Ec-Type Examination Certificate: Ii 2 GD Ex D Iic T6 GB Ex TB IIIC T80°C DB IP66 Tamb - 20°C To +60°C

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2. Equipment or Protective System Intended for use in Potentially
Explosive Atmospheres Directive 94/9/EC

3. EC-Type Examination Certificate Number: ITS15ATEX18348X

4. Equipment or Protective System: Flameproof, Dust-ignition-proof Camera

5. Manufacturer: Industrial Video & Control Co.

6. Address: 330 Nevada Street

Newton, MA 02460 USA

7. This equipment or protective system and any acceptable variation thereto is specified in the schedule to this
certificate and the documents therein referred to.

8. Intertek Testing and Certification Limited, notified body number 0359 in accordance with Article 9 of the
Council Directive 94/9/EC of 23 March 1994, certifies that this equipment or protective system has been
found to comply with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements relating to the design and construction
of equipment and protective systems intended for use in potentially explosive atmospheres given in Annex II
to the Directive.

The examination and test results are recorded in confidential Intertek Report Ref 101973764CRT-005 dated

9. Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements has been assured by compliance with
standards EN 60079-0:2012, EN 60079-1:2007, EN 60079-31:2009 except in respect of those requirements
referred to at item 16 of the Schedule.

10. If the sign “X” is placed after the certificate number, it indicates that the equipment or protective system is
subject to special conditions for safe use specified in the schedule to this certificate.

11. This EC Type examination certificate relates only to the design, examination and tests of the specified
equipment or protective system in accordance to the directive 94/9/EC. Further requirements of the Directive
apply to the manufacturing process and supply of this equipment or protective system. These are not
covered by this certificate.

12. The marking of the equipment or protective system shall include the following:-

II 2 GD Ex d IIC T6 Gb
Ex tb IIIC T80°C Db IP66
Tamb -20°C to +60°C
Intertek Testing & Certification Limited Todd L. Relyea
Intertek House, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7SB Certification Officer
Tel: +44 (0)1372 370900 Fax: +44 (0)1372 370977 03 March 2016
Registered No 3272281 Registered Office: Academy Place, 1-9 Brook Street, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 5NQ.
This certificate may only be reproduced in its entirety and without any change, schedule included and is subject to Intertek Testing
and Certification’s Conditions for Granting Certification.

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13. Description of Equipment or Protective System

The AMZ-3041-2, AMZ-3641-05, AMZ-3641-06, and AMZ-HD41-2 are flameproof, dust-ignition-proof

cameras. They employ an aluminium or stainless flameproof and dust-ignition-proof enclosure with a
threaded cover that has a glass lens. The camera models differ by the internal camera that is used in each
model. The cameras are rated as follows:
AMZ-3041-2: 12VDC, 11.5W or 24VDC, 23W
AMZ-3641-05: 24VDC, 23W
AMZ-3641-06:12VDC, 11.5W or 24VDC, 23W
AMZ-HD41-2: 12VDC, 10.5W or 24VDC, 25W

14. Report Number

Intertek Report Ref 101973764CRT-005 dated 26-01-2016

15. Conditions of Certification

(a). Special Conditions for safe use

 Entry to the enclosure must be made by suitably certified Ex d IIC Gb, Ex tb IIIC Db, Tamb -20°C to
+60°C entry device

(b). Conditions of Manufacture


Intertek Testing & Certification Limited

Intertek House, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7SB
Tel: + 44 (0)1372 370900 Fax: +44 (0)1372 370977
Registered No 3272281 Registered Office: Academy Place, 1-9 Brook Street, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 5NQ.
This Certificate is the property of Intertek Testing and Certification Ltd and is subject to Intertek Testing and Certification’s Conditions
for Granting Certification.
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16. Essential Health and Safety Requirements (EHSR’s)

The relevant EHSR’s have been identified and assessed in Intertek Report Ref 101973764CRT-005 dated

17. Drawings and Documents

Title Drawing No.: Rev. Level: Date:

AMZ-3041-2 Installation Guide AMZ-3041-2 1.12.0 March 1, 2016
AMZ-3641-05 Installation Guide AMZ-3641-05 1.9.0 February 11, 2016
AMZ-3641-06 Installation Guide AMZ-3641-06 1.8.0 February 10, 2016
AMZ-HD41-2 Installation Guide AMZ-HD41-2 1.11.0 March 1, 2016
[ALUM] NAMEPLATE IVC1373 10 04/07/15
[SS] NAMEPLATE IVC1374 10 04/07/15
ALUM. REF SHEET IVC1400 (Sheet 1 of 10) 00 04/30/15
CROSS SECTION IVC1400 (Sheet 2 of 10) 00 04/30/15
CROSS SECTION IVC1400 (Sheet 3 of 10) 00 04/30/15
CROSS SECTION IVC1400 (Sheet 4 of 10) 00 04/30/15
SS REF SHEET IVC1400 (Sheet 5 of 10) 00 04/30/15
LENS ASSEMBLY IVC1400 (Sheet 6 of 10) 00 04/30/15
INTERNAL BRACKET IVC1400 (Sheet 7 of 10) 00 04/30/15
ARECONT LENS IVC1400 (Sheet 8 of 10) 00 04/30/15
IKEGAMI LENS IVC1400 (Sheet 9 of 10) 00 04/30/15
DYNOCOLOR IVC1400 (Sheet 10 of 10) 00 04/30/15

This Certificate is for the exclusive use of Intertek's client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its
Client. Intertek's responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no
liability to any party, other than to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by
the use of this Certificate. Only the Client is authorized to permit copying or distribution of this Certificate and then only in its
entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service
must first be approved in writing by Intertek.

Intertek Testing & Certification Limited

Intertek House, Cleeve Road, Leatherhead, Surrey, KT22 7SB
Tel: + 44 (0)1372 370900 Fax: +44 (0)1372 370977
Registered No 3272281 Registered Office: Academy Place, 1-9 Brook Street, Brentwood, Essex, CM14 5NQ.
This Certificate is the property of Intertek Testing and Certification Ltd and is subject to Intertek Testing and Certification’s Conditions
for Granting Certification.
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