Anatomy & Physiology Endocrine
Anatomy & Physiology Endocrine
Anatomy & Physiology Endocrine
The endocrine system is responsible for maintaining balance within the
body, keeping all the systems under control. Using a series of intricate sensory
through the release of hormones (chemical signals) directly into the bloodstream.
Hormones transfer information and instructions from one set of cells to another.
Many different hormones move through the bloodstream, but each type of
selects and removes materials from the blood, processes them, and secretes the
finished chemical product for use somewhere in the body. The endocrine gland
cells release a hormone into the blood stream for distribution throughout the
entire body. These hormones act as chemical messengers and can alter the
The parts of the endocrine system are grouped together because they
release hormones into the blood without going through a duct (which is basically
a tube) first. This is different to an exocrine gland, which releases what it creates
actually cause an effect. It is only through binding with a receptor (part of the cell
specifically designed to recognize the hormone) like a key into a lock - that
causes a chain reaction to occur, changing the activity of the cells. If a cell does
not have a receptor for a hormone then there will be no effect. Also, there can be
different receptors for the same hormone, and so the same hormone can have
The thyroid (meaning 'shield-shaped') gland sits in the center of the neck,
at the front, below the Adam's apple. It is made of two lobes joined in the center.
triiodothyronine (T3). They cause lots of things, but mostly they increase the rate
of metabolism in the body. Metabolism is the amount of energy used by the body.
An increase means more energy sources like fats and sugars are being broken
down, and the body is using more energy to grow. The thyroid is controlled
mainly by the release of Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) from the pituitary
inhibiting the cells which break down bone, and stimulating calcium excretion by
the kidneys.
The parathyroid glands are small, ovoid, and lie on the back of the thyroid
gland. Most people have four parathyroid glands, two at the top, and two at the
There are two types of cell within the parathyroid gland. While calcitonin is
released from the thyroid when calcium levels are too high, the parathyroids
The Thymus
The thymus is located in the lower part of the neck, and the front part of
While the thymus does not play a big role, it does produce several
The Adrenal Glands
The adrenal glands (also known as the suprarenal glands) are yellow,
pyramid-shaped glands located at the top of the kidneys. They usually weigh
roughly 7.5g and are heavier in men than women. Each adrenal gland has two
The adrenal cortex is the outer layer and secretes corticosteroids and
male sex hormones which are derived from cholesterol and various other fats,
hence their yellowish color. It is divided into three distinct zones, each producing
different hormones.
The adrenal medulla is reddish-brown and the cells here are like nerve
cells and are activated by the nervous system. The cell types of this region are
Three major types of hormones are released from the adrenal cortex.
produced in the cortex of great importance and they are aldosterone, the major
muscle and fat for energy and also lowers the amount of energy used by the cells
of the body. It is also anti-inflammatory and lowers the body's ability to protect
Aldosterone: Aldosterone causes the body to try and keep water and
The secretion of these hormones is because of the need for quick bursts of
energy. Their secretion triggers cellular energy use and allows access to the
body's energy reserves. These effects are very rapid and occur within roughly
thirty seconds, and staying there for several minutes. The circulating adrenaline
also causes constriction of virtually every vessel in the body (causing your hands
to go pale), increased activity of the heart (making it beat faster), inhibition of the
gastrointestinal tract (giving you butterflies) and dilation of the pupils of the eyes.
The Pancreas
The pancreas is a, pinkish-grey organ that lies behind to the stomach. The
organ is approximately 15cm in length with a long, slender body connecting the
of small clumps of cells within the pancreas, called pancreatic islets, or the islets
composed of three distinct cell types each producing a different hormone. The
being released when levels are too low. This greatly increases the output of
sugar from the liver and returns blood sugar levels to normal.
Insulin: Insulin is designed to lower blood sugar levels when they become
too high and is released in periods when there is a lot of sugar available, like
after a meal. A lack of insulin means the body has to use fat for metabolism
The pineal gland secretes a substance called melatonin. Melatonin slows the
regulating the 'circadian rhythms' of the body, which influence the day-night
cycle. It is also a powerful antioxidant and protects the brain from toxins.
dioxide gas, feces (also known as stool), and urine. These wastes exit the body
in different ways. Sweat is released through pores (tiny holes) in the skin. Water
vapor and carbon dioxide are exhaled (breathed out) from the lungs. And
undigested food materials are formed into feces in the intestines and excreted
body's metabolism - salts, toxins, and water - that end up in our blood. The
kidneys and urinary tract (which includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and
urethra) filter and eliminate these waste substances from our blood. Without the
kidneys, waste products and toxins would soon build up in the blood to
dangerous levels.
regulate many important body functions. For example, the kidneys monitor and
maintain the body's balance of water, ensuring that our tissues receive enough
Urinary bladder
within the body through ingestion or reduction. Consequently, they are a major
controller of fluid and electrolyte homeostasis. The kidney also have several non-
volume equal to total body water is filtered every 6 hours. Glomerular filtrate is
similar to plasma but lacks cells and large-molecular proteins. The glomerular
Remnants of the glomerular filtrate exit the kidney through the ureters.
The ureters conduct urine from the kidney to the bladder by peristaltic
contraction. Then bladder is a distensible chamber the stores the urine until it is
eliminated. The urethra is the exit passage from the bladder, and it carries urine
abdomen, on either side of the vertebral column. They lie between the twelfth
thoracic and the third lumbar vertebrae. The left kidney is usually slightly
positioned higher than the right. Adult kidneys average 11 cm in length, 5-7.5 cm
in width, and 2.5 cm thickness. Affixing the kidneys in position behind the parietal
called Gerota’s (subserosa) fascia. A fibrous capsule (renal capsule) forms the
external covering of the kidney itself, except the hilum. The kidney is further
The kidney has a characteristic curved shape, with the convex distal edge
and a concave medial boundary. In the innermost part of the concave section are
the hilus, through which pass the renal artery, renal vein, lymphatics, nerves and
the renal pelvis (the natural upper extension of the ureter). A fibrous capsule
surrounds and adheres to the renal parenchyma. Each kidney id divided into
The cortex of the kidney lies just under the fibrous capsule, and portions of
it extend down the medullary layer to from the renal columns (columns of Bertin)
or cortical tissue that separates the pyramids. The medulla is divided into 8 cone-
shaped masses of collecting ducts called renal pyramids. The bases of the
toward the renal pelvis, forming papillae. The papillae each have 10 to 25
openings on the surface, through which the urine empties into the renal pelvis. 8
or more groups of papillae are present in each pyramid; each empties into a
minor calyx, and several minor calices join to form a major calyx. The two to
three calices are outpouchings of the renal pelvis. The renal pelvis cavity is lined
with transitional epithelium. The combined volume of the pelvis and calices is
Within the cortex lies the nephron, the functional unit of the kidneys, which
consists of both the vascular and tubular elements. Filtration begins at the renal
glomerulus. The glomerulus taft contains capillaries and the beginning of the
tubule system, called Bowman’s capsule. Filtrate from the glomerulus enters
Browman's capsule and then passes through a series of tubule segments that
modify the filtrate as it passes through the renal cortex and medulla and finally
flows into the renal calyces. A secondary capillary bed, peritubular capillaries,
carries reabsorbed water and solute back toward the vena cava.
Although the two kidneys work together to perform many vital functions,
people can live a normal, healthy life with just one kidney. If one kidney is
removed, the remaining one will enlarge within a few months to take over the role
Every minute, more than 1 quart (about 1 liter) of blood goes to the
kidneys. About one fifth of the blood pumped from the heart goes to the kidneys
tissues receive enough water, the kidneys also regulate blood pressure and the
level of vital salts in the blood. By regulating salt levels through production of an
enzyme called renin (as well as other substances), the kidneys ensure that blood
pressure is regulated.
stimulates and controls the body's red blood cell production (red blood cells carry
oxygen throughout the body). In addition, the kidneys help regulate the acid-base
balance (or the pH) of the blood and body fluids, which is necessary for the body
to function normally.
The kidneys are located just under the rib cage in the back, one on each
side. The right kidney is located below the liver, so it's a little lower than the left
one. Each adult kidney is about the size of a fist. Each has an outer layer called
the cortex, which contains the filtering units. The center part of the kidney, the
into cup-shaped tubes called calyxes. A layer of fat surrounds the kidneys to
The ureters form the medial tapering of the renal pelvis at the hilus of the
kidney. Usually 25-35 cm long in the adult, the ureters lie in the extraperitoneal
connective tissue and descend vertically along the psoas muscle toward the
pelvic cavity. After dipping into the pelvic cavity, the ureters course anteriorly to
join the bladder in its posterolateral aspect. At each ureterovesical junction, the
ureter runs obliquely through the bladder wall for about 1.5 to 2 cm before
pelvic brim (where cross iliac arteries), and the ureterovesical junction. The
functions as a valve that prevents the backflow (reflux) of urine into the kidney.
layer, and a fibrous outer layer. When the cancer of the bladder or ureter is
diagnosed, the potential for recurrence exist in either structure. The musculature
is generally designated as inner longitudinal and outer circular. Along most of the
ureter, however, the muscle fibers actually run obliquely and blend with one
anastamosing with the ureteric vessels vary with each individual. Because the
ureters travel through several anatomic areas, the ureteral vessels are fed by
several of the following arteries: renal (frequently), testicular or ovarian, aorta and
The innervations of the ureter come form the eleventh thoracic to the first
organ that sits on the pelvic floor in mammals. It is the organ that collects urine
excreted by the kidneys prior to disposal by urination. Urine enters the bladder
In males, the bladder is superior to the prostate, and separated from the
The bladder wall has several tissue layers. The internal lining of the vesical wall
is transitional and epithelium with some mucus-secreting glands. Then there are
three ill-defined muscle layers: the inner and outer layers (longitudinal) and
middle layer (circular). The fibers from this layer interweave to from a mesh-like
muscle layer called detrusor muscle. This arrangement allows the bladder wall to
be elastic while maintaining strength. Bundles of these smooth muscle layers
some together at the base of the bladder to form the internal sphincter, or
opening into the urethra. The trigone describes the triangular area formed by the
The superior and lateral aspects of the bladder are served by the superior
vesical artery, which branches from the umbilical; artery and internal iliac artery.
The inferior vesical artery, which supplies the underside of the bladder, may arise
independently or in common with the middle rectal artery. The veins draining the
Innervation for the bladder comes from the hypogastric sympathetic, pelvic
found in the bladder base and around the urethral orifice. These areas tend to act
in continuity with each other, and their functions seem to be coordinated by both
Blood travels to each kidney through the renal artery, which enters the
kidney at the hilus, the indentation in the kidney that gives it its bean shape. As it
enters the cortex, the artery branches to envelope the nephrons - 1 million tiny
filtering units in each kidney that remove the harmful substances from the blood.
Each of the nephrons contains a filter called the glomerulus, which
contain a network of tiny blood vessels known as capillaries. The fluid filtered
from the blood by the glomerulus then travels down a tiny tube-like structure
called a tubule, which adjusts the level of salts, water, and wastes that are
Filtered blood leaves the kidney through the renal vein and flows back to
the heart. The continuous blood supply entering and leaving the kidneys gives
the kidneys their dark red color. While the blood is in the kidneys, water and
some of the other blood components (such as acids, glucose, and other
nutrients) are reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. Left behind is urine. Urine is
product that forms when proteins are broken down), salts, amino acids, by-
products of bile from the liver, ammonia, and any substances that cannot be
reabsorbed into the blood. Urine also contains urochrome, a pigmented blood
The renal pelvis, located near the hilus, collects the urine flowing from the
calyxes. From the renal pelvis, urine is transported out of the kidneys through the
ureters, tubes that carry the urine out of each kidney to be stored in the urinary
urine at any given time (an average adult produces about 1 1/2 liters, or 6 cups,
of urine per day). An adult needs to produce and excrete at least one third of this
amount in order to adequately clear waste products from the body. Producing too
When the bladder is full, nerve endings in its wall send impulses to the
brain. When a person is ready to urinate, the bladder walls contract and the
sphincter (a ring-like muscle that guards the exit from the bladder to the urethra)
relaxes. The urine is ejected from the bladder and out of the body through the
urethra, another tube-like structure. The male urethra ends at the tip of the
penis; the female urethra ends just above the vaginal opening.
The heart is a hallow, muscular organ located in the center of the thorax,
where it occupies the space between the lungs (mediastinum) and rest on the
diaphragm. It weighs approximately 300 g (10.6 oz), although heart weight and
size are influence by age, gender, and body weight, extent of physical exercise
and conditioning, and heart disease. The heart pumps blood to the tissues,
contraction and relaxation of its muscular wall. During systole (contraction of the
muscle), the chambers of the heart become smaller as the blood is ejected.
During diastole (relaxation of the muscle), the heart chambers fill with blood in
preparation for the subsequent ejection. A normal resting adult heart beats
The heart is composed of three layers, the inner layer or the endocardium,
consists of endothelial tissue and lines the inside of the heart and valves. The
middle layer, or myocardium, is made up of muscle fibers and responsible for the
The heart is encased in a thin, fibrous sac called the pericardium, which is
tissue that attaches to the great vessels, diaphragm, sternum, and vertebral
column and supports the heart in the mediastinum. The space between these
two layers (pericardial space) is filled with about 30mL of fluid, which lubricates
The four chambers of the heart constitute the right-and left-sided pumping
systems. The right side of the heart, made up of the right atrium and right
receives blood returning from the superior vena cava (head, neck, and upper
extremities), inferior vena cava (trunk, and lower extremities), and coronary sinus
(coronary circulation). The left side of the heart, composed of the left atrium and
left ventricle, distributes oxygenated blood to the remainder of the body via the
aorta (systemic circulation). The left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the
The varying thickness of the atrial and ventricular walls relate to the
workload required by each chamber. The atria are thin walled because blood
walls are thicker because they generate greater pressure during systole. The
right ventricle contracts against low pulmonary vascular pressure and has thinner
Because the heart lies in a rotated position with in the chest cavity, the
right ventricle lies anteriorly (just beneath the sternum) and the left ventricle is
situated posteriorly. The left ventricle is responsible for the apex beat or the
valves, which are composed of thin leaflets of fibrous tissue, open and close in
response to the movement of blood and pressure changes within the chambers.
The valves that separate the atria from the ventricles are termed
mitral, or bicuspid (two cups) valve, lies between the left atrium and the left
muscles and the chordae tendineae, maintain valve closure. The papillary
muscles, located on the sides of the ventricular walls, are connected to the valve
leaflets by thin fibrous bands called chordae tendineae to become taut, keeping
The valve between the right ventricle and the pulmonary artery is called the
pulmonic valve; the valve between the left ventricle and the aorta is called the
aortic valve.
Coronary Arteries
The left and right coronary arteries and their branches supply atrial blood
to the heart. These arteries originate from the aorta just above the aortic valve
leaflets. The heart has large metabolic requirements, extracting approximately
70% to 80% of the oxygen delivered (other organs consume, on average, 25%).
Unlike other arteries, the coronary arteries are perfused during diastole. An
increase in heart rate shortens diastole and can decrease myocardial perfusion.
Patients, particularly those with coronary artery disease, can develop myocardial
The left coronary artery has three branches. The artery from the point of
origin to the first major branch is called the left main coronary artery. Two
bifurcations arise off the left main coronary artery. Theses are the left anterior
descending artery, which courses down the anterior wall of the heart, and the
circumflex artery, which circles around to the lateral left wall of the heart.
The right side of the heart is supplied by the right coronary artery, which
progresses around to the bottom or inferior wall of the heart. The posterior wall
of the heart receives its blood supply by an additional branch from the right
Superficial to the coronary arteries are the coronary veins. Venous blood
from these veins returns to the heart primarily through the coronary sinus, which
Cardiac Muscles
The myocardium is composed of specialized muscle tissue.
Cerebral Circulation
or 750mL per minute. The brain does not store nutrients and has a high
metabolic demand that requires high blood flow. The brain’s pathway is unique
because it flows against gravity; its arteries fill from below and the veins drain
from above. In contrast to other organs that may tolerate decrease in blood flow
because of their adequate collateral circulation, the brain lacks additional blood
flow, which may result in irreversible tissue damage when blood flow is occluded
Two internal carotid arteries and two vertebral arteries and their extensive
system of branches provide the blood supply to the brain. The internal carotids
arise from the bifurcation of the common carotid and supply much of the anterior
circulation of the brain. The vertebral arteries branch from subclavian arteries,
flow back and upward on either side of the cervical vertebrae, and enter the
cranium through the foramen magnum. The vertebral arteries join to become the
basilar artery at the level of the brain stem; the basilar artery divides to form two
At the base of the brain surrounding the pituitary gland, a ring of arteries is
formed between the vertebral and internal carotid arterial chains. The ring is
called the circle of Willis and is formed from the branches of the internal carotid
the anterior or carotid circulation usually remain separate. The arteries of the
circle of Willis can provide collateral circulation if one or more of the four vessels
Venous drainage for the brain does not follow the arterial circulation as in
other body structures. The veins reach the brain’s surface, join larger veins, then
cross the subarachnoid space and empties into the dural sinuses, which are the
vascular channels lying with in the tough dura matter. The network of the
sinuses carries venous outflow from the brain and empties into the internal
jugular vein, returning the blood to the heart. Cerebral veins and sinuses are
unique because, unlike other veins in the body, they do not have valves to
prevent blood from flowing backward and depend on both gravity and blood