Kamal KV 500 Q Collections
Kamal KV 500 Q Collections
Kamal KV 500 Q Collections
1. First round is ‘READ ALL QUESTIONS & MARK FEW’. One should be able to mark the answer by just going
through the MCQ statement. Don’t try to search for the answers from the options. Read the MCQ statement, think of
the answer and if you find any such option, mark it and go ahead. Obviously ALL EXCEPT/ FALSE statement kind of
questions should not be attempted, as these questions demand some time to solve them. First reading of all the 150
MCQs should be done within first 60 minutes (1 hour). This means that you have to allot only 24 seconds/ MCQ in
first reading. One should be able to mark at least 50 MCQs at the end of this round.
2. Second round is ‘SOLVE USING ASSOCIATION/ EXCLUSION PRINCIPLE’. Here MCQs are not straight
forward (ALL EXCEPT/ FALSE statement kind of question) and you have to apply your knowledge to choose the best
answer. This stage demands a lot of concentration and ability to catch the hints given in the MCQ statement. One
should be fully alert during this round. In Second round, you have to solve remaining 100 MCQs in next 60 minutes (50
already solved in first stage). Here you have to allot nearly 27 seconds/ MCQ. One should be able to solve around 50
more MCQs at the end of second round. So by the end of 2 stages, you must have solved around 100 questions.
3. Last round is the ‘MARK ALL QUESTIONS’ round. You don’t have to apply much of your brain. Pure guess work
☺. Here one has to mark remaining 50 MCQs within 30 minutes (1/2 hour). Average will be around 27 seconds/ MCQ.
So I personally feel, there will be 50 easy MCQs, 50 little tough MCQs (but can be solved) and remaining 50 MCQs
really tough questions. So combining both the papers, your scoring area is around 200 MCQs only. And hence margin
of error is very less. If you mark more than 10 easy MCQs wrong, then the probability of passing becomes very low. To
minimize errors, please discard the tendency of changing the answers frequently. Majority of the time, students will
replace a right answer with a wrong one. So whatever you have marked once, let it be final. No second thoughts please.
Paper 1
1. Structure derived from all the three germ layers Tympanic membrane
2. Stapes develop from…pharyngeal arch Second
3. Safety muscle of tongue Genioglossus
4. Taste sensation from anterior 2/3rd of tongue is carried by Chorda tympani
5. Epithelial lining of tonsil Stratified squamous
6. Most useful physiologic marker of thyroid hormone action: TSH
7. Blood testes barrier is formed by: Sertoli cells
8. Testosterone is produced by: Leydig cells
9. Capacitation occurs in: Female genital tract (fallopian
10. Sperms acquire motility in: Epididymis
11. Methyl malonic aciduria is seen in deficiency of: Vitamin B12 deficiency
12. Transketolase is associated with: Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
13. Alpha2, Gamma2 is which hemoglobin: HbF
14. Cancer cells derives energy by: Glycolysis
15. Agent added to blood for estimating blood glucose (added to prevent Sodium fluoride
16. Joule burns are also known as: Electrocution
17. MC type of fingerprints Loops
periphery to laboratory
58. Kata thermometer is used for Measuring Air cooling power/
air velocity
59. First step in investigating an epidemic is Verification of diagnosis
60. Population covered by PHC under tribal area 20, 000
61. MC cause of malignant otitis externa Pseudomonas
62. Hyperacusis is prevented by Stapedius
63. Eustachian tube develops from 1st pharyngeal pouch
64. Angular acceleration is judged by Semicircular canals
65. Surgical procedure for serous otitis media Myringotomy with Grommet
tube insertion
66. Rossette cataract is seen in Blunt trauma to eye
67. Anteroposterior length of eyeball 24 mm
68. Nerve supply of superior oblique muscle Trochlear
69. Epithelium of cornea Stratified squamous non-
70. Sphincter & dilator pupillae muscles are derived from Neuro-ectoderm
71. Acantholysis is seen in Pemphigus
72. Hidradenitis suppurativa is infection of Apocrine glands
73. Hypertrophy of sebaceous gland is known as Rhinophyma
74. Exclamation mark sign is suggestive of Alopecia areata
75. Mees line on nails is seen in Arsenic poisoning
76. IVA which precipitates porphyria Thiopentone
77. Site of spinal anaesthesia in adults L2-L3/ L3-L4
78. Shortest acting muscle relaxant Succinylcholine
79. Hoffman’s elimination is related with Atracurium
80. Local anaesthetic block …. Channels Sodium
81. Substance having same atomic number & different atomic weight is Isotopes
82. Most ionizing rays Alpha
83. CT scan rooms are shielded by Lead
84. Substance used in PET scan FDG
85. Water lily sign is suggestive of Hydatid cyst
86. Neurotransmitter involved in dementia Acetylcholine
87. Drug used in ADHD Methylphenidate
88. False unshaken belief not amenable to reasoning is known as Delusion
89. 1st symptom of schizophrenia to go with treatment is Auditory hallucination
90. Paranoid schizophrenia may be associated with the use of ….drug Amphetamine
91. IOC for traumatic paraplegia MRI
92. Tardy ulnar nerve palsy is seen with Fracture lateral condyle of
93. Gun stock deformity is seen with Malunited supracondylar
fracture of humerus
94. Bamboo spine is radiological sign of Ankylosing spondylitis
95. Splaying & widening of metaphysis is radiological sign of Rickets
96. Child can copy a circle at the age of 3 years
97. Body weight of a child triples at 1 year
134. Poisoning which may present with formication & persecutory delusions: Cocaine
135. Study of death in all aspects is known as: Thanatology
136. Kata thermometer is used for: Assessing cooling power of air &
air velocity
137. Population covered per primary health centre in rural areas: 20, 000
138. Prevalence = Incidence X duration
139. Odds ratio is calculated from ……. studies: Case control/ retrospective
140. Case fatality rate determines: Virulence/ killing power/
fatality of a disease
141. MC cause of laryngo-tracheo-bronchitis: Para influenza virus (correction)
142. Radiological sign seen in croup: Steeple sign
143. Tear cancer is another name for: Basal cell Ca
144. MC cause of congenital stridor: Laryngomalacia
145. Muscle opening eustachian tube: Tensor veli palatine
146. Band shaped keratopathy (in cornea) is due to deposition of: Calcareous salts after hyaline
147. Amiodarone therapy causes … in eye: Whorl like opacities in cornea
(cornea verticallis)
148. Satellite lesions & dry corneal ulcer are feature of: Fungal corneal ulcer
149. Lens dislocation in Marfans syndrome: Superio-temporal
150. Iridodialysis is seen in: Blunt trauma to eye
151. IOC for interstitial lung disease & bronchiectasis: High resolution CT scan
152. Signet ring appearance in lungs on CT scan is seen in: Bronchiectasis
153. DOC for pneumonia due to Pneumocytis carinii: Cotrimoxazole
154. Bulging fissure sign in pneumoniae is due to which organism: Klebsiella pneumoniae
155. ECG finding of pulmonary embolism: S1Q3T3
156. Disposable items are best sterilized by: Ethylene oxide
157. Raspberry tumour is also known as: Umbilical adenoma
158. Rodent ulcer is also known as: Basal cell Ca
159. Lymphatic spread does not occur in Basal cell carcinoma
160. MC site of glomus tumours is: Subungual (also in digits)
161. Variable deceleration on fetal heart rate monitoring suggests: Cord compression
162. Fetal bradycardia is defined as: Less than 120 heart beats per
minute for 15 minutes of
continuous monitoring
163. Oxygen concentration to prevent retinopathy f prematurity: 30% (correction)
164. Earliest symptom of pregnancy induced hypertension: Rapid gain of weight
165. Pouch of Douglas is also known as: Recto-uterine pouch
166. Narrowest part of male urethra: External meatus
167. Female urethra measures: 4cm
168. Deep ingunal lymph nodes/ Gland of Cloquet or Rosenmuller drains: Clitoris (females) & glans penis
169. Uterus: Cervix ratio in child (upto 10 years) = 1:2
170. Uterus: Cervix ratio at puberty: 2:1
171. Pauwel classification is done for: Fracture neck of femur
172. McMurray osteotomy is done for: Non-union fracture neck of
173. Malignant tumour of notochordal origin: Chordoma
174. In bone, Osteomyelitis occurs MC in: Metaphysis
175. Onion peel appearance is seen in: Ewings sarcoma
176. Sunray appearance is seen in: Osteosarcoma
177. Management of Mongolian spots, breast engorgement, vaginal discharge, No management (Common
milia in a newborn child: neonatal problems of NO
178. Order of development in females: Thelarche/ breast budding
Pubarche menarche
179. Treatment of Kawasaki disease: I/V immunoglobulin & aspirin
180. MC cause of first trimester abortion: Trisomy 16
181. Immunofluorescence shows intercellular IgG deposits in the fish net Pemphigus vulgaris
pattern in:
182. Herald patch is seen in: Pityriasis rosea
183. Shagreen patch is seen in: Tuberous sclerosis
184. Aldrich Mee’s line: Arsenic poisoning
185. Patch test is done for: Allergic contact dermatitis
186. CSF is produced by: Choroid plexus
187. Concentration of lignocaine for spinal anaesthesia: 5%
188. Shortest acting Local Anesthetic: Chlorprocaine
189. EMLA cream is a mixture of: 2.5% lidocaine & 2.5%
190. Effect of Cocaine on vessels: Vasoconstrictor
191. IOC for chronic subdural hemorrhage: MRI
192. IOC for acute subdural hemorrhage: NCCT scan (correction)
193. Pelkan spur is seen in: Scurvy
194. Bamboo spine is seen in: Ankylosing spondylitis
195. Frostberg’s reverse 3 sign: Ca head of pancreas
196. Schneiders first rank symptoms are related to: Schizophrenia
197. Binge eating is common in: Bulimia (UNCOMMON in
198. Weight loss & amenorrhea is common in: Anorexia
199. Management of sleep enuresis: Intranasal desmopressin or
200. DOC for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: Fluoxetine
201. Boxers muscle/ punching & pushing action: Serratus anterior
202. Action of trapezius is: Shrugging of shoulder
203. Left gastro-epiploic artery is a branch of: Splenic artery
204. Right gastro-epiploic artery is a branch of: Gastroduodenal artery
205. Vitelline vein forms: Hepatic vein
206. Vitelline duct persists as: Meckels diverticulum
207. Danger area of the face is so called because of the connection of the Superior ophthalmic vein
facial veins to the cavernous sinus through:
208. Parotid duct can be palpated when: Anterior margin of the masseter
is tensed
209. Parotid duct opens opposite: Upper 2nd molar
drkamalkv’s CLASSES for Foreign Medical Graduates
254. Cells seen in an infarcted area in myocardial infarction, after 72 hours is: Macrophages
255. The LEAST common site of Berry aneurysm is: Vertebral artery
256. MC tumour of the myocardium is: Secondaries (Myxoma is the MC
primary tumour)
257. MC cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults: MGN
258. Tram track appearance is seen in: MPGN
259. Characteristic feature of kidney in malignant hypertension: Fibrinoid necrosis
260. MC factor in development of diabetic nephropathy: Duration of diabetes
261. HLA association of IDDM: HLA DR3/ DR4
262. MC soft tissue tumour in adults: Lipoma
263. HLA links of NIDDM: No link
264. MC type of lung carcinoma: Adenocarcinoma
265. MC site of pleomorphic adenoma: Parotid salivary gland
266. Thyroid tumour included in MEN-II: Medullary carcinoma thyroid
267. Primary pleural tumour is: Mesothelioma
268. Skip lesions are seen in Crohn’s disease
269. Pseudopolyps are features of: Ulcerative colitis
270. Transport of lipids from the intestine to other tissues is by: Chylomicrons
271. Half life of albumin: 21 days
272. DNA is detected by: Southern blot
273. MC affected immunoglobulin in respiratory & GIT infection: IgA
274. Tissue of origin of Kaposi sarcoma: Blood vessels
275. Reaction between antibody and soluble antigen is demonstrated by: Agglutination
276. In rheumatoid arthritis, presence of RA factor indicates: Extra-articular manifestations
277. Bacteria which does NOT strictly follow Koch’s postulates: Mycobacterium leprae
278. Noscomial infection is defined as: Infection contracted from
279. Acid fastness of TB bacilli is due to: Presence of mycolic acid in cell
280. Vibrio cholera is transported in:: Alkaline media
281. Serotype of Chlamydia which commonly causes LGV: Serotype L2
282. Single stranded DNA virus: Rotavirus
283. MC cause of infantile diarrhea: Rotavirus
284. MC agent responsible for Bronchiolitis: Respiratory Synctial virus
285. Discharging sinus is seen in: Mycetoma
286. Sulfur granules in actinomycosis consists of: Organism itself
287. MC cause of visceral leishmaniasis: Leishmaniasis donovani
288. Loeffler syndrome is caused due to: Ascaris
289. Infective agent of malaria: Sporozoite
290. ‘First-pass effect’ is seen with which route of administration: Oral
291. Metabolism of theophylline is increased by: Rifampicin
292. Theophylline inhibits: PDE-4
293. MOA of monteleukast: CysLT1 receptor antagonist
294. Hypokalemia with hypertension suggests: Conn’s syndrome/
295. Drug known to cause vaginal adenocarcinoma in female offspring, when Di-ethyl-stilbestrol/ DES
given to a pregnant women:
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