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1576 Full PDF
1576 Full PDF
Chest 1995;107;1576-1581
DOI 10.1378/chest.107.6.1576
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Study objective: This study was conducted to determine 120 min was 56% predicted for the placebo-treated
whether intravenous magnesium sulfate (MgSO4), when group and 55% predicted for the magnesium-treated
used as part of a standardized treatment protocol, can group. (p=0.92) For subgroup analysis, patients were
improve pulmonary function and decrease admission divided into "severe" (baseline FEV1 <25% predicted
rate in patients presenting to the emergency department on presentation) or "moderate" (baseline FEV1, 25 to
with exacerbations of asthma. 75% predicted on presentation). For the severe group,
Design: In this randomized double-blind placebo-con- admission rates were 78.6% (11/14) for the placebo-
trolled study, patients with acute asthma were treated treated group and 33.3% (7/21) for the magnesium-
with inhaled fl-agonists at regular intervals and intra- treated group (p=0.009). For the moderate patients, ad-
venous (IV) steroids. At 30 min after entry, patients re- mission rates were 22.4% (11/49) for the placebo-treated
ceived either 2 g IV MgSO4 or IV placebo. Patients were group and 22.2% (10/25) for the magnesium-treated
monitored for up to 4 h with regular measurements of group (p=0.98). There was no significant improvement
pulmonary function. Patients who were discharged in FEV, in the moderate group for magnesium-treated
from the emergency department were contacted at 1 day patients. However, in the severe group, there was a sig-
and 7 days for follow-up. nificant improvement in FEV1 at 120 min and 240 min
Setting: Emergency departments of a university-affili- (p=0.014 and 0.026, respectively).
ated, voluntary hospital and municipal hospital. Conclusion: Intravenous MgSO4 decreased admission
Participants: Asthmatics aged 18 to 65 years during rate and improved FEV, in patients with acute severe
acute exacerbation with FEVy less than 75% predicted asthma but did not cause significant improvement in
both before and after a single albuterol treatment. patients with moderate asthma.
Interventions: Patients were given 2 g of MgSO4 or (CHEST 1995; 107:1576-81)
placebo as an adjunct to standardized emergency de-
partment procedure for acute asthma. ED=emergency department; FEVI=forced expiratory vol-
Measurements and results: One hundred thirty-five pa- ume in 1 s; IV=intravenous; MgSO4=magnesium sulfate
tients were studied. Hospital admission rates were
35.3% for placebo-treated group and 25.4% for the Key words: asthma; emergency department; magnesium;
magnesium-treated group (p=0.21). FEV, measured at treatment
Athma affects approximately 5% of the population nesium sulfate (MgSO4) is a safe and effective adjunct
and is a frequent cause of emergency depart- to the treatment of acute asthma.6 It has been shown
ment (ED) visits and hospital admissions." 2 Between to have a relaxant effect on smooth muscle in vitro.7'8
19 and 36% of patients who present to the ED with There have been a number of case reports and
acute asthma require hospital admission despite uncontrolled studies indicating its effectiveness in
treatment with ,B-agonists, methylxanthines, and cor- relieving bronchospasm.9"10 However, recent con-
ticosteroids.3-5 trolled clinical trials have not agreed on its effica-
It has been suggested that intravenous (IV) mag- cy.11-13
The goal of this placebo-controlled, double-blind,
*From the Department of Emergency Medicine and Division of randomized study was to determine if IV MgSO4 is
Pulmonary and Critical Care, Long Island Jewish Medical Cen- effective as an adjunct to a standardized treatment
ter, Long Island Campus of the Albert Einstein College of Med-
icine, New Hyde Park, NY, protocol in patients who present to the ED with an
Supported in part by the Nina Weisman Pulmonary Research acute exacerbation of asthma. Primary end points
Manuscript received June 30, 1994; revision accepted November
were admission rate and spirometry results. In addi-
Reprint requests: Dr. Bloch, Long Island Jewish Medical Cen- tion, follow-up was obtained at 24 h and 7 days af-
ter, 270-05 76th Avenue, New Hyde Park, NY 12042 ter discharge.
1 576 Clinical Investigations
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1995 by the American College of Chest Physicians
Table 1-Baseline Characteristics of All Repeated data were obtained 30 min following baseline mea-
Asthmatics (n=135)* surements. Patients were then randomized to receive either 2 g
of MgSO4 or placebo in 50 mL of normal saline solution IV over
Mg Placebo p Value 20 min. All physicians were blinded to the randomization that was
done by the pharmacy using computer-generated tables. Patients
were monitored for any side effects during the infusion and were
27% (18/67) 29% (20/68) NS
F 73% (49/67) 71% (48/68)
specifically asked about paresthesias, diaphoresis, weakness, or a
Age, yr 36±12.7 38.6±13.2 NS flushed sensation. All patients continued on the standard protocol,
History of intubation 16% (11/67) 9% (6/68) NS
which included obtaining repeated data at 30, 60, 120, and 240
URI past 2 weeks 55% (37/67) 59% (40/68) NS min following baseline, and receiving inhaled albuterol nebulizer
Smoking, past or present 42% (28/67) 50% (34/68) NS treatments at 0, 30, 60, 120, and 180 min. Although patients were
Theophylline use in past 55% (33/60) 48% (28/59) NS encouraged to stay for the full 240-min protocol, they were per-
24 h mitted to leave at 120 min if they demonstrated subjective
Oral steroid use in past 20% (13/65) 17.2% (11/64) NS
improvement and their FEV, was greater than 50% predicted. At
24 h
4 h, all patients were assessed for hospital admission. Guidelines
Inhaled steroids in past 24% (16/67) 21% (14/67) NS for hospital admission included shortness of breath at rest or
24 h
minimal exertion, respiratory rate greater than or equal to 28, or
ED visits past year 2.5 ±4.2 2.2 ± 4.3 NS FEV, less than 50% of predicted.
Hospital admissions past 0.6+ 1.7 0.24+.6 NS The treatment regimen of patients discharged from the hospi-
tal was standardized. Discharged patients were instructed to use
Attack duration, h 40.9 ± 36 42.9 ± 36.7 NS inhaled albuterol, two puffs every 4 h. Those given methylpred-
nisolone received prednisone 20 mg twice daily for 1 week. Any
*p<0.05 is considered significant. NS=not significant. Values are patient already taking theophylline or inhaled steroids at the time
expressed as mean ± SD. URI=upper respiratory tract infection. of the ED visit was told to continue his or her usual dose.
All patients discharged from the ED were called at 24 h and
then 1 week later to determine any subsequent ED visits or hos-
METHODS pital admission for asthma.
Patient Selection Data Analysis
Patients aged 18 to 65 years presenting with acute asthma to the We hypothesized that compared with placebo, adjunct therapy
ED of two teaching hospitals (Long Island Jewish Medical Cen- with magnesium would cause greater improvement in pulmonary
ter and Queens Hospital Center), between August 1990 and De- function (FEV1) and decreased hospital admission rate. Data were
cember 1991, were considered for the study. Asthma was defined analyzed using tests for unpaired variables, two-way analysis of
by the criteria set out by the American Thoracic Society.'4 variance, and logistic regression as appropriate. A p value of less
Patients were excluded if they had a history of congestive heart than or equal to 0.05 was taken as significant.
failure, diabetes mellitus, angina, chronic renal insufficiency, Patients were randomized according to a single table. The
temperature >380 C, pneumonia, or if pregnant. Patients re- group were analyzed as a whole and in subgroups. Those with an
quiring intubation, unable to perform spirometry, or unable to initial FEV, below 25% predicted were considered to have "se-
give informed consent were also excluded. Patients in whom the vere" asthma, and those with FEVI 25 to 75% predicted were
forced expired volume in 1 s (FEVI) was greater than or equal to considered to have "moderate" asthma. The division was made
75% predicted, either on ED presentation or after a single prior to unblinding the study. The cutoff of 25% was selected be-
albuterol treatment, were also excluded. All patients were treated cause this group is more frequently associated with hypercapnia
according to the same protocol. and severe obstruction.'7
The primary end points were FEV1 at 2 h after baseline and
Treatment Protocol hospital admission rates. Preinfusion FEV1 percent values were
This study was approved by the Human Subjects Review covaried to determine significant improvement in FEV1. Al-
Committee at both institutions. Baseline data were obtained on though the end points were analyzed separately, they are inter-
presentation, including a brief history and physical examination, dependent in that the hospital admission decision was in part
vital signs, spirometry, and modified Borg Scale ratings for dys- based on the FEVI.
pnea.'5 The latter is a cued, psychometric rating scale from 0 to
10, where 0 represents no dyspnea and 10 represents severe dys- RESULTS
pnea. A spirometer (Spiromate AS 600, Riko; Minato, Japan) was
used to measure FEVI. Following instructions, a minimum of two One hundred forty-nine patients originally were
spirograms was obtained at each datum point and the maximum randomized into the study; however, 135 were
FEV, was recorded. Age, sex, and height-adjusted predicted included in the final statistical analysis. Among the 14
normal values were from Knudsen et al.16 patients who were excluded, 12 were enrolled more
When patients presented in the ED, they received inhaled al- than once, 1 had irreversible airway disease, and 1
buterol treatment (2.5 mg in 2.5 mL normal saline solution by had congestive heart failure. Four patients were in-
high-flow nebulizer). Eligible patients were offered entry into the
study and informed consent was obtained. An IV line was started cluded as an intent to treat analysis because the study
and blood was drawn for complete blood cell count, electrolytes, protocol was violated. Violations include 1 patient
blood urea, nitrogen, creatinine, total magnesium, and theophyl- who received epinephrine, 1 patient who received
line level. Urine pregnancy testing was performed on all women theophylline, 1 patient with subsequent discovery of
of childbearing age. Patients whose initial FEVl was less than 40%
of the predicted value or those who had been receiving oral ste- fever, and 1 patient with subsequent discovery of
roids within the past 6 months were given 125 mg of methyl- pneumonia. In 6 patients, baseline FE1 was un-
prednisolone IV within 30 min of presentation. available because of the patients' inability to coop-
2011 107/6 JUNE,
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1995 by the American College of Chest Physicians
Table 2-Clinical Data (All)* Table 3-Hospital Admission Rates*
Mg Placebo p Value Magnesium Placebo p Value
Theo level, mg/dL 9.0±5.3 7.2 ±5.0 NS All 25.4% (17/67) 35.3% (24/68) NS
Mg level baseline, mg/dL 2.02 ± 0.37 2.09 ± 0.23 NS Severe 33.3% (7/21) 78.6% (11/14) 0.009
Respiratory rate/min Moderate 22.2% (10/45) 22.4% (11/49) NS
Baseline 25.7±6.4 25.8±5.4 NS
120 min 18.9±3.1 20±4.1 NS *p<0.05 is considered significant. NS=not significant.
Baseline 2.63±0.60 2.43±0.63 NS ALL
120 min 1.49±0.73 1.44±0.8 NS
Heart rate/min 80
Baseline 102.6±17.8 101.4±18.0 NS D 70
z -- Magnesium
a ,
> Placebo
120 min 102.5 ± 15.7 99.9 ± 16.3 NS
Systolic BP, mm Hg
Baseline 126.1 ± 22.4 133.5 ±22.4 NS
a 50
- V
A, --- -- -