1976 Cs Jumbo Tonebedner: WWW - Jedspeds.Co - Uk
1976 Cs Jumbo Tonebedner: WWW - Jedspeds.Co - Uk
1976 Cs Jumbo Tonebedner: WWW - Jedspeds.Co - Uk
1976 Cs Jumbo ToneBedner
Please read the guide in full before starting your build. If it is blatantly obvious you haven’t read it
and contact us for help then don’t be surprised if we tell you to read the guide again… harsh I know.
Parts List
R1 39K R12 10K C1 100N C12 10N
R2 100K R13 100K C2 470PF
R3 470K R14 470K C3 100N D1 4001
R4 15K R15 15K C4 33UF D2,3 4148
R5 100R R16 100R C5 100N
R6 1K R17 39K C6 470PF FUZZ 100KA
R7 10K R18 39K C7 100N TONE 100KB
R8 100K C8 470PF VOL 100KA
R9 100R C9 100N
R10 470K C10 100N Q1-3 BC550
R11 10K C11 100N
• This build is straight forwards. The PCB hangs from the three pots like this example:
Schematic for Reference
The first thing you must do is identify your parts from the pack. As a rule, I build from small to big –
therefore step one will be to identify the resistors and any diodes inside your kit.
Each kit has a parts list at the top of the guide. So as an example, if R1 is listed as a 1M resistor then
you dig out a 1M from the pack and place it on the PCB in the R1 spot. It’s your call if you put one in
and solder or put a few in or even put them all in and solder. I’ll let you decide.
The front of the PCB is the side with the white writing on (the silkscreen)
You then need to follow the same process for all the other parts included. Working in height order
mount the rest of the parts to the PCB ensuring that you solder them in place well as you go.
Some parts are quite heat sensitive so you must be careful when soldering them. Diodes, chips and
transistors mainly. They can easily burn out by overheating.
I would then add the offboard wires, starting with nice long ones leaving them to be trimmed to
length later. Finally, I add the pots either mounting them to the board or wiring them into place.
Useful links
Resistor calculator
Pin Numbers for the pots. Snap the little metal tag
off before trying to put it through the holes in the
Some of our PCBs are now designed to use right angled mount pcb potentiometers. They mount
from the rear as indicated by the pcb. We will provide right angled pots as stocked, this means that
you may receive a “normal” pot on occasion and you will have to wire it. It’s not that inconvenient
now is it.
The other options for pots are that they are wired into place or the PCB hangs from them.
Our kits come with mono jacks. They have two connections, a positive or the tip connection. And a
negative, or sleeve connection.
The tip connections will connect to the 3PDT as shown later in the guide unless there are
instructions otherwise.
The sleeve connections are ground points, all grounds throughout a build must connect. The Jack
socket will then connect to the enclosure and ground the case.
Power Socket
When you get to the stage with the board and pots wired you need to test the board before you add
the foot switch. Firstly, don’t put it in the box – I see people building inside a tiny enclosure and I
wonder why. Some PCB’s are tight enough as it is without reducing your workspace to 6cm wide!
Connect Input pad to TIP of Input jack. Same with output. Then connect the power to the 9v pad.
Connect all grounds together (board, jack sleeves and 9v) If your board is working at this point then
you can start work on the switch! If not…get double checking! If you email asking me why your pedal
isn’t working the first thing I will ask is… “did it work without the switch?”, so make sure you follow
this step.
If your PCB is working you are ready to connect the board to the footswitch! Follow the next stages
meticulously and all being well by the end of it you will have a lovely finished pedal!
The next step involves undoing the tip wires from the PCB as they will now move to the 3PDT.
If its not working at this stage then you need to find out why. Do not continue beyond this point until
you get it working. Adding a footswitch will not magically make a circuit work.
The Footswitch.
Have a look at the footswitch. It has 9 pins. The orientation of the switch is crucial. If you do it wrong
your switch will not work, you might ruin it and you will certainly have to un do it.
The pins on the switch must run left to
right like this, so the top row of pins would
be 1, 4, and 7.
To help you a little further with ensuring the orientation of your switch is correct. To compare both
3PDT images you would have this…
There are loads of ways to wire up the footswitch. I use this one, I always have. Its never let me
down and is easy to hook up.
The 2k2 resistor can be any value up to 4k7. You will have a spare in the kit to use.