Assignment # 1

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70077973 MAHA ISRAR


70078936 USMAN KHAN





Question: Why there was a need to have separate discipline like
organizational behavior, do you think organizational behavior is important?
How it’s different from other fields & discuss the challenges and opportunities
of organizational behavior?

 For a human resource practitioner, the concept of organizational behavior is

a pivotal axis by which the organization turns and a primary element of
focus within Human Resources. The business partnership between HR and
the other business units of the company encompass an understanding of
organizational behavior and how it influences every aspect of business.
Over the past year, the HR department referenced in this paper has
developed a new business model of pro-active, strategic partnerships that
provide insight to the directors and managers regarding
“the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior
within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge
toward improving an organization’s effectiveness.” (Robbins & Judge,
2013, p. 10)

Organizational Behavior is:

 A Separate Field of Study and not a Discipline Only.

 An Interdisciplinary Approach.

 Applied Science.
 Normative Science.

 A Humanistic and Optimistic Approach.

 A Total System Approach.

Importance of Organizational behavior:

The study of Organizational Behavior gives insight on how employees behave

and perform in the workplace. It helps us develop an understanding of the
aspects that can motivate employees, increase their performance, and help
organizations establish a strong and trusting relationship with their employees.


Every individual is unique based on their experiences and knowledge.

Organizational behavior is able to help leaders understand the motivational
tools required to facilitate their employees to reach their potential. It is
significant for leaders to analyze the organizational structure that can act in
their employee's interest. Recent years, large corporations such as Google are
shifting to a flatter organizational structure. They enable employees to work
independently, encouraging them to share knowledge and gain more control in
decision making.


There are a few factors where behaviors can affect one’s performance.
According to a study from IJEMS , those that come to work with a positive
attitude are more creative and it also lowers stress levels. In contrast, gossip
and rudeness disrupt performance, lower productivity and decrease job
satisfaction. Conflicts will arise causing miscommunications that will lead to a
decrease in morale.

Office Characteristics

According to an article from Cornell University, there are certain conditions

that will affect employee reaction to their work and the setting such as
openness and density. The office setting such as openness and density can
generate different reactions. The openness of an office can make employees
feel a sense of calmness. Density also has an impact on employee's wellness. It
is important not to over densify office space because small workstations can
cause collaboration to suffer.

Employees want to belong in successful organizations that value a great

company culture and provide opportunities for future growth. Recognizing
ways to improve organization behaviors can help resolve underlying issues
between employees and promote an appealing workplace environment.

Organizational Behavior and other field of study

Organizational behavior is different from other factors of management because it

focuses on the behavior or action of a person and team in the workplace. The
organization's behavior motivates the employee and team to improve its
performance, which helps in increasing the productivity of the organization. It
reduces the chance of conflict, develops the positive attitude of an employee,
performance appraisal.

Organizational Behavior is an interdisciplinary approach as it has barrowed

concepts, theories, models and practices of physical sciences as well as social
sciences. The main features of OB are primarily based on Behavioral Sciences.
The OB is studied in relation to psychology, sociology, political science,
anthropology, economics, science, technology and environmental sciences. OB is,
in fact, called an applied behavioral science.


The term psychology is derived from the Greek word “psyche” which means
“soul” or “spirit”. OB studies Human Behavior which is concerned mainly with the
psychology of the people. Psychology, especially, industrial or organizational
psychology is the greatest contributor to the field of OB. Psychology study
behavior and industrial or organizational psychologist deal especially with the
Behavior of people in organizational settings.

Psychology as a science, measures, explains and suggests the appropriate human

behavior. Individual behavior is governed by perception, learning and personality.
Industrial psychology understand people’s behavior at work, particularly under
different working conditions, stress, conflicts and other related behavior of
employees. Job satisfaction, performance appraisals and reward systems are
measured and directed with the use of psychological theories and models.

Group behavior in the organization is studied, researched and molded with the use
of theories of social psychology. The communication system in the organization,
attitudes of employees, their needs, etc. As a subject of social psychology have
great influence on behavior. Thus, many of the concepts which interest
psychologist e.g. learning, motivation, etc. are also central to the students of OB.
We can conclude that the contribution of psychology in the field of OB is quiet

Sociology also has a major impact on the study of OB. Sociology makes use of
scientific methods in accumulating knowledge about the social behavior of the
groups. Sociologist study social system such as family, an occupational class, a
mob or an organization. It especially studies, social group, social behavior, society,
customs, institutions, social classes, status, social mobility, prestige, etc.

It studies the behavior of the people in the society in relation to their fellow human
beings. Sociology contributes to OB through its contribution to the study of inter
personal dynamics like leaderships, group dynamics, communication, etc.
socialization is accepted for molding the behavior if people where the capacities of
individuals to learn and respond to social systems. Values, norms and social roles
are accelerated and appreciated. The attitudes and behavioral patterns of
individuals and groups are greatly influenced with socializations.


Anthropology is concerned with the interactions between people in their

environment, especially with their cultural environment. Culture is a major
influence on the structure of organizations. As well as on the behavior of people
with in organizations. “Anthropo” is a Greek word which means “man” and “logy”
means “science”. Aristotle defined anthropology as a science of man’s self-
understanding. It particularly studies civilization, forms of culture on their impact
on individuals and groups, biological features of man and evolutionary patterns,
speech and relationship among languages.

Anthropology contributes in understanding the cultural effects on OB, effects of

value system, norms, sentiment, cohesion, and interaction. Socialization involves
spreading of values and nations of organization among employees. Anthropology
influences the employee’s behavior through motivation, interaction, goal setting,
decision making, coordinating and controlling.

Political Science

In recent times political science has also started interesting the OB. Political
science is usually, thought of as the study of political systems. But political
scientists are interested in how and why people acquire power, political behavior,
decision making, conflict, the behavior of interest groups and coalition formation.
These are also major areas of interest in OB.

Political parties and Government directly intervene in many activities of the

organization. Specific principles of political science are observed in OB for
delegation of authority and responsibility, conflict resolution and stress

In organizations, people strive for power and leadership recognition. Political

Science helps in the management of men in an effective and efficient manner.
Political perspectives and government policies are thoroughly analyzed for
molding and modifying the behavior of people, because they greatly influence the
organization. The law and order of the country influence the people at work.


Economics study the production, distribution and consumption of goods and

services. Students of OB share the economist’s interest in such areas as labor
market dynamics, productivity, human resource planning and forecasting and cost
benefit analysis.
The economic conditions of a country have long lasting impact on OB. If
psychological and economic expectations of employee are met, they are satisfied
and become high performers. Economic systems include financial, commercial and
industrial activities which have greater influences on the behavior of employees.
Consumptions oriented society witness a different employee behavior from that of
a production oriented society.


Science is systematized knowledge. The scientific methods attempt to produce

information that is objective in the sense that it is certifiable and independent of a
person’s opinions or preferences. Scientific method is the backbone of OB. OB is
based on the systematized study of facts, behavior, their relationships and

New scientific methods viz. observation of facts and behavior, explanation of facts
and relationships and coming to conclusion thereon have become important bases
of the study of OB. The cause and effect relationship is also established OB like
that of science. The verification of the relationship and its quantification has added
to the importance of OB.

It becomes relatively easy to predict and mound the people at work. A researcher,
in the field of OB investigates new facts, test theories, hypothesis and models.
Personal bias, superfluous conclusions and whimsical approaches are avoided in
the study. A systematized form of inquiry is used for the study of various

The level of technological development affects the behavior of the employees.
Modern age is the age of computerization. It has come within the framework of the
model of OB. The study of technological development is becoming essential for
understanding the OB, because people are influenced by the technological
development. Human Behavior relations and environments develop as a result of
technological innovations.

Technology changes behavior, production activities, and distribution and storage

activities. To cope up with technological development people have to become
educated and/or technically skilled. They should have to be responsibility
conscious and development oriented. Unskilled or irresponsible will have no place
in the modern innovative age. Thus, technological development leads to effective
work behavior, improved organizational culture and helpful work environment.


Engineering also influences the study of OB. Some topics are common to
engineering as well as OB e.g. work measurement, productivity measurement,
work flow analysis, work design, job design and labor relations. In fact, OB is
dependent on engineering for these technical jobs.


Nowadays, medicine has also come in connection with the study of human
behavior at work. Stress is becoming a very common problem in the organization
as well as in the people working in the organizations. Research shows that
controlling the causes and consequences of stress in and out of organizations.
Medicine helps in the control of stress as well as related problems.
Thus, it can be concluded that organizational behavior has an interdisciplinary
focus. It draws from a variety of others fields and attempts to describe behavior as
opposed to prescribing how behavior can be changed in consistent and predictable

Challenges & Opportunities of organization behavior:

1) Organizational behavior manages workforce diversity.
2) It improves services related to the customer
3) Quality and productivity are improved due to organizational behavior that
increases the demand in the market.
4) Organizational behavior continually improves the quality of working and
product, maintaining their flexibility that is stimulated from innovation and

Main challenges and opportunities of organizational behavior are;

 Improving People’s Skills.

 Improving Quality and Productivity.

 Total Quality Management (TQM).

 Managing Workforce Diversity.

 Responding to Globalization.

 Empowering People.

 Coping with Temporariness.

 Stimulating Innovation and Change.

 Emergence of E-Organization & E-Commerce.

 Improving Ethical Behavior.

 Improving Customer Service.

 Helping Employees Balance Work-Life Conflicts.

 Flattening World.


Why diversity is important and organizations need to consider that?


The global is a constantly changing marketplace, and the best way to gain a
competitive advantage is through diversifying the workforce in companies and
organizations. Diversity in the workplace matters not only because it
brings benefits in business spheres as brand management, client engagement and
CSR but because it creates additional value for the organization by
attracting diverse professionals that drive innovation.

The Value of Diversity

A diverse environment has multiple benefits for personal development. Outside of
becoming accepting and more aware of other cultures, it can help smash previously
held stereotypes. Diversity and inclusion breed productivity as the ability to learn
and grow from each other is exponentially expanded. A multicultural exchange of
ideas bolsters richer idea generation, in turn leading to innovation and creativity.
This is especially pertinent in educational settings and companies, arenas all about
learning, creating and sharing ideas. In these environments, a profile exposed to
different cultures viewpoints, allows for more contribution and out-of-the-box

Organizations need to consider it because:

 Diversity in the workplace promotes the individuality within an
organization, acknowledging that every person can
contribute with different, creative and new ideas and solutions. Employees
with different backgrounds and experiences can bring together a variety of
perspectives on matters and thus increase the productivity and deliver
better results. Diversity brings in diverse different talents together working
towards a common goal using different sets of skills that increases their
retention and productivity.
 Diversity within a company helps in building a stronger brand and makes
the company more interesting and desirable employer. With a diversified
workforce an organization gains even good reputation and image because
it is seen as having fair employment practices.

 Workplace diversity increases creativity and problem solving. Having a

variety of different people from various backgrounds together is essential for
finding and implementing creative solutions to business problems. With
diverse mindset coming together many more solutions will arise as every
individual brings in their way of thinking, operating and solving problems
and decision making.

 A diversified organization encourages personal growth and

development. Having expats or persons with international background
working for the company can help employees learn new ideas,
perspectives and connect professionally with different people. That
enriches the employees and gives them another point of view on how the
market and the business work.

 Interacting with diversified staff improves their ability to work in a

diverse environment, with different styles, cultures and personalities.
 Diversity in a workforce can optimize an organization’s ability to meet
the needs of each different market. Representatives of specific country or
demographics can be paired with clients of the similar backgrounds, helping
clients feel more comfortable and in a way to create customer loyalty to the
company. For example having an employee who is actually part of a
specific culture or a region where a given business is conducted is a great
advantage for the organization.

 A diversified company can attract and retain talents, young and as well
experienced professionals and thus add a competitive edge to the
organization. Possessing different set of skills and having a good command
of different and/or exotic languages and being appreciated for that increases
the feeling of belonging. This enables the company to compete in the
international market or to increase its diverse customer base and market

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