Cambridge ICE

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Cambridge ICE

Cambridge ICE is a group award for Cambridge IGCSE, and is very popular in the USA and
South America.

It allows schools to offer a broad and balanced curriculum by recognising the achievements
of learners who pass examinations in at least seven Cambridge IGCSE subjects from five
different subject groups, including two different languages.
Cambridge ICE curriculum

The Cambridge IGCSE subjects are grouped into five curriculum areas:

• Group I: Languages
• Group II: Humanities and Social Sciences
• Group III: Sciences
• Group IV: Mathematics
• Group V: Creative and Professional
Learners must take two different languages from Group I, and one subject from each of
Groups II, III, IV and V. The seventh subject can be taken from any of the five subject groups.

The subjects available are listed below. Please note that not all subjects are available in both
the June and November series.

Environmental Management can count as either a Group II or a Group III subject, and Co-
ordinated Sciences (Double Award) counts as two subjects.
• Group I: Languages (First Language, Second Language and Foreign Language)
• Group II: Humanities and Social Sciences
• Group III: Sciences
• Group IV: Mathematics
• Group V: Creative and Professional

To be honest, the ICE certification doesn't carry any importance if you plan to study in India
after your boards. I had an option to opt for it, but as I knew I'll anyway get admitted to an
Indian college, I decided not to take any extra subjects and rather focus on the ones I
already had.

However, if you wish to study abroad, especially in the UK, then the ICE award may give you
an edge for your selection at the international colleges.

The Cambridge ICE certificate is a group award designed for schools that want to offer a
broad curriculum. Students enter and sit for a minimum of seven subjects selected from the
five IGCSE curriculum areas:

• Group 1 - Languages
• Group 2 - Humanities
• Group 3 - Sciences
• Group 4 - Mathematics
• Group 5 - Creative and Vocational
Cambridge ICE is awarded to students who pass in at least seven Cambridge IGCSE subjects,
including two from Group 1 and one from each of Groups 2 to 5. The seventh subject may
be chosen from any of the syllabus groups.

Students who qualify for the Cambridge ICE award will be placed in one of three categories:

• Distinction - Grade A or better in five subjects and grade C or better in two

• Merit - Grade C or better in five subjects and grade F or better in two subjects.
• Pass - Grade G or better in seven subjects.
Another important benefit that Cambridge ICE offers is that students can demonstrate
competence across a wide range of subjects and skills. Cambridge ICE carries greater
currency in its own right in those countries where it is popular.

Group I: Languages (First Language, Second Language and Foreign Language)

o First Language
§ Afrikaans
§ Arabic
§ Chinese
§ Czech
§ Dutch
§ English
§ French
§ German
§ Japanese
§ Korean
§ Malay
§ Portuguese
§ Russian
§ Sesotho
§ Spanish
§ Thai
§ Turkish
o Second Language
§ Afrikaans
§ Chinese
§ English
§ Hindi
§ IsiZulu
§ Kazakh
§ Urdu
o Foreign Language
§ Arabic
§ Dutch
§ French
§ German
§ Greek
§ Indonesian
§ Italian
§ Japanese
§ Malay
§ Mandarin Chinese
§ Portuguese
§ Spanish

Group II: Humanities and Social Sciences

o Bangladesh Studies
o Development Studies
o Economics
o Environmental Management
o Geography
o Cambridge Global Perspectives
o History
o India Studies
o Islamiyat
o Latin
o Literature (English)
o Literature (Spanish)
o Pakistan Studies
o Religious Studies
o Sociology
o World Literature

Group III: Sciences

o Agriculture
o Biology
o Chemistry
o Combined Science
o Co-ordinated Sciences (Double Award)
o Environmental Management
o Physical Science
o Physics

Group IV: Mathematics

o Additional Mathematics
o Cambridge International Mathematics
o Mathematics

Group V: Creative and Professional

o Accounting
o Art and Design
o Business Studies
o Cambridge Global Perspectives
o Child Development
o Computer Science
o Design and Technology
o Drama
o Enterprise
o Food and Nutrition
o Information and Communication Technology
o Music
o Physical Education
o Travel and Tourism

How do I make an entry for the Cambridge AICE/ICE group award?

AICE (Advanced International Certificate of Education)

Candidates may enter syllabuses that contribute to the Cambridge AICE Diploma in a single examination
series. Alternatively, candidates can accumulate the results to be used towards the Cambridge AICE
Diploma over more than one series, provided these additional examination series are held within a 25-
month period (prior to the June 2012 series, only a 13-month period was permitted). For example, a
candidate entering for the Cambridge AICE Diploma in November 2020 may only use previous results
gained in the November 2018, June 2019, November 2019 and June 2020 examination series.

You must make a Cambridge AICE Diploma group award entry for students who wish to enter for the
Cambridge AICE Diploma. This is done by entering the group award entry code ADIP along with the
syllabus entry codes. For multi-series students you must make the ADIP entry in their final examination
series. Previous entry details must also be submitted for students who require results achieved in
previous series to be included in the award of the Cambridge AICE Diploma.

If no ADIP entry is made for a student then the student will not be classed as a group award student and
will be issued with standard Cambridge International AS/A Level results and certificates.

You can find full details of the choice of subjects and entry criteria for the Cambridge AICE Diploma in
the Cambridge Guide to Making Entries.

ICE (International Certificate of Education)

Candidates may enter syllabuses that contribute to the Cambridge ICE group award either in a single
examination series or over two examination series, provided they are held during a 13 month period.
For example, candidates entering for the ICE award in the November 2020 series could use previous
results gained in the November 2019 or June 2020 series, but not both.

You must make a separate entry for students who wish to enter for the Cambridge ICE Award. This is
done by entering the group award entry code ICE along with the syllabus entry codes. For two series
students you must make the Cambridge ICE entry in their final examination series. Previous entry details
must also be submitted for students who require results achieved in previous series to be included in
the award of Cambridge ICE.

Failure to include ICE in the student entry will result in only Cambridge IGCSE certificates being issued
without the Cambridge ICE certificate. You can find full details of the choice of subjects and entry criteria
for the Cambridge ICE Award in the Cambridge Guide to Making Entries.

Cambridge International Certificate in Education (ICE)

What is Cambridge ICE?

The Cambridge ICE certificate is a group award designed for schools that want to offer a broad
curriculum. Students enter and sit for a minimum of seven subjects selected from the five IGCSE
curriculum areas:

• Group 1 - Languages

• Group 2 - Humanities

• Group 3 - Sciences

• Group 4 - Mathematics

• Group 5 - Creative and Vocational

Cambridge ICE is awarded to students who pass in at least seven Cambridge IGCSE subjects, including
two from Group 1 and one from each of Groups 2 to 5. The seventh subject may be chosen from any of
the syllabus groups.

Students who qualify for the Cambridge ICE award will be placed in one of three categories:

• Distinction - Grade A or better in five subjects and grade C or better in two subjects.

• Merit - Grade C or better in five subjects and grade F or better in two subjects.

• Pass - Grade G or better in seven subjects.

Another important benefit that Cambridge ICE offers is that students can demonstrate competence
across a wide range of subjects and skills. Cambridge ICE carries greater currency in its own right in
those countries where it is popular.

Full details of the subject groups and procedures for making entries for Cambridge ICE can be found in
section 4 of the Cambridge Guide to Making Entries, which is available to exams officers.

To qualify for the Cambridge ICE certificate, must students take all their subjects in one series?

Students can qualify for Cambridge ICE over two series provided they take place within a period of 13
months. This would mean from June to the following November or June; or from November to the
following June or November.

My school has applied for me to be considered as a student for Cambridge ICE over two sittings. The
first sitting has taken place and I didn’t do as well as I'd hoped in one of my subjects. Can I retake it in
the second sitting?
Yes, you can, but it is the result you achieved at the first sitting that will be counted towards your
Cambridge ICE certificate. The result you achieve at the second sitting will be reported to you on a
separate subject certificate.

Is it possible for GCE O Levels to count towards the Cambridge ICE certificate?

Certain subjects taken at O Level may be counted towards Cambridge ICE. Such substitutions will only be
permitted if the proposed substitute subject is not available as an IGCSE subject in the same series and
the student has taken at least six IGCSE subjects.

The eligible O Level subjects can be found in section 4 of the Cambridge Guide to Making Entries.

If I take more than the minimum of seven subjects required to qualify for ICE, how will my Cambridge
ICE grade be calculated?

As long as you fulfil the entry requirements for Cambridge ICE (passes in seven subjects, covering the
five IGCSE subject groups and including two different languages), your seven best results, irrespective of
subject or group, will be used to calculate your Cambridge ICE grade.

Is it necessary to submit entries in order to be awarded the Cambridge ICE certificate?

A school must make a separate entry for the Cambridge ICE Award for each student who fulfils the
Cambridge ICE entry criteria. To enter a student for the Cambridge ICE Award, the school must make an
entry by means of the Cambridge ICE entry code in addition to the syllabus and option codes for the
examinations the student takes. Failure to include Cambridge ICE in the student entry will result in only
IGCSE certificates being issued without the Cambridge ICE certificate.

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