JTC Appraisal Instruments

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Effective Teacher Performance Appraisal

National trial period – 2017 to 2018

Name of Teacher…………………………………………………………………………….
Name of School………………………………………………………………………………
Appraisal period: From……..…………………………..To …………..………………….
Tax Registration Number (TRN)…………………………………………………………...
Date of appointment as a teacher…………………………………………………………..
College/University certificates and year obtained:……………………………………......
Secondary subject area …………………………………………………………
Primary grade level………………………………………………………….
Early childhood……………………………………………………………….

Objective: To identify and assess performance in critical areas of teaching that should result in
optimal learning for all students.

Preamble: The appraisal is aimed at enabling the teacher to undertake self-evaluation and position
his or her performance on a continuous path of excellence, evidenced by optimum school outcomes.
Teacher Appraisal is based on six (6) Guiding Principles

1. Teacher knows the subject content that he or she teaches.

2. Teacher knows how to teach the subject(s) for which he or she is responsible.
3. Teacher is committed to the children in his or her care, managing the learning process with
due consideration to diversity and character development.
4. Teacher hones his or her professional skills.
5. Teacher interacts with parents and community.
6. Teacher conducts himself or herself in a manner that uplifts the profession.

A system of professional credits is used to add value to the outcomes of the appraisal, leading to
professional growth and excellence

Distribution on the rating scale:

Exemplary Proficient Needs improvement Unacceptable

At least 92% total credits in At least 75% of At least 50% of total Below 50% of
each section of GP domain total credits in each credits in each section total credit in
section of GP of GP domain each section of
domain the domain

1. Appropriate evidence should be provided for each item of assessment. However professional
judgement will be made concerning the quality of the evidence provided. The evidence contributes
to 60% of credits and professional judgement, (achieved through dialogue) to 40% of credits
2. A maximum of 130 professional credits can be attained.
3. Appraisee must score at least 75% of credits in each section of the domain to be appraised as
being in the said domain

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

Principle credit credit
1. Demonstrated knowledge
of subject content: 30
GP #1 1.1 Knows the content of the subject 1. Obtained
Teacher being taught, how the content is certificate/records of 8
knows the constructed from simple to complex professional development
subject(s) and kept up-to-date through in the teaching subject
that he/she professional development within the assessment
teaches period.

1.2 Understands the curriculum that 2. Demonstrated

embodies the subject(s) and sees its relationship between 5
relationship to the attainment of subject curriculum and
educational and national goals national goals

1.3 Knows how to integrate teaching 3.Knew philosophical

subjects to reinforce knowledge, underpinning of subject
being able to identify related areas and was able to 3
concepts in other subjects and uses identify and link and
such concepts to strengthen the interpret concepts across

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
teaching subject subject areas

1.4 Accesses and keeps abreast of 4. Demonstrated up-to-

knowledge and developments in the date subject content, – 7
subject area, using technology and logical sequence and
other sources of information strategic practice
interpreting subject
content in various
5. Identified and utilized 7
supplementary content or
resources – research,
reflection, collaboration
Source: lesson plans/
action plan, academic
certificates, teaching
portfolio, scope and
sequence of subject
taught, Reference list of
Section credit 30

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

Principle credit credit
2. Demonstrated through 30
knowledge and
application of
GP #2 2.1 Knows and is able to apply theories 1. Interpreted, adapted 4
Teacher of learning, in particular, differentiated and paced the
knows how instructions and incorporate such curriculum to meet
to teach the understanding in the practice of students’ learning needs
subject(s) for teaching
which he or
she is 2.2 Develops in the learners, critical 2. Identified strategies 3
responsible thinking and ways to identify and solve used in the development
their own problems of critical thinking in
students – case study,
problem solving,
conflict resolution and

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
2.3 Engages in reflective teaching and 3. Undertook 4
Classroom Investigative Action (Action investigative approaches
research) to evaluate the impact of his (e.g. Action research,
or her instructional choices, actions and reflection, evaluation) to
interactions on the achievements of the advance students’
learners achievement (include
quantitative and
qualitative data)
2.4 Use effective verbal and non-verbal 4. Used a variety of 3
communication techniques as well as a instructional
variety of instructional media and technologies and class
technology to ensure that learners organization to improve
receive the intended message student participation and
learning outcomes.
2.5 Foster competence, self-confidence
and a desire for knowledge through a
collaborative, supportive and an
interactive teaching and learning
2.6 Interpret national goals into class 6. Implemented 6
organization and management to assessment plans
inculcate values and attitudes for (diagnostic) to enable
social, cultural and economic students to establish and
development meet performance
7. Kept student 4
performance records –
academic and
behavioural) for each
student in the class
group and identified
student differences to
enable cognitive and
non-cognitive learning
(promoted positive
values and attitudes)
8. Prepared a 2
compendium of
successful instructional
approaches used in the
delivery of lessons.

Promoted learning 4

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
through integration of
reading in the content

Sources: Lesson plans;

photographs, videos;
observation of teaching
/ lessons, Action Plan,
Samples of students
work, assessment
reports, needs
assessment, record
books on students’
performance, teacher’s
Section credits 30

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

Principles credit Credit
3. Demonstrated 30
capabilities of
managing the learning
process with students
of diverse learning
needs and
GP #3 3.1 Identifies learning differences 1. Prepared and 5
Teacher is and the barriers that impede learning administered Individual
committed to and demonstrates competency in Instructional Plan (IIP)
the children in adapting instructions to meet the and corresponding
his or her care- diverse learning needs of students lesson plans for students
managing the with exceptionalities with exceptionalities
process 3.2 Holds high expectations for all 2. Encouraged 3
through students and performs his/her role as independent learning
addressing facilitator of learning and implemented a
diversity and performance incentive
promoting and rewards programme
development. 3.3 Stays on track with individual 3. Demonstrated 4
student’s progress, assessing the competency in adapting
various learning outcomes of the instructions to meet the
subject areas, and utilizing such diverse learning needs

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
outcomes to diagnose and address of students with
learning needs in a holistic manner exceptionalities

3.4 Knows the background 4. Provided 3

knowledge that learners from differentiated tasks in
various groups bring to their Assessment Plan to
education and adjust learning enable meaningful
methods to take advantage of early assessment for students
positive learning experiences of all with exceptionalities -
learners Used a variety of
assessment strategies to
show growth and
progress of individual

3.5 Sets the foundation for lifelong 5. Used project /STEM 4

learning in building student approach and research to
capabilities for problem-solving, build students’ capacity
self-assessment, research and self- to investigate, self-
learning assess and to
successfully manage
independent learning
3.6 Participates in exploratory and 6. Enabled students’ 4
in co-curricular activities to assist exploration and ideas
various dimensions of the for development of
development of learners available resources and
to actively participate in
co-curricular activities.
3.7 Encourages social interaction 7. Promoted self- 3
and character development through a discipline and leadership
variety of group structures qualities in students

3.8 Knows, understands and 8. Managed/monitored 4

executes responsibilities concerning student behaviour
child welfare, respect for all learners effectively – followed
and abide by the Sexual Offences regulatory guidelines
Act, 2009 and the Security and
Safety Policy Guidelines of the
MoEYI, Child care and Protection

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
Source: Continuous
Assessment Records;
Assessment strategies;
Action research; Brief
Anecdotal Records -
Training kit; Log of co-
curricular activities;
student register, critical
incident report, Lesson
Plan; photographs,
videos; observation,
Action Plan, Samples of
students work,
modification techniques
Section credits 30

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Professional Max. Assed.

Principles performance/evidence credit Credit

Demonstrated continuous 18
professional development
GP #4 4.1 Continuously assesses ones’ 1. Undertook self- 5
Teacher performance in the teaching and assessment and on the
sharpens his learning process and creates an basis of outcomes attended
or her individual development plan for professional development
professional improvement. sessions and / undertook
skills research relevant to
identified needs

4.2 Seeks out and pursues 2. Improved learning 4

opportunities for attaining outcomes using
mastery of skills to improve information technology -
student learning and management - showed mastery of content
use of information technology and practice acquired
and other creative approaches through various means-
peer collaboration, online
to advance student learning and programmes and
management participation in n-service
development programmes.

4.3 Maintains higher order 3. Active membership in a 3

functioning through strengthening community of learners/

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
abilities to reason, reflect, make professional body (in or
fair judgment, evaluate, analyze outside of school), shared
and interpret in QEC activities to
promote learning and
exchange of ideas
4.4 Collaborates with peers to 4. Shared with peers, 3
critically examine ones’ experiences obtained from
performance and create a professional development
framework for improvement – sessions and personal
share successful strategies with practice
5. Published in newsletters/ 3
magazines/mass media at
QEC, regional and national
Sources: certificates,
written documents, Self-
assessment instruments
/checklists, observation
completed by Supervisors/
other observers.
Professional body
membership record.
Report of knowledge
sharing, Peer assessment,
evidence of students’
work, class progress report
and analyses of
Section credits 18

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Professional Max. Assed.

Principles performance/evidence credit credit

5 Engagement of parents 10
and community members
to advance student
GP #5 5.1 Communicates with 1. Communicated with 2
Teacher parents/caregivers to stimulate parents/guardians on
interact with their interest in their children’s students’ performance.
parents and progress and reinforce learning,

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
community always giving priority interest to
the learner

5.2 Engages community members 2. Involved community in 3

to build trust, to foster open activities that promoted
communication and to work student development e.g.
collaboratively with parents to community member
benefit students’ achievement assisted student learning
levels /care/support
5.3 Engages parents and 3. Participated in/organized 2
community in promoting values parent teachers association
and attitudes that are consistent meetings, celebratory
with national educational goals community events linked
to national development
5.4 Puts professional responsibility 4. Demonstrated initiative 3
at the forefront in face of in addressing issues
challenges involving the relating to the well-being
community of students or the progress
of the school –
commitment to overall
student development
Sources: Records of
communication with
parent/guardians, (use of
social media to contact
parents, parent
conference, parent log),
Consultation log, evidence
of community
involvement- photographs
of projects, students work
signed by parents,
Section credits 10

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Professional Max. Assed.

Principles performance/evidence credit Credit
6 Demonstrated high level of 12
professional conduct
GP #6 1. Respected time - being on 4
time for classes, for school,
school events and meeting

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
6.2 Commits to the success of 2. Worked effectively in 5
learners as individuals and of the teams/ or with colleagues –
institution as a whole contributed to team work,
cooperated with peers,
accepted and gave
constructive criticisms
in order to improve learning
6.3 Accepts that teachers have a 3. Acted as a leader and a 3
moral responsibility to role model for students and
themselves and those whom they community. Took pride in
serve, demonstrating leadership achieving excellence
and a commitment to
improvements Sources: students
attendance register, peer
interviews, rewards for
excellent student
performance, log book,
board reports, student

Section credits 12
Performance Summary
Guiding Principles Optimu Exemplar Profici Needs Unacceptabl % of Total no.
m y ent improveme e Credits professional
credits nt credits
92%+ 75%+ 50%+ Below 50%
130 No. of No. of No. of No. of
credits credits credits credits
GP 1 - Teacher knows the 30
subject that he or she teaches.
GP 2 - Teacher knows how to 30
teach the subject(s) for which he
or she is responsible.
GP 3 - Teacher is committed to 30
the children in his or her care-
managing the learning process
through addressing diversity and
promoting character
GP 4 - Teacher sharpens his or 18

her professional skills.
GP 5 - Teacher interacts with 10
parents and community.
GP 6 - Teacher conducts himself 12
or herself in a manner that uplifts
the profession.
Total professional credits obtained/overall

Overall performance rating

Exemplary Proficient Needs improvements Unacceptable

Teacher’s Comments (indicating participation in the appraisal process)



Teacher’s Name Signature and Date

____________________________ _______________________________

General comments of appraisers




Follow-up action to improve performance


Names Appraisal Team Signature and Date

__________________________ ___________________________________

__________________________ ___________________________________

__________________________ ____________________________________

__________________________ ____________________________________

__________________________ ___________________________________

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Beginning Teacher Performance Appraisal

Name of Beginning Teacher…………..……………………………………….…………………

Name of School….…………………………….………………………………..…………………
Appraisal period: From ……..…………………………..to ……………………………………
Appraisal reference number (TRN)………………………………………………..…………….
Date of appointment as a teacher…………………………………………………..…………….
Teacher training institution attended …………………………………………………………...
Secondary school subject(s)……………………………………………………………………..
Or Primary school grade………………………………………………………………………..
Or Early childhood education…………………………………………………………………..

Objective: To identify and assess performance on critical areas of teaching that should result in
optimal learning for all students.

Preamble: The appraisal is aimed at enabling the teacher to do self-evaluation and position his or
her performance on a continuous path of excellence, evidenced by optimum school outcomes.
Assessment is organized into six (6) Guiding Principles

1. Teacher knows the subject content that he or she teaches

2. Teacher knows how to teach the subject(s) for which he or she is responsible
3. Teacher is committed to the children in his or her care, managing the learning process with
due consideration to diversity and character development.
4. Teacher hones his or her professional skills
5. Teacher interacts with parents and community
6. Teacher conducts himself or herself in a manner that uplifts the profession

A system of professional credits is used to add value to the outcomes of the appraisal, leading to
professional growth and excellence.

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Rating Scale:

Exemplary Proficient Needs improvement Unacceptable

92% total credits 75% of total credits 50% of total credits in Below 50% of total
in each GP in each GP domain each GP domain credit

1. Appropriate evidence should be provided for most (60%) items of assessment. However,
professional judgement will determine the quality of the evidence.
2. A maximum of 100 professional credits can be obtained.
3. Teacher must score at least 75% of credits in each Guiding Principle in order to be
appraised as ‘Proficient’

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

Principles credit credit
1. Demonstrated knowledge of
subject contents: 23
GP #1 1.1 Knows subject content Attained the required 10
Teacher 1.2 Is able to relate concepts qualifications/certification,
knows the to other subjects induction and professional
subject(s) that 1.3 Knows and understand development activities in the
he/she teaches how the subject is subject area
structured in the Demonstrated relationship 5
curriculum between the subject(s) and
national development goals
Demonstrated how content is 8
organized to promote learning
– logical sequence and
determined by students’
Source: Certification,
Samples of subject goals/
course outline and action
plans for class teaching
Mentor’s report, , peer
assessment, Student report

Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
and any other relevant
assessment records, lesson
Section credits 23

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

Principles credit credit
2 Demonstrated through 23
knowledge and application
of pedagogy:
GP #2 2.1 Develops in learners’ Demonstrated strategies for 5
Teacher critical thinking and development of critical
knows how to ways to solve their thinking in students
teach the problems. Used ICT facilities for 4
subject(s) for meaningful engagement of
which he or 2.2 Ensure interactive students in learning activities
she is teaching and learning Showed visual representation 4
responsible environments of groupings and other
collaborative / interactive
2.3 Engage in reflective techniques employed in the
thinking and action teaching and learning
research process.
Interpreted and paced 6
2.4 Uses language curriculum to meet students’
appropriately and learning needs
effectively in classroom Showed (Audio/Visual 4
communication representation) projects /
activities undertaken to
improve knowledge of
subject areas
Sources: Classroom
observation, Mentorship/
principal report, student
assessment, Copies of
assessment plans (diagnostic)
implemented to establish and
meet students’ performance
targets; records of student
assessment to advance

Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
students’ learning; class
Section credits 23

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

Principles credit credit
3. 3.1 Knows age and Demonstrated capabilities 23
GP #3 developmental of managing the learning
Teacher knows (intellectual, physical, process with students of
his or her social) characteristics of diverse learning needs and
students – students exceptionalities:.
effectively Demonstrated that lessons
manage 3.2 Knowledge of the were planned and executed 3
diversity to diversity of factors taking into consideration the
promote (social, cultural, developmental stages of
inclusive religious, gender, students.
classes environmental, special Demonstrated teaching 3
educational needs) that strategies to meet the diverse
impact student learning learning needs of students
3.3 Knowledge of the Created opportunities for 3
principles of inclusive students to develop self-
education and their discipline and leadership
applications. qualities- developed positive
3.4 Knowledge of different values and attitudes among
learning styles and children
approaches of students Developed and used 3
3.5 Knows and understands diagnostic assessment
students’ skills, interests approaches, kept student
and previous learning records and undertook
and the effect of these comparative analyses
on learning showing growth and progress
3.6 Knows of gender of individual students.
differences with an Demonstrated how students’ 3
emphasis on how boys learning was reinforced
learn and develop through integrating and
3.7 Manages classroom correlating teaching across
behaviour to enable subject areas
learning. Worked with students to 3
3.8 Assures and maintains a prepare individualized work
safe physical and plans as grade appropriate

Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
psychological Had classroom rules and 2
environment procedures that were known
to and understood by students
8. Developed strategies to 3
motivate all students to
learn.- managed to achieve
equity in high performance of
girls and boys
Sources: Incentive
Programme / rewards system;
Samples of critical incident
reports (log books, register,
memorandums, meeting
minutes and any
document/record that
indicates an incident), lesson
plans, workplans, students
assessment records,
behaviour management plan
Section credits 23

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

Principles credit credit

4. Demonstrated continuous 14
professional development
GP #4 4.1 Rigorously assesses 1. Showed personal 3
Teacher ones’ performance in assessment records. Had joint
sharpens his the teaching and teaching and learning projects
or her learning process, with peers – eg. Action
professional collaborates with peers research
skills to critically examine 2. Participated in 3
ones’ teaching and development workshops,
learning performance, professional development
creates a personal plan days’ activities, and QEC
for improvement and activities
shares successful 3. Actively involved in core 2
practices with peers. curricular activities

Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
4.2 Seeks out and pursue
opportunities for
improving mastery of
content and 4. Applied higher order 2
methodology and functions in lesson planning
builds competences in and class teaching
the use of technology 5. Active membership in a 2
in education. subject-based professional
body, e.g mathematics
4.3 Maintains higher order association, history
functioning through association, science
strengthening abilities association
to reason, reflect, make
fair judgment, evaluate, 2
analyze and interpret. 6. Used and evaluated
teaching approaches that
4.4 Learns from raised the achievement levels
experiences in the of both boys and girls
profession and, in a
professional manner,
approaches that may be
ineffective for the

4.5 Teachers are members

of professional bodies
that enable sharing of
experiences and
opportunities for
advancement in
Sources: Mentor’s report,
peer assessment, student
report and any other relevant
assessment records.
professional development
sessions attended / courses

Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
taken/ (including duration)
research done (certificates
and documents), Record of
active membership of a
community of learners/
professional bodies in or
outside of school (notes,
presentation made or
responded to, QEC
participation, portfolio
Section credits 14

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

Principles credit credit

5. Engagement of parents and 9

community members to
advance student outcomes.

GP #5 5.1 Communicate with 1. Contacted parents, 3

Teacher parents/caregiver to guardians and caregivers
interacts with stimulate their interest in in the interest of student
parents and their children’ progress academic progress and
community and reinforce learning welfare
always giving priority 2. Involved/participated in 3
interest to the learner community
5.2 Engage community activities/projects, e.g
members to build trust, national celebrations.
to foster open 3. Actively participated in 3
communication and to parents’ day and parent
work collaboratively teachers meetings
with parents to benefit Sources: signed document
students’ achievement acknowledging and verifying
level receipt of documents sent
5.3 Engage parents and home by teacher, invitations
community in to meetings, functions.,
promoting values and community project work, etc.
attitudes that are
consistent with national
educational goals

Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
5.4 Put professional
responsibility in the
forefront in face of
challenges involving
the community
Section credits 9

Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

Principles credit credit

6. Demonstrated high level of 8

professional conduct
GP #6 6.1 Act with the 1. Respected time and was 2
Teacher knowledge that on time for class 95% of
conducts teaching is a public the time
himself or activity and teachers 2. Participated effectively 2
herself in a are constantly being in team work
manner that scrutinized and 3. Responded positively to 2
uplifts the assessed by members constructive criticisms
profession of the public. 4. Exhibited enthusiasm for 2
6.2 Commit to the success and took pride in
of learners as achieving excellence
individuals and of the
institution as a whole
6.3 Teachers have a moral
responsibility to
themselves and those
whom they serve
Sources: Mentor’s report,
peer assessment, guidance
counsellors, student report
and any other relevant
records, a reference letter
from the Principal/VP or
HOD. teacher’s personal file,
Log Book

Sections credits 8

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Performance Summary
Guiding Principles (GP) Optimum Exem Proficient Needs Unaccept Total no.
credits plary improvement able professional

100 No. of No. of No. of credits No. of

credits credits credits
GP1 - Teachers know the 23
subject that he or she

GP2 - Teacher knows 23

how to teach the
subject(s) for which he or
she is responsible
GP3 - Teacher is 23
committed to the children
in his or her care-
managing the learning
process through
addressing diversity and
promoting character
GP4 - Teacher sharpens 14
his or her professional
GP5 - Teacher interacts 9
with parents and
GP6 - Teacher conducts 8
himself or herself in a
manner that uplifts the
Professional Credits 100

Overall performance rating

Exemplary Proficient Needs improvement ts Unacceptable

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Beginning teacher’s comments (indicating participating in the appraisal process)


Beginning teacher’s name Signature and date

_________________________ ___________________________

General comments of appraisers


Professional follow-up

Names Appraisal Team Signature and date

_______________________ _______________________________
_______________________ _______________________________
_______________________ _______________________________
_______________________ _______________________________
_______________________ _______________________________

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Effective Principal Performance Appraisal

Name of Principal……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Name and type of school …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Appraisal period: from ………..………………………….. to …………………………………………………………………………...
Appraisal reference number (TRN)……………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Objective: To identify and assess performance on critical areas of school leadership that should result in
optimal learning for all students.

Preamble: The appraisal is not intended as a punitive instrument, but to enable the principal to assess
him/herself and position his or her performance on a continuous path of excellence, evidenced by
optimum school outcomes. Assessment is organized in four categories: 1. Administration and
management, 2. Instructional leadership, 3. Enabling environment for learning, and 4. Personal attributes
and development.

Professional credits are utilised to add value to the outcomes of the appraisal, leading to professional
growth and excellence.

Rating Scale: Exemplary Proficient Needs improvement Unacceptable

92%+ credits 75%+ credits 50%+ credits Below 50%

1. Appropriate evidence should be provided for most items of assessment.

2. A maximum of 130 professional credits can be obtained.
3. Principal must score at least 75% of credits in each domain to be appraised as being in the domain.
For example, to be designated as ‘Proficient’, the principal would have attained 75% of credits in each

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

1. Administration and Management 35

1.1 Planning, The processes, Promotes Staff and other 2

organization procedures, shared vision stakeholders knew and
and structures and and mission understood the vision,
operation products that mission, goals, strategy
focus the and expected outcomes of
operations of a the school plan
school on
Sources: Approved school
improvement plan.
attainment of
Reports showing
standards and
stakeholders (e.g. PTA,
high levels of
business community)
learning for all
-Staff meeting records:
lesson plans; interviews
with staff; various
information channels for

Allocates Allocated financial 2

financial resources proportionately
resources to improve and maintain
strategically to the educational
ensure environment according to
adequate and the identified needs and
conducive priorities.
Sources: Budget: cash
book: SIP: Action Plan:
expenditure report

Collects, Analysed and discussed 3

analyses and student data and utilized
uses up-to-date feedback to inform
school data to decisions-A data driven
approach adopted

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

inform critical Source: Data analyses

decisions reports on various areas
of cognitive and non-
cognitive student
performance, teacher
lesson plans and
evaluation, attendance
records, mark books,
feedback and action,
meting reports,

Leads change Identified areas for 2

through a change and
process in which negotiated/discussed to
the need for get the desired results.
change is Plans for change
identified and implemented.
change is made
and sustained
for continuous Sources: Samples of
improvements written communication
(meeting reports, memos,
departmental reports),
evidence of change in the
school environment

Enables the Recruited and deployed 2

recruitment and staff in their areas of
deployment of strengths and according to
teaching staff to programme needs.
effect maximum
returns from
teaching and Sources: Teaching
learning deployment record: staff
Appraisals; teachers
academic records

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

Prepares Job Ensured that all staff 1

descriptions for members have job
each staff descriptions

Source: Staff job

descriptions; periodic
assessment of job

Outlines, shares Pursued clear disciplinary 1

and encourages processes, in keeping with
disciplinary the relevant Acts and rules
processes in of natural justice.
keeping with
Sources: available relevant
documents - e.g.
requirements of
education regulations,
the relevant
Education Act, Childcare
and Protection Act, staff
handbook, student
handbook, Parent Policy,

Assures Implemented an effective 2

orientation and and enriching mentorship
mentorship of programme according to
new staff to MoEYI being requirements
Sources: Mentorship
Programme Reports (list
and confidence
of new teachers,
in his or her
corresponding mentors,
performance as
appraisal reports)
a teacher

Section credits 15

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

1.2 Financial Acts in Ensures that all Kept up-to-date Financial 6

Manage- accordance with fiscal Management System,
ment the Financial management established and
Administration requirements maintained a finance
and Audit (FAA) are met committee
and other
legislations and
regulations as Aligned expenditure to 4
applicable to available funds
Sources: Financial reports,
records (bursar, financial
controller): budget:
expenditure, procurement

Section credits 10

1.3 Professional Assures Provides Implemented an effective 10

Capacity professional opportunities professional development
Building learning as the for on-going strategy:
means by professional
-Enabled staff to
which development to
participate in relevant
employees advance and
acquire, maintain
enhance and competence
refine the and professional -Kept up-to-date records
knowledge, standards of staff development
skills, and
necessary to Uses Sources: Staff
enable high assessment of Development Strategy
levels of competence to document, Records of
learning for all sustain Staff Development e.g.
students improved ( register, memos, letters,
performance circulars, time table,

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

lesson plan, training

topics, attendance at QEC
Ensures in-
session), Staff Training
service training
Reports, staff deployment
for all
and appraisal records.
categories of
staff and
for peer
collaboration to
teaching and

Section credits 10

Domain credits 35

2. Instructional Leadership 40

2.1 Curriculum A system for Adapts and Adapted curriculum and 10

managing and sequences the sequenced learning
facilitating curriculum to experiences to meet the
student meet the needs of children (grade-
achievement learning needs based scope and sequence
and learning of students and up-to-date curriculum
based on instructions).
Ensures that
content and
teachers and A system for common
students planning is in place.
understand the
Sources: Space identified
for common planning
time: Samples of course
-Parents are outline developed for
aware of their parents and information

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

role in achieving package): Signed parents’

curriculum goals contracts: Systematic
-Creates space
implementation and
for collaborative
monitoring approach: SIP,
planning for
reports on grade
meetings Students(School
of learning

Section credits 10

2.2 Teaching, A system for Sets high Set and facilitated 5

learning and designing and expectations realization of high
assessment implementing that are expectations for all
teaching and consistently learners
learning- evident for all
assessment learners, with
tasks and teachers and Sources: Samples of
activities to students playing students Individual
ensure that all an active role in Education
students setting personal Plan(IEP)/Career
achieve learning goals, Development Plan (CDP):
proficiency. and monitoring Strategic plan to address
their own students with special
progress based needs (both high and low
on clear level performers): Records
evaluative showing that diverse
criteria. learning needs were met
ce matrix)

Facilitates the Ensure that teachers 5

development of engage students in higher
teachers’ ability order learning through
to engage meaningful and

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

students in participatory learning

work that experiences.
requires higher-
Sources: lesson plan
order reasoning
(Project approach, STEM,
Student outcomes
achieved were consistent
with capabilities(student

Assessment – Has in place a Improved students’ 7

cohesive and performance through data
Managing and
comprehensive tracking system. Made
system to interventions to ensure
ensure that all optimal learning for
data to identify
teachers use groups at risk- poor
patterns of
assessment data performing boys and girls,
to design and students in extreme
adjust poverty, and students
instruction to with disabilities
ent enabling
design and Source: report showing
implement how schools use the data:
appropriate implementation and
instructional monitoring of
interventions. Intervention Plans:
Students data tracking
system(grades charts

Requires that a Implemented diverse 3

variety of assessment strategies
effective and
Sources: Records of
professional development
in assessment: records to
techniques are
routinely and

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

systematically indicate monitoring

implemented by assessment techniques
teachers as part
of an

Section credits 20

2.3 Evaluation Evaluation of Utilises a Undertook formative and 10

the variety of summative evaluation of
performance of evaluative tools teachers and the school as
all staff and to provide a whole in the context of
students in the feedback SIP
learning measures to
environment. enable
Utilising accountability Sources: Schedule of
summative and for all evaluation: Achievement
formative participants matrix: Incidence reports
evaluation engaged in the and log books: Guidance
measures to educational counsellors report:
manage and process Evidence of participation
improve of stakeholders in the
learning evaluation : teachers
outcomes. appraisal:
Decisions/changes made
based on evaluation

Section credits 10

Domain credits 40

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

3. Enabling Environment for Learning 40

3.1 Use of Planning and Creates and Effectively used ICT and 4
information implementing articulates a other teaching and
communicati the integration clear vision of learning resources to
on and of technological technology improve teaching and
technology and electronic integration for learning outcome.
(ICT) and tools in the school
other teaching, community.
teaching and learning, Sources: School ICT Policy:
learning management, ICT equipment record of
resources research and Advocates and usage: Lesson plans: Lab
communication uses ICT and time table : Equipment
responsibilities. other teaching inventory: Maintenance
and learning record: examples of
resources to student work:: Evidence
Management of improve student that the use of ICT is
library and outcomes. monitored: records of ICT
textbooks to professional
ensure access development:
and effective
Records of management
and use of Textbooks and
other resources

Section credits 4

3.2 Managing Implementing Utilizes MoEYI Managed behaviour in a 9

student and monitoring and approved manner that resulted in
behaviour a behavioural school acceptable student
plan which guidelines to conduct
reinforces plan and
Sources: Behaviour
appropriate implement
Management plan; an
behaviour for strategies that
effective guidance and
students while enable
counselling programme;

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

in the learning appropriate Motivational messages

community. behaviours through signage, school
radio/ PA system; School
rules/ handbook for
students; Root cause of
behavioural problems
investigated and results
utilized accordingly
(investigation report);
Critical Incident Report;
log book

Safety and A system for Knows, Created and maintained a 5

security preventing and understands safe and secure school
managing and applies the environment
school violence, safety and
risks and liability security policy
in an effort to of the Ministry Sources: MoEYI safety
improve the of Education. and security policy and
safety of all school plan; enforced
members of the safety and security rules;
school Identifies the serviced fire
community, strengths and extinguishers; Active
including off site areas to build safety and security
activities upon for the Committee(Meeting
organized by creation of a reports); Records of
the school. safe and secure school plant and
school equipment maintenance;
environment Safety rules for TVET
workshops and
laboratories; logs,

Plant Directs key Operates and Effectively managed the 4

Manage- initiatives and maintains the plant to enable a
appropriate school plant to conducive learning
uses of the enable a environment

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

physical school learning Source: Physical

plant. environment Observation, school plant
inventory, equipment
maintenance record,;
evidence of aesthetics,
orderliness and

Section credits 18

3.3 School Norms, values, Establishes the Satisfied customers within 5

culture standards and school as a the context of the
practices caring expectations of the school
associated with institution
the school as a
learning Sources: School
community Develops and community programmes
committed to maintains and projects: Minutes of
ensuring students and PTA meetings: Boards
student staff welfare minutes: Surveys
achievement programmes (students, parents,
and community etc.)

Develops Fostered open 3

communication communication
strategy that
confidence and Sources: monthly Staff
trust among meetings: rules and
staff, student regulations shared and
and community understood: production of
brochures: newsletters:
up-to-date bulletin board
–electronic and /or
manual: Electronic
networking among the

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

staff and guardians

(email SMS)

Enables a Introduced strategies to 2

customer maintain high levels of
service oriented customer satisfaction:
environment in
which the Sources: Interviews
clientele feels a (Student, Parents,
sense of Teachers): Physical
respect, value observation (suggestion
and purpose. box, space)

-Awards for Recognition and Recognizes and Introduced and 4

excellence award for rewards maintained a system of
achieving excellence recognition of excellence,
excellence is an awards and promotions
Sources: Performance
motivating force
selection process, types of
awards): Performance
Management System:
Meeting Minutes:
Brochures ;awards

Section credits 14

3.4 -Community The school as a All stakeholders Actively engaged 4

engagement community of know and community members to
and learning understand the achieve planned school
mobilization involves vision and outcomes
parents, and mission of the
Source: SIP; community
community school
support (projects,
members as
Reinforces scholarships); records of
continuous school community events

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

active improvement
participants. through active
and sustained
involvement of
Enable community
community stakeholders.
collaboration to
help the school
achieve its
targets and
short- and long-
term goals.

Section credits 4

Domain credits 40

4.0 Personal attributes and Development 15

4.1 Ethical Acts with Acts with Provided fair professional 8
behaviour integrity, fairness in all judgement
fairness and issues
Demonstrated sensitivity
honesty in concerning
in challenging situations
personal teaching and
conduct and all non-teaching Managed school resources
aspects of staff, students within the expected
carrying out the and other framework
responsibility of stakeholders
a principal.
Source: staff appeals;
Honesty in audit reports; Incident
dealing with

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Professional Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership Standard credit

resources reports; Board Minutes;

entrusted to the (refer to section 1.4
school financial management);
Log book; Memoranda;
Procedures being
followed; disciplinary
committee and report

4.3 Professional Keeps abreast Sets personal Undertook professional 7

development of experiences targets for development for personal
and advance and professional growth and advancement
developments development
-ment Source: records of
in school
professional development
Training, official meetings
, community service

Section credits 15

Domain credits 15


Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Performance Summary
Domains Optimum Exemplary Proficient Needs Unacceptable Total no.
number of improvem professional
credits At least At least ent credits
92% in 75% in
each each
category category

No. of No. of No. of No. of

credits credits credits credits

1. Administration and 35
2. Instructional 40
3. Enabling 40
environment for
4. Personal attributes 15
and development
Total number of

Principal’s Comment:

Principal’s Name: ______________________ Signature:_______________________

Overall performance rating

Exemplary Proficient Needs improvements Unacceptable

General comments by appraisal team


Ministry of Education Youth and Information


Critical and immediate follow-up


Assessment Team

Name Signature & date

____________________ ___________________________________
____________________ ___________________________________
____________________ ___________________________________
____________________ ___________________________________
____________________ ___________________________________

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Vice-Principal (Administration) Performance Appraisal

Name of vice-Principal ………………………………………………………………………………..

Name and type of school ……………………………………………………………………………..
Appraisal period: from ………..………………………….. to ………………………………………
Appraisal reference number (TRN)………………………………………………………………….

Objective: To identify and assess performance in critical areas of school leadership that should result in
optimal learning for all students.

Preamble: The appraisal is not intended as a punitive instrument, but to enable the vice-Principal to
assess him/herself and position his or her performance on a continuous path of excellence, evidenced by
optimum school outcomes. Assessment is organized in three categories: 1. Administration and
management, 2. Enabling environment for learning, and 3. Personal attributes and development.

Professional credits are utilised to add value to the outcomes of the appraisal, leading to professional
growth and excellence.

Rating Scale: Exemplary Proficient Needs Unacceptable

92%+ credits 75%+ credits 50%+ credits Below
50% credits

1. Appropriate evidence should be provided for most (at least 60%) items of assessment.

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

2. A maximum of 130 professional credits can be obtained.

3. To be designated in a category, the vice-Principal must attain the required number of credits in each
domain of the category. For example, he/she should attain at least 75% of credits in each domain to
be appraised as ‘Proficient’

Item School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership credit credit
1. Administration and Management 60

1.1 Planning, The processes, Promotes Staff and other 9

organization procedures, shared vision stakeholders knew and
and structures and and mission understood the vision,
operation products that for the school mission, goals, strategy
focus the and expected outcomes
operations of a of the school plan
school on Sources: Approved
ensuring school improvement
attainment of plan. Reports showing
standards and stakeholders’ (e.g.
high levels of PTA, business
learning for all community)
students involvement
Oversee and ensure
department plans
-Staff meeting records:
-Code of conduct for
staff and students -
Open information
channels for staff.
Allocates Coordinated the 8
financial allocation of financial
resources resources
strategically to proportionately to
ensure improve and maintain
adequate and the educational
conducive environment according

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership credit credit
educational to the identified needs
environment and priorities.
Sources: Budget: cash
book: SIP: Action
Plan: expenditure
Leads change Identified areas for 8
through a change to improve
process in efficiency in
which the need administration and
for change is negotiated/discussed
identified and areas to realise the
change is made desired results. Planned
and sustained change implementation.
for continuous Sources: Samples of
improvements written communication
(meeting reports,
memos, departmental
of the need for change
ad in which areas,
evidence of change in
the school environment
Prepares job Ensured that all staff 7
descriptions members have job
for each staff descriptions and
monitor application
Sources: Staff job
descriptions; periodic
assessment of job
descriptions, roles and
responsibilities of staff
Outlines, Pursued clear and fair 7
shares and disciplinary processes,
encourages in keeping with the

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership credit credit
processes in relevant Acts and rules
keeping with of natural justice.
the Sources: available
requirements relevant documents -
of the relevant e.g. education
Acts regulations, Education
Act, Childcare and
Protection Act, staff
handbook, student
handbook, Parent
Policy, etc.
Section Credits 40
1.2 Evaluation Evaluation of Utilises a Led termly evaluation 20
the variety of of the implementation
performance of evaluative of SIP
all staff and tools to Sources: Schedule of
students in the provide evaluation:
learning feedback Achievement matrix:
environment. measures to Incidence reports and
enable log books: Guidance
Utilising accountability counsellors report:
summative and for all Evidence of
formative participants participation of
evaluation engaged in the stakeholders in the
measures to educational evaluation
manage and process Decisions/changes
improve made based on
learning evaluation
Section credits 20

Domain credits 60

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership credit credit
2. Enabling Environment for Learning 50

2.1 Use of Planning and Creates and Ensured the availability 8

information implementing articulates a of ICT resources and
communica the integration clear vision kept equipment
tion and of technological of technology operational
technology and electronic integration Established and
(ICT) and tools in for the school implemented guidelines
other teaching, community. for the care and
teaching learning, utilization of ICT
and management, Advocates equipment and other
learning research and and uses ICT teaching and learning
resources communication and other resources
responsibilities. teaching and Sources: School ICT
Management of learning Policy: ICT equipment
library and resources to record of usage:
textbooks to improve Lesson plans: Lab time
ensure access student table : Equipment
and effective outcomes. inventory:
utilization Maintenance record:
examples of student
work:: Evidence that
the use of ICT is
monitored: records of
ICT professional

Section credits 8
2.2 Managing Implementing Utilizes Managed behaviour in a 8
student and monitoring MoEYI and manner that resulted in
behaviour a behavioural approved acceptable student
plan which school conduct
reinforces guidelines to

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership credit credit
appropriate plan and Sources: Behaviour
behaviour for implement Management plan; an
students while strategies that effective guidance and
in the learning enable counselling
community. appropriate programme;
behaviours. Motivational messages
through signage,
school radio/ PA
system; School rules/
handbook for students;
Root cause of
behavioural problems
investigated and results
utilized accordingly
(investigation report);
Critical Incident
Report; log book
Safety and A system for Knows, Managed and 5
Security preventing and understands maintained a safe and
managing and applies the secure school
school safety and environment through
violence, risks security policy collaboration with
and liability in of the Ministry stakeholders and
an effort to of Education. strategic intervention
improve the
safety of all Identifies the Sources: MoEYI safety
members of strengths and and security policy and
the school areas to build school plan; enforced
community, upon for the safety and security
including off creation of a rules; serviced fire
site activities safe and secure extinguishers; Active
organized by school safety and security
the school. environment Committee(Meeting
reports); Records of
school plant and

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership credit credit
maintenance; Safety
rules for TVET
workshops and
laboratories; logs,
Plant Directs key Operates and Effectively managed 5
Manage- initiatives and maintains the the plant to enable a
ment appropriate school plant to conducive learning
uses of the enable a environment.
physical conducive Organized for
school plant. learning maximum use of school
environment plant to enable learning
Strategic allocation of
Source: Physical
Observation, school
plant inventory,
maintenance record,;
evidence of aesthetics,
orderliness and
Section credits 18
2.3 School Norms, values, Establishes Satisfied customers 5
Culture standards and the school as a within the context of
practices caring the expectations of the
associated with institution school
the school as a Sources: School
learning Develops and community
community maintains programmes and
committed to students and projects: Minutes of
ensuring staff welfare PTA meetings: Boards
student programmes minutes: Surveys
achievement (students, parents,
and community etc.)

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership credit credit
Develops Fostered open 5
communicatio communication to build
n strategy that trust among staff and
creates students
confidence and
trust among Sources: Monthly Staff
staff, student meetings: rules and
and regulations shared and
community understood: production
of brochures:
newsletters: up-to-date
bulletin board –
electronic and /or
manual: Electronic
networking among the
staff and guardians
(email, SMS)
Enables a Introduced strategies to 4
customer maintain high levels of
service customer satisfaction:
oriented school
environment in Sources: Interviews
which the (Student, Parents,
clientele feels Teachers): Physical
a sense of observation
respect, value (suggestion box, space)
and purpose.
Awards for Recognition Recognizes Introduced and 5
Excellence and award for and rewards maintained a system of
achieving excellence recognition of
excellence is excellence in classroom
an important maintenance and care
motivating of school furniture

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership credit credit
Sources: Performance
selection process, types
of awards):
Management System:
Meeting Minutes:
Brochures; awards

Section credits 19
2.4 Community The school as All Actively collaborated 5
engagement a community stakeholders to engage community
and of learning know and members to achieve
mobilizatio involves understand the planned school
n parents, and vision and outcomes
community mission of the Source: SIP;
members as school. community support
active (projects,
participants. Reinforces scholarships); records
continuous of school community
Enable improvement events
community through active
collaboration and sustained
to help the involvement of
school achieve community
its continuous stakeholders.
targets and
short- and

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Item School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

leadership credit credit

Section credits 5
Domain credits 50

3.0 Personal attributes and development 20

3.1 Ethical Acts with Acts with Provided fair 20
Behaviour integrity, fairness in all professional judgement
fairness and issues Demonstrated
honesty in concerning sensitivity in
personal teaching and challenging situations
conduct and non-teaching Build confidence and
all aspects of staff, students trust in his relationships
carrying out and other with students and
the stakeholders teachers
responsibility Respectful in
of a principal. Honesty in communication and
dealing with general treatment of
resources staff
entrusted to the Demonstrates honesty
school and integrity in the
exercise of his duties.
Meet deadlines
Source: staff appeals;
audit reports; Incident
reports; Board
Minutes; (refer to
section 1.4 financial
management); Log
book; Memoranda;
Procedures being
followed; disciplinary
committee and report
Section credits 20
Domain credits 20

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Performance Summary
Domains Optimum Exemplary Proficient Needs Unacceptable Total no.
number of At least At least improvement professional
credits 92% in 75% in credits
each each
category category
No. of No. of No. of No. of
credits credits credits credits
1. Administratio 40
n and
2. Evaluation 20
3. Enabling 50
for learning
4. Personal 20
attributes and
Total number of 130

Principal’s Comment:

Principal’s Name: ______________________ Signature:_______________________

Overall performance rating

Exemplary Proficient Needs improvements Unacceptable

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

General comments by appraisal team


Critical and immediate follow-up


Assessment Team

Name Signature & date

____________________ ___________________________________
____________________ ___________________________________
____________________ ___________________________________
____________________ ___________________________________
____________________ ___________________________________

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Vice-Principal (Programme) Performance Appraisal

Name of Vice-Principal
Name and type of school ………………………………………………………………………
Appraisal period: from ………..………………………….. to ………………………………
Appraisal reference number (TRN)…………………………………………………………..

Objective: To identify and assess performance in critical areas of school leadership that should
result in optimal learning for all students.

Preamble: The appraisal is not intended as a punitive instrument, but to enable the vice-principal
to assess him/herself and position his or her performance on a continuous path of excellence,
evidenced by optimum school outcomes. Assessment is organized in four categories: 1.
Administration and Management, 2. Instructional Leadership, 3. Enabling environment for
learning, and 4. Personal attributes and development.

Professional credits are utilised to add value to the outcomes of the appraisal, leading to
professional growth and excellence.

Rating Exemplary Proficient Needs Unacceptable

Scale: Improvement
92%+ credits 75%+ credits 50%+ credits Below
50% credits

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

1. Appropriate evidence should be provided for most items of assessment.

2. A maximum of 130 professional credits can be obtained.
3. To be designated in a category, the vice-Principal must attain the required number of credits
in each domain of the category. For example, he/she should attain at least 75% of credits in
each domain to be appraised as ‘Proficient’

Ite School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

m leadership credit credit
1. Administration and Management 35

1.1 Planning, The processes, Promotes Staff and other 4

organization procedures, shared vision stakeholders knew and
and operation structures and and mission understood the vision,
products that for school mission, goals, strategy
focus the programmes and expected outcomes
operations of a of the school
school on programmes
ensuring Sources: Approved
attainment of school improvement
standards and plan. Reports showing
high levels of stakeholders’ (e.g.
learning for all PTA, business
students community)
-Staff meeting records:
lesson plans;
interviews with staff;
various information
channels for staff.

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Ite School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

m leadership credit credit
Collects, Analysed and 5
analyses and discussed student
uses up-to-dateperformance data and
school data to utilized feedback to
inform criticalinform decisions - A
decisions data driven approach
adopted to increase
educational outcomes
Source: Data analyses
reports on various
areas of cognitive and
non-cognitive student
performance, teacher
lesson plans and
evaluation, attendance
records, mark books,
feedback and action,
meeting reports,
Leads change Identified areas for 4
through a change in programmes
process in and
which the need negotiated/discussed to
for change is realise the desired
identified and results. Plans for
change is made change implemented.
and sustained Sources: Samples of
for continuous written communication
improvements (meeting reports,
memos, departmental
reports), evidence of
change in the school

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Ite School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

m leadership credit credit
Enables Negotiated to deploy 4
strategic staff in their areas of
deployment of strengths and according
teaching staff to programme needs.
to effect Sources: Teaching
maximum deployment record:
returns from Staff Appraisals;
teaching and teachers’ academic
learning records
Prepares job Ensured that all staff 4
descriptions members have
for each staff workplans
Sources: Staff
workplans; periodic
assessment of job
Assessment of staff
deployment, memo or
meeting report on
deployment of staff
Assures Implemented an 4
orientation and effective and enriching
mentorship of mentorship programme
new staff to according to MoEYI
build requirements
competency Sources: Mentorship
and confidence Programme Reports
in his or her (list of new teachers,
performance as corresponding
a teacher mentors, appraisal
reports for beginning
Section credits 25

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Ite School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

m leadership credit credit
Section credits 10
1.2 Professional Assures Provides Implemented an 10
Capacity professional opportunities effective professional
Building learning as the for on-going development strategy:
means by professional - Enabled staff to
which development participate in relevant
employees to advance and professional
acquire, maintain development activities:
enhance and competence - Kept up-to-date
refine the and records of staff
knowledge, professional development
skills, and standards Enable opportunities for
commitment professional
necessary to Uses development in areas of
enable high assessment of identified needs
levels of competence to
learning for all sustain Sources: Staff
students. improved Development Strategy
performance document, Records of
Staff Development e.g.(
Ensures in- register, memos,
service training letters, circulars, time
for all table, lesson plan,
categories of training topics,
staff and attendance at QEC
assures session), Staff Training
opportunities Reports, Records of
for peer staff needs identified
collaboration through student
to improve performance
teaching and
Section credits 10
Domain credits 35

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Ite School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

m leadership credit credit

2. Instructional leadership 40
2.1 Curriculum A system for Collaborates Adapted curriculum and 15
managing and with sequenced learning
facilitating departments to experiences to meet the
student adapt and needs of children
achievement sequence the (grade-based scope and
and learning curriculum to sequence and up-to-date
based on meet the curriculum
content and learning needs instructions).
performance of students A system is in place for
standards Ensures that common planning, peer
teachers and support and exchange
students to facilitate learning
understand the Sources: Space
curriculum identified for common
goals. planning time:
-Parents are Samples of course
aware of their outline developed for
role in parents and
achieving Students(School
curriculum information package):
goals Signed parents’
-Creates space contracts: Systematic
for curriculum
collaborative implementation and
planning for monitoring approach:
curriculum SIP, reports on
implementation grade/departmental
and meetings
of learning
Section credits 15
2.2 A system for Collaborate Set and facilitated 5
designing and with realization of high

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Ite School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

m leadership credit credit
Teaching, implementing departments to expectations for all
learning and teaching and set high learners
assessment learning- expectations Sources: Samples of
assessment that are students’ Individual
tasks and consistently Education
activities to evident for all Plan(IEP)/Career
ensure that all learners, with Development Plan
students teachers and (CDP where relevant):
achieve students Strategic plan to
proficiency. playing an address students with
active role in special needs (both
setting high and low level
personal performers): Records
learning goals, showing that diverse
and monitoring learning needs were
their own met (Student
progress based achievements/performa
on clear nce matrix)
Facilitates the Ensured that teachers 10
development engage students in
of teachers’ higher order learning
ability to through meaningful and
engage participatory learning
students in experiences (attention
work that to critical thinking and
requires teaching for diversity)
higher-order Sources: lesson plan
reasoning and (Project approach,
investigation. STEM, or STEAM
Student outcomes
achieved were
consistent with

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Ite School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

m leadership credit credit
capabilities (student
Assessment – Has in place a Managed improved 10
Managing and cohesive and students’ performance
analysing comprehensive through data tracking
performance system to system. Made
data to identify ensure that all interventions to ensure
patterns of teachers use optimal learning for
achievement assessment groups at risk- poor
and data to design performing boys and
underachievem and adjust girls, students in
ent enabling instruction to extreme poverty, and
design and maximise students with
implement student disabilities
appropriate achievement Source: report showing
instructional how schools use the
interventions. data: implementation
and monitoring of
Intervention Plans:
Students data tracking
system(grades charts
Requires that a Ensured
variety of implementation of
effective and diverse assessment
balanced strategies
assessment Sources: Records of
techniques are professional
routinely and development in
systematically assessment: records to
implemented indicate monitoring
by teachers as assessment techniques
part of an

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Ite School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

m leadership credit credit
Section credits 25
2.3 Evaluation Evaluation of Utilises a Undertook /coordinated 10
the variety of formative and
performance of evaluative summative appraisal of
all staff and tools to teachers
students in the provide Sources: Schedule of
learning feedback appraisals:
environment. measures to Achievement matrix:
enable Incidence reports and
Utilising accountability log books: Guidance
summative and for all counsellors report:
formative participants Evidence of
evaluation engaged in the participation of
measures to educational stakeholders in the
manage and process appraisal of teachers
improve Decisions/changes
learning made based on
outcomes. evaluation

Section credits 10
Domain credits 50

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Ite School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

m leadership credit credit

3. Enabling Environment for Learning 30

3.1 Use of Planning and Creates and Enabled the effective 9
information implementing articulates a use of ICT and other
communicatio the integration clear vision teaching and learning
n and of technological of technology resources to improve
technology and electronic integration teaching and learning
(ICT) and tools in for the school outcome.
other teaching teaching, community.
and learning learning, Sources: School ICT
resources management, Advocates Policy: ICT equipment
research and and uses ICT record of usage:
communication and other Lesson plans: Lab time
responsibilities. teaching and table : Equipment
Management of learning inventory:
library and resources to Maintenance record:
textbooks to improve examples of student
ensure access student work:: Evidence that
and effective outcomes. the use of ICT is
utilization monitored: records of
ICT professional

- Records of
management and use
of Textbooks and
other resources

Section credits 9
Section credits 16

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Ite School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

m leadership credit credit
3.2 School Norms, values, Establishes Satisfied customers 5
Culture standards and the school as a within the context of
practices caring the performance of
associated with institution students and the
the school as a expectations of the
learning Develops and school
community maintains Sources: School
committed to students and community
ensuring staff welfare programmes and
student programmes projects: Minutes of
achievement PTA meetings: Boards
and minutes: Surveys
organizational (students, parents,
productivity community etc.)

Develops Fostered open 3

communicatio communication with
n strategy that teachers and students
confidence and Sources: Monthly Staff
trust among meetings: rules and
staff, student regulations shared and
and understood: production
community of brochures:
newsletters: up-to-date
bulletin board –
electronic and /or
manual: Electronic
networking among the
staff and guardians
(email, SMS)

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Ite School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

m leadership credit credit
Enables a Introduced strategies to 3
customer maintain high levels of
service customer satisfaction:
oriented school
environment in Sources: Interviews
which the (Student, Parents,
clientele feels Teachers): Physical
a sense of observation
respect, value (suggestion box, space)
and purpose.
Awards for Recognition Recognizes Introduced and 4
Excellence and award for and rewards maintained a system of
achieving excellence recognition of
excellence is excellence, awards and
an important promotions
motivating Sources: Performance
force guidelines(criteria,
selection process, types
of awards):
Management System:
Meeting Minutes:
Brochures; awards

Section credits 16
3.4 Community The school as All Actively engaged 6
engagement a community stakeholders community members to
and of learning know and achieve planned school
mobilization involves understand the outcomes. Identified
parents, and vision and and enabled utilization
community of country resources to

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Ite School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

m leadership credit credit
members as mission of the improve learning
active school. outcomes.
participants. Source: SIP;
Reinforces community support
Enable continuous (projects,
community improvement scholarships); records
collaboration through active of school community
to help the and sustained events
school achieve involvement of
its continuous community
improvement stakeholders.
targets and
short- and

Section credits 6
Domain credits 30

4.0 Personal attributes and development 15

4.1 Ethical Acts with Acts with Provided fair 10
Behaviour integrity, fairness in all professional judgement
fairness and issues Demonstrated
honesty in concerning sensitivity in
personal teaching and challenging situations
conduct and non-teaching Managed school
all aspects of staff, students resources to
carrying out and other advance/improve
the stakeholders learning outcomes
of a principal. Honesty in Source: staff appeals;
dealing with audit reports; Incident
resources reports; Board
Minutes; (refer to

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Ite School Standard Action Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.

m leadership credit credit
entrusted to the section 1.4 financial
school management); Log
book; Memoranda;
Procedures being
followed; disciplinary
committee and report
4.3 Professional Keeps abreast Sets personal Undertook professional 5
development of targets for development for
and advance experiences professional personal growth and
-ment and development advancement
developments Source: records of
in school professional
leadership development
Training, official
meetings , community
Section credits 15
Domain credits 15

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

Performance Summary
Domains Optimum Exemplary Proficient Needs Unacceptable Total no.
number At least 92% At least improvemen professio
of credits in each 75% in t nal
category each credits
No. of credits No. of No. of No. of
credits credits credits
1. Administration 35
and Management
2. Instructional 50
3. Enabling 30
environment for
4. Personal 15
attributes and
Total number of 130

Vice-Principal’s Comment:

Vice-Principal’sName: ______________________ Signature:_______________________

Overall performance rating

Exemplary Proficient Needs improvements Unacceptable

Ministry of Education Youth and Information

General comments by appraisal team


Critical and immediate follow-up


Assessment Team

Name Signature & date

____________________ ___________________________________
____________________ ___________________________________
____________________ ___________________________________
____________________ ___________________________________
____________________ ___________________________________


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