4.structure Est (07.07.2016)

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Bill No.-08
S.No. Description Amount (Rs.) Amount (Lacs.)
i 1 ROW 1200 16 5,384,900.17 53.85
ii 2 ROW 1200 2 957,466.22 9.57


i 1 ROW 1200 8 2,582,908.67 25.83


i 1 ROW 1200 31 14,517,901.02 145.18

(IV) REHABILITATION OF HPC 1 7,344.00 0.07


i 1X2.00 M 1 2,052,167.69 20.52
ii 1X3.00 M 3 9,856,517.09 98.57
iii 1X4.00 M 2 7,925,497.48 79.25
iv 1X5.00 M 1 3,691,341.57 36.91

(VI) WIDENING OF SLAB CULVERT 1 1,090,215.04 10.90


i 1X8.0 M 1 3,937,878.10 39.38


(IX) REHABILITATION OF BRIDGE (MNB/MJB) 3 1,176,003.08 11.76

TOTAL 71 92,071,157 920.71


AT CH-1+385, CH-17+628, CH-18+079, CH-18+794, CH-18+875, CH-19+095, CH- 22+695, CH- 22+909, CH-25+994, CH-26+334, CH-29+193, CH-29+674,
CH-32+764, CH-35+334

Formation Width = 12.0 m Size = 1 x 1200

Sr. Item Length Width Thickness No. Of

ITEM No. Unit Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
No. No. (M) (M) (M) Structure
Excavation for Structures (Earth work in excavation
of foundation of structures as per drawing and
technical specification, including setting
CH- 9- 9.1

1 out,construction of shoring and bracing, removal of

stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of
sides and bottom and backfilling with approved

Ordinary soil
A Mechanical Means
Depth Upto 3M
Under head wall 2 6.400 1.400 0.920 Cum 16.486
Under pipe 1 12.200 2.040 0.550 Cum 13.688
Apron U/S 1 6.400 1.500 0.300 Cum 2.880
Apron D/S 1 6.400 3.000 0.300 Cum 5.760
Sub Total 38.815 14 146.00 79337.45

Plain cement concrete complete as per drawing

CH- 9-

and Technical Specifications


PCC Grade M 15

Under head wall (Base Concrete) 2 6.400 1.400 0.150 Cum 2.688 14 3768.00 141797.38

Plain cement concrete complete as per drawing

CH- 9-

and Technical Specifications



For Headwall
Average breath
(0.40+1.25)/2=0.825 2 6.400 0.825 2.690 Cum 28.406
Deduction of pipes
Area of pipe
3.14/4X(1.44)2=1.629 2 -0.825 Area = 1.629 Cum -2.687
Sub Total 25.719 14 4174.00 1502927.60

Providing and fixing guard stones 200 x 200 x 900

CH- 4- 4.17

mm made of precast RCC M-20 grade fixed at 300 mm

4 into the ground in P.C.C.1:3:6 blocks of size 400 x 400
x 400 mm and given two coats of paint with white and
black bands including excavation.
2 No.. 2 14 431.00 12068.00

Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed for

protection against scour with stone boulders
CH- 9- 9.1

5 weighing not less than 40 kg each complete as per

drawing and Technical specification as per clause

A Boulder laid dry without wire crates.

U/S 1 6.400 1.500 0.300 Cum 2.880
D/S 1 6.400 3.000 0.300 Cum 5.760
Sub Total 8.640 14 2413.00 291876.48
Providing and laying Pitching Stone/Boulder on
slopes laid over prepared filter media including
CH- 9- 9.11

boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment

complete as per drawing and Technical
specifications as per clause 2504.

U/S (Half cone volume) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.300 Cum 5.280
D/S (Half cone volume) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.300 Cum 5.280
Sub Total 10.560 14 2413.00 356737.92
Sr. Item Length Width Thickness No. Of
ITEM No. Unit Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
No. No. (M) (M) (M) Structure
Providing and laying Filter material underneath
pitching in slopes complete as per drawing and
CH- 9- 9.12
Technical specification including trimming of slopes
to proper profile and preparation of bed and as per
clause 2504.

U/S (Half cone base Area) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.150 Cum 2.640
D/S (Half cone base Area) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.150 Cum 2.640
Sub Total 5.280 14 2079.00 153679.68

Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete

pipe NP 4 /prestrssed concrete pipe on first class
bedding (Laying Reinforced cement concrete pipe
NP4/prestressed concrete pipe for culverts on first
class bedding of granular material including fixing
CH- 9- 9.2

8 colla r with cement mortar 1:2 and bedding aas per

clause 2904but excluding excavation, protection
works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in
head walls and parapets . )

1200 mm dia 1 15.000 RM 15.00 14 9015.00 1893150.00

Removing all type of hume pipes and stacking within

CH- 2- 2.4

a lead up to 1000 meters including earthwork and


9 dismantling of masonry works around pipes.

Up to 1000 mm Dia 1 10.000 RM 10.00 14 400.00 56000.00

TOTAL 4487574.51
Say ` 44.88 Lacs
AT CH-23+463, CH-26+436
Formation Width = 12.0 m Size = 1 x 1200

Sr. Length Width Thickness No. Of
Item ITEM No. Unit Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
No. (M) (M) (M) Structure
1 Excavation for Structures (Earth work in
excavation of foundation of structures as per
drawing and technical specification, including
CH- 9- 9.1

setting out,construction of shoring and bracing,

removal of stumps and other deleterious matter,
dressing of sides and bottom and backfilling
with approved material.)
Ordinary soil
A Mechanical Means
Depth Upto 3M
Under head wall 2 6.400 1.400 0.920 Cum 16.486
Under pipe 1 9.200 2.040 0.550 Cum 10.322
Apron U/S 1 6.400 1.500 0.300 Cum 2.880
Apron D/S 1 6.400 3.000 0.300 Cum 5.760
Sub Total 35.449 2 146.00 10351.05

2 Plain cement concrete complete as per drawing

a) CH- 9- 9.9

and Technical Specifications

PCC Grade M 15
Under head wall (Base Concrete) 2 6.400 1.400 0.150 Cum 2.688
Under Pipe (Base Concrete) 1 12.000 2.040 0.100 Cum 2.448

Qty. of Encased of Pipe 1 10.35 1.740 1.840 Cum 33.137

Deduction of pipes 1 Area= 1.629 10.350 Cum -16.856
Sub Total 21.417 2 3768.00 161394.99

3 Plain cement concrete complete as per drawing

CH- 9-

and Technical Specifications



For Headwall
Average breath
(0.40+1.25)/2=0.825 2 6.400 0.825 2.690 Cum 28.406
Deduction of pipes Area of pipe
3.14/4X(1.44)2=1.629 2 -0.825 1.629 Cum -2.687

Provide P.C.C. Slab On Pipe 1 12.000 1.740 0.300 Cum 20.880

Sub Total 46.599 2 4174.00 389010.18

Providing and fixing guard stones 200 x 200 x 900

mm made of precast RCC M-20 grade fixed at 300
CH- 4- 4.17

mm into the ground in P.C.C.1:3:6 blocks of size

400 x 400 x 400 mm and given two coats of paint
with white and black bands including excavation.

2 No. 2 2 431.00 1724.00

5 Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed

for protection against scour with stone boulders
CH- 9- 9.1

weighing not less than 40 kg each complete as per

drawing and Technical specification as per
clause 2503..
A Boulder laid dry without wire crates.
U/S 1 6.400 1.500 0.300 Cum 2.880
D/S 1 6.400 3.000 0.300 Cum 5.760
Sub Total 8.640 2 2413.00 41696.64
Formation Width = 12.0 m Size = 1 x 1200

Sr. Length Width Thickness No. Of
Item ITEM No. Unit Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
No. (M) (M) (M) Structure
6 Providing and laying Pitching Stone/Boulder on
slopes laid over prepared filter media including
CH- 9- 9.11

boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of

embankment complete as per drawing and
Technical specifications as per clause 2504.

U/S (Half cone volume) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.300 Cum 5.280
D/S (Half cone volume) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.300 Cum 5.280
Sub Total 10.560 2 2413.00 50962.56
7 Providing and laying Filter material underneath
pitching in slopes complete as per drawing and
CH- 9- 9.12

Technical specification including trimming of

slopes to proper profile and preparation of bed
and as per clause 2504.

U/S (Half cone base Area) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.150 Cum 2.640
D/S (Half cone base Area) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.150 Cum 2.640
Sub Total 5.280 2 2079.00 21954.24

8 Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete

pipe NP 4 /prestressed concrete pipe (Laying
Reinforced cement concrete pipeNP4 /prestressed
CH- 9- 9.2

concrete pipe for culverts including fixing collar

with cement mortar 1:2 but excluding bedding
below pipe ,excavation, protection works,
backfilling, concrete and masonryworks in head
walls and parapets . )

1200 mm dia 1 12.000 RM 12.00 2 8843.00 212232.00

9 Removing all type of hume pipes and stacking

CH- 9- 2.4

within a lead up to 1000 meters including


earthwork and dismantling of masonry works

around pipes.

Up to 1000 mm Dia 1 10.000 RM 10.00 2 400.00 8000.00

TOTAL 897325.67
Say ` 8.97 Lacs
AT CH-23+991, CH-30+543
Formation Width = 12.0 m Size = 2 x 1200

Sr. Item Length Width Thickness No. Of

ITEM No Unit Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
No. No. (M) (M) (M) Structure

Excavation for Structures (Earth work in excavation

of foundation of structures as per drawing and
CH- 9 - 9.1

technical specification, including setting

1 out,construction of shoring and bracing, removal of
stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of
sides and bottom and backfilling with approved
Ordinary soil
A Mechanical Means
Depth Upto 3M
Under head wall 2 8.100 1.400 0.920 Cum 20.866
Under pipe 1 12.200 3.980 0.550 Cum 26.706
Apron U/S 1 8.100 1.500 0.300 Cum 3.645
Apron D/S 1 8.100 3.000 0.300 Cum 7.290
Sub Total 58.506 2 146.00 17083.87

Plain cement concrete complete as per drawing

CH- 9 -9.9

2 and Technical Specifications

a) PCC Grade M 15
Under head wall (Base Concrete) 2 8.100 1.400 0.150 Cum 3.402 2 3768.00 25637.47

Plain cement concrete complete as per drawing

CH- 9 -

and Technical Specifications


a) PCC M15
For Headwall
Average breath
(0.4+1.25)/2=0.825 2 8.100 0.825 2.690 Cum 35.952
Deduction of pipes
Area of pipe
3.14/4X(1.44)2=1.629 4 -0.825 1.629 Cum -5.374
Sub Total 30.577 2 3768.00 230431.77
Providing and fixing guard stones 200 x 200 x 900
CH- 4 -4.17

mm made of precast RCC M-20 grade fixed at 300 mm

4 into the ground in P.C.C.1:3:6 blocks of size 400 x 400
x 400 mm and given two coats of paint with white and
black bands including excavation.
2 NO. 2 2 431.00 1724.00

Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed for

protection against scour with stone boulders
CH- 9 -9.1

4 weighing not less than 40 kg each complete as per

drawing and Technical specification as per clause
A Boulder laid dry without wire crates.
U/S 1 8.100 1.500 0.300 Cum 3.645
D/S 1 8.100 3.000 0.300 Cum 7.290
Sub Total 10.935 2 2413.00 52772.31
Providing and laying Pitching Stone/Boulder on
CH- 9 -9.11

slopes laid over prepared filter media including

5 boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment
complete as per drawing and Technical
specifications as per clause 2504.
U/S (Half cone volume) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.300 Cum 5.280
D/S (Half cone volume) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.300 Cum 5.280
Sub Total 10.560 2 2413.00 50962.56
Sr. Item Length Width Thickness No. Of
ITEM No Unit Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
No. No. (M) (M) (M) Structure

Providing and laying Filter material underneath

pitching in slopes complete as per drawing and
CH- 9 -9.12 Technical specification including trimming of slopes
to proper profile and preparation of bed and as per
clause 2504.

U/S (Half cone base Area) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.150 Cum 2.640
D/S (Half cone base Area) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.150 Cum 2.640
Sub Total 5.280 2 2079.00 21954.24

Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete

pipe NP 4 /prestrssed concrete pipe on first class
bedding (Laying Reinforced cement concrete pipe
NP4/prestressed concrete pipe for culverts on first
CH- 9 -9.2

class bedding of granular material including fixing

7 colla r with cement mortar 1:2 and bedding aas per
clause 2904but excluding excavation, protection
works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in
head walls and parapets . )

1200 mm dia 2 15.000 RM 30.00 2 9015.00 540900.00

Removing all type of hume pipes and stacking within a

CH- 2-2.4 (ix)

lead up to 1000 meters including earthwork and

8 dismantling of masonry works around pipes.

Up to 1000 mm Dia 2 10.000 RM 20.000 2 400.000 16000.000

TOTAL 957466.224
Say ` 9.57 Lacs
AT CH-2+520, CH-7+120, CH-10+120, CH-25+000, CH-31+620, CH-36+440, CH-37+460, CH-38+960
Formation Width = 12.0 m Size = 1 x 1200

Sr. Item Length Width Thickness No. Of

ITEM No Unit Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
No. No. (M) (M) (M) Structure
Excavation for Structures (Earth work in excavation
of foundation of structures as per drawing and
technical specification, including setting
CH- 9- 9.1

1 out,construction of shoring and bracing, removal of

stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of
sides and bottom and backfilling with approved

Ordinary soil
A Mechanical Means
Depth Upto 3M
Under head wall 2 6.400 1.400 0.920 Cum 16.486
Under pipe 1 12.200 2.040 2.290 Cum 56.994
Apron U/S 1 6.400 1.500 0.300 Cum 2.880
Apron D/S 1 6.400 3.000 0.300 Cum 5.760
Sub Total 82.120 8 146.00 95916.07

Plain cement concrete complete as per drawing

CH- 9-

and Technical Specifications


PCC Grade M 15

Under head wall (Base Concrete) 2 6.400 1.400 0.150 Cum 2.688 8 3768.00 81027.07

Plain cement concrete complete as per drawing

CH- 9-

and Technical Specifications



For Headwall
Average breath
(0.40+1.25)/2=0.825 2 6.400 0.825 2.690 Cum 28.406
Deduction of pipes
Area of pipe
3.14/4X(1.44)2=1.629 2 -0.825 Area = 1.629 Cum -2.687
Sub Total 25.719 8 4174.00 858815.77

Providing and fixing guard stones 200 x 200 x 900

CH- 4- 4.17

mm made of precast RCC M-20 grade fixed at 300 mm

4 into the ground in P.C.C.1:3:6 blocks of size 400 x 400
x 400 mm and given two coats of paint with white and
black bands including excavation.
2 No.. 2 8 431.00 6896.00

Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed for

CH- 9- 9.1

protection against scour with stone boulders

5 weighing not less than 40 kg each complete as per
drawing and Technical specification as per clause
A Boulder laid dry without wire crates.
U/S 1 6.400 1.500 0.300 Cum 2.880
D/S 1 6.400 3.000 0.300 Cum 5.760
Sub Total 8.640 8 2413.00 166786.56
Providing and laying Pitching Stone/Boulder on
slopes laid over prepared filter media including
CH- 9- 9.11

boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment

complete as per drawing and Technical
specifications as per clause 2504.

U/S (Half cone volume) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.300 Cum 5.280
D/S (Half cone volume) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.300 Cum 5.280
Sub Total 10.560 8 2413.00 203850.24
Sr. Item Length Width Thickness No. Of
ITEM No Unit Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
No. No. (M) (M) (M) Structure
Providing and laying Filter material underneath
pitching in slopes complete as per drawing and
CH- 9- 9.12
Technical specification including trimming of slopes
to proper profile and preparation of bed and as per
clause 2504.

U/S (Half cone base Area) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.150 Cum 2.640
D/S (Half cone base Area) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.150 Cum 2.640
Sub Total 5.280 8 2079.00 87816.96

Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete

pipe NP 4 /prestrssed concrete pipe on first class
bedding (Laying Reinforced cement concrete pipe
NP4/prestressed concrete pipe for culverts on first
CH- 9- 9.2

class bedding of granular material including fixing

colla r with cement mortar 1:2 and bedding aas per
clause 2904but excluding excavation, protection
works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works in
head walls and parapets . )

1200 mm dia 1 15.000 RM 15.00 8 9015.00 1081800.00

TOTAL 2582908.67
Say ` 25.83 Lacs
Provide New 31 No. HPC at Junctions
Size = 1 x 1200

Sr. Item Length Width Thickness No. Of

ITEM No Unit Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
No. No. (M) (M) (M) Structure

Excavation for Structures (Earth work in excavation

of foundation of structures as per drawing and
technical specification, including setting
CH- 9 -9.1

1 out,construction of shoring and bracing, removal of

stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of
sides and bottom and backfilling with approved

Ordinary soil
A Mechanical Means
Depth Upto 3M
Under head wall 2 6.400 1.400 0.920 Cum 16.486
Under pipe 1 27.200 2.040 2.290 Cum 127.068
Apron U/S 1 6.400 1.500 0.300 Cum 2.880
Apron D/S 1 6.400 3.000 0.300 Cum 5.760
Sub Total 152.194 31 146.00 688829.68

Plain cement concrete complete as per drawing

CH- 9 -

and Technical Specifications


PCC Grade M 15

Under head wall (Base Concrete) 2 6.400 1.400 0.150 Cum 2.688 31 3768.00 313979.90

Plain cement concrete complete as per drawing

CH- 9 -9.9

and Technical Specifications



For Headwall
Average breath
(0.40+1.25)/2=0.825 2 6.400 0.825 2.690 Cum 28.406
Deduction of pipes
Area of pipe
3.14/4X(1.44)2=1.629 2 -0.825 1.629 Cum -2.687
Sub Total 25.719 31 4174.00 3327911.11

Providing and fixing guard stones 200 x 200 x 900

mm made of precast RCC M-20 grade fixed at 300
CH- 4 -4.17

mm into the ground in P.C.C.1:3:6 blocks of size 400

x 400 x 400 mm and given two coats of paint with
white and black bands including excavation.

2 NO. 2 31 431.00 26722.00

Providing and laying boulders apron on river bed

for protection against scour with stone boulders
CH- 9 -9.10

weighing not less than 40 kg each complete as per

drawing and Technical specification as per clause

A Boulder laid dry without wire crates.

U/S 1 6.400 1.500 0.300 Cum 2.880
D/S 1 6.400 3.000 0.300 Cum 5.760
Sub Total 8.640 31 2413.00 646297.92
Providing and laying Pitching Stone/Boulder on
slopes laid over prepared filter media including
CH- 9-9.11

boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of

embankment complete as per drawing and
Technical specifications as per clause 2504.

U/S (Half cone volume) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.300 Cum 5.280
D/S (Half cone volume) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.300 Cum 5.280
Sub Total 10.560 31 2413.00 789919.68
Sr. Item Length Width Thickness No. Of
ITEM No Unit Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
No. No. (M) (M) (M) Structure

Providing and laying Filter material underneath

pitching in slopes complete as per drawing and
7 CH- 9-9.12 Technical specification including trimming of
slopes to proper profile and preparation of bed
and as per clause 2504.

U/S (Half cone base Area) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.150 Cum 2.640
D/S (Half cone base Area) 0.5 Area= 35.200 0.150 Cum 2.640
Sub Total 5.280 31 2079.00 340290.72

Providing and laying Reinforced Cement Concrete

pipe NP 4 /prestrssed concrete pipe on first class
bedding (Laying Reinforced cement concrete pipe
NP4/prestressed concrete pipe for culverts on first
CH- 9- 9.2

class bedding of granular material including fixing

8 colla r with cement mortar 1:2 and bedding aas per
clause 2904but excluding excavation, protection
works, backfilling, concrete and masonry works
in head walls and parapets . )

1200 mm dia 1 30.000 RM 30.00 31 9015.00 8383950.00

TOTAL 14517901.02
Say ` 145.18 Lacs
AT CH-1+495
Size = 2 x 1200

Sr. Item Length Width Thickness No. Of

ITEM No. Unit Quantity Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
No. No. (M) (M) (M) Structure

Plain cement concrete complete as per drawing

CH- 9-

and Technical Specifications



For Parapet Wall 1 10.000 0.400 0.500 Cum 2.000 1 4174.00 4174.00

Providing and fixing guard stones 200 x 200 x 900

CH- 4- 4.17

mm made of precast RCC M-20 grade fixed at 300 mm

2 into the ground in P.C.C.1:3:6 blocks of size 400 x 400
x 400 mm and given two coats of paint with white and
black bands including excavation.
2 No.. 2 1 431.00 862.00
Painting on Concrete Surfaces
A Two coats on new surfaces (Painting two coats after
CH- 8-

filling the surface with synthetic enamel paint in all shades


on new plastered concrete surfaces)
2 10.000 1.300 Sqm 26.00 1 62.00 1612.00

Dismantling of existing structures like culverts,

bridges, retaining walls and other structure
comprising of masonry, cement concrete, wood work,
CH- 2- 2.4

steel work, including T&P and scaffolding wherever

4 necessary, sorting the dismantled material, disposal
of unserviceable material and stacking the serviceable
material with all lifts and lead up to 1000 meters and
as per relevant clauses of section-200 in

B Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20 (Parapet Wall)

1 10.000 0.400 0.500 Cum 2.00 1 348.00 696.00

TOTAL 7344.00
Say ` 0.07 Lacs
AT CH- 5+030 SPAN = 1 X 2.00 M
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
1 1.4 Dismantling of existing structures like
culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other
structure comprising of masonry, cement
concrete, wood work, steel work, including
T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary,
sorting the dismantled material, disposal of
unserviceable material and stacking the
serviceable material with all lifts and lead
upto 1000 meters and as per relevant
clauses of section-200 in

(i) Lime / Cement Concrete -

B Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20 Cum 1 8.5 2 1.5 25.50 1.00 25.50 348.00 8,874.00

2 2.1 Excavation for Structures Earth work in

excavation of foundation of structures as
per drawing and technical specification,
including setting out, construction of
shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved
material including dewatering etc.
I Ordinary Soil

(i) Depth upto 3 m

For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 3.09 2.60 195.00
For Return Cum 4 3.65 2.75 2.60 104.27
Sub Total 299.27 1 299.27 146.00 43,693.49

3 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundation complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

A Using concrete mixer

(i) PCC Grade M15
Below foundation
For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 3.090 0.15 11.26
For Return Cum 4 3.65 2.750 0.15 6.02
Sub Total 17.29 1 17.29 4,613.00 79,738.24

4 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundationcomplete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
A Using concrete mixer
(ii) PCC Grade M25
For Abutment Foundation Cum 2 12.00 2.940 0.200 14.11
Cum 2 12.00 2.540 0.200 12.19
Cum 2 12.00 2.140 0.400 20.54
Cum 2 12.00 1.740 0.400 16.70
Cum 2 12.00 0.400 0.400 1.92
Return wall Foundation Cum 4 3.50 2.600 0.400 14.56
Cum 4 3.50 2.000 0.400 11.20
Cum 4 3.50 1.600 0.400 8.96
Cum 4 3.50 0.400 0.400 1.12
Total 101.31 1 101.31 5,921.00 599,868.35

5 2.24 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in foundation complete as
per drawing and technical specifications as
per section 1600
Reinforcement @ 5kg/Cum MT 101.31 0.005 0.51 1 0.51 68,693.00 34,797.1
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
6 3.6 Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced
cement concrete in sub-structure complete
as per drawing and technical
specifications section 1500, 1700 and
2200 (Newly laid concrete shall be covered
by gunny bags)
A Height upto 5m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(iii) P.C.C. Grade M-25
A Height upto 5m
For abutment Substructure Cum 2 12.0 1.120 1.79 48.17
For Return Wall Substructure Cum 4 3.5 1.05 2.29 33.69
Total 81.86 1 81.86 6,278.00 513,925.62
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25
Durt wall Cum 2 12.0 0.3 0.250 1.80
abutment Cap Cum 2 12.0 0.7 0.500 8.40
Bracket 2 12.0 Area= 0.032 0.78
Total 10.98 1 10.98 6,339.00 69,587.01

7 3.7 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bars
reinforcement in sub-structure complete as
per drawing and technical specifications
section 1600 and 2200.

Substructure Reinforcement @ 5kg/sqm MT 81.86 0.005 0.41

Abt cap, Dirt wall (70kg/cum) MT 10.98 0.07 0.77
Sub Total 1.18 1 1.2 69,002.0 81,266.33

8 4.1 Furnishing and Placing

Reinforced/Prestressed cement concrete in
super-structure as per drawing and
Technical Specification sections 1500, 1600
and 1700 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags).
C RCC Grade M 30
(ii) Height UPTO 5m
I. Solid slab Super structure Cum 1.0 2.40 12.00 0.25 7.20 1 7.2 6,973.0 50,205.60

9 4.2 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in super-structurecomplete
as per drawing and technical specifications

Super structure@ 100kg/Cum MT 1 7.20 0.1 0.720

Total 0.720 1 0.72 70,101.00 5,047.27

10 3.8 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/

Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing
wall/return wall with 100 mm dia. AC
pipe, extending through the full width of the
structure with slope of 1 V: 20 H towards
drawing face. Complete as per drawing and
Technical specifications section 2706 and
For abutment meter 2 11.00 1.12 24.64
For Return meter 4 3.00 1.05 13.00
Total Qty. 37.64 1 37.64 321.00 12,082.44

11 3.9 Back filling behind abutment, wing wall

and return wall complete as per drawing
and Technical specification 710.1.4 of I.R.C.
78 and 2200.
(i.) Granular Material Cum 2 8.80 1.79 1.04 16.39
Total Qty. 16.39 1 16.39 905.00 14,833.21
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
12 3.10 Providing and laying of Filter media with
granular materials/stone crushed
aggregates satisfying the requirements
laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of
MORT&H specifications to a thickness of
not less than 600 mm with smaller size
towards the soil and bigger size towards
the wa ll and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted
to a firm condition complete as per
drawing and technical Specifications
710.1.4 of I.R.C. 78 and 2200

Cum 2 8.80 1.79 0.60 18.92

Cum 4 2.90 1.79 0.60 12.47
Total Qty. 31.40 1 31.40 1,926.00 60,468.39
13 3.17 Providing and fixing in position tar paper
bearing for slab as per approved drawings
and specification.

Sqm 2.00 12 0.40 9.60 1 9.60 66.00 633.60

Filler joint
14 4.14 (B) Providing & fixing 20 mm thick
compressible fiber board (12 m long x 25
cm deep ) in expansion joint complete as
per drawing & Technical Specification
Sqm 2 12.00 0.25 6.00 1 6.00 1,204.00 7,224.00

15 4.10 PCC M15 Grade leveling course below

approach slab complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as
per relevant section 2700 Cum 1.00 12.00 3.50 0.10 42.00 1 42.00 4,437.00 186,354.00

16 4.11 Providing and laying M-30 grade

Reinforced cement concrete approach slab
including reinforcement and formwork
complete as per drawing and Technical
specification and as per relevant sections
1500, 1600, 1700 and 2704
Cum 1.00 12.0 3.500 0.200 8.40 1 8.40 9,467.00 79,522.80

17 4.4 Providing and laying Cement concrete

wearing coat M-30 grade including
reinforcement complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications as per relevant
clause of section 2700
Cum 1.00 12.00 9.40 0.075 8.46 1 8.46 11,847.00 100,225.62

18 4.9 Drainage Spouts complete as per

drawing and Technical specifications of Each 2.00 2.00 1 2.00 2,007.00 4,014.00
section 2705
19 5.4 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid
over prepared filter media including
boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of
embankment complete as per drawing
and Technical specifications as per section
a) Stone/Boulder (All four side slopes ) Cum 1.00 Area= 85.47 0.30 25.64 1 25.64 2,413.00 61,872.46

20 5.5 Providing and laying Filter material

underneath pitching in slopes complete as
per drawing and Technical specification
including trimming of slopes to proper
profile and preparation of bed as per
section 2504.
Cum 1.00 Area= 85.47 0.15 12.82 1 12.82 2,079.00 26,654.13

21 4.27 Providing and fixing for hand railing top of

crash barrier in cluding cost of material
complete as per approved drawing Rmt 2 9.40 18.80 1 18.80 600.00 11,280.00

TOTAL COST (Rs.) 2,052,167.69

TOTAL COST (Cr.) 0.21
AT CH- 6+075 SPAN = 1 X 3.00 M
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
1 1.4 Dismantling of existing structures like
culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other
structure comprising of masonry, cement
concrete, wood work, steel work, including
T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary,
sorting the dismantled material, disposal of
unserviceable material and stacking the
serviceable material with all lifts and lead
upto 1000 meters and as per relevant
clauses of section-200 in

(i) Lime / Cement Concrete -

B Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20 Cum 1 8.5 2.5 1.5 31.88 1.00 31.88 348.00 11,092.50

2 2.1 Excavation for Structures Earth work in

excavation of foundation of structures as
per drawing and technical specification,
including setting out, construction of
shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved
material including dewatering etc. complete.

I Ordinary Soil

(i) Depth upto 3 m

For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 4.06 2.65 261.05
For Return Cum 4 3.65 3.31 2.65 127.87
Sub Total 388.92 1 388.92 146.00 56,782.27

3 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundation complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
A Using concrete mixer
(i) PCC Grade M15
Below foundation
For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 4.060 0.15 14.80
For Return Cum 4 3.65 3.310 0.15 7.25
Sub Total 22.05 1 22.05 4,613.00 101,705.58

4 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundationcomplete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

A Using concrete mixer

(ii) PCC Grade M25
For Abutment Foundation Cum 2 12.00 3.910 0.200 18.77
Cum 2 12.00 3.510 0.200 16.85
Cum 2 12.00 2.910 0.400 27.94
Cum 2 12.00 2.410 0.400 23.14
Cum 2 12.00 0.500 0.400 2.40
Return wall Foundation Cum 4 3.50 3.160 0.400 17.70
Cum 4 3.50 2.760 0.400 15.46
Cum 4 3.50 2.360 0.400 13.22
Cum 4 3.50 0.400 0.400 1.12
Total 136.58 1 136.58 5,921.00 808,666.50

5 2.24 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in foundation complete as
per drawing and technical specifications as
per section 1600
Reinforcement @ 5kg/Cum MT 136.58 0.005 0.68 1 0.68 68,693.00 46,909.1

6 3.6 Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced

cement concrete in sub-structure complete
as per drawing and technical
specifications section 1500, 1700 and
2200 (Newly laid concrete shall be covered
by gunny bags)
A Height upto 5m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(iii) P.C.C. Grade M-25
A Height upto 5m
For abutment Substructure Cum 2 12.0 1.455 3.42 119.29
For Return Wall Substructure Cum 4 3.5 1.43 3.92 78.40
Total 197.69 1 197.69 6,278.00 1,241,066.68
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25
Durt wall Cum 2 12.0 0.3 0.300 2.16
abutment Cap Cum 2 12.0 0.7 0.500 8.40
Bracket 2 12.0 Area= 0.032 0.78
Total 11.34 1 11.34 6,339.00 71,869.05

7 3.7 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bars
reinforcement in sub-structure complete as
per drawing and technical specifications
section 1600 and 2200.

Substructure Reinforcement @ 5kg/sqm 197.69 0.005 0.99
Abt cap, Dirt wall (70kg/cum) MT 11.34 0.07 0.79
Sub Total 1.78 1 1.8 69,002.0 122,965.51

8 4.1 Furnishing and Placing

Reinforced/Prestressed cement concrete in
super-structure as per drawing and
Technical Specification sections 1500, 1600
and 1700 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags).

C RCC Grade M 30
(ii) Height UPTO 5m
I. Solid slab Super structure Cum 1.0 3.40 12.00 0.30 12.24 1 12.2 6,973.0 85,349.52

9 4.2 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in super-structurecomplete
as per drawing and technical specifications

Super structure@ 100kg/Cum MT 1 12.24 0.1 1.224

Total 1.224 1 1.22 70,101.00 8,580.36

10 3.8 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/

Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing
wall/return wall with 100 mm dia. AC
pipe, extending through the full width of the
structure with slope of 1 V: 20 H towards
drawing face. Complete as per drawing and
Technical specifications section 2706 and

For abutment meter 2 11.00 1.46 32.01

For Return meter 4 3.00 1.43 17.00
Total Qty. 49.01 1 49.01 321.00 15,732.21

11 3.9 Back filling behind abutment, wing wall

and return wall complete as per drawing
and Technical specification 710.1.4 of I.R.C.
78 and 2200.
(i.) Granular Material Cum 2 7.28 3.42 1.98 49.27
Total Qty. 49.27 1 49.27 905.00 44,590.64

12 3.10 Providing and laying of Filter media with

granular materials/stone crushed
aggregates satisfying the requirements laid
down in clause 2504.2.2. of MORT&H
specifications to a thickness of not less
than 600 mm with smaller size towards
the soil and bigger size towards the wa ll
and provided over the entire surface behind
abutment, wing wall and return wall to
the full height compacted to a firm
condition complete as per drawing and
technical Specifications 710.1.4 of I.R.C. 78
and 2200

Cum 2 7.28 3.42 0.60 29.84

Cum 4 2.90 3.42 0.60 23.78
Total Qty. 53.62 1 53.62 1,926.00 103,267.37
13 3.17 Providing and fixing in position tar paper
bearing for slab as per approved drawings
and specification.

Sqm 2.00 12 0.40 9.60 1 9.60 66.00 633.60

S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
Filler joint
14 4.14 (B) Providing & fixing 20 mm thick
compressible fiber board (12 m long x 25
cm deep ) in expansion joint complete as
per drawing & Technical Specification
Sqm 2 12.00 0.30 7.20 1 7.20 1,204.00 8,668.80

15 4.10 PCC M15 Grade leveling course below

approach slab complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as
per relevant section 2700 Cum 1.00 12.00 3.50 0.10 42.00 1 42.00 4,437.00 186,354.00

16 4.11 Providing and laying M-30 grade

Reinforced cement concrete approach slab
including reinforcement and formwork
complete as per drawing and Technical
specification and as per relevant sections
1500, 1600, 1700 and 2704
Cum 1.00 12.0 3.500 0.200 8.40 1 8.40 9,467.00 79,522.80

17 4.4 Providing and laying Cement concrete

wearing coat M-30 grade including
reinforcement complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications as per relevant
clause of section 2700
Cum 1.00 12.00 10.40 0.075 9.36 1 9.36 11,847.00 110,887.92

18 4.9 Drainage Spouts complete as per drawing

and Technical specifications of section 2705 Each 2.00 2.00 1 2.00 2,007.00 4,014.00

19 5.4 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid

over prepared filter media including
boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of
embankment complete as per drawing
and Technical specifications as per section
a) Stone/Boulder (All four side slopes ) Cum 1.00 Area= 310.58 0.30 93.18 1 93.18 2,413.00 224,831.46

20 5.5 Providing and laying Filter material

underneath pitching in slopes complete as
per drawing and Technical specification
including trimming of slopes to proper
profile and preparation of bed as per
section 2504. Cum 1.00 Area= 310.58 0.15 46.59 1 46.59 2,079.00 96,855.49

21 4.27 Providing and fixing for hand railing top of

crash barrier in cluding cost of material
complete as per approved drawing Rmt 2 10.40 20.80 1 20.80 600.00 12,480.00

TOTAL COST (Rs.) 3,442,825.34

TOTAL COST (Cr.) 0.34
AT CH- 8+895 SPAN = 1 X 3.00 M
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity

1 1.4 Dismantling of existing structures like

culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other
structure comprising of masonry, cement
concrete, wood work, steel work, including
T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary,
sorting the dismantled material, disposal of
unserviceable material and stacking the
serviceable material with all lifts and lead
upto 1000 meters and as per relevant
clauses of section-200 in

(i) Lime / Cement Concrete -

B Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20 Cum 1 8.5 3.5 1.5 44.63 1.00 44.63 348.00 15,529.50

2 2.1 Excavation for Structures Earth work in

excavation of foundation of structures as
per drawing and technical specification,
including setting out, construction of
shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved
material including dewatering etc.
I Ordinary Soil

(i) Depth upto 3 m

For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 3.81 2.31 213.96
For Return Cum 4 3.65 3.15 2.31 106.28
Sub Total 320.24 1 320.24 146.00 46,755.36

3 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundation complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

A Using concrete mixer

(i) PCC Grade M15
Below foundation
For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 3.810 0.15 13.89
For Return Cum 4 3.65 3.150 0.15 6.90
Sub Total 20.79 1 20.79 4,613.00 95,885.59

4 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundationcomplete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

A Using concrete mixer

(ii) PCC Grade M25
For Abutment Foundation Cum 2 12.00 3.660 0.200 17.57
Cum 2 12.00 3.260 0.200 15.65
Cum 2 12.00 2.660 0.400 25.54
Cum 2 12.00 2.260 0.400 21.70
Cum 2 12.00 0.400 0.400 1.92
Return wall Foundation Cum 4 3.50 3.000 0.400 16.80
Cum 4 3.50 2.600 0.400 14.56
Cum 4 3.50 2.200 0.400 12.32
Cum 4 3.50 0.400 0.400 1.12
Total 127.17 1 127.17 5,921.00 752,961.73

5 2.24 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in foundation complete as
per drawing and technical specifications as
per section 1600
Reinforcement @ 5kg/Cum MT 127.17 0.005 0.64 1 0.64 68,693.00 43,677.8

6 3.6 Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced

cement concrete in sub-structure complete
as per drawing and technical
specifications section 1500, 1700 and
2200 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags)
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
A Height upto 5m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(iii) P.C.C. Grade M-25
A Height upto 5m
For abutment Substructure Cum 2 12.0 1.380 3.06 101.38
For Return Wall Substructure Cum 4 3.5 1.35 3.56 67.30
Total 168.68 1 168.68 6,278.00 1,058,993.26
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25
Durt wall Cum 2 12.0 0.3 0.300 2.16
abutment Cap Cum 2 12.0 0.7 0.500 8.40
Bracket 2 12.0 Area= 0.032 0.78
Total 11.34 1 11.34 6,339.00 71,869.05

7 3.7 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bars
reinforcement in sub-structure complete as
per drawing and technical specifications
section 1600 and 2200.
Substructure Reinforcement @ 5kg/sqm MT 168.68 0.005 0.84
Abt cap, Dirt wall (70kg/cum) MT 11.34 0.07 0.79
Sub Total 1.64 1 1.6 69,002.0 112,959.59

8 4.1 Furnishing and Placing

Reinforced/Prestressed cement concrete in
super-structure as per drawing and
Technical Specification sections 1500, 1600
and 1700 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags).
C RCC Grade M 30
(ii) Height UPTO 5m
I. Solid slab Super structure Cum 1.0 3.40 12.00 0.30 12.24 1 12.2 6,973.0 85,349.52

9 4.2 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in super-structurecomplete
as per drawing and technical specifications

Super structure@ 100kg/Cum MT 1 12.24 0.1 1.224

Total 1.224 1 1.22 70,101.00 8,580.36

10 3.8 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/

Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing
wall/return wall with 100 mm dia. AC
pipe, extending through the full width of
the structure with slope of 1 V: 20 H
towards drawing face. Complete as per
drawing and Technical specifications
section 2706 and 2200.
For abutment meter 2 11.00 1.38 30.36
For Return meter 4 3.00 1.35 16.00
Total Qty. 46.36 1 46.36 321.00 14,881.56

11 3.9 Back filling behind abutment, wing wall

and return wall complete as per drawing
and Technical specification 710.1.4 of I.R.C.
78 and 2200.
(i.) Granular Material Cum 2 7.60 3.06 1.78 41.30
Total Qty. 41.30 1 41.30 905.00 37,378.07

12 3.10 Providing and laying of Filter media with

granular materials/stone crushed
aggregates satisfying the requirements
laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of
MORT&H specifications to a thickness of
not less than 600 mm with smaller size
towards the soil and bigger size towards
the wa ll and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted
to a firm condition complete as per
drawing and technical Specifications
710.1.4 of I.R.C. 78 and 2200

Cum 2 7.60 3.06 0.60 27.92

Cum 4 2.90 3.06 0.60 21.30
Total Qty. 49.22 1 49.22 1,926.00 94,799.41
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
13 3.17 Providing and fixing in position tar paper
bearing for slab as per approved drawings
and specification.

Sqm 2.00 12 0.40 9.60 1 9.60 66.00 633.60

Filler joint
14 4.14 (B) Providing & fixing 20 mm thick
compressible fiber board (12 m long x 25
cm deep ) in expansion joint complete
as per drawing & Technical Specification
Sqm 2 12.00 0.30 7.20 1 7.20 1,204.00 8,668.80

15 4.10 PCC M15 Grade leveling course below

approach slab complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as
per relevant section 2700 Cum 1.00 12.00 3.50 0.10 42.00 1 42.00 4,437.00 186,354.00

16 4.11 Providing and laying M-30 grade

Reinforced cement concrete approach
slab including reinforcement and
formwork complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as per
relevant sections 1500, 1600, 1700 and
2704 Cum 1.00 12.0 3.500 0.200 8.40 1 8.40 9,467.00 79,522.80

17 4.4 Providing and laying Cement concrete

wearing coat M-30 grade including
reinforcement complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications as per relevant
clause of section 2700
Cum 1.00 12.00 10.40 0.075 9.36 1 9.36 11,847.00 110,887.92

18 4.9 Drainage Spouts complete as per

drawing and Technical specifications of Each 2.00 2.00 1 2.00 2,007.00 4,014.00
section 2705
19 5.4 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid
over prepared filter media including
boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of
embankment complete as per drawing
and Technical specifications as per section
a) Stone/Boulder (All four side slopes ) Cum 1.00 Area= 249.38 0.30 74.82 1 74.82 2,413.00 180,529.44

20 5.5 Providing and laying Filter material

underneath pitching in slopes complete as
per drawing and Technical specification
including trimming of slopes to proper
profile and preparation of bed as per
section 2504.
Cum 1.00 Area= 249.38 0.15 37.41 1 37.41 2,079.00 77,770.55

21 4.27 Providing and fixing for hand railing top of

crash barrier in cluding cost of material
complete as per approved drawing Rmt 2 10.40 20.80 1 20.80 600.00 12,480.00

TOTAL COST (Rs.) 3,100,481.86

TOTAL COST (Cr.) 0.31
AT CH-12+149 SPAN = 1 X 3.00 M
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

1 1.4 Dismantling of existing structures like

culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other
structure comprising of masonry, cement
concrete, wood work, steel work, including
T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary,
sorting the dismantled material, disposal of
unserviceable material and stacking the
serviceable material with all lifts and lead
upto 1000 meters and as per relevant
clauses of section-200 in

(i) Lime / Cement Concrete -

B Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20 Cum 1 8.5 2.5 1.5 31.88 1.00 31.88 348.00 11,092.50

2 2.1 Excavation for Structures Earth work in

excavation of foundation of structures as
per drawing and technical specification,
including setting out, construction of
shoring and bracing, removal of stumps
and other deleterious matter, dressing of
sides and bottom and backfilling with
approved material including dewatering
etc. complete.
I Ordinary Soil

(i) Depth upto 3 m

For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 3.99 3.24 313.75
For Return Cum 4 3.65 3.435 3.24 162.29
Sub Total 476.04 1 476.04 146.00 69,502.06

3 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundation complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
A Using concrete mixer
(i) PCC Grade M15
Below foundation
For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 3.990 0.15 14.54
For Return Cum 4 3.65 3.435 0.15 7.52
Sub Total 22.07 1 22.07 4,613.00 101,791.38

4 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundationcomplete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

A Using concrete mixer

(ii) PCC Grade M25
For Abutment Foundation Cum 2 12.00 3.840 0.200 18.43
Cum 2 12.00 3.440 0.200 16.51
Cum 2 12.00 2.840 0.400 27.26
Cum 2 12.00 2.440 0.400 23.42
Cum 2 12.00 0.400 0.400 1.92
Return wall Foundation Cum 4 3.50 3.285 0.400 18.40
Cum 4 3.50 2.685 0.400 15.04
Cum 4 3.50 2.285 0.400 12.80
Cum 4 3.50 0.400 0.400 1.12
Total 134.90 1 134.90 5,921.00 798,742.90

5 2.24 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in foundation complete as
per drawing and technical specifications as
per section 1600
Reinforcement @ 5kg/Cum MT 134.90 0.005 0.67 1 0.67 68,693.00 46,333.4

6 3.6 Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced

cement concrete in sub-structure complete
as per drawing and technical
specifications section 1500, 1700 and
2200 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags)
A Height upto 5m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(iii) P.C.C. Grade M-25
A Height upto 5m
For abutment Substructure Cum 2 12.0 1.420 3.25 110.62
For Return Wall Substructure Cum 4 3.5 1.39 3.75 73.03
Total 183.65 1 183.65 6,278.00 1,152,966.94
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25

Durt wall Cum 2 12.0 0.3 0.300 2.16
abutment Cap Cum 2 12.0 0.7 0.500 8.40
Bracket 2 12.0 Area= 0.032 0.78
Total 11.34 1 11.34 6,339.00 71,869.05

7 3.7 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bars
reinforcement in sub-structure complete as
per drawing and technical specifications
section 1600 and 2200.

Substructure Reinforcement @ 5kg/sqm 183.65 0.005 0.92
Abt cap, Dirt wall (70kg/cum) MT 11.34 0.07 0.79
Sub Total 1.71 1 1.7 69,002.0 118,123.95

8 4.1 Furnishing and Placing

Reinforced/Prestressed cement concrete in
super-structure as per drawing and
Technical Specification sections 1500, 1600
and 1700 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags).

C RCC Grade M 30
(ii) Height UPTO 5m
I. Solid slab Super structure Cum 1.0 3.40 12.00 0.30 12.24 1 12.2 6,973.0 85,349.52

9 4.2 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in super-structurecomplete
as per drawing and technical specifications

Super structure@ 100kg/Cum MT 1 12.24 0.1 1.224

Total 1.224 1 1.22 70,101.00 8,580.36

10 3.8 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/

Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment,
wing wall/return wall with 100 mm dia.
AC pipe, extending through the full width of
the structure with slope of 1 V: 20 H
towards drawing face. Complete as per
drawing and Technical specifications
section 2706 and 2200.

For abutment meter 2 11.00 1.42 31.24

For Return meter 4 3.00 1.39 17.00
Total Qty. 48.24 1 48.24 321.00 15,485.04

11 3.9 Back filling behind abutment, wing wall

and return wall complete as per drawing
and Technical specification 710.1.4 of I.R.C.
78 and 2200.
(i.) Granular Material Cum 2 7.43 3.25 1.88 45.41
Total Qty. 45.41 1 45.41 905.00 41,092.49

12 3.10 Providing and laying of Filter media

with granular materials/stone crushed
aggregates satisfying the requirements
laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of
MORT&H specifications to a thickness of
not less than 600 mm with smaller size
towards the soil and bigger size towards
the wa ll and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted
to a firm condition complete as per
drawing and technical Specifications
710.1.4 of I.R.C. 78 and 2200

Cum 2 7.43 3.25 0.60 28.94

Cum 4 2.90 3.25 0.60 22.59
Total Qty. 51.53 1 51.53 1,926.00 99,253.51
13 3.17 Providing and fixing in position tar paper
bearing for slab as per approved drawings
and specification.

Sqm 2.00 12 0.40 9.60 1 9.60 66.00 633.60

S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

Filler joint
14 4.14 (B) Providing & fixing 20 mm thick
compressible fiber board (12 m long x 25
cm deep ) in expansion joint complete
as per drawing & Technical Specification
Sqm 2 12.00 0.30 7.20 1 7.20 1,204.00 8,668.80

15 4.10 PCC M15 Grade leveling course below

approach slab complete as per drawing
and Technical specification and as
per relevant section 2700 Cum 1.00 12.00 3.50 0.10 42.00 1 42.00 4,437.00 186,354.00

16 4.11 Providing and laying M-30 grade

Reinforced cement concrete approach
slab including reinforcement and
formwork complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as per
relevant sections 1500, 1600, 1700 and
2704 Cum 1.00 12.0 3.500 0.200 8.40 1 8.40 9,467.00 79,522.80

17 4.4 Providing and laying Cement concrete

wearing coat M-30 grade including
reinforcement complete as per drawing
and Technical Specifications as per
relevant clause of section 2700
Cum 1.00 12.00 10.40 0.075 9.36 1 9.36 11,847.00 110,887.92

18 4.9 Drainage Spouts complete as per

drawing and Technical specifications of Each 2.00 2.00 1 2.00 2,007.00 4,014.00
section 2705
19 5.4 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid
over prepared filter media including
boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of
embankment complete as per drawing
and Technical specifications as per section
a) Stone/Boulder (All four side slopes ) Cum 1.00 Area= 280.44 0.30 84.13 1 84.13 2,413.00 203,010.45

20 5.5 Providing and laying Filter material

underneath pitching in slopes complete as
per drawing and Technical specification
including trimming of slopes to proper
profile and preparation of bed as per
section 2504.
Cum 1.00 Area= 280.44 0.15 42.07 1 42.07 2,079.00 87,455.19

21 4.27 Providing and fixing for hand railing top of

crash barrier in cluding cost of material
complete as per approved drawing Rmt 2 10.40 20.80 1 20.80 600.00 12,480.00

TOTAL COST (Rs.) 3,313,209.89

TOTAL COST (Cr.) 0.33
AT CH-15+378 SPAN = 1 X 4.00 M
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

1 1.4 (ix) Removing all type of hume pipes and

stacking within a lead upto 1000 meters
including earthwork and dismantling of
masonry works around pipes.
(A ) Up to 1000 mm dia RM 4 10 40 400.00 16,000.00

2 2.1 Excavation for Structures Earth work in

excavation of foundation of structures as
per drawing and technical specification,
including setting out, construction of
shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved
material including dewatering etc.
I Ordinary Soil

(i) Depth upto 3 m

For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 4.4 2.54 271.90
For Return Cum 4 4.15 0.503 2.54 21.23
Sub Total 293.13 1 293.13 146.00 42,797.14

3 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundation complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

A Using concrete mixer

(i) PCC Grade M15
Below foundation
For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 4.400 0.15 16.04
For Return Cum 4 4.15 0.503 0.15 1.25
Sub Total 17.29 1 17.29 4,613.00 79,760.94

4 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundationcomplete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
A Using concrete mixer
(ii) PCC Grade M25
For Abutment Foundation Cum 2 12.00 4.250 0.200 20.40
Cum 2 12.00 3.850 0.200 18.48
Cum 2 12.00 3.250 0.400 31.20
Cum 2 12.00 2.750 0.400 26.40
Cum 2 12.00 0.500 0.400 2.40
Return wall Foundation Cum 4 4.00 0.353 0.400 2.26
Cum 4 4.00 -0.247 0.400 (1.58)
Cum 4 4.00 -0.647 0.400 (4.14)
Cum 4 4.00 0.400 0.400 1.28
Total 96.70 1 96.70 5,921.00 572,546.49

5 2.24 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in foundation complete as
per drawing and technical specifications as
per section 1600
Reinforcement @ 5kg/Cum MT 96.70 0.005 0.48 1 0.48 68,693.00 33,212.2

6 3.6 Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced

cement concrete in sub-structure complete
as per drawing and technical
specifications section 1500, 1700 and
2200 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags)
A Height upto 5m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(iii) P.C.C. Grade M-25
A Height upto 5m
For abutment Substructure Cum 2 12.0 1.525 3.75 137.36
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

For Return Wall Substructure Cum 4 4.0 1.52 4.25 103.09

Total 240.45 1 240.45 6,278.00 1,509,560.92
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25
Durt wall Cum 2 12.0 0.3 0.400 2.88
abutment Cap Cum 2 12.0 0.7 0.500 8.40
Bracket 2 12.0 Area= 0.032 0.78
Total 12.06 1 12.06 6,339.00 76,433.13

7 3.7 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bars
reinforcement in sub-structure complete as
per drawing and technical specifications
section 1600 and 2200.

Substructure Reinforcement @ 5kg/sqm MT 240.45 0.005 1.20

Abt cap, Dirt wall (70kg/cum) MT 12.06 0.07 0.84
Sub Total 2.05 1 2.0 69,002.0 141,198.42

8 4.1 Furnishing and Placing

Reinforced/Prestressed cement concrete in
super-structure as per drawing and
Technical Specification sections 1500, 1600
and 1700 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags).
C RCC Grade M 30
(ii) Height UPTO 5m
I. Solid slab Super structure Cum 1.0 4.40 12.00 0.40 21.12 1 21.1 6,973.0 147,269.76

9 4.2 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in super-structurecomplete
as per drawing and technical specifications

Super structure@ 100kg/Cum MT 1 21.12 0.1 2.112

Total 2.112 1 2.11 70,101.00 14,805.33

10 3.8 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/

Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing
wall/return wall with 100 mm dia. AC
pipe, extending through the full width of
the structure with slope of 1 V: 20 H
towards drawing face. Complete as per
drawing and Technical specifications
section 2706 and 2200.
For abutment meter 2 11.00 1.53 33.55
For Return meter 4 3.50 1.52 21.00
Total Qty. 54.55 1 54.55 321.00 17,510.55

11 3.9 Back filling behind abutment, wing wall

and return wall complete as per drawing
and Technical specification 710.1.4 of I.R.C.
78 and 2200.
(i.) Granular Material Cum 2 13.29 3.75 2.18 108.60
Total Qty. 108.60 1 108.60 905.00 98,285.48

12 3.10 Providing and laying of Filter media with

granular materials/stone crushed
aggregates satisfying the requirements
laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of
MORT&H specifications to a thickness of
not less than 600 mm with smaller size
towards the soil and bigger size towards
the wa ll and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted
to a firm condition complete as per
drawing and technical Specifications
710.1.4 of I.R.C. 78 and 2200

Cum 2 13.29 3.75 0.60 59.87

Cum 4 3.40 3.75 0.60 30.62
Total Qty. 90.50 1 90.50 1,926.00 174,294.02
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

13 3.17 Providing and fixing in position tar paper

bearing for slab as per approved drawings
and specification.

Sqm 2.00 12 0.40 9.60 1 9.60 66.00 633.60

Filler joint
14 4.14 (B) Providing & fixing 20 mm thick
compressible fiber board (12 m long x 25
cm deep ) in expansion joint complete
as per drawing & Technical Specification
Sqm 2 12.00 0.40 9.60 1 9.60 1,204.00 11,558.40

15 4.10 PCC M15 Grade leveling course below

approach slab complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as
per relevant section 2700 Cum 1.00 12.00 3.50 0.10 42.00 1 42.00 4,437.00 186,354.00

16 4.11 Providing and laying M-30 grade

Reinforced cement concrete approach
slab including reinforcement and
formwork complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as per
relevant sections 1500, 1600, 1700 and
2704 Cum 1.00 12.0 3.500 0.200 8.40 1 8.40 9,467.00 79,522.80

17 4.4 Providing and laying Cement concrete

wearing coat M-30 grade including
reinforcement complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications as per relevant
clause of section 2700
Cum 1.00 12.00 11.40 0.075 10.26 1 10.26 11,847.00 121,550.22

18 4.9 Drainage Spouts complete as per

drawing and Technical specifications of Each 2.00 2.00 1 2.00 2,007.00 4,014.00
section 2705
19 5.4 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid
over prepared filter media including
boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of
embankment complete as per drawing
and Technical specifications as per section
a) Stone/Boulder (All four side slopes ) Cum 1.00 Area= 374.89 0.30 112.47 1 112.47 2,413.00 271,380.41

20 5.5 Providing and laying Filter material

underneath pitching in slopes complete as
per drawing and Technical specification
including trimming of slopes to proper
profile and preparation of bed as per
section 2504.
Cum 1.00 Area= 374.89 0.15 56.23 1 56.23 2,079.00 116,908.39

21 4.27 Providing and fixing for hand railing top of

crash barrier in cluding cost of material
complete as per approved drawing Rmt 2 12.40 24.80 1 24.80 600.00 14,880.00

TOTAL COST (Rs.) 3,730,476.24

TOTAL COST (Cr.) 0.37
AT CH-34+000 SPAN = 1 X 4.00 M
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

1 1.4 (ix) Removing all type of hume pipes and

stacking within a lead upto 1000 meters
including earthwork and dismantling of
masonry works around pipes.
(A ) Up to 1000 mm dia RM 3 8 24 400.00 9,600.00

2 2.1 Excavation for Structures Earth work in

excavation of foundation of structures as
per drawing and technical specification,
including setting out, construction of
shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved
material including dewatering etc.
I Ordinary Soil

(i) Depth upto 3 m

For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 4.345 3.21 339.35
For Return Cum 4 4.15 3.73 3.21 199.00
Sub Total 538.35 1 538.35 146.00 78,599.07

3 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundation complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

A Using concrete mixer

(i) PCC Grade M15
Below foundation
For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 4.345 0.15 15.84
For Return Cum 4 4.15 3.730 0.15 9.29
Sub Total 25.13 1 25.13 4,613.00 115,902.66

4 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundationcomplete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
A Using concrete mixer
(ii) PCC Grade M25
For Abutment Foundation Cum 2 12.00 4.195 0.200 20.14
Cum 2 12.00 3.795 0.200 18.22
Cum 2 12.00 3.395 0.400 32.59
Cum 2 12.00 2.895 0.400 27.79
Cum 2 12.00 0.500 0.400 2.40
Return wall Foundation Cum 4 4.00 3.580 0.400 22.91
Cum 4 4.00 2.980 0.400 19.07
Cum 4 4.00 2.580 0.400 16.51
Cum 4 4.00 0.400 0.400 1.28
Total 160.91 1 160.91 5,921.00 952,759.95

5 2.24 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in foundation complete as
per drawing and technical specifications as
per section 1600
Reinforcement @ 5kg/Cum MT 160.91 0.005 0.80 1 0.80 68,693.00 55,267.6

6 3.6 Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced

cement concrete in sub-structure complete
as per drawing and technical
specifications section 1500, 1700 and
2200 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags)
A Height upto 5m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(iii) P.C.C. Grade M-25
A Height upto 5m
For abutment Substructure Cum 2 12.0 1.548 3.86 143.51
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

For Return Wall Substructure Cum 4 4.0 1.54 4.36 107.53

Total 251.04 1 251.04 6,278.00 1,576,016.06
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25
Durt wall Cum 2 12.0 0.3 0.400 2.88
abutment Cap Cum 2 12.0 0.7 0.500 8.40
Bracket 2 12.0 Area= 0.032 0.78
Total 12.06 1 12.06 6,339.00 76,433.13

7 3.7 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bars
reinforcement in sub-structure complete as
per drawing and technical specifications
section 1600 and 2200.
Substructure Reinforcement @ 5kg/sqm MT 251.04 0.005 1.26
Abt cap, Dirt wall (70kg/cum) MT 12.06 0.07 0.84
Sub Total 2.10 1 2.1 69,002.0 144,850.49

8 4.1 Furnishing and Placing

Reinforced/Prestressed cement concrete in
super-structure as per drawing and
Technical Specification sections 1500, 1600
and 1700 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags).
C RCC Grade M 30
(ii) Height UPTO 5m
I. Solid slab Super structure Cum 1.0 4.40 12.00 0.40 21.12 1 21.1 6,973.0 147,269.76

9 4.2 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in super-structurecomplete
as per drawing and technical specifications

Super structure@ 100kg/Cum MT 1 21.12 0.1 2.112

Total 2.112 1 2.11 70,101.00 14,805.33

10 3.8 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/

Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing
wall/return wall with 100 mm dia. AC
pipe, extending through the full width of
the structure with slope of 1 V: 20 H
towards drawing face. Complete as per
drawing and Technical specifications
section 2706 and 2200.
For abutment meter 2 11.00 1.55 34.05
For Return meter 4 3.50 1.54 22.00
Total Qty. 56.05 1 56.05 321.00 17,990.45

11 3.9 Back filling behind abutment, wing wall

and return wall complete as per drawing
and Technical specification 710.1.4 of I.R.C.
78 and 2200.
(i.) Granular Material Cum 2 6.84 3.86 2.24 59.23
Total Qty. 59.23 1 59.23 905.00 53,605.20

12 3.10 Providing and laying of Filter media with

granular materials/stone crushed
aggregates satisfying the requirements
laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of
MORT&H specifications to a thickness of
not less than 600 mm with smaller size
towards the soil and bigger size towards
the wa ll and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted
to a firm condition complete as per
drawing and technical Specifications
710.1.4 of I.R.C. 78 and 2200

Cum 2 6.84 3.86 0.60 31.72

Cum 4 3.40 3.86 0.60 31.53
Total Qty. 63.25 1 63.25 1,926.00 121,811.70
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

13 3.17 Providing and fixing in position tar paper

bearing for slab as per approved drawings
and specification.

Sqm 2.00 12 0.40 9.60 1 9.60 66.00 633.60

Filler joint
14 4.14 (B) Providing & fixing 20 mm thick
compressible fiber board (12 m long x 25
cm deep ) in expansion joint complete
as per drawing & Technical Specification
Sqm 2 12.00 0.40 9.60 1 9.60 1,204.00 11,558.40

15 4.10 PCC M15 Grade leveling course below

approach slab complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as
per relevant section 2700 Cum 1.00 12.00 3.50 0.10 42.00 1 42.00 4,437.00 186,354.00

16 4.11 Providing and laying M-30 grade

Reinforced cement concrete approach
slab including reinforcement and
formwork complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as per
relevant sections 1500, 1600, 1700 and
2704 Cum 1.00 12.0 3.500 0.200 8.40 1 8.40 9,467.00 79,522.80

17 4.4 Providing and laying Cement concrete

wearing coat M-30 grade including
reinforcement complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications as per relevant
clause of section 2700
Cum 1.00 12.00 11.40 0.075 10.26 1 10.26 11,847.00 121,550.22

18 4.9 Drainage Spouts complete as per

drawing and Technical specifications of Each 2.00 2.00 1 2.00 2,007.00 4,014.00
section 2705
19 5.4 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid
over prepared filter media including
boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of
embankment complete as per drawing
and Technical specifications as per section
a) Stone/Boulder (All four side slopes ) Cum 1.00 Area= 397.39 0.30 119.22 1 119.22 2,413.00 287,670.68

20 5.5 Providing and laying Filter material

underneath pitching in slopes complete as
per drawing and Technical specification
including trimming of slopes to proper
profile and preparation of bed as per
section 2504.
Cum 1.00 Area= 397.39 0.15 59.61 1 59.61 2,079.00 123,926.10

21 4.27 Providing and fixing for hand railing top of

crash barrier in cluding cost of material
complete as per approved drawing Rmt 2 12.40 24.80 1 24.80 600.00 14,880.00

TOTAL COST (Rs.) 4,195,021.24

TOTAL COST (Cr.) 0.42
AT CH- 28+214 SPAN = 1 X 5.00 M
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity

1 1.4 (ix) Removing all type of hume pipes and

stacking within a lead upto 1000 meters
including earthwork and dismantling of
masonry works around pipes.
(B ) Above 1000 mm dia RM 4 8 32 531.00 16,992.00

2 2.1 Excavation for Structures Earth work in

excavation of foundation of structures as
per drawing and technical specification,
including setting out, construction of
shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved
material including dewatering etc.
I Ordinary Soil

(i) Depth upto 3 m

For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 4.34 2.68 282.22
For Return Cum 4 4.15 3.37 2.68 149.70
Sub Total 431.92 1 431.92 146.00 63,059.90

3 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundation complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.
A Using concrete mixer
(i) PCC Grade M15
Below foundation
For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 4.340 0.15 15.82
For Return Cum 4 4.15 3.370 0.15 8.39
Sub Total 24.21 1 24.21 4,613.00 111,683.50

4 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundationcomplete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

A Using concrete mixer

(ii) PCC Grade M25
For Abutment Foundation Cum 2 12.00 4.190 0.200 20.11
Cum 2 12.00 3.790 0.200 18.19
Cum 2 12.00 3.190 0.400 30.62
Cum 2 12.00 2.690 0.400 25.82
Cum 2 12.00 0.500 0.400 2.40
Return wall Foundation Cum 4 4.00 3.220 0.400 20.61
Cum 4 4.00 2.620 0.400 16.77
Cum 4 4.00 2.220 0.400 14.21
Cum 4 4.00 0.400 0.400 1.28
Total 150.02 1 150.02 5,921.00 888,244.74

5 2.24 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in foundation complete as
per drawing and technical specifications as
per section 1600
Reinforcement @ 5kg/Cum MT 150.02 0.005 0.75 1 0.75 68,693.00 51,525.2

6 3.6 Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced

cement concrete in sub-structure complete
as per drawing and technical
specifications section 1500, 1700 and
2200 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags)
A Height upto 5m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(iii) P.C.C. Grade M-25
A Height upto 5m
For abutment Substructure Cum 2 12.0 1.395 3.12 104.32
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
For Return Wall Substructure Cum 4 4.0 1.36 3.62 78.68
Total 183.01 1 183.01 6,278.00 1,148,923.22
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25
Durt wall Cum 2 12.0 0.3 0.550 3.96
abutment Cap Cum 2 12.0 0.7 0.500 8.40
Bracket 2 12.0 Area= 0.135 3.24
Total 15.60 1 15.60 6,339.00 98,888.40

7 3.7 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bars
reinforcement in sub-structure complete as
per drawing and technical specifications
section 1600 and 2200.

Substructure Reinforcement @ 5kg/sqm MT 183.01 0.005 0.92

Abt cap, Dirt wall (70kg/cum) MT 15.60 0.07 1.09
Sub Total 2.01 1 2.0 69,002.0 138,489.72

8 4.1 Furnishing and Placing

Reinforced/Prestressed cement concrete in
super-structure as per drawing and
Technical Specification sections 1500, 1600
and 1700 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags).
C RCC Grade M 30
(ii) Height UPTO 5m
I. Solid slab Super structure Cum 1.0 5.40 12.00 0.55 35.64 1 35.6 6,973.0 248,517.72

9 4.2 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in super-structurecomplete
as per drawing and technical specifications

Super structure@ 100kg/Cum MT 1 35.64 0.1 3.564

Total 3.564 1 3.56 70,101.00 24,984.00

10 3.8 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/

Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing
wall/return wall with 100 mm dia. AC
pipe, extending through the full width of
the structure with slope of 1 V: 20 H
towards drawing face. Complete as per
drawing and Technical specifications
section 2706 and 2200.
For abutment meter 2 11.00 1.40 30.69
For Return meter 4 3.50 1.36 19.00
Total Qty. 49.69 1 49.69 321.00 15,950.49

11 3.9 Back filling behind abutment, wing wall

and return wall complete as per drawing
and Technical specification 710.1.4 of I.R.C.
78 and 2200.
(i.) Granular Material Cum 2 7.56 3.12 1.81 42.57
Total Qty. 42.57 1 42.57 905.00 38,529.49

12 3.10 Providing and laying of Filter media with

granular materials/stone crushed
aggregates satisfying the requirements
laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of
MORT&H specifications to a thickness of
not less than 600 mm with smaller size
towards the soil and bigger size towards
the wa ll and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted
to a firm condition complete as per
drawing and technical Specifications
710.1.4 of I.R.C. 78 and 2200

Cum 2 7.56 3.12 0.60 28.27

Cum 4 3.40 3.12 0.60 25.43
Total Qty. 53.69 1 53.69 1,926.00 103,416.40
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
13 3.17 Providing and fixing in position tar paper
bearing for slab as per approved drawings
and specification.
Sqm 2.00 12 0.40 9.60 1 9.60 66.00 633.60

Filler joint
14 4.14 (B) Providing & fixing 20 mm thick
compressible fiber board (12 m long x 25
cm deep ) in expansion joint complete
as per drawing & Technical Specification
Sqm 2 12.00 0.55 13.20 1 13.20 1,204.00 15,892.80

15 4.10 PCC M15 Grade leveling course below

approach slab complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as
per relevant section 2700 Cum 1.00 12.00 3.50 0.15 42.00 1 42.00 4,437.00 186,354.00

16 4.11 Providing and laying M-30 grade

Reinforced cement concrete approach
slab including reinforcement and
formwork complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as per
relevant sections 1500, 1600, 1700 and
2704 Cum 1.00 12.0 3.500 0.300 12.60 1 12.60 9,467.00 119,284.20

17 4.4 Providing and laying Cement concrete

wearing coat M-30 grade including
reinforcement complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications as per relevant
clause of section 2700 Cum 1.00 12.00 12.40 0.075 11.16 1 11.16 11,847.00 132,212.52

18 4.9 Drainage Spouts complete as per

drawing and Technical specifications of Each 2.00 2.00 1 2.00 2,007.00 4,014.00
section 2705
19 5.4 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid
over prepared filter media including
boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of
embankment complete as per drawing
and Technical specifications as per section
a) Stone/Boulder (All four side slopes ) Cum 1.00 Area= 258.43 0.30 77.53 1 77.53 2,413.00 187,075.22

20 5.5 Providing and laying Filter material

underneath pitching in slopes complete as
per drawing and Technical specification
including trimming of slopes to proper
profile and preparation of bed as per
section 2504. Cum 1.00 Area= 258.43 0.15 38.76 1 38.76 2,079.00 80,590.42

21 4.27 Providing and fixing for hand railing top of

crash barrier in cluding cost of material
complete as per approved drawing Rmt 2 13.40 26.80 1 26.80 600.00 16,080.00

TOTAL COST (Rs.) 3,691,341.57

TOTAL COST (Cr.) 0.37
AT CH- 13+453 SPAN = 1 X 2.30 M
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)

1 2.1 Excavation for Structures Earth work in

excavation of foundation of structures as
per drawing and technical specification,
including setting out, construction of
shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved
material including dewatering etc.
I Ordinary Soil

(i) Depth upto 3 m

For Abutment Cum 2 3.75 3.15 2.66 62.89
For Return Cum 2 3.65 2.82 2.66 54.80
Sub Total 117.69 1 117.69 146.00 17,182.69

2 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundation complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

A Using concrete mixer

(i) PCC Grade M15
Below foundation
For Abutment Cum 2 3.75 3.150 0.15 3.54
For Return Cum 2 3.65 2.820 0.15 3.09
Sub Total 6.63 1 6.63 4,613.00 30,591.80

3 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundationcomplete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

A Using concrete mixer

(ii) PCC Grade M25
For Abutment Foundation Cum 2 3.60 3.000 0.200 4.32
Cum 2 3.60 2.600 0.200 3.74
Cum 2 3.60 2.200 0.400 6.34
Cum 2 3.60 1.800 0.400 5.18
Cum 2 3.60 0.400 0.400 0.58
Return wall Foundation Cum 2 3.50 2.670 0.400 7.48
Cum 2 3.50 2.070 0.400 5.80
Cum 2 3.50 1.670 0.400 4.68
Cum 2 3.50 0.400 0.400 0.56
Total 38.67 1 38.67 5,921.00 228,953.23

4 2.24 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in foundation complete as
per drawing and technical specifications as
per section 1600
Reinforcement @ 5kg/Cum MT 38.67 0.005 0.19 1 0.19 68,693.00 13,281.1

5 3.6 Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced

cement concrete in sub-structure complete
as per drawing and technical
specifications section 1500, 1700 and
2200 (Newly laid concrete shall be covered
by gunny bags)
A Height upto 5m
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(iii) P.C.C. Grade M-25
A Height upto 5m
For abutment Substructure Cum 2 3.6 1.150 1.96 16.26
For Return Wall Substructure Cum 2 3.5 1.09 2.46 18.71
Total 34.98 1 34.98 6,278.00 219,579.33
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
Durt wall Cum 2 3.6 0.3 0.250 0.54
abutment Cap Cum 2 3.6 0.7 0.500 2.52
Bracket 2 3.6 Area= 0.032 0.23
Total 3.29 1 3.29 6,339.00 20,876.10

6 3.7 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bars
reinforcement in sub-structure complete as
per drawing and technical specifications
section 1600 and 2200.

Substructure Reinforcement @ 5kg/sqm 34.98 0.005 0.17
Abt cap, Dirt wall (70kg/cum) MT 3.29 0.07 0.23
Sub Total 0.41 1 0.4 69,002.0 27,974.07

7 4.1 Furnishing and Placing

Reinforced/Prestressed cement concrete in
super-structure as per drawing and
Technical Specification sections 1500, 1600
and 1700 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags).

C RCC Grade M 30
(ii) Height UPTO 5m
I. Solid slab Super structure Cum 1.0 2.70 3.60 0.25 2.43 1 2.4 6,973.0 16,944.39

8 4.2 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in super-structurecomplete
as per drawing and technical specifications

Super structure@ 100kg/Cum MT 1 2.43 0.1 0.243

Total 0.243 1 0.24 70,101.00 1,703.45

9 3.8 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/

Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment, wing
wall/return wall with 100 mm dia. AC
pipe, extending through the full width of the
structure with slope of 1 V: 20 H towards
drawing face. Complete as per drawing and
Technical specifications section 2706 and
For abutment meter 2 2.60 1.15 5.98
For Return meter 2 3.00 1.09 7.00
Total Qty. 12.98 1 12.98 321.00 4,166.58

10 3.9 Back filling behind abutment, wing wall

and return wall complete as per drawing
and Technical specification 710.1.4 of I.R.C.
78 and 2200.
(i.) Granular Material Cum 2 0.26 1.96 1.14 0.58
Total Qty. 0.58 1 0.58 905.00 526.42

11 3.10 Providing and laying of Filter media with

granular materials/stone crushed
aggregates satisfying the requirements
laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of
MORT&H specifications to a thickness of
not less than 600 mm with smaller size
towards the soil and bigger size towards
the wa ll and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted
to a firm condition complete as per
drawing and technical Specifications
710.1.4 of I.R.C. 78 and 2200

Cum 2 0.26 1.96 0.60 0.61

Cum 2 2.90 1.96 0.60 6.83
Total Qty. 7.45 1 7.45 1,926.00 14,343.86
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
12 3.17 Providing and fixing in position tar paper
bearing for slab as per approved drawings
and specification.

Sqm 2.00 12 0.40 9.60 1 9.60 66.00 633.60

Filler joint
13 4.14 (B) Providing & fixing 20 mm thick
compressible fiber board (12 m long x 25
cm deep ) in expansion joint complete as
per drawing & Technical Specification
Sqm 2 3.60 0.25 1.80 1 1.80 1,204.00 2,167.20

14 4.10 PCC M15 Grade leveling course below

approach slab complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as
per relevant section 2700 Cum 1.00 12.00 3.50 0.10 42.00 1 42.00 4,437.00 186,354.00

15 4.11 Providing and laying M-30 grade

Reinforced cement concrete approach slab
including reinforcement and formwork
complete as per drawing and Technical
specification and as per relevant sections
1500, 1600, 1700 and 2704
Cum 1.00 12.0 3.500 0.200 8.40 1 8.40 9,467.00 79,522.80

16 4.4 Providing and laying Cement concrete

wearing coat M-30 grade including
reinforcement complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications as per relevant
clause of section 2700
Cum 1.00 12.00 9.70 0.075 8.73 1 8.73 11,847.00 103,424.31

17 4.9 Drainage Spouts complete as per

drawing and Technical specifications of Each 2.00 2.00 1 2.00 2,007.00 4,014.00
section 2705
18 5.4 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid
over prepared filter media including
boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of
embankment complete as per drawing
and Technical specifications as per section
a) Stone/Boulder (All four side slopes ) Cum 1.00 Area= 102.67 0.30 30.80 1 30.80 2,413.00 74,319.77

19 5.5 Providing and laying Filter material

underneath pitching in slopes complete as
per drawing and Technical specification
including trimming of slopes to proper
profile and preparation of bed as per
section 2504.
Cum 1.00 Area= 102.67 0.15 15.40 1 15.40 2,079.00 32,016.33

20 4.27 Providing and fixing for hand railing top of

crash barrier in cluding cost of material
complete as per approved drawing Rmt 2 9.70 19.40 1 19.40 600.00 11,640.00

TOTAL COST (Rs.) 1,090,215.04

TOTAL COST (Cr.) 0.11
AT CH- 3+710 SPAN = 1 X 8.00 M
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity

1 1.4 Dismantling of existing structures like

culverts, bridges, retaining walls and other
structure comprising of masonry, cement
concrete, wood work, steel work, including
T&P and scaffolding wherever necessary,
sorting the dismantled material, disposal of
unserviceable material and stacking the
serviceable material with all lifts and lead
upto 1000 meters and as per relevant
clauses of section-200 in

(i) Lime / Cement Concrete -

B Cement Concrete Grade M-15 & M-20 Cum 1 7.0 6.8 1.5 71.40 1.00 71.40 348.00 24,847.20

2 2.1 Excavation for Structures Earth work in

excavation of foundation of structures as
per drawing and technical specification,
including setting out, construction of
shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and
other deleterious matter, dressing of sides
and bottom and backfilling with approved
material including dewatering etc.
I Ordinary Soil

(i) Depth upto 3 m

For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 4.45 2.73 294.99
For Return Cum 4 4.65 3.255 2.73 165.16
Sub Total 460.15 1 460.15 146.00 67,182.42

3 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundation complete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

A Using concrete mixer

(i) PCC Grade M15
Below foundation
For Abutment Cum 2 12.15 4.450 0.15 16.22
For Return Cum 4 4.65 3.255 0.15 9.08
Sub Total 25.30 1 25.30 4,613.00 116,716.74

4 2.6 Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open

foundationcomplete as per drawing and
technical specifications.

A Using concrete mixer

(ii) PCC Grade M25
For Abutment Foundation Cum 2 12.00 4.300 0.200 20.64
Cum 2 12.00 3.800 0.200 18.24
Cum 2 12.00 3.000 0.400 28.80
Cum 2 12.00 2.500 0.400 24.00
Cum 2 12.00 0.500 0.400 2.40
Return wall Foundation Cum 4 4.50 3.105 0.400 22.36
Cum 4 4.50 2.505 0.400 18.04
Cum 4 4.50 2.105 0.400 15.16
Cum 4 4.50 0.400 0.400 1.44
Total 151.07 1 151.07 5,921.00 894,473.63

5 2.24 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in foundation complete as
per drawing and technical specifications as
per section 1600
Reinforcement @ 5kg/Cum MT 151.07 0.005 0.76 1 0.76 68,693.00 51,886.6

6 3.6 Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced

cement concrete in sub-structure complete
as per drawing and technical
specifications section 1500, 1700 and
2200 (Newly laid concrete shall be
A Height upto 5m
S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
(a) Using concrete Mixer
(iii) P.C.C. Grade M-25
A Height upto 5m
For abutment Substructure Cum 2 12.0 1.300 2.87 89.48
For Return Wall Substructure Cum 4 4.5 1.30 3.37 78.96
Total 168.44 1 168.44 6,278.00 1,057,493.69
(ii) R.C.C. Grade M-25
Dirt wall Cum 2 12.0 0.3 0.750 5.40
abutment Cap Cum 2 12.0 0.7 0.500 8.40
Bracket 2 12.0 Area= 0.135 3.24
Total 17.04 1 17.04 6,339.00 108,016.56

7 3.7 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bars
reinforcement in sub-structure complete as
per drawing and technical specifications
section 1600 and 2200.

Substructure Reinforcement @ 5kg/sqm 168.44 0.005 0.84
Abt cap, Dirt wall (70kg/cum) MT 17.04 0.07 1.19
Sub Total 2.04 1 2.0 69,002.0 140,420.57

8 4.1 Furnishing and Placing

Reinforced/Prestressed cement concrete in
super-structure as per drawing and
Technical Specification sections 1500, 1600
and 1700 (Newly laid concrete shall be
covered by gunny bags).

C RCC Grade M 30
(ii) Height UPTO 5m
I. Solid slab Super structure Cum 1.0 8.40 12.00 0.75 75.60 1 75.6 6,973.0 527,158.80

9 4.2 Supplying, fitting and placing HSD (High

Strength Deformed Steel) bar
reinforcement in super-structurecomplete
as per drawing and technical specifications

Super structure@ 100kg/Cum MT 1 75.60 0.1 7.560

Total 7.560 1 7.56 70,101.00 52,996.36

10 3.8 Providing weep holes in Brick masonry/

Plain/ Reinforced concrete abutment,
wing wall/return wall with 100 mm dia.
AC pipe, extending through the full width of
the structure with slope of 1 V: 20 H
towards drawing face. Complete as per
drawing and Technical specifications
section 2706 and 2200.

For abutment meter 2 11.00 1.30 28.60

For Return meter 4 4.00 1.30 21.00
Total Qty. 49.60 1 49.60 321.00 15,921.60

11 3.9 Back filling behind abutment, wing wall

and return wall complete as per drawing
and Technical specification 710.1.4 of I.R.C.
78 and 2200.
(i.) Granular Material Cum 2 7.79 2.87 1.66 37.16
Total Qty. 37.16 1 37.16 905.00 33,633.52

12 3.10 Providing and laying of Filter media

with granular materials/stone crushed
aggregates satisfying the requirements
laid down in clause 2504.2.2. of
MORT&H specifications to a thickness of
not less than 600 mm with smaller size
towards the soil and bigger size towards
the wa ll and provided over the entire
surface behind abutment, wing wall and
return wall to the full height compacted
to a firm condition complete as per
drawing and technical Specifications
710.1.4 of I.R.C. 78 and 2200

Cum 2 7.79 2.87 0.60 26.81

S.No. SOR Item Description Unit No. Length Width (m) Depth Quantity No. of Total
Rate (Rs.) Amount (Rs.)
No. (m) (m) str. Quantity
Cum 4 3.90 2.87 0.60 26.84
Total Qty. 53.65 1 53.65 1,926.00 103,338.65
13 3.17 Providing and fixing in position tar paper
bearing for slab as per approved drawings
and specification.

Sqm 2.00 12 0.40 9.60 1 9.60 66.00 633.60

Filler joint
14 4.14 (B) Providing & fixing 20 mm thick
compressible fiber board (12 m long x 25
cm deep ) in expansion joint complete
as per drawing & Technical Specification
Sqm 2 12.00 0.75 18.00 1 18.00 1,204.00 21,672.00

15 4.10 PCC M15 Grade leveling course below

approach slab complete as per drawing
and Technical specification and as
per relevant section 2700 Cum 1.00 12.00 3.50 0.15 42.00 1 42.00 4,437.00 186,354.00

16 4.11 Providing and laying M-30 grade

Reinforced cement concrete approach
slab including reinforcement and
formwork complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as per
relevant sections 1500, 1600, 1700 and
Cum 1.00 12.0 3.500 0.300 12.60 1 12.60 9,467.00 119,284.20
17 4.4 Providing and laying Cement concrete
wearing coat M-30 grade including
reinforcement complete as per drawing and
Technical Specifications as per relevant
clause of section 2700
Cum 1.00 12.00 15.40 0.075 13.86 1 13.86 11,847.00 164,199.42

18 4.9 Drainage Spouts complete as per

drawing and Technical specifications of Each 2.00 2.00 1 2.00 2,007.00 4,014.00
section 2705
19 5.4 Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid
over prepared filter media including
boulder apron laid dry in front of toe of
embankment complete as per drawing
and Technical specifications as per section
a) Stone/Boulder (All four side slopes ) Cum 1.00 Area= 218.93 0.30 65.68 1 65.68 2,413.00 158,481.90

20 5.5 Providing and laying Filter material

underneath pitching in slopes complete as
per drawing and Technical specification
including trimming of slopes to proper
profile and preparation of bed as per
section 2504.
Cum 1.00 Area= 218.93 0.15 32.84 1 32.84 2,079.00 68,272.66

21 4.27 Providing and fixing for hand railing top of

crash barrier in cluding cost of material
complete as per approved drawing Rmt 2 17.40 34.80 1 34.80 600.00 20,880.00

TOTAL COST (Rs.) 3,937,878.10

TOTAL COST (Cr.) 0.39
AT CH- 4+660, CH-17+124,CH-20+753

Sr. SOR Length Width Thickness

ITEM No Unit Quantity No. Rate (Rs) Amount (Rs)
No. Item. No. (M) (M) (M)

1 Excavation for Structures Earth work in excavation of

foundation of structures as per drawing and
technical specification, including setting out,
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of

stumps and other deleterious matter, dressing of

sides and bottom and backfilling with approved
material including dewatering etc. complete.
I Ordinary soil
(i) Upto 3 m depth
For Water way clearance(U/S & D/S)
At CH-20+753(For Toe Wall) 1 44.00 1.10 0.50 Cum 24.200 1 146.00 3533.20
At CH-20+753 2 100.00 40.000 0.500 Cum 4000.000 1 146.00 584000.00

2 Providing and Fixing in position collapsible pipe railing

of approved design including 2 coats painting etc.
complete with channel post ISMC 100x50mm (0.95m

high) and 48.4mm outer dia lighter type class "A" G.I.
pipe excluding cost of end concrete post.
AT CH-20+753 2 40.00 M 80.000 1 1531.00 122480.00

3 Painting on concrete surface of R.C.C. Railing (Providing

and applying 2 coats of water based cement paint to
unplastered concrete surface after cleaning the surface of

dirt, dust, oil, grease, efflorescence and applying paint @

of 1 litre for 2 Sq.m. )

At Ch:-4+660 2 100.00 1.200 Sqm 240.000

At Ch:-17+124 2 60.00 1.200 Sqm 144.000

Total Qty. 384.000 1 151.00 57984.00

4 Painting on kerbs in black and yellow alternate bands

including cost of material and labour complete as per

drawings and specifications as per clause 803.

With Road Marking Paint
At Ch:-4+660 2 100.00 RM 200.00
At Ch:-17+124 2 60.00 RM 120.00
At CH-20+753 2 40.00 RM 80.00
Total Qty. 400.000 1 56.00 22400.00

5 Painting on Steel Surfaces (Providing and applying two

(Road Sor)

coats of ready mix paint of approved brand on steel


surface after through cleaning of surface to give an even 2 60.00 1.200 Sqm 144.000 1 50.00 7200.00

Plain/Reinforced cement concrete in open foundation


complete as per drawing and technical specifications.

A Using concrete mixer
(i) PCC Grade M15 1 44.00 1.100 0.100 Cum 4.840 1 4613.00 22326.92
(ii) PCC Grade M20 1 44.00 0.900 0.300 Cum 11.880
1 44.00 0.200 0.700 Cum 6.160
Total Qty. 22.880 1 5247.00 120051.36

6 Providing and laying Pitching Stone/Boulder on slopes

laid over prepared filter media including boulder apron
laid dry in front of toe of embankment complete as per

drawing and Technical specifications as per clause 2504

AT CH-20+753

At ch-20+753 1.0 Area= 326.050 0.300 Cum 97.815

Sub Total 97.815 1 2413.00 236027.60

TOTAL 1176003.08
Say ` 11.76 Lacs
Chhattisgarh Road Development Corporation Limited
BRIDGE AT CH - 18+519KM. Span= 8 x10.0 m

Item Length Width Depth Total
S.N0. Description Unit No. Quantity of RATE AMOUNT
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity
Excavation for Structures (Earth work in
excavation of foundation of structures as per
drawing and technical specification, including
setting out, construction of shoring and
1 2.1 bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter, dressing of sides and
bottom and backfilling with approved
material.)as per relevant clauses of section 300
& 2100

For Abutment Cum 2.0 12.15 6.55 6.64 1,056.06 1 1,056.06

For Pier Cum 7.0 11.65 4.65 6.15 2,332.13 1 2,332.13
For Toe Wall Cum 1.0 44.0 1.70 0.60 44.88 1 44.88

I Ordinary soil
(i) Upto 3 m depth Cum 686.61 1 686.61 146.00 100,245.52

II Ordinary rock (not requiring blasting) Cum 1,373.23 1 1,373.23 246.00 337,813.68

III Hard rock (requiring blasting) Cum 1,373.23 1 1,373.23 802.00 1,101,327.54

Providing Plain cement concrete M-15

nominal mix in foundation as per relevant
2 2.6 clauses of sections 1500, 1700 and 2100. (Rate
may be taken as per items 12.5.)
(i) PCC Grade M15
Below foundation
For Abutment Cum 2.0 12.15 6.55 0.15 23.87
For Pier Cum 7.0 11.65 4.65 0.15 56.88
For Toe Wall Cum 1.0 44.00 1.70 0.10 7.48
Total 88.24 1 88.24 4613.00 407,032.09

(ii) PCC Grade M20 Cum 44.0 1.50 1.50 0.4 39.60
Cum 44.0 Area= 0.45 0.7 13.86
Total 53.46 1 53.46 5247.00 280,504.62

Provdiing and laying Plain/Reinforced

cement concrete in open foundation including
form work shuttering etc. complete as per
3 2.6
drawing and technical specifications and as per
relevant clauses of sections 1500, 1700 & 2100
with .
A Using concrete mixer
(vii) RCC Grade M30
Base Slab Cum 2.0 6.05 12.00 0.30 43.56
Toe slab Cum 2.0 0.35 12.00 0.40 3.36
Pier Foundation Cum 7.0 11.50 4.50 0.85 307.91
Total 354.83 1 354.83 5992.00 2,126,156.34

Supplying, fitting and placing un-coated

HYSD bar reinforcement in foundation
8 2.24 complete as per drawing and technical
specifications and as per relevant clauses of
section 1600.
Reinforcement @ 90 kg/sqm MT 354.83 0.09 31.93
Sub Total 31.93 1 31.9 68693.00 2,193,705.80


Providing and laying Plain/Reinforced

cement concrete in sub-structure complete
5 3.6 as per drawing and technical specifications
section 1500, 1700 and 2200 (Newly laid
concrete shall be covered by gunny bags).
iii RCC Grade M30
E Height 5m to 10m
SIDE WALLS Cum 4.0 5.46 7.94 0.30 52.04
Cum 4.0 4.86 1.60 0.30 9.33
INTERMEDIATE SHORT WALL Cum 4.0 5.460 7.94 0.25 43.36
Cum 4.0 4.86 1.60 0.25 7.78
INTERMEDIATE LONG WALLS Cum 6.0 3.63 9.54 0.20 41.60
FRONT WALL Cum 2.0 12.00 0.30 7.94 57.18
REAR WALL Cum 2.0 12.00 0.30 9.54 68.70

PIER SHAFT RECTANGULAR Cum 7.0 10.20 9.33 1.00 666.09

PIER SHAFT CIRCULAR Cum 7.0 0.79 9.33 51.29
Item Length Width Depth Total
S.N0. Description Unit No. Quantity of RATE AMOUNT
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity
ABUTMENT CAP Cum 2.0 12.00 0.9 0.5 10.80
DIRT WALL Cum 2.0 12.00 0.30 1.40 10.08
PIER CAP Cum 7.0 11.50 1.60 0.50 64.40
For Abutment Cum 8.0 0.70 0.55 0.50 1.54
For Pier Cum 56.0 0.70 0.55 0.50 10.78

Total 1,094.970 1 1,094.970 6549.00 7,170,958.95

Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar

reinforcement in sub-structure complete as
6 3.7
perdrawing and technical specifications and as
per relevant clause of section 1600.
Substructure Reinforcement @ 100 kg/sqm MT 997.37 0.1 99.74
Abt & pier cap, Chairs, Approach slab & Dirt
wall (150kg/cum) MT 97.60 0.15 14.64
Sub Total 114.377 1 114.377 69002.00 7,892,242.19

Furnishing and Placing Reinforced /

Prestressed cement concrete in super-
7 4.1 structure as per drawing and Technical
Specification and as per relevant clauses of
sections 1500, 1700 and 2300 in
B RCC Grade M 30
(a) Using Concrete Mixer
(ii) Height 5m to 10m
I. Solid slab Super structure Cum 8.0 10.60 9.00 0.90 686.88 1 686.9 7554.00 5,188,691.52
Cum 16.0 10.60 1.50 0.25 63.60 1 63.6 7554.00 480,434.40

Supplying, fitting and placing HYSD bar

reinforcement in super-structure complete as
8 4.2 per drawing and technical specifications as per
relevant clauses of section 1600

Super structure@ 150kg/sqm MT 1.0 750.5 0.15 112.57

Total 112.57 1 112.57 70101.00 7,891,409.77

Back filling behind abutment, wing wall and

return wall complete as per drawing and
Technical specification and as per relevant
9 3.9 clauses 305 of specifications and as per
6 of IRC-78.

(i) Granular Material inside Box Cum 12.0 3.633 2.630 9.54 1,094.06
(ii) Back filling behind abutment, Cum 2.0 12.000 3.500 2.20 92.40
Total Qty. 1,186.46 1 1,186.46 905.00 1,073,747.82

Providing and laying of Filter media with

granular materials/stone crushed aggregates
satisfying the requirements laid down in clause
2504.2.2. of MoRTH specifications to a
thickness of not less than 600 mm with smaller
10 3.10 size towards the soil and bigger size towards
the wall and provided over the entire surface
behind abutment, wing wall and return wall to
the full height compacted to a firm condition
complete as per drawing and technical
Behind abutment Cum 2.0 12.00 3.5 0.60 50.86
Total Qty. 50.86 1 50.86 1926.00 97,957.90

Supplying, fitting and fixing in position true

to line and level elastomeric bearing
conforming to IRC: 83 (Part-II) section IX and
11 3.14 clause 2005 of MORT&H specifications
complete including all accessories as per Per
drawing and Technical Specifications section cubic
2000 and 2200. CM 64.0 70.00 55.00 0.600 147,840.00 1 147,840.00 1.00 147,840.00

4.14 Filler joint

(ii) Providing & fixing 20 mm thick
compressible fibre board in expansion joint
12 complete as per drawing & Technical
Sqm 9.0 12.00 0.90 97.20 1 97.20 1204.00 117,028.80

PCC M15 Grade leveling course below

approach slab complete as per drawing and
13 4.10
Technical specification
Cum 2.0 12.00 5.16 0.15 18.58 1 18.58 4437.00 82,421.71

Reinforced cement concrete approach slab

including reinforcement and formwork
14 4.11
complete as per drawing and Technical
specification Cum 2.0 12.00 5.160 0.300 37.15 1 37.15 9467.00 351,717.98
Item Length Width Depth Total
S.N0. Description Unit No. Quantity of RATE AMOUNT
No. (m) (m) (m) Quantity
Providing and laying Cement concrete wearing
coat M-30 grade including reinforcement
15 4.4 complete as per drawing and Technical
Specifications as per relevant clause of section
2700. Cum 1.0 95.12 12.00 0.075 85.61 1 85.61 11847.00 1,014,197.98

Construction of RCC railing of M30 Grade in-

situ with 20 mm nominal size aggregate, true to
line and grade, tolerance of vertical RCC post
not to exceed 1 in 500, centre to centre spacing
16 4.6
between vertical post not to exceed 2000 mm,
leaving adequate space between vertical post
for expansion, complete as per approved
drawings and technical specifications. (vide metre 2.0 95.12 190.24 1 190.24 1819.00 346,046.56
drawing No. SD/201, SD/304)
Painting on kerbs in black and yellow alternate
bands including cost of material and labour
17 4.20
complete as per drawings and specifications as
per clause 803. metre 2.0 95.12 190.24 1 190.24 56.00 10,653.44

Painting on concrete surface of R.C.C. Railing

(Providing and applying 2 coats of water based
cement paint to unplastered concrete surface
18 4.21
after cleaning the surface of dirt, dust, oil,
grease, efflorescence and applying paint @ of 1
litre for 2 Sq.m. ) SQM 2.0 95.12 1.20 228.29 1 228.29 151.00 34,471.49

Drainage Spouts complete as per drawing and

19 4.9 Technical specification and as per clause 2705
of specifications. No. 2.0 16.00 32.00 1 32.00 2007.00 64,224.00

Providing and laying Pitching on slopes laid

over prepared filter media including boulder
20 5.4 apron laid dry in front of toe of embankment
complete as per drawing and Technical
specifications as per section 2504.
Cum 1.0 Area= 326.05 0.30 97.82 1 97.82 2413.00 236,027.60

Providing and laying Filter material

underneath pitching in slopes complete as
21 5.5 per drawing and Technical specification
including trimming of slopes to proper profile
and preparation of bed as per section 2504. Cum 1.0 Area= 326.05 0.15 48.91 1 48.91 2079.00 101,678.69

Removing all type of hume pipes and stacking

within a lead upto 1000 meters including
22 1.4(IX) earthwork and dismantling of masonry works
around pipes.
B Above 1000 mm dia M 10.0 8.00 80.00 531.00 42,480.00

Total cost (in Rs.) 38,891,016.40

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