JTC Appraisal Instruments
JTC Appraisal Instruments
JTC Appraisal Instruments
Name of Teacher…………………………………………………………………………….
Name of School………………………………………………………………………………
Appraisal period: From……..…………………………..To …………..………………….
Tax Registration Number (TRN)…………………………………………………………...
Date of appointment as a teacher…………………………………………………………..
College/University certificates and year obtained:……………………………………......
Secondary subject area …………………………………………………………
Primary grade level………………………………………………………….
Early childhood……………………………………………………………….
Objective: To identify and assess performance in critical areas of teaching that should result in
optimal learning for all students.
Preamble: The appraisal is aimed at enabling the teacher to undertake self-evaluation and position
his or her performance on a continuous path of excellence, evidenced by optimum school outcomes.
Teacher Appraisal is based on six (6) Guiding Principles
A system of professional credits is used to add value to the outcomes of the appraisal, leading to
professional growth and excellence
Distribution on the rating scale:
1. Appropriate evidence should be provided for each item of assessment. However professional
judgement will be made concerning the quality of the evidence provided. The evidence contributes
to 60% of credits and professional judgement, (achieved through dialogue) to 40% of credits
2. A maximum of 130 professional credits can be attained.
3. Appraisee must score at least 75% of credits in each section of the domain to be appraised as
being in the said domain
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
teaching subject subject areas
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
2.3 Engages in reflective teaching and 3. Undertook 4
Classroom Investigative Action (Action investigative approaches
research) to evaluate the impact of his (e.g. Action research,
or her instructional choices, actions and reflection, evaluation) to
interactions on the achievements of the advance students’
learners achievement (include
quantitative and
qualitative data)
2.4 Use effective verbal and non-verbal 4. Used a variety of 3
communication techniques as well as a instructional
variety of instructional media and technologies and class
technology to ensure that learners organization to improve
receive the intended message student participation and
learning outcomes.
2.5 Foster competence, self-confidence
and a desire for knowledge through a
collaborative, supportive and an
interactive teaching and learning
2.6 Interpret national goals into class 6. Implemented 6
organization and management to assessment plans
inculcate values and attitudes for (diagnostic) to enable
social, cultural and economic students to establish and
development meet performance
7. Kept student 4
performance records –
academic and
behavioural) for each
student in the class
group and identified
student differences to
enable cognitive and
non-cognitive learning
(promoted positive
values and attitudes)
8. Prepared a 2
compendium of
successful instructional
approaches used in the
delivery of lessons.
Promoted learning 4
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
through integration of
reading in the content
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
outcomes to diagnose and address of students with
learning needs in a holistic manner exceptionalities
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
Source: Continuous
Assessment Records;
Assessment strategies;
Action research; Brief
Anecdotal Records -
Training kit; Log of co-
curricular activities;
student register, critical
incident report, Lesson
Plan; photographs,
videos; observation,
Action Plan, Samples of
students work,
modification techniques
Section credits 30
Demonstrated continuous 18
professional development
GP #4 4.1 Continuously assesses ones’ 1. Undertook self- 5
Teacher performance in the teaching and assessment and on the
sharpens his learning process and creates an basis of outcomes attended
or her individual development plan for professional development
professional improvement. sessions and / undertook
skills research relevant to
identified needs
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
abilities to reason, reflect, make professional body (in or
fair judgment, evaluate, analyze outside of school), shared
and interpret in QEC activities to
promote learning and
exchange of ideas
4.4 Collaborates with peers to 4. Shared with peers, 3
critically examine ones’ experiences obtained from
performance and create a professional development
framework for improvement – sessions and personal
share successful strategies with practice
5. Published in newsletters/ 3
magazines/mass media at
QEC, regional and national
Sources: certificates,
written documents, Self-
assessment instruments
/checklists, observation
completed by Supervisors/
other observers.
Professional body
membership record.
Report of knowledge
sharing, Peer assessment,
evidence of students’
work, class progress report
and analyses of
Section credits 18
5 Engagement of parents 10
and community members
to advance student
GP #5 5.1 Communicates with 1. Communicated with 2
Teacher parents/caregivers to stimulate parents/guardians on
interact with their interest in their children’s students’ performance.
parents and progress and reinforce learning,
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
community always giving priority interest to
the learner
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principle credit credit
6.2 Commits to the success of 2. Worked effectively in 5
learners as individuals and of the teams/ or with colleagues –
institution as a whole contributed to team work,
cooperated with peers,
accepted and gave
constructive criticisms
in order to improve learning
6.3 Accepts that teachers have a 3. Acted as a leader and a 3
moral responsibility to role model for students and
themselves and those whom they community. Took pride in
serve, demonstrating leadership achieving excellence
and a commitment to
improvements Sources: students
attendance register, peer
interviews, rewards for
excellent student
performance, log book,
board reports, student
Section credits 12
Performance Summary
Guiding Principles Optimu Exemplar Profici Needs Unacceptabl % of Total no.
m y ent improveme e Credits professional
credits nt credits
92%+ 75%+ 50%+ Below 50%
130 No. of No. of No. of No. of
credits credits credits credits
GP 1 - Teacher knows the 30
subject that he or she teaches.
GP 2 - Teacher knows how to 30
teach the subject(s) for which he
or she is responsible.
GP 3 - Teacher is committed to 30
the children in his or her care-
managing the learning process
through addressing diversity and
promoting character
GP 4 - Teacher sharpens his or 18
her professional skills.
GP 5 - Teacher interacts with 10
parents and community.
GP 6 - Teacher conducts himself 12
or herself in a manner that uplifts
the profession.
Total professional credits obtained/overall
____________________________ _______________________________
__________________________ ___________________________________
__________________________ ____________________________________
__________________________ ____________________________________
__________________________ ___________________________________
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Objective: To identify and assess performance on critical areas of teaching that should result in
optimal learning for all students.
Preamble: The appraisal is aimed at enabling the teacher to do self-evaluation and position his or
her performance on a continuous path of excellence, evidenced by optimum school outcomes.
Assessment is organized into six (6) Guiding Principles
A system of professional credits is used to add value to the outcomes of the appraisal, leading to
professional growth and excellence.
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Rating Scale:
1. Appropriate evidence should be provided for most (60%) items of assessment. However,
professional judgement will determine the quality of the evidence.
2. A maximum of 100 professional credits can be obtained.
3. Teacher must score at least 75% of credits in each Guiding Principle in order to be
appraised as ‘Proficient’
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
and any other relevant
assessment records, lesson
Section credits 23
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
students’ learning; class
Section credits 23
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
psychological Had classroom rules and 2
environment procedures that were known
to and understood by students
8. Developed strategies to 3
motivate all students to
learn.- managed to achieve
equity in high performance of
girls and boys
Sources: Incentive
Programme / rewards system;
Samples of critical incident
reports (log books, register,
memorandums, meeting
minutes and any
document/record that
indicates an incident), lesson
plans, workplans, students
assessment records,
behaviour management plan
Section credits 23
4. Demonstrated continuous 14
professional development
GP #4 4.1 Rigorously assesses 1. Showed personal 3
Teacher ones’ performance in assessment records. Had joint
sharpens his the teaching and teaching and learning projects
or her learning process, with peers – eg. Action
professional collaborates with peers research
skills to critically examine 2. Participated in 3
ones’ teaching and development workshops,
learning performance, professional development
creates a personal plan days’ activities, and QEC
for improvement and activities
shares successful 3. Actively involved in core 2
practices with peers. curricular activities
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
4.2 Seeks out and pursue
opportunities for
improving mastery of
content and 4. Applied higher order 2
methodology and functions in lesson planning
builds competences in and class teaching
the use of technology 5. Active membership in a 2
in education. subject-based professional
body, e.g mathematics
4.3 Maintains higher order association, history
functioning through association, science
strengthening abilities association
to reason, reflect, make
fair judgment, evaluate, 2
analyze and interpret. 6. Used and evaluated
teaching approaches that
4.4 Learns from raised the achievement levels
experiences in the of both boys and girls
profession and, in a
professional manner,
approaches that may be
ineffective for the
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
taken/ (including duration)
research done (certificates
and documents), Record of
active membership of a
community of learners/
professional bodies in or
outside of school (notes,
presentation made or
responded to, QEC
participation, portfolio
Section credits 14
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Item Guiding Teaching Standards Performance/Evidence Max. Assed.
Principles credit credit
5.4 Put professional
responsibility in the
forefront in face of
challenges involving
the community
Section credits 9
Sections credits 8
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Performance Summary
Guiding Principles (GP) Optimum Exem Proficient Needs Unaccept Total no.
credits plary improvement able professional
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Professional follow-up
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Name of Principal……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Name and type of school …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Appraisal period: from ………..………………………….. to …………………………………………………………………………...
Appraisal reference number (TRN)……………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Objective: To identify and assess performance on critical areas of school leadership that should result in
optimal learning for all students.
Preamble: The appraisal is not intended as a punitive instrument, but to enable the principal to assess
him/herself and position his or her performance on a continuous path of excellence, evidenced by
optimum school outcomes. Assessment is organized in four categories: 1. Administration and
management, 2. Instructional leadership, 3. Enabling environment for learning, and 4. Personal attributes
and development.
Professional credits are utilised to add value to the outcomes of the appraisal, leading to professional
growth and excellence.
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 15
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 10
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 10
Domain credits 35
2. Instructional Leadership 40
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 10
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 20
Section credits 10
Domain credits 40
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 4
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 18
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 14
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
active improvement
participants. through active
and sustained
involvement of
Enable community
community stakeholders.
collaboration to
help the school
achieve its
targets and
short- and long-
term goals.
Section credits 4
Domain credits 40
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 15
Domain credits 15
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Performance Summary
Domains Optimum Exemplary Proficient Needs Unacceptable Total no.
number of improvem professional
credits At least At least ent credits
92% in 75% in
each each
category category
1. Administration and 35
2. Instructional 40
3. Enabling 40
environment for
4. Personal attributes 15
and development
Total number of
Principal’s Comment:
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Assessment Team
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Objective: To identify and assess performance in critical areas of school leadership that should result in
optimal learning for all students.
Preamble: The appraisal is not intended as a punitive instrument, but to enable the vice-Principal to
assess him/herself and position his or her performance on a continuous path of excellence, evidenced by
optimum school outcomes. Assessment is organized in three categories: 1. Administration and
management, 2. Enabling environment for learning, and 3. Personal attributes and development.
Professional credits are utilised to add value to the outcomes of the appraisal, leading to professional
growth and excellence.
1. Appropriate evidence should be provided for most (at least 60%) items of assessment.
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Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Domain credits 60
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 8
2.2 Managing Implementing Utilizes Managed behaviour in a 8
student and monitoring MoEYI and manner that resulted in
behaviour a behavioural approved acceptable student
plan which school conduct
reinforces guidelines to
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 19
2.4 Community The school as All Actively collaborated 5
engagement a community stakeholders to engage community
and of learning know and members to achieve
mobilizatio involves understand the planned school
n parents, and vision and outcomes
community mission of the Source: SIP;
members as school. community support
active (projects,
participants. Reinforces scholarships); records
continuous of school community
Enable improvement events
community through active
collaboration and sustained
to help the involvement of
school achieve community
its continuous stakeholders.
targets and
short- and
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 5
Domain credits 50
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Performance Summary
Domains Optimum Exemplary Proficient Needs Unacceptable Total no.
number of At least At least improvement professional
credits 92% in 75% in credits
each each
category category
No. of No. of No. of No. of
credits credits credits credits
1. Administratio 40
n and
2. Evaluation 20
3. Enabling 50
for learning
4. Personal 20
attributes and
Total number of 130
Principal’s Comment:
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Assessment Team
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Name of Vice-Principal
Name and type of school ………………………………………………………………………
Appraisal period: from ………..………………………….. to ………………………………
Appraisal reference number (TRN)…………………………………………………………..
Objective: To identify and assess performance in critical areas of school leadership that should
result in optimal learning for all students.
Preamble: The appraisal is not intended as a punitive instrument, but to enable the vice-principal
to assess him/herself and position his or her performance on a continuous path of excellence,
evidenced by optimum school outcomes. Assessment is organized in four categories: 1.
Administration and Management, 2. Instructional Leadership, 3. Enabling environment for
learning, and 4. Personal attributes and development.
Professional credits are utilised to add value to the outcomes of the appraisal, leading to
professional growth and excellence.
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Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
2. Instructional leadership 40
2.1 Curriculum A system for Collaborates Adapted curriculum and 15
managing and with sequenced learning
facilitating departments to experiences to meet the
student adapt and needs of children
achievement sequence the (grade-based scope and
and learning curriculum to sequence and up-to-date
based on meet the curriculum
content and learning needs instructions).
performance of students A system is in place for
standards Ensures that common planning, peer
teachers and support and exchange
students to facilitate learning
understand the Sources: Space
curriculum identified for common
goals. planning time:
-Parents are Samples of course
aware of their outline developed for
role in parents and
achieving Students(School
curriculum information package):
goals Signed parents’
-Creates space contracts: Systematic
for curriculum
collaborative implementation and
planning for monitoring approach:
curriculum SIP, reports on
implementation grade/departmental
and meetings
of learning
Section credits 15
2.2 A system for Collaborate Set and facilitated 5
designing and with realization of high
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 10
Domain credits 50
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
- Records of
management and use
of Textbooks and
other resources
Section credits 9
Section credits 16
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 16
3.4 Community The school as All Actively engaged 6
engagement a community stakeholders community members to
and of learning know and achieve planned school
mobilization involves understand the outcomes. Identified
parents, and vision and and enabled utilization
community of country resources to
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Section credits 6
Domain credits 30
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Performance Summary
Domains Optimum Exemplary Proficient Needs Unacceptable Total no.
number At least 92% At least improvemen professio
of credits in each 75% in t nal
category each credits
No. of credits No. of No. of No. of
credits credits credits
1. Administration 35
and Management
2. Instructional 50
3. Enabling 30
environment for
4. Personal 15
attributes and
Total number of 130
Vice-Principal’s Comment:
Ministry of Education Youth and Information
Assessment Team