Technical Specification
Technical Specification
Technical Specification
1.2. The model configurations for the purpose of tender evaluation are as follows:
1.2.1 Above configurations are model ones and the same will be used for the
purpose of tender evaluation only. Actual l capacities and Line Mix
may change at the time of placement of APO/PO.
1.2.3 The material list must include all the items needed for meeting the
requirement of the solution. In case any item is found missing/short
in the material list, the supplier will have to supply the same at
no additional cost.
Room No. 514, Bharat Sanchar Bhawan
Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, Corporate Office, Janpath
New Delhi-110001 .
2.1.1. SMPS Power plants and MFVRLA battery sets are to be located in the
equipment room /same floor as equipment room. However, these may also
be located in the ground floor based on specific site requirement.
2.1.3 Normally Switching equipment is to be installed in the Upper Floors of the building.
2.1.4 DDF is to be located at the same floor or at the transmission room in the same
building as switching equipment.
2.2. The suppliers will do actual layout of equipment and dimensioning after
site survey.
2.3. The Air conditioning plant, standby Engine Alternator, A.C. Power supply,
false Ceiling /false flooring (Wherever planned by BSNL), smoke
detection/Fire alarms and lights will be provided by BSNL.
3.1.1. Break up of exchange lines for Line Media Gateways (LMGs) will be as
follows: -
3.1.2. Originating and terminating traffic in the exchange busy hour for LMGs:-
Percentage of Originating traffic : %
3.1.3. Dispersion of originating traffic in the busy hour for LMG shall be as
Items % age
a) Pre-dialling traffic 6
b) Local calls (intra 6
c) Out going 70
d) STD/ISD (TAX calls) 15
e) Special service calls 3
Items % age
a) Originating 0
b) Terminating
c) Total 8.99
d) Percentage of originating %
3.1.6. Average holding time of calls for LMG (including dialling time):
3.1.7. Dialing time for LMG:
4.0 The dimensioning, provision and supply of Main and auxiliary equipment
has to be done by supplier as per General Technical Specification No. GR/LTS-01/01
SEP. 2007 and as per traffic and circuit details given in para 3 above.
4.4. In cases where TEC specifications have not been specified, TEC typed
approved equipment is not available and also ISO 9002 certified tools
and testers are not available; ISI certified tools and testers from reputed
manufacturers shall be supplied. Full details about these manufacturers
shall be given.
5.1. The exchange equipment along-with software, power plant/ Batteries,
MDF, DDF, iron materials, Power distribution arrangements from Power
Plant/Battery room to switching equipment room, cables of adequate
size and length up-to DDF/MDF and other accessories shall be provided
in accordance with General Technical Specification. Traffic and circuit
details are given at para 3 above and schedule of requirement is given in
the tender documents at Section-V.
6.1. Layout of all equipment shall be so planned that available space in the
equipment room is optimally utilised.
6.2. The supplier shall furnish the equipment layout for complete floor clearly
indicating initial order equipment under this specification and that for
subsequent expansions.
6.3.2. Floor loading of equipment i.e. switch room, OMC, SMPS power plant,
MFVRLA battery, MDF, DDF etc. must be specified. In case of MFVRLA batteries, floor
loading with stack /height arrangements for different sizes may also be specified.
7.1 The supplier shall provide software to meet the requirement of the
specification NO.GR/LTS-01 and associated GRs.
7.2. Any software modification and up-gradation for MTP, ISUP, SCCP, TCAP,
INAP, STP and PHI as per National Standards and to solve inter-working problems with
equipment of the other vendors of PSTN, ISDN, PSPDN, IN, AN, CMTS, DLC and WLL
shall be implemented without any extra cost. Any software modification and up
gradation arising out of inter-working or interfacing with equipment of other vendors
of PSTN, ISDN, PSPDN, IN, AN, CMTS, DLC & WLL shall be carried out by the supplier,
at no extra cost.
7.3. The bidder will be required to solve all interworking problems with the
existing BSNL network. The offered solution shall interoperate with existing softswitch in BSNL C4
IP TAX network alongwith SSTP/SGs installed in the network.
7.5. Necessary client end software (soft dialer) for all DSL subscribers to work
as SIP subscribers shall be provided. Necessary provisions for accessing/activating
various NGN services by NGN subscribers, through the Web interface portal of BSNL
shall be done.
8.1 Each LMG site of 5000 lines or less shall have two PCs and one
Printer as per configuration placed at Annexure-I and Annex II for line
testing , administrative functions, alarms , documentation and other
miscellaneous functions. The LMG sites of higher capacity shall have the
terminals accordingly.
8.2 The system shall support Input/ Output terminal which can be exclusively
used to enter password controlled commands. It shall not be possible to
load any software form this terminal through floppy/CD drive etc. (which
means floppy/CD drives are not to be provided with this PC)
9. MDF
9.2.1. The supplier shall provide all the cabling from the exchange side of MDF.
Minimum of 30 M per length of 128 pair cable between switch room and MDF shall
be provided for each site. The bidders can quote 100 pair cables also. All items required for
installation at each site have to be provided The cabling required for jumpering between line side and exchange side
shall be provided by the supplier. At least 10 metres of jumper wire per
exchange line shall be provided.
9.3. There are two types of MDFs available i.e. of height 3.2 meters & 3.5
meters. Provision of MDF shall be made on the following basis:-
9.3.1. Provision of MDF with 1600 line terminations per vertical with a height of 3.5 Mts.
shall be made in all the new main exchanges.
9.3.2. The MDF shall be provided with 60% additional terminating capacity
whereas IPMs shall be 1.6 % of total termination ports to provide
flexibility. For Example, for 100 port terminations at MDF, the MDF shall
be having 160 terminations and 256 IPMs shall be provided
9.3.3. Provisions as per clause 9.3.1 would be applied while submitting site specific BOM to
concerned circles before placement of POs. MDF with all necessary fittings etc is required
to be provided for all subscribers.
11.4.1. PCB level break-up along with price of each module shall be furnished.
11.4.2. In the spare list, details of module(s) in which each spare PCB, hardware
items are proposed to be supplied under the project is to be used, shall
also be given.
12.1.2. Tools, testers, simulators, instruments etc shall include four NTs as per
TEC Spec. No. G/NT.1-01/02 APR’ 99 with addendum 1, four digital
telephones & four terminal adapters with one analogue port and one
data port as per TEC Spec. No.I/CPE-02/02 AUG 98 with amendment 1
dated 1.3.2000 (refer clause and following Traffic Generators as
per TEC specification No. G/TCS-01/04 FEB.2003 for configurations A & B
12.1.4 The exchange shall support in-built tracer for taking trace of MF-R2
signals and CCS7 (ISUP, MTP, SCCP, TCAP and INAP) signals on the
specified time slot of specified PCM system. System not supporting this
facility may provide separate tester.
13.1 SMPS power plant and MF VRLA battery sets is to be provided as per
latest TEC specification.
13.3 Battery sets shall be planned such that the battery sets are not
discharged beyond 80 % of their rated capacity at any time.
13.4 SMPS is to be dimensioned as per the requirement of each site and should be
expandable alongwith the expansion in LMG.
13.5 Suitable switching arrangements for inter connection between various items
of SMPS Power Plants, MFVRLA Battery sets and their inter-connection in
switching cubicle and further power distribution to switching equipment
as required for the ultimate capacity of sites.
13.6 Initially two sets of MFVRLA battery (depending upon exchange load
requirements) and associated SMPS Power plant modules (as per actual
requirement) are to be provided for Softswitch sites with a provision for
3rd and 4th set of batteries and associated SMPS power plant module to
be added later on to meet the requirement for next five years, taking a
growth rate of 25% per annum or for ultimate capacity (whichever is
less). All MFVRLA Battery sets and SMPS modules will have same
capacity. However, switch control module, power distribution cabinet,
bus bars, Cables, main rack, extension racks & other accessories will be
as required for ultimate capacity.
13.7. A minimum of 30 m per length of power cable between switch room and
power plant room shall be provided for each site. Power cable rate per
metre length shall be quoted and price of 30-metre cable length will be
considered for tender evaluation purposes.
13.8. SMPS Power Plant and battery sets for existing exchanges will also be
augmented accordingly with compatible equipment.
13.8.1 The supplier(s) will ensure the supply of compatible expansion Power
Plant and battery sets as and when required at later date(s).
13.9. SMPS Power plant capacity should be such that it is to take following
loads simultaneously:
If: Y = dividend = the number of modules required for load and battery
as calculated above.
5 (five) = divisor,
N = quotient = natural number
M = remainder = natural number,
Then Y = N*5+M
13.11 Maintenance spares including spares for control panel and spare fuses
should also be provided.
13.12. D.C. Distribution cabinet and power cables between the D.C. distribution
cabinet & switch room and other related items shall have to be provided
by switching equipment supplier even if SMPS power plant and MFVRLA
battery sets are not ordered on him. However, these items can be
supplied to the sites separately just like Power Plant & Battery sets.
13.12.1. The power cable and bus bar shall be rated at 2 Amp /Sq. mm.
13.14. Sick cell charger is not required to be provided.
13.15 One 1 KVA inverter for three PCs including monitors or part thereof shall
be supplied to each site (main & RSU) as per TEC Spec.No.G/INV-
13.17 The price for each component such as SMPS modules, control rack,
auxiliary rack/expansion rack, power cable, cable trays, all types of fuse
required, lugs, DCDB etc. shall be quoted.
16.2 IN Functionality:
16.2.2 Mentioned IN services are required for POTs and SIP subscribers.
Necessary functionalities of SSP with stand-alone IP per site shall be
16.2.3 The traffic and call duration for 'IN' call is same as for non-IN calls.
All subscribers should be able to make ‘IN’ calls, but in capital load
terms, BHCA for 'IN' calls will be 10% of the total BHCA of each model
16.2.4 ‘IN’ Platform such as SCP, SMP need not be provided. It shall be
possible for Soft switch to inter-work with SCP through SSTP. The bidder
is required to resolve the Interworking problems/ issues.
16.3.2 The Softswitch dimensioning shall take care of various resources such as
processors, senders, receivers, memory, etc for implementation of 4 digit code for
carrier selection. (Refer to TEC GR No.SR/ASF-01/03 Mar.03).
16.3.3 Pre-selection feature for at least three carriers shall be provided. For
National Long Distance calls, it shall be possible to pre-select two different carriers
depending upon whether the destination is within the circle (Geographical area) or
outside the circle. (Refer TEC GR No.SR/ASF-01/03 Mar.03)
16.4.2 For a forwarded call, SDR shall provide calling subscriber number, the
number who has forwarded the call and the number of subscriber who
has answered the call besides all other information as per GR. No.
16.4.5 Switch shall support switch initiated transfer of SDRs on demand as well
as external device (Element Manager) initiated transfer of SDRs. Hardware and Software for Ethernet port for NMC interfaces and Billing
Centre shall be supplied. Supplier must provide all related technical
information related to connectors, cables, details of protocols, details
and formats of inputs to NMS and Billing Centre, message formats etc.
Problems related to inter-working or interfacing with NMS equipment and
Billing Centres installed / being installed in the BSNL network, within the
scope of national standards and within the framework of ITU standards
shall be solved by the supplier at no additional cost.
16.6.1. In case optical disc drives are offered in place of MAG tape unit,
necessary hardware & software for billing centre required to read and
process the optical discs/cartridges should form part of the supplies to all
the sites where optical disc drives are supplied for all the configuration
A, B & C:, at no additional cost.
If all the traffic reports mentioned in GTS are not available, then
necessary post processing software for off-line generation of traffic
reports is required to be provided for each site.
The exchange shall be provided with duplicated hard disk of sufficient
capacity to store minimum of 30 days data of 100 % SDRs generated for
100 % calls with 40 SDRs generation/ subscriber/ day for an ultimate
capacity of 1 lakh lines and also to provide 100 % SDR for 100 %
junctions calls apart from storage of routing exchange /office data.
The Lawful Interception facility shall be provided for Class V NGN subscribers. It
shall be possible to monitor (intercept) the calls/all services based on A Number, B
Number or parts thereof as per the GR No. GR/LTS-01. The system will intercept
240 concurrent calls per Softswitch location and support interface to 8 lawful
agencies. Call Content shall be extended on E1/STM-1 circuit and Call Related data
shall be transferred over TCP/IP. In case the LEA is collocated with Softswitch, it
will be possible to extend call-content on Ethernet port also. Provisioning will be
made at NMS/EMS after receiving manual request from LEA. Equipment for
distribution of interception information to various agencies is not within the scope.
The bidder will have to furnish the detailed write up about the Lawful Interception
solution being provided by him.
17.1 The CLASS 5 network shall be deployed as a solution as depicted in figure 1. The
Solution shall consist of different types of Nodes which are as given below:
i. Network Operating Centre. This is the node, which shall have the NMS,
including the provisioning system for the CLASS 5 Network.
ii. Primary Node: This is the Node where the EMS, Soft switch, SIP Application
Server, Database Server, ENUM Server, Media Server and Line Media Gateways
are deployed . These components are interconnected over a LAN Switch and the
LAN Switch is connected to the PE Router of the MPLS Network of NIB II.
iii. Secondary Node: This is the node where only the Line Media Gateway is
deployed. The Line Media Gateway shall be connected to the PE Router through a
LAN Switch using the Gig E Interfaces.
17.2.1The bidder will be required to integrate the solution supplied by him with that of
the other bidders short-listed for supply of solutions against this tender as well as
CLASS 5/4 solutions already installed in the BSNL network. The interface to PSTN
is through IP TAX.
17. 2.2 The network Elements (Soft switch, SIP Application Server, Database
Server, ENUM Server, Media Server, Line Media Gateways, LAN Switch etc) of the
CLASS 5 network shall not require connectivity to the NMS for starting up in case
of a manual/command reset and normal operation. However for first time
installation, it may take its configuration data from the NMS.
17.2.3The CLASS 5 network element shall support connection of a local craft terminal
for initial configuration so that the element can be connected to the network and
controlled & managed from the NMS. Once the Element has downloaded its
configuration from the NMS, then any terminal connected to the local craft
terminal port shall have it authorization/privileges controlled from NMS.
17.2.4 The bidder shall be required to integrate the provisioning system with the CRM system of CDR
17.2.5 Necessary support for integration of NGN system with Revenue Assurance system and Fraud
Management systems of BSNL’s CDR project shall also be provided.
17.3 The CPU utilization in the Soft switches, Line Media Gateway, Servers, Media
Servers, SIP Application Server etc shall be as defined below:
17.3.1In the offered system, Peak CPU utilization, including overload conditions, shall
not exceed 85% at any time on 24 X 7 basis.
17.4 All the Network Elements proposed in the solution should be based upon
commercial off the shelf components and developed on carrier grade platforms.
These platforms shall have the following general characteristics:
i. Support for a 99.999% to 99.9999% uptime for services along with predictable
response time including overload situations
ii. Hardware and Software Upgrades and updations without interruptions
iii. Efficient and uniform Real Time management capabilities for ensuring QoS
iv. At least 7 year life time support
17.6 Softswitch:
i) The Soft Switch architecture shall meet all the hardware requirements as defined
in the latest TEC GR on Softswitch No. GR/LTS-01 and will be based upon carrier
grade platforms. The Softswitch shall be supplied with the complete hardware
and Software capable of handling the BHCA as specified in GR/LTS-01.
ii) The Softswitch shall have no single point of failure. Each Softswitch shall have the
following redundancies:
a. Control Module subsystem shall be fully redundant
b. Peripheral Subsystem including the Hard disks shall be fully
redundant. The Peripheral subsystems shall be accessible from the
multiple control subsystems simultaneously. Failure of one
peripheral subsystem shall not lead to switchover of the control
subsystem. The two peripheral subsystem shall have identical data
stored on them so that complete network information is available at
all times.
c. Power Supply shall be fully redundant, load sharing and hot
swappable. The power supply shall have provision for feeding from
two different sources. The DC to DC converters shall be provided
separately for each subsystem and shall be fully redundant
d. Interface Redundancy shall be provided using different module/card.
Both the module/card shall be accessible by both the control
subsystems. Failure of an interface module/card shall not lead to
switch over of control subsystems.
iii) All the redundancies shall be provided in such a manner that in case of failure of
a subsystem the established calls shall not be disturbed. The redundancies are to
be implemented in such a manner that in no case the traffic handling capacity of
the Softswitch goes down.
iv) The Database Server may be a standalone or an integrated system of the
Softswitch. The database server shall be a fully redundant server i.e. it shall have
control subsystem, Storage subsystem, Power supply subsystem and Interface
subsystem redundancies in such a manner that in case of failure of any
subsystem the established calls are not disturbed. The database server shall not
have a single point of failure and shall not be the single point of failure in the
Softswitch architecture. In case the database server is an integrated component
of the Softswitch and uses the peripheral subsystem then it shall allow backup,
retrieval, archiving, verification etc on/from a backup media like CD/DVD/CTD. It
shall allow all these operations from remotely located NMS.
v) In case a standalone Database Server is provided then it shall be 64-bit RISC
based processor having sufficient storage capacity to handle data corresponding
to GR on Softswitch. It shall allow backup, retrieval, archiving, verification etc
on/from a backup media like CD/DVD/CTD. It shall allow all these operations from
remotely located NMS.
vi) The resources in the database Server including the Processors, hard disk,
Ethernet interface etc shall not be a congestion point in the overall performance
of the Softswitch. The Database system shall be provided with no single point of
failure and shall be fully redundant such that all the established calls are not
disturbed in case of switchover of database subsystem.
vii) The Services shall continue to be provided even in case of failure of a subsystem
without degradation in performance.
viii) The Soft switch shall be configurable to support at least four Announcement
servers with a defined priority.
ix) The call and message handling resources in the Softswitch will act in load sharing
mode at the interface points of the Softswitch as well as at call / message
processing level. Softswitch should have suitable hardware and/or software
mechanism to implement this by making use of its own internal resources only.
However, there should be no proprietary implementations in the solution.
x) The Softswitch shall be supplied with the following interfaces:
i. Fast Ethernet Interface (100 Mbps) in 1+1 configuration. The redundant
Ethernet interfaces shall be provided using different interface module. The control
& management Information and the signaling information shall normally flow on
the same IP interface.
xi) For implementation of the solution different Softswitch domains will be required
to be set up. Each domain will have two Soft Switches. It shall be possible for a
Soft switch to act as primary Soft switch and secondary Soft switch. The two
Softswitches will work in load sharing mode. Office data should be loaded in both
primary and secondary Softswitch, and the secondary Soft switch should be able
to control all the MGWs originally controlled by the prim. Geo redundancy is not
xii) In a distributed configuration, any call server/processor should be capable of
accepting and processing a call attempt from any end-user device or any Media
Gateway, at any given point of time.
xiv) The bidder will indicate whether the hardware architecture is based on CTCA
(Compact Telecom Computing Architecture) or Advance TCA architecture or other
open architecture. The bidder will also provide a roadmap for migration to ATCA
xv) The Softswitch shall be able to handle 6 million BHCA with overload capacity of 9
million BHCA .Design Values for each Softswitch will be as follows:
S. Parameter Value
1. Subscriber capacity 400K
2. Simultaneous call flow for normal calls 150 K
3. Minimum number of prepaid subscribers 50 % of total Subscribers
4. Media Gateways connecting capacity (LMG & TMG) 500
5. SIP terminations 300K
6. BHCA 6M
7. Traffic carried per subs (Erlangs) for normal calls 0.25
and SIP calls
8. Average Traffic per junction (Erlang) 0.7
9. Over load BHCA capacity for normal calls and SIP 9M
10. Processed BHCA capacity in case of overload for 5.4 M
normal calls SIP calls
11. VoIP calls BHCA for normal calls and SIP calls 6M
12. Average Holding Time for SIP calls 180 sec.
13. Call Mix – intra softswitch inter SIP-to-SIP calls, SIP- 25%
to-PSTN/ PLMN calls and inter network calls
14. Number of incoming Trunk category 255
15. Minimum number of outgoing directions 1000
16. Itemized billing over junctions for selected trunk 300
group for both incoming and outgoing calls
17. Storage capacity of SDRs for 100% calls 30 days
18. Number of calling line category 128
19. Minimum Number of charging rates supported 255
20. Maximum capacity of subscriber charge meter units 10^8
21. No. of different charge meters required for different 4
22. Percentage of link utilization for network planning 30%
23. Analyzing capacity of codes by the Softswitch At least 2048 codes
24. (a ) the SIP subscriber registration period 7200 sec
(b) the link detection period initiated from SS to SIP terminal 120 sec
(c ) the link detection period initiated from SIP terminal to SS 60 sec
The above periods should
be configurable
Note: The support for Class-4 features is not required in the current Tender.
However, if in future the same Softswitch is used for Class 4 applications in BSNL
Network, then the Class 4 parameters will be as per the Table giving Design Values
for Softswitch.
d. Packet Interface Redundancy shall be provided using different
module/card. Both the module/card shall be accessible by both the
control subsystems. Failure of a interface module/card shall not lead
to switch over of control subsystems
iii) All the redundancies shall be provided in such a manner that in case of any failure
the established calls shall not be disturbed.
iv) The SAS to be deployed in the CLASS 5 network shall be supplied with the Fast Ethernet (100
Mbps) Interface in 1 + 1 configuration. The Ethernet interface redundancy shall be provided using different
interface module.
v) The call and message handling resources in the SAS will act in load sharing mode at the interface
points of the SAS as well as at call / message processing level. SAS should suitable hardware and/or software
mechanism to implement this by making use of its own internal resources only. However, there should be no
proprietary implementations in the solution. The redundancy can be provided using Active/standby
vi) The SAS will work with -40V to -57 V D.C. input from the power supply as specified in Option-1 of
TEC GR/SAS-01. DC Power is mandatory.
vii) The SAS shall have resources to service 1.2 million subscribers of various types provided through
viii) The SAS shall comply to the environment conditions as per QM-333 (Environment Testing as per
DoT QA).
ix) The SAS will support at least two operator terminals per site.
different interface module.
v) The call and message handling resources in the SBC will act in load sharing
mode at the interface points of the SAS as well as at call / message processing level.
SBC should suitable hardware and/or software mechanism to implement this by making
use of its own internal resources only. However, there should be no proprietary
implementations in the solution.
vi) The SBC will work with -40V to -57 V D.C. input from the power supply as
specified in Option-1 of TEC GR/SAS-01.
vii) The SBC shall have resources to service 1.2 million subscribers.
(viii) The SBC is required for both UNI and NNI connectivity with other IP networks.
SBC is used to provide VoIP peering with other operators. 25% of
calls/traffic will
use VoIP peering with other operators. The SBC is to be connected to SIP
terminals and Softswitch both .
(ix) Trans coding , an internal SBC function is required for 50% calls .
(xi) The SBC shall comply to the environment conditions as per QM-333
(Environment Testing as per DoT QA).
(xii) The remote NAT/NATP and far NAT traversal is required.
(xiii) The call and message handling resources in the SBC will act in load sharing
mode at the interface points of the SBC as well as at call / message processing
level. SBC should have suitable hardware and/or software mechanism to
implement this by making use of its own internal resources only. However,
there should be no proprietary implementations in the solution.
a. In a distributed configuration no call server/processor should initiate
overload mechanisms, unless the overall BHCA handled by SBC exceeds
the value specified for overload.
b. The bidder will indicate whether the hardware architecture is based on
CTCA (Compact Telecom Computing Architecture) or Advance TCA
architecture or other open architecture. The bidder will also provide a
roadmap for migration to ATCA architecture.
(xiv) In case a standalone Database Server is provided, then it shall be 64-bit
EPIC/RISC based processor having sufficient storage capacity to handle
corresponding to SBC. It shall allow backup, retrieval, archiving, verification
on/from a backup media like CD/DVD/CTD. It shall allow all these
from remotely located NMS.
(xv) Design Values for SBC will be as follows:
1. Media latency ≤15 microsec
2. Call attempts per second(caps) 150
3. Concurrent calls (cc) 32000
4. Switching capacity non 4 Gbps
blocking(throughput) (Gbps)
5. Rate of registration 100/sec
6. SDR storage capacity Atleast 120 hrs
7. Total number of registered users 250,000
8. Traffic carried per user 0.25
9. Rate of re-registration 1000/sec
10 Number of VLANs Up to 2000
11. Signalling latency ≤1 millisec
12. Number and type of Ethernet interface Fast Ethernet interfaces in 1+1
and numbers of port required configuration
i) The Line Media Gateway shall have no single point of failure. The Line Media
Gateway shall have the following redundancies in addition to redundancies
specified in GR of Line Media Gateway:
a. Control Module subsystem shall be fully redundant.
b. Peripheral Subsystem including the Hard disks shall be fully redundant. The
Peripheral subsystems shall be accessible from the multiple control subsystems
simultaneously. Failure of one peripheral subsystem shall not lead to switchover of
the control sub-system. The two peripheral subsystem shall have identical data stored
on them so that complete network information is available at all times.
c. Power Supply shall be fully redundant, load sharing and hot swappable. The
power supply shall have provision for feeding from two different sources. The DC-to-DC
converters shall be provided for each subsystem separately and shall be fully
d. Packet Interface Redundancy shall be provided using different
module/card. Both the module/card shall be accessible by both the control subsystems.
Failure of an interface module/card shall not lead to switch over of control subsystems.
e. Switching subsystem shall be fully redundant. Both the Switching
subsystem shall be accessible from both the control subsystem. Failure of one Switching
subsystem shall not lead to switching of the control subsystem.
ii) All the redundancies shall be provided in such a manner that in case of failure
of subsystem the in
progress calls shall not be disturbed.
iii) In case of failure of UPLINK to the softswitch - The LMG should be able to do local
switching ( calls within the same LMG would be possible )
iv) In case single uplink is used in 1+1 mode from Active and Standby Control
board, failure of uplink from Active board MUST initiate switchover to Standby
board to keep the system working.`
v) The bidder shall provide a list of LMG with which its Soft switch can interwork.
vi) The Line Media Gateway shall be provided with E1 interfaces as per G.703, 120
Ohms, Balanced and Channelised STM-1 interfaces as per G.707 and physical
interface as per G.957 (single mode 1550 nm). BSNL reserves the right to change
the combination of Physical interfaces.
vii) The Line Media Gateway shall be supplied with Gigabit Ethernet Interface in 1 + 1
configuration. The Ethernet Interface redundancy shall be provided using different
interface module. . The actual number of interfaces have to be calculated for the worst
case requirement for 1+1 redundnacy.
viii) The IP interfaces for carrying control & management traffic, VoIP traffic and
signaling traffic will be as follows:
a) 1+1 FE for control and management traffic,
b) 1+1 FE for signaling traffic, &
c) GE for VoIP traffic as per actual requirement depending upon LMG capacity.
However, depending upon the design there may be common IP interfaces for
carrying all or any combination of the above requirements.
ix) Layer 2 stability clock, preferably integrated, will be supplied in line Media
Gateways as per TEC specification GR/SYN-01/02.MAY2003 (Digital Network
Synchronization Equipment (Integrated in the Switch)) or its latest release.
x) Terminations in Line Media Gateways:
xiv) The LMG will have universal slots. It will be possible to insert any type of
subscriber termination card (relating to POTS, ADSL2+, VDSL2, or CCB) in any slot
in the LMG.
xv) The LMG shall comply with the environment conditions as per QM-333
(Environment Testing as per DoT QA).
xvi) The system shall provide the following Signalling Protocols:
a. Media Gateway Control as per ITU-T H. 248 ver. 2 with all control profile
ETSI ES283002
b. RTP/UDP/IP for bearer
c. Session Description Protocol (SDP) as per IETF RFC 3407 and 2327
d. Stream Control Transport Protocol (SCTP) as per IETF RFC 2960
e. IUA (ISDN User Adaptation Layer Protocol) as per IETF RFC 4233 (Applicable
only for BRI/PRI interface)
f. SCTP/UDP to transport ITU-T H.248. If UDP is used for transport , H.248 over
SCTP has to be provided within six months of the placement of PO2.
g. V5UA (V 5.2 User adaptation Layer Protocol) as per IETF RFC 3807
(Applicable only in case V5.2 interface provided)
h. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)-Specific Event Notification as per IETF RFC
i. Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Basic Call Flow Examples as per IETF RFC
j. Best Current Practices for Third Party Call Control (3pcc) in the Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP) as per IETF RFC 3725
k. RFC 3515 - The Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Refer Method
l. A Capacity to send and/or receive DTMF tones in RTP packets and to relay
these signals to end user terminals.
m. RFC 3261 - SIP: Session Initiation Protocol
n. Draft-IETF-sipping-service-examples-09 - Session Initiation Protocol
Service Examples
o. Transfer, Draft–IETF-sipping–cc–transfer-05 SIP Call control transfer
p. Frame size: Dynamically adjusted in steps of 10 ms. (30 ms. For G.723.1)
q. Call Identification Services as per ETSI EN 300 659-1 (on-hook), TTSI EN
300 659-2 (off-hook)
r. Signalling and call control: POTS Megaco (RFC 3525) / H.248 and ISDN IUA
over SCTP (RFC4233 and RFC2930 respectively)
s. Media encapsulation: RTP and RTCP (RFC 3550), RTP profile for Audio (RFC
1890), RTP payload for DTMF digits, tones and signals (RFC 2833)
(Applicable on in case ISDN/PRI interface is provided)
xvii) The system shall be controlled by Soft-switch for creation, modification and
deletion of media streams and shall respond to negotiation for the media formats
to be used.
xviii) It should be possible to control LMG from two different soft-switches/IMS core
(CSCF) in ‘hot stand by mode’ as well as in ‘load sharing mode’. The LMG shall
pose no restriction to support this functionality
xix) The system shall provide text encoding in ABNF format of IETF protocol.
xx) All LMGs will be aggregated through a Gigabit Ethernet (GE) interface with
redundancy. The LMGs will be connected in link aggregation fashion to the same
LAN switch on different paths. All the LMGs in a particular city, shall be
aggregated through Tier 2 Switch/ L2PE of aggregation network on GE interface
with the Broadband Multi play Network of BSNL. The Fibre module required in Tier
2 Network will be GBIC module. The GBIC module in LMG and Tier 2 LAN Switch/
L2PE shall be capable of driving upto 20 km on a single mode 1550 nm.
xxi) Design Values for LMG will be as follows:
S. Parameter Value
1. Subscriber Connecting 256, 1 K ,2K and 5K Lines;
2. E1s/STM1s connecting NIL
3. Average Traffic per 0.15
subscriber (Erlang)
4. Average Traffic per trunk 0.7
5. Normal BHCA (with 10% At least 1,50,000
Intra LMG calls)
6. Overload BHCA 1.5 times normal BHCA i.e.
(BHCA at S.No. 6 above)
7. Processed BHCA capacity in 90% of the overload BHCA
case of overload
8. Call mix ratio 10% Intra LMG calls
9. Packet forwarding rate At least 70 Mbps
10. The software related licenses for the support of all protocols
and interfaces mentioned in the latest GR shall be ensured
by the bidder.
i. The solution shall support an E164 to SIP URI routing translation service.
This service shall result in single or multiple DNS NAPTR resource records
being returned to the CS for a successful lookup.
ii. ENUM server will support DNS/ENUM RFCs 3761, 2916, 1035, 1034.
iii. At the IP layer, the solution must support UDP, TCP, IPv4, and IPv6
vi. The solution shall support returning a number of SRV records with priority
as well their associated A records
vii. The solution will provide an information repository for number, name and IP
address data
viii. The capability will provide a publish feature for number, name and IP
address data
ix. The solution will provide a facility for input and change of IP address data.
x. The solution shall support the following signaling interfaces: SIP, TCAP
xi. The solution shall support scaleable and flexible data schema(s) used to
provide the routing translation service, easily configurable. The solution
shall be authoritative for the hosted routing information
xii. The solution shall support diverse routing responses using NAPTR resource
records to the Softswitch including support for proportional distribution of
routing information. The solution shall also support the mapping of E164
numbers to single and multiple NAPTR records.
xiii. The solution shall support Origin Based Routing (OBR) whereby the routing
chosen, may depend upon the origin, location and destination information.
xiv. The solution shall support PSTN network routing prefix in the NAPTR
records as part of the SIP URI:
xv. The ENUM Server must support the option to only allow DNS queries from a
configurable set of IP addresses. This set must support at least 100
addresses. The supplier shall quantify any related the performance
xvii. The ENUM Server must support the storage and return of multiple NAPTR
records for one E.164 number.
xviii. The ENUM Server must support mapping policies that allow for resolving
E.164 numbers up to 16-digits in length.
xx. The ENUM Server shall support SOAP or plain XML/HTTP for its batch and
individual record upload APIs. The ENUM server must support SOAP or plain
XML/HTTP provisioning APIs that allow for full remote configuration of the
server, including loading and changing DNS Zone records.
xxiv. Solution must have the ability to take on the load of a node onto other(s)
should that node fail
xxv. Solution must support disaster recovery and vendor must provide disaster
recovery procedures
xxvi. Given a database of this size, whether organized in a single zone or spread
over up to 1,000 zones, the ENUM server must simultaneously support
20,000 queries/sec, with average latency no greater than 0.25ms per
xxvii. The ENUM server must support a configuration that uses separate network
interfaces for ENUM query traffic and administrative traffic
xxix. The integrity of the communications between any clients and the ENUM
servers shall be protected.
xxx. The ENUM Server shall Support IPSEC authentication using TSIG. It shall
support DNSSEC.
xxxi. Systems that make up the solution shall have authentication, authorization
and audit logging capabilities for all access by administrators.
g) RFC 3658 and RFC 3755 – Support DDNS in DNSsec zones and the
delegation signer standards
17.10.1 The ENUM server should meet the following Operational Requirements:
b) In the event of an unrecoverable error, the solution shall include the ability
to roll back the configuration of all affected elements to a known good
d) The solution must be as secure and robust as possible. The supplier shall
describe mechanisms in its implementation that contribute to robustness
and security; for example by avoiding invalid or unauthorized zone
transfers, mitigation of threats targeting well known ports and protocols,
general infrastructure attacks (e.g., denial of service) and DNS-specific
attacks (e.g., cache poisoning, domain hijacking, man-in-the-middle).
h) The solution shall supported automated back-up tools for period capture of
j) The solution shall be supported with a set of diagnostic tools for monitoring
and managements.
k) The solution shall support a set of test and diagnostic tools to assist in the
resolution of faults and in performing unit, integration, and conformance
l) The solution shall support web and command line (and scripting) tools that
are available to the administrator to allow configuration and management
iii) All the servers shall be chassis mounted and the chassis shall be provided to
BSNL by the bidder.
iv) All the servers shall use a common database storage, which shall be based on
Industry Standard RDBMS. The Element Manager Server shall be 4 Processor
expandable to 8 processor, 64 bit RISC/EPIC/CISC processor based machine with
at least 1.2 GHz clock. Each processor in the Element Manager server shall be a
dual core processor. The bidder will also submit a certificate of satisfactory
working (for six months in a carrier application) of the EMS on the OS being
quoted in the Tender to establish the proven-ness of the OS.
v) The Element Manager for the Softswitch and Announcement Server shall
preferably be running on common hardware consisting of a cluster of servers.
This cluster shall consist of two servers with configuration as defined in clause
17.9.iv above with appropriate hardware and software to provide Hardware
clustering, OS clustering and Application clustering so that in case of a fault there
is no break in service.
vi) The element Manager for the LMG and the LAN Switch shall have the same
configuration as for the element Manager defined in clause 17.9.iv above.
vii) The NMS shall have a fully redundant database server cluster based on industry
standard RDBMS. Each member of the database server cluster shall be 8 cores
expandable to 16 cores 64-bit RISC/EPIC/CISC processor of at least 1.2 GHz clock
viii) The Database server shall have sufficient storage capacity based on external end
to end fiber based RAID storage system, capable of being configured as RAID 0,
1, 2, 1+0, 5. The database server shall have CD/DVD/DAT as backup/restoration
ix) The Disaster Recovery (DR) site shall have Element Managers, NMS and Database
Server with no cluster configuration.
x) For all the element Managers, there shall be a common console with KVM switch
which shall have connectivity to all element managers simultaneously.
xi) The NMS shall have a web interface and the remote terminals shall access the
EMS using a commercial Web Browser. The EMS shall provide the remote
operators with the same set of screens/templates/GUI etc as being made
available to local operator on EMS console.
xii) The Main NMS site and DR NMS site shall be connected over NIB II or dedicated
Leased lines with a bandwidth of 4X2 Mbps among them. This bandwidth shall be
in addition to the connectivity of fast Ethernet/gigabit Ethernet to the CLASS 5
network. The control from the main to the DR NMS shall pass automatically and
both the databases shall synchronize to each other without any manual
intervention. The incremental database updating among the Databases at Main
and DR site shall be possible at configurable intervals in steps of at least 5
xiii) The NMS shall lock the account after receipt of consecutive 5 wrong
logins/passwords or unauthorized commands. This shall be resettable by Network
Manager only.
xiv) The NMS shall be architected in such a manner that it shall be possible to use
components of main NMS site and DR site in any combination. The changeover in
the combination shall be effected by Network Administrator. The changeover will
occur in a manner that the affect of changeover is not felt by the operator or by
the network.
xv) The NM server and the Element Manager Server shall have redundancies for
Control module, Disk and Power supply and LAN interface. The LAN interface
redundancy shall be provided using two different interface modules. The power
supply shall operate in the load sharing, hot swappable and redundant mode.
xvi) The NMS for the CLASS 5 domain shall be an integrated NMS with a single
Database located in a centralized place. The NM server shall be based on 64-bit
RISC processor with at least 1.2 GHz clock. The NM Server at Main NOC shall
consist of cluster of two servers each with each server having 8 cores expandable
to 16 cores. The Database application shall be running on one cluster and the
NMS application on other cluster.
xvii) The NMS remote and local terminals shall also be supplied along with the NMS.
The NMS terminals shall be Thin Clients as per GR/THC-01/02.DEC2003
(Amendment No. 1 dated 26/10/2004). Five local NMS terminals at NMS site and
two Remote terminals per site shall be provided . The NMS shall be configured for
at least 100 simultaneous users (any combination of local and remote). Normal Intel
based PCs can be used for the NMS remote and local terminals.
xviii) Industry standard relational database (RDBMS) for storing all the data related to
the network & the system shall be used. The unit price for the Licenses required
shall be quoted. The number of licenses required for an application shall be
xix) The data base shall be open so that a centralized NMS at a future date is able to
retrieve information from the NMS database using TCP/IP stack and do post
processing. The data base structure for all the databases used in the system shall
be provided.
xx) All the MIBs (public as well as private)/GDMO for all the components of the CLASS
5 network shall be provide to the BSNL during validation.
xxi) The NMS shall be deployed with the firewall as per TEC GR on Firewall No.
GR/FWS-01/02-SEP2006 with full redundancy and four Fast Ethernet ports.
xxii) Firewall is required at NMS location. The Firewall should have two unsecured and
two secured Fast Ethernet interfaces.
xxiii) NTP server shall be configured on NMS platform.
xxiv) The L-1 bidder will be required to provide complete EMS and NMS solution,
whereas the L-2 bidder will be required to provide EMS solution only . EMS for
Network Elements will support northbound open interfaces like SNMP/CORBA/XML
for integration with the NMS. Open interfaces supported by EMS should, inter-alia,
provide fault, topology and performance statistics. The bidders will be required to
provide API/MIBs to facilitate integration of EMS with NMS. It should be possible to
provide FCAPS for all NEs in the network from NMS.
xxv) The existing IP/MPLS network shall be used for connecting all NEs with it.
xxvi) The Network Manager shall provide a complete view of the health of the
entire distributed network environment. The Network Manager shall act as
a manager of managers and consolidate all fault information from the Soft
switches, Signalling gateways and Line Media Gateways, Announcement
Servers, LAN switches at all the nodes of the CLASS 5 network. It will be
able to collect alarm events from all the managed network elements via
their respective Element managers. It will capture all the alarms that are
generated across the multi vendor network infrastructure. The Network
Manager shall provide the ability for users to configure and generate
customized reports and customize FCAPS functionality as required. The
Network Manager shall support the ability to set thresholds on the collected
performance statistics. When a threshold is crossed, the system must
generate a threshold-crossing alert
xxvii) The Network Manager shall provide the possibility to model services and
report the overall Quality of Service and Service Level Agreement and SLA
fulfillment. The Network Manager shall gather the required information
from fault and performance data. The Network Manager shall provide a GUI
that allows Quality and Performance Indicators to be configured.
xxviii) The NMS shall be provided to manage all the network elements being quoted in the
Tender. The NMS should be expandable to manage atleast 50 Softswitches, 5000
LMGs, 50 SBCs, 50 SAS, 10,000 LAN switches, 50 database servers.
xxix) The bidders shall ensure inter working of CLASS 5 equipment with the NMS at no
additional cost. They shall provide necessary technical support at both the ends
including interfacing capability.
(a) There shall be no reservation for providing technical information related to
connectors, cables, Details of protocols, details and formats of inputs to NMS and
Billing Centre, message formats etc.
(b) Solution to the problems related to inter working or interfacing with NMS, NGOSS
and Billing Centres already installed / to be installed in the BSNL network, within
the scope of national standards and within the frame-work of relevant ITU
standards shall be solved at no additional cost.
xxx) One Line printer with following configuration will be provided at the NOC and DR
17.12 LAN Switch:
i) The LAN switch to be deployed at the CLASS 5 nodes shall be DC powered
Medium End LAN Switch as per the TEC GR NO. GR/LSW-01/02.OCT2003 with
(Amendment no. 1 dated 26.10.2004). The LAN switch shall consist of the
following minimum interfaces:
Gigabit Ethernet Sx interface (5 + 1) on two different
Modules in different slots
Fast Ethernet Interface (Electrical) 16(on two different
Modules) in different slots
ii) The LAN switch shall have no Single point of failure and in case of switchover,
the in progress call shall not get disconnected.
iii) For connectivity to PE routers of IP/MPLS core the LAN Switch will have 1000
Base LH Gigabit Ethernet on single mode 1550 nm fibre interfaces in 1+1
configuration. The ports required for connectivity to PE routers will be sufficient
to carry all types of traffic for all NEs connected to it. The LAN switch should
provide CE functionality also.
TMG so that the announcements can be fed to the subscribers over the same
x) The Media Server shall have the following redundancies:
a. Interface redundancy
b. Hard Disk Redundancy
c. Power supply redundancy. The power supply shall be load sharing
and hot swappable.
xi) The Redundancies shall be built in to the Media Server in such a manner that
during any failure of the redundant module, the established calls on which
messages are being fed are not affected.
xii) Each Standalone Media Server will support 40,000 BHCA. The average call
duration shall be 30 secs
Network Architecture of Class 5 Project
Interface to PSTN
IS0 9002 certified Pentium IV PCs with input voltage range 180-250 volts
should be of 1.6 GHz or above, 2 GB RAM or above, at least 512 KB L-2
cache (in-built), at least 256 KB Flash ROM for System BIOS, Power
management (plug-n-play) and manageability in a network, Keyboard skin,
Dust covers, power cables, stickers bilingual (Hindi/English) shall be
provided by the supplier.
S.N Items
1 100 GB or above Hard Disc
1 Preloaded technology specific software wherever
2 applicable with backup on CD/DVD
Printers :
Network Support TCP/UDP
ENUM support
TSL, SIPS and SRTP for Secure
Call Originate and Answer
Call Hold (2 lines)
Call Transfer (Blind / Attended)
3 Way Call Conference
Call Features Music on Hold
Call waiting Indication
Call logs (Received/missed/dialled calls)
Speech codecs (G.711, G.723A, G.729AB)
DTMF Tone Generation
Audio Acoustic Echo Removal
Voice Activity Detection
Comfort Noise insertion
User Interface:
Display Black & White LCD - 4 lines, each of 20 characters
Indicator LED: Power, Hold, Mute, Hands-free
VoIP Protocol Support SIP Ver 2 (RFC 3261)
Hands-free Full Duplex
Head set mic interface
Keypad 28 Keys or above
Phone Book /Address Book At least 200 contacts
Menu driven user interface
Voice/Ring Volume adjust
Speed dialling (abbreviated
On-Hook /Off-hook Dialling
Call Logs Dialled, Missed, Received. (Minimum 75)
Clock – Time & Date
Selectable ring tones
Last number Redial
By IP address
Dialling By number / extension
SIP URI dialing support
From Call logs and Address Book
Two IEEE 802.3 10/100BASE-T Ethernet RJ-
45 jacks, with LED (for LAN and PC)
Ports/ Connectors
Handset (RJ-45) and Headset (Stereo Jack)
Power External Adapter with 90V-250 V AC Input,
50/60 Hz & 5 V, 1.2A DC Output
• Caller ID blocking
• Blocking of anonymous calls
• Voice mail Support
• On-line Help-The online help should be available on SIP phone window
• SNMP v2
• Do not Disturb
• Web Interface
• Personalized Ring tones . The feature shall be supported both from SIP Phones
and from Softswitch.
• Indian languages / Bilingual display
• Meeting / Alarm Scheduler
• SMS facility
• Presence indication
• Voice recording
• Multiple SIP Server Support
(Reference Clause 16.11 of MTS)
Following services , as mentioned in the latest TEC document on “Services for NGN
Subscribers” No. TEC/SR/NSF-SU2/01/JAN-09 shall be provided to PSTN subscribers. The
details are as follows:
1.2. The following services shall be provided to both PSTN as well as SIP subscribers
1.2.2 Personalized Ring Back Tone (PRBT) : All the necessary equipment/solution
shall be provided for implementing the PRBT feature. Downloading of
content through third party server should also be possible.
1.2.3 Multimedia Conferencing Audio
1.2.4 VPN (Voice based)
1.2.5 Do Not Call Service (DNC)
1.2.6 IN Services
(i) The Softswitch shall be supplied along with the hardware and software
required for providing the IP based Centrex features as described in TEC GR No. GR/IPC-
01. . Any combination of SIP as well as POTs subscribers can be used for IP Centrex.
(ii) IP Centrex groups for all types of subscribers will be possible. The solution
will be provided for creation of 100 IP Centrex (25 centrex group per region.) Groups
comprising of 200 members. Call transfer facility shall be supported.
(iii) The validation shall also consist of testing IP Centrex facilities among IADs
(at least 10), IP Phones (at least 25) etc
(iv) The feature can be offered on one of the network elements Soft switch or
SIP application Server. The solution should provide a voice mailbox where a user can receive and
manage his voice-mail and can have access to these messages using e.g.
phone, web browser, e-mail client. The application should allow users to
have access to all their messages from a phone and the callers should be
able to leave voice messages for the users when their calls are forwarded
into the voicemail system. Voice mail is required for 25% of the total
( POTS and SIP) subscribers. Average duration of Voice mail per subscriber
will be 2 minutes. The messages will be retained for a period of one
v. Call establishment to the originator of a voice message.
vi. Sending voice messages at a future date and time
vii Different types of greetings
viii Reminder of important events eg Birthday, anniversary etc
ix Message playback controls – volume, speed, skip back, skip forward etc
1.3.1 All services should be built on an open standard platform that would allow
for future extensibility. Services should be built on industry standard,
programmable platform. The services should be customizable and
extensible through service creation environment. The integration with
external platforms should be possible. It shall be possible to provision
interactive, non-interactive and both interactive and non-interactive
services to SIP/IP endpoints. Web Portal : Subscribers shall be able to control their subscribed services
e.g. activation and deactivation of supplementary services through Web Portal. All
levels of users (End Users, Group Administrator, System Administrators) should have
web privileges, based on their access level – end users should not have access to
Group Admin data, etc. The web portal is required for all SIP subscribers and
Broadband subscribe. All subscribers need to be provisioned on Web Portal. The following services can be invoked via the web portal via a standard based
(a) Click-to-dial
(a). Call Answer
(b). Call Hold/Retrieve
(c). Call Release
(d). Call Transfer/Forward (CFB,CFNA ,CFU)
(e). Three-way Conference
(f). Call Logs :
i) Missed call list
ii) Answered call list
iii) Calling list
iv) Voice Mail Download
(g). Enable /Disable of CLIP,CLIR,CNIR,CNIP
(h). Security: Password Management
(i). Personal / Corporate Phone Book
(j). Billing/usage detail
This application should allow users to leave and retrieve Video Mails in the
same way as is specified for voice mail. Subscribers of this service should
be able to record a Video Message to welcome other users in their Video
Mail Box and later receive recorded Video Mails they have received. Video
Mail is required for 10% of total SIP subs. Average duration of Video mail
per subscriber will be 2 minutes.
(i) Identification of end-users connected to a conference
(ii) Identification of the current speaker
(iii) Automatic re-routing based on presence information shall be
required in case a subscribers has subscribed to multiple end points.
f) The number of participants in one conference can be 20 or less and 100
such conferences are required
g) It shall be possible to include any combination of POTS phones, SIP
terminals and PC Soft-clients in a conference.
h) The conference equipment shall offer different ways to establish
conference sessions such as through web interface, schedule to future
conference, adding a conference participant during the conference.
i) Participate invited to Scheduled conference should be notified through
email and calendar invitations
j) Automated Dial Out conferences should be an option for Scheduled
k) Dialling-in by a participant to a bridge number shall be possible.
l) Conference coordinator shall have control options like muting certain
participants, making a particular participant invisible from others,
document sharing, voting for a decision.
m) The conference system, should be integrated with a centralized address
book/directory for contact synchronization
n) Presence information and notification shall be provided to all participants
as below :
(i) Identification of end-users connected to a conference bridge.
(ii) Identification of the current speaker
i) Instant messaging
ii) Video communication
iii) Application share
iv) Electronic whiteboard
v) Content release
1.3.8 All the offered services (applicable to SIP subscribers) shall have
the following features:
iii. Features Negotiation: It should be possible for the users to negotiate
media and protocol extensions to be used for a particular call for setting up any type of
media conversation, including voice, video and messaging.
Annexure V
Migration Path
1.0 For working out the Migration strategy of BSNL, all the prospective bidders may
include an optional offer for migration of the installed TDM class V elements
deployed in BSNL network. This shall include migration of OCB 283, EWSD, 5 ESS,
AXE 10 and CDOT switching systems, presently working in the network.
1.1 This offering will not form the part of evaluation and will only be used by BSNL for
evaluating the Migration strategy of various existing TDM systems.
1.2 Migration of existing TDM class 5 switches to Softswitch shall be as per the
requirements specified in clause 17.6 of the MTS.
1.3 Migrated Access Node. The offering for Migrated Access Node may be provided for
the following models :
Item Requirement
Migrated Access Each MAG of 2,000 Lines comprising of
i) 1810 POTS
ii) CCB – 140
iii) ISDN BA – 20
iv) ISDN PA – 30
v) E1 – 16
vi) V5.2 interface
1.4 While offering the migration of existing access nodes, bidders need
to ensure that the Migrated
Access Gateway shall meet the following requirements:
i) The Migrated Access Gateway shall have no single point of failure. The node shall
have the following redundancies:
(a) Control Module subsystem shall be fully redundant.
(b) Peripheral Subsystem including the Hard disks shall work in load
sharing mode. The Peripheral subsystems shall be accessible from the
multiple control subsystems simultaneously. Failure of one peripheral
subsystem shall not lead to switchover of the control sub-system.
(c) Power Supply shall be fully redundant, load sharing and hot
swappable. The power supply shall have provision for feeding from two
different sources. The DC-to-DC converters shall be provided for each
subsystem separately and shall be fully redundant.
(d) Packet Interface Redundancy shall be provided using different
module/card. Both the module/card shall be accessible by both the control
subsystems. Failure of an interface module/card shall not lead to switch
over of control subsystems.
(e) Switching subsystem shall work in load sharing mode. Both the
Switching subsystem shall be accessible from both the control subsystem.
Failure of one Switching subsystem shall not lead to switching of the
control subsystem.
ii) All the redundancies shall be provided in such a manner that in case of failure of
subsystem the in progress calls shall not be disturbed.
iii) The Migrated Access Gateway shall be provided with E1 interfaces as per G.703,
120 Ohms, Balanced and Channelised STM-1 interfaces as per G.707 and physical
interface as per G.957 (1310 nm). BSNL reserves the right to change the
combination of Physical interfaces.
iv) The Migrated Access Gateway shall be supplied with Gigabit Ethernet Interface in
1 + 1 configuration. The Ethernet Interface redundancy shall be provided using
different interface module.
v) The Migrated Access Gateway shall support G.711 (a-law, µ -law, 64
kBit/s),G.723.1 (5.3 & 6.3 kBit/s, incl. G.723.1 Annex A) G.726 / G.726-AAL2 (16,
24, 32, 40 kBit/s), G.729 A & B (8 kBit/s), Fax over G.711, V.152 VBD and T.38
V0 via UDPTL
vi) The IP interfaces for carrying control & management traffic, VoIP traffic and
signaling traffic will be as follows:
a)1+1 FE for control and management traffic,
b)FE/GE for VoIP traffic as per actual requirement depending upon MAG
However, depending upon the design there may be common IP interfaces for
carrying all or any combination of the above requirements.
i) The MAG will work with -40V to -57 V D.C. input from the power supply
ii) The MAG shall comply to the environment conditions as per QM-333 (Environment Testing as per DoT QA).
iii) The system shall provide the following Signalling Protocols:
a. Media Gateway Control as per ITU-T H. 248 ver. 2 with all control profile
ETSI ES283002
b. RTP/UDP/IP for bearer
c. Session Description Protocol (SDP) as per IETF RFC 3407 and 2327
d. Stream Control Transport Protocol (SCTP)/IUA
e. IUA (ISDN User Adaptation Layer Protocol) as per IETF RFC 4233 (Applicable
only for BRI/PRI interface)
f. Call Identification Services as per ETSI EN 300 659-1 (on-hook), TTSI EN
300 659-2 (off-hook)
g. Signalling and call control: POTS Megaco (RFC 3525) / H.248 and ISDN IUA
over SCTP (RFC4233 and RFC2930 respectively)
h. Media encapsulation: RTP and RTCP (RFC 3550), RTP profile for Audio (RFC
1890), RTP payload for DTMF digits, tones and signals (RFC 2833)
(Applicable on in case ISDN/PRI interface is provided)
xi) The system shall be controlled by Soft-switch for creation, modification and
deletion of media streams and shall respond to negotiation for the media formats to
be used.
Xii) The system shall support geographic redundancy and It should be possible to
control the different virtual MGW from different soft switches.
xiii) The system shall provide text based encoding of H.248.
xiv) All Migrated Access Gateway will be aggregated through a Gigabit Ethernet (GE)
interface with redundancy. The MAGs will be connected in link aggregation
fashion to the same LAN switch on different paths.
S. Parameter Value
1. Subscriber Connecting 256 & 2K Lines;
capacity MAGs of higher capacities up to 5K can also be
2. E1s/STM1s connecting 2 E1 for 256 lines; 16 E1 for 2K configuration; 112
capacity E1 or 2 STM1 for higher configuration
3. Average Traffic per 0.15
subscriber (Erlang)
4. Average Traffic per trunk 0.7
5. Average Call Holding Time 60 Sec.
6. Normal BHCA (with 10% Intra At least 1,50,000
MAG calls)
7. Overload BHCA 1.5 times normal BHCA i.e. (BHCA at S.No. 6
8. Processed BHCA capacity in 90% of the overload BHCA
case of overload
9. Call mix ratio 10% Intra MAG calls
10 Packet forwarding rate At least 70 Mbps