Diet and Lupus: What Do The Patients Think?: Paper

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Lupus (2019) 28, 755–763


Diet and lupus: what do the patients think?

GA Robinson1,2 , T Mcdonnell1, C Wincup1 , L Martin-Gutierrez1, J Wilton2, AZ Kalea3, C Ciurtin1,2 ,
I Pineda-Torra4y and EC Jury1y
Centre for Rheumatology Research, University College London, London, United Kingdom; 2The Arthritis Research UK Centre for Adolescent
Rheumatology, University College London, London, United Kingdom; 3Institute of Liver and Digestive Health, University College London,
United Kingdom; and 4Centre for Cardiometabolic Medicine, University College London, London, United Kingdom; yShare senior authorship

Objectives: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality in patients with systemic
lupus erythematosus. Therefore, using diet to control blood lipid levels and modify cardio-
vascular disease risk could be a promising therapeutic strategy to control disease symptoms.
The primary objective of this study was to learn about systemic lupus erythematosus
patient experiences with diet, including their opinion on considering diet as a therapeutic
option. The secondary objective was to obtain this information in a cost- and time-effective
manner. Methods: A lay summary and a 15-question diet-based online survey were publicly
available for 3 weeks. Social media was used to promote the survey through relevant charities,
hospitals and research groups. Results: A total of 300 responses were received, 284 from
patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Patients reported that there was a lack of clinical
counselling regarding diet, with only 24% stating their doctor had spoken to them about diet.
Despite this, 100% of patients stated they would change their diet if they knew it would help
their symptoms and 83% would take part in a future diet-based clinical trial. Text analysis of
patient research suggestions identified a particular interest in using diet to treat fatigue and
manage disease flares. Conclusions: This project successfully gathered patient information
regarding diet and systemic lupus erythematosus over a short timeframe using an anonymous
social media platform. The survey provided evidence that patients support further research
and potential diet intervention studies investigating the effect of diet on the symptoms of
systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus (2019) 28, 755–763.

Key words: Lupus; diet; therapy; patient public involvement engagement; patient opinion;
social media; survey

Introduction Involving patients and other stakeholders in

clinical research through Patient and Public
Systemic lupus erythematosus (lupus) is a complex Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) strategies is
autoimmune disorder characterised by chronic an essential ethical mandate for clinical research.9–11
inflammation, multiple organ damage and However, published data are difficult to find regard-
increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD); ing patient opinion about basic science research. It is
CVD is the leading cause of mortality for of huge importance to relate research to patient
patients.1–4 Our research and other published experience; patients learn about the research being
work have identified a therapeutic opportunity for carried out regarding their disease and we as
the use of diet in controlling the symptoms of lupus researchers learn how the work can impact the
and CVD risk through manipulation of serum patient community.12,13 In addition, patient engage-
blood lipid (fat) levels.5–8 ment provides valuable insight into how patients
view future therapeutic intervention ideas. A recent
study by McDonnell et al. demonstrated a time- and
cost-effective approach to PPIE that addressed these
Correspondence to: George A Robinson, Ines Pineda-Torra and issues. Their online survey acquired 520 patient
Elizabeth C Jury, University College London, 5 University St, responses over a 3-week period through social
London, London, WC1E 6JF, United Kingdom.
Emails: [email protected];
media promotion to assess which research topics
[email protected]; [email protected] are of the most interest to patients with lupus and/
Received 5 December 2018; accepted 28 March 2019 or antiphospholipid syndrome (APS).14
! The Author(s), 2019. Article reuse guidelines: 10.1177/0961203319845473
Diet and lupus
GA Robinson et al.

In this study, an online survey approach was research in this area. The UK Health Research
taken to gather opinion from patients with lupus Authority decision tool (
about their experiences with diet and to ask them approvals-amendments/) confirmed that ethical
their priorities regarding research into lupus in gen- approval was not needed for this survey. The lay
eral. A secondary objective was to validate the summary and questionnaire (Supplementary meth-
study carried out by McDonnell et al. showing ods and Table 1) were reviewed by clinicians and
that PPIE using online platforms can be a simple, basic science researchers at University College
valuable and time- and cost-effective approach.14 London (UCL), non-scientists and an expert
patient to ensure it was clear and understandable.

Methods Response capture

SurveyMonkey ( hosted
Study design the survey for 3 weeks during Lupus Awareness
Month (May 2018), which also included World
An anonymous survey was established consisting of
Lupus Day (10 May 2018). Lupus UK, Verses
a lay research summary and a brief description of
Arthritis, Lupus Research Alliance, UCL Centre
the survey. The aim was to capture as many
for Adolescent Rheumatology and UCL APS
responses in the shortest time possible to facilitate
research and other lupus awareness groups helped
a cost- and time-effective process. The survey con- to promote the survey on Twitter, Facebook and
sisted of 15 questions focused around diet in Instagram. An initial question asking patients to
patients with lupus (Table 1). The questions were self-report that they had lupus was put in place to
designed to gain as much information as possible stratify responses. Multiple submissions from the
without being too burdensome for patients to com- same participant were prevented.
plete. A final question included a free-text box for
patients to share their ideas or preferences for Analysis of responses
Analysis of the data extracted from SurveyMonkey
Table 1 Online survey questionnaire was carried out using Microsoft Excel 2010 and
GraphPad Prism 6. ‘Wordcloud’ software (https://
Number Question was used to produce a
1 Do you have systemic lupus erythematosus? (Yes/No) wordmap from patients’ free text.
2 Which gender are you? (Male/Female)
3 How old are you? (Tick box)
4 How important do you think diet is in controlling symptoms for
your lupus? (1–10) Results
5 Has your doctor ever spoken to you about your diet? (Yes/No)
6 Have you previously tried a particular diet? If yes, please specify
which type. (Tick box and other response option)
Online platforms provide substantial responses to
7 Why did you begin the diet(s)? (Tick box and other response PPIE surveys across multiple age ranges
8 Did you benefit from the diet? If yes, how? (Tick box and other A survey to obtain patient opinion on the use of
response option) diet as a therapy in lupus and information on
9 Did you use an app to monitor your diet? (Yes/No) patient experiences with diet and disease was estab-
10 How valuable is it to you to know whether diet influences lupus?
lished (Table 1). After 3 weeks of social media pro-
11 Do you think it is important for doctors to know whether diet motion by various charities, 300 responses were
can influence disease? (Yes/No) received (Figure 1).
12 Would you change your diet if you thought it would help your A gradual increase in survey responses was
lupus? (Yes/No/Only if recommended by doctor)
13 Do you take any regular dietary supplements? (Yes/No and text
observed through the use of Twitter to publicise
response option) the survey link across the lupus community. This
14 In the future would you consider taking part in a clinical study was done through the help of charities such as
to investigate whether diet/dietary supplements can reduce Arthritis Research UK and the Lupus Research
disease symptoms? (Yes/No)
15 Optional: What research questions do you think we should
Alliance (a US-based association), awareness
investigate? (Open text) groups including Lupus Science & Medicine and
Dr Rheum, and university-related groups such as
An anonymous online survey consisting of 15 questions asked of lupus
patients about their diet and disease experience as well as for feedback
UCL Faculty of Medical Science, APS research,
on what research topics patients were interested in. The response Young People United and UCL Hospital
format given to survey responses is displayed in brackets. (UCHL)/UCL National Institute for Health
Diet and lupus
GA Robinson et al.

Figure 1 Cumulative response number over the 3-week survey period.

Cumulative number of responses over the 3 weeks that the survey was publicly accessible. Social media promotional help from
various charities is highlighted with a particular acknowledgement to Lupus UK, who helped greatly with survey distribution.

Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre. An

article was included on the NHS webpage by NIHR Table 2 Demographic information of
Clinical Research Network North Thames. survey responders with lupus
This initial response of around 100 plateaued at Percentage
the end of week 1 where a Twitter post from Demographic (number)
Lupus UK ( Sex
994647904907399172), containing our survey web Male 1.41 (4)
link, boosted another 70–80 responses. Finally, Female 98.59 (279)
Lupus UK posted the survey web link on their Age
Under 12 0 (0)
Facebook page and to their community forum,
12–17 0.70 (2)
which resulted in the biggest increase in responses 18–24 7.04 (20)
to a total of 300 by the end of week 3. 25–34 14.44 (41)
Of the 300 respondents, 284 had a self-reported 35–44 22.89 (65)
lupus diagnosis. Based on the style of responses 45–54 30.63 (87)
55–64 18.31 (52)
from the other 16, it was possible they had another 65þ 5.99 (17)
autoimmune disease; however, these respondents
were excluded from further analysis. The majority Demographic table displaying the percentage (and
of respondents (98.59%) were female (Table 2). number) of responders from the survey (Survey
Monkey) (Table 1) that were male, female and dif-
There was a fairly even spread of survey responses ferent age brackets.
across age groups between 18 and 64 years
(Table 2). Fewer responses were obtained from
patients younger than 24 and older than 65,
whereas patients in the 45–54 age bracket provided
patients had ever discussed diet with their doctors in
most responses (30.63%).
relation to their disease (Figure 2(c)). Almost all
respondents (99.29%) felt it was important for doc-
Patients thought diet could be important in
tors to know whether diet could influence disease
controlling lupus symptoms
(Figure 2(d)). In addition, most patients revealed
Patients considered diet could be important in con- they would change their diet if they knew it would
trolling symptoms of lupus (average score 5.88/10) help their disease symptoms; 85.92% would alter
(Figure 2(a)). Furthermore, respondents thought their diet and a further 13.73% expressed they
it would be valuable to know how diet influences would alter their diet if recommended by their
disease symptoms (average score 8.47/10) doctor (Figure 2(e)). Importantly, most patients sur-
(Figure 2(b)). Despite this interest, only 24.11% of veyed (82.62%) would be interested in taking part in
Diet and lupus
GA Robinson et al.

Figure 2 Survey responses regarding patient opinion on diet in and out of the clinic.
Results from the 3week anonymous survey (SurveyMonkey). (a–b) 0–10 graphs display the average response from rating scale
questions. (c–f) Pie charts display data as percentages. (g) Analysis of responses from three of the survey questions split by age.
Data are displayed as percentage of total patients that responded ‘yes’ or rated 1–100%.

a diet trial in the future with the primary outcome to not (Figure 3(a)). Of those who had, the most
reduce disease symptoms (Figure 2(f)). Thus, popular diets were Slimming World, Weight
patients were interested in finding out about how Watchers, paleo and Atkins. The majority of
diet could influence their disease and would be will- patients, however, selected ‘other’; here the two
ing to change their diet to help control their disease most popular diets were gluten free and low
symptoms. No obvious difference in survey carbohydrate (Table S1). The most common
responses was seen across different age brackets reason for starting a diet was to lose weight
apart from a possible increase in dietary counselling (48.61%), followed by improve their disease
for younger patient ages 12–17 (Figure 2(g)). (26.53%) and to look good (9.80%). Notably,
only 8.16% of patients started their diet due
Some lupus patients associated diet with improved to doctor’s recommendation (Figure 3(b)).
disease symptoms The most popular free text response under the
When asked whether they had tried dieting during ‘other’ option was ‘to get healthier’ and ‘for aller-
the course of their disease, 35.82% of patients had gies’ (Table S1). From those that had been on a
Diet and lupus
GA Robinson et al.

Figure 3 Survey responses regarding patient experiences with diet including reasons, types and outcomes.
Results from the 3-week anonymous survey (SurveyMonkey). (a-c) Percentage of patients that responded with specific answers
displayed. (d) Percentage of patients (number displayed to the right of bars) that had improved disease symptoms as a result of
specific diets. (e-f) Pie charts display response data as percentages.

diet, only 7.06% of patients said they did not feel What should we be researching?
a benefit; whereas 43.87% lost weight and 22% Finally, an optional free-text opportunity was
considered their disease symptoms and mood included where patients were asked to state research
had improved as a result of their diet. Vegan questions they feel should be investigated with
and low-gluten and low-sugar diets provided the regard to diet in lupus. Almost half of the patients
highest percentage of responses for improved dis- left a response to this question (125 out of the total
ease symptoms (Figure 3(d)). Some respondents 284, 44%). The analysis of these results was carried
(21.19%) felt happier in their image and 14.5% out using wordmap software to visualise the most
had improved fitness (Figure 3(c)). Additional commonly mentioned ideas (Figure 4). The top
benefits stated under the ‘other’ option were responses included diet, foods, symptoms, lupus,
reduced fatigue and pain reported by 9% patients fatigue and flare ups and other responses such as
(Table S1). Of those that had been on a diet, only supplements, gut microbiome, dairy, stress and oils
27.24% of patients used an app to monitor it were also stated (Table S2). Patients also expressed
(Figure 3(e)). an interest in how therapeutics such as corticoster-
As the management of lupus often involves pre- oids influenced their diet and weight (Table S3).
scribed dietary supplements, we asked about the
supplements these patients were taking. We found
that 70.03% of these patients take dietary supple- Discussion
ments (Figure 3(f)), the most popular being vitamin
D (29%), iron (13%), multivitamins (12%) and fish This survey revealed three key discoveries: first,
oils (7%) (Table S1). patients thought it was important for them and
Diet and lupus
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Figure 4 Research questions important to lupus patients.

Text cloud analysis, using ‘wordcloud’ software, of free text from an optional question in the survey asking for patient ideas for
research. The size of the wording represents the frequency of times the word was found in the survey. See Table S2 and S3.

their doctors to know how diet can influence lupus may not be as beneficial for common diseases in
and that they would be interested in trying diet as a young children and older people.
therapeutic option; despite this, we found that very Only 25% of patients who responded had dis-
few doctors had discussed diet with their patients. cussed diet with their doctors, although most
Second, a large number of patients had never been thought that diet could be important in their dis-
on a diet; however, of those that had, many felt it ease and 100% of patients said they would change
had improved their disease symptoms. Finally, this their diet if they knew it would help their disease
survey confirmed it is possible to obtain fast, symptoms. This reflects a general interest of
cost-effective patient opinions online through patients to engage with strategies where they have
social media promotion and provided a template more control over the management of their dis-
for future studies. ease.17 Furthermore, this positive attitude towards
As expected, the majority of respondents were diet highlights the potential for recruiting and
female, reflecting the sex bias of the disease.15 maintaining good compliance in any future trials
However, the even spread of responses across the focused in this area.
age groups between 18 and 64 was surprising con- Indeed, two-thirds of respondents had undertaken
sidering social media is believed to be more popular a diet previously, although only 22% of these
amongst the younger age groups; in 2017 96% of patients reported a notable improvement in disease
people aged 16–24 used social media platforms, symptoms. This observation could be confused by
whereas this was only 68% for those aged 45–54 the wide range of diets attempted; Weight Watchers
years ( It was of little surprise and Slimming World were the most popular.
that a lack of responses came from under 18 s and Interestingly, vegan and low-gluten and low-sugar
over 64 s as this is likely due to lack of access to or diets appeared to improve disease symptoms the
interest in social media as well as a known decrease most. In addition to diets, we inquired about dietary
in the incidence of lupus diagnosis in these age supplements. It was no surprise to see that 70% of
groups.16 Therefore, this social media-based patients took supplements as common symptoms of
approach for gaining public responses for research lupus include vitamin D and iron deficiency;18
Diet and lupus
GA Robinson et al.

however, only 7% of the patients taking supple- is that the lay summary was too long and complicated
ments took fish oils, known to have health benefits,19 for a younger audience and that ‘lupus’ was not in the
modify blood lipid profiles20,21 and reduce cardio- title; this could have accounted for the relatively lower
vascular risk, which is high in lupus patients.22 than expected number of younger respondents.
The results of this survey show that patients with Future studies could benefit from feedback from a
lupus are interested in research. Answers from the wider range of age groups. Another limitation to
‘free-text box’ section of the survey revealed several this approach is the language barrier; however, the
common concerns, such as flare-ups and fatigue. lay summary and questions could be translated in
Between 40% and 50% of adults with lupus are future. Finally, this approach leaves no opportunity
classified as obese23–26 and patients with obesity for follow-up questions as responses are anonymous.
have increased fatigue and disease activity.27 In summary, this survey identified that patients
Davies et al. conducted a diet trial in lupus compar- with lupus are interested in finding out whether
ing 23 patients on a low glycaemic index diet to a diet could influence their disease. We also identified
low-calorie diet for 6 weeks.28 Both diets were that there is a lack of knowledge and education
effective in reducing fatigue and helped patients to about diet in the responders and that most patients
lose weight. In addition, both diets were well toler- had not talked to their doctors about diet. Many
ated, with mild adverse effects including no increase patients had tried various diets but very few con-
in disease activity. This supports a role for diet in trolled trials have been performed to inform patient
controlling disease symptoms and demonstrates choices.34 This survey identified that patients would
how a research- and patient-driven idea can pro- be enthusiastic in supporting research and diet inter-
vide beneficial results. Importantly, patients raised vention studies with close monitoring of disease
concerns around the effects of current lupus thera- symptoms and cardiovascular risk. In future, more
peutics on diet and weight gain. This is particularly focused face-to-face discussions with patients could
important for lipid metabolism as studies have help to optimise clinical trial design and determine
highlighted how prolonged use of corticosteroids the feasibility of potential diet-focused therapeutic
can cause dyslipidaemia, something that would interventions. Thus, this survey provides evidence
need to be considered in a clinical trial related to of patient support for further research into the
using diet to modify lipid metabolism.29,30 effects of diet on the symptoms of lupus.
PPIE can be a time-consuming and costly experi-
ence and studies have attempted to address this
issue to improve and accelerate translational Key messages
research.31,32 For example, Elwyn et al. used
. Lupus patients are interested in diet as a thera-
postal distribution of a survey to 1146 participants
peutic option.
with asthma, open to responses for 3 months, and a
. There is a lack of communication between
3-week online post on a relevant charity website. A
doctors and their patients regarding diet.
total of 370 responses were received with a cost of
. Social media is a time- and cost-efficient
£29,000.33 In contrast, we gathered 300 responses,
method for patient and public engagement and
with minimal cost (£35) from a 3-week online
survey using the power of charity-based and indi-
vidual social media pages for promotion.
There have been few previous attempts to use
this approach for PPIE in basic science research. Contributors
One example of its effectiveness, however, was
demonstrated by McDonnell et al. where a similar GAR, TM, CW, LMG, CC, ITP and ECJ designed
number of responses were gathered over a 3-week the research study; GAR acquired data; GAR,
period to assess topics that were of interest to a AZK, CC, ITP and ECJ analysed data; GAR and
specific patient population.14 ECJ wrote the manuscript; CC, LMG, TM, ITP,
Limitations of this study include potential selection CW and JW reviewed the manuscript.
bias; survey responders may complete the survey
based on a prior interest in the research topic. In add-
ition, responses gathered through this type of survey Declaration of conflicting interests
can only be obtained from patients with access to
social media and/or the internet. This could add bias The authors declared no potential conflicts of inter-
towards responses from younger patients, although est with respect to the research, authorship, and/or
data obtained here suggests otherwise. One possibility publication of this article.
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