Spire Edge Brochure

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AGUIDE — TO THE MAKING OF SS Ta How can we make investments in infrastructure future relevant? How do we design for a sustainable future? Can our businesses and our built environment imitate nature's processes, structure and functions, particularly those of its ecosystems? Is an investment in ‘Green Infrastructure’ better than an investment in ‘Gray Infrastructure’? Why is there not even a single commercial building nthe country that can truly exist in consent with nature, like so many being built all over the world? Can a Grade A+ Office building be 30% more resource efficient and be more econamical to run? Are green buildings a preferred leasing choice amongst leading corporates? Can all of this co-exist? ceo SPIRESD THE KEY TO MAKING INVESTMENTS FUTURE RELEVANT THINKING AHEAD India is a frontrunner in IT. destinations marl 1 worldwide emerging THE FOUR PILLARS OF A SOUND INFRASTRUCTURE INVESTMENT LT: The economic growth driver Manesar: Amongst the top 6 emerging I.7, destinations Green: What the world is investing in FDI: Securing India’s real estate growth Spite Edge is an LT. office complex located inthe heart of Manesar: @con‘luence which in itselt is bound to assure ‘real returns, Add to that Mainstream Groen features that reduce aperaional cost by upto 30% and an FOI backing and you have an infrastructure investment combination that Is a first of is kind in the country. r ‘The growin ofthe RealEstate sector for IT/ITES has been robust for aver a decade, This will now get an aeitional Impetus with REITs, REMFs and eligible Flls. Thus, the LT. Inirastructure sector, which continues to see more than a 30% growth, represents one ofthe safest investments today Manesar Rated by Gushman and Wakstielé as amongst the 6 key, high ‘roath areas inthe entire country [*Ret C&W report on Peripheral locations high an investment opportunities ot 3 (ct, 07], Manasar isa welkplenned, sat-o-theat owns, which is connected seamessty with all parts ofthe NCR Green ‘Green builaings reayste water, reaycle waste, reduce Inorganics, save, in some instances evan generate eneray and In atect save more than 30% cunning costs and are an efficient cast cutting tol Fol The growing intlow of Foreign Ditest Investment in the Indian real estate sector serves both asa testimony and @ security Lathe booming realestate market, Needless to say FDI backed projects are considered to assure fat greater and safer return than others Location: Seamless connectivity to CBD Delhi, To Delhi International airport and CBD Gurgaon Hero Honda Crossing SS - Expressway to Faridabad SPIRESDGE Dwarka Expressway mls (Et I d — i a IMT Manesar Gurgaon-Deln Expressway NHB Sa KMP Exprossway To Jaipur A UNIQUE VISION & EAM GREEN a THE SYNERGETIC CO-EXISTENCE OF COMMERCIAL EXCELLENCE WITH ENVIRONMENTAL PROSPERITY Mainstream Green is @ philosophy that frst brings together the most lucrative commercial factors ~ location, typology, ete. ~ and then infuses Green Building’ features in the structure to reduce costs and maximise eiceney. It actresses currant needs and future challenges, keeping In mind ine avalable natural resources. It thus promotes an architecture that brings about the perfect contluence between the constructed and the natural environment. PEOPLE BEHIND THE PROJECT EN YEANG. en Yeang |e a leading watlawige authority on ‘Green bulling design. Hie achitectute, armed Bloclimate Design’, seks to maximize atcieney rough “Green Building’ features. He is now leasing a team of select consultants to create India’ rst Mainstream Green olfice complex: Spire Edge Signature Architects TR Hamzah & Yeang Son. Bhd. International Design Engineering Sanjay Prakash & Associates Principal Architects Abaxial Architects Master Planning SK Das Associated Architects Landscape Design Mis Prabhakar B Bhagwat HVAC & Water Sterling India Cor iting Engineers Electrical & Wired Lirio Loper Electrical Consultants Structural Engineers, NNC Consultants, Energy Efficiency Environmental Design Solution Advanced H Sorane Sa Project Management eedback Ventures Ltd Gode & Compliance Design Consultants Environmental Consultant Nature Alert Tratfie Mana Srisht Habitech Structural Audit Optimal Design LOWERING THE ENERGY DEMAND Vegetation ramp serves Easily accessible cores and as an alternate evacuation route strategically placed columns GREEN FEATURES Vegetation ramp Suparstrusture Rainwater harvesting to Sunshaces which allow aporoprate rinimise waslage of water amounts at sunlight according to Sun path diagram (Manesar, India) {or optimum harnessing of natural light & heat all year round wer sun Sty aac deta section OPERATIVE STRUCTURE, ECO STRUCTURE, PEOPLE STRUCTURE DESIGN PRINCIPLES ‘he strategy behind the architecture of Spire Edge can be bes! understood simply by looking at nature, Islands, essentially, an thre man pillars which wa define as Operative Structure, Feo Structure and People Structure ‘The Operative Structure: Designed within the context af modern Vastu principles, the structure ‘maximizes the beneficial ettects of natural energies ike light, al, te. ‘The Eco Structure: The nervous system of the complex which enables an optimal tlw of natural, and bull resources, ‘The People Structure: The symbiosis ofboth the Operative and oo structure which maximizes productivity and creates a harmonious envionment A RADICAL, UNCONVENTIONAL AND SUSTAINABLE PROTOTYPE THAT WILL SERVE AS A POINT OF REFERENCE FOR FUTURE INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT Modern Vastu based architectural design allows maximum and positive utilisation of natural resources Oy, iinet aay es 2, Peper! big wah, ee POM 8. Spal gram Eoomen 1.6 MILLION SQ. FT ECO OFFICE COMPLEX UPTO 30% MORE ENERGY EFFICIENT GREEN BUILDINGS ICONIC, 300 FT TALL VERTICALLY LANDSCAPED SIGNATURE TOWER sf GREEN TO THE MAINSTREAM SCALABLE AND DIVISIBLE OFFICE AND PARKING SPACES SIGNATURE TOWER 1300 thigh, feonic tower for LT. otices ‘thtea 3 las 89.1 ‘Facilities -Otfces, Austorlum, Cate, Exhibition hall Meeting pods, Skycourts ANCHOR €.0C SSS #648 storey offle block for anchor tenant fehtea~ 1.8 lac sat ‘Fasltis Offices, Cate, Mesting pods, Atrium, Lobby MULTIENANT Block (0S: 13) ©6612 storey tain towers with multiple sizes of otices shtwa~ 7.8 lao sqtt ‘Faclties-Daylit atrium, Scalable oftces, Cate, Mecting pods SUNS Ss 5s “#648 storey setvieed apartment block sehtea 1.4 las sat ‘Facilities Executive suites, Business centre Restaurant, Dining, Clu, Heath spa, Swimming poo, Bar wr +642 storey block or convenience and etal shopping ‘Ata 0.7 lac sqft ‘Fuslties- Anchor store, Retall shopping, Food court THE NEW BEACON Ra TAR — Wi) | I MAY. INDIA'S FIRST BIO-CLIMATIC SKYSCRAPER THE NEW LANDMARK OF MANESAR ICONIC, 300 FT TALL, DEEP GREEN BUILDING Situated in the Nor renowned Master Architect Ken Yeang. This icon ‘Deep shyseraper and Is capable af adapting to eiterent degrees of interior a its optimum comar 200-seater auditorium Signature Tower floor plans Signature Tower tront view 1 Iconic 300 thigh Signature Tower Cimaiclly appropriate, Innovative building Visible trom atar asa gateway to Manesar Situated onthe KMP Corr Sfale-of-the-al glazing system ane lowers Vertically sing landscape Integrating greens tothe workspace Creates a continuous Brean Theas Pedestrian Ramp Un Serves as an a Vertical extension ofthe canal tae that connects to the cultural plaza High aise Observation and viewing deck Rooftop terrace gardens Bulling Features Average loo plate area of 16 Lavoe Bulling edge vehicular drop-ft wih gtand enran 200-seater auditorium lumn-tee span Flicienly organised core and tlexble It clusters Glare tre daylt interiors Use of high performance glass and shading devices YOUR NEW CORPORATE ADDRESS EXCLUSIVE 9 STOREY TOWER WITH UNIQUE IDENTITY PRIVATE ENTRANCE FORECOURT AND VEHICULAR DRO IDEAL FOR CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS With stand apar indopendont chor Block is sense of unigue identily — one that sits own, in the Northwest co lis, promotes for a distinct presence that may be ettectvely used to rmples. This exclusive J visibility fom the Manesat entity arterial road lish a corporate Terrace & rooftop gardens Grand ontrance lobby Anchor Block floot plans 1. Exclusive Independent Tower las sat f LT. space spread ovar 9 storeys ‘+ Primely postioned-facng the Manesar arterial road and overlooking the Signaure Tower ‘+ Private entrance forecourt with signature landscape 2, Green Private gardens Terrace and roattop gatdens ‘+ Pergola shaded rooftop + Created to run on lower energy demand ‘+ Shading through fins and louvers tallies to shade the West face ‘Vegetation cover Bate, ay inter ‘+ Use of high pertormance glass in exterior 4. Features + Average floor plale area of 25,000 sq. + Landscapes toottop “+ Private vehicular erop-otf points AN INVITATION TO GROW G+12 STOREY TWIN TOWERS ADAPT-T0-SUIT OFFICES SCALABLE TO MATCH ORGANISATIONAL GROWTH UPTO 90,000 SQ, FT CONTIGUOUS FLOOR PLATE SIZE SUNLIT ATRIUM AND EXCLUSIVE TERRACE GARDENS GEARED FOR EARLIEST COMPLETION AND POSSESSION Tho Mulltenant Bla no the complex. With a range of features and innovative desig 3s. Each office space be the first to be complated and handed over Meeting pods Multitenant Block floor plans High, sunlit atrium tiquous floor plates 1. 6412 storey Twin Towers wit ‘+ Geared for earliest completion and handing aver “Branded in lor spaces for setting up operations and businesses ‘+ Enhanced ingress and egress systems 2, Flexo pto-sut poli offoe area, avaiable from mall to large modules, goth horizontally and verlcaly integrated + Location of tits and service coves planned fo craximum flexibility and efficiency 3. Ehiient over §.0 lac 99,110 chableotice spaces erage tloor plate 2 of 65,000 59, fh ‘+ Maximum contiguous tlor plate sie sq.ft avallabl vail upta 90,000 in configurations starting from as low as 1,000 sq. 4, Gre Large terrace ga ns with Verical Landscapes ‘+ Breskout spaces with individual otices ‘Landscapes usable retuge areas 5. Building Features, “+ High, sun atrium entrance tun on lower energy demand ‘+ Shading through fins and louvers Create ‘+ Use of high pertormanca glass in exteriors LIVE. WORK. PLAY. 24X7 SIDENTIAL, RECREATIONAL AND SOCIAL HUB OF THE COMPLEX DIRECT ACCESS FROM THE PEDESTRIAN PLAZA VISIBILITY FROM PRIME VEHICULAR ROADS. The exclusive busin located inthe Southern segment of the complex with their ites and club tailties wn wns and spill-ut space facies, with & catchment area af over 100 Tae sqt. within the sector alone Strategically placed off the central spine and entrance plaza, it sen the complex along with other central facilities 45 a key component ofthe cultural hub o like the expo block 1. Premium Business Suites ‘+ Superior executive tities ‘Serviced resiantial apartments with — independent Kitchenates ‘Best views and climatic com 2. xclusive Cub + State-of-the-art gym, yoga and aerobios + Fine gning + Ubrary ‘Lounge and cote shop ap swimming poo! and bar “© Gourmet kitchen with semi coveres court and Premium Business Suites wiring pool & bar The shopping mall ic lcated inthe Southeast comer ofthe complex wth giect access and visibility from a 30 metre road, Even within the campus it interacts with the street in uch a manner which oes maximum visibly both within and outside ‘+ Vantage location and postoning ‘Comer location, securing maximum frontage ‘+ Strategically placed within te campus to sezute rraximury fotalls ‘+ Spread across lower and upper ground levels for commercial mx to cat Convenience stor ‘+ Dax7 eateries Cates sh = otll cal and phar ‘+ Tavel desks ‘+ Extension count Block floor plans S T COMMON FEATURES IT DRIVEWAY WITH DEDI PO AND CONFERENCE AND NATURALLY LIT B, SEMENTS DROP-OFFS AND BUS-: ODIES, SIT-OUTS, 1. THE CULTURAL SPINE ‘© Established around a mut level central street ‘+ Taverses te engin of he complex *+ Provides a series of spaces thal connect seamlessly 2, ACTIVE CENTRAL STREET ‘Supports functions thal ae integrated on the ground and lower levels and extend to the basements, making them sater and more pleasurable ‘On sreat: kiosks, mini-marts outs, and astension counters to keap the street lvely ‘Off strat: plazas and couts containing food cout, shogping and real oulats ‘Outdoor entertainment zone, mullimedia screens and apen airtheatre ‘Benches, sl-ous, shaded ateas,perglas, bridges and water-bodias 3, EXPO AND GONFERENCE FACILITIES ‘+ Exceptionally designe, iconic centrepiece ofthe project ‘A iexible space for exhibitions, gatherings and pradut launches 4. THE LANDSCAPE ‘+ Lang, water and plant material thal merge seamtessy with the environment ‘Serving asthe connection batwaen the spaces within and outside ‘+ Dense woodlend planting with walkways and other themate planting ‘Water features, channels, rocks, hardscapes, greens and planting 5. CIRCULATION AND ACCESS Tale Management ‘+ Segregated flow for both pedestrians and vehicles ‘Designates drop-atts ‘+ Road surface fo contol the speed of vehicle low ‘Dedicaed vehioular lane fr abs ‘+ Surtaze parking provision for vistors and guests ‘+ Parking tor upta 2,000 cars Innovatvely Planned Besements ‘Vehicular drop-tts atthe basement levels a the circulation cores ‘+ Easily navigable basements and ramp loops ‘Large cutouts in basement slabs to allow in greater light and ventilation + Open to sty stairs and ramps ‘Scalable ear parking with 2 provision for another 1,000, cars in tne future | Seamless Pdestrian Environment ‘+ Pedesiian-fst environment with bridges, ramps and escalators ‘+ Thoughtlly detailed out green patches and hardseapes ‘Separate entrance plazas ‘Aligning areas dedicated for individual building blocks Pedestrian Vehicular Site Plan Loop cireutatian Bazement 1 Basement 2 Basement 3 Cireulation System with dodeated dropealls ant busstone which allow unhindered mavement of ttle Parking for 2,000 cars; scalable by another 1,000 in the future ADVANCED ENGINEERING Water Management Water rocyling, relator harvasting, special catehmont scallops and graviy illrtion systems ‘Smart faucets and fixtures, on-site ETP and STP Indigenous plants thal minimise use of irrigation water, varlcal gardens maximise the use of rain water 28 days of waler security Inrough a mix ofa larger storage capaity and scalable usage system Advanced HVAC More eticient insulation and beter lazing, thermal storage, waste hea acovery fom reurn air Water coled chiles which use water ftom STP. Backup of et-cooles chillers Provision of increasing captive power generation through vapour absorption machines Lighting Greater daylight penetration External fins which prevent atest sunlight and heat Water management system that recycles water through on site ETP and STP plants, in addition to rain water harvesting, to create upto 28 days of water back-up. one ate app) Mate Up ss Aye Evaporation soo lake or Wigaos Mae tor ‘Avo Themal Sage Tank SPECIFICATIONS DESIGNATED USE & FACILITIES Teehlogy Prk wih tices, commarcial, residential and commen ails, STRUCTURE The structure ¢ RCC tramed having Post Tansioned Foot sytem a pr the lat Norms of NBC, Stucute is coslgned fr Seismic Zone-V in accordance to IS: 1888, Comaliant wth cutie detaling ot reinforcement as per the provisions of 1: 13820 The structural elements as wnole or part redesigned fr dead loz, le lead and wind load In cordance to 18875 Numer of Flors rae 18 Buiaing Heit Ranges tram 18m to 89 (approx. 300) Fleer sree Upto 95,0009. Fleet ta Foot 45 (0 60m (Ground Fler) 36m142m Spans Momx8. m Type o Slab Flt Sh Syste Elvaors DUB 1864440198) ap ofthe lin pamium high specs passenger Its designad for ‘minimum waiting. Dada gh eleatrs at mut ple locations. FINISHES EXTERNAL FACADE High perormance neat elevve insulates glass and structural glazing Flamed & polishes raw sik grant, premium sandstones ‘Comsite aluminium see lading and tenured exterior pint FACADE ELEMENTS Patterned metal luvers Vetcal vegetation walls an Bio-Sereens Wash down and focus lighting for highlignts and additonal safety LOBBY AND COMMON AREAS Cominaion a lian males 2nd granite loring wth pattern wall caging Detalles signature intra landscapes Innovative high goes fale eallage i tum spaces ‘Coneale ighting with hgh luminance non-aaettings Focus lighting in spacial areas INTERNAL WALLS AND LIGHTING Pelshed granite cling an oer high gloss shes High quality tenured paint ane vite ile clang PUBLIC TOILETS Granite Designer Flooring, Ceram & Printed Tles/ Granite cladding on walls LANDSCAPE & PEDESTRIAN ZONES. Integrate Shy courts and eraces Low water landscapes with drip irigation zanes Vary of imovalive and thematic landscape areas like ceremonial squares, sculptural avenue planting, congregation laws, wetland planation and ily pools, ols walkaays, thicket woods PARKING & CIRCULATION Scintielly designed cculaton systems wih dedicated anes end bus stops tor min vans and cabs Future ready parking, wth upto 2000 ca parking soazes provided today, wth a provision for e6cng upto a 1,000 car spaces in heute 5 level basement with natural ventilation ‘coMWON senviCes MEP Cena at-cont ning with VAY, theta eorage and waste hat recovery systems 100% power back-up with bull in redundancy fr BMS and tie systems Gas ready power generation Incviualdsriaution toast each roarotfice mocule ‘vanced water management trough double recycling and “smart furs DATA & VoIgE Moduler llecommunicatin systems ona plug and pay basis ISON and lees Ine coneztvy Last-ile connectivity Irough optic res, broadband with provision fr bul-inconduls or tenant's internal distbution SECURITY & FIRE FIGHTING Sale-ot-the-tl ie tghing with addressable fire alam system Secu design wth COTY manitring and PA systems Coordinated Esa secuiy wih axenaliveeays and acess contol boom barns Note Al speciation are ialatve and ae subject to change during execution FOR THE FUTURE SETTING BENCHMARKS 6 se ‘SPIRE WORLD Creating landmark L.T/Otice Spaces, Residential Apariments, Townships and Mixed-Use Developments, all baseé on its Mainstream Green ideology, Spire World is selting benchmarks for future living and working spacos, whore man and natuta can prosper in synergy. Other Spire World Projects [LD Spire Groens, Gurgaon: An eco-friendly residential complex in the heart of Gurgaon Spire Synchron, Coimbatore: Premium Residential Apartments and Commercial Space in Coimbatore Spire Central, Coimbatore: Inegrated eco-lownship and SEZ in Coimbatore INT Prlnaring tis eco-lanémark is AN. Bulldwel, a real-estate developer that’s a renowned name inthe fialé of construction and infrastructure. MILLENNIUM SPIRE Engineering FOI funding forth project is Millennium Spire, an Indian Real Estate FDI investor, managed by the Millennium Global group (with glabal assets under management in excess of USS 14 Billion). Millennium Spire, with its unique combination of real estate development, oroes! management and investment management expertise, is parinering many innovative developments actoss India “As on April, 2008 SPIREADGE roa Ss A ote oa Ns} eee ee eos Crs Ten Ce ea Cee ee ra ee Fox (6111 4st5s01 ee eee

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