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Unit 8 Assignment Problem: Structure

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8.1 Introduction

8.2 Solution of an Assignment Problem

8.3 Unbalanced Assignment Problem
8.4 Problem with some Infeasible Assignments
8.5 Maximisation in an Assignment Problem
8.6 Crew Assignment Problem
8.7 Summary
8.8 Key Words
8.9 Answers to SAQs
- - -

Tbe assignment problem in the general form can be stated as follows :Given n facilities, n
jobs and the effectiveness of each facility for each job, the problem is to assign each facility
to one and only one job in such a way that the measure of effectiveness is optirnised
(Maximised or Minimised).
Several problems of management has a structure identical with the assignment problem. A
departmental head may have five people available for assignment and five jobs to fill. He
m y like to h o w which job should be assigned to which person so that all these tasks can
be accomplished in the shortest possible time. Likewise a truck company may have an
empty truck in each of the cities and needs an empty truck in each of the cities
7,8,9,10,11,12. It would like to ascertain the assignment of trucks to various cities so as
to minimise the total distance covered. In a marketing set up by making an estimate of
sales performance for different salesmen as well as for different territories one could assign
a particular salesman to a particular temtory with a view to maximise overall sales.
I t
,I I It may be noted that with n facilities and n jobs there are n ! possible arrangements. One
way of finding an optimum assignment is to write all the n ! possible arrangements, evaluate
i their total cost (in terms of the given measure of effectiveness) and select the assignment
i i with minimum cost. The method leads to a computational problem of formidable size even
when the value of n is moderate. Even for n = 10 the possible number of arrangements is
3628800.It is thus, necessary to develop a suitable computation procedure to solve an
Ii assignment problem.

The regular simplex method or special methods that take advantage of the form of
transportation problem can be used to solve the assignment problem. Since the solution
would necessarily satisfy the integer restriction on all xp However, a special method called
the ~ungaiianMethod has been developed which takes advantage of the further restriction
on the transportation problem.
I Objectives
L After studying this unit, you should be able to

I formulate an assignment problem,

I use 'Hungarian Method for solving an assignment problem,
choose appropriate method for balancing and solving an unbalanced
introduce appropriate modification when some of the assignments are
' infeasible,
modify the assignment problem when the objective is to rnaximise the
objective function, and
formulate and solve the crew assignment problem
Suppose c g is the measure of effectiveness when ith person is assigned jth job. It is also
assumed that the overall measure of effectiveness is to be minimised (such as total time
taken to accomplish all the jobs). As in the case of transportation problem we introduced
decision variables xg with double subscripts so that xg is the number of ith individual
assigned to jth job. Since ith person can be assigned only one job and jth job can be
assigned to only one person, we have,

The objective function is

The structure of an assignment problem is thus identical with that of a transportation

problem. A table similar to that of a transportation problem can be constructed as shown in
Table 8.1.
Table 8.1 :Table of an Assignment Problem

The assignment problem is thus a special case of transportation problem wkre m 7 n and
a; = b, = 1. It may however be easily observed that any basic feasible sobtian of an
assignment problem contains (2 n - 1) variables of which (n - 1) variables are zero.Due
to this high degree of degeneracy, the usual computational techniques of a transportation
problem become very inefficient. A separate computational device is required to solve the
assignment problem.
The basic result on which the solution of an assignment problem is based can be stated as
follows (Mustafi, 1988) :
If a constant is added to every element of a row or a column of the cost matrix of an
assignment problem the resulting assignment problem has the same optimum solution
as the original problem and vice-versa.
This result can be used in two different ways to solve the assignment problem. If in an
assignment problem some cost elements are negative, we may convert them into an
equivalent assignment problem where all the cost elements are non-negative by adding a
suitably large constant to the elements of the relevant row or column. Next, we look for a
feasible solution which has zero assignment cost after adding suitable constants to the
elements of various rows and columns. Since it has been assumed that all the cost elements
are non negative, this assignment must be optimum. Based on this principle a computational
technique known as Hungarian Method is developed which is discussed below.
Hungarian Method
T$w method is listed below in the form of a series of computational steps, when the
objective function is that of minimisation type.
Step 1
Find out the cost table from the given problem. If the number of origins are not equal
to the number of destinations, a dummy origin or destination must be added (For
details, please refer Section'8.3).
Step 2
Find the smallest cost in each row of the cost table. Subtract this smallest cost
element from each element in that row. Therefore,there will be atleast one zero in
each row of this new table, called the First Reduced Cost Table.
Find the smallest element in each column of the reduced cost table. Subtract this
smallest cost element from each element in that column. As a result of this, each row
and column now has atleast one zero value in the second reduced cost table.
Step 3
Determine an assignment as follows :
(i) For each row or column with a single zero value cell that has not been assigned
or eliminated, box that zero value as an assigned cell.
(ii) For every zero that becomes assigned, cross out all other zeros in the same row
and for column.
(iii) If for a row and for a column, there are two or more zero and one cannot be
chosen by inspection,choose the assigned zero cell arbitraily.
(iv) The above process may be continued htil every zero cell is either assigned
(boxed) or crossed out.
Step 4
An optimal assignment is found, if the number of assigned cells equals the number of
rows (and columns). In case you had chosen a zero cell arbitrarily, there may be an
alternate optimum.
If no optimum solution is found (some rows or columns without an assignment),
please go to step 5.
Step 5
Draw a set of lines equal to the number of assignments made in Step 3, covering all
the zeros in the following way.
(i) Mark check ( 4 ) to those rows where no assignment has been made.
(Ci) Examine the checked ( 4 ) rows. If any zero cell occurs in those rows, check
( 4 ) the respective columns that contain those zeros.
(iii) Examine the checked ( 4) columns. If any assigned zero occurs in those
columns, check ( 4 ) the respective rows that contain those assigned zeros.
(ivj The process may be repeated until no more rows or column can be checked.
(v) Draw lines through all unchecked rows and through all checked columns.
Step 6
E x d e those elements that are not covered by a lime. Choose the smallest of these
elements and subfract this smallest from all the elements that do not have a line
through them.
Add this smallest element to even element that lies at the intersection of two lines.
The resulting matrix is a new revised cost tableau.
Example 8.1
A job shop has four men available for work on four separatejobs. Only one man can
work on any one job. The cost of assigning each man to each job is given in Table 8.2.
The objective is to assign men to jobs such that the total cost of assignment is a minimum.
Table 8 3

OpthnizllticnTtehnip~cg-I Solutjon
Step 1
Find out the cost tableau (Table 8.2).
Step 2
Find the first and second reduced cost tableau (Tables 8.3 and 8.4).

Tabb 83 :FLrst Reduced Cost Tableau

To 1 2 3 4
A 0 5 2 8
B 0 3 8 2
C 2 0 4 7
D 2 0 1 1

Table 8.4 :Second Reduced Cost Tableau

To 1 2 3 4
A 0 5 1 7
B 0 3 7 1
C 2 0 3 6
D 2 0 0 0

Step 3
Determine an Assignment. Examine row A of Table 8.4. You will find that it has
only one zero (Al). Box this zero.Cross-out all other zeros in the boxed column.
This way you can eliminate cell B1.
Now examine row C. You find that it has one zero ((22). Bax this zero. E l i t e all
the zeros in the boxed column. IIhis is how cell D2 gets eliminated.
There is one zero in column 3. Therefore, D3 gets boxed and this enables us to
eliminate cell D4.
Therefore, we can box (assign) or eliminate d l zeros. (Refer Table 8.5).

Tabb 8.5 :Assignment of Jobs

To 1 2 3 4 '
A 101 5 1 7
B I3 3 7 1
C 2 101 3 6
D 2 )B[ El H
Step 4
The solution obtained in Step 3 is not optimal. This is because we were able to make
three assignments when four were required.
Step 5
Cover d l the zeros of Table 8.5 with three lines, since three assignments were made.
Check (4) row B since it has no assignment. Please note that row B has a zero in
column 1, therefore, we check (4) column 1. We then check (4) row A, since column
1has an assigned zero in row A.
Pleasenote tfiatnootherrowsorculumnscanbe~Youmay draw threelines
t l n u u g h ~ r o w s ~ a n d ~ a n d c o l u1,thed.leckedcolumn.
mn ~hisissbownin
Table 8.6.
Table 8.6 APsigmneot Problem

Step 6
Develop the new revised tableau. Examine those elements that are not covered by a
line in Table 8.6. Take the smallest element. This is 1 (one) in our case. By
subtracting 1 from the uncovered cells and adding 1 to elements (Ci & Dl) that lie at
the intersection of two lines, we get the new revised cost tableau as given in
Table 8.7.
Table 8.7 :New Revised Cost Tableau

To 1 2 3 4

Step 7
Go to Step 3 and repeat the procedure until you arrive at an optimal assignment.
Step 8
Determine an assignment.
By examining each of the four rows in Table 8.7, we find that it is only row C which
has got only one zero. Box cell C2 and cross out D2. Please note that a l l the
remaining rows and columns have two zeros. Choose a zero arbitrarily, say A1 and
box this cell, Tbus, cell A3 and BI get eliminated. Therefore, row B (B4) and column
3 (D4) has one zero. Tbese are boxed and cell D4 is eliminated. Tbus, all zeros are
either boxed or eliminated in Table 8.8.
Table 8.8 :An Optimal Assignment

To 1 2 3 4
A (01 4 ?? 6
B x 2 6 El
C 3 (01 3 6
D 3 x 101 x
Since the number of assignments equal the number of rows (columns), the
assignment in Table 8.8 is optimal. The total wit of this assignment is 78.
Remember that we had chosen a zero cell arbitrarily, an alternate optimum solution
exists and is given by A3, B1, C2 and D4.You may please verify it yourself.
A tourist car rental firm has one car in each of the five depots Dl, D2,D3, D4, Ds and
a customer in each of the five cities Ci, C2, C3, C4, CS.'Ibe distances in kilometers
between the depots and the cities ate given in the Table 8.9. How should the cars be
assigned to the customers so asto minimi% the totaI distance covered ?
~ 0 Tedmiqnes-I
0 Table 8.9

c1 c2 c3 c4 cs
Dl 140 115 120 30 35
02 110 100 90 30 15
D3 155 90 135 60 50
D4 170 140 150 60 60
Ds 180 155 165 90 85


The number of persons to be assigned and the number of jobs were assumed to be the same
in the previous section. Such an assignment problem is known as a balanced assignment
problem . If the numb& of persons is different from the number of jobs, the assignment
problem is said to be unbalanced. If the number of jobs is less than the number of persons,
some of them canpot be assigned any job. We introduce one or more dummy jobs of zero
duration to make the assignment problem balanced. This balanced problem can be solved
using the metbod developed in the previous section. The persons to whom the dummy jobs
are assigned are left out of assignment. Likewise, if the number of persons is less than the
number of jobs we introduce one or more dummy persons with duration time zero to make
the assignment problem balanced We solve this balanced assignment problem and the jobs
assigned to the dummy persons are left out. Ttvo examples have been presented to illustrate
the solution of unbalanced assignment problems.
Example 8.2
Solve the following unbalanced assignment problem given in Table 8.10 f a
minimising the total time for performing all the jobs.
Tabie 8.10

Operators 1 2 3 4 5
1 6 2 5 2 6
2 2 5 8 7 7
3 7 8 6 9 8
4 6 2 3 4 5
5 9 3 8 9 7
6 4 7 4 6 8

Since the number of jobs is less than the number of operators we introduce a dummy
job with duration zero. The revised assignment problem is given in Table 8.11.
Table 8.11 i
Operators 2 3 4 5 6 (dummy)
1 6 2 5 2 6 0
2 2 5 8 7 7 0
3 7 8 6 9 8 0
4 6 2 3 4 5 0
5 9 3 8 9 7 0
6 4 7 4 6 8 0

Using the Hungarian Method described in the previous section the assignment ,
leading to minimqm cost is : Operator 1 to job 4, Operator 2 to job 1, Operator 3 to
dummy 6, Operator 4 to job 5, Operator 5 to job 2, Operator 6 to job 3. The total
minimum completion time is 16. Operator 3, therefore, can not be assigned.
A s s i g ~ l e n Problem
Example 8.3
The personnel manager of a company wants to assign Mr. X, Mr. Y and Mr. Z to
regional offices Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras. The cost of relocation (in
Rupees) of the three officers at the four regional offices are given in Table 8.12.
Table 8.12

OMcers Delhi Bombay Calcutta Madras
Mr.X 16000 22000 24000 20000
Mr. Y 10000 32000 26000 16000
Mr. Z 10000 20000 46000 30000

Since there are fewer persons than offices, we introduce a dummy person with a
relocation cost zero. The &vised Assignment Problem is given in Table 8.13.
Table 8.13

OfRcers Delhi Bombay Calcutta Madras
Mr.X 16000 22000 24000 20000
Mr. Y 10000 32000 26000 16000
Mr.Z 10000 20000 46000 30000
Dummy 0 0 0 0

Using Hungarian Method of solution, the minimum relocation cost is given by

Dummy (no one) to Calcutta, Mr. X to Bombay, Mr. Y to Madras and Mr. Z to
Delhi. The cost of relocation for this assignment is Rs. 48000.
Work out the various steps of the solution of the Example 8.2.

Work out the various steps of the solution of the Example 8.3.


It is sometimes possible that a particular person is incapable of doing certain work or a
specificjob cannot be performed on a particular machine. The solution of the assignment
problem should take into account these restrictions so that the infeasible assignments can
be avoided. This can be achieved by assigning a very high cost to the cel!s where
assignments are prohibited. The method of solution is illustrated using the following
Example 8.4
A metal shop has five jobs to be done and has five machines to do them. The cost
matrix gives the cost of processing each job on each machine. Because of specificjob
requirement and machine specificationscertainjobs cannot be done on certain
machines. These have been shown by X in the cost matrix in Table 8.14. The
assignment of jobs to machines must be done on a one to one basis. The objective is
to assign the jobs to the machines so as to minimize the total cost within the
restrictions mentioned above.
Table 8.14

Machines 1 2 3 4 5
1 80 40 X 70 40
2 X 80 60 40 40
3 70 X 60 80 70
4 70 80 30 50 X
5 40 40 50 X 80

Because certain jobs cannot be done on certain machines we assign a high cost (say
500) to the these cells and modify the cost matrix before solution. The revised
assignment problem is given in Table 8.15.

Table 8.15

Machines 1 2 3 4 5
1 80 40 500 70 40
2 500 80 60 40 40
3 70 500 60 80 70
4 70 80 30 50 500
5 40 40 50 500 80

Solving the revised assignment problem we allot Job 1 to Machine 3, Job 2 to

Machine 5, Job 3 to Machine 4, Job 4 to Machine 2 and Job 5 to Machine 1. The
minimum cost of assignment is 220.
Give the step by step solution of the Example 8.4 given in this section.


There are problems where certain facilities have to be assigned to a number of jobs so as to
maximise the overall performance of the assignment. The problem can be converted into a
minimisation problem and Hungarian Method can be used for its solution. Using notdtions
as in Section 8.2, this problem can be formulated as

The objective function is as follows,

~ a x i k s e p l l q l + p 2 x l 2 + ...+pnnxm

Wherepd is the perfomunce c o r r e m to the assignment of the ith facility to the jth job.
'Ibeassignmentwheretbeobjecti~efunctionp~~ xll + ...+p,x, istobemaximkdis the
assignment whtre, -pllxll -p12x12 - ...- p d M is to be minimised. Furthermore,
the assignment which minimises nP - p l l x l l -p12x12 ... - p d M ,also minimises
--~11x11-p12x12 - ...-PnnXm ,where P is a constant. Suppose, we take P as the maximum of
all the performance indices p jj. Then,'

Now, we have,
= n P - p i i x i i - p 1 ~ 1 2- ... --pndm
...+( P - p n n ) ~ n n .
= (P-pll)~ll-(P-p12)~12+
Hence, the maximisation of performance is identical with minimisation of cost, where the cost
corresponding to the assignment of ith facility to the jth job is given by P -pd. Thus,we have to
construct a new table of assignment costs with "P -PI'' values and apply the standard method
of solution. Thi: procedure is illustrated with the help of the following example.
Example 8.5
Five different machines can do any of the required five jobs with different profits
resulting from each assignment as shown in Table 8.16.
Table 8.16

Job A B C D E
1 30 37 40 28 40
2 40 24 27 21 36
3 40 32 33 30 35
4 25 38 40 36 36
5 29 62 41 34 39

Find out the maximum profit possible through optimal assignment.

The highest profit in the assignment table is 62. we subtract each profit value from
62. The revised assignment Table is given in Table 8.17
Table 8.17

Job A B C D E
1 32 25 22 34 22
2 22 38 35 41 26
3 22 30 29 32 27
4 37 24 22 26 26
5 33 0 21 28 23
We now apply Hungarian Method to obtain thsnrinimum cost assignment of the
revised problem. The solution is to assign Job1 to Machine C, Job 2 to Machine E,
Job 3 to machine A, Job 4 to Machine D and Job 5 to Machine B. The maximum
profit through this assignment is 214.
Verify the solution of the assignment problem prqsented in Example 8.5.


The method of solution discussed in this unit can be utilised to plan the assignment of crew
members in different locations by a transport company. 'Ihe technique is illustrated with the
help of the following example.
. Optimization Techniques-I Example 8.6
A trip from Madras to Bangalore takes six hours by bus. A typical time table of the
bus service in both directions is given in Table 8.18.
Table 8.18

The cost of providmg t h wrvice

~ by the transport company depends upon the time
spent by the bus crew r dnver ,and conductor) away from their places in addition to
service times. There ard five crews. There is a constraint that every crew should be
provided with more than 4 hnut 9 of rest before the return trip again and should not
wait for more than 24 hours for the return trip. The company has residential facilities
for the crew at Madras as bell as at Rangalore. Find which line of service be
connected with which other llne FC as to reduce the waiting time to the minimum.
(1) As the service time is constant for each line it does not appear directly in the
computation. If the entire crtw rerirfts at Madras then the waiting times in
hours at Bangalore for different route comections are given in Table 8.19.
'Table 8.19

Route 1 2 3 A 5
a 17.5 21 M 6.5 12
b 16 19.5 M 5 10.5
c 12 15.5 21.5 M 6.5
d 4.5 8 4 17.5 23
e 23 M 8.5 12 17.5

If Route a is combined with Route 1, the crew after arriving at Bangdure at 12

Noon start at 5.30 next morning. Thus, the waiting time is 17.5 hours. Some of
the assignments are infeasible. Route 3 leaves Bangalore at 15.00 hours. Thus
the crew of Route a reaching Bangalore at 12 Noon are unable to take the
minimum stipulated rest of four hours if they are asked to leave by Route 3.
Hence, a3 is an infeasible assignment. Its cost is thus M, a large positive
2) Similarly, if the crew are assumed to reside at Bangalore then the waiting times
of the crew in hours at Madras for different route combinatiods are given in
Table 8.20.
Table 8.U)

Route 1 2 3 4 5
a 18.5 15 9 55 M
b 20 16.5 10.5 7 M
c M 20.5 14.5 11 5.5
d 7.5 M 22 18.5 13
e 13 9.5 M M 18.5

(3) As the crew can be asked to reside either at M g a s or at Bangalore, minimum

waiting time from the above operation can be computed for different route
combination by choosing the mlnimum of the two waiting times. This is
presented in ~ a b l k8.21. 'Ibe asterisk marked waiting times indicates that the
crew are based at Madras, otherwise they are based at Bangalore.
Table 8.21 Assignment Problem
- -

Route 1 2 3 4 5
a 17.5* 15 9 5.5 12'
b 16* 16.5 10.5 5* 10.5*
c 12* 15.5* 14.5 11 3.5
d 4.5* 8* 14* 17.5* 13
e 13 9.5 8.5* 12* 17.5*

(4) We now use Hungarian Method to solve assignment problem in Table 8.21.
Step 1
The cost tableau in terms of waiting time (Table 8.21).
Step 2
Find the first and second reduced cost tableau (Tables 8.22 and 8.23).
Table 8.22 :First Reduced Cost Tableau

Table 8.23 :Second Reduced C o d Tableau

Route 1 2 3
a 12.00 8.5 3.5
b 11.00 10.5 5.5
c 6.5 9.0 9.0 5.5
d 0 2.5 9.5 13.0 8.5

Step 3
Determipe an Assignment.
Examine row a of Table 8.23. You will find that it has only one zero (a4). Box this
zero. Cross out all other zeros in the boxed column. This way you can eliminate cell
b4. Examine row c. It has only one per0 (c5). Box this zero. 'Ihere is no other zero in
h e boxed column. On examining row d, we find that it has only one zero (dl). Box
this zero. There is no other zero in the boxed column. Now examine row e. It has two
zeros (e2 and e3), We box one of the two zeros arbitrarily. Svppose, we box e2.
There is no other zero in the boxed column. However, the other zero in the same row.
i.e. e3 gets crossed out.
This way, all the zeros of Table 8.23 get boxed or eliminated (refer Table 8.2).

Table 8.24

Route 1 2 3 4 5
a 12.00 8.5 3.5 ELI 6.5
b 11.00 10.5 5.5 XI 5.5
Step 4
TIM?solution obtained in Step 3 is not optimal as the number of assignments are less
than the number of rows or columns.
Step 5
Cover all zeros of Table 8.24 with four lines, since four assignments were made.
Check ( 4 ) row b since no assignment was made in this row. Note that row b has a
zero in column 4, therefore, we check column 4. We then check ( 4 ) row a, since
column 4 has an assigned zero in row a.
Table 8.25

Step 6
Develop a new revised tableau.
Examine those elements which are not covered by a line in Table 8.25. Take the
smallest element. That is 3.5 in our case. By subtracting 3.5 firom the uncovered cells
and adding 3.5 to elements (c4, d4 and e4) that lie at the iutersection of two lines, we
get the new revised tableau is given in Table 8.26.
Table 826 :New Rerised Tableau

Route 1 2 3 4 5
a 8.5 5.0 0 0 3 .O
b 7.5 7.0 2.0 0 2.0
c 6.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 0
d 0 2.5 9.5 16.5 8.5
e 4.5 0 0 7O
. 9.0

Step 7
Go to Step 3 and repeat the procedure until an optimal assignment is arrived at.
Step 8
Determine an assignment.
By examining each of the rows in Table 8.26, we find that rows b. c and d have only
one zero. Therefore, we box b4,c5 and d l . Since b4 is boxed, a4 gets eliminated.
We note that column 2 has only one zero in row e. Therefore, we box e2'and
eliminate e3.
Now; we can box a3. We note that all zeros are either boxed or eliminated in
Table 8.27.
Table 8 3 7 :An O p W Assignment

Route 1 2 3 4 !I
a 8.5 5 .O 101 )h[ 3 .O
b 7.5 7.0 2.0 (01 2.0
c 6.5 9.0 9.0 9.0 I
d Ed 2.5 9.5 16.5 8.5
e 4.5 El x 7 .O 9.0

Since the number of assignments are equal to the number of rows (columns) in the
problem, the assignment in Table 8.27 is optimal.
Therefore the routes to be paired to achieve the minimum waiting time are
a - 3, b - 3, c - 5, d - 1 and e - 2. Referring back to Table 8.21, we can now obtain
the waiting times of these assignments as well as the residence of the crew. The same
has been indicated in Table 8.28.
Table 8.28

Routes to be paired Residence of the crew Waiting t h e (Hrs.)

a-3 Bangalore 9
b-4 Madras 5
c -5 Bangalore 5.5
d-1 Madras 4.5
e -2 Bangalore 9.5
T?aeRlmimum total waiting time is thus 33.5 hours.

The assignment problem considers the allocation of a number of jobs to a number of
persons so that the total completion time is minimized. If the number of persons is the same
as the number of jobs, the assignment problem is said to be balanced. If the number of jobs
is different from the number of persons, the assignment problem is said to be unbalanced.
An unbalanced assignment problem can be converted into a balanced assignment problem
by introducing a dummy person or a dummy job with zero completion time.
Although an assignment problem can be formulated as a linear programming problem, it is
solved by a special method known as Hungarian Method because of its special structure. If
the times of completion or the costs corresponding to every assignment is written in a
matrix form, it is referred to as a Cost matrix. The Hungarian Method is based on the
principle that if a constant is added to evePy element of a row and/or a column of cost matrix
the optimum solution of the resulting assignment problem is the same as the original
problem and vice-versa. The original cost matrix can be reduced to another cost matrix by
adding eonstants to the elements of rows and columns where the total cost or the total
completion time of an assignment is zero. Since the optimum solution remains unchanged
after this reduction, this assignment is also the optimum solution of the original problem
Various ramifications of the assignment problem are possible. If a person is unable to carry
out a particular job, the corresponding cost or completion time is taken as very large which
automatically prevents such an assignment. If the objective is to maximise a performance
index through assignment, Hungarian Method can be applied to a revised cost matrix
obtained from the original cost matrix. The method of solution can also be utilised for
allocating crew members to various stations of transport organisation.


Assignment Problem Assignment problem is a special type of linear programming
problem where the objective is to minimise the cost or the time
of completing a number of jobs by a number of persons.
Balanced Assignment : Balanced assignment problem is an assignment problem where
Problem the number of persons is equal to the number of jobs.
Unbalanced Unbalanced as~ignment~problem is a type of an assignment
Assignment Problem problem where the number of persons is not equal to the
number of jobs.
Hungarian Method : Hungarian Method is a technique of solving assignment
A Dummy Job A dummy job is an imaginary job with zero cost or time. This
is introduced to make an unbalanced assignment problem
An Infeasible An infeasible assignment occurs in the cell ( i, j ) of the
Assignment assignment cost matrix if ith person is unable to perform jth
Minirnise distance is 450 krn.


(1) Cooper, L. and Steinberg D., Methods and Applications of Linear Programming,
Saunders, Philadelphia, USA, 1974.
(2) Mustafi, C. K., Operations Research Methods and Practice, Wiley Eastern Limited,
New Delhi, 1988.
(3) Sasieni, M. A.Yaspan and L. Friedman, Operations Research Methods and Problem,
J . Wiley and Sons, New York, USA, 1959.
(4) Hadly, G., Linear Programing, Addison Wesley Reading Massachusetts, USA, 1969.
(5) Mittal, K. V., OptimisationMethods and Operation Research and System Analysis, Wiley
Eastern Limited, New Delhi, 1976.

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