Conceptualization of Instructional Objectives in Science 10 Instructional Objectives (First Grading)
Conceptualization of Instructional Objectives in Science 10 Instructional Objectives (First Grading)
Conceptualization of Instructional Objectives in Science 10 Instructional Objectives (First Grading)
Sobosobo BSED II
Educ 5
MTW 5:00 P.M. – 6:00 P.M.
Activity Sheet No. 6
Conceptualization of Instructional Objectives in Science 10
Instructional Objectives
(First Grading)
Lesson: Plate Tectonics
Lesson 1:
1.) Identify the relationship among the locations of volcanoes, earthquakes epicenters and mountain ranges
1.1 volcanoes
1.2 earthquake epicenters
1.3 mountain ranges
2.) Demonstrates ways to ensure disaster preparedness
2.1) During earthquakes
2.2) During tsunamis
2.3) During volcanic eruptions
Lesson 2: