different from the width between the edge lines of the crossing itself. In these cases the
contrasting edge lines of the crossing should taper to the end posts of the Enclosure to help
guide sight-impaired pedestrians.

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of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may be inaccurate.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 23

6.6 Panel Crossing Units

Crossing panels provide many benefits in terms of facilitating disabled access as well as
adding the ability to be temporarily removed during track reconstruction. They are not
appropriate in all instances and should be avoided where the adjacent –
• track contains an Insulated Rail Joint
• track radius is less than 800 m
• track’s rail weight and sleeper type combination are not suitable.

6.7 Flangeway Gaps

The passage of trains rely on a minimum sized gap beside the rail to allow space for the
wheel flange. However flangeway gaps represent a hazard to small-wheeled mobility aids.
Once trapped within the gap, some users find the wheel very difficult to extract. The
maximum gap sizes are shown in Figure 10.

The top of the path surface should be level with the top of the rail, noting that if some
misalignment is unavoidable it is preferable to disabled users to have the rail level slightly
higher than the crossing surface level.

The flangeway gap width must be continuous across the crossing width. The base of the
flangeway gap must also be of a continuous depth being free from holes, slots and grooves.

Figure 10 : Maximum Flangeway Gap Dimensions

65 mm max*
40mm max**

* 60mm maximum width for all

crossing materials other than
** Note: 50mm maximum depth
allowable on freight lines.

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VRIOGS 003.2-2006


Warnings signals alert pedestrians to approaching trains. They require real-time train
detection. Many pedestrians have visual and hearing deficiencies that impair their ability to

7.1 Visual Warnings

At present there are a variety of signals that are used in Victoria, including flashing lights. In
future it is likely that AS1742.7 will specify the following visual signals be used at all active
pedestrian crossings. They would be located to face pedestrians at the gate position or if there
is no gate, the point behind which they should wait safely clear of a passing train. Design
requirements for signal lanterns are specified in AS2144.

Until that time there is no requirement for an active visual warning.

(a) Red Symbolic Standing Pedestrian Signal

The signal shown in Figure 11 would display a steady red man during the approach and the
passage of the train. It would be preceded by a flashing warning period. It would be
switched off at other times.

Figure 11: Red Symbolic Standing Pedestrian Signal

(b) Another Train Coming

An illuminated ‘another train coming’ sign similar to that shown in Figure 12 could be added
to all crossings with active control of pedestrian traffic, including gated crossings. The sign
would be displayed when there would be no opening of the crossing between successive

Figure 12 : ‘Another Train Coming’ Illuminated Sign

VRIOGS 003.2-2006 25

7.2 Aural Warnings

A single frequency (800hz) output signal pulsating on and off at ¼ second intervals shall be
fitted to the inside of the pedestrian gate mechanism or mounted on a vandal resistant
enclosure near the gate mechanism. A Yodalarm Type YO3, 110 VAC supplied by Radio
Spares, or equivalent, is deemed to comply.

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VRIOGS 003.2-2006


Crossings at metropolitan railway stations should have a minimum level of lighting of 50 lux.
Care should be taken to avoid light dazzling the eyes of train drivers.

Where crossing have been upgraded the existing lighting arrangements shall be retained.
However if the design of the crossing is altered as part of the upgrade and introduces any
additional hazard to users the level of lighting will be increased to mitigate that risk.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006


Terminology used and/or applied in this Standard is defined as follows :

Active Crossing Pedestrian crossings where approaching trains instigate warnings

to pedestrians intending to cross.
Approach Path The path from the Municipal Footpath Network to the Enclosure
beside the rail tracks.
Disability The Australian Federal Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
Discrimination Act
Enclosure A layout of fences at the approach to rail crossings to improve
safety for pedestrians at both passive and active crossings.
Enclosures are also known as corrals and the passive version is
also known as a maze.
Luminance Contrast The amount of light reflected from one surface or component,
compared to the amount of light reflected from the background or
surrounding surfaces. For further information, see Australian
Standard AS/NZ1428.4 (2002).
Municipal Footpath The footpath network in the vicinity of the pedestrian rail crossing
Network administered by the local municipal authority. May include paths,
car parks and other open areas which pedestrians traverse in order
to reach the approach path to the rail crossing.
Passive Crossing Pedestrian crossings where approaching trains do not instigate
warnings to pedestrians intending to cross.
Scooter A motorised chair commonly used by frail elderly pedestrians.
Unlike a motorised wheelchair, scooters are usually steered by a
tiller which functions like a handlebar on a bicycle. Scooters are
usually less manoeuvrable than motorised wheelchairs, typically
having a longer wheelbase. Scooters are also referred to as
‘gophers’ or ‘buggies’.
Step Ramp An inclined access way with a length not greater than 1540mm
and a gradient not steeper than 1 in 8, located in, or instead of, a
step other than a kerb. Also known as a ‘pram crossing’ or ‘kerb
Public Transport This committee was created by the Minister of Transport and
Access Committee provides advice on issues relating to public transport access. It
can be reached through the Victorian Department of
Substantial All crossings upgraded from Passive to Active Protection or to
Alteration achieve DDA compliance will be done so in accordance with this
Standard. Other activities that result in a physical change to the
design of a Pedestrian Crossing shall also be in accordance with
this Standard. For the avoidance of doubt this might include the
relocation of a crossing or a modification of an associated feature
ie a station upgrade. Maintenance or repair of any or all
components of a Pedestrian Crossing are not deemed to constitute
a Substantial Alteration.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 28

VRIOG The Victorian Rail Industry Operators’ Group comprising the

following members:
 Pacific National
 Vic Track
 V/Line Passenger
 Connex Melbourne
 Yarra Trams
 Freight Australia
 Australian Rail Track Company
 Public Transport Division of the Department of

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of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may be inaccurate.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006


1) Words or phrases that appear capitalised out of context, are defined within the.
Definitions section of this VRIOG Standard.

2) The work “Shall” is to be understood as mandatory.

3) The work “Should” is to be understood as non-mandatory i.e. advisory or


4) Uncontrolled Standards may not be referenced within the VRIOG Standards. These
include former PTC Standards, Franchisee Standards, Franchisee Subcontractor
Standards and Infrastructure Lessee Standards.

5) Controlled Standards, including Australian Standards and other VRIOG Standards,

may be referenced but only if :
 The referenced item can not be adequately explained with an amount of text that
could not reasonably be inserted into the body of the Standard.
 The reader is not referenced to another Controlled Standard necessary for the item
to be adequately explained i.e. one document link only.
 The referenced document is a Figure or table and could not reasonably be included
in the appendices of the Standard
6) The format employed in the VRIOG Standards is compatible with Australian
Standards, and will be used from this point on.

7) The numbering system for the VRIOG Standards is chronologically sequential from
the point of introduction, and is not based on any form of interpretive system. The
year of introduction of a VRIOG Standard is included as a suffix to the numbering
system, and will be altered on revision of the Standard to the year of introduction of
that revision.

8) The VRIOG Standards contain engineering information necessary to operate a safe

Railway. VRIOG Standards will not contain any information that can be construed
as a work instruction, procedure, process or protocol. This information forms the
basis of each individual entity’s Safety Accreditation Certification, and, as such, is
outside the scope of VRIOG Standards.
VRIOGS 003.2-2006 30


The following documents have been used as references in preparation and usage of this
Standard :

 Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (revised 2004)

 Australian Standard AS1428 Design for Access and Mobility
 Part 1 (2001): General requirements for access – new building work
 Part 2 (1992): Enhanced and additional requirements – buildings and
 Part 4 (1992): Tactile ground surface indicators for the orientation of
people with vision impairment
 Part 4 (2002): Tactile indicators
 Australian/New Zealand Standard AS/NZS1158 Road Lighting
 Part.3.1 (1999): Pedestrian area (Category P) lighting – performance and
installation design requirements
 Australian Standard AS1742 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices
 Part 1 (2003): General introduction and index of signs
 Part 7 (1993): Railway crossings
 Australian Standard AS/NZS 2144:2002 Traffic signal lanterns

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of this document is uncontrolled, and the content may be inaccurate.

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