Stefan Kluj Gdynia Maritime University, Ul. Morska 83, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland Kluj@am -
Stefan Kluj Gdynia Maritime University, Ul. Morska 83, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland Kluj@am -
Stefan Kluj Gdynia Maritime University, Ul. Morska 83, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland Kluj@am -
Stefan Kluj
Gdynia Maritime University, ul. Morska 83, 81-225 Gdynia, Poland
[email protected]
The diesel engine simulator, equipped with the specialized diagnostic model of the high power, medium speed, four stroke
diesel engine is the subject of this paper. The program simulates an engine operation under various conditions and
introduces various defects. The package is particularly suited to the diagnostic training, providing the instructors with a
powerful teaching tool and the students with an increased understanding of the relation between the engine technical state
and its operating parameters.
Fig. 1 The simplified model of the turbocharging system
The first version of the PC-based diesel engine simulator, (1-air filter, 2 – air compressor, 3 – air cooler,
called Turbo Diesel for Windows was developed in 4- air receiver, 5 – cylinder, 6 – exhaust receiver,
1994 [2], the latest one called Turbo Diesel 3 (Fig. 3) 7 – gas turbine, 8 – exhaust duct).
was completed by the author in 2003. The ‘heart’ of the
In order to validate the software, it was necessary to
program is a diesel engine mathematical model, based on
model an actual engine so that the calculated values
the physical structure of the modelled object (Fig.1). The
produced by the software could be compared to values
model has been developed using the actual factory test
measured on the real engine (see Fig.2).
bed results and the classic thermodynamic equations. The
package allows an engine operation under selected initial
conditions (for example, torque, RPM, ambient air
pressure) and variable technical state (for example a dirty
air blower, broken piston rings, a worn fuel pump and so
Turbocharger Speed [rpm] The simulator has been designed with a great care about
the user interface. The implementation of the typical
35000 Microsoft Windows controls (i.e. menus, dialogues,
30000 pushbuttons and scrollbars) should make the simulator
operation easier, especially for the user with at least basic
experience with the graphics user interface. The simulator
makes use of the multimedia features which are typical
for today’s personal computers. The digitised engine
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
sound has been synchronised with an engine speed in
Engine Power [kW]
order to create the typical engine room atmosphere.