Open Reduction and Internal Fixation in Proximal Humerus Fractures by Proximal Humerus Locking Plate: A Study of 60 Cases

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International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences 2018; 4(4): 78-83

ISSN: 2395-1958
IJOS 2018; 4(4): 78-83
© 2018 IJOS Open reduction and internal fixation in proximal
Received: 15-08-2018 humerus fractures by proximal humerus locking plate:
Accepted: 20-09-2018
A study of 60 cases
Dr. Vikas Patel
Senior Resident, GMERS,
Gotri Medical College, Dr. Vikas Patel and Dr. Mukesh Dwivedi
Vadodara, Gujarat, India
Dr. Mukesh Dwivedi
Assistant professor, Gotri Abstract
Medical College, Vadodara, Introduction: With respect to approach of proximal humerus fractures there has been a wide variation in
Gujarat, India optimum modality of treatment ranging from conservative treatment to total and reverse shoulder
arthroplasty. We have evaluated the outcome of efficacy of proximal humerus locking plate in displaced
proximal humerus fractures.
Methods: A total of 60 patients with displaced proximal humerus fractures were included in the study
after careful inclusion and exclusion criteria. All fractures were fixed with proximal humerus locking
plate and patients were followed up at regular intervals. Final evaluation was done based on Constant and
Murley shoulder scoring system.
Results: According to Constant and Murley shoulder scoring system there were excellent results in
56.66% cases, good in 18.66%, fair in 13.33% and poor in 11.66% cases. There was no incidence of
superficial or deep infection. There were 3 cases of AVN, 4 cases of varus collapse and 2 cases each of
implant failure and non-union.
Conclusion: Proximal humerus locking plate provides better fixation in proximal humerus fractures
particularly in elderly and osteoporotic patients. Calcar screw placement is vital for prevention of varus
collapse of fracture.

Keywords: proximal humerus fracture, avascular necrosis, varus collapse

The incidence of proximal humerus fractures account for upto 4-5% of all fractures and are
second most common injuries of upper limb [1]. There are wide range of treatment options for
proximal humerus fractures ranging from conservative treatment in form of strapping and
immobilization, close k-wiring, tension band wiring, open reduction and plating,
intramedullary nailing, to prosthetic replacement, total shoulder replacement and reverse
shoulder replacement [2-4]. With advancing age and osteoporosis the risk of poor results keeps
on increasing irrespective of the modality of treatment [5-7]. Each technique is associated with
varying incidence of post-operative stiffness and restriction of movements to implant failure,
osteonecrosis, non-union, mal-union and rotator cuff weakness. Ponce et al. based on their
cadaveric study concluded that medial comminution significantly decreased the stability of
proximal fixation constructs and calcar restoration with screw fixation was vital in improving
the stability of repaired fracture [8]. Conservative treatment of stable, minimally displaced
fractures has consistently given good results. It is the displaced and unstable fractures and
those with dislocations that require operative management. Long term results of close
reduction and k-wiring have been consistently giving good results probably due to
preservation of soft tissue injury and preserving the vascular supply [2]. ORIF has distinct
advantages of anatomical reduction and early mobilization but it also increases the incidence
of avascular necrosis, and wound infection [4]. Sproul et al. have found a complication rate of
Correspondence as high as 49% in a series of 514 patients and a re-operation rate of upto 14% [9]. Locked plates
Dr. Mukesh Dwivedi act as internal-external fixators thereby acting as angle-stable constructs and provide higher
Assistant professor, Gotri pull out strength of locked screws. Final outcome is largely dependent on severity of injury,
Medical College, Vadodara,
age, medical condition, activity level, osteoporosis, post-operative rehabilitation programme,
Gujarat, India
use of appropriate locking plates with restoration of rotator cuff anatomy.
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International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences

Proximal humerus locking plate provides greater angular classified based on NEER’S classification of proximal
stability than other conventional implants, by providing better humerus [10]. All pre-operative investigations were done and
anchorage in porotic bones [8]. Present study was performed to once patient was fit to undergo surgery he or she was posted
assess the efficacy of proximal humerus locking plate for for surgery.
displaced proximal humerus fractures.
Surgical Procedure: Patient was positioned in beach chair
Material and Methods position and general anesthesia was given in most of the
A prospective study of 60 cases of open reduction and plating patients. Free movement of image intensifier was checked
in displaced proximal humerus fractures was done at GMERS before starting the procedure. Fracture site was opened by
Medical College and Hospital Gotri, Vadodara, a tertiary care standard Delto-Pectoral approach and fragments were fixed
centre, from January-2014 to January-2018. Approval from provisionally with k-wires and assessed under flouroscopy.
the Ethics Committee of the institution was taken for the Once final reduction was acceptable, plate of appropriate size
study. A total of 60 patients were included in the study after was placed over the lateral surface of humerus about 1 cms
written informed consent based on the inclusion and exclusion distal to upper end of greater tuberosity and fixed to humeral
criteria. shaft with screws. Rotator cuff tendons were anchored and
tied through plate using non-absorbable sutures. Plate was
Inclusion Criteria: Age 18 to 80 years. Displaced 2 part, 3 fixed to bone using locking screws and or cortical screws of
part and 4 part fractures. Medically fit patients. appropriate size. Final reduction was confirmed using
flouroscopy. Wound was closed in layers and sterile dressing
Exclusion Criteria: Undisplaced fractures. Open injuries. was applied. Limb was supported in arm-sling pouch.
Pathological fractures. Severe osteoporosis. Other associated Depending upon the pain tolerance of patient pendulum
fractures. Pre-existing medical morbidity. exercises were started on 3rd or 4th day. Stitches were removed
All patients were evaluated on outdoor basis. Other systemic on the 9th day. Patients were encouraged to do exercises at
and bony injuries were ruled out. Plain X-rays of the affected home and called for follow-up at one month, two months,
shoulder were taken in antero-posterior plane and axillary three months and six months. At each follow-up, patients
plane. Depending upon the extent of comminution and/or were assessed clinically and radiologically and final
associated dislocation of humeral head some patients were assessment was done using the Constant and Murley shoulder
further evaluated by computed tomography. Fractures were score.

Image 1: Preop X-Ray AP View Image 2: Axillary view Image 3: CT Scan Image

Image 4: Intraop View After ORIF Image 5: Post OP AP View Image 6: Posto Op Lateral View
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International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences

Table 3
Complications Incidence Percentage
Infection 0 0%
Non-union 2
Varus collapse 4 6.6%
A.V.N 3 5%
Implant failure 2 3.3%

Table 4
Results Number Percentage
Excellent 34 56.66%
Good 11 18.33%
Fair 08 13.33%
Poor 07 11.66%

Table 5
Fracture Type Excellent Good Fair Poor
2 part 14 04 02 -
3 part 20 06 06 3
4 part - 01 - 4

Proximal humerus fractures have been an enigma with regards
to their management due to lack of consensus regarding
Image 7: varus collapse
conservative versus open reduction and internal fixation
methods. There are ample studies strongly suggesting
conservative treatment of undisplaced and minimally
A total of 66 patients with isolated proximal humerus fracture
displaced fractures. However the treatment of displaced
were enrolled in the study. Out of this 6 patients did not turn
fractures with or without dislocation have been controversial
up at final follow-up and were excluded from the study.
and challenging [11-13]. Proximal humerus fractures account for
Finally 60 patients could be evaluated and included in the
4% to 5% of all fractures and upto 45% of all humeral
study. Average age of presentation was as per table no 1.
fractures [1, 14]. It is the third most common fracture in people
There was a higher pre-ponderance in males. Mode of injury
above 65 years of age after hip and distal radius fractures [15].
was 63.33% due to road traffic accident and 36.66% due to
Close reduction and pinning is a good option for minimally
fall on out-stretched hand as per table no 2. 30 patients had
displaced fractures as it entails minimal soft tissue disruption
left sided injury and 30 patients had right sided injury.
and preserves vascular supply [16-18]. However this method
Average admission- operation interval was 5.8 days with a
gives inadequate cortical purchase in osteoporotic fractures
range of 1 to 13 days. Average post-operative stay in hospital
and those with comminution. Intra-medullary nailing with
was 5.7 days with a range of 2 to 14 days. All patients
POLARUS nail was biomechanically stronger than plates.
underwent stitch removal on 9th or 10th post-operative day.
However it was associated with a failure rate of as high as
Based on Neer’s classification system, there were 20 cases of
45% [19]. Martinez et al. had reported sub-acromial
two -part fracture, 35 cases of three-part and 5 cases of four-
impingement or rotator cuff injury at the nail entry with
part fracture. There was no case of superficial or deep
antegrade nailing [20]. Jabran et al. found a wide variation by
infection in our series. In our study we observed that flexion
studying the clinical and biomechanical impact of Blade plate
and internal rotation were the earliest movements to recover
and came to a conclusion that it was difficult to derive a
followed by external rotation and finally abduction. Incidence
generalised conclusion [3, 21-23]. Blade plates became less
of complications in our series was as per table no 3. Based on
popular as they were unable to counter the large coronal plane
Constant and Murley scoring system we had excellent results
bending moment. The role of T-buttress plate was
in 56.66%, good in 18.33% patients, fair in 13.33% patients
inconclusive as different studies reported different results.
and poor results in 11.66% patients as per table no 4. Relation
Kristiansen and Christensen reported a high rate of fixation
between type of fracture and results were as per table no 5.
failure using these plates in proximal humerus fractures [24].
Table 1
However Wijgman et al. reported good, intermediate and long
term results in 87% of patients with 3 and 4 part fractures
Age Number Percentage fixed with T-plate [25]. The PLANTAN plate was bulky,
20-40 years 16 26.66% required wide surgical exposure and had a high rate of
41-60 years 27 45% infection and fixation failure particularly in osteoporotic
>60 years 17 28.33% patients [26]. Siffri P C et al. in their cadeveric study suggested
that locking plates had better torsional stability compared to
Table 2
non-locking plates [27]. In order to achieve optimum fixation
Nature Number Percentage and achieve maximum stability the implant should be of low
R.T.A 38 63.33 profile, preferably anatomical in shape with provision of
FOOSH 22 36.66 locking screws and additional holes for repair and restoration
TOTAL 60 100 of rotator cuff anatomy. The proximal humerus locking plate
used in our study had the possible advantages of being low
profile, anatomical and providing stable fixation and angular
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International Journal of Orthopaedics Sciences

stability due to locking screws. The provision of convergent study was done with other modalities of treating these
and divergent screws provided additional stability in presence fractures. Six months follow-up duration seems to be too short
of comminution and osteoporosis. Provision of suture holes to come to a definitive conclusion about the merits of this
made it easy to repair the rotator cuff and provide stabilization procedure.
of greater and lesser tuberosity fragment [17, 27].
The current recommendation for open reduction and internal Conclusion
fixation is an angulation of more than 45 degree and Locking of screws to plate in this system provides better
displacement of more than 1 cms. Also it is indicated in purchase in bones particularly those with severe osteoporosis.
displaced unstable fractures with or without dislocation. Proper placement of calcar screw is a must to prevent varus
Displaced three part and four part fractures alter the articular collapse. Restoration of rotator cuff bio-mechanics plays an
congruity and have a high chance of disruption of blood important role in regaining movements of shoulder post-
supply to proximal humerus leading to osteonecrosis [28]. operatively. Inevitable terminal loss of all movements occurs
Whenever possible osteosynthesis is the preferred option with this fracture but was not of much significance as near
employed since functional results of hemiarthroplasty are not normal functional shoulder movements were achieved
sufficiently satisfactory in most of the cases [29]. Aim of resulting in good shoulder function probably due to its ball
osteosynthesis is to provide stability and adequate repair of and socket type of a joint.
rotator cuff is of paramount importance to promote early
mobilization [29]. Funding
Western literature has shown proximal humerus fractures to This study was not funded by any government aid or aid by
be more common in elderly females [30]. However we had any organization.
equal number of cases in males and females. Road traffic
accident was a major cause of three part and four part Conflict of interest
fractures in this study group (63.33%.). Moonot et al. The authors have no conflict of interest to declare.
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