Let's Try This Mirroring Therapy: Homeroom Guidance Quarter 1 - Module 1

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Parce, Ricamae L.

ABM 11

Homeroom Guidance Quarter 1 – Module 1

Let’s Try This

Mirroring Therapy

1. Face in front of a mirror and act your emotional reactions on the following scenarios
or aspects of your personality:

a) Your facial structure - Square

b) The circle of friends that you have – Funny People

c) Your current academic performance - Average

d) Living with safe – Happiness

e) Personal relationship with God - Trying to strengthen our relationship

f) Your current relationship status - Happy

g) Your body posture - Average

h) Attitude towards difficulties in life - Bad

Processing Questions:

1. I feel happy because I was able to reflect my attitude and perspective

2. I find it easy. I learned to accept myself

3. Yes. I thought about it honestly.

4. It was hard for me to overcome hardships for myself but, I can easily give
advice to others.
Parce, Ricamae L. ABM 11

Personal Goal Stop Minimize Continue Improve Start

1 Better grades for Sleeping Using Keeping Reading Developing
this year late at night gadgets my notes in a daily
for orderly Advance personal
gaming study plan
2 Deeper faith Skipping Lack of Reading Praying Praying
reading the discipline the bible more
3 To cook better Being lazy Being lazy Cooking Cooking Cooking
at watching at cooking recipes different
cooking dishes
4 Healthy Eating junk Eating a Exercising Eating Eating
foods lot of meat habits vegetables
5 Make my Losing hope Being lazy Achieving Business Improving
business bigger related
Personal Goal Development Worksheet

Processing Questions:

1. Good because it helped me know more about myself.

2. It would improve me a lot.

3. Not having faith in myself.

Parce, Ricamae L. ABM 11

You Can Do It

Activity No. 3: Poem Writing Language

Let’s be creative! Write a poem of at least four lines about your personal insights on
how you value yourself. You may read the poem with your family at home or share it
with your friends in your social media accounts.

Love your body

For your body gives you strength
Love yourself
For your self is worth the love

What I Have Learned

Make your own “Pledge of Commitment” stating that despite the many challenges you
are facing now, still you are able to manage life with courage and determination. Write it
on a sheet of paper.

Pledge of Commitment

I promise to only look forward and forget the past. I promise to dream higher
and to achieve more. I promise to take care of myself, as well as the others. I
promise to be better than who I was yesterday.
Parce, Ricamae L. ABM 11

Share Your Thoughts & Feelings

Congratulations! You have come this far. Share the insights you learned by filling out
the following graphic organizer. Do it on a sheet of paper.

My Three Big Steps in Achieving Personal Development


Step 2: Know that 3: make
you Your mistakes
mistakesmakes you better so you have to learn
from it

 Step 1: Reflect to learn more about yourself

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