Smart Resume

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Resume ? ? ?

A résumé is a document that contains a summary of relevant job experience

and education. The résumé is typically the first item that a potential
employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screen
applicants, often followed by an interview, when seeking employment. ... It’s
a self-marketing tool.
A resume is often the first line of contact. It establishes a first impression of a
potential job candidate's skills, background and hiring value. If written well,
this impression can be a positive one, offering the reader a sense of the
candidate's "fit" for the position and company being targeted. If written really
well, it may convince the reader that the job candidate is ideally suited for
the job. When coupled with an effective cover letter, the resume can be a
very strong marketing tool.

Preparing a resume may be seen as a nuisance, but having a well-

constructed, well-designed resume is an important part of your job search.
Consider that for each available job opening there may be as many as 100
to 1000 resumes submitted. If your resume fails to adequately and
accurately convey your hiring value (for the specific position), fails to
establish your hiring value over competing candidates, or is difficult to
follow, your ability to compete against those 100 to 1000 professionals
vying for the same position your are will be greatly diminished.

If your resume secures an interview, it has done its job. If it sets you ahead
of the competition in the mind of your interviewer, then it has given you a
distinct advantage, and has gone beyond its job.

A great resume does what all good marketing pieces do: it sells the
"consumer" (the potential employer or hiring manager) on the "product"

Like it or not, the job of looking for employment is a job in sales and
marketing. The product you are "selling" is you, and the "customer," who
has unique needs and interests, needs to be sold on the fact that you have
what it takes to get the job done and to meet the needs of the position. He
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or she is going to want to know how you are going to solve his or her
problems, and he or she is going to give your resume about 15 seconds, or
less, to sell this. 15 seconds is the average time a hiring manager will allot
to a new resume - before giving it a potential "yes" or "no" response.

A resume is a standard inclusion with any job or internship application, and it

may be requested for applicants into graduate and professional schools as
well. As a general rule, a resume is only one or two pages long, although
special circumstances may call for an additional page.
A good resume contains basic information about the applicant, organized in a
way which is easy for the reader to understand. Clear contact information is
usually at the top, followed by work experience, educational achievements, a
list of skills, relevant certifications or awards, and contact information for
references, though not necessarily in this order. The organization of a resume
is a fine art, and it requires some work to create a strong resume. In some
cases, people ask for professional help when assembling a resume.

There are several different approaches to a resume. All are designed to sell
the resume writer in some way or another, and by convention many job
seekers tailor their resumes to a specific job or employer. This tailoring allows
job candidates to bring out their strongest skills for an individual position.
Some job seekers also add deeper levels of personalization, designed to
humanize them to potential employers. Some employers actively request
more personal information, such as hobbies or favorite vacations spots, in an
attempt to learn more about the psychology of the applicant.

In some cases, a resume is arranged strictly chronologically. In this instance,

educational accomplishments will usually lead, followed by employment
history. A chronological resume often includes all work experience, since
gaps will be easier to spot. In other cases, a resume is organized by
relevance, with blocks of similar information clumped together. A resume put
together in this fashion usually features only relevant work experience for a
position, so that potential employers do not have to slog through the
applicant's entire life history.

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Preparation is Key

In preparing your resume, the more you know about the position you are
targeting, the better. If you know the company's missions and goals, if
you understand the needs of the position, if you recognize the company’s
“concerns,” and if you know who comprises the company's competition...
AND you (and your unique skills and experience) can meet the needs of
all the above (you have accurately assessed your own value to those who
have employed you in the past), you will have the material necessary to
create an effective marketing piece.

As in any type of marketing material, it is important to present the

information so that it captures your customer’s interest quickly. Your goal
is to encourage the reader to stay with your document as long as
possible. Your chance for a more detailed reading increases when you
give the reader that information which he or she most wants to secure,
early in the document.

One of the best ways to accomplish this is to create a Summary Section at

the beginning of your resume. A Summary Section highlights for your
reader those personal and professional skills you possess that allow you
to excel in your chosen field and position. Items and skills of greatest
importance (from your readers' viewpoint) should be listed in priority,
supporting an impression of both “fit” and potential success. In addition,
these should be aspects of your background that set you apart from your
competing candidates, particularly candidates with skill sets similar to
your own. You are, in effect, showing your reader how you will solve their
problems - better than the competition - and why interviewing you will be
a worthwhile expenditure of their time.

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What is the difference between curriculum vitae (CV) and a resume?

A resume is a brief document which highlights an individual's experience,

qualifications, and skills, in the hopes of securing a job interview. In some
regions of the world, the term “resume” is used interchangeably with
Curriculum Vitae (CV), while in other places, the two terms refer to very
different documents.

The primary differences between a resume and curriculum vitae (CV) are the
length, what is included and what each is used for. A resume is a one or two
page summary of your skills, experience and education. While a resume is
brief and concise - no more than a page or two, Curriculum Vitae is a longer
(at least two page) and more detailed synopsis.

A Curriculum Vitae includes a summary of your educational and academic

backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications,
presentations, awards, honors, affiliations and other details. In Europe, the
Middle East, Africa, or Asia, employers may expect to receive curriculum

In the United States, curriculum vitae are used primarily when applying for
academic, education, scientific or research positions. It is also applicable
when applying for fellowships or grants.

Curriculum vitae (CV) are often required in place of a resume for positions in
education, clinical research, work as a physician, or in certain science or
publishing positions. Curriculum vitae means course of life and a CV is really
a much greater accounting of what one has done with one’s life than is a

Unlike the resume, the CV is usually longer and more detailed. Not only will it
include education, and former jobs, but it will also include details like
specialized classes one has taken, publications, special licenses or affiliations,
grants one has received, and any other relevant details to a position for
which one is applying.

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How to write an effective resume?


There are as many opinions on the subject of resumes as there are job
seekers! Some of the more popular opinions are centered on the use of
objectives, summaries, profiles, title headings, keywords, reference
statements, personal interests, salary history, dates, graphics, fonts, and of
course, the length of the resume.

Then there is the question of format. Should the style of a resume be

chronological, functional or combination? One thing is certain - the resume
should sell a candidate's strengths and qualifications, and answer a hiring
manager's question, "How can you solve my problem?" It should also have
full contact information, be organized, and provide specific information that a
hiring manager needs to decide whether or not a candidate is well suited for
a position. At the very least, it should list relevant experience and


A resume is a personal marketing document that communicates your career

objective and value to a hiring company. A strong resume is carefully planned
and developed (not quickly typed up) in an appropriate format (style)
designed to showcase your experience and accomplishments in direct
relation to a specific position.


• Bold and enlarge your name at the top.

• Keep the sections lined up and consistent.
• Use an Arial or Times New Roman font (or similar).
• Font size shouldn't be smaller than 11pt or larger than 12pt, except for
your Name and Headings.

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• Do not include pronouns such as "I," company street addresses, salary,
or reasons for leaving.
• Two-page resume: be sure to fill the second page at least halfway
down the page.
• Place “Continued” at the bottom of page one, and your name and
“Page 2” at the top of page two.
• Use graphics sparingly unless you are in a creative field. It is safe to
use a border and shading.
• Leave out personal data, photos, and unrelated hobbies, unless you
are an actor/actress or model.
• If you spell out the state in your address, such as New York, spell out
the states for your jobs.
• Proof, proof, and proof again!

To help you understand the main differences between various resume styles,
the following illustrates the same resume in chronological, functional, and
combination formats. Also provided below is a comprehensive list of common
mistakes to avoid and useful tips to help your resume to compete in today's
competitive workplace:


This is the most commonly used resume format. It is straightforward, and

easily traces a candidate's career path and progression in a given field.
Experience and accomplishments are listed in reverse chronological order,
with the most recent job positioned first. Because it leaves little to the
imagination and makes it difficult to hide employment gaps, the
chronological resume is the most preferred format of employers and

Chronological Format Example:


Wireless, Inc., Brooklyn, NY 1998 - Present

Sales Representative

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• Prospected and sold communications services to business accounts
spanning the Northeast and Midwest regions.
• Consulted clients on the cost-effective advantages of switching over
from standing services, resulting in a 15% new market penetration
with revenues at $1,850 at close of 2000.

Anderson Doors, Bronx, NY 1993 – 1998

Business Development Manager

• Conducted competitive analyses on European markets to formulate

conceptual strategies that cemented key alliances with distributors
throughout Italy and Germany.
• Aggressively marketed Anderson's company logo and message in print
and television advertising campaigns, heightening brand awareness
across U.S. and European consumer markets.


This is a skills-based, achievement-oriented format. Experience and

accomplishments are listed in sections with specific headings that extract
and showcase ONLY what is directly applicable to the targeted position.
Because it is somewhat vague sometimes omits dates, it is the least
preferred resume format of employers and recruiters.

Functional Format Example:


Sales Management

• Prospected and sold communications services to business accounts

spanning the Northeast and Midwest regions.
• Conducted competitive analyses on European markets to formulate
conceptual strategies that cemented key alliances with distributors
throughout Italy and Germany.

Market Penetration

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• Consulted clients on the cost-effective advantages of switching over
from standing services, resulting in a 15% new market penetration
with revenues at $1,850 at close of 2000.
• Aggressively marketed Anderson's company logo and message in print
and television advertising campaigns, heightening brand awareness
across U.S. and European consumer markets.


This format combines the chronological and functional formats into one! As
with the functional format, it lists experience and accomplishments in
sections with specific headings directly applicable to the targeted position.
However, it lists employment information under a SEPARATE category (only
title, company, location, and dates). Since it easily tells the reader how a
candidate is qualified for a position while also providing an employment
history, it has fast become a favorite resume format amongst many
employers and recruiters.

Combination Format Example:


Sales Management

• Prospected and sold communications services to business accounts

spanning Northeast and Midwest regions.
• Conducted competitive analyses on European markets to formulate
conceptual strategies that cemented key alliances with distributors
throughout Italy and Germany.

Market Penetration

• Consulted clients on the cost-effective advantages of switching over

from standing services, resulting in a 15% new market penetration
with revenues at $1,850 at close of 2000.

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• Aggressively marketed Anderson's company logo and message in print
and television advertising campaigns, heightening brand awareness
across U.S. and European consumer markets.


Wireless, Inc., Bay Shore, NY 1998 – Present

Sales Representative

Anderson Doors, East Islip, NY 1993 - 1998

Business Development Manager



Use any one or a combination of these headings to communicate the type of

position you are applying for, and the value you will bring to the hiring
company at a glance. Remember, a reader spends a brief moment on each
resume. Your resume must grab their attention, and hold it!


Accomplished sales professional known for delivering strong revenue and

profit gains in highly competitive markets, seeking a Regional Sales Manager
position. Bring 15 years of solid experience and select strengths that
encompasses sales territory management and key account development.
Equally effective at relationship building, program development, and team

Notice that the actual title "Objective" was omitted, yet mentioned! If you
prefer to use the actual "Objective" title, do not use the outdated colon after
the category.


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Accomplished sales professional known for delivering strong profit gains in
highly competitive markets, seeking a Regional Sales Manager position.
Strengths encompass:

Capital Sales & Marketing | Team Building/Leadership

Key Account Development | Client/Vendor Relations

Financial Analysis & Reporting | Program Development



Known for delivering strong and sustainable revenue and profit gains in
highly competitive markets. Bring 15 years of solid experience and select
strengths that encompasses sales territory management, key account
development, staff training, team leadership, presentations, and closings.

(Bold, italicize, or underline the Title Heading so it stands out.)


Accomplished sales professional known for delivering strong and sustainable

revenue and profit gains in highly competitive markets. Seeking a Regional
Sales Manager position with a leading pharmaceutical company. Select
strengths encompass:

• 15 years of cross-industry experience and accomplishments with

leading start-up and high-growth bio-medical companies.
• Strategically build and maintain profitable business relationships.
• Strong communicator and team leader with a pulse on ever-changing
industry trends.
• Effectively manage the sales cycle process from client consultation to


• Name and/or address is too small / too big (headings and name should
be at least font size 14 to 16; address 11 or 12)

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• Font size for entire resume is too small / too big / all caps (not counting
the headings, text should be no smaller than 11; no larger than 12)
• Needs an Objective or Title Heading (make it clear to the reader what
position you are seeking. If you unsure, consider career counseling or
purchase/rent a book on career choices)
• Could use a Summary or Profile statement (show your career overview)
• Objective is weak, cliché, unclear, or vague (State what you can do for
the employer; not only what you want from them)
• Resume does not support Objective (be sure to make a connection)
• Lacks accomplishments / career achievements (sell it, don't tell it!)
• Lacks industry-specific terminology / Keywords ("speak" the reader's
• Jobs are not in the proper order-see below for more on resume tips and
• Sentences are too choppy-five words per bullet (expand; make it
• Wording is weak; statements are too simple (use action verbs and a
• Same information repeated too many times (use a
functional/combination format)
• Too many typos and grammatical errors (read it backwards; have a
friend proof-read it!)
• Unrelated jobs go back too far in years (keep it to 7-10 years in most
• Includes too much unrelated information (stay on track; keep the
position in mind)
• Does not include enough related information (show how well rounded
you are)
• Uses pronouns - "I, He, She, His, Her" (not necessary or is understood)
• Style is outdated looking (headings are underlined and followed by
colons ":", the word "duties" is used, and uses "responsibilities:" as
• Second page is too short - only a third down or less
• Second page does not include your name (what if the second page is

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• Too much or not enough white space (looks empty, inexperienced)
• Uses the full address for employers (list only the town and state)
• Uses full employment dates such as 12/11/01 (list only the month and
• Lists reason for leaving or explains situation (if you must, save it for
the letter)
• Includes a Professional References Available Upon Request statement
at the bottom of the resume (not wrong, but not necessary.
Remember, this is not an option. If the employer wants references,
they will ask for them)
• Includes a cover letter / salary information on the resume (use
separate sheets)
• Includes unrelated personal interests and hobbies such as "enjoy
reading, long walks, music, travel, knitting, and puzzles" (include
interests ONLY if it is related to your career Objective)
• Includes personal information such as married, homeowner, two
children (Leave off. It is unrelated to the position, and risks possible

Resume Formats - Which Is The Best Resume

Format To Use?
Before you begin to create your resume, it is good to think about Resume
Formats and which is the best one to use? There are three common formats
that are used, they are: Chronological, Functional, and Combination.
Depending on your skill set which one would do you use?

Chronological Resume - This is one of the more commonly used resume

formats today. It is the easiest to develop and lists your most recent work

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experience working backwards in time. Some of the benefits of chronological
resumes are:

• It emphasizes employers and education

• Good if you have been in the same type of work. A hiring manager can
follow your progression of your career
• Very traditional and industry accepted standard

Functional Resume - This is a skills based resume focusing on what your skills
are rather than focusing on the companies that you worked for. There is little,
if any, dates used in these resume formats. Here is when you may want to
consider a functional resume:

• If you have large gaps in employment between positions

• If you have done the same type of work for more than one employer
• Your skills and achievements have grown since when or where you first
developed them

Combination Resume - Uses both formats above, but is more difficult to write.
It allows you to focus on your skills and focus them on your target position
more effectively. You can tailor your resume to your career, while at the
same time outlining your chronological history of employment as a backbone
to your skill sets. If you still have gaps in employment, you still will have to
disguise this, or better to keep to a Functional Resume.

What to Write
If you do use a resume objective, make it very specific, not vague and meaningless.
Think about the following:

• The name of the specific vacancy,

• The skills that relate to it, which can also be counted amongst your strengths, and
• The organization's needs and where these match your ability to deliver.

Now use the answers to the above construct to complete a sentence starting "my objective
is…" or "my goal is…" (you don't actually need to include these words).

Always limit or avoid the use of personal pronouns (I, my, mine, etc.). Do not list your
qualities and skills - remember, keep it short and punchy. Words and phrases to avoid
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include 'utilize my', 'to challenge me', or 'with room for growth', 'advancement', as these
are about you and not the employer.

Here are some sample resume objectives:

For an entry level accounting position:

• A position in the accounting field where excellent analytical and technical skills
can help to improve the company's profitability.

If you have two years experience:

• A Data Entry position where skills in spreadsheet development and

troubleshooting can improve efficiency and enhance profitability.

If you are changing areas of employment:

• A position as Assistant Engineer where construction knowledge, high mechanical

aptitude and commitment to safety can contribute to profitable operation.

If you are a creative worker:

• A Graphic Design position where advanced graphic and creative skills will
produce a quality product for agency customers.

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