114 2020 PDF
114 2020 PDF
114 2020 PDF
Note Candidates from the Ranked List for district wise selection will be advised
(IV) for appointment against the Headquarters vacancies also. As per the
provision in G.O(Ms) 154/71/PD dated 27.05.1971 appointments against
the Headquarters vacancies will be started from Thiruvananthapuram
District. Separate option need not be given for this.
7 Qualifications:
12 Paragraphs two, three and twenty five (except the conditions laid down in Rule 3
(c), Part II of the Kerala State and Subordinate Service Rules) are not applicable
to this selection.
13 Appointments are made on the basis of the rank secured in the ranked list of
candidates prepared in pursuance of this notification subject to the conditions
laid down in G.O.(P) No. 21/76/PD dated, 17.01.1976 and G.O.(P)
No.25/94/GAD dated, 22.01.1994 allowing special reservations to Scheduled
Tribes in accordance with the procedures made for this purpose from time to
time and subject to the rules under sections 3(c), 17(a), 17(b) of Part II of Kerala
State and Subordinate Service Rules, 1958.
(For details including Photo and ID card etc. refer to the General Conditions at the
end of the notification).