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Lecture Note PPT 5 PDF

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Practice Problem

A simply supported beam of 8m length caries three point loads of 8kN, 4 kN and 10 kN at 2m,
5m and 6m respectively from the left end. Draw the shear force and bending moment diagrams.

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 74

Given: Load distribution over a simply supported Beam
To find: Shear force and bending moment diagram
1. Reactions
Considering the beam in equilibrium, ƩFv =0
RA + RB – 8-4-10= 0
RA + RB = 22 ------Eq 1
Taking moment at A and equating ƩMA = 0
RB X 8 - 8 X 2- 4 X 5- 10 X 6 = 0
RB = 12 (Substituting RB in equation 1) RA = 10
13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 75
2. Shear Force Diagram
Portion AC: FX= 10 kN (Constant) (sign convention its Positive)
Portion CD: FX = 10- 8= 2kN (Constant) (sign convention its Positive)
Portion DE: FX = 2- 4 = - 2kN (Constant) (sign convention its Negative)
Portion EB: Fx = -2 -10= -12kN (constant) (sign convention its Negative)

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 76

3. Bending Moment Diagram
Portion AC: Mx = 10𝑥 (linear); MA(x=0) =0; Mc(x=2) = 20kN.m
Portion CD: Mx = 10𝑥 − 8(𝑥 − 2) (linear); Mc(x=2) =20kN.m; MD(x=5) =26kN.m
Portion DE: Mx = 10 𝑥 − 8 𝑥 − 2 − 4(𝑥 − 5)(linear); MD(x=5) =26kN.m; ME(x=6) =24kN.m
Portion EB: Mx = 10 𝑥 − 8 𝑥 − 2 − 4 𝑥 − 5 − 10(𝑥 − 6)(linear); MD(x=6) =24 kN.m; ME(x=8) =0 kN.m

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 77

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 78
SFD and BMD for Simply Supported Beams
C. Simply Supported beam with Uniformly Distributed Loading
Consider a simply supported beam of length 𝑙 carrying a uniformly distributed load w per length
as in figure.
Total Load = 𝑤𝑙;
UDL is assumed to be acting as a point load applied at CG

Point load W= 𝑤. 𝑙 which is acting at

 Reactions

RA= RB =

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 79

 Shear force diagram
Consider a section at a distance 𝑥 from A

Fx= RA − w. x = − 𝑤𝑥

Fx= 𝑤( − 𝑥) (linear)

Now, FA(x=0) = ; FB(x=𝑙) = − ; FX(x= ) = 0

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 80

 Bending Moment Diagram
Consider a section 𝑥𝑥 which is 𝑥 distance from A, Bending moment at section 𝑥 will be
Mx=RA. 𝑥 − 𝑤. 𝑥 . ( )

= .𝑥 − (Equation of a Parabola)

= (𝑙 − 𝑥)

Now, MA(x=0) = 0; MB(x=𝑙) = 0; M(x= ) =

For maximum bending moment value F= =0; or − 𝑤𝑥= 0 ; x=

Maximum bending moment, M(x= ) =

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 81

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 82
Practice Problem
A 10- m long simply supported beam carries two point load of 10kN and 6kN at 2m and length
between 9m respectively from the left end. It also has a uniformly distributed load of 4kN/m run
for the length between 4m and 7m from the left end. Draw shear force and bending moment

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 83

Given: Load distribution over a simply supported Beam
To find: Shear force and bending moment diagram
1. Reactions
Considering the beam in equilibrium, ƩFv =0
RA + RB – 10 – 4x3 – 6 = 0
RA + RB = 28 ------Eq 1
Taking moment about A, ƩMA= 0
RB x 10- (10 x2)- (4 x 3 x 5.5)- (6 x 9)= 0
RB = 14kN (Substituting RB in equation 1) RB =14kN
13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 84
 Shear force digram
Portion AC: Fx = 14kN (constant)
Portion CD: Fx = 14 – 10 = 4kN (constant)
Portion DE: Fx = 4 – 4(x-4) (linear) FD(x=4) = 4kN; FE(x=7) =-8kN;
To find the distance where Fx=0; 4 – 4(x-4)=0; or x = 5
Portion EF: Fx= 4-12 = -8 kN (constant)
Portion FB: Fx= -8-6 = -14 kN

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 85

Bending Moment Diagram
Portion AC: Mx = 14.x (Linear); MA(x=0) =0; MC(x=2) =28 kN.m
Portion CD: Mx = 14x – 10 (x-2) (Linear); MC(x=2) =28 kN.m; MD(x=4) =36 kN.m
Portion DE: Mx = 14x – 10 (x-2)- (Parabolic); MD(x=4) =36 kN.m; ME(x=7) =30 kN.m
Bending moment is maximum when shear force is 0 at x = 5; Fx=0
Mmax(x=5) =38kNm
Portion EF: Mx= 14x – 10 (x-2)- 12(x-5.5) (Linear) ME(x=7) =30 kN.m; MF(x=9) =14 kN.m
Portion FB: Mx= 14x – 10 (x-2)- 12(x-5.5) – 6 (x-9) (Linear) MF(x=9) =14 kN.m MB(x=10) =0 kN.m

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 86

SFD and BMD for Simply Supported Beams
C. Simply Supported beam with Uniformly Varying Loading
Consider a simply supported beam of length 𝑙 carrying a uniformly varying load w per length as in
figure. Load varies uniformly from A to B. Its intensity is zero at C and is w kN/m at D. In the load
diagram, the ordinate represents the
load intensity and the abscissa represents the position of load on the beam. Hence the area of the
triangle represents the total load and the centroid of the triangle represents the centre of gravity of the
load. Thus, total load in this case is area of the triangle.

Total Load = ; the centre of gravity of this loading is at l X

UVL is assumed to be acting as a point load applied at CG

Point load W= which is acting at from B

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 87

 Reactions
Support Reactions ƩFv =0; sum of all vertical forces = 0
RA + RB – W = 0
RA + RB = _______Eq 1

ƩMA = 0; sum of all moment about a point = 0

RB x 𝑙 – x = 0
RB =

Substituting RB in Eq 1,

RA =

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 88

 Shear Force Diagram
Consider a section at a distance 𝑥 from A
. .
Fx= RA − = −

Fx= 𝑤( − ) (Parabolic)

Now, FA(x=0) = ; FB(x=𝑙) = − ;

To find the distance where Fx=0;

. .
− = 0; = ; 𝑥= ;𝑥 = ; x= 0.577l

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 89

Bending Moment Diagram
Consider a section 𝑥𝑥 which is 𝑥 distance from A, Bending moment at section 𝑥 will be
Mx=RA. 𝑥 − .( )

= .𝑥 − (Equation of a cube)

= (𝑙 − )

Now, MA(x=0) = 0; MB(x=𝑙) = 0; M(x= ) =

For maximum bending moment value F= =0; or= .𝑥 − = 0 ; x=

Maximum bending moment, M(x= ) =

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 90

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 91
SFD and BMD for Simply Supported Beams
C. Simply Supported beam with external moment
Consider a simply supported beam of length 𝑙 carrying an external moment as in figure.
 Reactions
ƩV= 0
RA+ RB = 0
RA= - RB
Taking moment at A; ƩMA= 0
RB X l – M=0
RB = RA =-

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 92

Shear Force Diagram
Portion AC; Fx= −

Portion BC; Fx = −
Bending Moment Diagram
Portion AC; Mx=− .x

MA(x=0) = 0; MB(x=𝑎) = −

Portion BC; Mx=- .x + M

( )
MB(x=l) = 0; Mc(x=𝑎) = − + 𝑀= =

13 November 2020 DR. ROJA A R 93

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