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Korea 1950

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Map 1


Center of Military History

Facsimile Reprint, 1989, 1997

CMH PUB 21–1

For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, US. Government Printing Office

Washington, D.C. 20402
To the 1997 Edition

The fiftieth anniversary of the Korean War gives both the Army and the nation an oppor-
tunity to honor those veterans who served in that conflict, one whose results are still very
much on the minds of American soldiers today. This work, first completed when that strug-
gle was unresolved is an overview of the extremely difficult first six months of the Korean
War. Through its text, photographs, maps, and other graphics, it provides a new generation of
soldiers with a sense of what that conflict was all about and of the heroism and sacrifice that
were needed to turn a series of initial setbacks into victory. I am thus pleased to release this
new printing of a classic photographic collection.

Since the source of every photograph is noted at the back of this book, it is the Center of
Military History’s hope that various commands and offices throughout the Army will find
this work useful also as a catalog of available photographs as they develop their own projects
commemorating the anniversary of the war. Finally, I am mindful of the fact that as we honor
those who served in the Korean conflict, we are also recognizing by extension those soldiers
who continue to serve in Korea today, doing their own part in preserving freedom in a sig-
nificant part of the world.


11 Oct 1996 Brigadier General, USA
Chief of Military History

By its participation in the Korean conflict the Army of the United

States, in a determined effort to restore international peace and security,
has been for the first time committed to battle under the flag of the
United Nations. Confronted by most arduous conditions, the American
soldier has fought with traditional bravery and skill against communist
aggression in Korea. He has met every test with honor.

This volume briefly records, by text and photograph, the first six months
of the conflict that began in Korea on 25 June 1950. It is dedicated to
the American soldier and his comrades in arms who have endured the
hardships of battle with unfailing devotion to duty.

Chief of Staff

Chapter Page

I. PRELUDE TO NORTH KOREAN AGGRESSION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1


31 JULY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


SEPTEMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86


24 NOVEMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147
Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154


DECEMBER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Illustrations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238

No. Page
1. Strategic Map of Far East . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside front cover
2. Situation 28 June 1950 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
3. Situation 1 August 1950 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
4. Situation 14–15 September 1950 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
5. Situation 25 November 1950 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
6. Situation 31 December 1950 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
7. Map of Korea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Inside back cover

Illustrations are from the Department of Defense files.

In this volume, the place names are spelled in accordance

with the Army Map Service spellings. The breve mark,
however, has been omitted.


In the early morning hours of 25 June 1950 known to Westerners that it was long called
when the North Koreans launched their the Hermit Kingdom, its strategically impor-
powerful offensive across the 38th parallel tant position on the perimeter of the Asiatic
against the Republic of Korea, the attention land mass has been thoroughly appreciated by
of the entire world was suddenly focused upon Chinese, Japanese, and Russian statesmen.
that little, mountainous Asiatic nation. Since The country itself is a peninsula resembling a
the Republic of Korea was not a member of jagged club thrust south from Manchuria and
the United Nations, the United States Gov- the Maritime Province of the Soviet Union.
ernment immediately brought the aggression One hundred and twenty-five miles to the west
to the attention of the United Nations Security across the warm Yellow Sea lies communist
Council, branding the assault across the 38th China’s Shantung Peninsula. The Japanese
parallel by the hostile forces as a breach of Empire is about the same distance to the east,
the peace, an act of aggression, and a clear beyond the colder waters of the Sea of Japan.
threat to international peace and security. Korea, a country about one half the size of
Why did the United States concern itself with California, is a jumble of mountains, particu-
an attack in distant Korea, and for what larly in the north and along the east coast.
reasons did the invaders wish to conquer the (See map at rear of book.) Although within
newly sovereign people living in the south of approximately the same latitude as San Fran-
Korea? The answers lie variously in Korea’s cisco, Wichita, and Philadelphia, Korea’s
geographic position, traditional relations with climate is more extreme, especially during the
its more powerful neighbors, and the after- bitterly cold winter months. Another feature
math of World War II. of Korean weather is the monsoon, or rainy
Korea is separated from its northern neigh- season, which from the last of June through
bors, Manchuria and the Soviet Union, by the August turns the country’s dusty roads into
Yalu and Tumen Rivers. (See map inside muddy quagmires.
front cover.) The Siberian port city of Vladi- In modern material possessions and com-
vostok is only eighty miles northeast of the forts, Korea is a poor country, and most of its
Korean border. Although Korea was so little people work long and backbreaking hours in

fields or rice paddies earning a precarious liv- the centuries that followed, the native kings
ing as farmers. The population is well in ex- of Korea, while maintaining their autonomy,
cess of 28,000,000, of which less than one third were to some degree dependent upon and in-
live north of the 38th parallel. The southern ferior to their ceremonial overlords, the
portion of the peninsula is predominantly Chinese emperors. Although China did not
agricultural; the north is more industrial. consider Korea her colony, until the declining
South Koreans grow rice and barley, reaping years of the nineteenth century Korea re-
harvests twice a year because of an extended mained an inferior nation within a Confucian
rainy season. Crops in the north are of the bloc of Asiatic states which regarded near-by
dry-field type: wheat, millet, corn, soy beans. China as the superior, or middle, kingdom.
Less rainfall north of the parallel limits the The relationship might be described as that of
farmers there to one crop annually. Natural a respectful young man toward his mature
resources such as minerals and water power elder brother. An understanding of this his-
are rather meager in the south, although they toric arrangement is needed to assess the diffi-
are not totally lacking. The north is endowed culties which recently have beset Korean
with ample reserves of gold, iron, tungsten, statesmen in their attempts to direct their po-
copper, and graphite, as well as highly de- litical destiny since, for centuries, Korean inde-
veloped hydroelectric power facilities. In the pendence has been tempered by reliance upon
south, much of the land is cleared for farming, the will of one of its stronger neighbors.
while the north possesses most of Korea’s com- Korea has long held definite attraction for
mercial forests. Obviously, north and south the geopoliticians of China, Russia, and Japan.
Korea complement each other and, in order Late in the fifteenth century the Russian prin-
to survive economically, the country best func- cipality centering on Moscow emerged as a
tions as a national unit. Until 1945 a lively sovereign nation by throwing off Tatar domi-
exchange of products did exist. The south nation. In the middle of the next century
exchanged its rice, barley, silk, textiles, and Ivan The Terrible formally assumed the title
manganese for wood, coal, iron, fertilizer, and of czar, and Russia began to expand eastward
electric power from the north. This trade through Siberia. Within sixty years Russian
withered after World War II, the country pioneers reached the Pacific Ocean and then
having been depressed in particular by lack of initiated the movement south which brought
normal markets and by economic chaos in Russia into contact with China. Throughout
general. the seventeenth, eighteenth, and nineteenth
In matters of religion and philosophy, Con- centuries the Russians, fanning out from hum-
fucianism, Buddhism, and Animism are most ble beginnings, exerted tremendous pressure
important, although more than 600,000 Kore- on all of northern Asia. It was this vigorous
ans are Christians. It was largely to Confu- eastward movement that brought the Russians
cianism, however, that Korea owed the to the frontiers of Manchuria and Korea and
position it occupied until very recently. The to the long Siberian coast opposite the islands
Confucian code of moral conduct, which was of Japan.
current in China before the Christian era, Paralleling Russia’s development as an
reached Korea in medieval times and had Asiatic power in the nineteenth century was
become thoroughly accepted by the thirteenth the rise of modern Japan. Both courrtries
century, The adoption of the Confucian phi- schemed to dominate China. To accomplish
losophy eventually led to complete Chinese this feat, control of Korea and Manchuria
suzerainty over the Hermit Kingdom. During was fundamental. Manchuria, with its agri-
culture, industry, and means of transportation, 38th parallel were occupied in 1945 by Rus-
and Korea, strategically valuable because of sian troops. Communist control in northern
its geographic location and year-round harbor Korea and Manchuria made available to the
facilities, were caught in the mesh of Russo- Soviet Union valuable warm-water harbors to
Japanese imperialistic rivalry. complement the ports of Siberia, which are
During the second half of the nineteenth largely icebound during the winter months.
century, when European powers were making From the communist point of view, the ex-
great inroads into the territory of China, West- tension of the Russian sphere of influence was
ern observers concluded that the Korean mon- ideal since it facilitated the integra.tion of
archy could no longer be regarded as even Siberia’s economy and transportation systems
indirectly dependent upon the Chinese. A with those of the rest of eastern Asia. Civil war
long rivalry between China and Japan for in- erupted in China and a communist dictator-
fluence in Korea resulted in the 1894–95 war ship replaced the nationalist government of
which crumbled China’s prestige and estab- President Chiang Kai-shek which finally took
lished Japanese control over the Korean king refuge on the Chinese island of Formosa (Tai-
and people. Shortly thereafter, Korea was wan) on 9 December 1949. Chinese com-
disturbed by riatous anti- Japanese demonstra- munist authorities entered into far-reaching
tions and the king sought protection in the diplomatic agreements with their mentors in
Russian legation at Seoul. For the next nine the Kremlin, and between 1945 and 1950 it
years Russia and Japan vied for dominant became obvious that in the game of imperial-
inf luence throughout Korea. In 1905 the ism, communist Russia had successfully domi-
Russo- Japanese War removed Russia from the nated China, the Manchurian provinces, and
strategic peninsula and for the next forty years northern Korea.
the Japanese were supreme in Korea. The Only the southern part of Korea remained
Korean monarch, Yi Hyeng, struggled against outside the sphere of communist influence.
his captors, but was forced to abdicate and, in During the forty-year period of Japanese occu-
1910, Japan annexed Korea, restoring to the pation, the Korean people had been completely
Hermit Kingdom its ancient name, Chosen. eliminated from all positions of responsibility
From 1910 to 1945 Chosen, as a segment of in their own country. Although the Koreans
the Japanese Empire, lost all semblance of are distinct from all other peoples of Asia in
sovereignty. language and customs, the Japanese seem to
In 1931 Japan brought to fruition long-term have nurtured a desire to absorb the Korean
political plans to separate Manchuria from people, virtually to change them into Japa-
China. During the following year the detach- nese. The Japanese substituted their own
ed area was renamed Manchukuo and pro- language and customs, the names of Korean
vided with the trappings of independence and cities were changed to Japanese equivalents,
a Tokyo-inspired government. The invasion and even the Japanese state religion, Shinto-
of China proper by the Japanese Army then ism, was introduced, bu.t the absorption pro-
took place, but eventually Japan’s imperialistic gram was a failure—the policy of absorption
house of cards collapsed, and it surrendered stimulated Korean nationalism. Groups of
to the Allied Powers on 2 September 1945. exiles met in China, the United States, and
Following World War II, the Soviet Union elsewhere to plan for the time when Korea
undertook to implement the old czarist dream could take its place in the ranks of independent
of controlling China and its neighbors. Man- nations. Among the exiles was Dr. Syngman
churia and that part of Korea north of the Rhee, an American-educated scholar who had
long served the cause of Korean independence. people of Japan. In its declaration of war,
It must be remembered, however, that Korea 8 August 1945, the Soviet Government offi-
had never been a truly sovereign state in cially subscribed to the Potsdam Declaration.
modern times and that the Koreans had re- Events moved swiftly after the Japanese
signed themselves to the habit of subservience Government’s first surrender offer of 10 Au-
to stronger neighbors—China, Japan, and gust 1945. In Washington the Secretary of
czarist Russia. After World War II, the So- War prepared a draft of General Order 1:
viet Union was eager to exploit the possibilities which General MacArthur was directed to
for economic, political, and military influence have the Japanese Government issue to all of
over the Korean peninsula, both north and its armed forces. This famous order in-
south of the 38th parallel. structed Japanese commanders to surrender
South Korea, itself a steppingstone to Japan, to designated Allied officers. Regarding
is that half of the peninsula containing the Korea, General. Order 1 directed that the
capital city of Seoul and many of the best ports. Japanese forces south of the 38th parallel
Acquisition of this portion of Korea was desir- surrender to the American commander. The
able to the forces of communism in order to decision to issue this directive was made by the
complete control of eastern Asia. From the U.S. Government. The Secretaries of War
frozen arctic wastes to the steaming jungles of and State, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the
northern Burma and Indochina, vast areas State-War-Navy Coordinating Committee all
of the Far East had, by subversion, revolution, reviewed the document before it was submitted
and military might, fallen under communist to President Truman for f inal approval.
domination. Chinese, Manchus, and north Later, the approved text was sent to General
Koreans, imitating their Soviet teachers and MacArthur and America’s British and Soviet
aided when necessary by Soviet arms, supplies, allies. The Russians accepted the text with-
and personnel, directed their respective gov- out objection to the provisions concerning the
ernments within the framework of interna- stated parallel.
tional communist policy. But the majority of It should be clearly understood that there
the south Koreans gravitated toward a truly was never any formal wartime agreement
independent form of government. between the United States and the Soviet
The Korean national desire for independ- Union to divide Korea into two zones of occu-
ence had gained the sympathy of the Allied pation. Korea was divided at the 38th paral-
Powers during World War II. In the Cairo lel north latitude purely on a temporary basis
Declaration of 1943, Generalissimo Chiang to facilitate the surrender of Japanese troops
Kai-shek, Prime Minister Winston S. Church- in that country. Soviet troops had crossed in-
ill, and President Franklin D. Roosevelt, to Korea on 12 August 1945, before the 38th
mindful of the enslavement of the Korean parallel had been approved by President Tru-
people by Japan, pledged that “in due course” man. On that date, the nearest American
Korea would become free and independent. troops were about 600 miles away on the island
In the summer of 1945, President Truman, of Okinawa. Elements of the U.S. Army did
Prime Minister Churchill, and Generalissimo not reach southern Korea until 8 September
Chiang, through the Potsdam Declaration, 1945, nearly a month after the arrival in north-
reaffirmed the principles of the Cairo agree- ern Korea of the first Russians.
ment. An atom bomb was dropped on Hiro- Korea was quickly occupied. Surrender of
shima on 6 August 1945. Two days later the the Japanese forces in the southern half of the
Soviet Union declared war on the defeated country was accepted by American officers on
9 September 1945. All powers of government cow agreement. It was this patent Soviet
over the territory and people south of the 38th maneuver to force the Commission into con-
parallel were assumed by General MacArthur. versations with a minority group of Korean
Nevertheless, in establishing military control communists, or at least with those Koreans
over southern Korea, he stated that Korea’s who were not professedly anticommunistic,
future independence had been determined and that rendered utterly impossible the construc-
that the purpose of the occupation was to tive discussion of Korean political problems
enforce the terms of Japan’s surrender and to within the Commission. The Joint Commis-
protect the Koreans in their personal and sion continued to meet in 1946 and 1947, but
religious rights. was harassed by a series of obstacles and frus-
Meeting in Moscow later in 1945, the for- trations largely injected by the Soviet rep-
eign ministers of the Soviet Union, the United resentatives.
Kingdom, and the United States agreed to the Meanwhile, north of the parallel, the Rus-
creation of a joint commission consisting of sian authorities made feverish efforts to sovi-
representatives of Russian and American com- etize the people. The border was sealed off
mands in Korea. In conjunction with and traffic to and from north Korea was
Korean democratic parties and social organi- sternly restricted. The 38th parallel, chosen
zations, the Joint Commission was to make arbitrarily only as a military expedient to fa-
recommendations to China, the United King- cilitate the capitulation of Japanese troops,
dom, the USSR, and the United States suddenly became a political frontier. For all
relative to the organization of one pro- practical purposes North and South Korea had
visional democratic government for the whole developed, against the popular will, into two
of Korea. The Moscow agreement made no distinct nations. This artificial division made
reference to separate governments for north through the middle of the peninsula destroyed
and south Korea. The Soviet Union, how- the possibility of continuing a normal ex-
ever, immediately proceeded to cripple the change of goods. Economically, Korea began
effectiveness of the agreement. Included in to shrivel and die. Like European countries
it was a decision to place Korea under a four- occupied by Russian troops, North Korea was
power trusteeship for a period of up to five turned into an armed camp. Communistic
years. Trusteeship was repugnant to most Koreans poured back from China and the
Koreans and, to make matters worse, serious USSR, a heavily armed military establishment
dissension between the occupying authorities was created and trained by ideologically pure
nullified the work of the Soviet-American instructors, objectors were ruthlessly elimi-
Joint Commission. Nearly all Korean politi- nated, and North Korea was prepared in every
cal groups denounced the trusteeship plan and way for its ultimate role as a satellite nation
clamored for the independence which they of the Soviet Union.
had assumed would be theirs upon the defeat By 1947 the U.S. Government moved to
of Japan. The communist elements alone, neutralize Russia’s efforts to prevent the estab-
among all the political groups, refrained from lishment of a provisional Korean democratic
denouncing the plan and advocated the five- government. Since neither the military au-
year trusteeship as suggested in Moscow. thorities in Korea nor the officials of the De-
Soviet representatives on the Joint Commis- partment of State could penetrate Soviet
sion then insisted that in its work the Com- intransigence, the U.S. Government laid the
mission should consult exclusively with Korean issue before the United Nations. The matter
groups which consistently supported the Mos- was discussed in the General Assembly where
it was resolved that, during the spring of 1948, training missions. After the summer of 1949
the people of Korea be invited to elect one General MacArthur was no longer responsible
Korean national assembly for the whole coun- for Korea’s defense nor did he retain command
try. To supervise the election, the United over the handful of American troops stationed
Nations appointed a commission representing in the republic. They were under the over-all
nine member countries. The members of the direction of the U.S. ambassador to Korea,
United Nations Commission On Korea, with John J. Muccio.
the exception of the Ukranian delegate who In the meantime, Soviet authorities north
refused to attend, went to Korea and observed of the parallel had created a communist state
the election. Unfortunately, only the people which they called the People’s Democratic Re-
of South Korea were free to participate. public of Korea. This regime adopted a con-
Soviet authorities, professing that the Korean stitution similar to the 1947 constitution of
question was beyond the scope of the United communist Bulgaria. For prime minister, the
Nations, banned the election in the north and Soviets selected a young Korean communist
refused to permit the Commission to enter who changed his given name to Kim 11 Sung
North Korea. When Korea’s first democratic in order to benefit from the fame of an old-
election was held on 10 May 1948, about 95 time hero of the same name. In December
percent of the registered voters in South Korea 1948, the Soviet Government announced that
cast their ballots for members of a national its armed forces had been withdrawn from
assembly. Korea.
Although the USSR did not permit the The Republic of Korea was acknowledged
people of North Korea to participate in the by the General Assembly of the United Na-
election of 1948, the occupying authorities and tions as the only valid government in Korea.
people of South Korea did co-operate with the Thirty-two foreign nations formally recog-
United Nations in a manner praised by the nized the republic, but on 8 April 1949 U.N.
U.N. Commission. The newly elected Na- membership was denied by a Soviet veto. The
tional Assembly went to work on the problem new government did, however, become a
of forming a Korean government. On 17 July member of several other important interna-
1948 the first constitution in 4,000 years of tional organizations including the Economic
Korean history was promulgated by the Na- Commission for Asia and the Far East, the
tional Assembly, and three days later the depu- World Health Organization, and the Food
ties elected Dr. Syngman Rhee to a four-year and Agriculture Organization.
term as president. The government of the From its inception, the Republic of Korea
Republic of Korea was formed on 15 August was subjected to the most extreme provoca-
1948, and on that day the U.S. military gov- tions by the North Korean regime which,
ernment below the 38th parallel came to an between 1948 and 1950, co-operated with com-
end. The 50,000 American occupation troops munism’s world-wide propaganda facilities to
were gradually withdrawn, the withdrawal inaugurate a campaign of character assassina-
being completed in June 1949. Only the tion against Dr. Rhee. The president was
Korea Military Advisory Group (KMAG) , accused of the standard roster of crimes re-
numbering approximately 500 American offi- served for those whose record of anticommu-
cers and enlisted men, remained to continue nism particularly distresses the Kremlin. He
training Korean security forces. The mem- and the members of his government were
bers of KMAG were, of course, scattered caricatured as being responsible for the very
throughout South Korea on their various economic ills with which North Korean offi-
cials were working to infect the young republic. however, were seriously concerned about the
For example, although 80 percent of the possibility of communist aggression in many
republic’s electric power originated north of other parts of the world, a fact which mate-
the parallel, the communists periodically cut rially reduced the amount of aid specifically
off the flow of electricity into South Korea and available for South Korea. American policy,
then criticized the Seoul administration for moreover, excluded the arming of a South
failing to bring prosperity to the country. Korean force capable of attacking its neigh-
While slandering the republican govern- bors. The United States felt an obligation to
ment by picturing its leaders as a group of avoid any legitimate inference that the South
economic royalists and warmongers personally Koreans were being provided with tools for
responsible for South Korea’s terrible difficul- aggressive warfare. Rather, American mili-
ties, authorities in North Korea, with enthu- tary assistance to Korea was limited to provid-
siastic Chinese and Soviet aid, hastened the ing light weapons. The type of assistance
economic strangulation of the Republic of given was designed to preserve the internal
Korea and rigorously trained an aggressive security of South Korea, to deter border raids,
army. North Korean troops were warlike and to resist aggression by an army from North
and determined to gain preinvasion combat Korea. The Republic of Korea received some
experience. By striking time and again of the arms needed to defend itself, but the
across the 38th parallel, North Korean soldiers great quantities of combat aircraft, naval
and armed civilians reduced the South Ko- attack vessels, and heavy ground weapons,
reans’ confidence in the Seoul government. which would have been necessary if the South
These aggressive maneuvers were countered Koreans had desired to launch an attack of
with the greatest difficulty and serious loss of their own, were withheld—a lack which later
life, by the military establishment of the Re- proved sorely detrimental to the republic.
public of Korea, which was a lightly equipped The Republic of Korea being a free country,
force designed solely for defense and internal there was much sincere criticism of the way in
security. Every American combat unit in which it was governed. Correspondents and
Korea had left the country and the compara- U.N. Commission members were allowed to
tively inexperienced South Korean troops were scrutinize the South Korean administration
harassed by frequent border raids. and to publish their comments freely. Presi-
The United States was anxious that Korea dent Rhee was unable to solve immediately all
be given the fullest opportunity to prosper and the pressing economic problems, which were
to defend itself from external attack. Amer- inflicted upon South Korea as an aftermath
ican economic aid and technical assistance of World War II, thus further diminishing the
were extended to the people of South Korea, popularity of his administration. A decidedly
a program of education was inaugurated, and one-sided picture of Korean events was pre-
a substantial amount of surplus naval and sented to the reading public of the world,
military equipment was transferred from the however, because criticism of the regime north
departing American forces to the Korean mili- of the parallel was forbidden by the commu-
tary establishment. Funds of the Economic nists. As there was a blackout on truthful
Cooperation Administration (ECA) as well news from the north, the only derogatory
as of Government and Relief in Occupied reports emanating from Korea were those cen-
Areas (GARIOA) , to the amount of several suring the administration of the south. Un-
hundred million dollars, were furnished to the flattering, too, was the communist propaganda+
republic. Authorities in the United States, machine’s lampooning of the U.N. Commis-
sion in Korea. Radio broadcasts originating peted for each seat. The smooth conduct of
above the 38th parallel ridiculed the U.N. the elections, together with the significant
representatives in South Korea, loudly denied gains made by moderate political elements, in-
the legality of the Commission, and con- furiated communist sympathizers within the
demned both the U.N. Commission and the republic. Communist agents fanned the
Korean Government as futile and inept. This flames of resentment against President Rhee’s
vicious propaganda campaign was pursued at administration and the propaganda war waged
a time when the economy of the republic was from North Korea increased in intensity.
at best shaky. Loss of markets, military inse- In the years between 1945 and 1950, when
curity, lack of practical political experience, international communism was camouflaging
and the effect of North Korean sabotage and its preparations for aggressive war by protest-
propaganda crystallized the people’s dissatis- ing its affection for peace, the North Korean
faction with President Rhee’s administration. regime pursued an identical policy and con-
When the second general elections for the ducted an undeclared war against the South
National Assembly were held in May 1950, Koreans. At a time when public opinion in
failure to resolve the pressing economic the United States was forcing swift demobiliza-
problems turned the tide of votes toward tion and the sharp curtailment of military
independent candidates and away from most spending, and when South Korean troops were
proadministration office seekers. in reality a lightly armed constabulary, the
The office of president was not affected by North Korean Army was receiving a realistic
the voting, but when the new National As- course of battle indoctrination. North Korean
sembly convened on 19 June 1950, 130 of its military forces were strengthened by a cadre of
210 members were independents. South thousands of Korean soldiers who had fought
Korea’s desperate economic plight, and the in the Chinese communist armies against the
government’s apparent inability to cope nationalist government of Chiang Kai-shek.
quickly with the problem, contributed to the Selected North Korean officers attended
administration’s failure to seat all of its candi- schools for advanced training in the USSR,
dates. The government, moreover, had and the North Korean Army was supplied with
charged many campaign opponents with being Soviet artillery and tanks. Moreover, the
communists. The indiscriminate use of the North Korean military establishment was
communist label against political opponents tutored for its role as an aggressor force by
boomeranged, and the voters apparently Soviet advisers and technicians. While the
shrugged off the charges. The government North Korean radio daily accused the United
party’s overindulgence in name-calling, com- States and South Korea of planning to attack
bined with the voting public’s unwillingness to the “peace-loving” population north of the
appreciate the genuine danger of communism, 38th parallel, numerous armed communist
helped no one but the communists themselves, raids south of the parallel, some of which were
who at that very time were putting the finish- large-scale assaults supported by artillery, gave
ing touches on plans to overrun the Republic the North Koreans valuable combat experi-
of Korea. On the other hand, the fact that ence.
the government party did tolerate a defeat at Equally threatening to the security of South
the polls indicated that it was functioning on a Korea and impeding its recovery, was the
democratic basis. In the South Korean elec- activity of terrorists, operating below the
tion of May 1950, even more people voted than parallel, whose campaign of violence kept the
in 1948, and an average of ten candidates com- people of the republic in a constant state of
alarm. The time, effort, and funds required yang initiated a propaganda campaign for the
to revitalize industry, repair run-down trans- unification of Korea. In the time-honored
portation facilities, and replenish the depleted Soviet fashion, Radio P’yongyang announced
stockpiles of raw materials, were dissipated on 3 June 1950 that 5,300,000 North Koreans
by the high priority necessarily assigned to had signed petitions demanding the peaceful
internal security measures. Unfortunately, unification of the entire country, obviously
the heavy demands made upon the output of under a communist regime. This campaign
industry in the United States limited the was the communist answer to the free elections
American military aid policy, and no deliveries which had been held in the Republic of Korea
of any consequence were made to the Republic in May 1950. Communists in South Korea
of Korea under the Mutual Defense Assistance had boycotted the elections, but on 7 June they
Program (MDAP) during the fiscal year 1950. clamored for South Korean acceptance of the
The South Korean military forces, on the other P’yongyang unification plan.
hand, needed great quantities of weapons to Although the communists had refused to
repel communist border raids and to suppress participate in the 1948 and 1950 elections
diversionist activities. In one case during which the United Nations approved, the
1949, the North Korean Army launched a North Korean government’s latest maneuver
large-scale invasion of the Ongjin peninsula, proposed new national elections to be held
which is just south of the 38th parallel in throughout the country in August 1950.
western Korea. Heavy fighting ensued be- Members of the United Nations Commission
fore South Korean troops were able to drive On Korea and the principal officials of Presi-
the raiders back across the parallel. dent Rhee’s administration were to be banned
As a result of the republican government’s from participating in arrangements for the
preoccupation with North Korean attacks, the elections, according to the communist plan.
average citizen of South Korea continued to Although the government of South Korea
endure privations. In this respect, the com- reacted strongly against the proposal, which
munist plan was a success. Moreover, in this branded its top officials as traitors, the U.N.
period of recurrent international tensions and Commission was prepared to compromise with
habitual communist subversion everywhere, the communists in order to bring about a
American interest in the plight of distant peaceful settlement. With considerable dif-
Korea was only lukewarm. In turn, the bitter ficulty, a representative of the Commission
and dejected Korean people were beginning crossed the 38th parallel into North Korea on
to regard themselves as unwitting pawns 10 June 1950, and received the text of the
tangled helplessly in the meshes of Russian and communist’s ‘unification proposal. Three
American political strategy. Many adopted “peace” representatives of the North Korean
the attitude that, if it was impossible for all regime thereupon crossed into South Korea
of Korea to be politically and economically carrying copies of the communist plan. The
independent, it might be better to tolerate the purpose behind the North Korean unification
unification of their country under one foreign plan appears to have been a desire to create a
power, even if that nation should be the Soviet split between those South Koreans who naively
Union. This feeling of despair suggests the hoped that unification could be effected
tragedy of a country arbitrarily divided against through compromise with the communists.
itself. Playing upon the Korean’s passionate and the more astute South Koreans who re-
desire. for national unity, the North Korean fused to be hoodwinked. As the North Kore-
radio at the communist capital city of P’yong- ans were at the time completing their final
preparations for the invasion of the Republic What would the United Nations do about
of Korea, the peace petitions and radio broad- the North Korean offensive? The failure of
casts may be written off as a thinly veiled the world to take action in 1931 against the
propaganda attempt to soften up the South Japanese had contributed to a general lack of
Koreans for the blow which was to fall two confidence in the League of Nations and had
weeks later. With the failure of the last com- encouraged, rather than deterred, other acts
munist attempt to divide once and for all the of aggression in Africa and Europe. Was a
South Koreans against themselves, the North test case being made of Korea by international
Koreans began the invasion of the Republic communism? Was it to become an invita-
of Korea at 0400* (Korean time) on Sunday tion for unchallenged aggression in Europe,
morning, 25 June 1950. southeast Asia, and the Middle East? The
Communist premier Kim Il Sung, who had free world wondered.
assumed the rank of general, made a broadcast The North Korean high command moved
from P’yongyang at 0930 on 25 June to the for a speedy and decisive victory over the Re-
effect that South Korea’s rejection of the public of Korea which, without powerful and
peaceful unification plan had been followed hurried assistance, would be submerged. It
by a South Korean invasion of North Korea. can scarcely be doubted that the North Korean
Screening his carefully planned attack on the high command assumed that victory would be
republic to the south with this false allegation, won before substantial aid could be dispatched
the communist leader ordered his troops to to the Seoul government. Relying upon pro-
advance in the direction of Seoul. The world longed discussion of the case in the United
watched while the aggressive Soviet-trained Nations and American unwillingness to com-
army struck at the security forces of the Re- mit part of its small Army to combat so far
public of Korea. When all else had failed— from normal sources of supply, and gambling
border raids, guerrilla warfare, bribery, strikes, boldly on the immunity from punishment
sabotage, character assassination, economic which aggressors frequently enjoy, the North
strangulation, and intensive antirepublican Koreans concentrated their military might
propaganda—authorities north of the parallel against a government which had been freely
decided upon full-scale hostilities to bring elected under United Nations supervision.
While communist newspapers from Moscow
South Korea into the communist sphere. The
to New York cried out that the North Koreans
government of the republic courageously
were the innocent victims of an assault across
ordered a determined defense of the southern
the parallel by the South Korean republic, the
half of the peninsula. While the troops and
communist troops advanced rapidly into
tanks of the northern army poured across the
South Korea. The United Nations Commis-
parallel, and while Russian-type aircraft
sion present in Korea feared that U.N. efforts
strafed the Seoul area, Republic of Korea
to mediate would prove unsuccessful-as they
(ROK) forces resisted the invaders as best
did. The communists wanted control of all
they could, but were forced to retreat in the
Korea at any price, and it appeared that the
face of the overwhelming superiority of the iron curtain was being rung down on another
communist forces. democratic nation.
*Times and dates used in this volume are those of the place At 2126 EDT on 24 June, the U.S. Govem-
under discussion. It must be kept in mind that there is a ment received from Ambassador Muccio of-
time difference of fourteen hours between Seoul and New ficial notification of the invasion. Less than
York City. Seoul is approximately half a day ahead of New
York City. six hours later the United States asked for a
meeting of the United Nations Security Coun- Council, having avoided the meetings which
cil to discuss the matter and the Council met denounced the aggression in Korea, attempted
on the afternoon of 25 June. The Soviet to label the Security Council resolutions illegal
representative deliberately avoided this meet- because of his absences. However, since the
ing. At the session, the Security Council Security Council had determined that mere
adopted a resolution observing that the govern- absence did not constitute a veto, the North
ment of the Republic of Korea was lawfully Korean regime and its communist accomplices
established and was, furthermore, the only stood accused before the bar of world opin-
such government in Korea. The Security ion as aggressors.
Council resolution noted with grave concern Implementing the Security Council’s resolu-
the armed attack by the forces from North tions, President Truman, on 29 June, author-
Korea and stated that the action constituted a ized General MacArthur to use certain sup-
breach of the peace. The North Korean porting ground units in Korea, authorized the
authorities were called upon to withdraw their U.S. Air Force to conduct missions on specific
armed forces to the 38th parallel. The resolu- military targets in North Korea and, further,
tion ended by calling upon all members of the ordered a naval blockade of the entire Korean
United Nations to refrain from giving assist- coast. On 7 July the Security Council au-
ance to the North Koreans. On 27 June a thorized the unified command in Korea to use
second Security Council resolution recom- the United Nations flag in the course of opera-
mended that the members of the United tions against the North Koreans, and requested
Nations furnish such assistance to the Republic the United States to designate the commander
of Korea as was deemed necessary to repel the of the unified forces. The following day the
armed attack and restore international peace President named General of the Army Douglas
and security in the area. Again, the Soviet MacArthur as Commander in Chief, United
representative was absent. That same day Nations Command (CINCUNC) . Although
President Truman, as Commander in Chief, responsibility for the defense of Korea had not
announced that he had ordered American air been General MacArthur’s for over a year,
and naval forces to give the South Korean the responsibility for containing the invaders
troops cover and support. The President re- and driving them back across the parallel was
marked that communism had passed beyond now placed on his shoulders.
the use of subversion to conquer independent It would be difficult to exaggerate the prob-
nations, and was now willing to use armed lems which confronted the U.N. troops.
invasion and war. He noted that the forces The communist attack had coincided with the
of communism had defied the orders of the beginning of the Korean rainy season. The
Security Council issued to preserve inter- nearest American combat units, seriously un-
national peace and security. The President derstrength, were on occupation duty in Japan.
concluded, “A return to the rule of force in When President Truman authorized General
international affairs would have far-reaching MacArthur to commit U.S. ground troops in
effects. The United States will continue to the Korean action on 29 June, there arose the
uphold the rule of law.” complexities involved in promptly committing
The Soviet Union was plainly irked by the sufficient ground forces to halt the communists.
promptness with which both the United Na- The manner in which the U.N. army
tions and the United States reacted to the reached the mainland, plunged into battle, and
heavy-handed communist tactics in Korea. thwarted the North Korean assault, is the story
The Soviet representative on the Security of Korea 1950.
Map 2



The attacking communist divisions moved June the seat of the South Korean Govern-
swiftly across the 38th parallel toward Seoul, ment was temporarily moved from Seoul to
fifty miles to the south, and by 28 June 1950, Taejon below the Han and Kum Rivers. Al-
three days after the beginning of the North though U.S. bombers attacked P’yongyang
Korean invasion, the capital had fallen into and targets nearer the front, enemy planes
enemy hands. The element of tactical sur- freely strafed the Suwon airstrip which was
prise and the North Koreans’ overwhelming near the headquarters of Brig. Gen. John H.
superiority in weapons crushed organized Church, the commander of ADCOM. While
ROK resistance in the vicinity of the parallel. the monsoon, which had just started, turned
North Korean tank columns ground forward Korea’s dirt and gravel roads into bogs, the
unscathed against the ineffective Republic of enemy managed to ferry his armor across the
Korea forces which lacked tanks and adequate Han and advance into the outskirts of Suwon.
antitank weapons. As the communist offen- The armies of North and South Korea were
sive swelled in power, masses of South Koreans, about equal in size but not in equipment when
soldiers and civilians alike, moved south the North Korean People’s Army under Mar-
across the wide Han River seeking whatever shal Choi Yung Kun began its June offensive.
protection that natural obstacle might pro- Russian T34 tanks, Russian vehicles, Russian
vide. The wild exodus of refugees from Seoul combat planes, and Russian automatic weap-
swelled the population of the town of Suwon, ons were used against the people of South
which lay a few miles below the capital. Korea. Thousands of North Korean soldiers
Complicating this southward movement, a with years of service in the other communist
South Korean general prematurely ordered armies provided the hard core of the invading
the destruction of an important bridge span- troops. There can be no doubt that Soviet
ning the Han, and it was blown while packed advisers played an overwhelming part in plan-
with fleeing South Koreans. Individual ROK ning the operation. Directing their activities
soldiers displayed a will to fight, but communi- in readying the North Korean forces for inva-
cations were in a state of chaos, and ammuni- sion was the burly Soviet ambassador at
tion of every kind was running low. On 27 P’yongyang, Col. Gen. Terenti Shtykov. In

drawing up their timetable, the communists of the four divisions in Japan was alerted for
apparently assumed that the initial advan- combat in Korea. Since time was of the
tage of a strong surprise attack in great force essence, General MacArthur was forced to
against the Republic of Korea would be fol- commit his command piecemeal.
lowed by a quick and decisive victory for the With the North Koreans flooding down
forces of communism. Members of the North through Seoul and Inch’on and threatening
Korean high command, and their colleagues Suwon, the young republic teetered on the
in China and Russia, did not fully anticipate brink of oblivion. To prevent a complete
the indignation which their assault would enemy break-through and to gain time for the
arouse in the United Nations, and that one creation of a defense zone, planes based in
U.N. member, the United States, would Japan and naval craft blasted North Korean
promptly come to the aid of South Korea un- troops and installations, and Task Force Smith,
der authority of the Security Council of the approximately one half a battalion combat
United Nations. team, was detached from the 21st Infantry
Actually, the United States was hardly in Regiment of the U.S. 24th Division and trans-
condition to wage war during the summer of ported by air on 1–2 July across Tsushima
1950. Popular sentiment against a large Strait to the South Korean port of Pusan.
standing military establishment and eagerness With the rest of the division following by sea,
to effect economies in government had forced this task force raced north by rail from Pusan
drastic reductions in defense expenditures in to the city of Taejon. There, it piled into
the years following World War II. Few trucks and, pushing through endless lines of be-
trained units were available for immediate wildered refugees, made its first contact with
commitment in Korea. There existed only enemy ground troops in the vicinity of Osan on
twelve American combat divisions (including 5 July. A strong force of North Korean in-
two U.S. Marine Corps divisions). Of these, fantry and tanks struck Task Force Smith
every one was considerably under war strength as it stood alone in the roadway between
except the 1st Infantry Division, then in Eu- Seoul and Ch’onan.
rope. Also, since no one knew whether Korea For seven long hours the outnumbered
was merely a sideshow to divert attention from Americans poured their howitzer, bazooka,
a larger communist thrust elsewhere, it was mortar, and small arms fire at the Russian-
deemed inadvisable to send all divisions to made tanks. Five of the tanks were knocked
the Orient. To maintain the maximum num- out by howitzer shells, but the North Koreans
ber of active combat units within manpower flowed around the American flanks in great
limitations, the Army had removed the third numbers, forcing the surviving infantrymen to
battalion from infantry regiments and had abandon their heavy weapons and withdraw.
similarly reduced other organizations. Hopelessly outgunned and outmaneuvered, the
Most of the American divisions, moreover, tankless Americans had received a grim bap-
were many thousands of miles from either tism of fire. Two rifle companies, a battery of
Japan or Korea. No U.S. combat units were 105-mm. howitzers, two 4.2-inch mortar pla-
in Korea when the communists began their toons, a platoon of 75-mm. recoilless rifles, and
invasion, and the four divisions of the Eighth six attached teams equipped with World War
U.S. Army in Japan had been concerned II type 2.36-inch bazookas had held an entire
chiefly with occupation duties. Most of the enemy division from 0800 until 1500. The
men in uniform were very young and few had Americans who lived through the rigors of this
ever been exposed to hostile fire when the first battle lost their contempt for the fighting abili-
ties of the North Koreans. It was evident that roads which connected Soch’on on the west
the enemy soldiers were excellently trained, led coast with P’ohang-dong in the east. Such a
with skill, and equipped with an unexpected zone would also protect the double-tracked
amount of fire power. For these men of the railroad running from Taejon south through
24th Division, the early days of the fighting Taegu to the port of Pusan and thus roughly
were bloody and humiliating. They lacked the enclose the areas south of the Kum River.
numbers and the weapons to defeat the North The tactical situation dictated that the 24th
Koreans, and Maj. Gen. William F. Dean, the Infantry Division should initially fight a de-
temporary ground force commander in Korea, laying action through the mountains and rice
had the unhappy task of sacrificing space to paddies of central Korea. In the meantime,
gain time in a series of hard-fought delaying other major U.S. units, the 1st Cavalry Divi-
actions. The battle for the railroad line from sion (Infantry), the 25th Infantry Division,
Osan south to Taejon was marked by frustra- and the 7th Infantry Division, were to cross
tion, heroism, and death. from Japan and push northwest to reinforce
As Task Force Smith fought its way out of the elements of the 24th. Later, additional
impending encirclement near Osan, it with- substantial reinforcements could be expected
drew through the 34th Infantry Regiment and from the United States. It was intended that,
additional elements of the 21st, both of which if necessary, the U.S. divisions would pull back
had moved hurriedly into position twelve miles to a perimeter around Pusan where, with mili-
south of Osan. During the task force’s initial tary supplies flowing into the port from Japan
baptism of fire, a contingent of North Koreans and the United States, American forces and
had continued down the road and had struck regrouped ROK units probably could hold a
the 34th Infantry Regiment. The enemy de- relatively large beachhead indefinitely. With-
livered a powerful frontal attack and then in the perimeter a formidable concentration of
proceeded to execute the usual envelopment men, equipment, and fire power would be
movement. The 34th Infantry was unable to developed while the enemy was subsisting on
knock out the enemy tanks and under the lines of supply stretching back into North
cover of darkness endeavored to escape the Korea. After many weeks of preparation
trap. within the beachhead, a counteroffensive
Farther to the south, at Ch’onan, an inspir- could then be launched against the commu-
ing illustration of leadership and heroism was nists, with the Americans and South Koreans
demonstrated when Col. Robert R. Martin, breaking out for a drive to the 38th parallel.
commanding the 34th Infantry Regiment, By 9 July the battered Americans had left
threw himself into the thick of the fighting in the smouldering rail junction town of Ch’onan
order to rally his troops by his personal brav- to the North Koreans. When they tried to re-
ery. This gallant officer met his death while treat by road, they were subjected to a wither-
firing his last bazooka rocket at a communist ing cross fire from the hills. Bitter, haggard,
tank only fifteen yards away. Colonel Martin tattered, and exhausted, they withdrew to-
was posthumously awarded the first Dis- ward the Kum River and the town of Taejon.
tinguished Service Cross of the campaign. The mud was one of the worst natural haz-
Responsible officers in Tokyo, of course, did ards in Korea. It slowed or stopped vehicular
not expect that the limited forces first com- traffic and engulfed the straining leg muscles
mitted could hold the enemy indefinitely and, of the foot soldier. When under fire, the
therefore, they prepared plans to establish an soldier who slipped into the stagnant, sicken-
initial defensive position to include the rail- ing waters of a rice paddy might find that only
by pulling his feet out of his boots could he which reigned below the parallel. Mingling
escape from the slime and crawl to safety. with innocent civilians, enemy personnel in
He could never escape, however, from the native dress moved inconspicuously, waiting
eternity of rain. Throughout July and August for opportunities to stampede the crowds,
it poured, three or four days at a time, drench- block bridges, and throw hand grenades into
ing every man and coating equipment with passing groups of U.S. soldiers.
mildew, rot, or rust. The heat of the Elements of the original eight ROK divi-
Korean summer and the inescapable flies, sions attempted to make a recovery after the
fleas, and lice constituted other irritants for enemy’s first break-through. Fighting to the
the exasperated American troops. Nauseated east of the U.S. 24th Division, ROK troops
by the earthy smells which thickened the air, made a determined stand in those areas where
caked with dirt, the bruised and sweat-soaked the North Korean infantry was fighting with-
men fought the enemy in filthy, water-filled out tank support. The United Nations air
gullies, in and out of small villages of mud- force (which included U.S. Air Force, U.S.
plastered huts, and over endless mountain Navy, and Royal Australian Air Force planes)
ridges. As often as not cut off from the rear, by 10 July won control of the air from the
jostled by hordes of refugees, sometimes shoe- North Korean pilots who had terrified the
less, frequently bleeding and hungry, the men population of South Korea. Combined U.S.
of the 24th Division, individually or in scat- and British naval units maintained a blockade
tered units, slowed the enemy and disrupted and vigilant patrol along Korea’s coast line.
his timetable. On land, the communists had achieved
The principal enemy thrust was down the great tactical advantages which fortunately
Seoul–Taejon railroad. A parallel column they failed to exploit fully. After the second
was advancing swiftly in the central sector week of fighting, although the U.S. units were
toward Wonju and Ch’ungju to cut the rail- still spread thin and while the ROK Army
road east of Taejon. Two other enemy forces commanders were struggling to regroup their
were thrusting into the far western Ongjin divisions, the North Koreans slowed rather
peninsula and down the eastern coastal strip than hastened their pace. At that time, an
toward Samch’ok, respectively. all-out enemy assault against the 24th Division
Along the railroad between the Han and the might well have resulted in its destruction,
Kum Rivers the countryside was littered with leaving the route to Taejon, Taegu, and Pusan
wrecked and abandoned equipment—the bare of defenders. Every hour of enemy delay
huts, which had once been the homes of the saw more troops and equipment arriving at
now dispossessed population, were in ruins. Pusan. The need for additional ground forces
Stately patriarchs in tall black hats, worried and more and heavier weapons was a desper-
bands of women in high-waisted skirts and ate one. Enemy casualties were high, but the
loose white blouses, bewildered children naked heavy American casualties were even more
in the oppressive heat, and wiry Korean serious because of the small number of U.S.
fathers stooped beneath the staggering weight troops actually engaged in the conflict. In
of overloaded A-frames, clogged the highways addition, the North Koreans had a decided
to the south. Strafed at times by Russian- advantage in weapons. The presence of their
made Yak fighters, buffeted by friendly sol- Russian-manufactured medium and light
diers hurrying to the front, splattered with tanks, 120-mm. mortars, and 122-mm. how-
mud, soaked by cloudbursts, the homeless host itzers permitted the communists to outgun
of refugees contributed to the tragic confusion the ROK and U.S. troops in all the early
engagements. At first the heaviest American placed into the eager hands of the infantry as
weapon was the 105-mm. howitzer, but by the rapidly as they could be flown to the front
third week of the fighting, 155-mm. howitzers from the United States. The troops found
began to arrive in the combat zone. The grad- the 3.5-inch bazooka to be an effective close-
ual improvement in American arms, however, range antitank weapon. Firing a nine-pound
did not offset the enemy’s tremendous supe- rocket with a shaped charge designed to focus
riority in manpower and weapons which con- its full force forward in a jet, it could and did
tinued to force General Dean’s troops to the stop North Korean tanks.
rear. The 24th Division fought a difficult There were neither weapons nor troops
delaying action from Ch’onan to Kongju, and enough, however, to hold the communists. In
then south across the Kum River toward the the west, probing attacks were launched by
important town of Taejon. the enemy up and down the Kum and he es-
Taejon, with a population of 37,000 during tablished footholds across the river at Samgyo-
normal times, lies fifteen miles below the Kum ri and Kongju. After the communists forded
River and is one of the principal cities in the Kum they poured into the vicinity of
southwestern Korea. It was a natural loca- Taejon. Lacking the reserves to defend its
tion for a determined stand by U.S. troops flanks, the bulk of the 24th was ordered to re-
since it is an important communications cen- treat before it was completely surrounded. A
ter and is at the head of a highway and double- fierce rear guard action was fought in and near
tracked railroad which twists in corkscrew the city as the North Koreans appeared on
turns through the mountains to Pusan, 125 every side. In baggy white civilian clothes or
miles to the southeast. To protect Taejon, American fatigue uniforms, communist sol-
the thinning ranks of the 24th Division were diers who had infiltrated Taejon at night
deployed between the town and the Kum rained death upon the Americans as they
River. Engineers blew the bridge crossing the fought to hold off the enemy’s frontal assault.
Kum but, unfortunately, the waters of the Other North Korean units cut in behind the
river subsided and the enemy was able to ford city, blocking the escape route which U.S.
the river at several places. On 12 July, before forces could not keep open because of a failure
the battle for Taejon began, Lt. Gen. Walton in communications. Among the men lost in
H. Walker, commanding general of the this battle was the 24th’s commander, General
Eighth Army, had assumed command of all Dean, who remained with his forward units
ground forces in Korea. He wanted to hold in Taejon when the North Korean tanks broke
Taejon, but once the communists forded the through. This fearless officer was in the midst
shallow Kum River, the fate of the city was of the fighting reassuring the disheartened, re-
decided. Nevertheless, the battle for Taejon organizing men separated from their units,
was bitter. participating in attacks against enemy tanks,
While General Dean’s 24th Division at- and directing aid to the wounded. For his
tempted to hold the Kum River line, a few gallant deeds at Taejon, General Dean was
Sherman tanks began to make their appear- awarded the Medal of Honor. The three
ance in combat, although their 75-mm. guns days of desperate fighting by General Dean’s
were not a match for the heavier armament command at Taejon constituted the strongest
carried by the Russian-made T34’s. The new resistance encountered by the enemy to that
and highly effective U.S. 3.5-inch bazooka date.
reached Korea while the battle for Taejon The loss of Taejon on 20 July was of serious
was raging. These rocket launchers were consequence to General Walker’s Eighth
Army, but the event occurred while a large the murky harbor of the little fishing port.
number of U.S. reinforcements were moving Fortunately, there was no opposition to the
up to meet the enemy. The U.N. command landing and the troops of the 1st Cavalry Divi-
in Korea was waging two great battles: the sion left their transports adding fresh strength
battle for ground, and the battle of the build- to the embattled friendly forces.
up. Since their left flank had been exposed Eight days after the uncontested disembar-
by the fall of Taejon, hard-fighting elements of kation at P’ohang-dong of the 1st Cavalry
the reconstituted ROK Army in action slightly Division, more reinforcements in the form of
to the east of the 24th Division pulled back elements of the separate 29th Regimental
toward the perimeter which was shrinking Combat Team (RCT) landed unopposed
about Pusan. Two additional U.S. divisions, south of Chinju in South Korea, having come
however, had arrived in Korea and were ad- north by sea from Okinawa in the Ryukyu
vancing toward North Korean positions. Islands.
Some troops of the 25th Division, commanded By the last week of July, the Eighth Army
by Maj. Gen. William B. Kean, crossed from had been substantially strengthened. A logis-
Japan as early as 9 July and were sent about tical command, organized in Pusan on 4 July
fifty miles northeast of Taejon to Hamch’ang, 1950 under Brig. Gen. Crump Garvin, worked
there to block the North Koreans’ advance around the clock processing men and equip-
down an alternate road to Taegu. As other ment for transportation inland. The re-
troops of the 25th Division disembarked they grouped ROK Army fought along the north-
also were dispatched to that area north of ern rim of the U.N. perimeter where it was
Taegu which the strong enemy column was supported by the U.S. 25th Division. South
threatening. and east of fallen Taejon, the determined 1st
The third large American unit to reach Cavalry Division reinforced the combat-weary
Korea was the 1st Cavalry Division (Infan- 24th Division, now commanded by General
try), commanded by Maj. Gen. Hobart R. Church. All divisions in the line were still
Gay. The division boarded a convoy of Brit- seriously understrength. Pushing toward
ish and American ships on 15 July in Japan Chinju, fifty-five miles west of Pusan, were
and sailed through the Shimonoseki Straits elements of the 29th RCT, which rounded out
for southern Korea. A possible amphibious the ground forces then at the disposal of Gen-
operation on the west coast behind enemy lines eral Walker.
at Inch’on had been considered, but the tacti- Opposing this coalition of South Korean
cal situation was so pressing in mid-July that and American forces, the enemy high com-
the division disembarked on 18 July at mand developed a four-pronged offensive de-
P’ohang-dong, a port sixty-three miles north signed to drive the defenders into the sea at
of Pusan. The planning for this landing had Pusan. The North Koreans placed nine divi-
been rushed to completion in ten days. Its sions in the line with an undetermined number
object was twofold: to place more American in reserve. As the U.N. defenses tightened
troops in Korea as fast as possible without into the southeastern corner of Korea, the
overloading the congested facilities at Pusan, communists struck on four fronts. To secure
and to strengthen the right flank of the U.N. the eastern coastal road, enemy forces effected
line which had previously been manned com- landings along the shore near Samch’ok and
pletely by ROK divisions. Haunted all the at Ulchin and Yongdok. Another powerful
way by the threat of typhoon weather, Rear column raced down through the central Ko-
Adm. James H. Doyle’s convoy steamed into rean towns of Ch’unch’on and Wonju toward
Hamch’ang, Yech’on, Sangju, Kumch’on, and The final days of July witnessed a series of
Taegu. The third and main thrust was in the hard-fought battles all along the 200-mile
west. It had hammered through Seoul, Su- United Nations perimeter. On the northern
won, Ch’onan, and Taejon. During the last front the road running inland from Yongdok
two weeks of July, a fourth enemy threat ap- through Andong, Yech’on, Hamch’ang, and
peared in the southwest, where the west flank Hwanggan to Kumch’on was defended at
of the U.N. command had been left exposed critical points by ROK troops and the U.S.
by the fall of Taejon. Quickly taking advan- 25th Division. Soldiers of the division’s 24th
tage of this situation, the communists drove Infantry Regiment fought their way into the
straight to the southernmost coast of the pen- decrepit railroad town of Yech’on, the first
insula, scattering ROK resistance and cap- town to be captured by Americans during the
turing all the area between Mokp’o and Korean conflict. The 1st Cavalry Division,
Sunch’on. They then turned east for the final battling on the west flank to keep open the
blow against Chinju, Masan, and Pusan. The Yongdong–Kumch’on–Taegu rail line, re-
temporary capital of the Republic of Korea ceived a cruel baptism of fire in the sector
was transferred once again, moving down the where they were engaged in wiping out com-
railroad line to Taegu. It was now the pur- munists who had infiltrated Hwanggan. Six
pose of the North Koreans to assault Taegu enemy divisions drove into the comparatively
from the north, northwest, and west, and drive restricted Yech’on–Yongdong–Koch’ang area
the U.N. forces back toward Pusan. which the 25th and 1st Cavalry Divisions with
Using Soviet-taught tactics, the North Ko- reorganized ROK troops were fighting to
reans sought out soft spots in the U.N. defen- retain. Although subjected to intense fire
sive positions : a mass attack here, an armored from artillery and air force units, the North
thrust there, infiltration always, destructive Koreans kept coming day and night, using
penetrations occasionally, the determined rush sharp flank attacks, and mass frontal assaults
of the enemy against thinly defended flanks, by tanks and infantry. The necessity for con-
and everywhere the communist soldier in tinuing the withdrawal was increased not only
civilian clothes striking death into the ranks by the fall of Yongdok, Yongdong, and Anui,
of the defenders. U.S. forces continued their and the danger that the rail junction city of
fighting withdrawal in the direction of Yong- Kumch’on would be left dangling without ade-
dong, Hwanggan, Kumch’on, and the pro- quate flanking defenses, but also by the North
visional capital at Taegu. Some U.S. units Koreans’ rapid occupation of the whole south-
were cut to pieces and stragglers wandered western segment of the peninsula.
about for days in the mosquito and leech in- To block the southwestern approaches to
fested mountain passes and rice paddies. The Pusan, which the enemy was threatening, the
North Korean soldiers were not particularly 29th RCT advanced toward Chinju. One
handicapped by the saw-toothed terrain and North Korean division, which had hurried
the weather conditions to which they were through southwestern Korea, lay in waiting for
long accustomed, but their losses in dead and the unsuspecting Americans. From ambush
wounded were very heavy. General Mac- about three miles east of Hadong, the enemy
Arthur estimated on 29 July 1950 that enemy struck the 3d Battalion of the RCT from the
casualties exceeded 30,000. The communists, front and both flanks. Overborne by the sheer
however, forced into the service as replace- weight of numbers, surrounded and infiltrated
ments every able-bodied man and boy in the by a battlewise enemy, the battalion suffered
area they dominated. extremely heavy losses. Some survivors
escaped to the coast and were evacuated by rean divisions. Before the month was out,
sea. An enemy report stated that the troops of the U.S. 1st Cavalry and 25th Infan-
Americans had lost 500 killed, 100 pris- try Divisions were driven from Koch’ang on
oners, 70 vehicles, and seven 105-mm. the western front. The dismounted cavalry-
howitzers. Also a casualty in this area was men fought a bloody holding action along the
Maj. Gen. Choi Lyung Dok, former ROK Taejon-Taegu railroad in the northwest but,
Chief of Staff, who was killed at Hadong on outnumbered, outtanked, and outgunned, they
27 July. The communists, too, had suffered also pulled back from Yongdong, Hwanggan,
severe casualties, but by the end of July their and Kwan-ni.
tank-led comrades surged into the city of By the last day of the month there was
Chinju. The town was only fifty-five miles heartening evidence that the U.N. battle lines
from Pusan, the closest enemy penetration to were becoming more firm. At some points
the U.N. port of supply in July. U.S. and ROK troops, under the direction of
This was a matter of real alarm for the General Walker, staged limited counterattacks
Eighth Army, and necessitated a tactical re- which took a heavy toll of the enemy. The
shuffling of all defending organizations, for U.N. air force grasped every opportunity to
which General Walker was permitted little strike at communist convoys, communications,
time. Unrelenting pressure continued against and troop concentrations. Maj. Gen. Em-
the entire perimeter and the new peril in the mett O’Donnell’s giant B–29 Superforts of the
southwest grew constantly worse as the North FEAF Bomber Command turned from the
Koreans’ next objective appeared to be Ma- blasting of strategic targets north of the paral-
san, twenty-nine miles west of Pusan. The lel to provide tactical support for the hard-
24th Division, which desperately needed rest pressed infantry along the ridges of the moun-
and rehabilitation, had had to stay in the line tains in the southeast.
near Chinju throughout this critical period. More reinforcements were on their way,
From the northern front where they had been and even a few 45-ton Pershing tanks had
fighting a wearing series of delaying actions reached Korea. Young soldiers quickly be-
in the mountains between the coast and the came seasoned veterans as they fought to pre-
Hamch’ang–Yech’on sector, troops of the 25th vent further contraction of the Pusan perim-
Division were ordered to make a forced march eter. There were no rear areas for rest periods
south to support the 24th Division and contain or recreation. On terms of casual familiarity
the North Koreans at Chinju. ROK soldiers with enemy fire, gagged by the reeking stench
continued to hold the enemy along the north- of Korea, and plagued by malaria and a virus
ern rim of the perimeter while the 25th Divi- infection of the liver called hepatitis, the
sion hurriedly departed on its emergency U.N. forces dug in to protect Taegu and
mission. Only one road was open for this Pusan. As July 1950 passed into history,
significant move. The 25th passed to the rear the North Koreans held a tight noose around
of the west portion of the entire front and by the southeastern extremity of the peninsula.
early August held its new position east of The enemy-held line ran from Yosu and
Chinju. Meanwhile, on the central and north- Chinju in the southwest to Kwan-ni on the
western front the 1st Cavalry Division ad- Taejon–Taegu railroad, then northeast
justed its position to the new situation and through smoking Yech’on to Yongdok on the
fought doggedly against several North Ko- Sea of Japan.

BRIEFING SOUTH KOREAN PILOTS on the performance of the North Ameri-
can F–51 Mustang, 27 June 1950. On 26 Jnne ten Mustangs were transferred to
the Republic of Korea by the United States. By 2 July a U.S. volunteer force of
11 off icers and 150 enlisted men arrived at a small air base in Sout h Korea to f ly
these ships.

EVACUATING SEOUL AREA. Members of the Korean Militar y Advisor y Group
(KMAG), withdrawing from their headquarters in Seoul on 27 June, walked over
sixteen miles to the Kimpo air base. Note muddy road from heavy rainfall (top).
South Koreans f leeing from the North Korean forces (bottom). On 27 June the South
Korean Government moved south, and enemy tanks reached the outskirts of Seoul.

E VAC UAT I O N O F A M E R I C A N S F RO M KO R E A . A l i t t e r p a t i e n t b e i n g
removed from a ship in Japan (top) and two men keeping an eye on one of the younger
evacuees (bottom). Approximately six hundred U.S. citizens were taken to Japan
aboard the SS Reinholt of the Ivarian Line on 28 June. U.S. planes provided air
cover for the journey, and the evacuation was carried out without incident.

by North Korean f ighter planes, 28 June. Seoul and Kimpo airf ield reportedly fell
to the North Koreans on the same day. U.S. planes went into action in suppor t of
the South Korean Government which had moved to Taejon.

SUPPLIES AND AMMUNITION for the South Koreans wait to be loaded into
C–47’s in Japan (top) ; cargo being unloaded from a C–54 transport into a camou-
f laged truck at an airf ield in South Korea, 28 June (bottom). Member states of the
United Nations pledged their assistance to the Korean republic, of fering ground
troops, ammunition, supplies, air and naval support, and f inancial aid.

port in Japan, 1 July (top). South Koreans move up to the front on f latcars. Note
assorted dress of the soldiers; man in center foreground is armed with a .30-caliber
carbine (bottom). Although the North Korean forces were still north of Suwon,
U.S. f ield headquarters of approximately 290 men withdrew from Suwon on 1 July.

BOUND FOR THE FIGHTING IN KOREA, men take advantage of any chance
to catch up on sleep while waiting to board a ship for the sea journey (top); troops
equipped for combat and carr ying carbines board a ship at a Japanese por t, 2 July
(bottom). Reports on this date indicated that Suwon fell to the North Koreans but
this was not conf irmed until 4 July.


f lown to Pusan from Japan, then moved up to Taejon by train.

BOMB STRIKES on two of the three railroad br idges across the Han River near
Seoul. the concrete highway br idge on the right was destroyed by TNT. On 3

July U.S. planes chose targets in this area in an attempt to retard the North Korean
build-up of supplies and units on t he south side of the river.

PANTHER JET FIGHTER PL ANES, on the f light deck of a Navy carrier, lined
up to take off on a mission against military targets in North Korea. On 3 July
American and British planes started a two-day air attack in the P’yongyang–Sariwon–
Ongjin area.

BOMB STRIKES delivered on military targets by carrier-based British and American
planes, 4 July. Smoke pouring from hits on a P’yongyang railroad bridge (top);
tank cars and other rolling stock burning in a marshalling yard (bottom). At the
same time Amer ican and British naval units of f the east coast of Korea reported
the sinking of f ive enemy vessels.

AIRSTRIP AT TAEJON. Lockheed F–80 jet f ighters being ser viced for a take-of f
(top); South Koreans pulling a roller (center) and using bulldozer s (bottom) to
repair airstrips for transport planes. Note wide-brimmed coolie hats worn by the
civilians as protection against the sun. As air attacks continued against North Korean
targets, a small U.S. ground force made contact with the enemy on 5 July.

ROK FORCES, carr ying 6.5-mm. Japanese r if les and wearing canvas-top shoes,
move forward, 5 July (top); unloading an Amer ican 105-mm. howitzer (center);
and newly arrived U.S. units in the port area after debarking from a ship, 6 July
(bottom). At this time the enemy was threatening P’yongt’aek on the west coast and
was south of Suwon. On the east coast the enemy held Ulchin.

WEARY SOLDIERS RESTING ALONG A ROAD. Left foreg round (bottom)
a .30-caliber U.S. carbine M1 leans against a radio SCR 300, beyond which are two
.30-caliber Browning machine guns; in center are two water-cooled .30-caliber
M1917A1 Browning machine guns. South of Suwon on 5 July, American forces, in
their f irst major action, were forced to withdraw more than ten miles.

U.S. TROOPS NEAR CH’ONAN, 7 July. 105-mm. howitzer M2A1 camouf laged
with leaves and branches of trees (top left) ; Army truck mounting a .50-caliber M2
HB Browning machine gun, camouf laged with rice straw (top right, and bottom).
The enemy had taken P’yongt’aek by this date and held positions just north of Ch’onan
across to Ch’ongju and through to the east coast.

ACTIVIT Y NEAR THE FRONT, 7 July. American soldier checks the fuse on a
land mine, planted near Ch’onan (top left); ROK soldier unaccustomed to American
shoes carries them on the march (top right); South Korean civilians, f leeing from
the North Koreans, pass a 1 / 4-ton 4x4 truck (jeep) which is equipped for laying com-
munications wire.

town is on a railroad line reaching from the port of Pusan, through Taegu and Taejon,
to Seoul. Despite air support resulting in a reported loss of forty tanks to the enemy,
the Amer icans were driven from Ch’onan on 8 July.

PREPARING POWDER CHARGES (top) and loading a 155-mm. howitzer M1
(bottom) to f ire on Ch’onan, which was held by the North Koreans. Despite poor
f lying weather on 8–9 July, American and British planes were active against enemy
troop movements and other military targets.

INFANTRYMEN MINE A BRIDGE in an attempt to retard the enemy forces which
were bearing down in the direction of Taejon and Taegu, 9 July. At this time the
South Koreans were engaging the enemy in the vicinity of Umsong, Ch’ungju, and

MORTAR EMPL ACEMENTS. 4.2-inch chemical mortar M2 manned by a U.S.
crew (top); 81-mm. mortar M1 manned by ROK crew (bottom). On 10 July U.N.
forces were f ighting a defensive battle against overwhelming enemy forces and
weapons. At the same time the North Koreans claimed the capture of Umsong from
the South Koreans.

THE GENERAL CHAFFEE LIGHT TANK M24 (top) and 155-mm. howitzers
M1 (bottom) in action south of Ch’onan. Armament for tank included a 75-mm.
gun M6, a 30-caliber machine gun M1919A4 f ixed, a 30-caliber machine gun
M1919A4 f lexible, and a .50-caliber machine gun M2 f lexible. On 11 July U.S.
tanks saw action for the f irst time in the Korean conf lict, engaging enemy tanks north
of the Kum River, the last natural barrier north of Taejon.

ENEMY TANK captured by U.S. troops, 10 July.

DESTRUCTION OF A KUM RIVER BRIDGE. Demolitions se t of f on t he
bridge by Americans (top) resulted in the wide gap (bottom). On 12–13 July U.N.
forces made a planned withdrawal to the south bank of the Kum, leaving rear guard
troops behind to delay the enemy’s drive in the direction of Taejon and Taegu.

CAPTURED ENEMY VEHICLES. Amer ican soldiers using an enemy jeep (top);
others inspecting an armored car (bottom). During this period the North Koreans
were rapidly building up their reinforcements in Ulchin, on the east coast of the

U.S. INFANTRYMEN MOVE INTO THE HILLS south of the Kum River (top);
a f lare f ired over the Kum River bridge in an attempt to stop the enemy from crossing
during the night (bottom). The North Koreans tried to f lank the U.N. positions along
the Kum River on 14 July while farther east they took Yonggung.

COMBINATION GUN MOTOR CARRIAGE M15A1 moving into position along
the Kum River, 15 July. This weapon, carr ying a 37-mm gun M1A2 and two .50-
caliber M2 HB f lexible machine guns, is used as a highly mobile antiaircraft weapon.
Its basic chassis is the personnel carrier half-track M3 (top). Armorers load .50-
caliber ammunition belts into the wing of a F–51 Mustang (bottom).

U.N. DEFENSIVE POSITIONS. Chaf fee light tank M24 in a dug-in position
(top); two infantr ymen manning a .30-caliber M1917A1 Browning machine gun
(bottom). North Koreans succeeded in establishing a br idgehead beyond the Kum
River in the Kongju area northwest of Taejon and in making small advances on the
east coast, 15 July.

TWO NORTH KOREAN PRISONERS, captured during the f ighting near the
Kum River, being interrogated by a South Korean soldier as Amer ican personnel
look on. A great deal of dif f iculty in distinguishing North Koreans from South
Koreans was encountered by U.N. forces.

PART OF A TASK FORCE, en route to Korea, practices laying a smoke screen
(top); crew member of a destroyer is passed to a f lagship for an emergency operation,
at sea near the Korean coast (bottom). Starting on 29 June, in suppor t of U.N.
ground troops, naval forces of f the east coast of Korea bombarded enemy activities.

the east coast of Korea near P’ohang-dong, 18 July. These men were staged for this
operation in ten days. U.S. carrier-based planes of the U.N. naval force provided air
cover for the landing forces in addition to conducting a two-day air attack against
enemy communications and supply lines in North Korea.

ments and supplies. Note landing ships, tank (LST’s) at left (top). Infantrymen
wading ashore at P’ohang-dong, 18 July (bottom). This unopposed landing consti-
tuted the f irst amphibious operation of U.N. forces in Korea.

SUPERFORTRESS B–29, at an airf ield in Japan, being made ready for the next
day’s raid on Korea. These giant bombers were active as early as 28 June in support

of the ROK troops. On 13 July B–29’s made the f irst large-scale strategic strike over
Korea, dropping 450 tons of bombs by radar.

FLIGHT ENGINEER AT THE CONTROLS OF A B–29 waits for the signal of
the pilot before take-off for a bomb run over Korea. On 20 July B–29’s attacked
airf ields and bridges north of the 38th parallel using more than 160 tons of bombs.

3.5-INCH M20 ROCKET L AUNCHER (superbazooka) on a battlef ield, 20 July.
This launcher, weighing f ifteen pounds and designed for use against ground targets,
is a two-piece unit which can be disassembled for ease in carrying.

overlooking the enemy, 20 July.

grated with U.S. units and fought side by side with American soldiers. Browning
automatic rif le, .30-caliber M1919A2 (foreground bottom) is a gas-operated, maga-
zine-fed, automatic light infantry weapon.

SOLDIERS IN A REAR AREA waiting for orders to move forward. Shelter half
in foreground provides a shady spot for a midday nap. The r if le, a U.S. .30-caliber
M1 (foreground), is gas-operated, semiautomatic, and clip-fed; in the background is
a 57-mm. recoilless rif le. Note the bayonet M1 stuck in the tree.

REPORTING BY FIELD TELEPHONE from a for ward command post. Note
standard sniper’s rif le, the U.S. rif le .30-caliber M1C, which is identical with the M1
except for a bracket assembled to the left side of receiver for mounting a telescope,
a removable f lash hider, and a cheek pad laced to the stock.

MACHINE GUN POSITIONS. .30-caliber Browning light machine gun M1919A6
(top); .50-caliber Browning machine gun M2 HB (bottom). As rear guard troops
left Taejon on 20–21 July, defensive positions were set up southeast of Taejon.
Units to the northeast continued to f ight for Yech’on, and others recaptured Yongdok
on the east coast.

and Andong, 21 July. In this area the enemy maintained heavy pressure on U.N.
forces near Hamch’ang. Southwest from Hamch’ang, on this date, the enemy ap-
proached Yongdong, and on the east coast retook Yongdok for the second time.

ROK’S FIRING A 57-MM. ANTITANK GUN M1, a light and highly mobile
weapon (top) and placing a land mine (bottom) 22 July. At this time, car rier
planes from the f leet off the east coast were active, effectively attacking communica-
tions targets and installations both north and south of the 38th parallel.

EXPLOSIVES WIRED TO A BRIDGE as a precautionar y measure against a
break-through by North Korean forces. On 24 July the enemy positions ran roughly
from Mokp’o on the southwest coast through Kwangju and Namwon, north of Yong-
dong and Yech’on, to Yongju, then down to Yongdok on the east coast.

CHAFFEE LIGHT TANK M24 on a street of a South Korean village near Yech’on,
24 July.

INFANTRYMEN TAKE COVER as a machine gun, mounted on a 2 1 / 2 -ton 6x6
cargo truck, is f ired at enemy positions (top); men attempting to locate a place suit-
able for a f ield hospital to take care of the rapidly mounting number of casualties, 25
July (bottom).

YONGDONG, sout heast of Taejon. Units and
equipment massed for action (foreg round); note
artiller y bursts (center background). The numer i-
cally superior enemy, emplaced in the rugged hills
around the town, forced the U.N. army to withdraw
to Hwanggan on 26 July despite heavy artiller y f ire
directed at enemy positions. Yongdong and other
towns in this area, the scenes of heavy f ighting, were

trying to hold back the enemy with small arms f ire.
Radio SCR 300 used by a soldier to maintain com-

munications with a forward mortar position (lower
left) ; soldier in a tank turret directing tank f ire (lower

U.S. TROOPS MOVING FORWARD. On 29 July the Amer icans fell back under
heavy frontal assaults to establish defensive positions near Kumch’on. Heavy f ight-
ing continued on the east coast for control of Yongdok.

AIRSTRIP on the harbor front; note use of camouf lage on some of the aircraft (top).
Loaded transport, Curtiss C–46, being pushed to solid ground by ROK soldiers and
civilians. The ship became stuck when the runway collapsed (bottom). At the end
of July the effectiveness of air operations against enemy targets was greatly diminished
by unfavorable weather conditions.

CHAFFEE LIGHT TANK (top left) and combina-
tion gun motor carriage M15A1 (bottom left) being
resupplied with ammunition, 31 July. Planned with-
drawals at several points were made on this date.

TANK COMMANDER in the turret of his camou-

f laged medium tank is alert for any enemy activity
in the area.




During the first week of August three large On the southwestern end of the defensive posi-
contingents of U.S. reinforcements began to tion, the U.S. 24th and 25th Divisions were
disembark in Korea. Sailing directly from disposed abreast to prevent a possible enemy
the United States, advance elements of the 2d break-through to Masan, an eventuality which
Division, commanded by Maj. Gen. Laurence probably would have doomed Pusan. The
B. Keiser, landed to prepare for the arrival U.S. 1st Cavalry Division was deployed near
of the rest of the division which followed in Chirye on the western front, guarding the
the middle of the month. On 3 August the approaches to Taegu’s vital railroad. The
5th Regimental Combat Team (Separate) northern front was defended principally by
reached Korea from Hawaii and was com- ROK divisions from a point south of Ham-
mitted quickly on the Chinju front. At about ch’ang—where the Naktong turns and flows
the same time, Brig. Gen. Edward A. Craig’s south—to the east coast.
1st Provisional Marine Brigade, a heavily Within his perimeter around Taegu and
armed advance component of the 1st Marine Pusan, General Walker now directed an army
Division, reached Pusan after a sea voyage composed of elements of four U.S. divisions, a
from Camp Pendleton, California. Marine brigade, and five ROK divisions. The
By the first of the month, the U.S. and ROK enemy commander had about the same
forces had been withdrawn generally behind strength committed, but had a striking advan-
the Naktong River, a position the U.N. com- tage in an additional reservoir of reserves.
mand was determined to hold at all costs. In This superiority in numbers permitted the
form, the territory in southeastern Korea still enemy to maintain the initiative, despite his
held by the Eighth Army resembled a rectan- very high casualties, and to pour reinforce-
gle: the east and south flanks were bounded ments into the depleted ranks of the assault
by the sea; the west flank was the Naktong units.
River; the north side of the perimeter followed To the U.N. commanders, the matter of
the Naktong upstream as it bends to the east, replacements was of utmost concern. Even
then left the river and ran slightly south of due after the arrival of new troops from Hawaii
east to the vicinity of Yongdok on the coast. and the United States in early August, the

odds were still heavily against the defenders. tion in making the best possible use of
The strength of American divisions fighting integrated Korean troops in the combat zone.
in Korea had been sharply reduced by sickness Often they were assigned tasks which did not
and casualties. Troops from other member require an extensive English vocabulary, such
nations of the United Nations were offered in as carrying ammunition and supplies and, in
brigade, regiment, and battalion size, but the dangerous role of litter bearers, assisting in
weeks, even months would pass before much the evacuation of wounded.
of this assistance materialized. Immediate With the arrival of U.S. reinforcements,
replacements were required to prevent the Generals MacArthur and Walker could now
North Koreans from crushing the Naktong attempt to end U.N. withdrawals and make a
River line. To fill the ranks of his American vigorous stand in the southeast. By the first
divisions, the Commander in Chief, United week of August the policy of trading space for
Nations Command, at first permitted and later time had paid dividends. The communist
ordered the integration of South Korean forces were operating on precarious supply
nationals. lines which extended far back into North Ko-
Some of the South Koreans selected to serve rea. The likelihood of their conquering the
with the United States Army had had previous entire peninsula was becoming less probable.
military training, but most were farm boys U.N. forces noted that heavy enemy casualties
who joined the combat organizations directly were forcing the North Koreans to use com-
from civilian life. In the latter case, the new paratively green replacements in some battles.
soldiers passed through a brief period of train- This was substantiated by the increasing num-
ing under American direction, received uni- ber of communist prisoners of war in the U.N.
forms and weapons, and were quickly moved stockades. For example, during the first two
to the combat zone. In August General Mac- weeks of August 464 prisoners were captured,
Arthur approved plans to integrate a hundred but the second half of the month saw an addi-
South Koreans into each U.S. Army company- tional 2,000 transported to the prisoner of war
size unit under his command. (Official inte- collecting points. Seven million airdropped
gration did not apply to the Marine Corps.) leaflets guaranteeing humane treatment might
The situation was critical, and partly trained also have had an effect in increasing the num-
troops were preferable to no troops at all. ber of communist soldiers who surrendered.
Although some of the South Koreans had fired In general, however, the enemy appeared de-
only one clip from an M1 rifle before facing termined to annihilate the Eighth Army and
the enemy, they were valuable reinforcements to take Taegu and Pusan. To capture these
for the American infantry and artillery. The cities, the North Koreans massed for a two-
integrated South Koreans’ knowledge of the pronged drive across the Naktong, one from
terrain, ability to withstand the rigors of the the west and the other from the southwest.
Korean climate, natural instinct for Indian- The principal actions were fought along the
type fighting, and acquaintance with the lan- river from Waegwan south through Song-dong
guage and customs, together with their desire and Ch’irhyon-ni to the juncture of the Nak-
for independence and enthusiasm for victory, tong and Nam Rivers, and then southwest
partly offset the language barrier and lack of toward Haman Chinju.
familiarity with American weapons and tac- The North Koreans continued their relent-
tics. Many Americans owe their lives to these less probing for soft spots along the front and
brave and rugged South Koreans. Com- pushed three bridgeheads across the Naktong
manding officers employed their own discre- in the Waegwan–Taegu area during the first
week of August. Other penetrations carried capture Taegu or Masan, primary enemy
the enemy across the river in the Ch’angnyong– objectives. The U.N. defensive positions in
Ch’irhyon-ni–Yongsan sector. There, the U.S. Korea were held by tired but battle-worthy
24th and 25th Divisions faced a number of men whose usual rest was a few hours of trou-
elite North Korean troops which had had pre- bled sleep in freshly dug foxholes. When
vious service with the Chinese communist attacking, the Americans first had to climb
armies. steep hills in roasting heat under withering
On the western and northern fronts Ameri- enemy fire. When attacked, which was more
can and ROK divisions ranged along the Nak- often the case, the defenders were invariably
tong River, blunting North Korean penetra- outnumbered. Frequently they found them-
tions wherever they appeared. Near Waeg- selves in combat with enemy troops which had
wan, U.N. forces blew bridges over the river temporarily exchanged the green uniform of
as they pulled back behind it. Under cover the North Korean Army for the white shirt
of darkness, enemy patrols sought to cross the and baggy trousers of the civilian.
Naktong to the U.N. side while other North While sweat-soaked American soldiers
Koreans labored feverishly to build under- fought along the banks of the Naktong, anoth-
water causeways. These corduroy bridges of er battle was taking place in the southwest.
sunken logs anchored by rocks were designed There, the North Koreans concentrated the
to provide night river crossings for tanks and veteran 6th Division, east of Chinju, for an
other vehicles. Since the causeways were assault upon Masan and Pusan. Before the
about a foot under the often muddy water, the
enemy jumped off, however, he was hit by
U.N. aircraft had difficulty in detecting them.
Task Force Kean. Named for the command-
U.N. troops were able to repel many of the
ing general of the 25th Division, Task Force
enemy river-crossing operations during the
Kean consisted of the 5th RCT, the 35th RCT
first week of August, but during the following
of the 25th Division, the 1st Marine Brigade,
week the North Koreans concentrated such
and an ROK battalion. The 24th Regi-
quantities of artillery, armor, and infantry in
selected spots that they effected crossings in mental Combat Team of the 25th Division was
force. The Eighth Army’s strength was insuf- held in reserve. The mission was to secure the
ficient for defense in depth of the entire front. left flank of the perimeter in order to prevent
Numerical superiority permitted the commu- an enemy drive to Pusan. The force, on 7
nists to throw heavy forces into widely sepa- August, opened a strong U.N. counteroffen-
rated sectors such as the areas around sive. Sharp engagements were in progress all
P’ohang-dong on the east coast and Chinju in along the 140-mile perimeter, and the attack
the south. The enemy also struck successfully by Task Force Kean at first met heavy oppo-
in the Waegwan–Taegu and Ch’angnyong– sition from an enemy which had even deter-
Yongsan areas. Simultaneously, he crossed mined the location of the Marine command
the Nam River near Chinju and broke through post. In their usual fashion the communists
the northern perimeter toward the port of infiltrated the U.N. positions and raised havoc
P’ohang-dong. Units of the Eighth Army in the rear while the Army and Marine units
were rushed from one critical area to another fought their way up enemy-held mountain
as field commanders shuttled them to contain crests in temperatures which hovered at the
the limited penetrations of the perimeter. 100-degree mark. Friendly artillery support,
General Walker’s short and quick counter- because of communication and other difficul-
attacks helped to keep the enemy off balance ties, was at first limited but Marine, Navy, and
Air Force flyers co-operated magnificently to ties, and gain time, he had one important ad-
strafe and bomb the North Koreans’ camou- vantage: shorter interior lines of communica-
flaged positions. Enemy soldiers in civilian tion. From Pusan it is 63 miles north to
clothes nearly succeeded in turning the U.N. P’ohang-dong, 55 miles northwest to strategic
attack into a disaster by accurately spotting Taegu, and 29 miles west to Masan. Pusan
targets for North Korean guns. itself had swiftly expanded into a sprawling
One large band of North Koreans appeared supply base packed with vehicles, clothing, ra-
behind the advancing Americans and attacked tions, tents, artillery, tanks, ammunition, and
two batteries of howitzers. The artillerymen, fuel. In addition, an infinite variety of sup-
however, fought their 105’s at point-blank plies, weapons, and equipment was stacked at
range in a furious action which finally repulsed numerous concentration points within a fif-
the enemy. Throughout 7 and 8 August the teen-mile radius of the port. By mid-August
battle raged unabated. Despite the slow start, almost any needed item of supply could be
Task Force Kean made progress in the difficult procured on short notice from the logistical
job of ejecting the enemy from the mountain command at Pusan.
ridges. For most of these Americans this was The North Koreans, meanwhile, were ex-
an introduction to combat and the action was periencing great difficulty in moving materiel
attended by severe losses in killed and to the combat zone because of the constant
wounded, as well as by a great many cases of daylight bombing of strategic targets and vis-
heat prostration. The task force eventually ible routes of communication. Night intruder
overcame the North Koreans and, by 11 Au- missions by B–26’s also slowed the movement
gust, the high ground to the east of Chinju was of troops and supplies. The communists re-
again in friendly hands. The 5th and 35th sorted to horses and oxen when their vehicles
RCT’s held their positions along the banks of and fuel dumps were successfully attacked.
the Nam River while the marines captured Civilians, including many women, were
Kosong near the coast, to the southeast of pressed into service to carry ammunition.
Chinju. Task Force Kean thus secured the Human and animal transport, especially when
left flank of the Eighth Army and, having used after dark, met most of the needs of the
created a deep salient in the enemy positions, North Korean Army. The shortage of food,
forced the North Koreans to retreat, abandon- however, was a matter of acute concern to the
ing quantities of equipment. The Chinju enemy. American troops reported that some
counteroffensive proved to be an encouraging North Korean soldiers acted as if they were
reflection of increased U.N. strength. From half starved. This was an unexpected situa-
the point of view of morale, the victory was of tion for the communist planners, who had in-
incalculable importance. The threat to Ma- tended to overrun all of Korea in short order.
san having been relieved, which in turn safe- They had planned to loot and forage, but the
guarded the approach to Pusan, General South Koreans were hiding their stores of
Walker was now able to shift some units to the rice. When the invaders found it impossible
Naktong River and others northward. The to commandeer rice from the local population,
1st Marine Brigade was released for duty along they had to transport food from depleted ware-
the southern portion of the Naktong front to houses north of the parallel. Many of these
fight beside the battle-worn 24th Division. storage points had been bombed and all of
Although the Eighth Army commander still them were far from southeast Korea.
found it necessary to shift troops constantly to Despite an embarrassing shortage of food,
plug the holes in his perimeter, inflict casual- the enemy did not cease his attempts to cut
through the Eighth Army defenses. While of P’ohang-dong while the airstrip itself was
the North Korean 6th Division (which Task defended by U.S. Air Force personnel and
Force Kean had defeated in the Masan- ROK troops already in the vicinity. As ele-
Kosong–Chinju sector) was being reorganized ments of the task force drifted into the airfield
and reinforced, the enemy high command and strengthened the defensive positions, it
delivered a hard blow at the other end of the became evident that the port itself might soon
U.N. perimeter. On the easternmost flank of be recaptured from the enemy. The North
the perimeter, the town of Yongdok was lost Koreans were so close to the strip, however,
by the isolated ROK 3d Division which then that on 13 August all planes were evacuated.
had to be evacuated by sea. Elements of the Within five days troops of the ROK I Corps,
North Korean 12th Division thereupon built in co-operation with the small U.S. task force
up strength for a drive south while many hun- at the airstrip, struck the enemy from front
dreds of their comrades in civilian clothes fil- and rear, forcing him to relinquish P’ohang-
tered into the important P’ohang-dong area. dong to U.N. control.
On 12 August the port of P’ohang-dong was During the time that the enemy had tried to
attacked by an enemy force which broke smash the U.N. line on the left and right flanks
through the ROK positions near Kigye, ten at Chinju and P’ohang-dong, a much larger
miles to the west. Led by tanks which force of communists was battering at the Nak-
mounted screaming sirens, elements of the tong River sector in an attempt to take the rail
North Korean 12th Division poured through junction at Taegu. To hold a line near the
the breach in the perimeter to link up with river, General Walker rearranged his combat
their inconspicuous-looking advance agents at divisions. The ground taken by Task Force
the port. Kean was abandoned to flatten out the salient
A short distance south of P’ohang-dong, an in the far southwest and make it easier to hold
airstrip of great importance to the U.N. forces the flanks in that area. Elements of the 25th
as a base for tactical aircraft was also in dan- Division were pulled back and directed to de-
ger of being captured. Brig. Gen. Francis W. fend the Masan area. Slightly to the north
Farrell, commanding KMAG, investigated near Yongsan, on the 25th’s right flank, stood
the situation and sent back an urgent request the veteran 24th Division. General Craig’s 1st
for additional assistance for the defense of the Provisional Marine Brigade was moved north
P’ohang-dong airstrip. While the enemy ad- from the Kosong–Masan sector to take up po-
vanced without opposition from Kigye toward sitions around Ch’angnyong on the right of the
P’ohang-dong, a U.N. task force of U.S. tanks 24th Division. The 1st Cavalry Division cov-
and infantry was hurriedly assembled and set ered the Waegwan-Taegu axis. From Kunwi
out for the area under attack, followed by the to the coast, the ROK I and II Corps together
famed ROK 17th Regiment. The innocent- with a few U.S. units held the northern per-
looking refugees who had been moving down imeter.
the road from the north for several weeks now Along the twisting Naktong River, the lim-
showed their true colors. From oxcarts and ited U.S. forces were deployed in a manner
A-frames they produced mortars, machine which assigned combat zones of 15–30 miles
guns, and other weapons. As the task force to each division and permitted only limited
pushed north, enemy fire drove its units from liaison between divisions. By the middle of
the roads, scattering them through adjacent August troops of the North Korean 4th Divi-
hills and rice paddies. Meanwhile, a small sion still retained a bridgehead, which they
force of North Koreans took the burning town had established earlier, in the Pugong-ni–
Yongsan sector. Slightly to the north, the blows from the communist army, only to snap
North Korean 10th Division fought across the back and push the enemy to the west side of
wide river bend below Tuksong-dong. Three the river. The weight of U.N. air power had
enemy divisions faced the 1st Cavalry and the had a telling effect upon the North Koreans.
ROK 1st Divisions where the Waegwan– Their Russian-made tanks were less and less
Taegu rail line crosses the river. Taegu in evidence and many of the communist vet-
loomed as the next target of the North Koreans erans who had swept through South Korea
as ROK and American units fought skillfully in July were dead. Often their places were
and successfully to hold the provisional capital. filled by untrained recruits.
The city was under attack from three direc- The North Koreans resorted to every con-
tions: north (Tabu-dong ) , northwest (Kum- ceivable ruse to take their objectives. Fre-
ch’on) , and southwest (Tuksong-dong). quently they ordered helpless refugees to
Using his limited resources as prudently as move out of the hills or to cross a river toward
possible, General Walker continued to keep the American lines. As the bewildered civil-
the front lightly manned until enemy assaults ians milled about the U.N. area, blocking traf-
were reported and then moved his meager re- fic and interfering with vision, the enemy
serves to the critical points and forced the en- enveloped positions from behind the refugee
emy back across the Naktong. While the ROK column. The problem created by the passage
1st and 6th Divisions, the U.S. 1st Cavalry of civilian hordes through combat areas trou-
Division, and the 27th Infantry Regiment of bled the Americans, who shrank from shooting
the 25th Division stood in the path of the at them but who knew that their appearance
powerful enemy thrusts at Waegwan and often implied that the enemy was lurking in
Taegu, elements of the South Korean Army the vicinity. Eventually, it was decided to
effected two amphibious landings on islands shoot anyone who moved at night. Legiti-
near the west coast port of Inch’on. These mate refugees were permitted to make their
landings and a third on the south coast twenty- way south in the daylight hours when the chore
four miles below Masan were indications that of screening them was a little easier.
the enemy might soon expect an increase of The enemy continued his efforts to crack
initiative on the part of the U.N. forces. The the perimeter, and at Ch’angnyong only the
North Koreans, however, still showed no in- most determined counterattacks by units of
clination to give up their plan to smash across the 24th Division and General Craig’s Marine
the Naktong River and capture Taegu. The units finally managed to force the North
government of the republic moved to Pusan Korean 4th Division back to the west bank of
as the communist divisions once more struck the Naktong. Above Waegwan several enemy
against the river defenses. divisions massed to assault Taegu from the
While nearly 600,000 civilians choked the north. Despite the reported damage caused on
exits from Taegu, the Eighth Army fought to 16 August when General O’Donnell’s B–29’s
hold the city, its important airfield, and its rail hit the area with 850 tons of bombs, the North
communications. When the North Koreans Koreans launched a powerful attack from a
tried to expand their bridgehead at Tuksong- slightly different jump-off point and pene-
dong, General Gay’s cavalrymen drove them trated the positions of two ROK divisions
back with sharp counterattacks. Along the in the Kunwi–Kumwha-dong sector. Rein-
railroad at Waegwan many savage engage- forced by the 27th Infantry, the South Koreans
ments were fought, while up and down the recovered from the enemy’s massive onslaught
Naktong River the Americans gave way under and recaptured Kumwha-dong. The stal-
wart defense and swift countermeasures in this month the ranks of the Eighth Army were aug-
area on 19 August saved Taegu from almost mented by the 27th British Commonwealth
certain capture, parried the enemy’s three- Brigade, composed of one battalion of the
division thrust at Taegu, and hobbled the for- Middlesex Regiment and one of the Argyll and
ward motion of the North Korean offensive. Sutherland Highlanders. These regular Brit-
It was about this time that mistreatment of ish organizations had embarked at Hong Kong
captured soldiers by the North Koreans for duty in Korea. Welcomed at Pusan by a
prompted General MacArthur to issue a terse group of their kilted bagpipers, the Common-
warning to the North Korean Premier, Kim wealth force landed just in time to participate
Il Sung, stating “I shall hold you and your in the Eighth Army’s desperate efforts to halt
commanders criminally accountable under the what an American general called the North
rules and precedents of war.” Koreans’ “one final blast.”
The Eighth Army had developed its strength Shortly before midnight on 31 August, the
and resources to a degree which finally per- communists once again rushed the Naktong
mitted the relief of the 24th Division. To take River, this time in tremendous force. Al-
the place of General Church’s veterans, who though enduring very heavy casualties from
had suffered 30 percent casualties since 4 July, U.N. air force bombing and strafing, the North
the fresh and well-equipped 2d Division moved Koreans were able to mount an impressive gen-
into position along the Naktong River at the eral offensive against the entire Pusan beach-
Tuksong-dong bulge. Victory was more con- head. From Haman in the south to P’ohang-
sistently eluding the enemy and the morale of dong, the perimeter was under attack. Along
U.N. forces rose accordingly as August drew the northern rim, the U.N. positions were
to a close. American, Australian, British, and breached at some points and from a few miles
ROK pilots of the U.N. air force daily spread north of Taegu to P’ohang-dong on the east
terror through the ranks of the enemy, the coast the enemy registered impressive gains.
number of Eighth Army artillery pieces now The North Koreans showed considerable of-
vastly exceeded the guns in North Korean fensive power as they advanced toward the
hands, and the Russian-made T34 tanks had ancient city of Taegu. To the east, they threw
met their match in the U.S. General Pershing the ROK divisions guarding Yongch’on,
medium tanks. Kyongju, and P’ohang-dong into confusion.
In a campaign consisting of hundreds of Although the main attacks were in the south-
large and small engagements and marked by west and north, a diversionary feint also
thousands of casualties, the allied forces still threatened P’ohang-dong. Out of a rest area
clung to their Naktong positions. The weight the combatwise 24th Division was again or-
of the enemy drives was decreased by a com- dered into action and moved north in time
munist inclination to strike here, there, and to secure the Yongch’on–Kyongju highway
everywhere along the U.N. perimeter instead and railroad. The port of P’ohang-dong
of concentrating at one point for an unswerv- which is about 15 miles northeast of Kyongju,
ing smash to victory. The North Korean high fell to the enemy on 6 September, but once
command had utilized one armored and thir- again the communists were unable to capture
teen infantry divisions to hack at the Eighth the airfield. Along the western front the
Army during August. U.N. forces along the North Koreans hit savagely at the defenders
perimeter were badly crippled, but the line of the Naktong. Ruined Waegwan and
held as more troops and supplies were un- the ancient temple, called the “walled-city,” at
loaded at the port of Pusan. At the end of the near-by Kasan were overrun as the U.S. 1st
Cavalry Division and the ROK 1st Division South Korea, and the Naktong became a tor-
fell back for a last-ditch stand at Taegu. To rent which crippled enemy efforts to transport
help defend Taegu, the 27th British Common- additional troops to the east bank. The smell
wealth Brigade, commanded by Brigadier of death hung over the Yongsan–Ch’angnyong
Basil A. Coad, raced into the fight. North sector as the North Koreans planned to cut
Korean Marshal Choi Yong Kun’s divisions the Taegu–Pusan railroad. The Americans
drove hard for Taegu, but the blue and white gave ground and many small units were tem-
flag of the United Nations continued to fly porarily cut up or isolated, but the U.N. de-
over the city. Between 4 and 11 September fense did not break.
the enemy made important gains along the Using his usual tactics of infiltration and
Naktong in some of the heaviest fighting of flank attacks, the enemy had penetrated the
the Korean conflict. The U.N. forces blunted outer U.N. positions where troops were thinly
the drive on Taegu, however, and began to spread along the Nam and Naktong Rivers.
show slow progress of their own against strong The American forces counterattacked to break
enemy resistance. principal road blocks and restore communica-
On the southern front a communist offen- tions with encircled units. Stories of incred-
sive had jumped off after an unprecedented ible heroism, self-sacrifice, and calm indiffer-
North Korean artillery barrage near Haman, ence to danger are told of the actions which
midway between Chinju and Masan. There, took place in the first two weeks of September.
two enemy divisions unleashed an attack The simple bravery of many soldiers and ma-
against 25th Division positions, striking the rines who were killed in action contributed to
dug-in Americans with tanks and waves of the North Korean failure to drive the U.N.
infantry. General Kean’s men were in a pre- forces from the peninsula. Impressive enemy
carious situation as their forward areas were gains had been made along the U.N. per-
swamped by the human-wave tactics of the imeter, especially in the north, and General
enemy. Bloodstained Sobuk Ridge or “Battle Walker still had to shuttle his units from one
Mountain” changed hands for the thirteenth critical area to another, but a strong beach-
time in less than a month. In other battles the head remained under the control of the U.N.
North Koreans attacked across the Naktong army. The defenders, moreover, had demon-
River in the face of desperate countermeasures strated their ability to contain and beat off
by the U.S. 2d Division and the 1st Marine powerful North Korean attacks, and the pos-
Brigade. Using rifles, bayonets, and grenades, sibility of an Eighth Army counteroffensive
Army and Marine units fought to drive the in- daily grew more feasible as the communist
vaders back into the river. Rain drenched offensive ground to a halt.

ROK’S PROCEED TO NEW POSITIONS after a general reorganization of their
forces. By 1 August Andong, Hamch’ang, and Sangju had been abandoned to the
enemy; f ighting in the Yongdok, Chirye, and Taegu areas continued.

U.S. TROOPS PREPARING TO MOVE from a port area. The vehicle in fore-
ground is a 3/4-ton 4x4 weapons carrier; at right are 2 1/ 2-ton cargo trucks. Throughout
August attempts were made to consolidate positions along the Naktong River line.

U.S. MARINES IN PUSAN, 2 August. Marching through the streets of Pusan
after debarking (top) and a few hours later at a railroad station awaiting orders
for movement northward (bottom).

PERSHING MEDIUM TANK S M26, made secure on f latcars. U.S. units aban-
doned Kumch’on as ROK forces, with supporting U.S. artiller y and naval gunf ire,
recaptured Yongdok on 2 August.

PERSHING MEDIUM TANKS M26 in position on
the outskirts of a burned-out village (top); Sherman
medium tank M4A3 with horizontal volute springs,

mounts a 76-mm. gun with muzzle brake (bottom
left); and Sherman medium tank M4A1 with a dozer
attachment (bottom right).

HIGHWAY BRIDGE AND RAILROAD BRIDGE (left and r ight, respectively)
over the Naktong River near Waegan, destroyed by Americans after their withdrawal
(top); artillerymen building a barricade around a 105mm. howitzer M2A1 (bottom).

vation post, 4 August. Man on left has a bayonet knife M4 fastened to his belt.
On 3–4 August U.N. units dug in to establish a defense along the Naktong River.

SIKORSKY HELICOPTER R–5 TAKING OFF from the deck of a carrier oper-
ating off the coast of Korea. Helicopters, with a two-man crew, were kept in the air
during naval operations in case it was necessary to effect a speedy air-sea rescue (top),
Navy Panther jet receiving a maintenance check on the f light deck of a U.S. air-
craft carrier (bottom).

carrier; note rockets under wing of craft. On 4–5 August, Navy planes attacked tar-
gets in the Suwon–Seoul area and provided support for troops f ighting in the Chinju
area. B–29’s, B–26’s, and f ighter planes were active at this time, attacking the Seoul
marshalling yards and enemy shipping, as well as rendering support to ground troops.

TWO AMERICAN SOLDIERS with a North Korean prisoner of war pose for a
picture, 5 August. Small enemy patrols crossing the Naktong River were quickly
wiped out or captured. Four of the f ive enemy tanks, discovered at the river bank
near Waegwan on this day, were knocked out by air attack and artiller y f ire.

in a vehicle maintain radio contact for artiller y units which are dug in on the main
line of resistance, 5 August (bottom).

VERSATILE U.S. HELMET used as a foot bath by a foot-wear y soldier. His r if le
is a .30-caliber M1.

and bottom) returning enemy f ire on 6 August. Note shelters built by the troops
with heavy logs, rice straw, and matting. The enemy, steadily building up strength
for the attack on the Naktong River line, continued heavy pressure on ROK units
south of Andong, established a small br idgehead about f ive miles southwest of
Ch’angnyong, and in the southwest sector threatened U.N. positions near Chinju.

LOCKHEED F–80 SHOOTING STAR, based in Japan, leaving on a mission against
the North Koreans, passes over Japanese workers in a rice paddy.

bounces into the air after making a forced belly landing; the same plane from which
t he pilot walked away unhur t after it came to a stop (bottom). The landing
gear had been shot of f. Note the large hole in the fuselage below the letters “FT.”

(top); pile of empty .50-caliber ammunition boxes accumulated after loading two jet
f ighter planes with enough ammunition for two days of f ighting (bottom).

LOADING .50-CALIBER AMMUNITION for machine guns of an F–80 jet f ighter.
On 7 August enemy units crossed the Naktong River near Waegwan; others drove
south from Yonggi-dong against U.N. forces.

CHOW FOR B–29 CREWS. In-f light lunches of roast beef sandwiches prepared
by cooks (top); afternoon snacks served to the men returning from a mission (bottom).
About seventy B–29’s struck at North Korean targets with 625 tons of bombs on 10
August. The main targets were the oil ref iner y at Wonsan, railroads, and bridges.

INFANTRYMAN REL AXES, reading the latest news available while having lunch,
9 August.

RADIO SCR 300 (top) used to direct the f ire of 4.2-inch M2 chemical mortar
(center) on 10 August. For two days the hills (background bottom) were subjected
to mortar f ire in an attempt to dislodge the enemy from his positions.

hole in a road. Helicopter in the background is preparing to take of f. By 10 August
the North Koreans had reinforced their bridgehead southwest of Ch’angnyong despite
a counterattack by Amer icans; in the Waegwan area enemy br idgeheads were
destroyed, while on the east coast the North Koreans threatened P’ohang-dong.

SHERMAN MEDIUM TANK M4A3 f ires near a North Korean-held village (top);
infantr ymen set up a barbed-wire entanglement to help delay enemy progress (bot-
tom). The western front appeared fairly stable on 11 August despite enemy efforts to
establish new bridgeheads.

DESTROYED ENEMY SELF-PROPELLED GUN (t op); infantr ymen seem
amused as they stand guard over a prisoner of war who nonchalantly has a smoke as
he waits to be interrogated, 11 August (bottom). In the east communist troops
entered P’ohang-dong and made a dr ive toward t he air f ield near t he town.

ing a plane for the last lap of the journey (top); 2 1 / 2 -ton truck loaded into a giant
Fairchild C–l19 cargo ship. On 12 August the f irst trucks were airlifted into Korea.

FIELD KITCHEN operating despite inclement weather. Whenever possible, combat
troops received hot food, often prepared under great dif f iculties.

STRAFING ATTACK BY F–80 JET FIGHTERS on a small Korean town housing
enemy troops and vehicles. Smoke in center and right background registers hits;
small vehicle in foreground on road is burning from a direct hit. Note the terraced
hillsides. Bomb craters are from previous air attacks.

TERRAIN NEAR KUMCH’ON (top); two knocked-out enemy tanks on highway
leading from Kumch’on to Yongdong (bottom). Daily, aircraft f lew both strategic
and tactical missions in support of U.N. forces.

U.S. TROOPS MOVING UP, pass knocked-out enemy tanks. Several of the men
carry 3.5-inch rocket launchers M20. The man in r ight foreground carries rockets
on his back for the launchers. South Korean litter bearers, left, are removing a
casualty to the rear area.

wait around the bend, 14 August. On 13–14 August the U.N. army was greatly
outnumbered by the enemy who faced them across the Naktong River. Planes were
evacuated from P’ohang-dong airstrip because of constant enemy artillery f ire.

BIVOUAC AREA, 16 August. Note both 3.5-inch and 2.36-inch rocket launchers on

right. Weapon, left foreground, is a 4.2-inch M2 chemical mortar.

in foreground is a medium M4A3 mounting a 105-mm. howitzer and has a dozer
attachment. Tank in background is a medium M26 mounting a 90-mm. gun M3
(top). Tractor, earth-moving crawler, diesel-driven, clears f ield for light aircraft
airstrip (bottom).

MOTOR CARRIAGE M19 mounting twin 40-mm. guns (top) and motor carriage,
combination gun M15A1 (bottom) prepare to move for ward near Yongsan. These
are primarily designed as antiaircraft weapons. Note .30-caliber carbine on door
of motor carriage in bottom picture.

HILLSIDE POSITIONS, 19 August. Note the use of camouf laged shelter halves
over foxholes. Several of the men seem to be on the alert for enemy activity. The
Naktong River, forming a natural defense between the U.N. and North Korean
forces, can be seen in the background.

the U.N. situation improved as ROK forces regained P’ohang-don and Kigye; U.S.
forces defeated the enemy west of Yongsan and repulsed enemy attempts to penetrate
U.S. defenses on the left f lank.

P’OHANG-DONG two days after ROK units regained the town from the North

Koreans. Note the rough, irregular mass of steep-sided mountains.

TWO U.N. SOLDIERS take time out for cof fee (top); faces seem to brighten as
these wear y marines go through the chow line (bottom). By 23 August U.N. forces
were f ighting bitterly to hold the defense perimeter. Enemy pressure diminished
west of Masan and north of Taegu, but increased along the east coast.

SWITCHBOARD IN OPERATION (top). Infantr yman att aches a batter y to
a sniperscope M2 in preparation for use by U.S. troops in night f ighting; rif le is a
U.S. carbine .30-caliber M1 (bottom).

AIRCRAFT CARRIERS of the U.S. Navy Essex class, anchored at a naval base
in Japan F–80’s can be seen on the deck of the carrier at left; landing craft in fore-
ground is an LCVP. Carrier-based aircraft continued to support U.N. troops. On
24 August villages east of Hyopch’on, enemy positions on Sobuk Ridge, and targets
behind the enemy were hit.

USS TOLEDO, heavy cruiser, f ires its 8-inch guns of No. 3 turret at North Korean
military targets on the east coast. On 25 August f ire from U.S. naval ships severely
damaged a rail bridge and more than 250 boxcars, most of them loaded, at Songjin
on the northeast coast. The Navy also gave close support to ROK troops who were
attempting to stop a communist counterattack north of P’ohang-dong.

INTERIOR OF A TRANSPORT PL ANE where U.S. troop-carrier personnel pre-
pare to drop much-needed ammunition and supplies to part of the U.N. forces who
were isolated and encircled by the North Koreans. The smoke of battle can be seen
oar of the transport.

SUPPLIES BEING DROPPED BY PARACHUTE over green rice paddies. Note
location marker at the left, placed by isolated troops. The transport planes fol-
lowed a hazardous route over enemy-held territor y to drop essential ammunition,
food, water, and other supplies.

Tank in foreground is a Sherman medium M4A3 mounting a 76-mm. gun (top); men
prepare to f ire the 75mm. recoilless rif le T21, 25 August (bottom).

60-MM. MORTAR M2 FIRING at a North Korean position across the Naktong
River. During the night of 26–27 August artiller y f ire stopped sixteen enemy boats
from crossing the Naktong River west of Ch’angnyong. In the east ROK troops
put up bitter resistance against enemy attempts to retake P’ohang-dong and Kigye.

AN INFANTRYMAN BEING COMFORTED, as a casualty tag is made out.

CHOW IN ST YLE near the front lines, 28 August.

troops were forced out of Kigye; in other areas, enemy attempts to penetrate U.N.
defenses were repulsed.

TANK CREW LOADS 76-MM. SHELLS into a Sherman medium tank M4A3
at an ordnance depot in a rear area where the tank has been repaired.

to right of men in foxhole is a .30-caliber Browning M1919A4 f lexible. In the south
enemy units made several shar p attacks on 29 August, West of Yongsan the North
Koreans made three unsuccessful attempts to cross the river in small boats dur ing
the night of 29–30 August, while on the east coast ROK troops retook Kigye. North
Koreans recaptured the town again the next day.

TRACTORS, TOWING RADAR EQUIPMENT, stop at their rendezvous area
in a river bed (top); bivouac area in a river bed (bottom). Little or no conceal-
ment was used because of a temporar y lull in the f ighting in this area. (Top: 13-ton
high-speed M5 tractors.)

COLUMN PASSES AN ENEMY TANK which is burning from a hit by a U.S. tank.
Second man from left is carrying a portable f lame thrower M2–2. This weapon
can be loaded with liquid fuel or with a thickened fuel which has a longer range
than the liquid and burns on the target for several minutes. The two outside tanks
hold a total of four gallons of fuel; in the center is a pressure tank, charged with
highly compressed air or nitrogen used to propel fuel from tanks through the gun
to the target. Third man from left carries a 3.5-inch rocket launcher.

PERSHING MEDIUM TANK M26 in position to stop enemy attempts to cross the
Naktong River. Throughout the month of August strategic targets in North Korea
were constantly bombed and close air and naval support was given to the ground
forces f ighting in South Korea.

crossed the Naktong at several points on the night of 31 August–1 September. Their
main crossing was at the junction of the Nam and Naktong Rivers, west of Yongsan.

ROK MEDICAL AID MEN help one of t heir wounded back to an aid station (top);
ROK troops, in a r ice paddy, await orders to move forward (bottom). Note con-
struction of native huts in background.

TREADWAY BRIDGE across the Naktong River constructed by U.S. engineers.
Before the bridge was built, the only means of crossing the river was a small ferr y
operated by South Koreans (top). Artiller y moving up over muddy ground into
f iring position near Taegu. Several tanks and men can be seen in the background

HOT FOOD. Container keeps the food piping hot while being transported from
f ield kitchen to combat troops. On 6 September enemy efforts to exploit the penetra-
tions of the UN. positions were generally halted. U.N. forces pushed north from
Kyongju and east from Yonch’on, repelled two attacks north of Taegu, and made
a small gain in pressing the enemy back toward the Naktong River west of Yongsan.

HELICOPTER L ANDING to pick up a wounded soldier for evacuation to a rear
area hospital. Container on the side of the helicopter holds the casualty.

SOUTH KOREAN REFUGEE, with his belongings on his back, waits his turn to
board a boat at Masan for evacuation to a small island near Pusan, 13 September.




The North Korean regime, which had to the X Corps. The 1st Marine Division
counted on a quick and overwhelming con- was formed in Japan by Maj. Gen. Oliver P.
quest, was given a stunning shock during the Smith who withdrew the 1st Marine Brigade
last two weeks of September: the U.S. X from the Pusan beachhead and added to it six
Corps swept into Inch’on from the Yellow Sea battalions which came from the United States,
and the Eighth Army drove north from the the Mediterranean, and shipboard units.
Pusan perimeter. This gratifying turn of Maj. Gen,. David G. Barr filled out his U.S. 7th
events, which led to the defeat of the North Infantry Division, on occupation duty in Japan
Korean divisions in South Korea, was the cul- since 1949, with approximately 8,000 inte-
mination of General MacArthur’s plan to grated South Korean soldiers.
cling to southeast Korea until sufficient rein- The necessary logistical build-up for the
forcements were concentrated in the Far East operation was effected in a remarkably short
to permit an amphibious landing behind ene- time and the main invasion fleet, commanded
my lines. While the U.N. army fought along by Admiral Doyle, left Japan on 13 Septem-
the Naktong and Nam Rivers, the X Corps ber. The actual landing, which took place on
had been activated in Japan. Commanded by 15 September, had to coincide with the peak
Maj. Gen. Edward M. Almond, the new tides of that date in order to permit full
organization in mid-August was given the mis- maneuver of the fleet off Inch’on. Unless the
sion of making an amphibious landing on Ko- troops succeeded in landing during the limited
rea’s west coast, and seizing Seoul and the com- period of favorable tides, it would be necessary
munication routes over which enemy troops to postpone the operation until October when
and supplies were traveling south. once again abnormally high tides would pour
General MacArthur personally had selected over the mud flats, giving the required depth.
Inch’on for the landing since the difficult tides U.N. planes provided strong tactical sup-
in that particular area might lead the enemy port for a sudden counteroffensive launched
to expect an attack elsewhere—probably at by the Eighth Army along the Naktong River.
Kunsan or Wonsan. Two U.S. divisions, the The battleship Missouri, rushed to Korea from
1st Marine and 7th Infantry, were assigned Norfolk, Virginia, shelled communist port

installations on the east coast. At Inch’on, and later supervised the Berlin airlift, the
airplanes and naval guns pounded the harbor crews of Combat Cargo Command functioned
defenses with rockets, bombs, and shells in smoothly and efficiently. Later, on return
preparation for the Marine landing parties. flights to Japan, the C–54’s and C–119’s were
While the more than 260 vessels of the U.N. converted into hospital planes. A few days
invasion fleet maneuvered for position off after the field was secured and the cargo air-
Inch’on, the bombardment against the beach craft were dropping down every few minutes
defenses ceased, and at 0630 on 15 September with gasoline and ammunition, Col. Frank
a battalion of the 5th Marine Regiment S. Bowen’s 187th Airborne Regimental
dashed from landing craft to the bomb- Combat Team was flown into Kimpo airfield
cratered shores of Wolmi, an island just off- to strengthen U.N. defenses in that sector.
shore which had to be taken quickly since its With Kimpo secured, ROK Marine and
guns commanded Inch’on. In less than two U.S. Marine and Army units pushed inland to
hours Wolmi was captured. In the afternoon, liberate Seoul. Marine and naval aircraft
after the tide had ebbed and come in again, concentrated on close support of the ground
Marine assault waves clambered over the city’s
advance. At first the North Korean opposi-
sea wall, overcame sporadic enemy resistance,
tion was moderate and it was hoped that the
and drove into the heart of Inch’on. The plan
capital might be taken with only slight dam-
to invade Inch’on was carried out with bril-
age, but the communists had turned the city
liance by those who fought their way through
the city. During the following days, the re- into a fortress.
mainder of the 1st Marine Division disem- The capital is built around the base of South
barked and, together with four battalions of Mountain, the tree-covered slopes of which
Korean marines, pressed toward Kimpo air- bristled with clusters of hidden enemy weap-
field, the Han River, and Seoul. The U.S. ons. To attack Seoul, X Corps moved in from
7th Division was put ashore and a portion of two directions. Some units inched over moun-
its troops moved south in the general direction tains from the northwest, while in the south-
of Suwon. The X Corps, having the advan- west others advanced through severe artillery
tage of complete air and naval supremacy, fire to the industrial suburb of Yongdungp’o
acted swiftly to capture the Seoul–Suwon area and to the banks of the Han River. The North
in order to dislocate the logistical supply of Koreans had resolved to fight for the capital
North Korean forces in South Korea. street by street and had concentrated strong
The Marine units had to fight for Kimpo, fire power in and near it. Casualties among
but they easily disposed of the communist de- U.N. troops were heavy before they set foot in
fenders who, making one fanatical rush, were Seoul. Once the limits of the city had been
decimated by American fire power. Within won, the advancing troops fought their way
three days after the Inch’on landing, U.N. through sand-bagged buildings and barbed-
planes were flying in and out of Kimpo air- wired boulevards in the face of heavier mortar,
field, the largest in Korea. On 18 September, machine gun, and small arms fire. On the out-
the huge planes of FEAF Combat Cargo Com- skirts of the city, the advance had been yard
mand began an airlift to the field, augmenting by yard; within the city proper, attacking
the stream of supplies which the Navy was troops moved ahead foot by foot. On 26 Sep-
putting ashore at Inch’on. Commanded by tember General MacArthur announced that
Maj. Gen. William H. Tunner, who had di- Seoul was again in friendly hands, but sharp
rected traffic over the “Hump” in the China– engagements continued in the charred and
Burma–India Theater during World War II ruined metropolis for several days. The enemy
defenders had been reinforced by the North 24th Division, and Maj. Gen. Paik Sun Yup’s
Korean 9th Division, which had been fighting ROK 1st Division. Maj. Gen. John B. Coul-
along the Pusan beachhead. However, Seoul ter’s U.S. IX Corps, along the Naktong, was
was captured before other communist units composed of the U.S. 2d and 25th Divisions
could reach the area. Credited with the lib- with attached ROK units.
eration of the republican capital were the Although the communist radio refrained
U.S. 1st Marine Division, the ROK 17th Regi- from mentioning the Inch’on landing, the
ment, and elements of the U.S. 7th Infantry Eighth Army engaged the enemy all along the
Division. On 29 September, at a ceremony in Pusan perimeter in order to prevent the diver-
the blackened capitol building, General Mac- sion of substantial North Korean aid to the
Arthur welcomed President Rhee back to Seoul–Inch’on sector. At first, the X Corps’
Seoul and turned over to him and his govern- success at Inch’on did not have a noticeable ef-
ment the discharge of civil responsibilities. fect upon the communists in southeast Korea.
With the capture of Seoul, the U.N. forces Both sides fought stubbornly and the Eighth
commanded the railroads and major highway Army’s offensive to link up with the X Corps
supplying communist troops around the Pusan made only limited progress. By 20 Septem-
perimeter. Caught between the X Corps and ber, nevertheless, U.N. forces were penetrat-
the Eighth Army, and with dwindling sources ing the communist defenses. The U.S. I
of supply, the ultimate fate of the North Corps struggled to cross the Naktong River for
Korean divisions could be foreseen. a push up the Taegu–Kumch’on–Taejon rail-
As soon as the Marine Corps struck at road, while the IX Corps forced the enemy
Wolmi Island and Inch’on, the psychological back in the Masan–Chinju area.
warfare section of the U.S. Army began trans- On the northern front four enemy divisions
mitting the invasion news throughout Korea resisted fiercely, but within a few days they
by leaflets and radio broadcasts in an effort dropped back seventy miles under the slashing
to impress upon the rank and file of the enemy attacks of the ROK I and II Corps. Enemy
the futility of further resistance and to assure losses in personnel and equipment were par-
them of the humane treatment they could ticularly high in this sector, and at Uisong,
expect as prisoners of war. Although it is dif- about eleven miles northeast of Kunwi, over
ficult to judge the precise impact of psycholog- a hundred tons of rice and supplies and most
ical warfare upon the enemy, many North of the equipment of one North Korean divi-
Korean prisoners reported that their decision sion were captured. Between Taegu and
to surrender had been inf luenced by the Chinju the attack finally gathered momentum
leaflets. after a period of nearly a week in which the
In conjunction with the amphibious assault communists fought fanatically to retain their
at Inch’on, the Eighth Army initiated its suc- prepared positions. The 24th Division battled
cessful movement to break out of the Pusan up the strongly defended rail line to Kumch’on.
beachhead. General Walker’s army of four Farther to the south the 2d Division encoun-
corps began its important offensive on 16 Sep- tered stiff opposition before breaching the
tember. Along the north side of the perimeter Naktong beyond Yongsan and driving west
the ROK I and II Corps were in position. On through Hyopch’on. At the southernmost ex-
the Taegu front, Maj. Gen. Frank W. Mil- tremity of the U.N. positions, the 25th Divi-
burn commanded the U.S. I Corps, which sion again fought over “Battle Mountain” and,
included the U.S. 1st Cavalry Division, the crossing the Nam River, advanced into the
27th British Commonwealth Brigade, the U.S. vicinity of Chinju.
In an effort to elude the trap which X Corps toward the 38th parallel, and the ROK II
and Eighth Army were closing, many com- Corps edged north through central Korea, the
munist soldiers changed into civilian clothes to U.S. I and IX Corps advanced across the
remain dangerous and elusive foes behind the peninsula from east to west overwhelming rear
U.N. lines. Others managed to escape north guard elements of the retreating enemy.
to the comparative safety afforded them be North Korean regiments disintegrated as their
yond the 38th parallel. A considerable num- communications broke down and escape routes
ber, however, remained with their units and were denied them. Arms and equipment were
fought with conspicuous courage. abandoned ; tanks, artillery, mortars, and
Meanwhile, units from the Inch’on and Pu- small arms littered the highways and foot-
san beachheads sought to effect a full encircle- paths of South Korea as the communist army
ment of the enemy by accomplishing a junction below the parallel ceased to exist as an organ-
of X Corps and Eighth Army. The distance ized force. Isolated remnants of six commu-
between the two organizations was reduced nist divisions, however, drifted into the moun-
daily and through the ever-narrowing gap the tains where their harassing activities made it
enemy fled northward. From Inch’on, the necessary to divert the U.S. IX Corps from
U.S. 7th Division advanced south through Su- its principal mission in order to eliminate the
won. To link the Eighth Army with the X remaining enemy operating in South Korea.
Corps, a small force of tanks and jeeps of the With many of its best troops either dead,
1st Cavalry Division’s 70th Tank Battalion captured, or in hiding, the North Korean
was ordered to break through to the north- regime deployed its remaining units for the
west. From Poun, nineteen miles northeast of defense of the territory north of the 38th par-
Taejon, the detachment sped through allel. Poised on the eastern end of the
Ch’ongju, Ipch’on-ni, and Ch’onan. Racing parallel was the ROK I Corps, waiting for
past enemy positions and frequently subjected orders to march over the artificial barrier and
to heavy fire, it joined forward elements of the continue the pursuit up the east coast to cap-
7th Division, a short distance south of Suwon, ture the ports and industrial centers in that
late on the night of 26 September. The mis- area of North Korea. On the opposite side of
sion had been accomplished in eleven hours. the peninsula, the Eighth Army streamed into
The link-up of the two forces did not imply northwestern South Korea. During the latter
that a solid barrier of U.N. troops stretched part of September the Eighth Army was rein-
across South Korea from Inch’on to Pusan. forced by a battalion each of Philippine and
Only in the last days of September did organ- Australian troops, and early in October the ar-
ized enemy resistance collapse in the Eighth rival in the Far East of the U.S. 3d Infantry
Army sector. Division, commanded by Maj. Gen. Robert H.
By the end of September the enemy had Soule, was announced.
relinquished effective control of nearly all ter- The question of pursuing the North Korean
ritory south of the 37th parallel. The retreat forces across the 38th parallel now arose.
of the North Korean Army had degenerated Governments within the pale of Soviet Union
gradually into a rout and the U.N. forces at influence obviously opposed sending a U.N.
the end of the month controlled a territory army into North Korea. The delegate from
four times greater than they had had at the India to the United Nations also objected to
time of the Inch’on landings. While the ROK the crossing for fear that Russia and China
I Corps, with the support of British and U.S. would thereby be tempted to intervene. The
naval gunfire, moved quickly up the east coast entire matter was handled with caution by the
United Nations at Lake Success, with some the communist capital. The enemy displayed
delegates suggesting that only South Korean a marked determination to fight for the lines
forces pursue the North Koreans. The United of communication leading into the city, plac-
States took the position that, if the North ing the bulk of his remaining forces in the hills
Korean Army were not completely destroyed overlooking the routes north from Kaesong.
and its war potential eliminated, the people The Eighth Army, which had relieved the X
of South Korea would live indefinitely beneath Corps in the Inch’on area on 7 October,
the threat of renewed communist aggression. fought through the enemy’s deep defenses,
Most of the U.N. delegations felt that General but progress was slow. By mid-October the
MacArthur had sufficient authority, under the U.S. I Corps, leading the Eighth Army’s at-
27 June 1950 Security Council resolution call- tack on P’yongyang, had penetrated roughly
ing for restoration of international peace and twenty miles into North Korean territory. The
security, to launch a campaign in North speed of the advance was somewhat retarded
Korea. President Rhee, on 19 September, by the complicated logistical problems related
announced that with or without U.N. assist- to the readying of the X Corps for an amphib-
ance, the ROK Army would continue its ious landing elsewhere in Korea.
attack against the remnants of the North The second half of October saw enemy re-
Korean divisions. sistance weakening and the U.N. rate of ad-
Before ordering the crossing of the parallel, vance averaging ten miles a day over extremely
General MacArthur called upon the enemy rugged, mountainous terrain. Enemy troops
commander in chief to surrender uncondi- surrendered by the thousands and by the end
tionally to avoid further shedding of blood of the month about 135,000 North Koreans
and destruction of property. On the same day, were prisoners of war. The tactics of the U.N.
1 October, the ROK 3d Division pushed over command involved not only the capture of
the parallel and sped up the east coast. On 6 important North Korean cities, but also the
October the General Assembly of the United destruction of the remaining communist divi-
Nations voted implicit approval of the decision sions before they could escape to an area in
to make the crossings. which the Chinese or Russians might provide
As the ROK I Corps, spearheaded by the desperately needed reinforcements and sup-
ROK 3d Division, scattered enemy opposition plies. While the ROK II Corps spread through
on the east coast during its rapid drive to Won- the mountains of central Korea, the ROK I
san, the U.S. 7th Division reached Kaesong Corps secured Wonsan in the east without
and crossed the parallel above that city on 9 great difficulty. The Capital Division then
October. Led by the 1st Cavalry Division, the struck north toward the rich industrial area
ROK, British Commonwealth, and American centering around Hamhung and Hungnam,
troops of the U.S. I Corps advanced astride while the ROK 3d Division turned west along
the western railroad and main highway which the Wonsan–P’yongyang road. The U.N.
linked Seoul and P’yongyang. Strong organ- navy ranged the east and west shore lines,
ized communist resistance was met by the 1st shelling coastal installations and dispatching
Cavalry Division as it proceeded toward Kum- carrier-based planes to support the advancing
ch’on, a little railroad town located a few ground forces. After fighting through the pill-
miles north of the parallel. The ROK I Corps box defenses which had guarded Kumch’on,
overran the port of Wonsan on 10 October, General Gay’s 1st Cavalry Division hastened
but across the peninsula the U.S. I Corps its progress up the Seoul–P’yongyang railroad.
encountered resistance to its plan to capture Fighting alongside the Americans were the
British and Australians of the 27th Brigade. been withdrawn from combat, was prepared
On General Gay’s right flank was the fast mov- for a second amphibious landing behind enemy
ing ROK 1st Division, and far off on his left lines at Wonsan, on the east coast of the penin-
flank the U.S. 24th Division attacked across sula. The ROK I Corps with its KMAG com-
the parallel toward the ports southwest of plement had made such rapid progress up the
P’yongyang. While the 24th Division drove east coast, however, that Wonsan had fallen
to the south bank of the Taedong in the general before the X Corps arrived at the port. The
vicinity of P’yongyang’s port of Chinnamp’o, 1st Marine Division began an administrative
the 1st Cavalry and ROK 1st Divisions cen- landing at Wonsan on 26 October after wait-
tered their attack on the capital city itself. ing in the offshore waters for six days while
Exhorting his troops to defend P’yongyang U.N. naval forces cleared a channel through
to the last man, communist premier Kim Il thousands of Russian mines which had been
Sung fled from the city and established a tem- planted in the approaches to the harbor. Three
porary capital at Sinuiju on the Yalu River. days later, the U.S. 7th Division with attached
On 19 October the 1st Cavalry and ROK 1st ROK Army units made an unopposed landing
on the beaches at Iwon, 178 road miles north
Divisions entered the sprawling city of P’yong-
of Wonsan. While the ROK I Corps, now
yang and found it lightly defended. Antisniper
under X Corps direction, followed the coast
operations continued for a few days, but with-
line toward the great ironworks at Ch’ongjin,
in forty-eight hours the second largest city the 1st Marine Division advanced toward in-
of Korea was relatively secure and most of dustrial Hamhung and the Changjin Reser-
the enemy’s prepared positions had been de- voir. Elements of the 7th Division pushed
serted or overrun. Communist troops streamed inland toward the Pujon Reservoir and the
out of the city to the north. Soviet advisers Yalu River.
and diplomats had fled, too, abandoning in The last week of October had begun on a
their haste quantities of Russian food and note of cheerful optimism. Although the U.S.
wine, as well as a significant accumulation of IX Corps and the ROK III Corps were held
posters, pictures, and busts of Stalin. Ameri- below the 38th parallel to clear out bands of
can and ROK units crossed the Taedong River bypassed North Korean troops, General Al-
to bring the northern half of P’yongyang under mond’s X Corps seemed certain to effect the
U.N. control. The 187th Airborne Regimen- early capture of the iron and steel mills, com-
tal Combat Team, complete with vehicles and munications network, port installations, and
howitzers, was flown north from Kimpo air- power and irrigation plants of northeast Ko-
field and dropped on Sukch’on and Sunch’on, rea. In the northwest the Eighth Army, which
about thirty miles beyond the former commu- by now included a Turkish brigade, fanned
nist capital, to snap tight the trap on the North out above P’yongyang. Leading the advance
Koreans who were pulling back from P’yong- in this area was the ROK 6th Division whose
yang. By the last week in October the North 7th Regiment reached the Yalu River at
Korean Army, for all practical purposes, had Ch’osan on 26 October. Farther to the south
dissolved and its remnants had melted away additional thousands of ROK, British, and
toward the mountainous borderlands adjacent American forces crossed the Ch’ongch’on
to Manchuria and the Soviet Union. The River in a push toward the temporary North
United Nations army moved forward virtually Korean capital, Sinuiju, and the strategic
at will. Suiho Reservoir. It had been hoped that the
After landing at Inch’on and capturing swift advances of the Eighth Army and the X
Seoul and Suwon, the X Corps, which had Corps would restore peace to all Korea before
winter set in, and that the North Korean com- to the Ch’ongch’on River. Veteran Chinese
munists would agree to the release of captured forces launched heavy attacks against the
soldiers and interned political prisoners. U.N. positions in the Sinanju and Kunu-ri
One of the most significant reports of the areas. Meanwhile, hundreds of U.N. planes
first four months of the conflict was the Octo- showered bombs upon points near the Man-
ber-end warning by the U.N. field commanders churian border. The extensive and destruc-
that Chinese soldiers were now appearing in tive air operations were designed to weaken
combat. Allegedly, the Chinese wore North enemy means of communication and reduce
Korean uniforms and there was at first no posi- the flow of aid pouring in from Manchuria.
tive proof that Chinese communist units as The November days were becoming shorter
such had entered the conflict. The presence and colder with U.N. movements confined
of the Chinese seemed to stiffen enemy morale, more and more to patrolling and skirmishing,
however, for early November was a period of as attacks by the fast-moving, lightly equipped
strong enemy counterattacks. On 31 October Chinese slowed down. Again the U.N. forces
the remnants of the North Korean Army ap- moved forward, this time more cautiously.
peared to be making a last stand against the Enemy units which had counterattacked the
ROK 1st Division in the Unsan area, but on Eighth Army and X Corps withdrew to the
1 November part of a Chinese division was bleak mountain wastes from which they had
identified south of the Changjin Reservoir. sprung in early November. The X Corps,
Within ten days elements of eleven more Chi- again approaching the Yalu River, was rein-
nese communist divisions were identified in forced at its Wonsan base by the U.S. 3d Divi-
the forward areas, but at this time it was not sion. As an additional reinforcement for the
clear whether they were volunteers augment- U.N. command, a South African Air Force
ing the North Korean forces or whether com- unit arrived in Korea during this period, as
munist China had entered the conflict just did the 29th British Infantry Brigade and a
when final victory for the U.N. army was in Thailand infantry battalion. The U.N. army
sight. In the northwest, strong enemy attacks at this time included ground troops from seven
particularly crippled the ROK divisions, nations—the Republic of Korea, the United
which had become overextended in the pur- States, the United Kingdom, Australia, the
suit. There was very heavy fighting near Philippines, Turkey, and Thailand.
Ch’osan, Unsan, and Tokch’on. While the By 10 November the front generally was
U.S. 24th Division pulled back to Chongju on quiet and for the next two weeks the Eighth
the west coast and the 1st Cavalry and 2d Army and X Corps advanced slowly against
Divisions fought along the Ch’ongch’on River, moderate resistance and rear guard actions.
the enemy, both North Korean and Chinese, With temperatures dipping below the freezing
cut in behind forward elements of the X Corps mark, infantry operations were conducted on a
in the northeast. U.N. units fought to elimi- modest scale and a comparative lull hung over
nate road blocks and to establish firm defen- much of the front. An exception was the
sive positions. At Unsan the 1st Cavalry Divi- ROK 8th Division’s struggle for Tokch’on on
sion suffered severe casualties when surprised the Eighth Army’s right flank. In other areas
by a strong contingent of Chinese horsemen. U.N. units reduced pockets of bypassed North
In the air, U.N. pilots were opposed for the Koreans, endeavored to keep contact with the
first time by speedy Russian MIG–15 jets withdrawing Chinese, and prepared for the
which appeared briefly and then flashed away all-out U.N. offensive which was to have as its
toward Manchurian airfields. In the Eighth goal the defeat of all North Korean troops on
Army sector, U.N. units made their way back the peninsula.
WOLMI ISLAND burning as a result of the preinvasion bombardment, 15 Septem-
ber (top left); aerial view of Wolmi Island in Inch’on harbor showing the causeway
to the mainland (bottom). Before the invading units landed on Wolmi, the island
was subjected to an intensive and effective naval and aerial bombardment.

Inch’on landings. In the background, bottom picture, is an LST with sectional pon-
ton extensions attached to the sides of the ship. These extensions are used when the
ship cannot get close enough to the shore to discharge its vehicles. The f irst units
landed on Wolmi Island at 0630 and by 0807 had overcome the light resistance.

MARINES MOPPING UP ON WOLMI ISL AND (top) and guarding the cause-
way to the mainland (bottom). During the night of 15–16 September positions were
consolidated against sporadic resistance. The landing oper ation was well co-
ordinated, and a minimum of casualties was sustained by the assaulting U.N. forces,
who landed late in the afternoon, when the tide at Inch’on permitted.

MEN AND EQUIPMENT BEING UNLOADED on the beach during the invasion
at Inch’on. The morning tide of 16 September gave U.N. forces their f irst oppor-
tunity to use the inner harbor at Inch’on for unloading heavy equipment and sup-

plies. Meanwhile, the units holding beachheads at and near Inch’on met after
making co-ordinated attacks, and then systematically began clearing the city of enemy

LST’S AGROUND ON THE MUD FL ATS, Inch’on harbor. The rivers in this
area empty into f lat basins, the seaward ends of which open upon broad estuaries
where, at low tide, one to f ive miles of slimy mud f lats are exposed. The abnor mal
tide conditions make the approach from the Yellow Sea exceedingly dif f icult.

ROK UNITS ON A BEACH north of P’ohang-dong, 15 September. These com-
mando units were rescued from the beach after their LST ran aground in a storm.
Smoke in the background is from U.N. naval guns which silenced enemy f ire on the
ROK units on the beach.

NORTH KOREAN PRISONERS, on t heir way to a PW camp, pass a knocked-out
enemy T34 tank (top); approximately 700 prisoners being marched to a compound
in Inch’on (bottom). On 17 September Kimpo airf ield was captured by units of
the U.N. army as the advance continued inland.

given medical treatment and clothing. The tags around their necks contain perti-
nent information.

MARINES gather at the burned-out railway station in Inch’on in preparation for
their next drive against the enemy (top); Army units advancing through a Korean
village six miles southeast of Inch’on, after landing over the beaches (bottom). By
20 September the U.N. forces were advancing against the enemy in all areas of
South Korea.

M45 MEDIUM TANK, with 105-mm. howitzer, crossing the Kumho River en route
to the Naktong River. After breaking out of the Pusan beachhead, U.N. forces
advanced to the Naktong River. On 18 September elements of the advancing forces
crossed the Naktong but the enemy still held the high ground f ive miles northwest
of Yongsan.

STORES OF SUPPLIES in the open near the docks at Pusan (top); rations piled
high on a pier after being unloaded at Pusan (bottom). Supplies of all kinds were
unloaded and awaited issue to units beginning to push north.

THE HOSPITAL SHIP USNS REPOSE, arriving in Pusan. Soldiers wounded
during the f ighting were evacuated by air and sea to hospitals in Japan and the
United States. While the forces from the Inch’on beachhead advanced toward the
Han River line, those advancing from the south took the high ground northwest of
Yongsan and drove toward a junction with the units in the north.

A CONVOY OF US. AND ROK MARINES dur ing an advance on Seoul. U.N.
forces to the south recaptured P’ohang-dong on 20 September and advanced to the
north. Light bombers and f ighters continued close suppor t of the ground forces
all along the Pusan perimeter, while B–29’s operating in small groups bombed targets
in North Korea. Kimpo airf ield, captured on 17 September, became operational.

U.N. FORCES IN LV T (Amtrac) pass through a burning village after crossing
the Han River. The advancing units from the Inch’on beachhead crossed the Han
River and on 20 September entered a suburb of Seoul. The battleship USS Missouri
arrived of f the east coast on 15 September to blast installations in the Samch’ok
area with her 16-inch guns.

U.S. SOLDIERS SEARCHING FOR MINES along a r iverbank near Chinju.
The mine detector is an SCR 625.

U.N. INFANTRYMEN using a cow as a pack animal as they move through Waeg-
wan. In the background is a Sherman M4A3 medium tank (modif ied).

River during the drive toward Taejon. In one area units advanced twenty miles
through Tabu-dong to the Naktong, two miles east of Sonsan. To the north U.N.
forces were advancing into the outskirts of Seoul.

SOUTH GATE OF SUWON, after the capture of the city. U.N. army units push-
ing rapidly along the Toksan–Anyang highway toward the southeast captured Suwon
on 22 September. U.S. warships and carrier-based planes suppor ted the ground
forces in the Seoul–Suwon area.

TRAINLOAD OF ROK TROOPS arriving at Yongdungp’o from Inch’on to take
part in the attack on Seoul, the capital of South Korea (top). Infantrymen passing
a U.S. Sherman medium tank of the M4 series near Kumch’on (bottom).

ADVANCING U.S. TROOPS AND TANKS detour around a damaged bridge and
past wrecked vehicles (top); U.N. soldiers, approaching the outskirts of Kumch’on,
take cover at the bottom of an embankment (bottom).

MARINE FIRING A U.S. SNIPER’S RIFLE, .30-caliber M1903A4; in the back-
ground are damaged bridges and Han River. The attacking U.N. forces continued
to f ight along the Han River against stif fening resistance.

On 24 September Sangju was captured and advances were made to within seven
miles of Yongdok. North Koreans put up strong resistance to prevent the capture
of Kumch’on and Songju.

U.S. TROOPS ADVANCING along the north side of the Han River on their way
to Seoul. On 25 September Seoul was the scene of f ierce battles, and the attacking

forces broke through the defenses of the city. To the south Kumch’on was cleared,
Andong was taken, and Army units entered Chinju.

MARINE FIRES ON ENEMY in Seoul while two other men remain partially con-
cealed by a building.

MARINE FIRING A SUBMACHINE GUN dur ing street f ighting in Seoul. (.45-
caliber submachine gun M3.)

battle for the city. On 26 and 27 September U.N. forces cleared the enemy pockets
of resistance in Seoul. Shortly after 1100 on 26 September, units from the Inch’on

beachhead and those from Pusan linked up, trapping the enemy remaining in south-
west Korea. Osan, the f irst city lost by the U.S. forces to the North Koreans, was
recaptured during the advance toward a link-up.

was knocked out in the Chinju area (top); a Bailey bridge being constructed over
one destroyed near the Naktong River (bottom). Note damaged T34 tank beneath
a knocked-out span of the former bridge. During the advances of the U.N. army
many bridges, destroyed while the units were pulling back into the Pusan beachhead,
had to be repaired or reconstructed to permit the rapid movement of men and supplies.

being repaired with sand bags (top); vehicles leaving a ponton bridge across the
Han River near Seoul (bottom). U.N. forces continued to clean out stubborn pockets
of resistance in the Seoul–Suwon–Osan region, while to the south advances were
made toward Taejon. Other U.N. forces reached Anui and Samga, and the units
driving toward the 38th parallel captured Ulchin, Yech’on, and Ch’unyang.

I N FA N T RY M E N H U N T I NG O U T N O RT H KO R E A N S ( t o p ) . G u n m o to r
carriages (bottom); at left is an M19 with twin 40-mm. guns, at r ight is an M16
with four .50-caliber machine guns. In the southwest the enemy retreat became a
rout as the U.N. forces neared the Yellow Sea. Taejon was entered after consid-
erable resistance, Ch’unju captured, and Kwangju approached.

U.N. TROOPS AT THE 38TH PARALLEL (top); Nor th Korean of f icers and
men who surrendered to U.N. forces (bottom). The Commander in Chief, United
Nations Command, restored Seoul to the President of the Republic of Korea on 29
September. While the west coast seaport of Kunsan was threatened, the advance in
the north had almost reached the 38th parallel.

RAILROAD YARDS AND DOCKS AT PUSAN. The docks and port in Pusan
are well developed, with railroad tracks extending onto the docks. By 30 September

all organized resistance in South Korea had virtually ceased. The port of Kunsan
was taken and the only ef fective enemy resistance was north of Chech’on.

The quilted cotton uniforms were typical of the winter uniforms worn by these troops.
Some Chinese entered the conf lict in North Korea against the U.N. army in October

SHERMAN MEDIUM TANK M4A3 passing a disabled Russian-made T34 tank.
While the majority of the U.N. units were preparing for action north of the 38th
parallel, the f irst ROK units to cross into North Korea met rear guard enemy action
while moving toward Wonsan.

SOLDIERS DISPERSED ALONG A ROAD take time out for a quick meal of
C rations. On 9 October U.S. units crossed the 38th parallel north of K aesong and
met strong enemy resistance. Mopping up in Sout h Korea continued with a total
of more than 55,000 of the enemy captured by this time.

LST’S BEING LOADED AT INCH’ON (top); supplies and equipment waiting for
truck transportation to Army and Air Force units (bottom). On 9 October the North
Koreans ignored a surrender ultimatum. On the 10th Wonsan, an important seaport
and airf ield on the east coast, was captured by the ROK I Cor ps.

A 3 / 4 -TON TRUCK AND WATER TRAILER being loaded into a Fairchild C–119
cargo plane at Kimpo air f ield for the airlift to Wonsan (top). A tractor being
unloaded at Kimpo airf ield after the plane arrived from Japan (bottom). By 12
October, 189 tons had been air-transported to the airf ield at Wonsan.

A NURSE ABOARD A PL ANE checks her patients dur ing a f light from Korea to
southern Japan.

12 October a powerful naval task force moved far north along the east coast of

Korea and under the protection of carrier-based planes delivered a shattering blow
to the Ch’ongjin area.

A STREET IN P’OHANG-DONG, after it had been captured by the U.N. forces,
showing part of the damage done during the shelling and bombing of t he city.

19 October U.N. forces entered P’yongyang, the capital of North Korea.

of P’yong-yang (top). A 105-mm. howitzer ready to be loaded into a plane which
will drop it to the airborne force in the Sukch’on drop zone (bottom).

LOADING INTO A C–119 AT KIMPO AIRFIELD for the combat jump north
of P’yongyang. Getting into the plane was a dif f icult task for a fully equipped

AIR DROP over the Sukch’on–Sunch’on area, 20
October. Six C–119 Packets, arriving in the drop
area, f ly over men and equipment dropped by an
earlier f light. Single-column picture shows 105-mm.
howitzers being dropped to paratroopers, some of
whom can be seen in the foreground. The drop was
successfully executed and the paratroopers moved
quickly to their assigned objectives. On the same day
P’yongyang was captured and the mopping up of
scattered enemy troops began.

for the beach during the landing at Wonsan (top); LCVP’s, LVT’s, and DUKW’s
approaching the beach while vehicles assemble there (bottom) . After waiting for
six days for mine sweepers to clear the channel at Wonsan, units began unloading
on the beach on 26 October.

LST’S DISCHARGING CARGO on the beach at Wonsan during the landing (top).
North Korean prisoners of war, guarded by ROK soldiers, waiting at Wonsan air-
f ield to be evacuated from the battle area (bottom). After the U.N. forces landed,
26 October, they quickly deployed and began hunting out the enemy. ROK units
were the f irst to reach the Yalu River and the Manchurian border.

AN LV T COMING ASHORE at the beach at Wonsan. Immediately behind the
LVT is an LCV, while overhead a C–54 prepares to land on the airf ield.

hitting an enemy mine. The Wonsan area was heavily mined and several U.S. and
Korean mine sweepers were lost while clearing the harbor and channel.

U.S. ENLISTED MEN, in a marshalling yard in North Korea, looking at damaged
rail equipment caused by bombing attacks which were made while the ground
forces were still engaged south of the 38th parallel.

shalling yards and roundhouse at Wonsan (bottom). The destruction of these and
other important military objectives by Air Force bombers did much to cripple the
transportation facilities of the North Korean forces.

vehicles and equipment are being unloaded from an LST. Dur ing the last few
days of October while the landing operations were continued in the Wonsan area,
another amphibious operation was taking place at Iwon, about 180 miles to the north.

SHERMAN MEDIUM TANK M4A3 moving down a hillside after helping to cover
an attack. Toward the end of October the North Korean Army, reinforced by Chinese
communists units, was making a f irm stand. One source at the time stated that some
40,000 Chinese had crossed the Yalu River and were f ighting with the North Koreans.

A 60-MM. MORTAR SECTION STANDING BY for f iring orders near Kusong,
as U.S. medium tanks M4A3 move along a road. By the end of October enemy pres-
sure prevented the U.N. army from making important gains except in the extreme
west where Kusong and Sonch’on were taken, and on the east coast where units
were reported to have reached Kilchu.

PSYCHOLOGICAL WAFARE LEAFLETS being loaded into a bomb-type cluster
M 16 M 1 a t a n a i r b a s e i n J a p a n , 1 N ove m b e r. T h e a d a pt e r h o l d s 2 2 , 5 0 0
f ive-inch by eight-inch leaf lets. After crossing the 38th parallel, U.N. forces dropped
leaf lets and broadcast from aircraft in an ef fort to induce the North Koreans to
surrender. Humane treatment was promised to those who did surrender.

A 3.5-INCH L AUNCHER M20 BEING FIRED against enemy units dug in on the
hills, 3 November. Note speeding projectile trailing smoke on left. On this date
U.N. forces held positions from the west to east coast from Taech’on, Unsan,
Tokch’on, Won, and P’ungsan to Kilchu. Enemy guerrilla forces harassed U.S. units
to the rear of these positions in the Wonsan area.

T WO C A P T U R E D RU S S I A N - M A D E 76 - M M S E L F - P RO P E L L E D G U N S
(top). North Korean prisoners of war, under guard on the beach at Wonsan, wait
for shipment to Pusan (bottom). As of 3 November, the total number of enemy
prisoners was reported as being 135,000.

Korea, wearing the quilted cotton winter uniform and f leece-lined caps (left-hand
page). On 9 November it was estimated that 60,000 Chinese communists were in
North Korea opposing the U.N. troops. 155-mm. howitzer motor carriage M41 being
f ired at enemy units bearing down in the Pukch’on area, northeast of Hungnam near
the east coast of North Korea (top). A lull, which existed in the bitter f ighting
from 7 through 10 November, was believed to be caused by enemy reorganization.

ment in the foreground was carried up the mountain by troops. By the 15th of
November guerrillas were cleared from P’yongyang; strong opposition was encountered
in the vicinity of Tokch’on, forcing ROK units to draw back a few miles.

SUPPLIES ARRIVING AT HUNGNAM, 13 November (top); a 45-ton crawler
crane being unloaded from the Ocala Victory at Hungnam, 15 November (bottom).
On the 15th, in the X Cor ps zone, U.S. marines entered Hagaru-ri at the Changjin
Reser voir; advances were made toward Pujon Reser voir by the 7th Division.

INSPECTION OF A THAI BATTALION, at Taegu, being conducted by a Thai
and a U.S. off icer, 17 November (top); Thai soldier sights a .30-caliber Browning
automatic rif le M1918A2 (bottom). At this time the men began to feel the winter
weather which was setting in, and air operations were handicapped because of low
clouds and the cold.

NARROW ROAD about three miles sout h of Sunch’on, North Korea. On 18
November in the western area near the coast, U.N. forces drove north of Pakch’on
and Yongbyon. Several miles were gained on each side of the Changjin Reservoir
and enemy forces were held of f just south of K apsan in the central area. Near the
east coast ROK units again advanced north of Myongch’on.

PROPELLER OF A F4U CORSAIR FIGHTER being pulled before the take-off
from the snow-covered deck of the 27,000-ton carrier, USS Philippine Sea (left
page). The USS Leyte being refueled at sea by the USS Cimarron as the USS
Henderson stands f ire watch of f the coast of Korea (top). Continued support was
given by jet f ighters, f ighter bombers, and dive bombers from the carriers of f the
coast of North Korea, sending down tons of bombs and rockets on military targets
in support of the rapidly advancing U.N. units.

HYESANJIN, near the Manchurian border, 21 November. Infantrymen advanc-
ing through the outskirts of the town (top) and through its rubble-strewn streets
(bottom). In a rapid advance nor th of K apsan, U.S. units drove to the Man-
churian border, reaching Hyesanjin against light enemy resistance on 21 November;
ROK forces reached to within f ifteen miles of Ch’ongjin on the east coast.

THANK SGIVING DINNER being ser ved at Hamhung, 23 November. On 24
November U.N. forces began an all-out of fensive to clear the rest of Korea, meet-
ing with light enemy resistance consisting mostly of small arms and automatic
weapons f ire. It was announced on this date that more than 140,000 prisoners of
war had been taken.




The conflict in Korea entered a new phase address over the Moscow radio on 19 Novem-
during the fourth week of November. Ele- ber, which asserted that withdrawals by North
ments of the American 7th Division, after a Korean and Chinese forces were only a prel-
swift advance through the bitter-cold moun- ude to a counteroffensive that would result
tain area of northeast Korea, had reached ultimately in communist victory. General
and occupied the town of Hyesanjin, the most MacArthur, in the meantime, ordered a final
northerly point to be reached by American offensive designed to defeat the North Ko-
forces during 1950. Here troops of the 17th reans south of the Yalu River, end the
Infantry Regiment of the 7th Division could war, and restore peace and unity to Korea.
look across the Yalu River at the rugged Man- General MacArthur planned to advance the
churian countryside. ROK troops had reached Eighth Army on a broad front northward
the border of Manchuria at Ch’osan nearly a through western and central Korea to the
month earlier, but were forced to retire. Now, Manchurian border regions. At the same time
for the first time, the U.S. Army stood at the the X Corps was to carry out an enveloping
international boundary. movement to the northwest to cut the supply
Paralleling the 17th Infantry’s success in lines of the remnants of the North Korean
reaching the Manchurian border, the ROK Army.
Capital Division progressed rapidly up the Subfreezing temperatures had already
east coast to the Naman–So-dong area. By reached Korea. The roads were glazed and
24 November the U.N. positions extended the terrain was rugged and barren, but there
from So-dong in the northeast to Hyesanjin was an atmosphere of optimism on Friday
on the Yalu, and thence in a southwesterly morning, 24 November, when General Mac-
direction through the areas around Sang-ni, Arthur announced from Korea that a major
Handae, Yudam-ni, Yongwen, Ipsok, Pak- offensive had been launched. At that time
ch’on, and south of Chongju to the Yellow there were two distinct major commands in
Sea. The U.N. forces continued their Korea, separated by the country’s mountain-
northward movement, slowly in the west, ous spine. General Walker’s Eighth Army,
swiftly in the east. There had been an ominous operating in the west, consisted of the U.S. 1st

Cavalry, 2d, 24th, and 25th Infantry Divisions, Eighth Army zone. For a time, there was a
the ROK lst, 6th, 7th, and 8th Divisions, the definite danger that thousands of U.N. troops
British 27th Commonwealth Brigade, and the would be encircled and annihilated before they
29th Independent Infantry Brigade and a were able to protect their main lines of supply
Turkish brigade, as well as a battalion each of and reinforcement. As people in the United
troops from the Philippines and Thailand. States were preparing for the holiday season,
General Almond’s X Corps, operating in the the U.N. troops turned their backs to the arctic
east, was composed of the U.S. 7th and 3d winds and grimly regrouped for a winter with-
Divisions, the 1st Marine Division, the ROK drawal. To the accompaniment of exhaus-
3d and Capital Divisions, and a commando tion, heroism, pain, and death, the drama of
group of British Royal Marines. retreat was played on a double stage of ice and
For more than twenty-four hours the offen- fire. The thrusts by the enemy against the
sive to end the conflict did not encounter seri- two U.N. forces, necessitated an entirely differ-
ous enemy opposition. Troops of the ROK ent plan for the salvation of each. In the west,
Capital Division fought their way into the steel the Eighth Army elected to retire by land,
center of Chongjin, about sixty miles from the while the withdrawal of the X Corps from the
Siberian border. This was the northernmost northeast was accomplished by land and sea
penetration by U.N. forces during the year. with the co-operation of the Navy and Air
Although high mountains prevented physical Force.
contact between the Eighth Army and the X It was quickly apparent that the bulk of the
Corps, Generals Walker and Almond exercised enemy forces were organized Chinese commu-
direct communication by radio, aircraft, and nist units. At the same time that the com-
courier. On 25 November, however, in the munist authorities in China had ordered the
mountainous territory surrounding the central 4th Field Army, under Gen. Lin Piao, to
Korean town of Tokch’on, hostile troops ini- assist the North Korean regime against the
tiated a violent counteroffensive. There, the U.S. Eighth Army, they sent Lin’s former
ROK II Corps, forming the right flank of the chief of staff, Gen. Wu Hsiu-chuan, via Mos-
Eighth Army, was crushed. Two days later cow to New York. There, he was permitted
a second enemy force struck along both sides to appear before the Security Council of the
of the Changjin Reservoir at elements of the United Nations and complained bitterly of
X Corps’ U.S. 1st Marine and 7th Infantry American aggression against China. While
Divisions. the Chinese communists were attacking the
Snatching the initiative from the U.N. com- army of the United Nations and attempting the
mand in a space of hours, a new enemy, in the invasion of the Republic of Korea on the one
form of two Chinese communist field armies, hand, their representative was on the other
had driven down from the north. The 4th soliciting, indeed demanding, a voice in the
Field Army engaged General Walker’s Eighth world-wide peace organization. The U.N.
Army, while the 3d Field Army sought to de- General Assembly, far from endowing the Pe-
stroy the X Corps. The objective of the twin king regime with a cloak of respectability,
Chinese offensive was to pin the U.N. com- branded the Chinese communists as aggressors
mands against the coasts while advancing addi- in Korea.
tional communist divisions southward where While General Wu was presenting the out-
they would be free to contact large concentra- rageous demands of the communist Chinese
tions of guerrillas and bypassed North Korean regime at Lake Success, General MacArthur
regulars who had remained to the rear of the hurriedly summoned his principal f ield
commanders to a four-hour conference in Koreans. The communists strove to extend
Tokyo. After discussing the crucial situation their break-through of the U.N. forces and
with Generals Walker and Almond, he issued to envelop the separated wings. It was to
a bitter warning that it would be next to im- prevent them from successfully exploiting
possible to fight a Chinese army which had their victory over the ROK II Corps that
bases protected by an inviolate frontier. He General Walker immediately ordered the 1st
termed the situation “an entirely new war.” Cavalry Division, the Turkish brigade, and the
The reference plainly pointed to the fact that British 27th Commonwealth Brigade and the
communist China had not only failed to de- 29th Independent Infantry Brigade out of his
clare war, but was pretending that its divisions slender reserves. These forces rushed to the
fighting in Korea were doing so without the right of the Eighth Army zone and bent every
official sanction of the Peking regime. Gen- effort to stem the communist advance. The
eral MacArthur had hoped that the Chinese Chinese thrust was so deep and in such
encountered earlier in Korea were merely a strength, however, that the reserves were
small volunteer force dispatched as a token beaten back. Nor were the Chinese attacks
gesture to a neighboring communist state. confined to the flank. Wave after wave of
Now it became evident that the Chinese had the enemy pounded against the entire Eighth
amassed two large armies in the snow-covered Army front. The U.S. 2d and 25th Divi-
Korean mountains and forests. These forces sions were assaulted under cover of dark-
had marched the short distance from Man- ness in the early morning hours of 27 Novem-
churia into battle positions under cover of ber and, in the west coast area, the U.S. 24th
darkness, while remaining expertly camou- Division, which had advanced without effort
flaged during the day. In the rugged moun- into the town of Chongju, was now ordered
tains the enemy was comparatively safe from to pull back across the Ch’ongch’on River to
detection by air. Moreover, the U.N. air the vicinity of the Sinanju airfield. The with-
force had not been permitted to fly reconnais- drawal of forward units was hurried and ac-
sance missions across the frontier. Thus a companied by heavy casualties. All along the
nation of 450,000,000 people had entered the Ch’ongch’on River, which the 24th, 25th, and
conflict surreptitiously and sent a portion of its 2d Divisions were attempting to cross, the
massive Army into the communist effort to win fighting was fierce. There was hand-to-hand
control of Korea. fighting at the river banks, and efforts to save
vehicles were frequently disastrous. The
The Withdrawal of the Eighth Army
southbound arteries were choked with traffic.
Using human-sea tactics with few if any Soldiers, refugees, trucks, and tanks were lined
North Korean units at first, the Chinese up as far as the eye could see. Roads to the
swarmed over the forward units of the Eighth rear were packed so tightly in some places that
Army. The main effort was initially directed Chinese mortar and small arms fire could not
at the ROK II Corps, which had suffered fail to be effective.
heavy casualties and was commanded largely Meanwhile, Headquarters, Eighth Army,
by inexperienced officers and had many com- was determining the best disposition of its
paratively green recruits. With their wild withdrawing divisions for the defense of the
screaming, cymbals, and scratchy bugles, rest of the peninsula. While the bulk of the
the Chinese swept through the Tokch’on army retired south, the U.S. 2d Division, com-
area. General Walker’s right f lank soon manded by General Keiser, fought one of the
existed only as isolated pockets of South principal delaying actions. When the Novem-
ber offensive began, the division was in north- was blunted and most other units had fought
central Korea astride the Ch’ongch’on River in their way to defensible positions. Only then
the Kujang-dong sector. Its right flank lay ex- could the 2d Division be moved to the rear for
posed by the defeat of the ROK II Corps. To its next assignment.
the left was the 25th Division which was draw- The retreat of the Eighth Army, although
ing back under enemy pressure south of Unsan. serious, was not catastrophic. The U.N. com-
General Keiser was assigned the arduous task mand had superior weapons and both naval
of trying to hold the Chinese until other units and air power with which the Chinese could
could retire and regroup in defensive positions not hope to compete. Those with experience
near the former North Korean capital of in Chinese ways of fighting believed that the
P’yongyang. Although attacked day and communists would commit most of their
night from all sides, numbed by the frigid strength in a desperate endeavor to demoralize
winds, and forced into the hills by ever-present and surround the U.N. force ; then would
road blocks, the 2d Division withstood the prin- come a lull caused largely by logistical diffi-
ciple fury of the communists. Here, as else- culties. The tendency of the Chinese in Korea
where in Korea, Chinese combat tactics were has been to overextend and then stop for supply
stereotyped, but effective. The Americans and reinforcement. During the waiting pe-
were struck by successive waves of direct riod, fresh units are moved up to replace those
frontal attacks, as the enemy commanders dis- decimated in combat. Since most supplies are
played a calloused indifference to the loss of carried to the Chinese in the field by human
lives. The Chinese used mortars, automatic or animal transport, this pause is also utilized
weapons, rif les, and hand grenades. The to move essential reserves of food and am-
frontal assaults were preceded, or accom- munition to the front. Consequently, if the
panied by, probing actions along the flanks initial onslaught does not completely destroy
where the enemy sought for weak points in the the opposing forces, the halt which inevitably
defenses. When a soft spot on the flank was follows paves the way for the opposition to
discovered, hostile Chinese flooded through retreat, regroup, and take up defensive posi-
the area. Enemy road blocks were quickly tions. Taking advantage of the communists’
established in the rear and the American line inability to exploit their gains, the Eighth
of retreat was harrased by fire from the front, Army preserved the greater part of its person-
rear, and, sometimes, from both flanks. As nel while inflicting costly casualties upon the
units of the 2d Division withdrew, they en- enemy.
countered these road blocks which had to be In his efforts to protect his flanks and keep
eliminated if vehicles, artillery, tanks, and his force intact, General Walker authorized
wounded were to be saved. Where they were his corps commanders, Generals Milburn and
too strongly defended, mobile equipment was Coulter, to withdraw farther south to more
abandoned, and those who were able to do so defensible positions, since it was deemed im-
made their way over the mountains on foot to possible to hold at the Ch’ongch’on River.
points of contact with the main bodies of their Initially, it was planned that U.N. units would
organization. The 2d Division, as it fought hold a defensive position along the transpenin-
through Won-ni to the south bank of the sula road which crossed Korea between
Ch’ongch’on River and Kunu-ri, constantly P’yongyang and the eastern port of Wonsan.
encountered this type of tactics. After six Elements of the Chinese army cut this road at
critical days, and at the cost of about one fourth Songch’on, however, before the U.N. forces
of the division’s strength, the Chinese drive had withdrawn as far south as P’yongyang.
The important air bases at Anju and Sinanju enced difficulty in keeping up with the with-
below the river therefore were abandoned and drawing U.N. forces. Their communication
left to the enemy. and supplies were inadequate and casualties
Within a week after the Chinese initiated were high. As the Eighth Army pulled south
their counteroffensive, the center of the U.N. of P’yongyang, tightened its lines, and pre-
line had been withdrawn fifty miles. The sented a shorter front, U.N. losses decreased
flanks were retreating at a somewhat slower substantially.
pace because of the reserve strength com- The city of P’yongyang was abandoned by
mitted against the communists in these sectors. the Eighth Army on 5 December. Following
The Chinese were highly mobile and unen- the scorched-earth policy which characterized
cumbered by equipment that they could not the retreat, warehouses, supply dumps, bar-
carry on their backs. They were also rein- racks, and other military installations were
forced by two small divisions of fast-moving demolished before the covering force, now
troops on Mongol ponies. The Eighth composed of the U.S. 25th Division, the
Army’s right flank continued to be seriously British brigades, and the ROK 1st Division,
threatened. To cover it and replace the fell back across the Taedong River. Contact
2d Division, General Walker utilized with the Chinese diminished considerably, but
the 1st Cavalry and the 24th Divisions. there were many skirmishes as ROK, British,
These units, plus a number of South Korean and American patrols endeavored to ascertain
organizations, had to contend not only with the precise location of the enemy. The
the Chinese, but with several regiments of by- Eighth Army was now twenty-five miles south
passed North Koreans which had been operat- of P’yongyang, but its right flank was still
ing as guerrillas in central Korea. The U.N. insecure.
army had one great advantage, however, over The interservice unity of the U.N. command
the pursuing communists. The advance of was demonstrated during the retreat from
the enemy was only as rapid as the bulk of the P’yongyang. As the Chinese streamed to-
Chinese Army could walk across the snow- ward the former communist capital, nearly
covered mountains and the icy rivers, whereas 8,700 passengers, including civilians and
the motor transport of the U.N. forces facili- wounded soldiers, boarded transports in Chin-
tated the quick and comparatively orderly namp’o harbor. The estuary of the Taedong
withdrawal necessary for the regrouping and River down which the ships had to pass in
defense of the Eighth Army. Accompanying order to reach the Yellow Sea was mined.
the U.N. retreat, there was a mass migration Sailing to the rescue were two Australian, one
of nearly three million Korean citizens to the American, and three Canadian destroyers from
south. By locomotive, oxcart, truck, ship, and the west coast f leet of Vice Adm. W. G.
on foot, the population of the P’yongyang area Andrewes, R.N. Proceeding through the per-
shouldered a few possessions and left their ilous waters of the mined estuary under cover
devastated villages to the communists. of a snowstorm and darkness, the six destroyers
Earlier plans to stabilize a line of defense accomplished their escort mission and, in addi-
north of P’yongyang from coast to coast having tion, shelled the port installations.
been abandoned, the Eighth Army sought to The second week of December found the
contract its broad front, preserve its troops and enemy shifting the mass of his strength from
equipment, and concentrate on the defense of the west to the center of the peninsula.
a front extending along the 38th parallel. The Among other means of transport, camels were
enemy advance lagged as the Chinese experi- used by the communists to move food and am-
munition forward. It seemed evident that the twenty-eighth Chinese divisions known to
the offensive against the U.N. forces would be in North Korea. The bulk of North Ko-
soon be resumed. Pressed between the Chi- rean organized strength, located in western
nese from the north and the thousands of guer- and central Korea, participated in probing ac-
rillas to the southeast, the Eighth Army might tions of varying intensity above and below the
find itself driven into the Yellow Sea. To pre- 38th parallel the week before Christmas.
vent such a disaster, the guns of the Eighth Reinforcements from the United States
Army and U.N. navy, and the bombs, napalm, were being flown across the Pacific. New ar-
machine guns, and rockets of the air force, rivals from countries of the United Nations
pounded enemy concentration points relent- also helped to swell the ranks of the Eighth
lessly. The 5th Air Force, with its pilots and Army. A Swedish hospital unit and an
crews from South Africa, New Zealand, Aus- Indian ambulance group were caring for
tralia, the United States, and the Republic of the sick and wounded evacuated through
Korea, flew hundreds of sorties in a massed at- Pusan. A Dutch battalion had reached
tempt to smash enemy reinforcements and Korea in the latter part of November, and De-
supply. Philippine and Thai units fought the cember saw artillerymen from New Zealand,
North Korean guerrillas as the U.N. forces and infantry battalions from Greece, Canada,
stabilized their positions. and France take their places in the interna-
By the middle of December, the Eighth tional army. But the enemy retained a heavy
Army had withdrawn below the 38th parallel numerical advantage, and by the last week in
and formed a defensive perimeter north and December there were many signs that another
east of Seoul. There had been virtually no communist assault would soon begin. The
large-scale battles with the communists since Eighth Army braced itself for the blow and
the first of December, but an uneasy lull was rushed preparations to meet the enemy. It
hanging over the entire sector. While Chi- was believed, however, that when the enemy
nese reinforcements and supplies moved for- resumed its offensive over the 38th parallel,
ward to the communists just north of the par- the U.N. force would be in a position to retire
allel, hard fighting broke out along the right intact and without disorder if forced from its
flank of the Eighth Army. Two ROK divi- positions above Seoul. To defend the Repub-
sions engaged strong contingents of North Ko- lic of Korea, General Walker had five corps in
reans in the frozen Imjin River area between the line. North and west of Seoul he placed
Yonch’on and Kap-yong. ROK troops fought the U.S. I and IX Corps, with attached
north and south of the parallel to straighten elements of other U.N. units. Manning the
out their positions, but as yet Chinese units rest of the coast-to-coast front were the ROK
were not reported south of the 38th parallel. I, II, and III Corps. Defensive positions
Farther to the west there was a flood of ref- stretched about 140 miles from the Yellow Sea
ugees fleeing from the capital city of Seoul. to the Sea of Japan. Behind them was the
It was known that the North Korean Army X Corps which had recently been evacuated
had been reconstituted, retrained, and re- from Hungnam and had been assigned to the
equipped. Some of the North Korean units Eighth Army.
received training in Manchuria where they
were safe from U.N. air power. General The Evacuation of the X Corps
MacArthur’s headquarters tentatively identi- At the time of the Chinese counteroffensive
fied fifteen North Korean divisions, a force late in November, General Almond’s X Corps
roughly estimated at 150,000, in addition to had penetrated deep into northeast Korea.
The ROK Capital and 3d Divisions were far cipitous mountain trails to the coast through
up the east coast in the vicinity of Ch’ongjin, masses of enemy infantry which had cut in
and the 17th Regiment of General Barr’s 7th behind them. From the Changjin Reservoir,
U.S. Division stood on the banks of the Yalu the units from Yudam-ni fought past the
River at Hyesanjin. On the left flank of the hydroelectric plants and through Hagaru-ri,
X Corps, a reinforced company of British Ma- Kot’o-ri, Sudong, Hadae, and Majon, to
rine commandos, the 5th and 7th Regiments the industrial city of Hamhung and its port,
of General Smith’s 1st Marines, and a battalion Hungnam.
each of the 31st and 32d Regiments of the Two of the Marine regiments which had
U.S. 7th Division had advanced to the area been separated in the vicinity of the reservoir
of the Changjin Reservoir. In reserve at the joined forces and, under heavy pressure, with-
port of Wonsan were elements of the U.S. 3d drew to their base at Hagaru-ri. The sur-
Infantry Division, commanded by General vivors of two battalions of the 7th Division at-
Soule. tached themselves to the Marine forces as
The U.N. pursuit action ended, however, in these forward units began their fight from
the last week of November with the beginning Hagaru-ri down the bleak mountains of
of the two-pronged Chinese offensive which northeast Korea to the coast. Because of the
sought to annihilate General MacArthur’s massiveness of the Chinese attack, General
command in Korea. On 25 November the MacArthur directed the commanders of the
ROK II Corps of the Eighth Army began to X Corps and the U.N. naval and air forces to
crack under the weight of the first phase of the co-ordinate in effecting the evacuation of
Chinese counteroffensive. On the following the X Corps. As there was no tactical ad-
day General Almond ordered the 1st Marine vantage to be gained by clinging to a beach-
Division to ease the pressure on General head around Hamhung, General MacArthur
Walker’s right flank by attacking northwest had decided to transfer the X Corps to South
within twenty-four hours to sever the enemy Korea where its strength could be used to rein-
line of communication at Mupyong-ni. force the Eighth Army in opposing the next
The Marine mission was never executed Chinese offensive of the winter campaign.
because on 27 November the Chinese set Most of the X Corps withdrew to Hungnam
in motion the second phase of their of- without serious incident, but for the large
fensive, which was designed to deci- group in the Hagaru-ri–Kot’o-ri area the
mate the X Corps. In the snow-covered greatest courage was required to effect the
mountains which surround the Changjin retreat to the coast. Communist rifle and ma-
Reservoir the Marine units and near-by bat- chine gun fire came from every side and the
talions of the U.S. 7th Division were con- narrow escape route was rendered the more
fronted by elements of six Chinese communist dangerous by road blocks which the enemy had
divisions. This new attack not only eliminated thrown in front of General Smith’s division
any possibility of relief for the Eighth Army and attached units, numbering approximately
right flank by the X Corps, but threatened 20,000, which sought to reach the harbor of
the Marine and Army units beyond the dilapi- Hungnam where a great evacuation fleet was
dated town of Hagaru-ri with the prospect of beginning to gather. As the Chinese en-
isolation and destruction. With the entire deavored to maintain their encirclement, Task
U.N. offensive thrown into reverse, forward Force Dog, commanded by Brig. Gen. Armi-
elements of the X Corps were forced to with- stead Mead of the 3d Infantry Division, fought
draw nearly sixty miles southward down pre- inland from the coast to Chinhung-ni to assist
in clearing a passage for the retiring troops. to abandon their transport and wounded and
Always under fire from Chinese on the moun- cut across enemy-held mountains. The Com-
tain sides, General Smith’s command inched bat Cargo Command, however, dispatched
its way to safety down steep slopes and through eight C–119’s, each with a two-ton bridge
open gorges. The dead and badly wounded span, to Kot’o-ri. The flying boxcars dropped
were placed on vehicles, nearly everyone else the spans which were later assembled and
walked. Day and night thousands of Chinese moved into place across narrow ravines by en-
showered death on the corkscrew corridor gineers who were under heavy fire. The con-
through which the tortuous withdrawal was voy moved forward once again, and on 9 De-
made. cember a juncture was effected with a special
It is most unlikely that the encircled U.N. relief force composed of a battalion of the 1st
force ever could have completed its difficult Marine Regiment and attached Army engi-
withdrawal had it not been for the tireless as- neers who had been assigned the mission of cut-
sistance it received from the U.N. air force. ting through the enemy and opening the road
As General Chen Yi’s 3d Chinese Field Army above Chinhung-ni to which Task Force Dog
hammered at the dogged force with artillery, had driven. The two forces met in the moun-
mortars, and lighter weapons, the U.N. units tains a few miles south of Kot’o-ri, although
were supplied from the air by the FEAF Com- the escape route remained under fierce enemy
bat Cargo Command, since the supply route pressure. After thirteen days of constant ex-
from the port area had been cut in several posure to enemy fire on the freezing mountain
places by Chinese road blocks and blown roadway, the bearded survivors moved on to
bridges. The running battle with the com- the plains and toward the city of Hamhung.
munists necessitated daily airdrops of ammuni- The 3d Division’s 65th Regiment from Puerto
tion, food, and medicines, as well as air Rico fought a rear guard action covering the
evacuation for the battle and weather casual- withdrawal and was among the last elements
ties. Air Force and Marine transports and to pull back to the Hungnam perimeter.
Navy torpedo bombers parachuted tons of While the break-through from the reservoirs
supplies to the troops on the ground or landed southeast to the coast was in the process of
at makeshift airstrips, such as those at Hagaru- completion, the X Corps commander had
ri and Kot’o-ri, to evacuate over 5,000 severely ordered his forces to concentrate in the coastal
injured men. Marine, Navy, Bomber Com- sector around the war-ravaged port of Hung-
mand, and Fifth Air Force fighters and bomb- nam. From the far north city of Ch’ongjin
ers struck at the enemy in the hills and bombed the ROK 3d and Capital Divisions withdrew
communist troop concentrations as the retreat- to Songjin and were evacuated by rail, water,
ing column pushed down the fireswept road. and motor. Elements of the U.S. 7th Di-
The retreat from Yudam-ni through vision that had not been involved in the with-
Hagaru-ri and Kot’ri to Chinhung-ni was the drawal from the Changjin–Pujon Reservoir
most difficult portion of the retreat since the area, were directed into the coastal perimeter
enemy attempted to trap the withdrawing by General Barr, and deployed for the defense
troops at a point where the only road was built of the sector. General Soule’s U.S. 3d Di-
along sheer precipices. A short distance vision which had moved by land and sea from
south of Kot’o-ri, the Chinese blew a bridge Wonsan to Hungnam was also in defensive
over which the U.N. forces had to pass if they positions along the perimeter. Under cover
hoped to salvage their mechanized equipment. of U.N. fleet units, the ports of Iwon and
Without the bridge, the units would have had Wonsan were cleared of all U.N. forces.
Into the concentration of U.N. forces X Corps perimeter. To defend the port area,
around Hungnam poured the exhausted men protect the embarking troops, and permit the
who had fought their way through from Navy to carry out its formidable task, General
Yudam-ni and Hagaru-ri. With them came Almond directed an active defensive. The
their prisoners, captured equipment, the front line followed an arc of about twenty-two
wounded, and all the mobile conveyances miles radius centering on Hungnam harbor.
which had remained operable during the re- The Chinese already had suffered extremely
treat. While they were fed and rested and high casualties but with a strong mass attack,
their wounded evacuated by air and hospital supported by artillery, they might have broken
ship, sectors of the protective perimeter around through to the beach. The enemy, however,
the port were defended by the U.S. 3d and 7th lacked artillery in appreciable quantities and
Divisions and elements of the ROK 3d and refrained from using his reserves to press
Capital Divisions. Having failed to stop the home a major attack in any one sector. As
brilliant withdrawal, the communists con- troops and supplies were evacuated and the
tinued to commit their troops piecemeal harassing assaults by the enemy continued, the
against the U.N. forces guarding the perim- Hamhung–Hungnam perimeter gradually
eter. General MacArthur, f lying into the contracted and tightened about the port.
Hungnam beachhead on 11 December, ob- After the middle of December, two
served, “The United Nations Command, in North Korean divisions joined the assault, but
spite of its recent heavy fighting, is in excellent were less successful than the Chinese, and the
shape with high morale and conspicuous self- evacuation operation progressed within the
confidence. Although heavily outnumbered, arc of a daily shrinking perimeter. While
it has come through in a superior manner.” Army, Navy, and Marine Corps personnel
He praised the skill of the U.N. field com- worked day and night in freezing temperatures
manders and observed that all the forces con- to load cargo and troops aboard the waiting
cerned had fought with gallantry. ships, every artillery unit in the sector fired
To evacuate the X Corps from North concentrations upon the enemy. During the
Korea, an amphibious fleet, commanded by two weeks of the evacuation, an offshore naval
Admiral Doyle, was dispatched to Hungnam fire support force, commanded by Rear Adm.
harbor. The operation, which required the Roscoe H. Hillenkoetter, fired 34,000 rounds
utilization of 193 vessels, worked smoothly. from 16-, 8-, and 5-inch guns and 5-inch rocket
All equipment and supplies of value launchers against communist positions. To
were loaded aboard ship from the half- permit spotters to select targets after dark and
destroyed port. About 350,000 tons of cargo to prevent the communists from staging sur-
were salvaged, including 17,500 vehicles. prise night attacks, thousands of illuminating
Even a number of Russian-made self-propelled projectiles and star shells were fired. Operat-
76-mm. guns with which the North Koreans ing from icy runways, the Navy and Marine
had been equipped were hoisted aboard the planes from Rear Adm. E. C. Ewen’s Fast Car-
waiting craft. About 105,000 troops were rier Task Force 77 and Rear Adm. Richard
evacuated from Hungnam, Songjin, and Won- W. Ruble’s escort carrier group provided ad-
san, and space was also found for over 98,000 ditional support to the beachhead defenses,
Korean civilians. About one fourth of the total sortie capability
Beginning on 11 December, the evacuation of the 5th Air Force and the entire 1st Marine
took two weeks. During the whole oper- Air Wing co-operated to provide air cover for
ation the enemy launched attacks against the the X Corps sector during this period.
Army engineer units destroyed buildings, emy. While carrier-based planes showered
bridges, rail lines, and railroad equipment the hostile areas beyond the tiny perimeter
which could have been used by the enemy after with rockets, bombs, jellied gasoline, and ma-
the departure of the X Corps. The 3d Divi- chine gun fire, the warships of the Seventh
sion pulled back from Hamhung on 16 Decem- Fleet executed harassing, interdiction, and call
ber 1950 amid a pyramiding series of explo- fire over the heads of the withdrawing units of
sions. The perimeter was thus reduced to the the U.S. 3d Division which climbed into the
vicinity of Hungnam proper, seven miles to waiting landing craft and amphibian tractors.
the southeast. From the carrier Philippine Sea a message re-
Large forces of the enemy renewed their layed the information that at 1436 on 24 De-
persistent attempts to penetrate the Hungnam cember 1950, the last soldier of the U.N. forces
defense perimeter. The volume of heavy in northeast Korea was safely on board ship.
mortar and small arms fire indicated the pres- The commander of U.N. naval forces, Vice
ence of strong hostile forces just beyond the Adm. C. Turner Joy, complementing the men
perimeter. There was considerable danger who made possible the greatest sea evacuation
that an all-out communist offensive would be in American history, stated that the X Corps
mounted before the evacuation was completed, was being moved from a poor tactical position
but close air support and naval and artillery to a better one. The divisions were trans-
fire continued to break up enemy concentra- ported to ports south of the parallel where they
tions in the surrounding areas. As U.N. went into Eighth Army reserve.
troops pulled back toward the beach, an air-
strip was scraped from the frozen dirt within All of North Korea was once again in the
the perimeter, so that Yonpo airfield, which hands of the communists. Before the enemy
was three miles south of Hungnam, could be renewed his attacks, however, the Eighth Army
evacuated. lost its distinguished commanding general.
By Christmas week the perimeter enclosed a On 23 December Lt. Gen. Walton H. Walker,
small beachhead filled with dust-caked soldiers while traveling north of Seoul to present cita-
and civilians. Field artillery vied with naval tions to the 27th British Commonwealth
guns to maintain continuous supporting fire. Brigade and the U.S. 24th Division, was
Coal dust, smoke, and sediment from demoli- killed when the jeep in which he was riding
tion blasts thickened the air as files of civilians collided with a ROK Army truck.
awaited a chance to enter cargo vessels. Immediately after the accident, Lt. Gen.
The harbor of Hungnam once had had ex- Matthew B. Ridgway, Deputy Chief of Staff
cellent port facilities, but they had been par- for Administration, U.S. Army, was selected to
tially wrecked in earlier phases of the hostil- command the Eighth Army. In World War
ities. Before the engineers were finished, vir- II General Ridgway had been commander of
tually nothing was left standing in the port. the 82d Airborne Division, and later of the
Clouds of smoke billowed from the blasted and 18th Airborne Corps. General Ridgway flew
smouldering town as the last of the X Corps to Japan to report to General MacArthur and
prepared to leave the beachhead. The 7th took command of all the U.N. ground forces
Division was already at sea, and only the rear in Korea on 26 December. Upon his arrival
guard of the 3d Division, numbering 9,000, in South Korea, the new commanding general
held the perimeter. On the day before said :
Christmas, General Soule’s units shot their I have complete confidence in our ultimate suc-
final rounds of the year at the communist en- cess-confidence born of your achievements and the
splendid spirit everywhere in evidence throughout The action of one single platoon or squad may
this great interservice allied team. virtually affect the whole command.
Having performed with great gallantry and skill Never before have leaders-both command and
under conditions as adverse as any United States staff-had a greater challenge or a finer opportunity
forces have encountered since Valley Forge, there is to show America at its best.
no shadow of doubt of the character of this Army’s May God be with you in the coming year.
future conduct, teamed as it is with our own great
Although General Ridgway’s troops were
services and our allies.
We face severe trials. We shall need dogged de- outnumbered two to one, they were battlewise
termination in attack and utmost tenacity in defense. and prepared when the enemy offensive
We shall need resourcefulness. jumped off on the last day of December 1950.

MARINE UNITS ASSEMBLE ALONG A ROAD in the vicinity of Yudam-ni, just
west of the Changjin Reservoir, to begin evacuating the area. During the f irst days
of December, the weather became bitterly cold, temperatures dropped to twenty-f ive
degrees below zero, and the movement over the roads was greatly hindered by snow
and ice.

forces beat off strong Chinese communist attacks near Yudam-ni and Hagaru-ri, but
the enemy set up road blocks south of Hagaru-ri and Kot’o-ri which blocked the ship-
ment of supplies from Hamhung. U.N. units in the Sunch’on area were holding of f
the enemy forces.

an airdrop to U.N. troops in North Korea (top); C–119’s dropping supplies to en-
circled U.N. units in North Korea (bottom).

SUPPLIES BEING DROPPED TO MARINES in the Changjin Reser voir area.
In early December, C–119’s of the Combat Cargo Command dropped about 110
tons of supplies and ammunition on the east and west sides of the Changjin Reservoir.

near P’yongyang preparator y to destroying it to slow the communist advance. U.N.
forces began evacuating their positions on the Manchurian border at Hyesanjin.

KOREAN CIVILIANS crossing the icy waters of the Taedong River near P’yongyang
to escape the advancing communist troops (top and center); U.S. Army units moving
south from Sunch’on to P’yongyang as the U.N. forces were pulled back (bottom).

over the Taedong River (top); engineers working on a treadway bridge as vehicles
cross the Taedong River over another bridge (bottom). These bridges were destroyed
after the last of the U.N. forces had moved out of the area.

MEN OF AN ARTILLERY BATTERY prepar ing to put t heir 155-mm. how-
itzer motor carriages M41 into action against the enemy north of Hamhung (top);
an infantry patrol advancing to relieve a convoy pinned down by enemy fire (bottom).
Communist forces swept into P’yongyang on 5 December.

ning another withdrawal toward Hungnam. The U.N. forces in the Changjin Reser-
voir area were trapped by the communists who kept the Hagaru-ri sector under f ire.

A MARINE TRANSPORT PL ANE BURNING (foreground) after crashing on
a makeshift airstrip, while another transport takes of f, loaded with wounded (top);
105-mm howitzer f iring at the enemy surrounding the airstrip at Hagaru-ri (bottom).

INFANTRYMEN WORKING ON A FOXHOLE in the Kogaedong area. South
of Kot’o-ri, the communists were repelled near Majon-dong while other enemy forces
were engaged near Hamhung. The enemy was building up his forces in all areas.

U.N. SOLDIERS COOKING RICE in their foxhole in the Kogaedong area.

MARINES PREPARE TO MOVE SOUTHWARD from the Kot’o-ri area. Tank
in foreground is a Pershing M26; the others are Sherman M4’s (top); snow falling on
a Marine camp in the Kot’o-ri area (bottom).

U.N. TROOPS RESTING after overcoming an enemy ambush. Patton M46 me-
dium tank (top); f ighter plane of a Mar ine air wing attacking enemy positions as
Marine ground troops look on (bottom).

MARINES MOVE TOWARD HUNGNAM from the Kot’o-ri area, taking most of
their equipment with them. During the trip through the mountains to the sea, the
icy gales and frozen ground added to the diff iculties. A relief column was pushing
northward to help combat the communists.

MARINES GUARD A ROAD against an enemy attack as others of the unit pre-
pare to evacuate the area. While the Kot’o-ri area was being evacuated, ROK units
fought the North Koreans north and south of the 38th parallel. On the east coast
U.N. forces held Wonsan until ordered to proceed to Hungnam.

MARINES LINE BOTH SIDES OF A ROAD dur ing the withdrawal from the
Kot’o-ri area (top); Patton M46 tanks help form a defense per imeter in the Kogae-
dong area (bottom).

WET, STINGING SNOW AND ICE add to the problems of a soldier as he car ries
as much equipment as he can manage during the withdrawal from Kot’o-ri to the

MARINES CARRYING A WOUNDED MAN on a litter to an improvised airstrip
for evacuation (top); frostbite casualties waiting for a plane which will carry them
to a hospital (bottom).

CASUALTIES of the f ighting and weather in the Changjin Reservoir area waiting
to be evacuated by air to a hospital in Japan (top); a wounded man being placed
aboard a liaison plane which will f ly him to a rear area hospital (bottom).

MARINES ON THEIR WAY TO HAMHUNG are stopped by a blown br idge
at one of the electric power stations (top); after bridge sections were f lown from
Japan, parachuted to the waiting units, and installed, the troops continued on their
march to Hamhung (bottom).

T YPICAL TERRAIN of the area near the reservoir, showing the narrow winding
road, and electr ic power station where the U.N. forces were delayed until the para-
chuted bridge was assembled and put in place. On 11 December, after a thirteen-
day f ight, the U.N. forces broke out of the communist trap and emerged from the
hills of northeast Korea onto the plains of Hamhung.

drawal from Hamhung. Some of the captured communists are wearing U.S. shoes,
while others wear light canvas shoes or rags. All are wearing the cotton quilted
uniform. On 11 December the withdrawal from Hungnam began, members of a
Marine division embarking f irst.

JET PL ANES. Three types of U.S. Air Force jet planes used in Korea. The F–86
Sabre, which f irst appeared in combat in Korea on 18 December (top); the F–84
Thunderjet (center); and the F–80 Shooting Star (bottom).

155-MM. HOWITZER BEING FIRED by members of a f ield artillery battalion
at enemy positions in the Sibyon-ni area. This area north of the 38th parallel was
between P’yongyang and Seoul.

TANKS ENTERING A VILL AGE near K aesong during the withdrawal toward
Seoul (top); houses bur ning near Sibyon-ni as U.N. forces evacuate t he area
(center); soldiers watching for enemy activity dur ing the withdrawal (bottom).

U.N. UNITS EVACUATING HUNGNAM. As enemy forces were striking at the
withdrawing X Cor ps, the evacuation of the Hamhung–Hungnam area went on in

an orderly manner. Along the 38th parallel, U.N. units still engaged the enemy
while a general withdrawal in that sector continued.

AN INFANTRYMAN GUARDING A PASS about twelve miles north of Hamhung,
during the evacuation of the area. His weapon is a 75-mm. recoilless rif le which,
because of its relatively light weight (approximately 114 pounds) and the ease with
which it could be emplaced (approximately one and a half minutes), was a valuable
weapon for use in the rough mountainous terrain.

them from the beach, during the evacuation from the Hamhung–Hungnam area. By
the middle of December the marines had been withdrawn from the Hungnam sector
by sea. Communist troops continued to press around the defense perimeter of the
Hungnam–Hamhung area.

(top); barrels of aviation gasoline lined up on the beach at Hungnam (bottom).
While the units defending the port area held of f the communist forces, the evacua-
tion of men and supplies continued.

ENLISTED MEN USING KOREAN A-FRAMES car r y mats, stovepipes, and
other equipment during the withdrawal from the P’yongyang area to the 38th parallel.
On 16 December Hamhung was abandoned and the bridges leading out of the city
were destroyed. In northeast Korea the ROK I Cor ps was being withdrawn and
by mid-December this movement was completed.


A COMPANY AREA (top); eating dinner in front of a Chr istmas tree (bottom).

EXPLOSIVES BEING PL ACED ON A PIER at Hungnam as t he evacuation of the
port nears completion. On Chr istmas Eve the last of the U.N. units were taken
aboard ships at Hungnam. Dur ing this evacuation, over 105,000 soldiers and 98,000
civilians were removed from the area.

A U.S. WARSHIP lying of f the port of Hungnam as the docks are being destroyed.
With the successful withdrawal of all the U.N. units in the area, all dock and other
facilities were destroyed to deny their use to the communist forces. Most of the evac-
uated units were landed in the Pusan area.

their homes (top left); militar y traff ic crossing the Han River (top right); British

Crusader tanks entering Seoul as they are pulled back from the 38th parallel (bottom).
By the end of 1950, the Eighth Army was forming new lines along the 38th parallel.

establish a new defense line. South Korean civilians who were evacuating the area
look on from the sides of the road. At the end of the year the U.N. forces had suc-
cessfully completed their withdrawal from North Korea.

as new defense lines are established (top); soldiers digging foxholes as a tank stands
ready to f ire on any enemy troops (bottom). The withdrawal from North Korea by
the U.N. forces did not mean the end of the operations against the enemy. The
U.N. army was soon opposing the communist forces again near the 38th parallel.
More units were arriving in Korea with ever y intention of staying.


On the opposite page are the shoulder patches of the major units of the
United States ground forces who fought in Korea in 1950. The 11th
Airborne Division patch is shown because men from that division made
up the 187th RCT. The 1st Marine Division is no longer authorized
a shoulder patch; the one shown was worn by members of the 1st Marine
Division during World War II.





List of Pictorial Sources
The following list gives the origin of all photographs that appear in this
book. The photographs come from the files of the Army Signal Corps
(SC),* the Air Force (USAF), the Navy (USN), and the Marine Corps
(USMC). Further information concerning photographs may be secured
from the agency of origin.

* This collection is now in the possession of the National Archives and

Records Administration.

Page Source Number Page Source Number

21 SC SC 342543 38 (top left) SC SC 342995

22 (top) SC SC 342706 38 (top right) SC SC 342978
22 (bottom) SC SC 342709 38 (bottom) SC SC 342974
23 (top) SC SC 342831 39 SC SC 343257
23 (bottom) SC SC 342833 40 (top) SC SC 343283
24 SC SC 342707 40 (bottom) SC SC 343259
25 (top) SC SC 343033 41 SC SC 343300
25 (bottom) SC SC 342708 42 (top) SC SC 343423
26 (top) SC SC 342232-S 42 (bottom) SC SC 343282
26 (bottom) SC SC 343045 43 (top) SC SC 343278
27 (top) SC SC 342742 43 (bottom) SC SC 343270
27 (bottom) SC SC 342733 44 SC SC 343320
28-29 SC SC 342731 45 (top) SC SC 343417
30-31 USAF B-76699AC 45 (bottom) SC SC 343418
32 USN 343067 46 (top) SC SC 346508
33 (top) SC SC 343071 46 (bottom) SC SC 343435
33 (bottom) SC SC 343070 47 (top) SC SC 343413
34 (top SC SC 343132 47 (bottom) SC SC 343458
34 (center) SC SC 343137 48 (top) SC SC 343461
34 (bottom) SC SC 343145 48 (bottom) SC SC 343337
35 (top) SC SC 343086 49 (top) SC SC 343431
35 (center) Unknown Unknown 49 (bottom) SC SC 343637
35 (bottom) SC SC 342930 50 SC SC 343472
36 (top) SC SC 343000 51 (top) SC SC 343650
36 (bottom) SC SC 342996 51 (bottom) SC SC 343641
37 (top left) SC SC 342986 52 SC SC 343479
37 (top right) SC SC 342992 53 (top) SC SC 343664
37 (bottom) SC SC 342993 53 (bottom) SC SC 343683

Page Source Number Page Source Number

54-55 USAF 39387 99 (bottom) SC SC 345241

56 USAF 77509 100 USAF 77201 AC
57 (top) SC SC 343973 101 (top) USAF 76821 AC
57 (bottom) SC SC 343802 101 (bottom) USAF 76821 A
58 SC SC 343798 102 (top) USAF 77111
59 (top) SC SC 343800 102 (bottom) USAF 77199
59 (bottom) SC SC 343803 103 USAF 77202
60 SC SC 343703 104 (top) USAF 77568
61 SC SC 343491 104 (bottom) USAF 77382
62 (top) SC SC 343490 105 SC SC 345417
62 (bottom) SC SC 343494 106 (top) SC SC 345477
63 (top) SC SC 344283 106 (center) SC SC 345467
63 (bottom) SC SC 343992 106 (bottom) SC SC 345465
64 (top) SC SC 344285 107 SC SC 345770
64 (bottom) SC SC 343807 108 (top) SC SC 345458
65 SC SC 344085 108 (bottom) SC SC 345818
66 SC SC 344039 109 (top) SC SC 346646
67 (top) SC SC 344079 109 (bottom) SC SC 345485
67 (bottom) SC SC 344394 110 (top) USMC MC A-1391
68-69 SC SC 344623 110 (bottom) USMC SC 345839
70-71 (top) SC SC 344419 111 SC SC 346278
70 (bottom) SC SC 344390 112 USAF 77630
71 (bottom) SC SC 344418 113 (top) USAF 77541
72 SC SC 344578 113 (bottom) USAF 77540
73 (top) SC SC 345396 114 USMC MC A-1337
73 (bottom) USAF 76808 115 SC SC 346244
74 (top) SC SC 345565 116-17 USMC MC A-1431
74 (bottom) SC SC 345497 118 (top) SC SC 346670
75 SC SC 343285 118 (bottom) SC SC 346069
86 SC SC 345022 119 (top) SC SC 346445
87 SC SC 345436 119 (bottom) SC SC 346444
88 (top) USMC MC A-1186 120 USMC MC A-1402
88 (bottom) USMC MC A-1189 121 USMC MC A-1400
89 SC SC 345000 122-23 SC SC 346705
90-91 (top) unknown Unknown 124 (top) SC 8A-FEC-50-7760
90 (bottom) SC SC 345369 124 (bottom) USMC MC A-1513
91 (bottom) SC SC 345375 125(top) SC SC 347016
92 (top) SC SC 345407 125 (bottom) SC SC 346631
92 (bottom) SC SC 345502 126 SC SC 346621
93 SC SC 345506 127 SC SC 346622
94 (top) SC SC 345271 128 USAF A-77489
94 (bottom) SC SC 345276 129 USAF B-77489
95 SC SC 345282 130 (top) SC SC 347769
96 SC SC 345397 130 (bottom) SC SC 346773
97 (top) SC SC 345519 131 SC SC 347797
97 (bottom) SC SC 345521 132 SC SC 347803
98 SC SC 346281 133 SC SC 347802
99 (top) SC SC 345242 134 SC SC 346523

Page Source Number Page Source Number

135 SC 8A-FEC-50-6998 181 SC SC 351390

136 SC SC 347811 182-83 (top) SC SC 349148
137 (top) SC SC 347055 182 (bottom) USMC MC A-3380
137 (bottom) SC SC 347061 183 (bottom) Unknown Unknown
138 USMC MC A-2246 184 (top) SC SC 349814
139 (top) SC SC 347857 184 (bottom) SC SC 349412
139 (bottom) SC SC 347856 185 (top) SC SC 349414
140 SC SC 347881 185 (bottom) SC SC 349361
141 (top) SC SC 347899 186 (top) SC SC 349470
141 (bottom) SC SC 348308 186 (bottom) SC SC 349467
142 (top) SC SC 347945 187 (top) SC SC 350355
142 (bottom) SC SC 347931 187 (bottom) SC SC 350352
143 SC SC 348022 188-89 SC SC 349449
144 USAF 77487 190 SC SC 351787
145 SC SC 348361 191 SC SC 350453
154 (top) USMC MC A-2689 192 SC SC 350621
154-55 (bottom) USAF 14 LO/R-449-C 193 (top) SC SC 351344
156 (top) SC SC 348443 193 (bottom) SC SC 351348
156 (bottom) SC SC 348444 194 (top) USAF A-78080 AC
157 (top) USMC MC A-2707 194 (bottom) USAF 77558
157 (bottom) USMC MC A-2747 195 USAF 78064 AC
158-59 USN 420027 196-97 USN 421049
160 (top) SC SC 349022 198 USN 710033
160 (bottom) SC SC 348559 199 SC SC 351283
161 SC SC 349895 200 (top) SC SC 35 1486
162 (top) SC SC 349027 200 (bottom) SC SC 351294
162 (bottom) SC SC 349029 201 USAF 78169 AC
163 USMC MC A-2753 202-203 SC SC 351291
164 (top) USMC MC A-2764 203 Unknown Unknown
164 (bottom) SC SC 348690 204 (top) USN 421453
165 SC SC 348820 204 (bottom) USN 421392
166 (top) SC SC 349116 205 (top) USN 421388
166 (bottom) SC SC 349115 205 (bottom) USN 421304
167 SC SC 348883 206 SC SC 351829
168 SC SC 348701 207 USN 423625
169 SC SC 348715 208 USAF 78403 AC
170 SC SC 349463 209 (top) USAF 77995 AC
171 SC SC 349464 209 (bottom) USAF 77995 AC
172 SC SC 349125 210 SC SC 254186
173 SC SC 349130 211 SC SC 352332
174 (top) SC SC 349249 212 SC SC 351935
174 (bottom) SC SC 349388 213 SC SC 351772
175 (top) SC SC 349322 214 USMC MC A-4531
175 (bottom) SC SC 349247 215 (top) SC SC 351707
176 SC SC 348827 215 (bottom) SC SC 351747
177 SC SC 349274 216 USMC MC A-4500
178-79 SC SC 349170 217 SC SC 254189
180 SC SC 351392 218 SC SC 352377

Page Source Number Page Source Number
219 (top) SC SC 352775 254 (bottom) SC SC 354096
219 (bottom) SC SC 352798 255 USAF 78460 AC
220 (top) SC SC 354726 256 (top) USAF 78464 AC
220 (bottom) SC SC 352725 256 (bottom) USAF 78466 AC
221 SC SC 352854 257 (top) USMC MC A-4858
222 USN 707999 257 (bottom) SC SC 353558
223 USN 423473 258 (top) USMC MC A-5375
224 (top) SC SC 354199 258 (bottom) USMC MC A-5408
224 (bottom) SC SC 354200 259 USMC MC A-130504
225 SC SC 353313 260 (top) USMC MC A-5388
238 (top) USMC MC A-4854 260 (bottom) USMC MC A-5377
238 (bottom) USMC MC A-4857 261 (top) USAF 78563
239 (top) USMC MC A-4863 261 (center) USAF 78419
239 (bottom) USMC MC A-4855 261 (bottom) USAF 78461
240 (top) USAF 78462 AC 262 SC SC 354765
240 (bottom) USMC MC A-4857 263 (top) SC SC 354751
241 USAF 40314 AC 263 (center) SC SC 354767
242 SC SC 355302 263 (bottom) SC SC 354762
243 (top) SC SC 355227 264-265 (top) SC SC 354784
243 (center) SC SC 355229 264 (bottom) USN 423919
243 (bottom) SC SC 353855 265 (bottom) Unknown Unknown
244 (top) SC FEC-50-22292 266 SC SC 354466
244 (bottom) SC SC 354078 267 SC SC 355243
245 (top) SC SC 354246 268 (top) SC SC 354817
245 (bottom) SC SC 354259 268 (bottom) USN 423913
246 USMC MC A-130517 269 SC SC 354835
247 (top) USMC MC A-130228 270 SC SC 355109
247 (bottom) USMC MC A-130286 271 (top) SC SC 355108
248 SC SC 354104 271 (bottom) SC SC 354891
249 SC SC 354103 272 SC SC 354898
250 (top) USMC MC A-5395 273 USN 424297
250 (bottom) USMC MC A-5367 274 (top) SC SC 355286
251 (top) USMC MC A-5469 274-275 (bottom) SC SC 355274
251 (bottom) USMC MC A-5464 275 (top) SC SC 355136
252 (top) USMC MC A-5400 276 SC SC 355570
252 (bottom) USMC MC A-5370 277 (top) SC SC 355508
253 USMC MC A-4846 277 (bottom) SC SC 355899
254 (top) USMC MC A-5358



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