ELL211 Lecture 7: IIT Delhi

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IIT Delhi

ELL211 Lecture 7 Bhaskar Mitra

Crystal Vibrations - Longitudnal Waves
Planes of
atoms when
displaced in
direction. u
measures the
of planes.
us ∥ K
Crystal Vibrations - Transverse Waves

us ⊥ K
Hooke’s Law
❖ We assume the elastic response of a crystal is a linear function of the forces
❖ Hooke’s Law: The force exerted on the plane s as caused by plane s+p is
proportional to the displacement us+p − us. For nearest neighbour p = ± 1

❖ ··
Fs = C(us+1 − us) + C(us−1 − us) so mus = C(us+1 + us−1 − 2us)
❖ We are looking for harmonic solutions of the form us = use
❖ Also since atoms are identical us+p = use (Bloch Theorem)
2 jKa −jKa 2
❖ we get mω = C(e +e − 2) or ω = 2C/m(1 − cosKa)
Dispersion Relation
w vs k Dispersion for Monoatomic Lattice

❖ Meaningful range of K is only in

the first brillouin zone
Linear π π
(− < K < )
a a
❖ Can always add/subtract by
reciprocal lattice vector
❖ At zone boundary - standing wave
Waves in a Diatomic Crystal
m1us = C(vs + vs−1 − 2us)
m u = C(u + u − 2v )
2 s s+1 s s

look for travelling wave solutions:

−j(ωt−sKa) −j(ωt−sKa)
us = ue vs = ve

( )
2 −iKa

(−C(1 + e )
2C − m1ω −C(1 + e )
( )
u 0
v =
) 2C − m2ω 2 0 Near Zone Centre: Ka <<1
1 1
ω 2 ≈ 2C( + ) Optical Branch
for solution to exist, determinant =0 m1 m2
4 2 2 C/2
m1m2ω − 2C(m1 + m2)ω + 2C (1 − CosKa) = 0 2
ω ≈ 2 2
K a Acoustic Branch
m1 + m2
Longitudnal Acoustic and Optical Branches
in Ge
Transverse Optical and Acoustic Phonons
Quantization of Lattice Vibrations
❖ In the classical picture a wave has an intensity that can vary continuously
❖ In quantum picture, the energy of the wave is quantised. The particle associated with
a quantum of lattice vibrations is called a phonon. Each phonon carries an energy ℏω
The total energy contained in vibration is given by E = (nω + )ℏω

The distribution function is given by Bose-Einstein statistics:

exp ( k T )

❖ Density of states is same as what we derived for electrons

Lattice Scattering
❖ Three mechanisms for lattice scattering
Acoustic phonons create a strain field which produces a potential Vap = D

❖ Optical Phonons : Out of phase motion of neighbouring atoms produces a strain

called the optical strainVo = Dou
❖ Ionic Lattices: Motion of charged ions creates a polarisation field Vpo = e*u
❖ Scattering Probability is given by
2π 2
P(k, k′) = < k′, q′| Hel | k, q > δ[ϵ(k′) − ϵ(k) ∓ ℏωq]

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