Resins Notes

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Oleo-gum-resins- homogenous
✓ Resins are amorphous products with mixtures of gum and oleoresin.
a complex chemical nature. (Asafetida, Myrrh)
✓ Resins are the end products of
metabolism. 3. Balsams- resinous mixtures that
✓ Resins are oxidation products of contains cinnamic acid, benzoic acid
terpenes. or both esters of these acids.
✓ Resins are formed in the (Benzoin, Peru balsam, Tolu balsam)
ducts/cavities. They are usually 4. Glycoresin/Glucoresin- resins in
formed in plants (physiologic glycosidal combinations. (Jalap,
products) but the yield is usually Podophyllum)
increased by injury. Some are
produced by the plant when injured PRINCIPAL CONSITUENTS
(pathologic products).
1. Resin Acids- contains a large
PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF RESINS proportion of oxyacids usually
● Usually hard, carboxylic acids and phenols. They
transparent/translucent occur in free state/as esters.
● When heated soften and finally melts Examples: Abietic acid, Copaibic
● Insoluble in water and usually acid, Oxycopaibic acid
insoluble in petroleum spirit Reacts with:
● Dissolve more or less completely in a) Alkalies- Soap
alcohol, chloroform and ether b) Metals- Resinates
● Uncrystallizable
● When ignited in air, burns with a 2. Resin Alcohols- complex alcohol of
smoky flame high molecular weight. They do not
● Specific gravity: 0.90-1.25 give tannin reaction with Ferric
● Chemically are complex mixtures of salts. They combine with simpler
resin acids, resin alcohols (resinols), aromatic acids (as benzoic, salicylic,
resin phenols (resinotannols), esters Cinnamic acids) to form esters.
and resenes. Examples: Benzoresinol, Storesinol

3. Resinotannols- are resin phenols.
1. Oleoresins- homogenous mixture of They give tannin reaction with Ferric
resins with volatile oils. salts. They form blue black or
a) Natural oleoresin- greenish brown color with Ferric
(Turpentine, Copaiba) salts.
b) Pharmaceutic Resins- Examples: Aloresinotannol,
(Ginger, Capsicum) Peruresinotannol

4. Resenes- are complex neutral

substances devoid of characteristic
chemical properties. They do not
form salts/esters. They are insoluble A. Resins D. Balsams
and resist hydrolysis by alkalies. 1. Rosin 1.
Examples: Copal resene Storax
2. Podophyllum 2. Peru
5. Glycoresins- are complex mixtures balsam
yielding sugars and complex resin 3. Eriodictyon 3. Tolu
acids on hydrolysis. balsam
Example: Resin of Jalap 4. Jalap 4. Benzoin
5. Mastic
7. Cannabis
1. Natural Resins (Mastic) - occurs as B. Oleoresin
exudations from plants. 1. Turpentine
2. Prepared Resins- also referred to as 2. Capsicum
Pharmaceutic Resins. They are obtained 3. Paprika
using different methods. 4. Pimiento
5. Ginger
a) Extracting with alcohol and 6. White Pine
precipitating with water. 7. Copaiba
Examples: Resin of Jalap, C. Oleo-Gum-Resin
Podophyllum 1. Myrrh
2. Asafetida
b) Distilling the oil from the
Examples: Rosin from
Turpentine, Copaibic Resin from

c) Collecting oleoresins as exudates

and from which the natural oil has
partially evaporated.
Example: Mastic

d) Collecting fossil resins

Example: Copal resin

e) Heating the plant part

Examples: Guaiac resin from
guaiac wood to melt the resin and
separate from the wood

Drugs containing Resin or Resin


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